4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (2024)

Each year consists of about 6,000 waking hours. Children in America, on average, spend about 1,000 of them in school.

In This Lesson

How many hours are in a school year?

Does time spent in school matter?

What is a Carnegie unit?

Do American kids spend a lot of time in school?

Do kids in other countries spend more time in school?

What counts as school time?

How many days in a school year?

Is all school time instructional time?

Do all students spend the same amount of time learning?

Discussion Guide

Most American children spend about six hours per day in school—fewer in lower grades and more in higher ones. Over the course of a year, students spend about 1,000 hours in class. How are those hours actually spent? Are they sufficient? Does changing the number of hours make any difference?

Yes, time matters.

Learning takes time. Places where school hours deliver more “time on task” are places where students tend to learn more. This is both obvious and provable: one elegant study found a clever way to verify the educational impact of time school time: it examined the effect of snow days (which vary in number by school and by year) on test results. Sure enough, when snow piles up, scores fall down. A day lost here or there actually does make a measurable difference.

For many students, the Pandemic inflicted the academic equivalent of a year of snow days.

The connection between time in school and learning has been deeply researched. More time focused on learning delivers more learning. The standard school day establishes a minimum baseline for the amount of time when students are supposed to have their brains turned on.

What is a Carnegie Unit?

A Carnegie Unit is 120 instructional hours

What exactly do we mean when we talk about school hours, or a school day, or a school week, or a school year? How much time is enough to add up to a “course”? Definitions like these matter when trying to compare programs.

About a century ago, the Carnegie Foundation played a pivotal role in setting standards for course credit, particularly for higher education. A Carnegie Unit is 120 school hours of instruction. The standard is still in use.

In recent years, critics including the leadership of Carnegie Foundation itself have argued that the standard has "outlived its shelflife" and should be replaced. Why? Because the measure fundamentally implies that "doing time" in a class is valuable, and systems have fossilized around it. Authentic learning should be the measure of educational attainment, not seat time.

International comparisons of school hours are tricky.

In the Ed100 blog
Homework: More time on task

Schools in different parts of the country and around the world use time in varying ways, with different school calendars and seasonal breaks. In an effort to permit comparisons, or at least to spur inquiry, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) collects global data about school hours, most recently in 2023.

Schools in America are comparatively time-intensive, according the OECD data. American kids spend more time in classes than kids in most other countries do.

But the harder you scratch at the data, the harder it is to reach easy insights. The data is gathered by survey, and the methodology and even the questions vary from place to place. Grade level groupings used in the surveys are responsive to the different ways that schools are organized locally, and the surveys are massive.

What counts as school time?

International comparisons of education time are further complicated by the fact that not all learning time fits in the “official” system. In Japan and Korea, for example, formal school days are comparatively short, but there are more of them. Even more importantly, many families in these countries invest significant hours at private after-school and weekend “cram schools” that help their children prepare for standardized tests and college entry exams. Comparing only the official hours of school operation kind of misses the point.

A lot of learning can happen outside of official hours of school operation.

There’s an apples-and-oranges problem, too. Does it make sense to compare school hours spent in systems that are teaching different things? In Japan and China, students spend many hours learning to write characters accurately and legibly, a skill less important in English-speaking countries. The OECD survey suggests that most European countries invest about a tenth of primary-grade school hours in the study of international languages. America doesn't participate in this part of the survey, but the difference is obvious: few American primary schools teach international languages at all.

Comparing the use of time for education is tricky even within the United States. Like many other states, California generally requires 180 days of school per year, including a specified minimum number of total hours for each grade level. Some school districts are shifting to a four-day school week, though this strategy risks harming young students. Some districts conduct school five days per week, but routinely send kids home early to allow for faculty training or meetings.

Amanda Ripley, a noted education researcher and author, focused significant attention on the different ways that schools use time in different countries in her bestseller The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way.

How much time do students actually spend learning?

The true instructional value of school year is significantly shorter than it seems because not all school hours are instructional hours. A considerable amount of time is consumed by distractions like setting up, moving around, settling in, holding school events, assemblies, testing days, birthday celebrations and the like.

Not all school hours are instructional.

In the Great Recession (~2008-09), many California school districts cut five days from their school calendar. Which five? Not special days like testing days, assemblies, and birthday celebrations — those tend to be preserved. Almost by definition, the days lost were ordinary, unremarkable days with nothing special going on except teaching and learning.

Is instructional time the same for everyone?

In recession conditions, school districts that serve California’s highest-need students generally are more likely to have their school year cut in a recession. Low-income students and students of color are also more likely to lose days of instruction through school suspensions.

Time for relationships

School time is not just about academics. Students learn in connection with other students and with educators. Some charter school operators (like KIPP) regard a longer school day as a vital element of their program design. Beyond the academic effect of additional instructional time, a longer day in school may raise the likelihood that school serves as the central context for children’s social relationships.

This lesson was updated in December 2023.

Questions & Comments

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4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (2)

Bailey BarberFebruary 26, 2021 at 11:01 am

I feel like Kids would learn more in the time given if they put effort into it. Most kids do not try because they do not like school. There is enough time to learn but, not enough student interest to learn.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (3)

Victoria RobinsonDecember 11, 2020 at 3:58 pm

Hello, do you mind sharing when this article was made?

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (4)

Jeff CampDecember 11, 2020 at 5:35 pm

We update our lessons -- you can find the most recent update date in the fine print at the bottom! This particular lesson is scheduled for review and will be updated this month (December, 2020).

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (5)

Jamie Kiffel-AlchehNovember 3, 2019 at 9:05 pm

New research (see Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker) makes a very convincing case for a late school start (particularly for teenagers).

Apart from this, I feel disappointed by the emphasis on test scores and de-emphasis on social development as well as other learning. What does a child learn through celebrating a holiday or a birthday with peers? This is valuable time for forming character. A snow day fills emotional reservoirs and gives time for the creative mind to refuel. More teaching does not equal more learning. And fewer breaks do not equal more productivity. Look at Europe’s vacation schedules or traditions of siestas as compared to the US, and see who is suffering more depression and anxiety.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (6)

Lyra ExekielDecember 8, 2018 at 6:49 am

Can anyone tell me who is the author?

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (7)

Jeff CampDecember 9, 2018 at 3:21 pm

Hi, Lyra -- unless otherwise noted, the lessons and blog posts in Ed100 are written by Jeff Camp and Carol Kocivar.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (8)

September 17, 2018 at 9:22 am

11th grade hit and I reflected on my life deeply. I looked at regrets. I became stressed and depressed. School did that to me. I didn't have time to look at family relationships, friends, girlfriends and even memories I could of made because I was so caught up in studying and trying to get the highest grade I could even if sometimes the highest I could achieve was a 75. It meant everything to go to college and make people happy but at the end of the day. It's not worth it. If I could change things, I would. I actually got so stressed out one day that I wrote down a lot of things I would change about our world if it were ever possible. My first change on the school section of those notes were to lower school hours and start school later in the day. It just feels right. I will homeschool my kids because they deserve their happiness and I don't want them to be pressured by a school system. That is just my take on things... but everyone has their own so feel free to discuss.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (9)

CarynSeptember 17, 2018 at 9:48 am

Thanks for your comment. You may be aware that there is a bill waiting to be signed into law on Governor Brown's desk with the power to do just that--start school later in the day. It's SB -328. It sounds like starting school later would have made a difference in your life. By writing or calling the governor with your thoughts on this bill, you could impact the next generation. Change takes time but you have the ability to make a difference.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (10)

Pamela WrightApril 16, 2018 at 3:07 am

...and what about homework time?

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (11)

Jeff Camp - FounderApril 17, 2018 at 12:59 pm

We did a "deep dive" on the question of homework in this blog post: Ed100 on Homework: More Time On Task

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (12)

kevinOctober 8, 2017 at 4:46 pm

I grew up in England, so my experience is the English Education System. Our daughter has made a smooth transition across, however we are constantly surprised with how when our son starts school he will be not only a year older than in England (and all his peers from home) but also for only three hours a day?! It really does not seem to make any sense.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (13)

LisetteOctober 3, 2017 at 4:25 pm

California needs have all Kindergarten programs be a full day program vs a couple hours per day. Since Kindergarten programs have limited or eliminated homework, the full day of schooling is necessary.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (14)

Caryn-COctober 10, 2017 at 8:50 am

Since school isn't mandatory for children under age six in California, I don't think this will be prioritized.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (15)

June 13, 2017 at 11:10 am

Just came across this article and am happy to see others who see the same issue. I'm from Australia and I see the same thing - less and less instructional hours and a shifting of the work no non school time and in effect parents. We operate on around 180 operating days per year with a variety of events reducing that. Over an operating week it barely equates to 20 instructional hours. Over a child's school life they spend barely 9% of thier total hours (asleep or awake) in face to face learning. That's not to suggest some of the other activities at school are not useful - it is to suggest 9% is woefully inadequate. By the way on average kids watch more television than that over a year. And what about all the infrastructure only open half the year - what a waste! I'm all for ulilising the infrastructure more and delivering more of what schools are supposed to do - teach kids. I find it enormously frustrating in Australia and interested to note it being observed elsewhere.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (16)

Carol KocivarOctober 27, 2016 at 4:26 pm

A report from the UCLA Institute for Democracy, Education and Access takes a careful look at instructional time loss. It finds:

California students attending high-concentration poverty schools are not able to access as much instructional time as the majority of their peers. It highlights ways that community stressors and chronic problems with school conditions lead to far higher levels of lost instructional time in these high schools.

Read the report: https://idea.gseis.ucla.edu/projects/its-about-time/Its%20About%20Time.pdf

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (17)

Mark MacVicarAugust 13, 2015 at 4:36 pm

Just a quick google turned up this interesting reference published in 2011 http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/Main-Menu/Organizing-a-school/Time-in-school-How-does-the-US-compare

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (18)

Mark MacVicarAugust 13, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Another interesting article referencing a study by the Pew Research Center and another by OECD http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/american-kids-will-spend-an-average-of-943-hours-in-elementary-school-this-year/

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (19)

Janet L.April 20, 2015 at 7:13 pm

"... filtering out all the noise, students in a 180-day calendar only put in the equivalent of about 100 instructional work days per year..."
Oh my. "School events, assemblies, testing days, birthdays and the like" are significant to their learning. Certainly they don't teach to the test, but these events and activities teach our children in ways that should not be discounted. Social interaction, understanding and acceptance of other cultures, social responsibilities and more are taught during this "noise" and is significant in forming the adults and leaders these children will become.
I'm not opposed to longer school days or calendars, but I can't discount the advantage of the so-called "noise" our kids are experiencing.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (20)

Tara MassengillApril 17, 2015 at 7:19 pm

In my experience (both from going to school myself and having my child in school), I am unpleasantly surprised by the school hours for elementary schools in the SDUSD. In Tennessee, Texas, and Nebraska schools hours are from 8 am to 3pm (or something equivalent). Here in San Diego, it's 7:58 am to 2:20 pm (4 days a week), and 7:58 am to 12:05 pm on Wednesdays. I get that SoCal doesn't need to have built-in snow days, but it just doesn't seem like the kids are there long enough to learn all of the things they need to learn.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (21)

hwildeApril 2, 2015 at 9:40 am

To lb2vta- Many schools celebrate the 100th day for kindergartners. As they are learning to count to 100 this is fantastic opportunity to focus on this academic achievement in a way that engages students in fun and active ways.
To Sherry- Teacher collaboration and professional development does quite the opposite of reducing the number of effective instructional days. In fact research shows that educators who have time to work in teams or partnerships within and across grade level and fine tune their skills through professional development are more engage and excited about teaching and learning which translates to students who are more engaged and excited about learning within the context of the classroom and beyond.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (22)

Susannah BaxendaleJanuary 17, 2019 at 12:30 pm

Agreed about the 100th day--the inventive ways kids (and their parents admittedly) found to illustrate 100 was wonderful.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (23)

MamabearMarch 19, 2015 at 11:41 pm

Why is the 100th day of school celebrated? Just curious if others do this? It seems to me that there is a tendency to go into second gear from this point to the end of the school year.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (24)

Sherry SchnellJanuary 22, 2015 at 10:38 am

Pulling teachers out of class during instructional time to engage in collaboration or professional development further reduces the number of effective instructional days.

4.3 School Hours: Is There Enough Time To Learn? | ED100 (2024)


How much time in school is actually spent learning? ›

Think about it this way: if students are engaged 60 percent of the time, a 30-hour instructional week amounts to more like eighteen hours of actual learning. A 1,080-hour school year becomes a 650-hour school year (and our 670-hour “actual” instructional year shrinks to 420 hours).

Is 4 hours of homework good? ›

The National Education Association and the National Parent Teacher Association have suggested that a healthy number of hours that students should be spending can be determined by the “10-minute rule.” This means that each grade level should have a maximum homework time incrementing by 10 minutes depending on their ...

How many hours does it take to complete school? ›

Most states require about 180 days of school per year, with different breakdowns of how those days are scheduled. Typically, students get between 900 and 1200 hours worth of schooling each year, which is above the global average, but lower than some elite countries like China or Germany.

Is 7 hours of school too much? ›

Much like how adults tend to feel “done” after 8 hours, children also reach their limit. A 7-hour day at school or childcare, mirroring this rhythm, ensures that they are engaged and receptive during their learning hours.

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Most teachers and students waste 50 percent or more of their time in school. I say this with no disrespect. . . . There are, of course, various ways of wasting time we all acknowledge as such: Teachers trying to get the class to settle down so the lesson can begin.

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Incredibly, the average American estimates they've forgotten nearly half (40 percent) of everything they learned in school growing up and only actually use 37 percent.

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To achieve an A or a 4.0 GPA at a research institution most professors expect you to study anywhere from 47 to 59 hours per week on average.

Is 4 hours of studying enough? ›

Studying for 3 to 4 hours a day is the best number as it is realistic without being too small to actually get the work done. It has also been shown that this period of time allows your brain to work at full capacity without burning it out.

What state has the shortest school year? ›

What State Has the Fewest Required School Days? Besides the states that do not have a required minimum number of school days each year, Colorado has the fewest required school days in the United States, at 160.

How long is a school day in Japan? ›

In general, kids have to be at school by 8:45 am. School finishes around 3:15 pm, so they have to be in school for about six and a half hours every day from Monday to Friday. However, most kids also attend after-school clubs, and many also go to juku (cram school) in the evening to do extra studying.

Should K-12 have longer school days? ›

While schools can gain instructional time by being more efficient, studies find that extending the school year often provides more benefit than making the school day longer. “It's really important to recognize that time matters, but we need to use it well,” Kraft said. “There are likely diminishing returns.

How long do students spend studying? ›

In a 180 day school year, students spend approximately 1,080 hours in school. Some surveys suggest that the average amount of time that most high school students spend on homework is 4–5 hours/week. That's approximately 1 hour/day or 180 hours/year.

What percent of your time is spent in school? ›

Given that a mere 5% of one's life is spent in school, understanding how people learn during the remaining 95% is crucial (Falk & Dierking, 2010) .

What is the average time spent teaching? ›

Key Takeaways. According to a new survey by the RAND Corporation, teachers work an estimated 53 hours a week—seven more hours than the average working adult. Teachers also report much less satisfaction with their base pay than other working adults—and 25% of their work is uncompensated.

How many hours do you spend in school from grades 1 to 12? ›

StateMinimum amount of instructional times per school year (by grade, if applicable)Minimum number of hours per school day
In days
California180Kindergarten=3.0; grades 1-3=3.8; grades 4-12=4.0
48 more rows

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