· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (2024)· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (1)



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DON'T GO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've enjoyed RuldOllO'.

Greatest Scenic ltlde - the SIenaBlanca Co,'. Aerial Gondola.' fromWhite l\ltn. Park to IJ.400-toot hlebLook Out Peak.

gt'ncy fnnd. whIch Dllrrow had rf'o'perted would be rrom $,10 (j( 0 to'60.000 this yenr. and al·o (hnt thl'bulldlng cost would be llpprun'd bystat-e offlelaw as an emert'll'lIt'Y IIc,Hjand thnt thl'rc would be IU) rt'CIUi~C'.

ment 10 call for bIll'!. Unrlt'r Il'a',t"­purchtue. tho schocl would PilY liP 10&0 r; of Ula coot of thl' bUlldlll~ 1111'first year-,- then make pa'. year for rive }'l'nr'l on ~hC' b;ll.tulCO A c.nrrylni charSl' of "/r 11111Gr; to 10',; ." would bo addl'd 10 !ill'blllldlng CMt one snleslnan ~D,(d An­other llall'llman s.'lld h19 firm rl'qulr·ed only GO:< ~tcr 50 c; or tile cO.Ihad b~n paid the rlr5\ }'enr

WMt problellUt mIght nrt (' fromcllnng03 111 tchOdulelf Jor b!gh OC'1lcolstudenlS. bo.nd membl'm. [.c(nlC'l'studentn. nod In physIcal t'dll..athmprograms. lunchroom sl'lll'du!('~; andolber mlltlera WM the !'Iubll'tt ofcOl1."lldorllble d1!c\l!I!ilon for Ihl' b;.\I­anC'c of the meetlng. Th('rC' WFrC'nine Vlllltorll on ha.nd. all of whomnsked questloll9 In rt'ittlfd to :hl'changes In the !:Chool Thl'rr \">1'1"('

some pointed que!ltl0D9 ll~kt'd. IUIdsoml' sharp answers IttHn durlnl!the first part of thc qUl'.5tl0n o.ndan.'lwer period. Supt Darrow ar.'.ur­cd all quc'\toners that a high <;('h(001!chl'dule could be, Bnd would be',nrranttt'd w UllIt no studI'm wouldml'>!l rl'qufred COUJ'll('S, He 1Inid ~h~;'l.

IClll educntlon progrBms. band pm.gmm,'!. Ihl' lunchroom t;chedull' andolher phnsC'!! of school IIf€' that ml~I~:

be art€'Ckod by the chllngt' In nradl'sto oUll'r sehool'l would bc wt't'kl'dout. At onl' poinl he declared prtuN.pnl!! or the school'l nnd thl' band dl·r{'Ctor had been o.dvt<cd or the pro·pa.<ed change when asked by oneor the vt.sltors,

,.' , ,

" -' ". ..', .-

. radice, 0(,. Btant ¥qnd',ltok.. Ruldo$o, pre~·lelont-elect; Dr." Hopkfns, [ovfnliltol'f,presIdent; Dr. Jam•• A. Koch, Albuquerque,\llco-pr.sldentJ and Df,St.V. Marshall, ROlJ· •well, d.legate 10· NCAAQP. DI":'· H.rlcho(DOllglq., Tatum, .fed.d ~~.fat'Y·lr'Q!lor.rtal nor -p',eseJ\t for phQto•


"If you smell smoke, better

cheC:k that poUcy quick!"


DAVE PARKS, Insnrl\l1ce Dept.Home Phone CL 1·4515, '.

DAN D. SWEARINGIN, Inc.lDIuraDCO .,... Real Ea1ate - Pu. CL 'l-U51S


•SubscrlpUons: $3.50 per1ear In Llneoln County; $4.50 OUtsIde County

lklfore the lpeelal meetlll! ad­journed W."ead&:r evMlIII' .UI1swetlt, fout boatel mem~... Prell­wt voted to buy a Ilx-elulroomllted llfl'UC'turc from Dum nml'rodue!ll 00. or Albuquerque,llpeclneaUetliIJI to be determinedIn " !liter leslllon with eompAnyofficials on makrlala to be used,lllUl, etc. Votln~ for the proJectwere Ralph Bonnell, Mmcs,Tully, quaJlro~h and IlItchcna.Dr. \Y. D. 1(011on, board mcm­ber who had objected to A 11:1­room bulldtnl', llatlnl' he thoulhtIC'P c1l1l11rootnll could lIolvc thecrowded condltJon, Willi not prCfl.cnl for the votitIK, bui d~lllr·

cd bclore leavln~ the mectitIKthat be WAnted to be pui on rec·ord as oppolIlnl' the G-room pro-jed,

•declared. He saId steel bUlldlnll'9were not "temporary" but were"permanent portable."

Keeth brought the bonrd 80meproposals, wi!h COlJ18, on a slx=cllISs­room Ilteel s\ructure thnt wouldhave 8.400 !>QW1rc feet to cost '49.­05'1: lUlOther Illx cll1SSl'oom bulldlngof 5,250 square feet that would cost'30.220, and a four·cllll:Sroom build·Ina VI 3.600 sqUllre feet Ibnt wouldcost f23.2M.

Dath men declared maIntenance••••••••••••••••••••••••

j .


'- ..The SOllthern' Union pas Co., or tuml gllS to Ruidoso. by construe&- by the New MexIco Public Sl'rvlce

EI PI\SO presented II proposal to Ule Ing Ule necessary tro.mmlsslon line Commls;:lon and our securUlg frlln· .RUldo,o Vlllnge Trustees at Its reg- nlld complete distribution system chlse In the Incorporated, "unlll('OI'ij­\lIar meatlll!; Thursday, July 11. without cost to the VlIIage or RUI- orated and county arCIlS that llrerelatlve to the bl'lngln gof IIlltural doso. In addltlon. we wlU pay the Involved."gas to Ruidoso ._ Oeneral Fund or the VlIIage of Rul. ,. The proposal WIIS presented to the

doso 2 per cent of our gross recelpt.~ TrUSlees by E. M. Kl':ll'v, viet>.With the mayor ·and nll trustees from the sale or naturo.l gus In Rill. preSident or Southern Union Oas C<J •..

presenl, Trustee Lloyd L. Davis, Jr.. doso. except salps to Public Auth· who st~tl'd rurther' tho.t Southernmade a mollon thnt the propOSllI' orlty and Industrial. Our proposed Union Is presently servIng 1'1 e!llC".of the· SoUlht'1'Il UnIon Oas -Co, be ro.tes nl'e as rollows, per monthly to\\l1S and communltles In. fnurIIcceptl'd subject 10 1\ form fran- billIng: smtes. with more than 260.000 cu..,.C1hlse which wlll be ncted upon by -'. . lomers.thl' council at 11 Io.ll'r dllte and d~ FIrst 1.000 cu. rt. lInlnlmum

bill $175 N "WI." have all-ol UIl' nc'('(';;'Qnry"endllnt on 1111 It· 1"qulrem"nts at., ext 0.000 cu. ft. llt,. t>" 98 I 00 racllltles and the tmlned pl'T;;nonelbeing, snll.s!lletol·U" hnndled and ne-' per ,0 cu. n. Next 10.000 CU, t b 1 to R Id th r

~ rl 80' 1 I 0 I' ng u oso I' lIle t l~ll!lgolllltl'C1 lJy Ule parties concerned. . at, per .000 CII. H. A loverTI1I' mU!lun wns Ill'conded by trusteA 20,000 cu ft.. Ilt .16 pel' 1,000 cu. ft. tiCrvlce possIble by uny 1'1JlIlparl·

" son." he saId.Jodll' F,I:enllln. wlU' all trustees I ' "This would be a'Oeneral Service Joseph S. Hnwklns, owner uf Rul·voting .'aye".· . Rl\te' applicable to' all cltls!es of doso Ons C!>. and n locnl l.~ !las

Thl' Southcrn Union proposal was customers There will be II $5 connect dl'aler.hlp. told the Nl'Ws ht· 1m,sns foUowa: "Hnvlng completed. a charge for nil cus~mer8. whIch 18 been negotlntlng wIth Solltlll'rncomprehlln-Ivc sUI'vey llnd study of provIded In our rUles and regulll- Union Ons Co. for several wC'('ks onRuldU!-o and the surrounding aren tlons throughout the State of New the company's acqlllring hI" (rull.we fe!'l that thl! future growth or MexIco:' chlse on hL~ cllY IInc sl'rVll'l' "l'rv·thl8 area makl.''! It pO'iSlbll' Ibnt we "This proposal Is contingent upon Ing a Inrue number of cu....loml'r.. UIIpropOlll' 10 you the bringIng. of nn· our receIving np~roprillte approval nnd lldjacent to Sudderth »r\W

RUldo~o Munlclpnl Sehool board IsW('lllhtlll,l UII' problem or addIng I\d.dlllllllni t'lass rooms In time ror useror Ibe 1003.&6 ~.chool term, COpingwith Ihl' problem of ho.vlng more6tudentu th..\! there arc clas.'IroollUlfor }'oUltgllterll In the lower grades,olle proposal hM been o.dvancedthn I \\ ould prOVide siX clllssroomsto be ('rl'cled In a Ilteel bulldlng onthe t'o.!llPU!I· of Nob JIUI liChool. With~Ix dan!JrcOll1'l nt that &chool, theboard the'li would dl'cldo on a cha.ngoIn nrrnngcmelll of IlrndB:l. In Ule PMtII'ro.dl''I one Ultough rour Iulvo nt­tendl'd e!MSQ, III Nob HlII, grndc!Irtvc Ulrough elaht hnve o.Ue.ndedcl!l.'<$f"I III the elementnry buUlUng,lUld uradro PIUQ th~\lgh 12 have at- .tended!f In tho htah school,.WIUI Gtx llddlUono.t roont.'l lit NobHili. tt 111 propo5ed thnt gro.des tlvo!lnd lllx bt' moved from the ell"inen­tary Eehool to Nob Hill, 0.00 Ibn~

gradu nlnl' be moved rrom tile hIghneMol to Oil' elementary-·to gIveUII' Intl(lr t:ehool tl jUnior hhth lltntU.9,!.crvlnu the &CVentll, elllh!h andninUI

All or th!'r.<l ma~ters are to be de­termlnl'd thL'l week·end by the boardbct'l\u'it' of prl'ssure of Umo In get­ting the 8lC'el building t'reeted llndopen In t:ml' ror the opening orsChool AII\! 20

In Ull' board's regular tneCJtlngThurl:dny nl!tht IlUlt 'wet!k, II motlonwns made' by Mrs. Joyce Q)1ll1.trough. mC'mber, and second@" byMrs, Jnck Hltchl'tl.'l. to bulld n steel ••••••••••••••••••••••••bUlldlnu with 'lIX classrooms on Nob wall very nominal on stt'C1 struc­mil Cllmpll·. "U they could be bum tures. and that the at.ccl walls couldfor $35.000 00 or h.'.5Il." nle moUon be furnlsbed In pre·paInted enamelwa.q nol ocled upon.-pending lU'. panels In a vnrlety of colors, Dothrnngeml'nt'l to hnv~ fIl1lesmen from declared their structures couId becompallil'!l selllng,....such type strue. moved wIthout dnmage to !hem Ifturl''! 10 ('nil here' ond present C031!O'nJq to the board On Wedn{'1l= After the solesmen Iuld completeddny Ihh wC'C'k salesmen for two Ulelr talks wIth the board-and had ,-=-,.

SUell compantes toured the cnmpU3 answered some questlom asked byand tlll'n m('t with the board In an Visitors. the board and Bupt.. TomInformal meeting at 4 p.m. The W. Barrow then were IlSked n num· lml't'tlll;I la"ted more than threc ber of questloll9 on school policy rC'- ihr;uf' The two calesmen pre~nunlr gtudlng the change In gmdc,g frompropmnl'l w('re John Melton. salC!l cnc school W another a.'I proposed. It'nglrN'r for Dura DIU Products Speaking for the board.· Mrs Oer·Co 01 Albuquerque, and Cliff Keeth. 'old Tully, pre:Jdent, said. "Therl'pn·<.l'n'lng Hunt Dulldlng Marts board members o.ttended Ih school j'cf gl Paw board member conference In Albu- .

Ml'Hoil tol4 the group his com- querque sevCl'llI months Ilgo In I.:,.

pany could erect l!o stJ!el bllllding. In which we were told that M board k1I vllrlrty or llbnpes, nod at a vl1rlety members. '11.-'0 were no~ educators. ,of cost'). rnnglllg from a lthell wue- that we mll!lt leave declsloos on cd·turl' or $3,00 per root tb uCIlUon up to our superintendent llnd$10 00 per sqW1te loot-!he cost de- principals. and should sUPPort theIrpC'tldlnll' on what. types materials recommendations."we're' wanted In the bUilding. "We Financing of the additional CIMS­can build It in nn, shape, lind fin- lOOms CIl1l be done rtom moneyIsh It In nny style you want," he nVIlUo..blo In the local school's emer-

., , . ' "

'" -


elation Oroup I. composed of bankoUlclnls from the Southwestern panof Nl'W Mexico ended their conven·lion 1n Ruidoso saturday night witha banquet nod election or offleers atthe CIulparral Hote!.

nIt' new oUicC'rs ele'cted for theIOG:J.64 year werl'; Dave Pearson.chalnnan. Sliver CIty; VlcWr D9na·guidi, vice-chaIrman. Las Cruces;and Ed Wimberly, secret.ary-treasur­er, RUidoso.

Wimberly estlmatc-d tho.t morcUtnn lOll attended the final meetingof the group.

IcommIttees, he snld. Food Is prepnr-ed and served to nil who come andno charge Is made and no oCferlngsal'e taken up he saId. However. con­tributions' are mllye,·· he said. butthese are not solicited. they aremerely mllde by those who have adt'slre to give.. MYt'rs Eald that they were prepar­Ing to reed nbout 600 Wednesdnybut Uult If II I'nn over that cr eventwIce as many everyone would bered.

1?r, Olen Uarrls or Olrmlnghnm.Mlch" and the, Rev. Robert- Hooksor Levellnnd, Tex.. wlll be tWO orUle principal spea!ters Who wUl beIn nltendaoce throughout 111c Camp1.1l'eUn\f, Myers saId. Joe Evan.s.veller-a-n Wiest Texas catUemllll andone of the orlglnlltOl's or many cow·boy camp meetings wl.ll not f)e nbleto nUend the Nog-nl mecUng thisyear. Myers snld.


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... ,"','I


FRIDAY. JYLY 1(1. 1963,I




Ben Turner Offers ShowOf Painti'l1gs in' RuidosoDen Turner. a Mtlve New Mexlco.n sInce Durlnll the second World Wnr

artl!lt ,,'bo cnJo~lll1I!,.ot,Jhe~...Turner wag !ltnU tlrtl~t with UICfollowings or any IIvlnlt nrl1!;t. open· Flrtt'Cnth Air Force wberl' hI' paint­ed n one man show at tho Chapa.rral ed nlr bntUe scenes or thl' bombing1I0tel Inst snturday. of 011 fleldg In Romnnla llnd the

Turner's palnllngn nte awned by Ncnr East. ,mo.ny &lUthwestcrncrn. <hter fifty Turner stUdied nt the Chlcaf10 Artbo.nk9 alld' 1.200 homes and QrrtCC!l IDllUtute. the UnIVersity or Newthroughout thl' U. S. A. dlspln}' 1J.{s Mexico nnd In TnM WIder Victorsouthwestern scenC!l of mounmlDll, IIlggln.o; and Joseph IIcnry Sharpngpens. stili lIle. nnd portraits. his Turner now mlllntalDll a home andouent, W V, Turner, stnted. He ls 0. studio In Redstone, COlo., nnd Mnz­reali'll tltlted for hlg btll111Ult col· atlan. MexIco HI9 brother. W V.ors ond I:ght and shadtnt ~/1t'C19. Turner Is hl'l agent and reprCM'nta·

Turner s10.rtcd his professIonal llve and mam,mlD9 hill headquarlerscareer In 1929 Il9 a cartoonist and In Albuquerque.worked for a time with the no.tlon- The Den Turner exhibit o.t theally knll\\l1 comic strip "Jerry o.nd Chnparral Hotel will run throullhJnke" In 19:Jl he began working In Ihe month of July, W. V Turner011 nnd ha.'l worked In Utnt medium smted,

Nea,ter,Dressed Students'S SchQPI Soard's Goal

would bc followed 11'1 bo!h Juniorhigh And 5C1llor hIgh school grades­frorn the sevcn!h through U1C 121h,It wna reported.

"MI\l1Y. many IIchools !hroughoutthe Mtlon have already establishedsuch policies of reqlllring !ltudent5to wear nelltel' llttlre--outlawingblue Jeans for both boys nnd girls."one of Ule board mt'mbers !mld,Supt. Darrow silld \jhllt blue Jeansa~e not lUI economtcal Item of eloUl­Ing. and thnt skirts IUId slnckl forgirls, and Blac~'1 or pants ror youngmen were In about Ule lUlme pricerange.

as Supt. Darrow stated. . Tho new code wUl be awllableAU other members at the boord, for LitudenL'! to rt'ad. and adhere tot

were In agreement that on IncIe-' on the opening of Ule 11163,64 schooment; showy cold dllS'D It would term. Supt. Durrow saId The polleyprobAbly bc be1;1 for all'l!! to weill' wlU be approved by Ule board b£'=lllnck~- but 1101 too Ugbt. The rule fore put Into effect.

The Nogal Mesa Ranchmen'sCamp Meeting openad Wednesday,JUI~ 11. Tuesday afternoon TomMyt'rs of, Albuquerque. manager ofRanchmen's Camp MeetlillJs In theSouthwest. nnd n cadre of helperswere busy nt the cllmp site prepnr­Ing for the four day meetIng whichends ·Sundny. July 21. _'

1.1yer8 slat-ed Tueoony that np·proxImately 1,000 would attend themeeting, however. nb, re$ervatlonsare made. he saId. "l1e'tJ'ple justcome." The cnmp Is rUn 1JY commit­tees, Myers snld. the ge.nernl com­mittee Is hended by Walton Wilsonof Ancho; Dert Pflngstcn, Hondo;Drnck Sloan. Claunch: and PiltWlthl'l'S, Carrizozo. Other commit·tees Include flnunce. bU!ldlng nndgrounds, kitchen. program and I\c·t1vltles. ,

Myers, who acls a', gemeral man·agel' ror the camp, works WIUI all

RUidoso school bOtlrd In Us meet­Ing Illst ThursdllY evening gave ap­proval to Superintendent Tom W.Darrow's suggcstlon Utat schooipolicy concerning student's dreS!l bedmwn up to cncourage neater dreo;:!wIth more dt'Corum.

Accl'nUng thl' positive, boardml'mbl'fO Illlid It was a Uft to moraleto have a '!tudl'nt body neatly dress­ed. Prllposed to be Qutlawed In thenew dre!!.'! codl' wl11 be blUe jennsfor boyn and ilrl'!. "~,pet:ldJly !hetype or blUe Jeans tlult arc so tight!hey look Ukl' Uley nrc sprayed on,"


'" " .


. ,

c~ty Cler~Linqoltl County',·




;J •

t \ 1

,,~umoso, LINCOLN COJ]NTY, NEW ~XlCO, ',0' •

lou Caldwell, Carrizoz01 John Boyott, Los lu·nos/ Manuel G6nzalos, Marfa, lexas, andJim Valdoz, Van Horn, Texas.

. I

-:; .- - >':-;~'-'~'~--T'I~"-,'"7,-'";7__ -""'-',~.~- ._"-~T'='O"',,",,,,~~,) ."-.="~~-=..;,-,,,,,~,,,,",,_,~,, .'.'- c;' c.•-. ".--. '"I


MAKE CAMP-John A. Cummins, left, and Joe WlleolC, bothof ROlwell, made thoir camp early Tuesday at the Nogal Me­sa Ranchmen's Camp Meeting. Bolh are old timors In NewMexico, CumlT\im came In 1897 and Wilcox came In 1906.They have both attended the Nogal meeting regularly eachyear slnco 1952.

, .; , \ :.. ,. , -

,•BIIIIQ Clarke - 0101 Cl 7·2415



Agent As Y!lU W!luld Your DlIctor or


Clarke 12~~rQnce Agency, " ~ OIInsult Your Independent Insurllnce


. '.

, .''. ,

, I '" ••'Ii . , .

r,'","",,,"L,,",..........~...,;","'I,,,"'.,..,--""':;-------,-,--_..., -.--..----•

VO~l1l\IE 18, IIimmER 4•










GETTING SUPPER-Arriving Tuesday for theNODaJ MeJa Ranchmen's Cam p Meetingwhich began Wednesday, are from loftl Wil·lIam S. Smith, Coshocton, Ohio; Mrs. Veda

t ••••=,••••••••;;.i.';••••

J ArQund-Town", I -By Nosey Waters 0

.' •.......................t. '"


', -'''''\ Carl Morrl!on of Ute quarterback.. A Club 1!l mlgbl)' ha.ppy-reports our

: , new school superintendent' Tom:' . Barrow tl)ld him "We'll get tho foot-, baU tleld fenced," At.' ll1St ThUl'lldav

nIght'S meeUng of the ~hool boardDarrow told the bo:Ird he would eetflgure:t from a fencing company enthe proJcct "and It wlll pay for It­ceU in extra adinlsslotl5 We wllJ be.ble to collec!." Dnrrow 1l1!J0 said thevl1lllio of Ruldo::o bas proml!Jed toremove some &tump::s, level l:OmeBl'ound tl) mUc more parking roomneal' 1lle field>.. .m:oJec,t. ~t ~d .beea prombed tonnu- !UperlnteD­dent J.lloward MorrJll , _• OVerlook·ed bt. U!I recently (lUld It chot\ldn't.hav~ been) was rCPOrUna' tho.t Suoperlntendent ~orrls had~ gh"Cna tramlstl)r raillo by thc tchoolboard In 010 flnnl meeUnlr with hImbefore his term eXllIted. He paidtrJbute to the board, and preytoll!lboards. for their line cOo()pcmt\on­and the board, In tum, expressed thesame feeling lor the reUrlng super·intendent • • • The rollnd stonesbeing used on the front 01 RuidosoTelephone 00.'s 11andsOtne new build­ing were !muled here Irorn Arllbela.

* * * •Ab Gunter SllYlJ he's beard of B

neW A. A. organlzaUon. It·s AlhletlcsAnOIlYmoU!l. "Any lltne you feellike taltlng one of these 6O-tnlle hikesKe1Uledy ha!J ndvClCllled, you canc:iill fellow members ot the new A. A.and they'U come over to;jOur house Vl'llage Accepts

• and 1atk rou out 01 It." , •• Earl ADJ·Sim Wall here 1JlSt wl!ek.end from Engineer ReportMotmtalnnlr_ He and bls· famlly On Au •mOVed there not tong ilgo wbere he nexaboftb working wIth TrnDSoWeste1"n pipe- The Parl1dtse CanyofJ teqi/est fortina. He formerly operated the annexation WIl9 noted As lifiproved:t.fAIco at.aUan on U. S. 10 InHoUy- at the Thursday. July it, Hieetlngwetxl' • . , Ju1l.n C. WIl1U!t!J arrived of the RuIdoso VUlnge Ttuste/>s. week. to take JlllSCS!llon of Iage englnl'er, QUInton Dnnlel, pre-the Cae resIdence which she bought • cenll'd a survey sMwlng that 51some Ume ago, but WM delayed tn. - . • per cC'nt of thl.' acrea~e ownershipto movh:g Intb beCllUSe of U1ness tn had sIgned the peUttcffl requesUngthe tatn1lY. She Is from Roswelt. ' annexntlonand formerly Uved bere • _ • Danll'l wao; al<;o dtiID1fH£ed W* * * make nn up-to,da(e "survey on the

:Rev, jIm Saylor !lent'~ th1JJ Item dlstrlbmlon need.'! of the entire vll·lot our coll1tlUl-'-MolheM of yom;g \\'a~er supply system. ThIs sur-clli!dren have had this experience vey of the dUrlbulton sY&!l!ll wouldand w11l aPJlft!Cla~. 1M mt<:h A Include florlnatlon. dUllf. ltet plant.Woman waltlng to go to the super storage racilltles and til vrotee-market hl1d her anm fu'n of coaLS tlon needs.and four IIllJe children. by her ~tde. ' Lovington DoctorHer hUsbatld conUng do~ the sti/.lrs, Th M H d N M .asked why she was standing there, EARLY AR-RIVAls,;.From left, To';' Meyers, Albuquerque, camp ree en ea 8 ew eX1COShe --rcpUed, baDdlng hJm·the coats, 0 --W - P b d h V Chapter of A. A. G P''''.rbts Unit! you put the chltdrens' manager; on yott, eters urg, In jana; C eo allelo, EI F Le • •......... "n ~"...t"U go bonk the bom...· . PalO; and Rudy lUria, Ysleta, Tex. Were early arrivals at the ace Iquor The sixth annuo.l meeting 'Of the.......... v IWU N I M R New. Mexico Chapter of the Amerl.. ., +... *' oQa esa anchmen'. Camp Meeting and were helping h can ACademy of Oeneral Practice,

Petsons Interested In laking ex· with the p~eparalibnof tke evening meal, Tues~C}y, 9s p'eopl~ C arges, Wl1ll held at the Holiday HoUSe InamliiaUons fer the Peace COrps mny began arrIving early for the four-day meeting whIch began RUidoso. July 15 to 18. .~ A1~~lg30.rdSto~~et~~I~~ _. July 17 and w,i11 r,~n thn)~~h S~nday, ". The Alcohol Tax DIvisIon of the· At the Monday 1100n lunchelontethde= ........ VA .. _,_...:;.. ....;,._..........._, .......__•__-....;..,... ........ • ~partml'nt or the Treasury. raIded folloWIng lIew officers were e ec :aInS .start at 8:3l)'IUrt, , • ,RuIdoso • Mr, "nd Mrs. Hobby Tho....lJS of t I I th "f R Id Dr. Wllller HopklnS, Lovington.~ ttack annoUIieer aob Dudlch" '" SCHOOL . wo p o.ees n I.' are.. 0 u oso president; Dr. JlImes A. Koch, AI·11ew' to :1m Angete$ earlY tbts week Hale Center, Tex_, have .been here. • . DOwr.a BundllY nIght. Clifton Dean, buquerql.le. vlce-prc3Ident; Dr, Her-

.. to' AU~ .. f&trt1.lY re-unton. the wiling l!evelii1 liars. They were II Negro. WIlS arraIgned to the Dis· $Chel Douglns, Tatum, SeCTemry.1ltst1u:ldlrt hW:IY' Y¢atilWlth aU his JdOatnedUgh'1~3Mrwe.ea~"~" YMBrsSO

• ~~~Wo~~ TO ST''A','R",'T', tborlCf.dCounrt Inhco.rgrIZOo:Osc'ft~e: 1$12q"~r treasurer; and, Dr. Don Mabray.ldn.OO: band. Ite was dUll' btc:k this .... au -.n:u,.. nLIo,J n ,0 a c ar e , uv Albuquerque, dIrector.tnld'week •• , JUlY Baketw&Sl tell.1ng and YOJi~gs~ers from AlbtltlUerque, Without a license. Dr. J. A. Rivas, Delen. New Mox-ust\atlj .UUS week, a ~oungel' bro- ." , .' .' , A'U'G 26 Two other Negroes, Lanny- WhIte Jco and Dr. Stelle Mllriliall, Hog-tber ot 1Uli a ~la1I!t IIi elec:ti'on- O. W. Mll1er, former 'RUIdoso ',' , and Amos scott, weri! £!.rralgned well, Were elceted deleglltes to thelcs, 1& gohJt toah bULjoSt ,fA the ,News~mployee,an~ hlss1stet', Mrs. • ' before John Joe WllkJt!S<j'li of Ala- National CongreSll, Amerlelln AC~d-noi1h fa work on ttatl~Telestar. )iltbel Qunt~ IiIld daughter, aU of nuld - 0 M lei' 'I 8eh I te mOllordo on a charge bf having 110 emy of Oeneral Practtce at Atlantic.' * '*' ,*.' Oklahoma. visited here last week- Itl . oSln thun 11pal . c 00 l!YS m _ah::.ohol tax stamps, whote bond was City .

A New 1I4iOOeo artISt WlUI 'fu White end. w beg e . IftI3.lM,,-C)tbo1 term set' ror at $1.000. othey posted . Dr Fred Drown ot 'ROswell Is theMoUntain parktecen~."kJng pho* .. '. ,." '" . " ~n Mo~aY~Au~26iJ:!r~teu~enl the bond and the two men were re. retiring president and the! Prestdent-• ',,"" , t; ''''',,,, , • ptoa9Inft1roti~s' W}lolrcJtahnc ~Ulcprl'"ePlU'aboeutsOtnthee b~~ IIi Its ~eetlng liSt ;'~Sd~y Icnsed. Whlt . ted.~ b Eleet 1904=65 ls Dr. Srain VlUlder-

"" ... I " ... 11 'd" d' '. d Lanny e WIl9 repar UI e stoic. of nUldoso, summer,and w1JJterresoft of SIerra evewng~ e sa.,' ...0J} aYfJ w,ouI. be the .operator of a cafe in .f!.uldoso . '" . ':' , .. :Blanda Co, to be publlshedtoon ill I1lUlouneeet later ~ortHe.!choal year. Downs and the lessee of 1\' be)U.~~i>rd Motor COmpany's inteft1ll.Uonl1l~ al1d that pll1llS.1trg to~.. uP ihe next door owned by H. M. Craig. Shriners Like I

. Iy. knoV.i1 DUigatlne. , • Have ~ou term by Ma~ :n. ne:X~1earf. in case and where the lIIegt\1 bever"g~lI Were Ruid H· l.l.a!u

.R';"lIJi " B "",.i iii.:...'i'I seen 'ttle myrh~d W'I1d' tlowera blank•.we have 110 ~~Y!f lost .tront mcle- allegedly sold. Thtf i1Uter hoUSe 080 OSl;>.1. 1.I.Y I . f.. ' wuoso- . OuuO, vauef etlng the slopes In. WhIte MountaIn men~weather. he:'~sie<t·. • rnfdOO"1!Iul1dny nl"ht WI' i~ the .' "Let'Ei do Itagahf I .~m&!i:1 til) be ! •,C8J1' .at 'I:2'".Jo;;..Bal '" Park sll1ee ilie JUlY 4th week·end . \VCltk to; uneterwayoti i'e.Jle.lnllng a. RUIdoso River and WllS.r~ by what the VlslliilB' Shrlriers Wllre .say. t~·, er ~1t' Showers1 , , , AOOnymous j:X)stcard nUmber or cla$Sr~ In the bigb the 6fr1cers to be' rental properw In". 9,lter lbelJ,' lW'!;9t"J' J,\mbot'ClCrc - L:' ~ n_ ... say~ '''outlng the'vtn'Jous"'bt!a\lt.Y' school. tepaJrltlg toOttton- 80me oI belonging to E. E. CDi'9!het) MIi1er, and ru~ daY 1I1RUlthUVZKI I&!ll• ::'CJ - \

C tula·• &:li1te~fS. there )Vil!l more tooth tM school bU11dl~gS; -Ild cleantng up mayor of RuidOSO~, . end) Eu Lane .or '. e loCa "", ,..

.' 9'.D"gra" .. , 'Ii',0',n'S' enamel' d!SPIllyed than at .the na- the groUtic1S in teadl~:tor~ll1I1g CrI1IIl' told the N'aws ·1!U, -tuesdaY QlUb reported thl!* ,wee"'-, . ," . •. • .. Uanal, denbl assoctatIon confen·' do.y. mrtoWi'eported/. '. that be knew l:1Othlrlgotli raieLon Ll\lllt stal(!(\. UlliJ m tegJsterQd at NCWCiFFICl:ltS....New offlcet. aLth.New". I.... n". 11011<" ••• Another nnullylllous WI'- Atmmgnew' -e4~lpmeffit. votM for the bouse he wast~Y U1Cl-oYo'Do- lIcadquarlej'l.t In .:fbe .Cha~1l1 Meltlca ~hapf.r of AtnerlcQIl Ataderny of

.I me;. tie·: f::~u8eil~rJ'$;' ~~~o~ ::~'teteor~b1~ ,=.~: t .er _Of., p, .'" '.' w'" ", ~o:~ (~o~~~oJwgJij~MJ';:~~: Generdl ~rcicnCi e'eclltd cd 'IXl" annuahumw

itt ,~Ura RoJ'lald~l~r, tfuj. ¢r&$h. or thi!'tw!'i\lrttc~ ]Mf. comtnt!tclal~J'titl~i" ,lO 'haVe Make )'DUf on Jiflcll clilrlll,f aam" Latle &aId.. !"1'b(I Shriners:~erehere mer clinic h.l'" at HoJld.ClyHollsClf'.'n Ruldo.o,Ala~~~ at j; tfi'lt bOrn' ~k on,: U.S. :H1gbWaY 'to~H(in~desktc>ilfl' ll»ltl calf.~1'~ or, tow- bte·.. lril warebo-UsC • .-ell.Ate. JlUt to haVe tun and MJoy Ruldo!!.o July 15·1lJ, frOlTl leftt Qr~ FfedJJtQwn,. Ral-.Tl.llil0 'Wt '71b$. 4,~ ow; do Wlm. ctfi!t16 tern.rlc' In .'Which ~ed by :S1tmnt-f Jnthe· tYPllitrC'lass- Jufy~. ." . iUld X belt6tp t11eY did." Lane _lu, weIll, rellrlng f,),,. Of.'J, ~. It/va', Bit·

, "..:....J..n-o'll!:"To.n..-\" heI'llUrlB&loclt1t¢sJcWJt,WI$hthaf.t'j.-tocoot..l.lJOO_A,:new~er".,', .... ,... , .. '1 ...... , .... ' ..... ",>':,'".,".' ... , I' U M I d 1· ", ..ltl· I""". ·...,..·~-:SOM~....- be liM SIgned ItiW Wecoutl1 ptfu~ il Mlf$.X.lild8. ..~ m.~tillf.gfidU: as•. has .bt!tn .llmploY'ed ..t~t1 . thIS . t~10'll·r(j~t. tra,d1lilt at a.m~~.. en/ ...,.W t)( ~Ot 'I~at. tc! '''1(1 ona ...C!,,-'GItf.LI,'~ . U,,.. n . . .. I,te 'of SU1~~i~~t!re"c.. ~rtnient,:Sar ..ow 1914 Uie~, ,.o,c ...~ tHm",Ji,gt.n ~fth~ ~rn.rrCQti Ac.ademy of Gillired

,., .... 7", __.· ..'~,. ., -", -- " .. ' #"~"" ..• ,". " ...... "_,, .... ,.<,_>-_ .• '<O.:.~""'_ •.~:.!..:'!..:.....'::':.:_';,-~._"--',_'--"~._.~'.,.;.. ' •. ; .• '-""'\''' __ '~_'~\O'C_'.''-lo'1~'Lc'- ..••. .._~~."'_"'" ... ~'''- , .• e,'<><." ,. . ••., •.<,., ".,' ._" ..... ,.' •. '0,.""'" .,.,.


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49<11 .1. .

LB. ·29¢

. .3 Rolls


No. 2!2 Siac4 For ••• 6 ••• '" ...... , ...


1I0mc of Capri VosmeUellPhone tOl' Appointments - CL 7..fl51l

To Our Visiting Doqors-We hope you had a very 5uf;f;essfu' 'clinic here

and that you'll be b.ack again next year.



~A..J., noted hair stylist ..of Roswell, rs. now with us

as is Rose ·Mariellolll WorkIng W/lh •

Gayle McNeese, Hair Stylistand Manager at -



RUIDOSO. NEW MEXICO, "'One JJlock Eaat· of the PM 01nce

.' and Just AI Rol1ablo.' I ,


In fllllllg prcsctJplf<ms accuracy counts • , • along 'wllb quality

Ingr.edJen18 and promptness. Following your doctor's orders precisely

as the PrellerlpUon Is ",rllten and using only ffcsb Illgred1enls 15 1&

must In our preserlpUon deparlment.

That Is wby your Doctor has coJ1lidl'ncc In us. and why this Is

a good place to have ynur presctlpUolIS liIll'j. Our tell ye-drs" opera-.• •

lInll In Rutdoso. IUld our MQualnlanec with YOllr-doclor alld hfs.

noods should mn}te our storc YOllr Hn. t'llolee lor Items In the pre- ., .

scrlpllon line. Your dootor can tclcllhoric ~ your prl.'$CJ'lpllon and J~. ~

will be· really 1(1' you when you call.


.'PIG'SFEET J:Ic~~e.~ .. , . .. ,


.. ,

I••: """ ~,


. ,

'; " .. ' , -


• •

. ' .



. ,



.In :the New BeautifUl Gateway Centor

(Next to the Patio - Downtown Ruidoso)•







Nellie.. For "High Style" - Graduate in Ad­v~needTraining.

1"orl'y..;.;.;.:Jusfon-e of~Ruidoso+fiM&l-operaton.­

Joan-Specializing in Hair Color and MaJce..Upl

................................. 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


Ii !!§ DAND'D BEAUTY SALON a:: . ., ~ ata~"rral lIote) -:- Ruidoso DoWJUI.. We Now lJave Four O~tatora ;Ii _. , •

-.= On I!ub' At A~ TImes' 5 !•••••••I II ,Dorotby S:unple - James Sample .. III Si I'CUY Tbomll8 - Leanlla Lan6forc1 ; a When In Ruidoso _ ~ I .

.. Waynelyu Rrown ill ! :I:: Perman.nt Sper:fab: ! .. Go Western! s-.. . ..== Reg. $20.00 Now $17.50 :I .. ..:: Reg, $17.50 Now $15.00$ 0 iii! 'if ~== Other Permanents $15 and $12.50 ; BIg Now ShIpmont i= ODe Blotk \Veti' 0' JII,b School Itl tbtl Oatew., ill -of Band.ra Fur felt Hats I!I

:: , For Early or Laic Appolnlments can OL '14m "'" fur Men: Th. Sierra, Thei Walk·In Appolnltnenfa . Daleota; The Stlngor... "We Net!d Your lIead in Our BusIDes'" •i.II.,••••••••••••••••••••I••,I.IIIIIIII••I••IIII....I~1111111 *

'... =,. ..= . ..L u~!,!!!:.~.~!!~.~..._J. •••II IIl•••1lI.11....I••••l ..l •••~.I••••1I.1•••••I••~II.i!



BISCUITS 6 Cans ., .• ", .••••• , ••

E.. DOG FOOD t~r ...".. ".. ,II:: .

-.i I CARNATION MILK2 ~~:· ..·29cIt:


PEDAL pUSHERs .....~ PlUCS ! i . '. . .....

. " H~TS.% 'BICE ,=•

B'" 'A'S" '$200.R , '.., ·H··.···.. O.·.·.·······.• 5.. ·. 'E.·.·.·· ..· 7S,JIi.·.'. .. tJoubt.FroJil*S, ..

..'" ......Gt'fJI:..noNiUa 1T.uQoJI1 i ••••I1 ~_ , .

Luallin-Palm'er CAN'yO"N'Wedding Rites " '.' .... .... ..'Held Here Saturday ..ECHOES ...We4dlng vows of Miss 1,lndn. SUf: L _

Lua\l{n, dllugb!er o( Mr. and Mr~. Mr. and ~rll. ~. M. 8lleltoll cp.A. W. Luallln of Ruidoso, lind ,J'oJ1pl.ertalned Mr, lind Mt/f. James Shel.F, :Palmet:. son of Mr. lind Mrs. J. top and Mr. and Mrs. Prlggs JtlngPalmer Of. Poplar Bluff. Mo.. were of Post. Tex.. lal>t wee~nd.'rhesolemnized In n double-ring, candle- Kings' chUdren, Wenden !1nd ~"rry.IIg1l~ ceremony held onSalWday, were alsa gJJes!:s of the Sheltpri$.JUly 13, l1t 8 {l.m. in the First Bap. Mrs. ·Shelton rep<>rted that ,afterIIs~ Church In Ruidoso with Rev. Ihelr guestS left theIr century plantR. L. Swanner omclaUng. bloomed. .

The church was decorllled with MI':l. Joe Crump. of MISsion, Tex••ba~kets .of white gladloln and bright visited In RuldoSQ early th.1s majestic daisies and (erns, and Mrs. DQlly Pa~terson or El Paso.whltc tapers burned In seven-armed who owned a cabin !:leL'e some ;vearscl\.ndel!1bra. Mrs. Oan Griffith, ago. visited In Ruidoso WednesdaysoloIst. sang "I Love You Truly", this wee~, accompanIed by Mrs.and "The Lord's Prayer". accom. Estcr G!l1Is. El Paso, who Is a rep.panled by Mrs. Jessie Lee HaWkIns, l'esenlaUve of the Irving Moser 00.,Who.. also pln'yoo the traditional wed. ready·to-wear manUfacturers.ding marches. Mrs. Anne Jungman. forme~ly Qf

The brIde. given In marriage by .Alamogordo, has )~1Qved l:Jack toher father. wore a. fonnal gown or RU!doso and Is now residing at hQmeWhite silk organza with embro!pered wllh her mother, Elsie Wl1llums Inroses outlining the round neckline I{uldoso. .and accenllng the bell shupcd ~klrt.· Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Vaughn oflIer elbow lenll"lh veU of silk illusion Bakersfield, Calif.. who. were RUI,was fastened to a pearl embroidered doso residents a nwnbcr of yearspillbox. She can'led II while orchId ago.· VisIted Mr. anp Mrs. FranksUrroundI'd by while slephanols. Barajas last week·end.

MaId 01 honor was Betty Burns. Karmen Brumbelow, college stu.Morlnrlty, N. M., a college room· dent at Ft. Worth, was due heremate 01 thc brIde. and Jane Parnell. this week spend the rest ot theof RUidoso Downs Was the brides. slimmer with her mather. Mrs,maid. Bolh were dressed In pale Edna Brumbelow, ml1naser at silk organzl\ over lurre!u with uJo Lodge. 'Kl!,rmen visited l1ere lasta filled bodice and a bell shaped summer. She attended: the firstsldr!. They wore head plcces whIch st'f.'msler of sUminer school In Ft.malchl'd theIr drt'SllN and carrIed Worth thIs yenr before comwg out.:whlll:' carnations with bluo trl'V. Greg RUJnbllUgh WOll to tecelveEltzabelb Alln Bums, MorlarUy, an/:! medlenl attention in lL Roswell 110/$"

'Ln)'1on Capel/n. ~nhoka. Tcx. wt'r~ pltal early Ulls week,Ihe cnndlellghters. Mr. lind Mrs. Bill lfl\J of RuldollO

Oary Baxler of Cannon AFB. Clo- Tmdll)g Post were In Albuquerq'!eVl~_ was best man. and Phil White. Oil business carly Ulm week.RUldo'>O. nnd C. D. Crouch. Jr. Ala, " '. •.lllo11ordo. werc usher!>. FolloWIng a wedding trJp to MIs-

Thl' bride's molher was drcssed sourl. the couple will be at home InIII n g(lld and whllt· silk suit w!t!;l Porlules. The bridegroom Is JJ. mem.

• beige acccssories Ilnd n white earno.· ber of the U, 8. AIr FOrce zrt;aUonedlion cormye. ' at Cl\nnol) II.FB, Clovis. The brldo. _. .......- -:-., _

A rceepllon WIUI held In the Oold Who graduated from RUidoso HIghRQom of the Holid:\y House Immed· SChool nltendcd Eastern New Me'Sl.lnlely lollowlng the ceremony. with CD University at Porto.les.apprOXimately 75 llUl.'8t:l attendIng. Oul-ol·town guesls Includcd UleThe brldc'fj mble Was covered with bride's granllmother. Mrs. Loral\ whllc ncl cloth over blue BaUn und Porterfield, Tahoka, Tex.; Mt. alld ­was centered with a a,tlered wedalng Mrll, 8. W. Capelln. Tnhokn. Tex.:cnke placed on 1\ blue mirror and Mr and Mr~. O. E. Burns. Morlnr­~urrounded by whitt' and tty. N M.; Tex Dever. Bfutron, Me,~tt'phanotls. A..lstsllng with the servo chern, Joyce Holder, Mr. and Mrs.Ing were Mrs. RIchard Fox. Mrs. A. O. Holland and Mr.• and Mrs. Ken,Vernn Hnynes and Ml5s Donna ncth Kelsay.Cnpelln. MiSS Capelln Wll!l also In --.------,..'1:"charge of trie gucm book. News Want-Ada Work Wol1t!en

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$EP'1\ 12 Tt-IRU 22

$1351000~ lN PRSMlUMS

. ., . , . ., ..


__• 0 '_'


Artesia FirmOpens Car Agency'nll' Anr1"l'rl:oll Farmer Nl'w llnd

IT,,(ilrl''nT''Sa\(''' \\1". 'JTJ(~T"w(,l'k on JIIghwny 70 I'll-'lt of the

Jaml''' Andl'f<,oll "lutl'd Wedll~­dllY Ulnt Ih(' car o;nle" hrrt> Is a.brnneh 01 UIl.· Anderson FlInner'Motor CQ of Artl'.la whert> thc linnha~ thl' Ponllne-endJl1at' ngelley andhandll''! n Inrue (\!,'lOrll1lcnt of alltypt>'l of nt'\\' nnd lL'Wd cars.

J()(, Ball('l1l.ler I" munngl'r of theRuldow car tot which will carry a!llTlJ{' ~!lJ('k 01 ~. and u.'\CCi cars.Andt.>r"on '-'ltd Anderwn mentton­I'd thnl !hl' ('aN wId here cnrry a"uarnn!('(' 01 Illt' Andl'r'loOn Farm.C'r Motor (~ of Ar1t'5lll and tha~

nnnm'lnll nn all cam IS r('l\lllly aVtlll,abl(' .-•... ,-_."'--'"=--,-----~ _.._.--••••••••••1111.11111••111••••••,

tf~~WttANORSavt Trllllh"· &: HSjWlt'l._I.clIll ll'mn

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()IlLY8e,·eno lunUll( AU,"IUNla IlAlNUSS

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ANORVour "'11' e!'teek PlIn tor eyerJWq

"No &xttaa"



SteaksQuick BoyDowntown Ruidoso

••••••••••••••••••••••••--.'-~ 'c--~".......,.,. ..... __ '..... =1:.$1.. '.,-...... i 'ad' I 1' .......


Learn to Knit

NEW - NEW - NEW1lel'lltMrlt Knill

.... Il1lporte4 at"'.lr...Cttni .....

II ulll..all Phrl"a('h. h =tt ... It , • CU\C!~

Ihlnl W...\ll ••,l"yuf Ih. momh "I1 50 " In Villi I",NUIII"" 11"'11"'1 .C' " ..VunAI.. "rea·hlo"t.

• ' • 1,1"j l.l.~ ",'{'k,'j /' 'I H 'oAllf.", tu''. • /: I !lll 'IJ "tf,,'n

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OLD MILLC.JIl. •. /';w,"rUH - YUm - ISonka - Itflcorder.

I 1\1 Ii', Jy,()

H ulnoRo NeWflI I.~ I'I J!llt:l










"_____ --._...__..__._.,_"........._'._........,_'_ "11~"_N.

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- ._"_'~"'._._"_._fIo_."",._._.""_._,_,_,,,,_._,,,,_._.•

Mrs. Della HaleTo Attend State:\lJxillClr.v MeetingMI'. 1),,110 Halt· 01 Ruldooo. DtI.

1'11/101('0( l'f/'ldd/·nt Qt the Amerlcan1."111011 Auxlllllry 'In New MC!xlco.

o WIll PI""'lde al Ule tortY-llCCQnd an-, -_..-----" 1111111 ~11I1(> I'onvl'ntlon wnieh will be

"Cf.UR CALENDAR 1I,·ld I"rldlW July If} Ulrough Bunday,

~I',I III thl' nl'W Blerm SChOol In• H""wl'll Mr~ Rulplr Burnwortn of.... " ... '1"'",',,1', Ito WI'II I' IIII' c'onvcnUon chairman.l-I' I I .1, 'Hft'.,~ I'"

. '. .' , ' •• ·1 p,,·,·r-tlJIlU III/' uppnlllg 0 ".c ca.n.vcn.~ , .. '.. " hft "0" 011 '111Uflld1lY evening. July I~.I ' •• ..' ,. '" 'l",... wIll lI,· lln-,'XOcuUvc commIt-I '.\ • "... f' ••,.. 11", '" "'"llnK III IIll' Holiday Inn In,',,": ,,'. ... ,.:: .,..;. 1It""""'11 whN" Ih/· Auxlllnry hend,r. "., .. ,.. ' •.. " """alll'/" WIll II/' 'lbero will be 1\.I . '" ,I V "1'11<"11/'1111/"- on K8W8-TV II) Ron.• ,-' '. \., ,,11 111 4 30 P m TIlUrllday with theI (~~O:.,... j AliII'I "'(111 1,(1/IUII Commander John MRS. JOHN F. PALMERVD.... I.: .- aup".r .y-o . , lUI IJII' 01 Albllqul'TlIUC and the = _. ._~.__._._.__1'1 " T,,~.,1111 nl.hl al 1 I\U'l.lllI Y l'''l'~ld/'nl Mrs. Dclla Hale .•.U,'MS. Grou.p Has Humane Soci~y

~'$. J~"JlJ.. Hut Itl fUcr·I· Iv-flY

~ " I.nll '>\ b'ock from, 'Ukllill Pllrt . M . M' b A. "."". ""'Illarth I>.~. ~. I' M 111111' Will addre611 the Junior Regular eetmg em CI'S ppp-arr I."", .•.• h.. ... ,WI"UI· ul Ih,· Auxlllllry on FrIdAY A B . t Ch h B f C't C 'III" .• 1<.. '1Y 'ur l1allu 1,,",,1011,1/ lIud Oil Friday evening t aptIs ure e orc l.v oun~D' . , " ••". I 1 rlr., w. n••dlor I th 11 II ........ Womell'~ MI~lIlonnry Socl('ty AbIJlI1 11'11 member!> 01 t1w L111.' •• " , , • 3/1 " "'. "Ia"" 10 . ~, •.". will b.' R barbecuc at " 0, AU"

• ,. . , l'lit' 11111 'ulluwrd by IU dance nt In. 01 \lIe FIrM BllptM Church ml't coin Coul1IY Ihvnnnl' SoUI'!Y appear-• \ /{ .11""'''ao '·har./er No. , ""II '. M,'mntlal 111111 II. brcnkll\ Thutlll!lIY IMI week nt thl' 11burch I'd b"lot(. lhl' VIIIUlcll' 01 RUidosoI ..... '" "rch" of Ih. Ea.l· 'I ... · lI'.·" '.eIIl'dIJINI lor Saturday lor Ule rl!lJulnr stUdy. Mrll J(l(l Orn· 'l·T\.1'II'eQ In lhelr rl'g1l11lT 1Il('C1l0l~

,.". tttAr, rn""la lb. I h". I '1 Ilh th I h I k J T u' ...> "" ::-... ••, ... ,,1 Thur.t1DY 01 1 '"0' "II III III lht.> Holiday Inn w en ...m apenC( 0 In('(I. ng w e 'lllur<;duy n IJ t lI!!t WI''' 00 r,r.-,•. /'. ~ ·"'r mnfllb.• II m. 'til' (h'llIlrtlllt'nt prellldl'fli Ilnd Ule plnylng of Iho uroup'l; Ih'l'me song. NI. prl'5ld('nl 01 'Ih(' Llllcoin County., " . '....10'" 81u bill/dIn.. ,., ,,'IMy WIll honor Ihl' do,nnrlment "We J{nve A Slory To Tcll··. Mrs HUIllIllll' 80"lelY. lold lht' Iruslees

l "ot••• ,. Vlaillb. •...- 0 W 11 tl d tl I I d b' ' ..rn...... ....Ieom.. •. "" ll11v/\ II1l'mlwrll eorllO elltl\ (laVe 10 ova onn tlllll u hUllllUl(' BDeII'l)' III el.'n or.'I.. 'orlall.d Wom.o·. ....10.· CHIll'r "cUvttlt.>" plululed Include R WhIch WlUl tuken Irom LUke. Chnp. gnnlzl'd In order 10 Inkl! care of

'l., I . r 'b. Vlnl Cbrl.oUAQ Cburcb I I'" l Prl'.~ld'·IIl!l Pllrlcy lunch 8atur· ler Ill, verllCs 41 lind '12 On the pro- Ktray aod home!cll..'l anlmlllB nll w(lllJ.,', .... ". 'Irat Monll",r ot ncb (\II~ III It\(' VlIln"ll OMc. rmd 11 Jolnl [(rnm for the ml'('Un" WM Il panet 1\'1 nnlmal!! which had bllel) hurl.

1.1 I, I .. , ..U.lrl.... and .t"ct~ at '" f ,.. M th C!t" I It'. • I, 'Of' b .1 7 IlII IJ In , .." 'flll HnlUtdny nllernoon 0 ".e dlflcll$lllon on" Inilltry to I' Y. lind to pn'velll ocul and county c I,, 1.'·Il.flU [wei /hI' A.uxlIJr"y 4~ Pear· with Mra. Oruham Ifl clllirRc. Mrs. zerm from IJI:'1llY hurl In nil)' way by~ .... "" ,,", AIlIlIlorlulll with Dr John t..oro 8l.nndlcy clo·('(1 Ule meetlllg Il~ruy allllnnl!!. und Illat UII:' humane' I.. AlIll

.. ,. I. 1'1. M.,,,, '. l"~ prlnc/pal 81lcakl'r II. ban· wIth II prayer A vl!lUor at We meN· lIOCIClY wnll lil 11/.'f..(\ of fundll. to op.r . . • " '1'11'1 lI/1d dlUlCl' hM been tlet for BItt- Ing wnll Mrll. Millie Marabl(' from emle,lI propcrly. Trut'll p.nld memo

•. " I •• ' 'If dr> ~ wUhl al IUlllIUn nail Olnndllle. Ar";, who wall the lJue!l1 bers 01 \hi' humtu:e <o('lely would' , . , .,,, I·:l...·tloll IUKI In:'lnllatlon of new of Mru. W B Dt'll'hl'r like \0 know What Ihc elly could do

.... I • "·.m.,,·. A III." or U.. OJ/h/,·,. .. Will bl' held by Ule Aux. ~~. _. • .... _._ ..:;-_.- 10 hc"p tile !«JClely.MIlIUlclnlly May.0, . '" I ,,,,, .. b .." IhlrlS dIM VI M or Warrt'n 'l'uc'ltl'r !>I\ld tllBt 1\ bUd-',. ' •• "r I". m..nlh a' 7 ao u. ra.. I:ll.f\ nil Hun Ill' 1lI0nJl\iJ rar· Zamora- ontoyaf •• , . I, "unead 11111111 IHI1I1II1 of L<xI AJnmOlJ, woo 'Ret had l\lready be('n <;('1 up for tills

III... 1\' ". IUla.l..n"" U"loo of 1111" './'f\l'd l1!l IIrr.t vlce-prcnld~nt Wedding Set Aug. 10 y~ar and Uml no Ilrovt~loll!l bad••. 'r~".l'... 11.,,11'1 c-IIu...,h m••la : 'III' \.'tlI I. IlII' only c.andldJll& tor been made III It for doqs

I II t .".f)., uJornln« tlum »" 0 ,.' !d' In Cap'ltan• 'll, • "' In I... ',om.. 01 memo IIIII' ulll('" 01 dcpnrtment praz en.. • Tr\.ll;IN' Jodlt' Plllell1an I<Ut\lll'swdI.. I \11 Or IIIIU1 hnt. vl~llcd III RuldWlO Mr and !lfrn Don!')' Zamora 01 Ihl,l Ihe city hllVt' 1\', IllwYt'r cht'ck1 I... H,., /·'••bl'l"l1ao C!lureb I" flU • f C I I th f rth 1\1 I'''' 0, ~rr 'blf II 'V."n••dar .... , "II ""U1y UCCM olin lll1 .. • CS. I) liP Illn nrc alUlOunc nr; co' Inlo thc-l('gnl a~peclq 01 t II! ense••• , 1 nn ~ ,...1 lb. (,bu",b. 1\1" ""II' . comlll,ll Wt'ddllll: of Ulrlr daughl(·r. alld r('porl 10 Ihl' cJlY eouoel1. VIl,

, - Italobo. . - -'-- Oerlrude. to Monroy MOllloyn. on mgt' Clt'I'k Jlln Wnl' r<,portl'd thaI~m~ OIrl, " ....mb· I () I' S M b' a.turdll)', AURWlt 10. at 10 n.m III 135 dOli UCI'(\.Wl'I lind \leen r.old for~~ ~~\l It WHit tacb I . ',... em ers thD Sttcrcd lIentt Catholic Church In Illl' pallt flr.clll y('ar In RuIdoso~. \ttI1.1 t~~::.~...;t,t~ SJa tl' Bnkf.' Sale CJlplllm. " rl'Ct'pUon will be held Tht' Llnl'oltl Culmly lIumallC B0-

n 8 II /I I S d J 1 27 following tho ceremony ell'll' will tnkr care of all flmy andI "'1m., ~.l~ . at 11ray. u Y homrle"., nnhnat". llnd ullyone find-

• '" ,. RAlo, Ml'fubNlI olllll.> Order of· thll EM\- IIIIf ~u('h an llllllnnl'l call call CL 7.I ••• " ",••u a.."h ""'1 bT'bu~~;'~oZ (" II 81M. dlll.plcr ~ III RUldo:lo have 30m lor Inforl1luUon or If t1I(,y kllowI ........., b ..m. "lac. oll1(('d 11 11I1kc nalo for Saturday. JU1¥ 01 11ll1mnL'l which ,hould be plckro' ,.... I •• ' AlIa"IArr l'I e,1 Ihllllooo Food Mart In upperI •. " I II" '.. ~r ,.".. ItUllll~~(1 I\lld nl UII' Hollywood Food UIII, ' I" II •••• I'".t 1V "r I". "Inri In Ill" Hollywood P08t OfflceI " I '. • "..... • .. h flml f'/IIJPIIUII/ p r(>l\ AU kllK1ll of bake(\

" ,,, ".'.' '" A .... " .........1"" IInUlt.~ ma(\o by tht' member. willI IIAt. 11'.011" ,.'" d, ..p"" m..1 .allb IJ(' lur 'lll II.' , It Wlll1 rtlporl.ed..'-fleu' .. nd fourth MODda, ftl,ht.. _. +-.. _ ..,. ~ _ •

I·Wo....". ,,"or'"a, .1 CbuNlb 0' mUlUU1UUUUmUlUU*.~Ulmm,hn., I" lb. Oa'a.a, ...."' nral IN A 11".tnV'h ,....t.y .. I lh. mOblt. a' 1Il. , •"lut. h "' b lId11h., I· brlart.n ''''_D or 'II. .. c'an U "~r;h.... h ,- ..cb '_lllS Tu.cta, 'nmbcrLodafl In II

II•• ,"""Ih. a\ "10 II. .... DII10I ,"". day,. tor a ..utat .I. .,. a "no"n"" 101.' hOllflfl. or- your IMlm'iZ .1110.1110'" Wornao', <-'tub mMllJfiI,Ilb•· ..nll W ..fn..d.., at nuldOlo "'_, Srfl our bt. "d.". "'ub b"lIdl". 01 ,,00 II. IlL. lIS'. UUUIIUlnUIIlIlllllmUSIm'tllUlIlI:DD

hili '1n tun...beon meatiq da.... "".n . • $.

••• , ..t-r,hone NtmmlU.. wUI .4y~" " -. ., ,r, \f"h""" Dt...,

j, t H. at \\ h'.f.,.ha.• j I. ,I"", "I la.II .... In Ih..

• ,,' Ill' 1.,.11.... '" ,n .. "",d to'1 .... tI,. hi.. Ie. "I... CiOf


,!i,F~f )

Hi:\ .•F:' ,· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (3)









,....~- -. "';



r 1•





• •

,----.......- ~" '. "'


.- . '



. ',~

. ~ --.



Bird ~ Ey(!Pkg.", •. , ..

• • • • • •• ••

BOOlh, l' ~ lb.Family Pod. ' .


Jiffy ••.••.••





. ... . ~



...U I11111 , U••~ .


TURNIP GREENS ~~l~l ~ trl

' , 20'

CORN ~~~~: " .



5 d· • h B \ul"'f' 25Can WIC ~gs 75 (ounl .....•.






••••••a....5!=..::••• •

CHOW MEIN. (,hlcken. (hlll1 1<",'1, 99<: ..:••Dinner For J ' .. , .. ,


'45C ee..E......a

.,~...........a......::::......5......::.......~......'....::::..............::-I ::

~ §.......­......::................::( ::~ §..............;::......I ::

C =I ::............­...... .....i::..:-......::::............::::e

~I ::


k eFACIAL TISSUE 4~~fJ~~:nl ...•• 2Sc .1,..::LOLLI PUPS DBoO~ ~~r:~~ 21~;6

E. ::~OGFOOD S~lppy , ••• ,. 3CCl~;25'c- :(.

DE' T''ER'"G'E'N'y' Energy, Giant Uox 5"'9(1" . Eetch it ~ i' ,." - _..=.'

,.ICE CREAM ,Bol'don's Goldl'lJ Vunillll

;~ Go I. . .




, -





• • II ••••••• II II • II II

. '

.c Oz.Boulo


JULY 19·20


Ranch StylI)' 2 29cNo. ~DO ,I. II II • II II II ., ... .. • • Cans

~ ",-

. ,.

._. T


Wilson's Certifi6d.. .



BEANSBEAN DIP ~~t~ ~~~ 1• , ••••••••••••• 30'

GROUND BEEF .Fr~:~n~ .. :3 L1h.$l

BEEF RIBS Lean ....... ·..... Ib't 33~.

PORK LIVER ... .... lb. 19C


5· ALTI"N'ES Dlxll) Bello . 25C- l Lb. Sox ,I .. II ,. .. -. ; .... ~ II •••





" l

A NORSaVe Trouble • Ex~Lr.n than ==. POUNDmatataJl'llnr a home.

, '


. ,

~lIIiJJ,t$J~. lleit.,... ......... tUaCeBQk

COSMI"C CINrER.. ContainIng A:.Complef. C't:;frol Cel.crion

And Featur'ng RufdO$O'I,Only Compl.t. linGliMdx~1'

S"-,o..l' CQI'ogi1e Corner

Silver Dollar

WI': HAVEN'T BI':EN DOmG ~lUCIl V1S1l'ING-Thls "ummerwc've ~n II/) b1lll)' we bavm·t done mbch vllilUI'J,C "'1th ourbome toUts aJ\d nel,bborlnr bwlntssel-but oome Wlowr time,",e'U be .ro1ltlc1 aJ\d abouta~ wUh r.ll-walt alld see. .


.................................................... 'f .



In Ruido'So


Fl'3hrrlnjt M-Fl. Ferrill'\'b~I, Jobn G~n Jbtreo-

oald JUde and 6 OU1er~ltclUng Rides lor AU ~I!I

;•'" ',

The Ink Well, ==."

PIU$ fhe Ever P~pular Pan-O..Bama 18"HoJ.9.. Carpet Golf Course .

On the River Near Downto'WnRuidoso•

Look for Our Sign on Main Sheet


- - • = Fe,11''''''__.;;_ "_Ii _11"_ ._cr_....._l'JD_II..._...,~:Cf..~..l\J..,O'..S...;;_._I.. ,

-r;. i.".t~ ':" -,~....... __'.


Steak HOUle and' SaloonAgents UNDERWooD Typewrlfera . Tinnie, N. M. .i ='Adding_Machine8,~Calculators , . .. =a

.-_ ,.. . N ~.'.&:""' N i;f;mr:,;::.e~.:· ..~ -II...._._o _._ro re_c ".... l_udfC"1_'I'_~"t_"'_~ ,_a_I. Caretln" io'Weaarifg'Ri'cip"6nJ".-tu'ncheon Club. •

r:- • , .'- . .• a afld SpecIal PartIes 5 :I(, II :I For reHrYatlonl call 653-4425 =!i Be Sur. To Visit •I \ ..

~"·~~·~··;·;:~·;::~·'::~:~·;:;::"·"·;"··Ei• •• •: See Out Bargains In Used TV's : !• • •• "Servlce 1S1 Experience - Net E:sperlmmta" • -.-~ MINNIX RADIO & TV ~ §• •=• -6ALES A SEJWttE- • ..· ~. .• J«51 SUDDERm DRtv"", ••

:.' f,ER.OY MtNNlX. 01nItt :. .5I'Mnc CL To56U 1'. O. 80. 12M: ReallfCl1Ct!o CL '-52ll3 ' ltClldOllO, New MexIco : ::••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• =

, ! d ,._ _ , • _ " , _ _ .'

, .,.. .

. tffJ?·· .\~i.,~,.. ANOR

~Sales - Service - Installation

On All Gas AppUancesCL 7-5032

TUEltE IS NO SlInSTITOTE FOR E.XPERIENCECL '0G315 • - NlthllJ Call - cr. 'l-us5



(" """';<~"i ";',~,:" ";;:.";;;,';:.,;;;,,,,... .. 19u'e. '&' 'Bnm-t'o ¥,. ·~.:~d(,f~ 'mlU!lEN'" -!L ' .. ','",,".; ;'''''',:~.l;'. I\R. ~. . .. ' y " ..,,"~ QJSo ews (II ,! .:' , ,j .');Ix 1\111"'.4 (,1PIQ~.' '. J)'l4Jl,y, ~ul)" 19, 1963 :::. \ .;. R··; h. , Mr, l\mI MIll.h. N. ""u~4t g! Nii;W··~VaroJ;t.P1JE ,.f' "" ;;,: , ':/ ~ ,:\;':1;::~::~ ,BonlW, Q~IJI W/fl_ Jl~H\f':!~t,tl't.1f ft4J:" RggJ. ;;;,' '" " '.".,' .5Ql1l.~;mtvtr§JrY~rtn* .,.,' , ~,fi~ lh.jl Tnwls, wMj: ," ." ~:,,;,:. ' '), /, " $Uncfll; p.rn.. tt.I4 Hm"!;11 ,'g. ~; ~~. 'n:I!vI!$ ~Qol of p<\lnUug •t, . "'. ~:..-..oi', t~.;;;; f: <Jr~n, Mr, 'nP MTI1,A-tV!'} ]}~J$. ~lil1 ,'Usnl' ~! H!il\ B~nk here' 01\ I.I ".:. : I~~ ~~ ,: .,' '" ,. ,;: ' Robqrt B\l~hl 9' Bll~11q PIW '$44' ~erth, Pnv~. Irt. ~almer GateWl\Y,!.. "", ' "'" :' " " I:"," i' '. ,l1l.etr l;Ijl\lgb!~r M~ h~i' Mr. teJl!l~ t4l:$ w~~k U\at Don Pllrk· =ri ;'.:,.,;.;":',' ". ;,..1"" ".;!i".;' ""';'1: ~mq Mrg. ,il~ CP*, Qf~!lJ4@, .' li;1$pn,.~llQWr at -'l'ellall Tech col••." ••. ,.: ' x'. ~".. . ".t '., ,I. LuJa. OQbll1'An4 NPrmtm 8UM~11i l~e, L\!~~k, Tell., 'Is que hcre In =: ~ , ,~1"~""4/""; 'I werem~rrt~ao1ulY IS, t(tl~AtNIl$a.I, A!J\UlSt t!) Jolnt.M fl\Qulty of her llrt =~;.,,' '''/~l'.~}':' :' ,: '. ~': i!ho~~ ~ J~~~ewb~1; ~i~~:'::~fl f9f tM ~~lBnce of thc stirn· a

,,'y. •"" .. I, ',"; ':".:',;\,';,.... :,:,~. ~~gr:t~ tlhC:/l::f~¢~Wlk~ 1f1.1:f;ip~tswllre lierve4wthe following; =~."" • 'f" ',.' and brldelIT9<>m' W(ln~ . t.Q t.M~l)eW Mrl:l. RlU\Jlelfl'-III!iter , EUla I!~ol(l" •l',":' ...,.... :~ . ~";,. homeAtNo«alt.~k4.w~~Mr,B~Mll bel' ~~ughte,r Mrs. Paul .~t. =, ,! ',",' . ,. , 1":- '1 nels was emplQyea ~s ~ wawh,mJul water lUll' !loq, !'.lIfrom Pellis. =1 ",:"',: for Ulo rnllr<>ll4. Mr. nunnew went 0/1111.; Mr. Mq~a. Kenneth ?IC~. =

...-"/' ._,) to work for the 1'8IJroal\ lJll!199 and ~rs(m And Qh/ldrop from Elldll,. Ml. •! '.' ,. ,,:. .:~·'i] rem~Jlied wllh 'Ulem lPl~l M retl.rf!rJ lI\d Mrs. Tom Zumwalt, NOU~I. ~r, =

' ..c __••_,~, In 1950. . .lnli Mrs. ROy LaMay, Nogal, MIS. =.~. ",''" ., J'ei'rl steuJ!S, N~l; J.;.orzlUlCY nnd •

, ROBERT OGAS - Teacher of In mo. Mr. ll.nll<UrIil. RlllWels Je$Sle Morgan, Cll,pitan; Mr. lind =ROBERT SHENKIN - Indv~· Business and P. E. moved to the Bonlt\) allq lum~ l;)eell Mrs. Bl"Ylln'cpmllr, BonilDj Mr. Imd :trial Arts and Social Studies. . on the aonlto ·ever $\llDll, 4. JJ~ of Mrs. QU P/tterB,aonlto; Mr. and •* "'" _ ·frtencls and nei~hbors callc:4 on the . .()erald . Tully apd rnild.rmJ, :

HONDO HIGH EMPLOYS Runtle)s SUnday alternQQtl ~n 01l:ncoe; Mr. and Mrs.ll\lgh Trul.'tl, =many beautlfulglfls. Ml\n)' gifts ~nd BonIto; Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hams. =

. '" beautlful cl'lr~ W~re recelv~ Irom nUldQSQ D<lwna; '.' =THR' E·E NEW TEACHERS ,1 frIends and relatives who coukl not· Mrs. Scott Mitchell. LUbbock. :

. nttend. The Golden Weddlng Uleme Tell.', Mr. and Mrs. Frank English. _' ' , . . was oarrledJlllt mthe beautUul dec. Carrizozo; Mr. and Mrs. LewIs:

Robert Ogas of Silver City. has, * oratIons throughout the hoWle. The cummins and Mrs. Sellers, Cnpltan; :been employed for the coming year ..' . .. ..' ' •.. - "i'" ,.. " dining room table was coveted with Mt. and Mrs. Paul Sohrlencl'. C1\l'L~. =as leacher of busine,s CO\lJ:ses llnd', 'j'. •. II \)lhlte linen cloth with a l~r"e lit· bad' Jim II,nd lllthel Howllrd Capt. _assistant coach and phYslcll1 eduea· ~.:.. '" ~'I;i;. ",,;: ':. "', rllngemcnt of yellow mums for a Ian;' Mrs. Charlie Elam and girls. = Itlon Instructor at Hondo lligh School. .'. ....• ,.' .:r, center piece. Also on the table was Angus;' Eula Corder, Angus; Fay = S.MOKED HAMSOgns has his B A. Degree from New .' .... " ..•:. ' , . '~, ' the tradltloflll,l V{eddlnl\' cake and Wooten Cnrrlzozo Bnd Anna May _Mexico, WCSWfU Unlvel't>lty with a'l . " . :'.' . ;' 11150 the Oat white. .cake cut In LaMay' and girls ~f BOtllto:' 5major In business educatlon and . , H; . .•. .<! squares with a white and gall! be)1 Bonito Lake was 'Stocked with (1 _

minors In physical cducl*tlon Bnd . ,...~~!, ; :. In the cenler Qf each sqUAre. Cake, large load of IMIlCh trout last Thurs- :economics, OgllS Is murrled, Hei'>,... orllnge sherbet puncb, nuts and day. . = LB 4plan.'1 to move to tbe valley llbout t ......>' '. ... ;', • SpeD<llng the wook-end at Spark.: SHANK 9¢Aug. 20.' • """'- ',' >,(1"' : ,: froln the $llmfl COl!~Q'~. and from man's Idle .Moments cllbln were Mr = I •

lUred lD teach biology, chemistry, I • £:< :; /. , . 1 Rutgers University .... new runs· llDd Mrs. "Shudy" Harvey ami chll· • • •• •physIcs and speech at Hondo HIgll " ; ~ l~':'-r-1' . . Wick, New Jer1lCY. and New York dren of MldlaD<l. Tex., nnd Mr, and· =Is Alnn D. Coston of Albuquerque.: . ;"'-'''''i .' ';J<, ....,.~ • Stllte University In O'swes-o, N. Y. Mra. Harold Waters IUld children of : B 59He is mBrrled and has two dnugh· "4·',:~','1:~,, ,Jj~'~' Mr. lind Mrs.-Shenkln and their two Roswell. :. BUTT PART L ¢tel's. Costal! received· his ~. A. De· ,;.~.:... ; ,~""", '.' 1:.1 . '" :', \ daughters wUl move to P1cacho the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hurr. nl.'plll'w =- .gree Cram Ann Arbor, Mlch.. und' ,~",c;.+lJlof" "1. '\ .C'~.' , ..C~ latter part of "'ugust. HUj. uw;!el'8rad. Lloyd' !tom Pampa, Tex., llnd 11 • . •• •has over 20 semester hours In grudu. ' .~ . ':~~ •)':'I:~ • ,.;:~,;::<' 'c uate major Is. ID<lllStr~, m\Jcatlon nephew Ernest SCay from Roswell. :ute work. He hhs a mBJor In zoology ~,,', '7. ...-::'a -..:.,~ with a minor In AmeMCjln HIstory. sPCnt several days at the Hull :IUld a minor In speech. He has hud "'; «": ,,"':~. ',), He bas mne Years U!lIoCflln, cxper· cabin on th<J Bonllo. . ::four years (ellChlng experience. r~, ';i" ~1r f<.iI,' ience. . .••• Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thompson of :

As head of thc Industrial Arts Dc· , 'Ji. tIf." '~~ " RolSwell 8p6n~ the week-end lit their •. ',' .'. Improvement Job cabin Ilt Bonito City, Also from no:;. =

••'.......Ulllllll\lIllllltllltllllltQllllllllllll'MIIIl'... Awarded DIPaolo' well for.. the wee~~nd were Mr ulld :.IN':\ nURRY? ' - TitreI.' bld.~ Wtlre submitted for the Mrs. Taylor, •

We can build a school improvement ~rk 10 be done Mr. lind Mrs. "~d" KelleY \\,{'r<> :TlinberLodge III 1£ ALAN D. COSTON _ Science . at the llondo High Bcbool before home for the wook-end from Ama· =

few d.a)'lS for a gUl'8t the opening of school. The lowest rilll>, Te"". '...houae, or )'our home. . teacher and t {} a chit r of bid w/lS that of tho DiPaolo Con. Wilma YOIlnB .has returned to mI. :

Sec our big ad. Speech. strucllon Co., of ~el1 In Ute lego In AmllrUlo to resullll.' hl.'r=.* nmount of $3,860. The t.w.o other bid· .studles.:;••••~_..__~._...-.r._,. p;trtnwnt. l!l(' Uon<lo School Board ders were Hall's ConstrucUon 0(' .Mr. nnd. Mrs, Mom:ol.' Hall nnd =bas blred Robert Shenkln of West Hollywood. -N. M., aI\d Henry Her· daugbter and niece from Lovlm.'1on. 5Bubylon. Long Island. New York. nandez of Roswell. DiPaolo Informed and Mr. Hall's Pllrcn13' Irom Len·l. '.Benlde!l 'clnsses In Industrial Arls. SUperintendent F. S. MOD1c3 that land, Tex., !;pent the week-end at (he eShenkln will wach "'merlcan His. work v.;,ould begin llOOD. Smokey 1be Bear Molel In capll/lJl •tory lind Amcrlcnn Govcrnmcnt. • • • ,Tho Colks did GOme f1tlhlng Ilt BOllito :I

No more Innen pIpes, no Jllum~r Shl!nk1n has hi!} B, .... OegrCC from Mr. and aIrs. Montes and 80M Lake While here, but did lWt Mvei•extJellSe-movc In Nov. Jilt. ArIZona Slate College in Tcmpe, To Attl!nd ScbOll! In &Iexloo much luck,

............,.,....._ ••_ ......,..._ ... wllh 22 l}ourn of' araduate credit Mr, and Mrs. F. B. MonlclS and -

, ". tlOM. Bobby and GUbert wUl leave For barralN In neW and u.~t'd!! S BACON~R~U1~dbo(Ps"llloHYKaocaor?T-crEaSc.,.k~ ~~:W~I*!~~?~~~I:;i ~~I::u~~alal(f~~~~. II~ <1ay. a LAB .

A. mo: CollhUlla. Mexico, MrlJ, MOllte3 ::

T d N· ht 7 I~:ll 9 will enroll In elar.oos of dance9 and IN A. flURRY' I- BY PIECE LBues ay 19 - p.m. u p.m. Bongo of McxlCD, MexIcan cookery, \Ve can build a-Any Group of ~ 00rNMLoyro$cJo.oonRJace For Trophies- and tho Mexican Drama. Su~t. Mon· l1mberLodre In a::' ••

te.~ wJl1 otUdy Mexican Folktore. tho rew da)'l for • curs!Hl!ltory of Mexico, and will enroll bOlllle, or )'our bom,e. -In till C!ducallon coun:c tor tcacltcrn SeC! our blr ad. Sof SpnnLsh. Bobby BOd Gilbert will =tl1~ prlvlltc lmtrucUOZl!I In gult4r, ~~'~~~~~!!!!~~~~~plus dl1neC9 and &01lill or Mexico. ::: • '0==' _.=Gilbert wm enroll In a claM fn Span.LshColJlpotlUoll and Bobby In acll\!l:l In tho H1tsIoJ)' of Mexico. '11utMontes ramlly pla.n!J to vtnlt Mon­terrey and othl!r nclgbborJng clllenIn Mextco, The hlghl(ght of their ntaywllJ be their lltU!ndanco ilt a Mexl·CM Fie<;t4 In SalUllo. They wlU beIn Mextco unUI AUp/~ 6.

..' . : ;;






Ju.tglve tis a l:olJarid weill quicklyexpertly, dnd lnosteconcunically cureall your home'selec't,icallllslCallus todayl. ,

____ .....L ....--..Appliol'lce IteflafrsBonded ... Ucensed Confracfot$

, . ,

.cnm. Block WGsi of Navajo L4dge.A,geQCY. Fof't8kQ NeoltSi~.lJ\c.

Ughtmg; rOOUtu·--- LamPi .Bonded ....... Licef1Hd

Cotd:racfar.,~ Phol1&CL 7..5045. '. .., .:... ,.,ltu!dO$O Slnci19UO..... .









,· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (4)


, .. '

, .


I.. '






. .,






• >

,. ' .

',.' "-. .,

, .






.tor Appliances. or SulanG'aDa Propane can, '

.. .,.,.•• " ,,_ ,.:~, ',_'. __, .....;..,. ,-",~",_",_.,.,_", ..... ,_, ~ ....._.~, ,_ ._." ~ •• ,,~ ..",~""..........~_\i.<. ••"~"","",,,,,,,~ - I j!jj -· ....B'.. · .... ,,,~' .. , '"' ";"D" .L...."-~,_"-'._,._ ',', ,~_ .,'~ ....._,

..From YoUr- .lbplllUlClfl':

FOR COMFORT ', - ~. ,

WhenY'ouWantWarmth- - -, \ " - - #-



." "

, ..

•.-. - ... ',

, ...- .... ,.,...", ~". .. ..

. 'I $ ?! ,


"our unt l'ht't'k paYR lor C!Vtry~"No Estras"

~".#;.*##~.#~~"*#••••'.,•.. ..~ '",,- .-



LOT SPECIAL'a LO'rSl ~'~1l0' "eacb wlth tlecllf..ctty, gOod water well and oli1y 0Il0block ttot'n Iltahway 70. Bol.h lotsfor onlY $2.200.


.•..••.................;DICK'S :

'Trading PostWe Buy. Sell orTrade Anything

of ValueAcross lrom Sky.Jtkte

On lD«hway 'It







It's the fruitiest! Delightful orange;

,,L'T'tL.:e-rXX~R'~, '-"'tangy lemon and colorful lime I~lrl. ,A,T ANY PARTY all through this luscio~s th.rb/et.

You never tosled su~h' CI.prltelyflavor. Dilcoverexcittng I'unth Bowl~ Sh.rbtt fonlght, party ot no.

, ,






" II "f ~t...,

""'1'"1\'1l!"1h'll.....,ITb,hutt I~ t, III'" -:.0,n',"pip­I • 'C


r;~'!..II "• oJ! II t,t.'~n

r: II,· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (5)

· ,





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,. ,. rn. Worablp

'hi MYV •,," I (·umml...loD

• " m. til 1'1..., I' m &1 8t..

"< CJ'cJ" " m. ulIl...

f .e(: Un,,' l!<onedlc'tlo&

'" . 4. famonl OV....t 'J'

. •v "vf'nln,. at.·".t. JlI,.,,, .,.. for8 all

.•m. by ...oulnt-

•. ,


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•....... 'r

" rn •~ f , ,um~nlon 10:13 a.m.


FO~~ SALE.Bar and Cafe

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I'If., I ~ •,... .,

'Wg$hip-rHIU VVOCK

(111 ... 111:"1 TIla:D: II.\I'TIKT cue.c.n... J I. n"'7, 1'&••••Uutdd.P Ihlwn•. N......'"

• ':II .; ,,', ., "tl In."ro~n~n" t'netln, .·31 p. an.• r, '.' Ii. I"i 11 •. n:s.l'rftl<lIer.Q r;.""h'ft: ,,&0 o....W.,I NllI!lf Ill'r~"'., 0:30 0. •

I "".. .~" II 4341.O"TEU\\ I III lUll .,,. OU.I.l'

"1.11""0 WblU10o. Hlnltt."undo,. .."r't 'f'.'fa, t· •\\', ii -, i

\\"'1\" '" " I'roYl'r :,r".Unlrt ti.' ~ ~ 1 ".' ~"'" '1 tit A<m. Tburad.,ItAdln 1". l ~ ,I1J. !il tll A ttL UundU

IiI" '1' "II \ 'I I T " ... IHIlTf ,-, ':' It'1. t ,,~auu.h••t ••tor, •• Io~ a( •.:;Uacl

rr~' .t. ~,. VI f moss.... : nul•

·e . II,; , • ~ :€ nfa f!'i'~et'Y Sun-': • .' 4 '" ~. gan Pa·

-, ,. "f ,,' ·,11'101" Mood'"'.".' •• 'fl, IluldoaoI., r: :.. tn.\l$lY fnomln..-~'lI I.. f ~J:J '·..tHldo grammar.. t • f, .' , .d';,t:>rur.OD8 1~C5 ,." H.iI f' 'ft C "nl¢(!". Ruldo.tJ. > .' , ;,' fH::' 1'1 u~J !l.rn.; Saa'·,1' ~ ", '" .• '~!1rnuun 4.00 p. In.

.~, . , I' 'lk:r.u are hald I.lI.f J'. I, II t,I t ~a<:'l'<f'A al SAD P...(rl' i I " ,~ , :' C·hHj~1

l.\""('"'''' I. ('IIVReU.'n.. ""lIn... U. lIra.a. y~

-fU"h('U"', ~l. Anne".lIuud"Yft, 9 'UI>;ft-rt.ft ....U. "flt, If,ulu'1'lHn.1.l ~. i ,1 ttl. J I 1,1 m

. "


Ruidoso State BankGrowing with Ruidoso

Mllniber F, D. 1; O.

'Home Cleaning and Main1cnancePainting & Papering and Cabin~t Work

Carpenter Work of, All Kind

.PHONE CL7'·5620· '.. ,

@ _,-

Our Churches

Ruidoso Laundry-Linen .SuDDlyft. Oheapeet Luxur,r a Man can Afford Is to &\Te Jil."Joams..11'. LaundrT Don... Behind Thunderbird Ow:;o • OL r-Wm ,

U "M ; , , •


" ... KeethGqs CompanySale Servic~ .

In th. Gateway Ph0I14 OL't.402M

Luallin'sSk'yland AUfo Se;vl~e~Otd J4echuuca - 'UD Motor 'l\U1...Vp, I."~ of Bank .... Phone at 1.353lS. .

rOLL UOI..aL ClMoaca••1 D M

I." L 1Il,-Sua4ay .aooLU;OO II Ill, -81011lda7 KOI'1l&DIr Wor·

.hlp,-110 Po In. -8unda7 Jlv.nlq \Vor·

.hlp't:1O Po rn. TuM<1a,- Touq Ptopl.

.. Cho\J' 1'racl1ll8,T(IO Po m Thul'l4ay- PTa,. lI..t·

lair.1'U. friaST ClHalJlTIAJf cuoacs1"..... OIU•••'-••,...."v, .Ila la7&11,.. M'.Ia'..

. Pita... CLJ-4."IUl:Ida)l ScJ1oo1-t1 .L JIl ,., ....MonIllllr Woraltl_ll:00 L .. ~ •. ,IChI Rho (1Ilu.rmldJat.) You tll_..

".l1o_hIP. • Po .. • ... "ClUaIS'l'IAM ICIIINCa lI.aVIClI:lt \\:'

8uoda)' School .,"IOM • a 0 II \\.8und.)I al ':46 L m • '

JC\"8l')' Bunda,. 11:00 .... m. I DRutdolo WOUlan'. Club 'l'1.Umoll, \\'. ".m..UOII: tOtt,.lolr I'tCUW HrYIc•e...b \htrd II'Jotla1'. 11." • : I ""I I I • II I III 11 F.M

ClSCaOSOp .JEICI CUBIIT I' I .... , 'I \ I "b...~".L. D. 8. ~ttrl \1 . 1.:1f :.,nunll ai 8t.

nuldon Llona Club Du1l41olr 1,'1. , 1.-1 II '''' ~ m..; I.8ullda,.. at 10:00 Lm. .nd 11:00 a.m. !,,1!' I'"" , ',"0 9u"olAV at 1:01

Sunda, School and " "8auamenl Keetln. \1 •

rl.81: BAPTI.T <JS".OIl '. 4....; a, L. •..tOl ;,,' ',.~'

lIuntla1' Ifchool. 11:45 .. IU I'. _ "Won"p Servlee. 11:00 L III,

rratnlnJr Union, 'rOO p m.Wonblp Service.. 1.00 Po m.W.anuday' N"ht Bervlce, 7,00Radio HM/lce. 11r16 .. m 8unda,

OATI:WAYIolIlll:MBLY OP 000 Cllt'aell

••1.... Oal•••,.". W. It.. Val11&DI,

I>untl&, radio prolrram • ... !DoI iuntlay 8c:hocl1. 'r45 .. rn.

Homlllil worablp, 11 L In.C\"8nlll. .vaulr.UaUc ••rYloe 7:10 Po IlLT.......7 I,...... W.....••J(UIl.A&f7 .Ntla... .WKnMdaJ' _vanlll. T:IO pra,er tIm.\DIS Blbl. nUd,.....ST r.aIlB"lTaRIAJf CDC.CII

Cburcb 8Chool••:46 a m.J,lomlq Worablp. 11:00 .. m.~oun. Peop,. of \h. ChUrch.

.:00 II m..VIDOIIO 8APT1ST CIIUROSW.,.• .J.7.8, •••\.tor

,palmer Oat.wa,8u1l4a, 8cboot.....iO .. Cl.Mornlll!t' Wor.bl_ll a Ill.Jo~V.h'l!J1.tlO Me..a.&-6:30 /I,m.Wild. Nlllht lnblll I:llUdy-G:80 p,m.

The ·Business Firms Whose NamesAppear at the Bottom ~f This Ad'

Make This Special Church FeaturePossible Each,Week:

, 5 _ , •

, .


'-- , ,,

.. 4 •



, .\

For resorvalions call CL 7·2255

Or write BOlC 636, Ruidoso, N, M.

Playground Equipment for Children

OUldoor Games For All The Family

OUldoor Barbecuo Area

}{i!chonotios and Fireplaces

----. " ...__••.J .......;_- _



Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilion, Managers

Recreation Spot_.... _ c· ,;••:01". s ....... : 9 t

..... '''L'''- ~~~'-"

Rustic C'aLinsl Completely Modern with

"" .. ". ,,' ,._.,




", .,


in Ruidosol's Most fabulous






.' ; ~



, .

V'LL4'NN ,MOTOR HO~ELPat Cilllblri.dc. den M.r. .... l'}louclICL 1-3iO$ or et 't-GOO,S

. ,

Once CI"all'l w. Invlt~ you to enjoy ,wlmming, dinln", dant!lnu 'or retaxlng lit

our co*ck'aU lounge In the Playground of the Sotlfhwcst', heatest, coolest, Imoolh.

.st resort molet. Carmol'lPhllllps and ·the Mad Dutchman team up with Jimmie.. .:

Howard, the vocalist lil\ick with Iho most, Youlll havo fun til'idflnd friend. at, .





,• •

Contact our offlcl' for compl(>l(' ,and llccurnte, prolcsslonnl coun:.l'I·lng on your financing probleOl'1:either Conventional or F. n, A.



.. I




., ..

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U\'In~ next wlnlcr In luxuriouscomlort-no fr('C!te-ups,






, ,.' ,".' i ,. " • .." ,'., ~ , " '






-------~----~-·-··-,·_:_·:··:7;::_~~-~-- , -

BtlJdoso P1:Io. CL 7a6145-1-

. , .... '., -", ,..

Member F. D. L O.




,- '.

The best ~oy to keep trock of your expendi.tures is with 0 checking account. This in.'voluoble oid to setting up and keeping withina budget hos shown many people thot theyspen~ 1(!s$' 'martbf'lf 'ffiey have a chedingaccount. It is easy ta open 0 checking account.We invite yours,

Suits and Dresses 1/3 to: . 1/2 OFF .

One Rack Dresses, Vals. up to $18.95 - $6.95-Capris - Skirts - Blouses - Shorts - Lingerie

1/3 to 1/2 OFF ' ... ,One Assortment Blouses --- $2.00. ' Bathing Suits -1/3 OFF .'

All Camiv~ ~ Renee - Exquisite Form. . .:~ . .1/2 Price \

Assorted ,Pantv'Girdles~, 1/2 Off "Summer.Jewelry1/2.Pri.;e

Assorted Pants .:.... $3.95. . '

J ... ,_ .J.-. _ , ·'ffh. .. lh ,'...... ~,'





RUidoso DOWDJ Pho. ES 8-&885

••••••••ii.i.iiii•••••iii••••••••••••••i••ailll1llllll.111......I••I.III.iiiilli••iill••••III••~_h _

*. =----~ ...............--_. l--- !-I-=~-..... -=I'----- .-. '.1- '=r': i ~--.".....'.....---,.• ..."...~ ""'.... < ~~, :r;'h.._ ....... t-~=IE..."';" ;:;:::'';''.'.~' ..."§I ' .--it=~.. -~ .-,.• I· -,-'


=•=• ~ ...It...••••-" '"'• _' "J", ';--

• ,,'J,( .d~._ -• - '11;:- . "-· ~"- ,. . "= -~... . ,• ) .;,it;,-l. ....--.-~ ..~~~oj-l" _.,~,_ .....-::lJ-.;;


'1... ~ I'-....'f:=

S·'a··a' .at..~- J)oWlttOWD: Ruldoso . ."U 8.r,LU un," .. , . . . .. •........................jiHRl1lffn••iI...1IIim .... ' ... , .. ·m_.......*~mml .

( ~.


.........•........•...•......•...~ ....•..........






.' ,~ - ., " '" t I I I Ih Pi arty descrlb In Nellie N. Htcks and The First Na. . , ' PAOE FlVE:....~...-~,'l'I'.!\'., Multiple Listin9':~:':~":-·;::'~:::~t$":';;:::=-"~:;:-=:';,~:"J,~,::~::-~,;~,-.;;~~v'0;::~.!":S}P8iJ1I,:s.()dY-SJjop·--· . C"·· "t ~ct elnll'tl~ev ¢~lllp~i,tlI;fPmCdI1\.Sllld tlonal Ql\nk of Roswell, " Natlollal Ruidoso NewsSerVlceBepC>rfsSales r1~)':1.'i:;~·w'""~*';~:'i~.m,.#i.~~~~;'i"'i""~~;"'~~~r·" ,.,.'" '·;~:':'<'.,':·~~';;}i ()pells In Bollywood oun Y ~~~~y.w~~~~ ~e~t~~te:n:r ~liJ~:~ ~fa~~'s~~~g:~~o~: ~~~~~:~~ Frlda~. JulY 19. 19li3

• ,Ing real1e$~lJ,te ISlllesoompleted prior':.' / . ",,'" .",,~ Paint 8: Body Works InJ\'e, forimer R ort' ION. Lincoln Counw, New MexIco. Defendants, the undersIgned will of. I Notice and lht' Special's July 6., ." ' .. ;'lf1~(!l1,' ."' " .'., ',.'. "<.,":"",'" ... ',:j Anderson L\IfJ1ber compapy sum· , ",., ep· Furtller. the above plainUff II) the fer for sale at public vendue 10 Ihe \ to be fixed by this. Court In ~

I In~~~ ~~li:rt~g~llj~~I~}~;~k't:~ 'r' ,••~e"':;.:~" ,~.'. ,. .' ". "l:"1\'" .:s:, .)';~~;.~ ~~i ~rs~~~~~~~7~~~e~~;e:~f::t Ih~ ,~ ~i~~:';: ,,'f _ Dy - fa°~Jj~~lr~~f:ni:f~ f~~a~~~f:~~~~ :~~es;f b:.g~eU~~ofris~o~~e~~ M~~1~~~;J5?1~~' han~'~ls 20th daylisting and sellIng agen!"'was Dan "....., " ' ' .. ~., : . ,.t~.I!"".rl.~;'; DllnVer Olty Paint & l3\ldy Works In . " 'l' "~W' ltALPII all the l\bove named defendants. house In Carrizozo, New Mexico, on ot June, 1963."

I.D. Swearingin. . ".;..~ that clW for mllXlY Years, He hl\s ','. 'J DUNLAP Based on the allegatlons of the the 1.5th day of AUlWst, 1963. at 10:00 lSi S.M, Ortiz Special MasterIt H. L, Traylor sol!! 160 aeres In '. ~..~I spent his. lifetime In the business. I~.. . .:fI. ". . I Plalntifr. yOll are' non.resldents or a,m., all Defendant's rights In lind 6-2ll,',~

NW\i, of :;lectlop.·9.T.1l-S. a-l;\.l!: to :-.:;'j;r;: ." .., " , ~ I'4rs, S\1llilw reported•• , , I Some fall ('Ontllll'tl-1 fo\' calves are YOU1' whct'eabouts cannot be ascer- to the follOWing described real estale __ . .... ... ~_ . "Longnorn Development Co.,~" list· E£: :~" ~". The lumber sh~ Is being remodel. belllg mnde wlIb, pm'.,:; generally tnlned aiter due and dlllgent Inquiry. located In RUidoso, Lincoln Count)·. 1IU1!llIIlIIiIi'hlllil'lIijlJlJi:l:IIt:IH:I1I1l!lIIll1:IIIlIlJlllllllmn"~Ing and selilng agent, Dan D, Swear" .II,},:,. ',.. "'.:.:,;' cd for the new business. "the N'l1Ilt' ll~ laM Vl'llr Chol('t'('alves. nnd therefore cq.Ullot be served with· New Mexico, to-Wit: H" 1. ge'rs .j

lngln. Inc, O. A. Culvel' sold house \, "*,:2 ..' ... , .'. '';-4 - ' ....,. (11'; _~"l1:l:~t t\~· S:15r~ to ..s2:~O for In the State of tol'ew Mexico. Lot 71 D, Bltlck C-C, Singing Pines. amUUf '.I. and lots l'j79·583, Skyland, to Rotlert..".,... ;,: , _ . ..,.....".....;,..'....': ~ ..~~~~~ ;~:~~~O~E~~~~~ ~;;,~1.1('~~~;;1 $.'; UU t~/;l(l. o~ 1~1 ste~r~ You are ordered to appear or to Subdivision, RUidoso, Llncoln Coun- d'., L. Whitten, Wart'en Barrett was the ." , . '~ ~:~,. ks" i 4UQ" 1: .,: t,' )1'(',(', 0 we g plead In Ihls lIcUon on or before W, New Mexico, as shown by the an'

listing and selling agent. '" ~ ~ .' ,'.r,' Don't lle alarmlld fol • If you llX. I a1'OUIll to :J(.!'o~alh August 31, 1063. nnd you are ~rther plat thereof filed In the oHlce of thl' ..'" . '. ,Ij' '. perl'ence the leelingof a tremor Frl- advIsed that Judgement by default C t Cl k d E ff I R d

paWI'~dCls'eTcUla'nneylo'nSOsldubldot 4t70' bWIOICljklam3. .,,_...,' .,' '.,.0.,:";,."~~ day In tile. vicinity of Oree Meadows '''lEdlr;~lltl':f'll -I·B l'jll'ljllhj"!'S'".It>'IIr!l'!':' wtll be tak-tm- unless you so enter an e~u~ YLln~~lnagoWlt;:o rJ~~' M~~~~O: Cl....arbroiled"" ., . - ~", Oolf Course,. ~, ., ."'\ I'!!;' ~":.':I:' PI ,\, It' "HI! 1I"I~! . allPNlrnnce or pleading In Ihe libove logether with all Improvemen~ 1l1i .4

Lelstlkoll· Dan D. Swearingin, loc.. '1' ,.': It'll only be portly but.. personable Db Ill. 4·/J (lJ.. ,1 ~!, l'lllluy III l,uv· I Cllurt Ilnd unless you do so, the thereon. • _

I was the listIng and seiling agent,·<> :":' , Chuck Whitlock. happy· go -lucky IlIIl<tto,n . Celll't' will proceed as If you had St k' BlII Seale sold house and lot lOA, • sports edltol'of The El Paso Times.. ~111ll:I;:', ~hlf' I:lbh',r" \\I'!'I' Judy b"en personally served with process Said Judgment directed Coreclos- '. ea s

, block 4, ,Hamilton Terrace to Art excavating the premises while com· I p!O, ,LI-' \\ '" I"" ,1:',.0'1 llllli Mm'\' Iln tiw state 01 New Mexico, Atlor. ure"'O{ the mortgage on such proper'iKuen. Dan D, Swelll'lngln, IIlC., was "..... "':;'. petlng In the !lnnuat RUidoso Downs, A:llltl':I' ,', Pub.. \' h; .·.lk ..·.; l.!Jls I

IWY101' PlalntlCf Is John. W. Thomp. ty to satisfy the following Items: . "" 0 k B

the listing ancl selling agent. .. ...r ' - aasetrackers' golf tournament. ID~Il!'I:l t, 'I 1,,:1 I hbr ~l un hI'!". <ln, Altrn'ney lit Law. P. 0, Box Amount of Judgment ... . $11.4:10,87 ~ i.6aC i? oy ,J, W. Conner ana 'Lorea Conner .' , • In honor of Whlllock's determlna· S~h,:,' _p" ......,.f' :tbbrm'; Wl'!'l' , 77'/, R\I:elo~o. Ne\)' M!ll!c!co. Interest to date of Sale 15226,' .

sold lot r; block..G.. Ponderosa Heights o', .:' ," -::,:: ~. ."... tlon, grit. spl1'lt and SUPPOl't of horse: 11\\ ... r.,', I "uti'. I, 111' 111.<1 ,IplIll WiOle-,s my hand lind the seal of ~:~~:(t:e3:le"01 sale 1,I~i~7 i Downtown Ruidoso1,10 Valor W. Roach, 'J. W. and Loret!' - racing and golf In the Lone Stllr I Sldl~I',: • I. , .;'.'''' ','" '. a••n,ll lind "!l:d Cuurt at Carrizozo, Lincoln Court costs .' 2035 . IIlnr.";:I!:n 1:1'"" f', "'F;'''I",,!~:ellll!r'l:lInUil~lIfllrn~.

Conner sold lot 2. b.lock 6, Ponderosa BRINGING IN 'THE KID'-Shown are three members of cast Stllte and Land of Enchalltmen~. the i 1.1 h.· 1 - .' .- - ,n'" II, ,II'am. 1'.Cuuntv, New Mexico. on this 16 day ,Heights to Sttven Mallnoulr, pan D. of pageant "Last Escape of Billy the Kid" held annually in Lin· 10th race on Frlday's 12·race card; ~OIllI'II."U I" Ilr.. , K.""ht. lOllllny. (If JUly, 1!l63 Ad valorem taxes for i~JIl"~~'Uii-XJoir~Sweal'lngln, !nc.• was Ule IIstln".and I D t th' A" d 4 I h t f 'left are will be named "The Chuck Whlt·,SlrOl!n. (, .. d,'d ll.i::.. :11 llllfl JlllIj ISI~Ar.I·. 1961·:'.~,..,.. , ..._ ...... ,. 10523!seiling agent. .. co n, a es 15 year are ug, Of an • n p. 00 rom. lock" purse and Chuck personally I D(I,k.'y ()'" ',II I,,, .. ' •• 'Jll "Ill' /l.IT- H 'Eul!(l\un 0 V"lla Penaltjes on 1001 ad valorem I

, , ,. Barney Aldaz, playing' Bab Ollinger; Johnny. Thomas "The will be on hanci to greet Ihe winning jtlt'IJl.U'd l. . h, ., ;'il· ' ('~I,rk Ilf Ihl' Dlf;lrlC'l Court taxes .... , .' 155 I

OUIXIOOOCK.'IlUOOOUOt1MXXXXlCJll\JOll Kid"; and Cy Solos as Sheriff Brady. ' horse. providing there's room enough . ., l.Ill"oln County, Nllw MI'XICO Ad valorem taxes for ,

I, ~~ ~a~n~~~:?a Paul D~~~lass .. ,~'tb~~IOll to Herman charles! of ;~::: ~~::~:~h;wlnner's circle Keeping Up NOTICE TO BI~~:: 8.2·9 pen~t;:sO~_i.o.~~·~c1 'vaI01'c'm \l8.:'

'rtmberLodge 111 a~ Lowell Morgan sold lot 7, Block Danle'l A. Storm. rcporled this W' I P Jk I TtIl' Itllldu,o Municipal S('hool~ arc' iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ii·i'...'.•'i··... '-. .rew days ror a gucsl. Ilm~.~e;- R~LEst~e .(I, Young U~gbtll to OharJes. c.ohbweek"on -the Fruit Calenclal' of tht'i . ·I~. '1\. _ ~&. S n - now u('('(>I,tmg bl(1- on till' following C·ont~ "',t Susan Lovatohouse, 01' YOIlf"·OlJ\C..• f Eunice II' I ' II. ,A V, ,n," R t Sal .o. nuldoso-Hondo VallllY: At the WI· , , ltl'tm',

See our big ad. epor es ." Guy lWgeN of Hobbs sold lot 14, bur Coe Ranch. Glencoe. Siorm 1'('· L" I C Milk fol' till' Schoof {'nf!otcrla t 13 dehorn BarIl'lullIlmuiuutmzu:nunummzullrttl Recent silies through Paul Doug· I Block 8, Cree Meadows Country Club porled that early apples lind plums IDCO In onnty l'rllp:Ull' {J1l~ , A NOR a t' .

•••••••••••••••••••••••• lass real estate oUice here bave been 10 W, F, SburLleff 01 Ft Worth. will be ready Cor the ntllrkeL by_ Ill· ILU Oal'o\ull', 011 lind Grl'ase Gkncoc, N. M.reported as follows: Howard ElIlott of MUI!!shoc, Tex., Aug. '20. Miiyriie Perry. OlcUcot'. m.I ••• ' S', "I- f' '1." ,,, IlatT Il part l-'wI' l/il Sh\llclnt'd SCllool Type- .~.. " . ' 11 ES 8 4542

M F F dl sold house on leased lot 18, Block says her ellrly apples. malden blu'ih. 'HI !til' T'.,' '",. r-., , \1,"'1'" '1111'11I'1' wrlll.r..L1vlnll' next winIeI' In luxurloIL'l j . en •rs... Bra ey of Pecos. Tex.• A Navajo SubdiVision 10 JOM Dun· Henry Clay. Oravenstejn and crull Oil'''';" I!' ."'.' " "IIa" ('UIlI h nld~ WIll Il(' a('('('\ltlld up to and eomrort-tJO frCC':t.C-UIIK.wid house nnd lots 12 and 13. block a~...ay of Spur. Tl.'~. III "iWW'WVV'W.

. B. "PIne. Lodge SUbdivision .10 Mrs. Mrs. 'Jaml'" of Tucson sold lot 8. apples. pears, prWles and plun~s w I <ii'll'" "".. ~"'" " L, I 11"1 II, I111('1 lid Inl-l' AU,Hl'" 8, 1963 at 8; 00 p.m. __ .... _"_ ..• l,iVI~g at Illl besl-rtJr eomlort-wc Flncb Of lWswell. Block 'ftl. Ponderosa Heights Unit be ready by August 20, I li' wlUl'h IUIlI' ull lJld~ wlll be opcn·•. d Ut k d M sKI f EI P Id h In the lower valley below Hondo, I ."ollm rll',lll'r. It ,1'1",11 r,l~nn rUl:s ('d publlc'h' lind n'lld lllmn!. . t LL.. . 0 CWOI' an worryJ\lg, r., er ey 0 aso so ouse. HI 10 Mr, Whltaker'of lWswell. Sl:orm SlIld. that much of the frUit In 1,1."\". 'I'I_~, c.".1.'.'" ('11111"1' Ilf ('Ill. !"urtlll'r tllfurnmllllll and bid forms • F'.IX-A .I ~ ~ and lot 122. Block B, ~Jeepy Hollow I Travl- Smltll of Phoenix sold Lot w1l1 be ripenIng even eal'Her, The 0"" ·(.illn''''I''~ lllllY b,- 1I1l\.wlt'd at tilt' Ortl('\, of tile .. - .'

• • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • ;-; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• I, Block 4. Hamilton Terrace with main apple crop In Ihe RUldo~o. _.' •. .~ .• _ _ SUI1.-rulll'mlt'ut, Dox 430. RUldo!lo.I • rock boU!ic to Glen Oreen of El Paso. Hondo Valley. Siorm said. lncluclcb IN, Ttl!' I'ff'llllll'·lI"I,\!. nU'. NI'I\ MI'lll('UI YOU ~JPEND . ,,-"-- tbe double red delicious. golden el('· Til lC' I ('(II P r /1(,' 'HI': STATJ.o~ nlgl.I,(j !lfr" W)'l1l'ma Tully. Prt'sl-~..' Airport Fence' Ilclous. winesap. Jonathan Dud Ule (n' Nl W :.1;';1;') W IIUN ANI> 11'''l11 "I till' Dua'l'd Mr'> Penrl EJI' Rome -beauty, I·'on I,,', ,,;. ('ot' 'n Y 1l1!('h"/1'" S("'I Nary of tllll Doard

A LOT OF Injunction Case .- 1!1IW:/, F ('I ".~"Ill';p !'lilll1~lfl. - '- 7-12·19day. July 15. was again delaycd. \" Hfl',' J "I' Itj I Tn:. ,lit. 1-71

. Again Delayed VlIIlIgc MWntey John nlOIllP~;oU AI, U".. ",:, ~, IN Tim mSTIUC'l' COURT. . Ralph Brown's suit to secure a slated thl\~ Illle Inst wceit. Obtrlct , NO 1079 OF' I.INCOLN COUNTY'..~...'0""N'E'y permanenl InjuncUon a(falnst 'the Judge W. T. SCOgglnS caUcd hC", !';uTICf.' III 1'!,"IWNCY OF' STAT!': OF NEW MEXICO

. VlIUtge of RUidoso erecting a fence office 10 Info.rm the j111rtlc., Invol\'('(1 /\(·n!'~. NEI.I.IE N HICKS and TIlE. with gate'llndlock on his private In the case that he had "recuzed" 'In; flT<\n, 01- ·'HoW MI':XJ('O FlIlST NATIONAL BANK 01" nos.

al:oello~ !ltrlp to the municipal air· himself as judge In the caBC, f(i ~"l\" r !;"g; J. ; I F ,'If, llud WF.L1., II Natlllllal BankIng Corpora. ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ii~:~::~~~'~)l~:~:i~~~:IN A YEo AR f~:tD~~f~: ~~tb:;~a~~~:~I~o~ thn~~em~~~. s:~~~sO~ou~:i\~~~li .~;(II~~J!1':<;:;\' ;~4,I~!:t f) 1}:;II••!~I~~ ~V1j t~~~~l~~~~~~~ W~I~I~~~~ v~r .- .mB·;:;-;r;Y~:"-?~·k.'411IFOt'F;$ Iiappo!nl. a new judee to hear Ult ,'.'1"'" h" I' ';',., 'I.:" nllli VIRUEl, I.F;E CONNER. ZELMA • _ ......__ ...caso,' Thomp'on also stated tllnt he: (\ I I t :.... [{',.m·, ('i '\1,\1.'\ !It'l'S (W II CONNER. DELMA RAY' D1Z.had not been nOtlfled whcII IIlal IN'l FIIF 'I' I!'I 'IIW PfWMISES ZF,LL, and VIROINIA D1ZZELL,

FOR SALE-Qr would exchange !Or would be, 4,n\'I'Jlll"~ Jd TilE I 'I ~ I n IFF Dl'le:udallt!Jproperly of cqunl value In Ruidoso. Thompson also stuted thal Ihc' Y"'I,, t' ~, • '. 'c' I • I :/1.11 u NO. 7314A 3·bedroom home In North Rtch1and amount of bond of $30.000 whlC!l wa'. 'M h., I"" f"n. ,",'.' ',"I :11 NOTICE OF BALEIIllIs. Ft. Worth. with range cover In· furnllihed by thl' VUlage rt'l11allll'd Ih" ,lllII'.' C"', ' . ',\ ~i, ':",." ,,'1,,'11 Nollcl' h 11l'rl'by IltVt'n thal bystaOed, plenty of closetll. on 6OX24C- Ule same. and thllt he hnd 110 II\> I'l,u;; ,J! \' Ill' II , ,I, '''. I .; 1'1 a;". vlrl1lc of a Jlldt!t'mcnt entcrcd Infoot lot; chaIn Unk fence aroUD4, formation tllat the amount of the: !,,~ [I ltll ",. ','I I '''',' I .•••• 1till' [)1'.lrll'1 C<lurt of Llncobl, corral lypc fence. PJ,ound reo bond was bclllH Incrca5oo, an had .mll I" /'.".' 'I' ',' • • ~ ..• ,I'., IIY, NI'W MI'XI('U. III CaU!lc No 7314mlllnder; asbestos nldlng. plenly of been reported. mllt!""~1 ." , .. ,' , 1,.\1... L 'l :n.I, nil 1111' 271h day of Mn.y, 1DG3, where.oak trCl!:l. J, H. Mccauley. MA "9550, - -~ ..... -~. . ..•". --=·z·~=-~:-=:5~!i~iiiiiiiii~Ft. Worth, Tex., or MI'll. IIarry Eck- FAMOUS COLE 4-drawcr ml'tol "":l:::l..Qr;~:~O:~;·:"':'::!";;'::,~.:::'.':;:!:I:'E~-::''"::C::O~::''l:.::;,.::::'i.:':::::';''':':::::f::]!!!~~::::!alS9l!!It!JPIert, OL 7-50llG. Ruldo::o. Ucn. lolter 1I1zc flllng, cablncl", two onrOR ONLY flO a '1Il01lUl ,ou caD hand. one with lock. $!19 00; nl1Othcr...Io\h, and fM4 aD ClI"llIlU cllUlL .wlthout lock. oniy $ll5 CO: also II 0 IFor delall. writ. CIItt&Uu CllUo N, 4-drawer mellll filing cablllcl.rt'i:g~on~n~....I~'; 8a~lAtt. ~ft: lelter size. $81.0'l; and a 2-drawI'rtlren FClundaUoa.. 1110. Boa: au. metal, letter llize II. O. N flIlm~!Norwalk. Conn. cnblnct. $57,15, nil prices In('lul!c,

• WANT orO REN*'- Unl';u.~edtnx. Tho Ncws, 3,t!uc Icllbln prftferably on" la-e room __-~~----------__----.....• ,: ,".D •• T,.....~1AJlr -fAiXiV';:"

and balh and kitchen faclllUes.alter St'llt. lr;t or sooner, Cllli OL '1.3741 "Unc.

TRAILER SPACE - Qule\, freewater Fruit and vegetablcs chcap,Pcrfect for rcUrcd couple, Lawn nndnowl'rs, InquIre at D:llry Queen.

. "Uc.· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (6)



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- - --~-------- ._- ~ ~-.-


Locat.ed Behind Ruidoso Nursery

Complete Service.on TV, Radio'& Stereo

HOURS: 9to 6 - 6 Days a Week. "'

Service Galls $3.50 in RuidosoPhone CL 7·3016


j ';" '

In addition to Gravelv tractors and lawn mowers, we hQv.added. Toro lawn mower•• Wo offer completo soloctio~ofany slro mower.



, . '


i. I

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"I I I I 1\~1 ',';: !:~ ;~ ';' 11-'--_..._. i '\ I ,, 'I, ' .... ' ',I, f

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-: i.,.::":::4::!~="~~~....,#"...........- ~'""


i. ,.,

"I ~: " ,


It's a treat to beat the heat withELECTRIC air Gonditioning

Summertime living at home is much more enjoyable when

everyone is coot and comfortable with etectrie air conditioning..

You steep better, eat better, feel better because electric air• •

conditioning, not only cools t~e air, it filters and dehumidifies• •

tt, too. And it has the capacity to chill even torrid Southwest. ..

SUmmer weather. Sest of all, the cost of electric ~i .._eon.,

ditioning equipment is tower tOday

than everbefore. Find outhow~as~,

it is to oWI'l"",,":see youratr ~ondi., .

ttoning dealer otconlractor soon.

".. '" ..



. f

.,._,... '"~''''''''' .'



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Llvll III caret~ LulUY ..... lIaYIl





AND HIS HOUSE ROCKERS.... iii, ., ..




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.fftf ••••• • •••• • ••••• •••••••••••••



WatCit, Road' and Elct:tridlY aro

provided, The A\.plno Villano r lat "

fully approvod. Lots may bo pur­

cha$Od on a variety 0.1 convonlent

Has Everything to OHerYou and Your Family In

Recroation. Rest andEnjoymGnt For Years To





" .'~

' ... ,.. '


Doll 131

ftuld".", New MOlllco

,1'I~'- ....



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II' _ I'"'' 74'm7

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EXClUSIV&AC'ilNlSAJplM \'1&'41 Ot(k.'el l~. 0. lie. _ ••IlWeft. NilW Melito

I "",

. ;,' t 1


Phon. Cl142'O..,...........

Lonnie Brown & A.,ociafe$, Realtors

" i'


Lotal Mounlnin Volh,y fruit, and Vogetable.

- From La Luz Canyon

• me :e''''''''''''''



1 J t "\1"" 'I" yo. (ltlon hom('\ltl,,"',uffollnc}cd by the cool Untoln f,lullontJl Fornst

Ju"l """ult.\ 'rom ,luinD, boolinu, fishing, huntIng, goUing or Iho famous Rul-

do\o Down' Rotc T'atk.

f: '

. .

, "


I .r f' • I; I




I'lt.. «I '~I,r-Ut!

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Ruidoso Downs

"P( \11 f \

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___ PAOEBT'X ---­

RUidoso News'p;.H~n\ .J'" \~, 1~U13


, ,"-. ~.• .. I, .. ,," '• I • ',' < ,

tI1~ '1', (l.pel~n~ tMt T:hY~:Y. ..-•••••• , , "." .. 1!1 -","-",. ~. ,!!"."••l~ • • 11I •• 11I •• III ••••• " III ~ Ii '!.";.. 1II11.14••··4~,

'f;f;!::jj..~;.~~nJitu:f.: ~gre .:~ , A GR"EATNAM""E' ; 'l'~~fJpithfi~vlilrabql1Nls~ksl. U;lere wl,ij):. 1Ie~. !I'. .:, n;" ,., . • . .' ••e,I'We) ,1~ll,W ," ,L .~: • 'II;;. . J~f' zf~b.~ ftpm ])~nVl:r, CQlp" • • jI.-"

.. ~, tI1~,*~e{C"~l%q !:Iere mid was a • AR'M''Sl'RO'.H'G .:«yn~at' Ul~ ~rpqr~l CQurt.· • • . . ,,:', .<111~...'!~rJtl'n: lUUf 11.~efiter IroID: '.' ..' '. .....,:'$.'. ~ .,: .. ,t.ev~~~..UrT¢ci' $peJ:1t <ll~ we~k'~md • . , ' .... / . ...•. .. '.. " . . .' _ • ,:/f/(if ,:.,; I , "V ··t": '~~!;l lP Ui(llr $prnmer llome in Ji!.W' : .. '''Jp' ., ',. ' ,~/

'" ~orge :a~ley lrom Roswell wall : . In floo~ CQVlilring and cabinet :topping.Y~)U'l1 find a y.ron~erfu1 ' .~. a !l\l!lJ.nesa' "'Illtor here the llr.sf, 01 : ",' . . \ :

.the week, "aJ1d e~ci:ti~g va,ri$:ty of patterns' ill Jloor covering, in tile' and .:': ." J '" '.""°ll't S·'·' : "in cabinet toppip.g by Armsfrong in our stock• ./! \ ;-M.. 0 . "e s ., . ..

, ..' ·'b~.AJtEEliJ tmb"MOOD: .iI-.11. . .d' L'I. "P /" . " ~ :,~,,/ :~~rr:~~~:;.~l~ei: '~.' tiOllywoa..· dJ: ,,0., .Inc. '\'~"'~'_

.' "'j,e ... Mf. and Mr!!. W. T. Adamsof'....

.' ,',) lJPbbQck were llere on SundaY. : .. WE.. GIVE S & 'II GREEN S'l'AMJ'S • ~:..:. tl Mmes. Qeorge Dingwall and Mabel • • ..' .••.. Rf.!nUrow at Oartlzo~~. were lIere .:. Hlway 70 T. C. Delaney, Manager' ~., '.:." sunday to s,pend the ~ay wltll Mr.

'.:,' .. 't atld Mrs, Alan Johnson at Eagle It,".>,.' arM~/~SLodt'ge

d·· L ' . . =: •••••••••••••••,••~ •••• ~ ••••••.• ~ ••••••••••,.,•••••••.~ •••• II ••••• .=.~ .... lII",.!l".~.

',; " . g. all. Mrs. oston Carter reo Saturday on their way to the clean TO ARKANSAS >/lucUon..." • turned.SUnday from 11 trip to River· up day at Nogal rdesa Camp Meet· Realtor Henry T. Wicker, aecom· \ '.

side, Cl1l1t. With them Were Linda, lng, Henry and Stevie Peebles were. panled by Col. Tom Flpwers, aUc. EL J>AE)O COUPLE AKaren and Eddie wbo had gone out wIth their grandmothel' while Mrs. ttoneer. are In Fayeltcville. AI'\(.. BUYs' 1I01\IE IIERE ;l'earlier to visit as weI] as Ronnie, Bobby Peebles and Elizabeth visit· where they arc conducting a flmn Mr. and MI·s. J, E. MeAfel' of Eland Susan wbo went with their par· cd with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Paso have purchaslild the residence

AT SPECIAL COURSE _. Paul VanCQ {second of malh doparln,ent at Valloy high school, AI. ents. C. W. Byers of Ruidoso Nursery In ~JWOIJUOQOlJl"" on Evergreen Road belonging .t9'J.f10m rig hI}" ma,lhematics loacher Ruidoso buquiirque. InCluded in picture from loft. Wil. - Mr, and Mr$. Ar~. Graves of El Ruldo,o.·.. ~ ..' ..<~' » . Q. Page of rortales. The trntSag.I..,," ',chool. ha' been a mombor of a speelol oy flrown. molh If'ocher and cooch, Tularosa Paso 8topped In Friday on their Mrs. Jack Ryan and famlly of EI .tion was handled by Leland Renlt~.f I '" wN.k work ,hop for junior high school JunIor hlCJh; '3rJ.ndwz; Vonco, and David G. way to Ruidoso 10 visit Mr. and Paso spent the week-end at ·Eagle A NOR McAfee, who Is a retired f'foctor"1f,tI"""'II'n Inachert held on Now MeWI'co. M' I L c' I' hi h Mrs. Basil Ryan. '. Oreek Lodge. ~ , .. ..... & OnmbllLe~I!loyee! pll\Ilfi coIisld,

~ orris, ,.n'ol I ~!UCrlcr, ;)Iorra unlor g, Miss Mattie Lou Neill was visit- crable enlargement 'and remodlllingH"lhl.""h University campus, las V"oas.'rhc RosVlol1 Ing the R9bert Neal family at Eagle MORMON MISSIONARIES Reserve YOUI' apt, now, CI\J~ CL 7· of the home next SprIng, • .""If,HlO' 1\londing) i, Willie Sanchez, hcod •. Creek Lodge la~t.week. . START WORK IN TillS AREA 4293 for InformaU6n ; ,

.__ _. ." • i' ,--.----- • -....!1'lle Oscar BamelsOt\S came over Elder Ted H, Woodhouse and lODQOllCli~~'~"'~Y~""-~"'~"'·~·"'~"'iY~X~lOlJOWOOOI~~~g.~""~J..~~~O~~~~N~(l~WS~iW~a~n~t-~Jl~d~8~W~or~k~W~'ioiD~/Jein~','. ".," 111,,1 wllltr..I.·! II, Mr!' ,Ill III'W I'CI'Upl11l'UI ·''''1 "Ill' i·:ill.IIf"··· Jamboree Vl<;ltlnl{ from J.t\1ldoso SUllday to see U1l;\, FonddO. Christensen have been as- IIlllUlI!wiiuI ••/ II. 1,.ll,I1,', 'I h('Y j(·(.lUH· lint·' Hludl'''' J)OWII', 11 ' ....1 hl'('III1H"" 1'•••. W, .... ;JUlI Roy wpre Mr.. \lnd Lindamoods, 'signed to this area as repl'esentll.

I,' '.'" ,,', , ...11 ,,,,,I hllvl' put III II lot I. ("lrIV,'1;11f n ('('Jllp, 01 1111' l'luu:h '1; ['\1 HlIn'TlC'r of Kamas City. Jack 13tew4rt cl1nd Joe Evans of Uves of the L. D, B, Cnurch. 'or more Trl'p'le A Tel.evl·SI·on' 'Se'.rVl·ce... _... .." ,~- Wl'-' ll'(' Ill'lt.! rp('f'Jlt bl'l;'l lf fllf' 1\t'l q II ~t aad Mr" Onnl"O'C Sam El Paso stop In la'"' Thurcday c nl II d 'h M

lIl:o::u:.'tlI:J1I:lJU!lltIUlIn:llU·' '...·....Ui'n "'J:CU'ill,IlI."."U1:U1:IlJ~:lill!UlJmU;;IO:J:lUIllUIllIl!JIlJlIlllUlllIllUill"I"· ••T3'\IIIUIlII I "I . •J I W -.-. t· , " ., '.v.,,' ,,. ", ammo y en e .. e orman'" Irllll"·. 1l1'lltlfl'('. 1·-'.·.· vw . ""1 1,1 J)',!l,m;t1 Springs. Calif. Mrs. MarCia Waltermire and Mark Cnurch.

utI ,\1 III IlItI' U\IIII.1TY TUBI"T hllv,' 1Ill' (11,1' l til olh'l I/i ti", W;'\ Ill •• \1 ',:J: lIu'JTI havp bren ROy's returned-to El PIlSO Wednesday after It wtllbe Qlelr Intenl1yns to explain\fll .. I III.,,,. IJI~ _ lIondM 01 ",o'd, I11"'1 ""IlIlU'Il!, III," 'Ill' ' ',' M,· If C Dnmlon, 01 Ban· a nice vacation at Eagle Oree.k Ihe tene18 of their falUt 10 everyone,

Hhlu..., ('~IJl(' fro Ih"11 app, ("'W "' ..I N'''' I Lodge. Mr. Waltermire and Ann lIad they saId.Uon ", tI... IfC'''1JLOU (\1'('1,1 dNI Ihl'llI lJ {J Hall..." !'rlllnll'd TucsdllY gon~ home ea"lIer the same week. "We are prlmarlly cOlJcerned with •

Mr (l'lll Mr ((f1.,. 8"'1111I"1 Ii'll! 'h' IA" II ",.", " Vl'lt III Oklahoma. Mr, and Mrs, George Hightower the youth of Ibis area. The Mar·I/Il( .t.. IlVN 111(' WI'PK I'lld (iffY' , i"" /,,, II ·A2.... Irlilly hot there. of Silver City were bere last week mon Church has the greatesL youth'WIl brlllhp!", lind h\lI1llll""'\\WI' h"II' , Ih' Iltl:<I"·,,, Nrws repor,tcr for vlslUng Mra. W. N. Hightower. program In the world, such as the___ ~o· -.--"""- ._. __._- h."I'" /)10\\1", Trlldlp 13illcom, Mrs. Bonney WrIght made a trip primary aod the young men's and

• .',' :t \ I ;I'l! II' Balllll'I"(' carly this Ute Park, N. M., the flrst of the women's mutuel Improvement as. l'

BILL.\. I II ' wcek to take their daughler Karla 8001aUon," they said.

J ..._ to summer camp ctmarronclta "This great program builds In the

H II d N then!. iouth clean healthy bodies. It devel·

MCARTY 0 ywoo otes Rev. and MI'!I. ,1amcs Pallet and Jps men and women of character, ~~iiii~~~;;iii~~~;~~ii='=~i;=;i!c . family of Albuquerql!t> nrc vacaUon' WIth faith In a real and personnl 1lI_11IllIllIIlUlnuYlIlll/lUUIi~'J II • ,,,, \1 ' •• 1 "N'I"" .. Warll'n ISlirreU _ l'lllr(/-, \'lltllI" Um T. C. Delancys Ing at Eagle Oreek LodIl:C. God," •

___51:===-===;;'''::' -·W, OR t. I \H"l\ wI'rf' Mr and Mm. W. T. Mr, and Mrs, OObcr WrlHht from .l1cre Is no paid ministry In the.._... 'f ~Jl',k>"f! tfUlHCarJ.:;lJ;u1 lUU1 Mrs. EI PllllO spent the paEt week-end at ,\furman Church, 50 thc youth pro-• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • ;, • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • '. I' h.... r ol.\\,r (llll! !:Dn David and Eagle creek Lodg".. lrBm Is free and forthll bellCllt of

IT MARKET· . D"'" II If'! ,/""1" frum Martin, Tenn. Mr. PJId Mrs. Mldl"E'1 Sender'Je" tbe youth.

FARMER'S FRU · SAI~'D A'l.1 '11," M T IIl11n family aoo the and KIrby Brown of EI Paso vlElted J:;veryone Is welcome toatland: ,. 11 V. ",·,1, Wh,!i'll-I Inml1y from El the Frank Klrby.flmllhs over the :he Church services, and the Youth• 1'.", '11111' lhl' w('ck·cnd In their week-end. . Prc:~ram,· GRAVEL "".. ,:,', l,,,m"" Llndemoods visit LlndamOOtls - 'rlmes of ServJcCll:: M, M;lI 1'>1r1> J, B Purcell and Mr. and Mra. R, J, Llndcmoocs' of Sunday SchOOla:30 sWntay.'• 1.... ,;1\ 1",11I Hollomon AFB arc t.!ldlllJl4, albpped by to see U9 and Bno. MeeUng 10:30 Sunday.: Dozer Work I f1 I /1'u . (·\l·ml dtl)'ll In theIr Gum. It wa!l great fun talklng about what M. I. A. - 7: 0 Tuesday. G I T I

La Luz Canyon' Pe'aches· G d W k "!' hfllll(' III Ituldo:;n might be rolnUonsJIJp, Their 80n Prlml10ry - 3:00 Wcdncsdny, rave y ra.ctor" Sa es: ra er or C' A ""nton from Artt!tlll1o was DavId W1\!l with them and qUickly 'The Mormon Church In RUidoso

$. Paving ;'('11 ...r 'hI' dedlc'atlon and barbe. let me ~w ho was a100 a Linde- Is located at LIons Club Hall. Locatod In Hollywood Pho. CL 7-6305

Cantaloupes 8 for 1 .... I Phone CL' 7.4500 '1 ::::,.,,·t1UJl day IIlght at RUidoso mm, and Mrs. Ray Provine and •New. W&lIt-Ac'1I Work W.",. .• I family of capitan With her brother ..:::::::....:===-=.:::.:~==::..-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E~-~::::'J2:...::£"'::i:~·~~~!U~iU~:l!!l.~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!="" ..lid... ,110 ""\1' ""1"""1' thl' Troller ISureer • fl. Apprtelll1. Your DUlIn... JIIII ".,lIm.'l and daughter and Mra. and family from LUbbock, 'Tex.•

• 1)'11[11 /,(';,111 Irom Roowell vlsited b~ iii... III'lIllnnmli!!!~~~ml1 , __, ~Bpeld YB~~~da!l after a trip to, __ ._ ••_ _~ .. ...., erra ...-0.. run and a pIc_....,................................................................................... ..., nle at Moo Jeau.I : J.<lVl'lv 3 Dt'droom 1 3/4 Bath Maggie Randol and HaUye Col·

I BE POSITIVE:' . fco came up lor the we~ from •C IT'S TIME TO :~lIlJ"l<' WII1I bu!lt·ln oven and rango EI Paso. ,I : 11"1111 ,111.1' to f:Whooh Pbono Margie Mm. Joe WISiC]Y and M.nI. Lyda=for an t'JlPollltlJll'lIt to sec Ihla, Peebles of Alamo;ordo /flopped In

• . . . ABOUT YOUR FUTURE VACATION AND.. 5. Itt' 11/1' bl:;« IJI )'l'ar 'round living, .:1


NEWJ MEXICO ~•••••• , =;;:- "'~ ==... I t= II ••••••••••••••••• ~••••••••••••••••••.. • II.. . .• • ••5 : ConlracUng - DeBlgning -:- Wiring :=• •e: Commercial - Bttld.ntid .: .: . .! : DEALER FOilFAMOUS :w • •.. . .i : HOTPOINT APPIJA!(CES . :=• •-. .:I • BADIO EQUIPPED VEHICLES •... . .=: :a: FO~ BETTER. FASTER SERVICE :

9. :. •••Beller IJghtlng DoeIn·t Colt - ItPaya1: . .. ~

8· : :i : =

~ ..

! : Pho. CL 7..~07S - BuWOIQ ..:tlll~. ; :!!l' • •. :ill: • .. ,i ~:ii~;.~;i;'~~;:ii··' ·~..,.,.·iI.~ ~~".;~,•.II ., tl;'! ,-,," ·,·,11,··· ~... ~, :lOW .! ,li ,_. ,"' ,' ' ' ,' .,. .,.~ :

!g••15.­.­.-:-.==.=.....-..:: ........-.· ..II

=j-.s:IiIi! I OLIN-S, DINE .. & DANCEi . .,..., ".

I. tocatitl..,1)t~~'










I, I This conlcmporory ..A·bomo" rOlldenco

I (1700 Iq,'1 living CltCCl) II 01\0 oX(1ml,loIJ of the CUll9m !,uilt Yot(Jtlon hom*os ovall.

~bl...ln Alplno Villogo 00110" and con-

. ~ "'ractor ."rvlto, are availablo.t

,1 :


t• .. .•~ 1<, L ,· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (7)










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-, -,

~ - '., ... ',<

• •

- fENCING?'Call today for a free estimate

Specializing 10 Chain Link - Panel WeavoRedwood and Stockade

AU work guaranteedUp fo 5 Years to pay

COMANCHE FENCE COMPANY..05 E. McGaffey, Ro,well- Phono 623-1494

Call Collect, Roswell 623-1494




. ..... . ,,. ,'" ~". '_ ,.• -" '- ', .. ,~....,.: ~,. ,,;:c.. " '",- ,.,,,__ ,. ~ • -,_ ' _~ "'-I,", .<". ,".,"-,:;,,, ",'-""-.'''''''' ,-.r-<:""...... ,......,~'.. ''1-"-,, " '_"l ••~,.,.,,~. '0< _·,,, ....., • ..., ....'_',.,-""'I~,:.,,,,....'~............__ '




-.', ,. . ..,., . ..-, '. , ' -' ,- .-

,0. '~

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B:t'~pg:; You Anoiher GrQatSIai'

BETH EVERS, .,-' - , ' .


,'v • '.' "0 _' , ,'. •



• $, ••, ." •


-Mr.~d Mrs, ijarr¥ Whipple, Your HOllis" .


I LongUm(:iFaVbriie folk Singers . I-all this plus fine fpod. your favorite drlnk-P'Qd danceable music by ~Iackle atthe plano and Don Curry 011 the drums. . .

You will eoloy Ihe great variety of selection offered on our menu in bot~.lhe cof· .fee shop and tne main dining room at· the Chaporral,. Browse in our gIft. ~hopwhere you'll find souvenirs; gift items for every age! and novelt,lel!and CUriOS.


Who ha~ been appearing in c1ub~ in Hollywooc;l, Tucson, Houston and olher spotsaround Ihe country, will be entertaining Yo!'" with pop sonQs and bgllads.

. .

····:-·Tlief··Oliaparral· Supper C1l1b,

.. ',' -l,;'

, _ '" ,,, , ., • ,,' ,_ J, .,' ,,_



• : - I ,, . . .


, -" ""-,' .-' '" .. -.." >, ,-.--


" "

-f~~~!:~~~~;:t'~:~~~·~~~~:'-,·,·· -" .._-,,, ..", , ',. /. ,.' ,'.' ~ ".,..' >. ,"' ,-

- -nravl' thl' crowd. don·t mw Gam·

hll"!; hl~ \\arl'hOlL'lC clelll'llnce lIue­linn ,'0,.... 11lurlldllY. July 25.


---~.- "'''-' " "'--,




. ,-.,-., .",

C")'-6'~'''''Offtceactoss: frelm pos.ome.. .

p, (). 10)(1 t76............................10....···

~ --''!;

, ,.--"




. ,



•,. ,. '


Bulldlbr and Remodel/nilLot Levellnc - Gravel an. Dirt

Sepllo Tanks - DItches,",0. CL '1-4191 or CL '-4J99~ RUidoso. N. M.

1'. O. Box til - 1I0llywufld.

", .

• • •

• •For noW or later a's a choIce stle fo.. ~. permanent or second home, Country clublots fop th. list. Beautlful cool pInes, large lots, the mountain view-some of thereasons wh.y tw.ntY four homes have been completed dnd oVer half the lots havebittn dloS8l1 ufready.

, ,

balty,. fJ"rl:~asei'j com. fromal! over, bUflt is significant thelt rrt'tIny long time rli­tlden•• .:ar. buyfri$i Country Club.


•, ,


. ,Lorene's Children's Shop.

One Rack Summer Dresses·1/2 Price·

All Shorts and Short Suits20% Disc'ount

'One Table Assorted Items, $1.00Many Other Bargains Throughout

The Store·




••••• , •••••• ' ••• 6'.' •••• 11'41,. ttl

~ I . _. ... " . -' '

, '. •• 1I11 • ..-.~ II•••••••••••••••••••M. • 1111 1111 11 11111••••••1111 11... • _ ••• . - ,-_.., -- -

NOTICE TO BIDDE~ . ~~~ t:~pa~;er:,t 8~t~I~Ck'f ..~~ J:~~~ ~~ ~~~I ~~et~I~~~~r~~: ,. '1'.Sealed bids wl11 be opened in the 1RUldbso Pine Lodge Subdivtllion aDd comp:llllcd by Anette Waner. nil of

Offlcc 01 the Lincoln counly COm.' Will 110 longer be maintained by the Mnlllkofl-. Tax.. arrived thlll mid·mlsslonl!f8. COurt Hou!le. Carrlwlo,: City of RUldo.w P('I'!:OllS uUllzlng week for a visU with the Vic Lamb;~New Mexico at 10 00 am.. AUlJllbt Wi.. private road will do w at their June 1\1orle WBS adopted by Mr. aM8, 1063 for a car of Ule followtnll own rtJik willi 110 l(>gal recoureo to Mrs. Dan Royall. Jr.. carller !lIt!!spcc1fleatloM to be U5lod as a U1C rIghtful o\\'nl'l".>. month.llhcrtrr'!J car. SIDNEY D. SORENSON --------

1063 modcl _ 4.door sedan cru1:.c. AND You mUII& lee to bdJevc the bllr·o.maUc dual range or equIvalent, AGNES L. S~RENSON ,aim to be aucUoned 0" ThUllJdllY.tral1!lmlsslon: alt('rnntor.'ill nmJ):l\ ):o;vcrylhlllg mlL~& ItO durlnlt Gam. Jul)' ~. at Gamble's.(mtntmunll; hl!alcr nnd dl'frO:lter: blc'" A\lrllon Sale Thunum)' July Z5. News \Vllnt-AdII Work Wonders15 inch wh('e15: '110x1S IIre1\; no fa· ••iiiiii.iii_._'iiiiiiiiii.iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••iii_!· Living at IIlI oo,t lor comfort.-wc dlo; engine 1350 ell in. mlnJm\tm.; ~

I do th.· unrk and worryln". any color bUt black. • :Trade In 11161 Ford Fnlrlnnl! 4· a RUIDOSO I •! _.~- . -,- door pa.'ill'nger car. color black • : 11 1 .

1_'0#4~###'~~~~ '_ Board of COUlltY COmml!;~lon('rq = :. -.. .Hamburgers ~?~~e:l Ute right to reject any or aU I§ GRAVEL SERVICE 5l!1I II II II.III1I II.III1.II II..III1~

• '1·IO:W......• ...---- a GItAVI-;L - HAND - EXCAVATING - TRENCIIINO == :TO WHOM IT 1\1AV (~ONCERN lOON: I L N l'lIEX J B CLO' •• J ...

Chao rbrol·led A reccnt hurvry C'Stabllsheg IIIl' = >.. n • 235, 10 LYWOOD,. • - •• BE =: :nrea of "0" S\.reet bl'twcCfi 4th and r I1 n r : . . ' aSteaks 5th Strecl..'1 as !JNn{l on JlTIV:tc prop. :-~.~~ .;.~ •.;;~;;.; ;;-;-;- ~;;7: 5 II 5

Open 8:30 a.m. fo 6 p.m. Q • k 8 FOR SALE ISudderth Drive - Downtown Ruidoso Do~~wn Rui~! : .Located In Ruidoso To Serve Ruidoso : §. . .' .' , §

· .~0#4'_'__' __~•••_~,~_,., Bar and Cafe : Adding Machines : a e'·IIIIIIUIUIUW...ii.ii......i.i.....ii'.ii.iii.ii......iii••·.iiiiiii••••iii"i·ilii·.i.ii.t.......iiJ : Typewriters', : a Em,t of Y on U.S. HiRhway 70 Hollywood a

: Contad Susan Lovato : Cash Registers : = N dUd C' •I ai Buckhorn Bar : Office Supplies : 5 ew an se 'ars 5_.= .Glencoe. N. M. : - Phone CL 7-5031 - : e e ~! or call ES 8-4542: Expert Seryico On All Types Office Machines : =1961 Oldsmobile~ Super 88, e •a~~ : _.~._~, ~.._;..~ ..~.~ : i Station Wagon ••• • •• $2,695§"=lit,!:::::: '101 .:JtliiLiilhli..''': :1:::!...!;;::;;._.ntO&i I: ::::: ,":..;_,"..1:.,. Ai I IiiI 2i j[ iNrc:;;: loW:: :..J ... •- "' ...• I'" •5 ICE.:O-RAMA, nc. 5 1958 Chevrolet4·doo.r Sedan ..• $ 795 e.. "' ...· "'.~ ! Ice Skating the Year 'Round 5 5i The Southwest's Newest and Most Modern leo lUena e 1955 Cadillac 4·door Sedan • • • $ 495 e· .'.· "' .... In Beautiful Ruidoso Downs I: •· ....= located N.oxt to Chaparral Hotel . I: 1958 Buick Special 2·door Sedan. • $ 695 =-. _.... ...· -. . .· .."· ..."5 a1957'Chevrolet 4·door Sedilll . • . $ 695 e.. ~ .I!!II. ... ..· .'"· .'"=' I: 1955 Pontiac 4·door Sedan, air condo . $ 395:- .• =I- 15 5= je 1960 Ford Falcon • • • • • • • $ 995 =i . ~. '\i ' aI; ~.-:.,-~., .~ . ... 1959 Plymouth • •• • • • • • $ 695 ...• ,= =.= 15 eI Ii. 1962 Pontiac 'Catalana, power steering, fJiI t power brakes, facfory .air condo •• $2..395 :- ... ...'I \ ~ . = III

•-.. >,;, ~"""""")" :t . e·' 1961 C·orvaJ.r· Manz'a', bucl'e'l seats, b1'g "'nmne. ':••i ,,?' ,.' ''':';'<I~' ~~I:,i /"''-1'" ~'J;f::), '.. ~~.~,',~~ (.,"'.., ,.. E. 4-speed Tra~sInjssion~ • • • .' ~ $'i,695 5I.' ..".' .1 ':'<' i', ;. _',._, "":,,I!'-., '~,' :'i;" ," '-r,';,A',',"";,':",:, ~ .,1 .= 1:.

T_ f" _.. ,,~,c '.'-" ~ ...'~ J. . ,,~,,",'-"4---, ..J tlr- ~": __""\I-"~'_~'" "'''~-' ...~';J. "'",

! .,., ", .!.~ ;~.' ..,..••- ,h >'", ..w·~·'~i:· . ~'r:;;:,~'; E 1960 Ford' Fairlane. Sfandard Transmission '.=• -M " .."" '1 ' ' :t'.e .~,. -~ ~- _ t '. ' ~ ~ • • "; - I •= :rti·; ~ ,;',' " ... , .... .\L,l\ _' ,ii . :,' ;,.,;'. ,',,"""", "./", 1/ = With Overdrive·. • • .. •• $1.095 == ,tt~' ._-'., .~~,~~~J_.,. ;<.'._~~.:... ~:! ,~,.,,~._,~.~~_.j .~~~ __ ' -~~.~~!.\t~- ~H~"\:J~..~·~4.:..~i~, ....~ = ' =a ....,..-.......... .. lUNK WILL B'E OI'EN FORPUBLIO SKATING AS FOLLowsI E . . .. 'E.= 1\lllnday lbru ThIU'liday 2:30- !Slotl Saturday and SlindAy ItI" ':"" 1:" a Immediate Finan~gAvailablo!'

I .. t· ~iId' 7:36.... 18:00 • 11.- 31M = . . .•Friday , li33- ~:ao .:....... Ihlt· E. 50 Other N,.ow and. Us,'Qd...Cars to.Choo.'.9& i'rotit-i-.'.·,4:09 ... 6:00 '1131--11:" . " '.. ....'

1:"'-11:1lO .E Guaranteed l1~d Oars I'1C£·Q-)tAl\t\ III aVailable ror wP«'-latpa\'tlf:cl Q4l "',",up I: '.= ,,_.~('U~UC$ bytt'5ctwUon. jnllU~rli 'ltt~(lO tot 'lJpcet~thlk'tl, '.. ii'.~.I..I••••I•••*••••I•••••••i~, ~ ......t ..,,,,,

fJ' '.. ~ . ,~

~,' ," .'1''' '.,'..• PAOlIl!D!lVJ!lK 2"'., PI .'1"\ • 1'. :.... '."'. " 'do~'''N'"'~''''8''''''-''''''''-'a~s-l;7eveop' ' --'.if:r, '~")y i9~~ .for Barbecue· ~ G~&~fJJ1J"~ fOf 'f~lJr 'mopey HQnoripg l;VIec~em .iii !l~W~~ 1I!Iedtlr~rrom. ~~m. Ro~ert o.LAnde~·so!1, smte c:!lair-

I e's. '(t~, t,lref~'an4~p., . man for "Voluntee)'s fpr Meehl"in". I ',. , '-' '.'" . alUlouncel\ tQdlJ.Y that. pI'epal'allons

• ij"iiilii}~iWllIii·iiWa<.'~i·iit-A~"i~i'iWiioi~i'.Wi, 1ii0!1~.d~~irsPii were proceedlng accordl!1jJ to sclle-. illie for the free barbeque to be.

· .' '.' . '" .. 1. ':~ (leld In Espanola at Rlvet'slde LakeJiJ)o, You W~ell Moneyf Parlt, Sunday noon, July 21, in honOr• . Ask- fQ~'" j, ~e~~~ Stat\,3 Senator EdWin L.

: .' terov ComeUqs' 1" The location' of the barQeque at tile· .Can C£ f.8761 or CL 7.-6781 jl> JeallUfuI Riverside Lake Park In

. . . Rio .l\l'rl~a County has been select-

.....~•••••i •••U •••••••••••i ••I· ·;~r~:~naco~~r~~:rt~li1::~~~~~a~~~ ...

.... . '. .. to visit with Senator Mechem.

1: ~. 'A"NOR m;~~w~O~~~\:.h~st~rio/~~:e~~~:(~ p. ' ... .. '. '. extend an invHallon to the p-upllc to

Jk!serve yoUr apt,PI)w,call CL 7. join us ?unday noon. July ~ll for

..~93 foJ' InIClrmaUon plenty of "rood. fun IUld feUO\\ sblp.· •••••••••••Q............... The NOl'tllcl'll County Chllil'lm~n STAGES Rl~V.JVAL - {)llvld

~~••~;;.;;;;;:.;;;;;;_t.-=~-~~:;;;;;;;;;~-;;;;;;;.- ~~?~~I~~ii~"~~~e~llio:;:.·· :e~t~inA" set Augus.~ 4-11 at Capitan Inthl' ChUr,.ch of' (~hrlst there.

. . Light Bulbs. l':Vt'ryoul' Is Invited to attend thesl'ries of t'n'uing meellugs, start-

. Light Fixtures, lug at 7:30 p.m, dally., -- - . -, ~ Appliances, -~.~_...- ---t ,'....

& ELECTRIC· unde)' til(' load(,l'/ihlpof Willie Ortiz,. . .. . ~i;~~1 or ~~::tllll~~I·:~;lI~o~~rt;lla~a:~~a~. PI~~~

.;ll1t evelll for all who can·, attend.J>bpno Nlcht or Day: CL '1-6836 _ P.O. Box 1255'lld·. 01 Seuator Mechem (rom 'all

. ' llwr till' "tatl' lire cordlllll)' Invited."pIc1a>1cm SUbmerrlble. Pumps, Galvanized Pipe & FItUngll,_ ... .. _ _ _

: JWafuteDance on all Pumps.: Electrical Work Home Being Built.: Cecil Bleb, MCr.....Pump-Electrlo Contractors-Gene Beavcrs. I'rnll. b H h M R hh~~.~.~.##..,#,.,.,:,.,.,..,.,.,~,##...",.,,.,,,... . n ig - esa anc

• . .'. i··.. . - , . I Fo;r Scrib~er Family.'-T Hall's Construction I I ~1r i.ll'! 1\11': . R. G. Scribner. form·· .__ . I' .Iv .,j Yllma. Ariz. have 'Just taken

& E t· IIi' It'- HIt'fll'J' In RUidoso. The SCrlb·, xcava Ion 11"'" !l,l\l fuul' children. Bob. Jane.'./l'fl ut,ll DavId They. have rented

. '" ... !JIll till I II llll.'ir house Is com·

Iph'" (/ til.' IN!I MI'. JOhn Emdc. 10'·.' II l'llIl ~ llll" ",'. ls building the houseI jw Iii ;II .n tlll'll' nmch on the Hlgb

\11-'.1 Ill'a I' ,,\!tu wlll"re Mr. SCribner1 11.,'1. :" nil'.' qll[lJ·ter. horses andI t <

~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii'iiiiiiiii·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiijiiiiiiiiiCi-iC··D·'-~-!X-~-~_· Br" !., !iI ,'" I !It'. along wiIII commer·I c'd l':l1t:t'Th,. lIull l' l\.lr Emde l'l building

IIlI 'h.' Rl·'·.!Jnl'rs will be a rnnch.. I \' It· lIu'" 1)\1111 on the edge of the!',.. I lit '11" (111\(''' to tnleu advantaae"I 'h· ."" ~lrll'l'llil VII'W afforded fromtI,,· n,,' a '1 hI' hous!, WllS'designedlJ Mr Ihv WI (' of Phoenix and IsbJ'ow! bUll' uf MeXican burnt ndoUe

· "'!I"!lf'1' \\ l'h lIoor till'S. wWch the-_•. _-.• _._.<~. ';'~.4L~.b:a..."" IltucUred and sWpped

II'''''' Ml'ldlll.. Just below YUlTla.M: 1'('1."\"'1' wlll return to Yuma

h'! ., j1Ullllj!l IIf thl' summer and ex·rl'l'" til rtmh up htB business affairs"I/'Il' !J\' Ol!uber Living on the HJgh~1.'·,a nand. \\lIh !lit' SCrtbners w1l1')1' 1111'.1' r.ull'll foreman. Mr. JimfilUm". Ill'" Wlfl'. Dorothy. Bnd tWO'dllllh 1". Jllllmy and Nancy Orace,

Il· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (8)

.". ;-'









t, .







•'•• <. .,. - ,-



I, ',I

WEl?~ •.:l'HUlJS•.'EtQQe:J:t Mifchum

Shirley.MQcLaine in-"TWO FOR ."






.!'{.' -'~-"'~--" ._, ""."-. ""'--.




,{", i


, "


,, .


, ft




,,- :

withPurcli~ ot $S 01' 'Mote

We're Really GladYOU SHOPPED H.ERE. . ,




. . ModemCrocery '.' 1 '

Gold BondStatilJ)1~Doubl. on WedntldatSUdd.rtlt Drl"•.~ SkylmdAtft .

·•••iI.-••••_ iiit_.-_t••• ~-..Q.-._.•I _ ••:••.- ,f."":'.


, .,

, , ..',.. so • , ••

, nd

• ".... • ' • ..., ...


-1"1•.c.rtclOn­... 'It * .

WED. oNLYSandra Dee


. ·..Ia·ts.....Aimhl""41lUl1 ·lilkt .

CIfU;U~ tfNbd

-1'1.. Cartocm­

* * *SUN...MON...TUES.Sandl'li Dee .

Peter Fonda in

"1AMMY AND,THE, ..... !'...... DOCTO&-

.....- t,,, ," __ .. _,.. _ .

On Ill",ay 10 At F.nlranceTo naNl Tra«>k

*FRI. - SAT.

DOUBLE BILLArch Hall. Jr.. in

'4WIL-D GUITAR"-plus­

Rory CalhounColleen Miller in


R::d::IN~~s .. ~~~CI~. :~::r x:;r~e~~SI ~~ r :' .. ,.' .. . .'" ......:."'"~r"":' , ';:.., '., . the Sunl3 pledgeel herebr which ex·

~~~~A~~E1;~1~~2 g~~~:o~::~r~:~l~~f:~il:::~~~ ':$;M"..•.. ····O···t(·.. "r;::-'V ·B·~s~·t:)(' =t::S~~~~:r':.~A:g Po.,~W}~~F CO~EA~~ I~~~~~n;~:~~,ur:~~. ~l/~~~:~e~~ .' " '" .J;.'l,']~I\,; ~:~I~~c~:dw~ftt:a~;~%v~r~~:~

,~ _ I I I r d I Department of FInance and Admin·MAINTENANCE AND DISP081-' pr ncpa a an nterest on, anel fOr .Islratlon of the State' of New MexicoTION OF A SPEOAL STREET IM- the Immcdlate repurcha~p Rnel prIor M'U', .5"E'U'.M of such withdrawal.PROVEMENT :FUND. TO BE DE. redemption of, said Street Im. " ;'. . . '.

ISIONATED "SPECIAL SffiEET provement DIstrict No. 60.1, Street ,.. ........•..' ' .' . '. . Section 9. That· so long as any or

•. 'I{fWW.MEN'l' FUND NO: 2." Improvement Bonds: and ' . _,' ..'..' . the bonds i$sued for Ruldo,o. New, FOR THE VILLAOE OF RU1DO.1 WHEREAS, except for sald' Mexico. Street Improvement Dis·60, NEW MEXlOO, AS AUTHOR-- . Special Street Improvement FulId . trlc' No.2 are outstanding, the VII-

I f7 ~.n HV GHAJ>TEH 14, AR.TICLE No. 60-1, the Village of Ruieloso . lage of RUidoso w1ll not redUce slliel46, NEW MEXlCOSTATUTES AN. hll8 never heretofore pl<t!lged- MY gasoline and motor fuel tax nor In

f NOTA'rED, 1053, AND. LAW S portion of the, proooed:3 elertved any .manner divert moneys collectedI AMENDATORY THEREOF AND from I>aid gll."lOUne and motor fuel therefrom, the sums hereinabove, SUPPLEMENTAL THERE'ro; tax, except as herelnprov1cled. provleled.

PRESCRmlNO CERTAIN DE- with the result that the proceeds Section 10. That all disbursem*nt"'I'AILS IN CONNEOTION THERE. derived there!Tom may be lawfully made pursuant to the obligations

Iwn )I A N II IJECI.AHINO AN and Irrevocably pledged, as he» crealed herein anel by the contract

Ii EMEROENCY • In provided; lU1d created alid fOl'malllled by thiS ord·.. WH"mEAS, the VUlal{Q or Rul. WHEREAS, the Boarel or TrUll. Inllnce shtlll be made solely fromUI~;o levle:> a tnx of 000 cent per tN'S or the Village or RUidoso. In speclalas:lessytelits, or said Specialgalllm on gll.'lOl1nc and motor rueL till' Ctlunty. or LincOln anel Stfl,W " Strcet 'Improvement Fund No.2. orwId within alO Vll.tago of Ru1dooo 01 New MeXico, has made and both, anel from no other sOUl'ce, and

. purfluant 10 the l)fOvinldli:} of It_, adopted on the 8th day of Novem. • . " said obllgatlons shall not be con-ordlno'llcc No. 81. plI.'mCd. adopted, bt.'r, 1062, a provisional 'order for 1 t. sldered or held to be geneI'll! obllga·Il\lI!JI'd and I\J,lPfQy<:d Uw 27th day, Illt.' grading, gravelling, pavlnrr, ~ ttons or the V11lage, and the can·uf MllY. J054. lind I macadaml1.lnR', draining, and 1 . ,\" t tracllng parties may not look to anyI WlIEREAS, we Vlllalfc has here-' otlwrwl.'lt' Im})Tovtng clncludlng "".'. general or other rUnd ror the 'per·lollm', 11I1r. ullnt 10 Ol'lllnUnl'(' Na, I curbing anel guttering where 80 b formance of 'Such obllgattons, exceptIW, pati.'I<.'tI. adopl.t.'d, signed and F.}lectHcally designated) or certn,ln . ' .'" lUI herein provleled.lIJ1Jlrovcd the J6lJl day of Decl'tn- I.itfl'Ns, llnd parts tbereot. with '.~' . ~ Sectton 11. n1l1t after the principallX'r, 1001, .. l6sucd It::! BtJ'f.'l'1. 1m- Inll'r'icclloM, In the Vlllage Dr Rul· .-!..oJ. J jt/fo ef and Interest on said bonds have

I fJI UYl'lIl1'lIl D!lllfict No 60.1, Street do'.o. Nt'w Mextco, satd ImprjWe- Ii! IJltJr been paid In rull. salel runel shall beIrnJITlJVI'l!It.'nl Domtl>. Hf'rll'!I Dl.'<'l'm. , ~l'ntll .hllVIn~, ooroetlmro bt.'cWCOe-, [\\1. maintained as a revolving lund inbl't f. IlIOf. 1Ii th.. agJ.!I'I'/{ult' prtnel. 'lI\lulHI II... Street Improvement, ..,,' the financing of street Impl'ovement(lll! fl/nuunl ul 15310.500 00 •of whll'h Obt~lct No 2," and by Ofdlnancl" . projects within sold Village; pro·tlll'rl' IIf(' fl{JW Out:itllntllng bon<l:l No., 137, Il:L.'i'Jed, adopted. signed JUD!3ES-Parad,e ,judgos for the Smokey Bear Stampede In vlded, hQwever, thtlt the VlllagoIn Oll' lIwn'l(u\.(1 prinCipal Ilmounl IIml llpDrOVl"d on Ille ~l eltly of Capitan July 4, from lefl. Mrs. C. A. Snow Carrlzozol John mtlY thereMwr terminate said rund~ $236.000 001. \.(J d('fray In I>art APr:!. ,:O~. hull I~Cd n&"~..!tjFe~ttl Travis Clegg. superintendent of schools Ca~rlzozol and Mrs and place the moneYfi therein In Its


I m:cnC:~n~~~rap~~3',l!r~:=: I~~~~:d byllll~f3lfm:~n~t~.;t Pat ~omero, Fort Sianton. Dick Bcnn~lt: Q[lother judgc fro~' ~~~cr:M~~c:n~~;~such mlltneys Inlind oth('rwl~" Illlprn, nil ('('rI[l,,. jllUch lrnprovemenUi being made Ruidoso, look this photo.. ' . s.ccUon 12. Thllt nny holeler of anytitrC'Ct:t In rotd VlJlagl" wf 100 and su('h (\/;8ellllmenla levied In nc- --~~- - f Id bo -bond:l under th vi;u' I c.ordance with the Gtatutetl of 'f1Io fund. 1f at any elC5lgnated Bemlan- that nothing herein contained IlhhlJ one or more 0 sa or anyordln~.(" wcreC I~~~O=~~tm~ Statl' or New Mexico provld1ng nu,11 Interval tht.' full IImount stlpu. be 80 construed ll!I to prevent said ~ the coupons reprcsentlng IDtcre.,tof ,;peeled n'jf''(>:>''lml'llUI l 11 ou UlCrl'ror: 11.00 llated Ilbovt.' l!l 1101 dl.'po'llted Into !!alel VtlJage from creatlnn Il lien on Mid ereon. may either Ilt law or InntnJiu~1JY ~~urcd b ~Id ':t~~o WHF.REAS, the Boord or Truswe.'l Svecllll 81rel't Improveml.'llt ll'und tax proceed'! Inrerlor and Bubord. equity. by llUIt. (lction, mallelamulior UI(' pruclwd:l or cald fax o~ n h:l!J df'tennlned. and doetl hereby No 2. UINI the dIHerellce In the Inate to the lien hereby created. The or other approprlBte proceedlngll Inllno and molOr IIII'I and fflIOO" dl'wnnlne, to lll.'ruc ttl! stre<'t 1m- llmoUnt l\c!ually QI.'PO'llted and Ute moneyll herein reqUired to be ele.IMY court of competent JurllldlcUclQ,

WllEllEAS from ~lLtd tax Ipr-ovl'nll'nt bontb pumuant to Ule amount ~Upul[llt.'d allall be paid In· IP05Itl'd liiil'ald fund e1uIlI be plllCed protect the lien Bud plcdBe created0('1'<1:1. pUl'lal~nt to Ordlnanoo p~~ cOlllract dated the 9th dfl,y 01 July. to the Fund III lhl' next I:emlannulllither('tn after the pllymento due or by thl!l ord1l1l11lce on MY or U10 rev·1W, p;u~'icd, udopted IIIgnt.'d and 1fI1l2. which -Ule Village hl19 enter. dl'pO"lt dn!t' Irom tlll' tint receIpts pMt dUe liTe mnde tlS required by enuc'l of !laid rund. am! InBy by BUJt•Ilpvron'''' lilt' Illln \Jay 'ul ul'Cl'lllbt'r l'd Into with Stem BroUtcm & Co., or 'lllid tax(',. !,ubJecl 10 thl' oUler Inold Orlllnance No. 1211, from the acuon. mMdomU3 or oUler appro­IfJOI lind MUI thl' prillI' lIpprovul 0; I Albuqul'rqu(,!. New Mexico. and dl'pO"lltq rl'qul1l'd 10 bl.' mode rtrnL flrol procl!edlJ collected rrom nilld yrl proceeding or proceedlnlCll. en·lilt' fllntl' Doard or f'lntmcl' thl're' CIlI!;()("lntc:l; and . 8t.'c'101l 3 TIlat ror the period of I:awllue and motor tuel lIlX' orce Mit compel the performlUlCe 01arc tNlulrlld to bt.' depo1tt'ed for WHEREAS. It l.o> the de:;1rc Of f>lrvell ycal'Jil from Un' !,ald rtrM da)/l 8l'cllon 0 Tlmt nothln~ herein ~nyJ:ut

Y Im:~e~ ur~ OO!ddVIIIl\tlc===..,....~. _ Ult.' Vlllnuc. Utllt Ixn'ut.'l tor !l:lld Rul. or Jllnt'. 1063. a:l of the proceeels In contulnl'd ~hllll be &0 COtl!llrued ll!I y e prov 000 0 i3 or llIlUIce.

doc.o. New Mexlc.o, Btre<.1. Improve- •f,uld Spt.>C:al Strl'et Improvl'ment to prevent !laid Villa e rrom creat.- Section 13 That the Village ofIN A IWlllll"!' Ill('m District No. 2 be I'lCcureel by Ifitnd No 2 lltl' hl'rt.'by exehJ!Jlvely Ing a lll?n on Ill1Ic1 tuB cd:J I RUldow throuub It!l duly autJlorlzed

WI" cun build II n pll'tlgc 01 llllid ffllSOlIne and mo- and trrevOl'nbly pll'dlled ond llhall f~rlor and ClubClrdlna:'e p::e~Il! u~~ Off!Cla1!l. r.hllll promplll" collect saidl1rl\buLod/1l In u tor fUl?l lnx m01IC)'lI 't!.1Jlle t:llid bit u~l'd r;oM\' no addltlonnl !ll'curi. herein crented nor to prevenL the uaooline tUid motor fueJ lax month·

few dAy_ tor A kUOlI ••~ bond.:J arc outst4ndlntl but not to t)' ror Ull' rull ond prompt J!t1yml?nt VlUauc rrom 'U5lng satd tax r Iy. The pOrtJun or Ute moneYll &01I0Ulle, or your lIonll'. W¥""' cxc.ct."d. 010 maximum period or or the llItrre:;l on nnd. prln;IPal of ceed!! ror any 1l1wiul PI1l'po!;C ~t 0- credited 10 sllld fund clll1l1 COMtI·

&!e our bl. ad l'Il'~l"Jl ,. enl'll l1!I authorized by Chap. Mid bond1 l1!I Utl" name become Imaking the rcqUi cd inn er tute a trt15\ rund and clloU be de·• tt.'r 14, MUcic 40. New Mextco Sin- due and ror thl'lr repurchn..O\C and I Vlded'bu enid 0 dr Pl\W~28 pr.?; PO~lted. pending their ~ for Ute

tutr:; Annotated. 1053. Ilud Inwa 1 • '11 I' r nnnCl! 0, , a .... ' redemption or repurchn!lc 01 bond9,~< ~ , 0 " ~ ~ ,0 'n-ml'1Jd:\tory thereat' lind IlUnnIO"' prro~:'d n emption. a~ herelnaftl'r by thlll orc1lnllnce. tram the Ilrnt lin Il bank In New Mex:co qllilllfled

• ~###" ..,,._,##,_,. ,"['nlol thl're1O, -UIC Hen or "~1d p •• cd IT:onc)'tJ llvalluble therefor from llnld to accept tru5t fund9 under the Ill\l,o'!l

(!fie ....... ,..~ bllmb on r:ald gasollnl' and motor Seellon 4 nl'lt (lxcept l1!I !laid talC!tb. I;ovemincr the acceptance or tl'Ullt

~i!Jr.!J rUl'1 tlllC monl')'1l to bl' lIubordln:tle rm:nll arc needrd to Pl'l>\'en~ any de>- I SeeUon 7, nUlL ror nU c1l!Jbun:e-1 funds.

,t,', .)1.7~.ANOR to Ule Itcn.'l of ~nld oultltllrJdlng linq,'ll'nc)l In ttl(' payment of told In· mrn19 rrom Slttel fur.d, Ute VlUllgC Bect10n 14 T1Int Ute oHlct>m of the.. ~. m bOlldq tcrt.t llnd pllnrlpal. M Ute llaOlt' 01 RUldo.:o shaU be slJbnr,;nted lor. VlUnge or Ruldoo:o be. nud Utey here- H bNOW. TIfERE1"ORE, BE IT OR. becomr dut'. tor !laid e>1t'vm-Yl'ar the bcnrfit of t::lld SJl(!C1ll1 Smet by are. authoriZed nnd directed to am urgers

JJvl' In C:arl'free Luxury and Save UAINED bY TIlE VILLAOE OF (Jl'rtbd, snld Sprclnl Street Improve· ImprO\'l'ment Fund NO.2 to 1111 the lakl' nil nction ncl:.e!::lU'Y or appro-_,,,,,##N,,,,,._*,.,,##,,,,,_ fWIOOSO. LINCOLN COUNTY mrnt Fwd No 2 aoel tln of thl? pro- rlgb:O o.nd remedle.'l of Ute halder or prlntc to effectuaw the provtsloD9 d'" .=- ~ _ . • NEW MEXICO: • ceed!; tbenln art' hert'by Irrevocably hll:derll of pll1d boncb, AU of ootd or tb1B ordllllUlCC. an

Sl'ellon 1 That SlJ('Clnl Strrct 1m. pledged and rJlnJl be U!:Cd to the bend'! 00 repurchn.scd o.nd redeem- Seellon 15 111I1L oIter Ill1ld bondg

Well Dn·Um·g provcmen\ Fund No 2 «sometimes Ntlclll nccc~.ary tor the Immediate ed prior to their scheduled maturlty for Street Improvement DlstrlcL No Charbroiledn'ft.'rl'l'd 10 herein 119 UII' "Fund'" rcpurrba.'le and prior redempuon of dllte with moneys Irom IlllJd lund 2 Mve been lssUl'd. this ordtflllJl('eIllI nuthorlU'd by flection 14-4lJ.'1. said bonll9 by th(> VllIane. to. that the shall be held by the Tre.nsuru of slt1111 be Irrepenlable until &atd

and Repair Work N(>w Mexico S1atutl'tl Annomtcd, Vllln;;e r1lll1l rl'pUrchnllC nnd r... &aId VIJlnllc In lieu of the c:nsJt ex· bonds, bolli prtnclplll nnd In~erest, 'S akM

·. H. Meelen'don 1!l5.'I, nnd Int\'ll Blnecdatory thl'tror dCI'm suce(>g;lvl'1y on or before the pended there!or; and when collect- shall be fully Pilid. m\t1!lfted o.nd I te snnd IlUppll'menml therelo. bt'. nod I;l'COntl. 'xomtannulll. bond Interest loon 1'1 mnlle tor snld ll~IQl llG1:CSll- c11l:cltnrged. .lhl' 1llI1n(> hcrroy III declnrcd to be, Iln~'Jt:('nl date> IU'lel following UtI! dAte ml'nl'l, prlnclpnl. ltJtl'rrot. and any Section 16 That th19 ord1rr:lnce - k('r('(lled on thr first tiny or June. of s.,ld bondq and nn or before the PCl1ll!tiC9, Md niter nald bonds, belli may be nmended or suppleml!J1lt'd Qu,c SO'Y'

Licensed Wafer Wen 1003 r.ame monlh and .tillY In Clleh of UteIprinCipal and Interest have been re- by an ordinance or ordln:urcea

ContractorSl'l'Uon 2 That. beginning on thl' -ucCeCdla", )'I'nr'l. m addtllol\ to nIl deemed In fUIl~ the recelplS trom adopted by the :Bo:lrd 01 Trtr3teC9 in Do··-.lown Ruido"o

"lItd fir'! da~' or Junt'. 1063. alld accrued In.erl'5t. In regulllr numerl. said l1SSl!smtenb shnU be credited Ilccordnnce with Uie laws ar Ute W.lU ..,Glencoe N M (,lillllntCng until the VlIlnge'l) lipe. l'nl order. the d~sJgnated portion cf bacle to said Spe~llll Street Improve. Smtl' 01 New Mexico, o.nd wI!hout _. • =<'tt=--. ---

.., ... 1'1111 llSSl'S!lmcnt. negoUable. coupon the t h r n ou",tandlng prlnelpal ,ment Fund No.2. the rccelpt by the Villalle. of anyPho. Hondo. OL 3.4313 bends deslgrmtcd ll!l "RUidoso Strl't't ,nmount of the bonds. as .nearly as Seetion 8. 'l1tat while any of sntd addlUol1ll1 <:ctEldcr11t1on, with the

fmproveml'nt Dl.!rtrlct NO.2, Stret>t . prncticnb:e con.~l!:lt(!fl~ with Ihl!' de· btJnd3 nre oU1slo.ndlng, the mone;'ll written consent ot the bolde>fS of~~=. __ Improvement Bond9. 8e.rt..~ June I. nomlnllUon thell'llf. 119 follows: placed In slltd fund shall no~ be se\,ctlty·flve per centum l'lS';) oft»Rt.W...mH.WnNn,.....Wl'NNNJ 1063," IWl'neumell referred to here- PorUon of l'rlnclpal withdmwn trom said fund, and shAll the VlUagc's bonlht designated "RUI· ....CEl<lTUttVOl"

,II Q.5 thl' "bmub", both pr1nclp:J1 Bond lntcTc!l1 OJrlstandlnr not be u;ed In any other manner dO!lO. New Meltico, Street Improve- .C"~M'.(fE.RC1AL..""'"",,,,nnd Intl'rt'.'lt. ore rCl!t'l'med In full. l'!'yml'nt Date 'Bonds ror IUlY ~, except Q.5 herein ment Dlstrlct No.2, Strcet Jm. - ...'. " .•or tul!ll such lime DB there Is oc. .. 1tt'!ttcemetI provided; ond It shall be unlawful pro'Y-ement Bonds. Series June 1, ·'''m7liCRiiY';·''-·''-'·''eurnulo!l'd In solei fund 11 sum equnl 2nd . . 1/10 elurtng snld time so to Withdraw. or 1Il63," nnd otrtstarJdlng ot the Ume We can buIJd a'0 tWt.'nty Jl('r cent f2lY.. , 01 the bomb 41h li9 catt;e to be so wilhdrllWJl, nny ct the .f the adO'pUon of such amenrlo.lor)' 'Itmberl.odce In II ~.thell OUl.Smndlng therem referred to G!h 1/8 proceeds of snrd fund ror any pur or supplemental ordlnnnce; prevld- t v cia· t ;-"--~il. HIt.' "f!llnlmum rest>f'Ve." WhIch. 8~h 117 po;;e. except 119 herein prlW1ded; ed, hmvcver, that no sud! ordJ:t:nnce b'::me : yO:ur



I'~('r lWcurs carller. there shIllI Ill' 1O!h 1'0 }uw;ever. Ihnt the VlI1agc may With· shall ba\'e the effect 01 permittIng: ~ our big ad.. e,p.lICM In and credIted to l;.Illd fum) 12'h 1,5 dmw (rom sntd lund l1flY monefS of (ll J An eXfenSlcm of the period of -,...##~,_.-...._-_.,........-'bu! nfter the sum or sums wh;ch 14!h 10 4 ....all' rrqulrl'd W be depoolled·llnntU1l. lC~h 13 I' ';; f~-' - ~.... W:'l1 -~ ,.~,,,,-,,,,,,,*,,,,,,,~-~

Iy II:~O Street Improvement Fund 18'h '1.2 i'~.r:',~ .No Ql t by said Ordinnnce No 1281 ~Illh loor* \ I '" ~ilftmul sam'! tOlllllng at lenst tv.'O fir Uy. to Ule extt'tlt available with lJl('r cent «2 il 1 of !he bond9 then out. !lIc [iJll'l'lnl assr,-;smenl9 levIed and '!I;'nndilll.l from the recclp19 or mu- "{illl'(;~l'j In ccnnectloD w;1h the prop. ;iDbICiP:lJ Utlles levied and collected "I1Y III £ald Rwdcso, New Mexico, I .

y tht' Village of RUldlb'"Q from the SireN Improvement District No.2. y.<mIl' of gasollne and molor tuel, M u:d. secondly,to the extent neees- ,,, ,afol"l'srtld. Tho BtoresaJd nnn\U1l de- 'i::Jr)' wltb monC}"S in sll1d Speclnl' . .po:;t18 shall be mode nt ~emlnnnu:tl SI"'('('1 Improvement :Fund NO.2,! ..••Interval,; Alter the !'nld minimum but no~ with moneys derlYed from !rf"'l'rve l!l renehed. said fund shall !It lIny other SOUrce, T,'! .: ~all IItnes be maintained nt n sum 'Sectlon 6, 'l1Ja~ excePt for the prior { .~ --- ._.. "rl'presenting twenty per cen~ (20~) lInQ superlot lien nod pledgo crent- i l' I'}r thl' botJds then. outsllltlding. Sn,ld I'd by salel Ordlnnnce N~, 1;!8, tho. f •. .' Ibonds shall be pMa promptlY 119 Ule tnon..~"S hereIn reqUited to be plnce<! . \ ,samc become due and til loost one- In saiel fund Irom Ute proceeds or ,{' ". :tenUl of thc original prlaclpnl said gl\Sollnc nnd mowr fuel Wt l ,llmount of 5.'\ld bonds will be re- shntl e.onstltu~ lUId bereby nre Ir.! •deemed annulllly (1lS set out ttl sec- revocab1y pledged IB n first lind t' '.lioll 4 or thl~ ordlllnncc), firstly, prIor Hen ott nil or said prllCCt!d!l; t.,

froln sprelal assessments. nnd see- ~bnt tMrc Shall be created flO Uen i .olld!)', to the extent necessary, from or Uefl'l on said pi'oeeedS on n parlty "thnt portIon bf said receIpts In sil-lel wlUt tM lien hereby created: nnd ,. I'··'5 iii. '. ; . ) - • : ) t











lb. 29C

lb. 59C

lb. 39C


32 For 49'

, ..,. ,

.3 Lb~, 89c

5FOR $1

,Ib~ 39',.Ib. 49'lb. '29c







,, .

.,•• •



(' .~~".,.....~ ,............. I"'~.-;, I .1\( I 11 __ 11 -- 1

we give frontier stamps l~ l\~~ \double every wed~e$doyL~_;~-:J

JULY 19·20

CuJ Corn, Spinach,Poas, CuJ Broccoli.Mixed VcgoJnblos








Longhorn CheesePICNIC HAMS Glover'~


JELLO Reg !)I10

Tomato Juice T:;t~~OIl

DOG FOOD Con 0 3 For 29c

MARSHMALLOWS l,;;,g:lu~ 19'



* * *PEACHES ~~:'~'~ 1SC


CUCUMBERS ~.~..... ,.. ; , 12c



CUy Dairy. Grade A

HoUywood Food Mart\\'U1 Be (')ptn 7 DillAWttk-1 to 11 .

- BOTH STOIlES OPEtN' SUNDAYS -" ,'">.'/ ';. ,," . , ' -

PEACHE'S co*ck o Walk, Nt> 2'.. Can.


OLIVES LIbby', Ripe300 Con .,,' .. . . , . . .. ...

BLACK-EYE ~:I~~.n Kraft., ..•• , ••


. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


,0 ...l'tlreI

" I'I \.ll'III









J, '

"\' I


, ,

, I





I·, .;i 'j, ,



, r, ,~' .If ;

11nl I'! I, ,, i

), ,, II.1

{ )


I'· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (9)



, ..







r­tf "~1,.


1'11001' C'L '·(;9S'7



. ,P,O# Box ooa:lnJdo9o New Mexico

•. I

.- ---.. ), .


-------_._-,,--_.. ,- -"--~

" .-- --- ._-~~

JOCKI-:l'S 1.,\l\lImHT, {·lI\1'l\I,.\N, .eHOSn\' DECISIONS {·IU'CI,\I.

Jock£'y.~ Cllff Lambf'rl. K,'n and BllrlC'v ('1'0 by wlil Ill' dm­fronlf'(j wl!h ,",ome ,'ruelll) ,h'e;.,iOll.'lwhen It ('Olll£,s £'1I1rY t:l1Ip lor Sun.dllY'~ 18th rIlllllll'l1 of Ih,' $1::0.700Rmdo..,o 0p{'n QUMlt'I' HoI'. t· Fu.turlty

In lasL wl'l·k's limp Trlr'lh, waH abnard Thf('(' 110m' Oil:fast('c.t of llll til£' 11l1ahllpr'llt 20,7&lor 400 ~'lIrd!i. and MI>< IIl\JJhh,which was tuned III 2078 Chapmauhlld tIl£' Ifog up (l/l Star I'll1lll, 2081,and Thl'f>,,'q Oal. :'082, whlh' ('I'll".b)' was abllalll 1IvI:;'0 L..", 2070,and 'I1mt'" OUI' Onv, 2lJ IH

80 who'll 111l'V I "le' , •'-----_.......__.-..---olUIJJ!lJlUlI-.ullCI!lJlllllilllllUIIllllilllilUll1JJll!U~

IN /\ IIt'ltU \'?WI' pan build a

Thnhl'rLod(l't, In " ~'1'1\ d:IYS ror II lI u",,1 1mbtr'1!\:la9~lOllSI', or vour .hOIllI',

SI'I' onr big ad.iJIW1~!llllll1llll!llillIl!l!Uu.:!!Cli1:!:Uj~nl tllllilJ:m~C,.. '1 tm:n:m!!illlli

•~"#"##~'####-I{tIr,,.,#- ",.,..,.,


.COI,T8 IWE TO ARIUV~Fan sr;~(,OND ANNtTAI•.AI,.L-I\l\n~RU'AN!i't!'j'llIUTY SAL~

"-Wllhnll siglt'; of till" vlrU$ baving"shlPPl'd out," colll.i cn,I'I'l'd in IhGsecond lllU1Uili AlI·Am!'r~can I;ulurl~

:y /Sale of quarter hnr&£' Yl'al'lmg's,schl'duled 111'1'1' TIlul',da y. Augus~2(1, [Ire due to· ~lm·t url'lvmg wiUJ1I1

.. the !lexi IWll WP1'!t",'Since Ih£' Vii'll'; f'PH1f>llIif' haR b(!ell ,

whipp(!d lind hunt's il rt' ullowed 10move in IIl1d out at Will 1",It, Ill(' Pll:l~

" three wef'k~. VI\II S/llC'lkf'r. manager" of thl' Sp01Nll'ln~l Tnpll' AkA Live-

\7l siock Sal(>" Co. of Tu." on, Art;!;,.poinls out that Ownt'r,'; of Iho 88yearllnrrl< f'ntt'I'('r1 Ul ,fhl,' Yt'ar'!,sale may n?l" 1lI11k£' plall1; for Mlp­pin!!' wlthou;, If'ar of tll£' VII'Wi

Thr sale, willch gnh,,,d a whop­ping $212,9CO, all ll\'£'r,i'!l' III $3.130,88for 68 hpad. h 1I111qW' In thal it Is0PPII oll~Y In )'I'urlw:, !l.Ild·up tonext· YC'llr'!, i'IUltl.tlM ,r tlll' $2,,1).000­estlmllt('d AJI,Allll't'It'Oln I"II'un'y,





•'4; -

'" - ~' ~ -


\. \\ '


nutrient energy

JOIlNN\' '" JO t'!JlUl.TZ

Painting, Building an~



(Acro.'l:l (rom Jlm'(l EqUlplJlI'ntRcnlnl!ll

••II.I••••••••I •••I •••••••••••~

SELECTIONS FOR SUNDAY1. BaUle Linn, Senor Rey,' Ruff

CotmC2, Spalding Oold, Real Bold, Count

Tango, •3. Oocttat' Bonanza FI)'or, Ea"l£'

Bar Man,4 Blno Texas. Echol's Baby,.S:!II.

Ifllrnia Host6, Rhodn Cr(,f'I, SPa RlItdl'!', Rock.

et Bar,6. Spanish Doll, Mr, Burrf'ss,

QuIck LlghtnlllJhd.,7 Jar. i4'powifc7, Tribal Six8 ,Sharp W1t, Areo,Tlp, nlltl I.ark

Ino May UllIh. JI\)"S Dull, Gin Rum·-my..10 D('nJI" 1"1)'1'1'. Ml~.:'l Vll'lll\O,

l3arbarn Bprll('!'II Miss Croton Oil, MIN'l Bntllf'"h,

Bar Facl'I:! n('lUlll Bar. Flvp·()·T\\o. Slt'{'I'Y

J. BOllt 81'1 MllY 1111:1<-",-,•• --..~ - ..-. _ •• _<


. .~;m~:.;; ;;;;;~;;:;;;:;;:;:;;,;;It.:;;;;;;:;;a, -.....-- PAG.E mNli:~

Ruidoso News.Frid[lY, July 10, 196.1

II .' , , ,

l ',. ,-'.....---~

'... ,' ~

" ,. , ,.


. .

energy ror aleriness.for lasting hcalth~

100% Jersey milk has a rarm·rrc~h

flavor children love. Dcsplle all its> extras, All-Jersey cOllts no more· than

ordinary milk, In fact, it's teday's big·gest food bargain. Start serving it realIOOIi I ",

.' ,



~.' "' -. >.,,'




, -,and the two men at left an~. right of horse were not identl.fled~ In background, from left,· are friends of the late JoeReilly (snd empl~yees at the Downs, Including, Sue Thomp.Ion, Dee' Aune, Romeo Klein, Dorothy Hatter, "Dutch" Cun­n1ngh<Jm, Dorothy end Bob Quick,

Indoor bea~ pool (or y(':lr 'roundIlwlmmlJlll'-recrnUon room.



~".. ~ .,~., ~

milk... ~!

a naturalJy better body builder

,.. J ... ~

, , .•

CITY DAIRY.AtlYoUl' li.Y'qrU. S!Qg' .

- , '- ' .-

Young bodies arc also built one Ilep ilta time, It's chiefly by proteIns .... "na_ture's building blocks." ~1I·Jersey milkprovid~s more building blocks lban Ii,lY .blher natural milk. It supplies thctU fnan especially useful form. . 1,'

Active youngsters benefit {r"om tbeabundant energy-producing elcmenwlttAU-Jersey milk, Included arc <1Ulc~


. - , ". _".,,,. _ t'. ,

.. , ....._,


Ir you're DO& &falUn!:, at Gamblo'llyou're paying too mlK'h,



1. Oary Ro. Akalady. Ban Sen, 1. Nalrs-o-Petlte. Underhand, Hay• 2. Skip Deck, Lady Bompoo, Ravin Fiddle. •Oleam. 2, Te~lUe, Bachelor Speed, Sir

3. Tip Spark, Bar Count, Man O· Shower,Moore. 3. Auht Allc&, Happy Helper, Ton,

La~r~I~.FaYe; ChI1l RoJo, My tn~~ '~~~~:r.- Bnnd Flash, BroJn5 Dill Bam, Rugged Bars, Ariel DUde. / .

Bar. . 6, Manor~ MlIn, Valentine Dial. Joe6 Miss Dreme 13l1t, Poncho Will, Oordon,

Little Frizz 6. 00 Cutter 00, Dlr('et Lee,7 Orand Knight, Valperll, Honey's Spooky Kid.

Strl'nk, . , 7 Van Play, Flashll' Sam. Coura.8 B('naJax, Mighty Venture, Dusty I:(,OlL~

Olin. . II HI Splcey, Tag Straw. HI ,Falla9 Jet Deck, :ulat·s Francis, Miss 9, Paula's Pride, Bcwdloy, IIRl'p,

Deck Charge.· ortl'l'O10 Tray B[lr, Yellow Van, Joy 10 Forontlm, DU!lty Slpl'l, Dhncou

F1I1m(' / II B. Jolly, Keen Sllllgestlon,It ,Net Man, Budge PocketS. First Pizza Dal.ooka,

Run, 12 PUtaplck, Red 'nlrl'lId. New12 Arenla, FI!lby SIi;I,y, My Boy Crr('k

Len. Bp••t Bot .. HI SplcoyBr51 Det - Jet Deck. . .•_.~_... ".., •• -

OI,,.:NS I'AWN 81101'Jack Drrg, forml'rly of EI Palill.

ill 0p('lling n pawn Ilhop III UIl' 1'0,modt·led lumber !lbcd or the oldAndpuon Lumber Co properly onU, S Highway 70 In Hollywood.-- -_- _-;0;,= ,

I•••I ••~.I.I•••••••••••••II•••••

360: Chance 13M, 3.80, 3.00; RoYIIITwlnkll', '1,60. T-l: U 1/5

Ninth rllee - 3 yellr aids and up;5'6 (urlongs; Villa' KI!\!i, 20.00, 10.00,GOO; Bull Camp, 22,00, 860; DiceMan. 3.110, T-l:09 2/5

Tl'nth race - 3 Yl'lIr olds and up;61a (urlongll; Nonl Porter, 11.20,5.40,400; Don R, 6.20, 3.80; COnnn'lITrllp, 500, -1:21.

(C.onUnucd to PIl/;'e 101


, - " - "

Butdoso, N. >Mex.

--- '" - ,_.

. .HONOR FORMER HOST-Joe ReiUy, host for many years inthe popular Ruidoso Jockey Club at RuldosQ Downs, washonored with a memorial race last week ot the Downs. ShownIn winner's circle is ,Better Eye, taking flrlt place in the race,Gathered around th" horse are, on left, Sam Knox, wearingdark glasses, Ray R."d, Trainer Tom Steve!,s, Lady on the left


~~ .. ~............ _... ..

•••••••••••••••••••••••• t •••••••••


In tbe llean of the1I1~":alero Apache Indlau




Horseback Riding

Rifle Be ~J'1Camping


Hikblg.()~ 1% We~1uI - IUM 'I1InI AUPlt

Write ror Brocbure:Boll 36, RuIdoso, New Mexico,


- • ,,<., '


... f-


. .

'fhere Is No SubstituteFOR Q-UALITY

.Safe Plumbing and Good Public Health

Are InseparabloYOmt KOHLER DEALE'R.

--AU Work Stricfly Cash-


Serving RuIdosoFor More Than

." , " __"< '__~_,_,,-,",~',,_.-,,' "." ,-__-,,~_-_, - _, -" .•• '''': ,"'_,J: 'J. " ... ,,_:_.'" ,



Sanla Rosa 1I0nored SundaySupporUng tho Fulurlty w11l be Q

six • furlong "8llnln Rosa Day"thoroughbred (eoture mlltchlng, such-

·e··~:>:'" ... ,.~....



. .


Your Friends Eat HereAnd, We'q ae Happy To Welcome You, Too


1'., Commercial Buslneuell.•Wll Pkk Up at Ella Cleaners,

lIoU11VOlld CIeatlers andJttdc1oso Cleaners



. ,," ..



Ruidoso· Laundry& Linen Supply

For YourPersonal Laundry·and Finish Work


Also Inferior Texture Work, Including the New•

Idea JnGl1fter Flniah and Acoustical CeUingl

Phone CL 7-6605'*

i·········UNiTID'RENT~Aii·s······· 'WE• •: TOQls and Equipment :: FOR 1IOME, YARD Be SHOP :: Saw. FUtd and Tools Sharpened :: . We Give Rose Sfamps . :

:-' CALL CL 7-2967. :if •

: Road Behind El Rancho Court :if •...•.................~ ....................•


• « ' . t •







, '


If~., ,,· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (10)


',( ;

""'j.\ (,I'"~




. . I








KUOB-lIobbs KPDM-Carlsbad.J{D1·;F-Albuq. KENN'-Farmlngton

J{TRG-S:tli{a l"c KJ{IT-8l111la Fe

KOUT-La9 CrlWes

Race Fans. Tune in RaceResults on Your Home­Town Station. Broadcasthy Ruidoso Downs SportsNetwork:

. ,

KJ>.SN-Los Alamos



KRSY-RosweU KGFL-lWswcll

lmOD-m Paso KARA-Albuq•

KSUP.-.J\r(eslaKBUY-Amatmo.....also on.1rdetmomilahl

SPorts SIaUOM In eo!qradlt


..-....l_~~ "'.........;...·;.w-..J.....-r,.~i:...-•••""W..ol."......._....'" ....._---- .,



Y2 Inch -7¢ Foot3,4 Inch -9¢ Foot1 Inch -12¢ Foot

Special This Week .1.955 Pontiac. 4-door Star Chief.

new motor - $395F. E. "Bill" Baird - David T. Baird

u, S, Ulghway 70 -lIoU)"\\'tIod

Three mechanics on duty who have combinedof' experience of over 50 years servicing

all makes of cars


Rambler Agency~Service 1 Days A Week




.........~ ..••.........•



•••••••••••••••••••••••.•..••..••...•.•..•••.•.••••••••••••••••~Shooting Oal. 4.40. T·I: 134. .

Eleventll race ..- 3 yellr old.. ,; (jCwlongs; ,BeUer l!:ye, 580, 340. 2110;Inventure, 18.00, 8.00; Dl"momlLodgt', 3.20, T-l: 14.3

'rwelfth rllce ~" 3 year old. IlIl!Iup; 7 turlongs; Dolly Mlldison. 11 GO.7.00, 760: My Boy Len. 040. 4llU; /;It.Sudden Olol'y, 9.00 'r 1: 23 'C: .,

Qulnlela ~ My Boy Leu nnll fJurl ~,! -' .'J. '. .' 0 '';dt'll Glory, $7~.20. I .. " }Ii, , ~l n ,".~'~

llllndle ..., $256.209. (:;1;."1 \ \!: ••~f ..~11:1I::::::~100. .,--. /(T m:ti<:~:We can build II ... ~ '~" !.~ ,. ':;;.

ThnberLodge In a \.. • • ii'r d r Ucl*t S

':,rl'! I, .... ,,~cw ays or a J:'.'"'~\.01 "".•; .......i.~'~hOWle, or your home. ,. 'C. "~f.; •

See our big- ad. • . . c.. . .:, -...... , ,a,. ." Vc- ,."

IIllRDIIlIIIIIIHIMHilillllllllftIllllftIlIllllIIllll:lllllUlIlllll:r.m:nrmID ~OO~g \.1"" 0 URNr:16"BO~------------- - WI"\. 8;; WEePING "IS- - - - .... - - - ~ _. _ •••• r _... POt,\C'( SOON, WITH


, II••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••~~

'ti ' - /._;: ..,::':"7'. •. . . fjrL~ 'lfiliJ/lii, '~.'

~111;1tt.I~';~I''~r'~;,' . , 1lf!,¥I.. , ,'; "•

.t).~, -i~~,;~.' . # . ~.~ , HI 'J..o, ~QlO d 1. ... , .... ::.... 88 :"'Ii&

"'.'.1 'i2 .. .......: 85' . 113,13 a8 5!)\14 . ..' 8653:15 .• 92 .·~216 ..~ lla 1

QOt:3d " .... _ \"':~" r.',:·, ".:: 17 .".: ', .. ~ 53QOC • ,.r!1:rj;+tW.(iJ t.'.l~••• i}'"t.~.•.:l •

.,'O~e horse ond saddle, a Preelpllatlon this ye~r ... 6.99rifle and 100 rounds of . Prt C1IHt"I,on t1l1!dn~ll .'. . :l,30

\ ammunition. 011 C.O,D." . ,

,. )

•• •




Relay Racos10 Lap Races


. ,


And Olhors









a~d anything else for Summer Paint Up and Fix Up?

If You Don" Have Those Items, WI) Do.

Tiro RacesPursuit Rac"s25c


FRIDAY - New Mexico State. Fair Purse> a thoroughbredclaimer for 3..year-olds and up at 6 furlongs.

SATURDAY --- Bob Crosby Memorial, thoroughbred & ~~;u.~tel' horse claimer for 3-year-olds and up at 870 yads; Sea­gram's VO purse, thoroughbred allowance for 2-year-oldsand up at 71h furlongs. .

. .

SUNDAY - $129,700 Ruidoso Open Quarter Horse Futurity.... for at 400 yds,; Santa Rosa Purse, thorough­

bred clauner for 3-year-olds and up, 6 furlongs.

OV~ES NOW AVAILABLE A'I': nl.c;cu!& lUll care. Skyline Motel, FronUet Motors,Ol'eelltree~, Raldo$o DOwns Mel'ClUltlle, Iloward's care. Chaparral Service StaUon. . ,Chaparral 1.*•. lWleheJI Motel, Tht)1}erUne Mo(el. OUvc,'s SIaUon, .nollyWood GaU, noUy_woocl .... JISl!k'. wattle SboP'.:Sltlcr's l'rescHpU6il, Phcy., Tile \,Ula, Nob II1U todre. Arrow_butl Motel, IloUh)' Iu, 1IoUJlaylJO\V.; lUo Mo(d, Tiny's cate, Broasted Chiekezi, Gatewayll'ooct llIkt.. O.klWaT lleIttl1lriud. Gateway 'MiI(el, Patk l\llItel, SItzmark Molel, ChamberOf <lIimnlerctl, .)"clt·tee·. G~1i', M.r&a~t's Olte, El (Jorral Motel, a }>mes, Wattle'.Thehra. CioI'trJ'.. Cjmbo......." ....-onel••Molel, WhIte MQUDlaha Gt'O«!r11 Fiesta Motel,MaNJle'•• BnltUae·m.IJia..... Wi8,P~e" Shl)W.~ollJi·lJadler ShOp, olin'. Bar, 'top nar··.... ~'1I&r._broo"'~,N.~ LocJJe, !t.IiWiaw1.Loc1r~ 1lIltn,Jea1i Motel. AI­'.~. ce~ l~liJ. ",17'.. klddGso ·Fciocl ~~.l.t4lker l>•.~. 't. <¥tlt .i.ut~ bII•.l'I:IIilltri. ~.\IIkl. lMte, WblSpcidnr l'lne. For~lnomecablDe, NolqWO.tet li~ik.I.",.~ O.u Qliln;e' ra...o-lU. .~ ...t_ '... ~ , . . . .. , .' . , ,~ Ck

DENTQNFIElD DEDICATED - Charli~ Denfpn of Arif~sia, lef~:Thursday night received softball from Mayor E. E. BrotherMiller of Ruidoso Down~ which was tossed onto field to open •softbail game following a community barbecue. Denton do·noted use of land for sumnjer recreation. ~

• i

_. .Jl'




.... .--.- -

Pho. CL 7-4311)

• fo.•• _~. ~ .... _ ••



Sports Sputs

46Qf,d.At aifr~,,;u,Thurlday

LoulJl PbJUppe. or RuldOIO 4&'.('Iups film ever, nlr;bt bat Sun.dar. In by 5:30 Il.m,-()ut at e:3t'l.m, Use drop' b01 aU", bours.

1II1N('IIJo. V IU·:L,.:c:-rrm"J()('K"V 0' WJo:I';K"

With ItVI' W1JlIlt·r'.. lour of llwmSUlldll>·. Ihl' /ltl I Ihn'(' 1'1\('11111 dtlYlo,EllJt'rl MlHt·I.CY hll" bt'l'll nnmed"Jot'kt·y 01 lIlt' Wt'c'k" lor Uw nlnlllWC't'k"',"1 1.1 1'0('1\1/-1 hC're It wa3 Ihe,t't'lIud ',uch hnulll' 1I('('orcl('d Minch·I'Y. IIho W1\IIlf'r 01 til:'! honor UwIhlrd Wt,t'kl'nd MIllc1wy'" lour·ball·ftc'r Sunday WI'If' eliI'I Mt'rc('r'!l'rru~lworlhy. Mr, l' C Lilldlley'!!Diue 1>ukl'. A D Ort't'II'!1 Viva Delnu.. lIl1d Ihe '4lna' I>lable's Bt't1erE)(~ . .,.. ..·.r ....

RACING RESULTS- . longs; Bluf.' Duke. 720, 4.20, 2.60;((:ontlnued Ir;om Pace 9) IWild Pt'~o'i, 640,3.20; Singer's Song,

Eleventh race -'3 year aids; 6 2.r.o. T:-· .18 1·5furlong.'.!; NIght De Nigh•• I}.OO, 5.40, Fltth race - 3 yt;ur aids ,nnd up:3.80; Desert Princess. 8,40, >1.00; 350 yards; Novl'lo. 2!I 60',11.20, :>10.QUick Mht, 2,80, T-1: 14. QUick Llghllllng. 4 ao. 5.60; BlII ~llJg

Twelfth race - 3 year aIds and Malch, 7.20, 0 00 I dc'ad Ill'lltl. r-Rel'.'nlly ~l'Vl'ral local men tro.vel.· up; 1 1116 miles; Mannkuke, 1,20, :181.

ed til RJ,swl'1I un an Invllutlon by 3.80. 3,20; Jean's Demon, 3.80. 2.80; QulrMl(l Nun' to uhd QuickIhf.' MUllll'l/lul volJ Course pro tIldrc. Orey Jax. '>1.40 T·-1 :50 2/5.' Lightning, $fl:~ ~o N'J\l'!o and Bum-Bud Pll'rC'l' to play a golf match Qutnlela - Mnnakuke llnd Jean's lng Mutct).. ,$12340Ll1st MOllduy tht' IIlvllatlon was reo Dt'mon. $1120.' Sixth mel' 3 Y"ul' IIlrlo, and up;turm'd lind Plt'rrt' and John Younll Hundle: $241.1138. 350 yard." f'1':';v,y Jlllr, (j 4!)',· >140.101 Ho,w.'11 c'nluyt'd a day of Ilolf Attendance: 4.300. 3.00; 'Bar II LID. 71l0, 420; Muon.Wl. the Jorul IInkn Playing with tht' S d 'fop. 3.20. T JU J •m"WI'l1 IIlI'n w('n' Sunny and Stormy un ay Seyt'nlh rue,' 2 yt'UI' old,>; IP'('Edwurd~ ul Cn'c' Mt'adows. Rolph furlongs; VlVll (}(.! HIU. 740, H;o.

IPt'lly, BIll BOyl'r and I.eHey Oooch Beiter F,:ye romped home the win· 2.80: Bold On'I'k. IIJ 20, GUll; Tru("Kin" OrlJZ of Carrlzol',(J alsoal.'lo ncr Sunday of the featured horse Bellevt'r. 211U or I liD 2·6Jolnl'd Ihl' Ilruup rllct' followed by Inventure and Dill· EIghlh rut'" 3 YO'ar ult\>, and up;

I Aho plllYllltl lJolf at tilt' Cret> mond Lodge in thllt order. Clt'nr, 1170 yard : Gil. It:un'n\ IJ1 GO, 2100.i Ml'llCluw' C,.UIMl till:, weck W('I'(' hot wt'aUler kept the track last for 6.80. Full [,'rm'l, II 40 41l0, ShadyWrluhl Clarn" lund 'rommy nom. thl' 12·ra~e program which drcw LOIl"n, 6 00 T 40 !Ibuck", ••1 AllJulluer<IUt' Hornbuckle 4,100 Ii,lns. Ninth ra('" 3 y"'ur ulth lind up;Will' rUIIlll'r·up In tile recent DUk·. The rc!u1l.1l: 5lJ furlon!.' .. e'J'Ill'} 1)I'Uvl'ry. 10 00.Clly wurnal'll(mt. - First ract' .- 3 year olds and up; &.60. >160. FUlJl y ••U. IHO, i 60; D

l\n:s'S foll'l\Jl\JJo;U"SOJ.-T8ALL 511 turlongll; Trustwor1hy, 7.40. 4.00. Way. 460 T I Oil


; Dot's command: 4,20. 3.00; All Tt'ntll l'U('C' 3 YI'ur o:tJq (lncl up;J.I~A(WI~ folTANDINGS B f' PrIm. 340 1'-1.08. . 0 turlon:l'. O'l'(U', Ufl'am. 10211. ••

Tt'Ottll Won LUHt Second race - 3 year aIds and up. 480 3 JjlJ' N. l'IOt'all"n &.OU 380;IJ"/I ItJ,udl 4 0 (j 1.0(. furlonllll; Omt'gaH Lad, 35110, :.._~. ~ ~ 1,_ .... _. :..__ :.. _

J()(k.,~~~. 3 0 16 >10, (j 60; Colltt's.~lon, 12.60, 0.20; I................................ \\1 JllyC'I't" 3 1 Drllnwell, 4.20 1'-1 ;22. "

~~~~:f~)~.II~'I" ~ ~ OI~~1~8 ~~~~Trustworthy lind .@,fjf~,r!/t.t.A.NOR THE MYSTERY SPOT?SawlIIlll 1 3 '11llrd ract' ._, 3 year olds: 400 (j7 - ,I.';l.DC'IUIY (toll,'r 1 3 yard,; PIstol Bar, 6.00, 2.40. 2.20'; ; ':'7 ,? ? ?TolIlVt'r 0 3 Thllt's Francis. 2.40, 2.20: Jann ItClicn'C your llpt. IInw, (~II ('L 1- •Thurfiday NllChl'K OIlIllC Paye. 240. T-- 20 8. 4293 for In(ormatlon - Rwdoso Downs _

DOli Ul1nl'h'" Il'o.m cll'ft'awd Den· FourUl rac(' - 3 year olds: 4 tur· ,.11 1111 111 111ny nolll'r'" It'llm, 11.8. .PLAY NIGHT ' 25-cl\Jnlulay Nll:hl'ft GaUlt'll 25c .

'flle JnyCI'eq downr'd tl1l' S."\wmlll. RUIDOSO KART TRACK22·1\ I.aM wt't>k'r. 11l1mt"l wt'rc' ral/l· Wednesday 7 p.m. 'III 9 p.m.t'd out • Each Gamo 250 POI' Person.. ---._.-

. 'f-.

V. MIt. W..t 00 Hlwuy 7Q

Beef, Ham, SpClre RibsC''IIcken and German Hot Links





Ruidos,o's Frontier Town

7 Unusual G'ifts

Custom Pictu.r~ Framing-.

Guns and Coins

We Buy, Senor Trade,


One Block Welt of Old Mill

Genoine Hickory Smoked ..

Where YQu're Always Welcome!THE TRADERS

and INDIAN SHOPOn Highway 70 West

Clayton and Helen BennettIndian Crafts - Old Pawns

Rocks - Arrowheads - Horseman Bolo Ties

, " ,. >. .... . ., " , ... ,

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


r·,__ ._......... "" .....

,- .

(In the Gateway)


White Auto Store


You May Rngllicr Evory Day andYou Don'l Havo To 80 Prosonl To Win

Rogistor Now For Free Giftsfrtw Prtlol Will 80 Givan Evory Hour

H's That Time •••\ ... II. Ih... I.......I Ih). \ "" ,,1"'11 hoi 11,."lht'r drh'bll tAkt'fl

• loll 011 """ •• , '1.1. .. olin' hrlor,. ,Ull co nil tl trill 10 luwr

) our t a' ""r, It .11 II, t" In r', lu J:h r I1Ut X1UIUIIl lK"rlortlu,ntt~...

0" nrtl '" n ....n trtl 1I,. I,ou nalrer1'1'0 I I. 7 Ml>l At Ibe Y In 1I01ly_DOd



Call CL 7·2795 Hollywood.........# ••••# ••~, ##••#.# # ~##.## ,~

JJHJPtiY IIA( I'.. 1,,,1. I""'.d"t ''''Iht RlJ,do\o(,f' Y CJI I 'ltH ~ Itf'fU th,· kl/l,Jf'~(J fJ(J\c1·.h'q.'·, IH_f'. I lilt. 0., .,,,,.tL 11'1.,.1",0 •• , uwo,d,II,,'" Nlflf~"" '11,llN'1 '" Ir'l} '1/"."''' ,\ WoII.',II, ,,,d,,,, "I ,,,,I.I ,;bout t" II'''' IJo ~Iunul 10

- Wo May 60 Equalled, But Nol Excelled -In Fine Food .. .' .

Excollent ServiceCourteous Personnel

Our Gold ond Croon looml Avallcabl. For~nqu.... lunchnl\l, MutinOI

. .~o Chdrg. hcept For Food and Refre,hments '.: . .ft.$ Our PI.alnl,. To SeN' You 7 DOVlA W••k .'. . ......................................11••••••1................. •


••••##••##.##•••,##.#•••• "'##*.#"##*~~:~.#~#.~~~##~#:#;.~.~~#:.:.~.~••:.:.:.~•. ill.....**## ~#••#.###### ##.~;.~#~,.#.###~•

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:prav~ Take Lead'n ~iffi~ LeagueThe Little League .BraVeS J\.\mpelf--------IH ". ;, Into tlrst. place In the' standln~,,-----; f b 'II S .h' ~.,..... Monday with a 13•• victory over the

~. arr,or oat a C '.e",u"e Cubs. The win gave the BravOs theirAll ,. .' fifth vIctory agalll5t one 10Sll, to put

d f 163 S them tpree games ahead or the near·,;rAnnounce or',eason t.'Sinco:et~~~rplace the Cubs hold a1'1"'" 1'/1;', I"",,. '1,0<1.:' I,! 'I... :s.·pt. 28 - Tularosa, thllre, narrow margin over thl' Bandll.ll.\ , l,il',' /I,', F, '", " W .. "."I ....... 7:30 lUll. . The Cubs have won two games butII., I I .. ,," ,,' A'hl,-" Ill' (kt. 4-(~anullllu, there, .7:30 hllve lost lour. . Laf;!. Thllrsdny night at newly

, 'I ,., .. " • , Below 15 the oUlIeal lilancllnllfl Il's ,nllmed Denton Field 'In RUld~o, .00I, ,1':" ........... ", ' •. rn. D

,,'" '.' 'I!. '01'1. II-llak-h, therll, 7:30 1)1 July 14: people enjoyed a blirbeqUe IlUPper/1 .. v.u".' t.,' ! ., .',110.' "Ill 'ream' W r. T which was held to support the nul.

,;111 1, I,'.", ',:, .'., '.' " ,.1 'J," U;'I 111--1"1. tolumm'r.lwrI!. 7:30 Braves ,5 1 0 dOlio vl111ey recreallon l\.\Od,t,.. ' "til • lIolllc(\fImlllg. Cub, 2 >I 0 Thl! field, wall named In hl)n-"I '.. ' ,....•." Ill'! 211 - IAn·dMburg. here, Bnndll~ I 3 0 or 01 Charlie Denton 01 "'rtes-"k :.. ' , ' . ' ,I 'I 7 :10 1.111 • 'Llollll, 2 3 1 ta who donated tile use of the hmdIV,·' .' '0\, '<l, .. "V I-OI)(·n. Tlgl'rs 0 3 I I'101' the constructlon at a basepall'. !'>oCl~. 111--·... or (l., tht"'t.; 8:00"- . . ancl t>oftball diamond.II '. ., .. ,.. ' , , " , I' ItI I.OC'A I. Mf:N rtEI'ItESr,N'r M E E "B olher" Miller Qf

. , '" - (·o"I"rt·"t", Ga,nt~. OK VAN lit. S'fORACH~' of' ayor' . . I' 'd D' 'nf:f • "'~'. ' J RuldoRO Downs prC'$(m.e en",,"

•' '.. 1 .. ,-. ,-~. 'J. • • II '[ ClllII St'Ju.dule Bill Pippin ancl J II MorrUJ of , wllh a new softball which was taSlled.•,: , , i ,.' 7 lJ,' KIN, Uwn', 7 30 '11' m nUldOllO £II'''' ngen!!> Jrl Ull', fil'l'a lor . ulltI; the field to christen tile park,

1'11'1 ~« III .11 I I .', I" 14 C'l.rnwzo. hef!'. W:30 OK Van & Sioffljffl. Inl', LIl"tCrucl'H, I "'" VIII t R Id 0 .K 1111 Ihe Beltlns Vyn Llnl$o'i fl'pn·litmtn.. . • ..e, ngc a u oso owns

" AII~ :11 «.""t.", '"" ,. 'i, ,,, ~I CI'I"'nn. Ihl'''' lI\,es for thl. !'l'g-Irm. PIPIJllI rt'purtecl i nh" wdl aks .~heto'ye!~~gre.~~ nyeUaldrOSOto

. I' 110 10 the Newl:\ thlll week 'J'Iw Bf!kll1.'i. lwe war eu .. ". •.....,'" '" 1'1 I, C ,II "'''''' tI"" 7'W ; 'I' ,~l; :rulur""u, 11I'1'l'. 7 30 II OJ llne III a world wldc! concern P1PPIl1' prOVide a fleW tor Llltle League and,II I' III (J,' ~ Ollt'~' . Balcl' .' POllY League plltyer;; to enjoy, Sev-1,1 _ N·,.I I ~ I al I, 1....1 II It...". ()t' II Ow 11 . I'mI nights during the week wnen." KIlO II '"~ ()" 1!1 C'lpltllll. ht,>rl' , 7 30 p'm --_ ..---, ....-... ..... the >'ounghlcrs are not using the'0 1>,·,.1 211-011l'1I 0, t 2'>~ -c.l(J~J~('~~!.:~~~~c.:, :"_~!,~ > 2~":= ~ant-~~.~~.~~>_~von~~I'II._llflCld tI1


men's riU~mer IdSOtlb1\1l. ('llflUt· a ell ovel' all.. proves ac·

~Il I' tlIm lor I>,()ltlJ!tll fans In the area,IIIIf 'fwo IIII'll rpo,ponslble Cor n great

; majorIty 01 lh,' work on the "Ight: art' Uavc' McGal! and nalph Shelley.Bolh mc'n have put In countlesshourq ImprOVing tile' !Ield, tt wasrellortl'd"~.

.'•.\J~ i,,i·i,7i•


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1'1 \t1. I

4!10 It., ..I ", 1m 1\ 10 Froning!' andIr.o II' I 'h' P Ilu t, IT" utlllly hookliP: fur 14 \1 IIIIt Haines. Tote.ptl( I unh 510 ,Ill)

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1t~m!lliUlli~1~"II!!. .. p;, .. uJilffi~:rlJ11l1,11r.r:1"PHiI".



WAYNE BOOHER, Auctioneer




and directed. and It shall be his ed one which Is In the amount of counle\l;i.1..ltIlNI with SUt'l1 a facslmlle date, designation. maturity, and bond to be dated as of U10 first dllY vlsloll.~ 01 ttll' (lldlll.lllll' or anyduty. to receive I\JJd collect all as- $82072, shall be payable In regular Iglmt\lle of the VllIagc 'flcasurer lenor. except as to number and de· of June. 1963 oldllll\l1Ce hf'll'lolllll' ndoplecl eOJl'se:sments. levied to pay the cost of numerical order on the first day of The Illtelest acelulng 10 maturity nomination, and aggregate the to- (Facsimile Signature) Cl'lnln~~ MIld HIll'f'1 lmplovementsaid Improvemellts, the Installments June, 1973. and shall bear Intel est on said bonds shall be e\l\lenced b)' tal amount of $314.82072 _~ Dls(I~No .l lIIr1l1dlll$, wlthQutthereof. the Intel est thereon. and the payable December I, 1963. and semi. lIItf'1 est coupons thel eto attaclled, This bond Is Issued to defray In Mayor IImllllll'r tilt' ':1"11'1 all' ~ 01 Ihp fore.penlll~s accrued. at the time and annulIll)' Ihereafter on the first da)'s pa~ able 10 bearel, benllllg the fac. pal t the cost of Improving cerlaln Countersigned gOing lh" t'l{ll Itll' 'II ol "p<,<,lal as·In the manner heretofore specified. of June and December In each year 'lllull.' slb'1mtllle of ihe Vl1IlIge streets. and parts thereof. In said lFacslmlle Signature) s('ssl11l'nh II d f'll "hUl' MId motorand to plly and to receive the same, at the rate of four per centum (4', I 1'1 ellsllJ 1'1 and "h('n said bonds are Vl1Iagt' In full conformity wllh the fuel lux Plllllt'li "nd nf\enucs. tlteIn IICCOI dance WIUl the laws of the pel annum. as evidenced from the eXl'culed said coupons .'>hall COlISt!. Constitution and laws of the Stllte of Village Treasurel Pi 0Pl'! appl l .1 lIoll hi Hool and theState of New Mexico and all the ord. bond dale until maturity by coupons tute lh,· blndmg obllgallons of said New Mexico. and the ordinance and tFACSIMILE SEAL) IIppomt Illt'llt ul Il I' l "I \ I I The faU·Inances and resolutions of said VI\· designated • A" attached to each of Vlllagl' 101 stud Inll'fest Said bonds Iesolutlons of said Village. duly Attest lilt" uf 1111\ b ndhlll1f I -n 10 pro·lage heretofore or to be hereafter said bonds. and bearing additional and COUPOl\.' beallng Ule lIIunual and passed. adopted and approved prior ll'I'C! "hall !Ill n I 'H' tilt" ¥iUall'eadopted All moneys received from Interest at the rate of two per cen lacslllult' "Ignatlll (Os 01 llie officers to Ule Issue hereof Vl1Iage Clerk - - or all} 01 It- ul It - Igl'nts or em,such assessmenUi from and after tum (2'11 per IInnum, evidenced n offill' at lhe 1101(' of Ihe signing Pursuant to the 'ordlnance IIUth. '(Insert proper final payn1l'1I1 ployl'l's "f 111\ h Ib I \ 101 Ilu!ure tothe 7th day of June 1963 (which reo from the first day of September IhNl'nl -hll11 be Ihe valid and blnrt, 01 Izlng ~nld bonds, reference ,,, date of "B" In'''rest on each bOlld pl'rlul III ,111\ III II dll \main payable In Insmllments as pro- 1963 for bonds numbered 1 10 60 109 obhf.:llllllllS of Ihe Vl11age of RJi. which Is""inade for further detllU;: according to th; schedule seL out In SN'lInll I') fh I' -,lld Vilingl' hl.'re-vlded by said Oldlnance No 137). both Inclusive, lind from the flrsl doso nOI\\lIh..,ltl1lcltng thllt before the principal or nnd the Interest on tl 6 f U I dl) b~ I u\I'nUll 11111 ubjeel tl). Iheshall be placed In a separate fund day of December. 1963, fOI all other Ule dl'h\t'I~ Ih('leuf and pa)'ment Ill" bonds of th"'e'serles of which sec on 0 1S or nance cIJlblllUlIllI",1 I III 'allon sO long asto be deslgnaled 'Street Improve- bonds until lind Including tile date:; thell'fo\(' ,my or 1111 01 Ihe persons - (End of Form of Bond) .lll\ of II\(' bUild, hi n tn allthorize<!ment Dlstrl(:t No 2, SI1 eet Improve. hereinafter Indicated liS the "Flnt\! \\;hOSI' ,,1t.;llrltUll), upPI'ur Ull'reon this I~' one, except liS hereinafter (Coupon Form) 11'1Il1l11l UI p.lld 1><11h .1- 10 principalment Bonds Issue June 1. 1963. "B" Inlerest Payment Date" by a shall tun 0' ('....I.ed 10 1111 their re- slated, shall be PRld exclllSlvely Coupon No • lind lilt ,'n"t llfld ., 10llv as UIlY ofSpecial Assessment Interest and second set of coupons deslnTlated p 'CII fl r.o I U 14 from. and liS security for such pay· $ -~ $ _lIld I" 1l11'1l It "I'd ag-alnst

..... "\I' U ICI" .',111' 1 le ayor ment there Is pled"ed. a s"""l" I $ $Bond Retlremellt Fund" h""eln "B" attached to said bonds. as fol· 01 Ihl' \ llla ..n flf Rllirio Ih VII .. ..~y " IIUlll 0\\ III II In tl,,' \ III.l!:I' of Rul·.... ..., so. e • fund dc~lrnlated the "Village of Rul. $ $sometimes merely designated lIS the lows la~1' CIl'lk lind Ihe Vlllagl' Treasur· doso, Ne~; Mexico. Street Improve. - - J d."", I/l\ o'h, I Illunllillallt) the"Bond Fund' and shall be used liS ' Flnnl "B" CI nl Illl' 111111' 01 thl' execution of une. (IIUI' d ~I.I '" III AIIll'llcn thl' Stalesoon as they are aval1able for the nond Numbers InWrest lhl' bond" 11nd a Slglluture CerUn. ment Dlstllct No 2, Street Improve· On the first dllY of Decembel 4JI N,'\\ M, "leu. m <U.\\ CLl1llll)' there-Purpose of pnylng the prlnclplIl of IAlllncluslYe) Payment DIIW I dId f hi ment Bonds. Series Junl! I. 1063 19 • ··(unless the bond io-l\'bJch of n'ml II UIIII <I I~ to prlncl""l,I'll C' 11M) II op as an 01 Ii own Speclnl Assessment Inlerest and Ih" coupon I tta hed I b ,'-and Interest on the slreet Improve· 1·60 Dee 1. 1963 fal sllnllt. sl'!1111IUrl' Ihe fucslml! ,. ..~ sac mil een Inlcrl'»1 III UI I I" I III I"" -aid VII.

" e Bond Retlrenlent Fund," sonletlmes 11-" f I d tl •• Ihment bonds herelnalter mentioned. 61-105 June 1. 1964 "1~nIlIUII' 01 his pledC'Cl.'ssor in of. ca ..-u or pr or re emp anI e IUllC' 1\111 I,' \ I I,IX \l1l1'lIl1nl 10 Sec-and for no other purpose whalso· 100·145 Dec 1 1064 fir t' In Ihl' lOV('lIt tlml such lacslmlle desll{Tlated Ule "Bond Fund," con· Village of Ruidoso. County of Lin· I1UII H 41 h N. \\ MI "110 SIll lutesever. alld as security for such pay· 140-180 Dec 1. 1065 IIHlII'UH' IIPPI'.1I Ii upon any of Ule lalnlng the reeelpUi derived by said coin. State of New M~lco. will pay Allwl.Il, <I 1'1> I 1Il0 .111 lawsment said fund Is hereby exclU!llvely 181.215 June I. 1966 bonds Uf coupons pertaining to the Village from spcclal IlBSCssmenls 10 the bearer hereor1he sum herl.'ln 1I1111'lIIhlllll \ !lit II "I llld supple-pledged. except as otherwise spe· 216-240 Dec 1. 1966 bomb hl'll'lIIl1ulhOJ Il'ed to be Issued levied IIgl\lnst the property specially designated tn lawfUl money of 1hl' IJIl'nllll tlll ,.,. 1.1' I 'fli '0 pay anyclflcally plovldl'd The moneys. If 241·260 June I, 1067 benefited by said Improyements 10 United States of Amerlcll solely ,UI h II I' filii II III l' ,,,.n}' to In,

HI'Cl1ull I.l 1 hili slIld bonds nnd pay thl'refor and remlllning unpllid from and seeured by a plt'Citrl' of twoany whelliel represented by cash 261-280 Dec 1. 1967 II 1 I J I II b eo 'III' thl' p l\ nil Il' >Ill' 0'01or securities In the Special Street 281.300 June 1. 1068 1l11'1 n "fl'>.! I \I'noon S IU e l>ny· from and after the 701 dRY 01 June, special funds. at. Ule office- at thl' lit'l t, 'Il 111 rh, III 'J,I dlllUlllOf's or

u I' soh'l\ I I'XI "pl us herl'lnafter 1063 alld contlllllln" Ule proc--"s. VllIa"'e Treasurer of said Vllln"l'Improvement Fund No 2, created 301-315 Dec 1 10118 d t f I D eo ,,,,:u,, .... I I',olll! 11111 I" I'll th !I'of In ron-pro\ I 1'1' rum Ill' and Fund. con· If 1111" from the sale of the bonds" * * *Ulrce* * *by said Ordinance No 142. herein If upon prl'sentutlon of any bOlld I II' IIII'I I\llh tho I ..\ I h /I ul tll1~ ord,50ml'IImes designated merely as the at malurlty payment Is not made' ~I llllll U 1Il1l11l'\" ('tl cclcd from the of Ihl" Issue remaining afler IIle such amount being six mOIlU1.'< In 11IlUlf 0 "I' It' I' I \ I'rll lit'll 10 Ihe

l~ 1""UlI'llt 11'\ \l'd 10 p.l~ for said pnYlllt.'nl of the cosl lind expell!sc of lerest all I'" Villa"" of RUldn·so NI"\·8t.'curlt)· Fund,' shall be U!Ied to liS Ihereln provided. Interest UI!.'re I ... .." ~ 'I·XIt II' 11111\ ,I ,h lIlll'n'l INICYPa~ tnterl'st on and Ihe principal of on shllll continue lit the mle 01 six 11111111\111111'111" 11fl1\ldt'd that lillY making said Improvl'l11l.'nls lexcept. Mexico. Street Improvement 015111(1 nil_ 1<'1" tI, r I,' I " I", "11L,lruedSllid bonds or for their repurchllse per Cl'ntum 10'" pcr allllUIII ulIlll prutl'fI' IIUIIJ tlll' nlt' III the bond!' Ing any portion Ihereof to be de· No 2, Street IInpro\l.'lllt'nt Dond, III rl \1\' I \ • J. ,.u t' III r"MIIU.lind prior redl'llIptlon as therein pro- Ule principal thereof l.. paid III full n'IIl'lIl1lt'l~ al'I'1 Ihe p )\k1ll1mt of tbl.' fra~ed by otller IlIan Ihl' proceedll 8l'rlcs JWIC I. 1963 lind beaflnl1j 111111 III 1''' I I I. Ill" I luI Ill" re- •

I'll I I\IlI 1'''pl'lI I' o( /1M lJI~ said 1m- of the spl.'clal asses~lllen'lll • pro- Bond No I I bvldl.'d. and lor no other purpose. ex· 8ald bonds lind the COUPOI1." Ulereto J II ' " IW I h'" 11.1 h , " I .11 ... 1,11 (\prn\ l'lIIl'UI' III b" -IL-('(\ IlIerefor. vld"d hownvl'r Umt the paY'll"nl 1Fa-Inliin SI aturn I Ieept· as tlll'rl.'lll otherwl-e provld· altached shall be pllyable In la\\ ful b did I II b d I ~ • .~ ,. , III<'Ji" II Ihlt I l\ hllud 11111I.'d 11le VlIlagl.' TrellSurer be. and money of the United Siaies 01 UI lit lUll S .. III O' II dltlona Iy of tilt' tnterest on and principal 01 'hi' II I' ,. I iI., "l\ h II' ht' fully

'1'1'\11 (Od ,lilt! Ihl' I) n lIIl.'nt of thl' II 01 Ille bOIld!; Is addillonlllly ~~ Villa Ill' Trr'llwllrl'r p 11(1 I , t,. I II ,I . II' 10,1 1111he aha hl'reby Is. authorized. em. Amt.'rlclI. wllhout deduction lor ex I I I d I t I ~- .. ,.prllll 1/1 I t II rt~1 an I II· II crest curI'o by 1111 Irrevocable plt'Cige for .( II1.~l.'rt "A" or "8 11K n nil ""po\\ered and directed. and It shall chllnge or cdlll'cUon clmrges. al Iht· 'I I II •. I Ibn,' .u· hl'l' " III " .. dblO hiS dut). to receive and collect office of Ule Village Trell!lutl'l, VII If'/f'UII '" ul' UJlP "'III'Ilt(O( Y nul U) exc('('C! ell'\'ell years from Ule Ihe n\lmber of thl' COUPOl\. I 1'.. " .." '1 I

1111' 1:11 01111 nud lIIulur fUl'l tnx dlll(' of lhl' bOllds or thooe "asollne ··100 nol Insert III COIIPOI!''! III". 1111\ I~ I ••all 01 lhl.' I ecelJlI:I of municipal tax. lage of RUldo~o New Mexico I " roo d I I .. .. "I.'!l ll'Vtell'and collected from tile sale Seclion 7 That 1111 01 !!/lId bond 11111111 \ II' 'all "I't II' U\ •. lUI Wlie I "md lIIutor lUl'l laX mOlleYII provld. turing six monlhs afler UII' (ltltt' lind h\ ,Ill "101, I'Of "a.·nllne and motor luel. to pillce IUlld I~ ,11111 h III I UlIlIllIll' to be Ir- cd 10 b" dl'j)(I'IUed III a spl.'clal fwu!"A-I" alu! D I . 011 ,'11( hod h\ tho I

.. ~ shall be SUbject to prior reclemplloll It'\ (!l.lh" Jlll'tlll d fur a Ill.'rlod 1I0t lind dt'..I'"Il1It'Ci the "BpecllIl Str~t bo'ld I 11'111.1111' 1\' I Isaid mOlle)!l III the St-curlty Fund. In regular numerical order at tilt' d I f th'" ,.10 Ihl' ('xtent heretofore provided, to option of till' Vlllnll(' all any Intl'n' t • ~I I o· 1111' • I \I'll ~I·.u rom l' ImprO\ellll'lIt Fund No 2,' IlOIlII." ···t III!lL'rt "Unee 1lI0nth.~ • III\('Tt'! III NI'\\ '\1<.,.dl!lburFe therefrom said moneys for paY'\lellt dllte prior to maturlt~ •• al dll'" 01 rllIl bUIIlI" tllr Ihl' 11111 and tlmt·" dt'slgnaled the ·8t.'curlly In 1111 couPOll!l numberl'(l D I altlll h ". pi h\ Ih, \tllC payllll.'nt of Ule Interest on and 1\ prlee ('Qual 10 the prtnclpal amounl III "lIIp' p.n t111'1I! 01 Ihl 1lI1t'1t",t on Fund ~d to bonM numb(lTl>t1 I to 1>0 bUlh I "llIul< rI It t ,principal 01 Ihe bonds herclnllfter UlCreof with aClOrulr(\ Inlerest to U1I' ,1I1l1 IlIlItt IJI. III ·.IIe1 lIumb II', more S,lId "PI'CHII a!i."C,;,·unenul madI.' tnell1~hl' lind "niX mOnlll:1 • Inl('T!' I ..'II "I Ih, I

b d • I" I 111.111\ lu'tl"ofoTt' pro\ Idl'd and It'\ It'd to defrn" I<uld co:;t, WIUI In all oilier COUpo"ll IaUlhorized. all the Slime I.'come ue, redemptlon dat., A!ll'r IIny II" ,c..... • ,<0 l'f'l 1"11 1111II necesMry. alld to otherwise main. ment IlI!ltulllllent p,lymcnt dal.,. 1\. flt't"lon 13 nil'll tl1I' ulJhlmllon.o; acerulIIIl IIltert,...t thrreon. cOII!lIl· I End of Form 01 COllpon I u"'l'11 11\ ItUIn lind manllge nald lund In the /lPcclflt'd In mud l\! !tl'~,ml.'nt ordl t rf'llt'd b\ lh, IIfoll' ;uIII 1J:lyml.'lIl tll\(' II 111.'11 upon lUld 1I"1I1n.,t Ole 8cclloll 15 Thill .... hen Mild blllld, 'lIlldll .' Imanner hl.'retofore ~peclfled The nance, I 1.', Ordlnnllcl' No 137. II pm\ I IflIh 11111 nlll b~fI1lt." 111..1 or Proll('tl) upon which 8uch 11....'It':l.'l. '!nve been duly t'xecutl.'d and rt'l: III Ill" lIlll' •money'l In Ule Bond Fllnd and Ute the moneYti In tile Bond Fllnd ('l( 1\1111 1II 1\I1kl _rllIl IfiiiiCtfo (Will'• •11 lib· ment!\ \\t'rt' iliadI.' atld Icvlec1 from uWrt'd. thc Vllla"e Treu"urt:'r -Jmll IItdm... I • Imonl'~'u II any. In UII.' Bt'curlty Fund cel'd IIle Inler~'t bl.'colJllnll dUI' un h la'llllt ul Ih. Vlllalll oml Iht' o\\n. lind a((('r Ihl' 3rd day of May 1003 lellvl'r tllem to IIII' luwful 11IIr II" III hI. I ••hall euch con ltlutl' a trUllt fund tile bonds on tllelr nuc('t:'edlnll III "r III 11\\ I "1 ot hulell't lit hlllderl1. UJ(' dnl(' of publle lion of Ule ordl· chu!tl'1"lJ the-reof on rt'CrJlll 01 tht· I lit I' ..' I"'Rnd tJ1II1I bl' drJxblled III a bank Irre5t paymelll d ate \\hlt hi, (II lid 1)1111(1 h III 11.1\ I' nn r1:Ul\I on nllllrC' 11'\) IIIK "IIC ll!l!'.et;:IJl1e-II~. purcJJn!le prlel.' 11w fund" n'lIlll,..1 '. \11'qu.lllflt:'d 10 ncc.'pt trU!lt fund-, under prior to Ule IIr t da~' of JurII' [Ill} t:1' I r.ll lit IIl1l1't IlUld fllr Ihe \\hlrh lten III Ilupcrl to thl.' lien Irom thl.' 1:1111' 01 UIl~ bllllll~ "h,,11 bl' nl .111\ It.., ,I ,till' 1.1\\ , \l0\ l'nllllll Ulr acceplllnce of 1073. Ihe Trel1.'lurer 'J1:111 lorth" IIh III \ 1111 II' 1111 It lIf ''ICllll II' hl'f1'lo 01 lIny JIIllr4falle or 0 ler t.'l1Cum. Ilppllcp r.olely to defray tilt> ('0: I ,lIul Ih.1I I •IW.I IUlld'l 1111' fec!!. If an). of Um calla numbt.'r of the bondllo the I'X :... , 111 ,,\111. d 1111' blUnt. I',.U/'(\ Ilrnll('(' lind b l'C}ual It and on II expell:>C of JIIllkln" -mId IInprU\I' ,11"".1.trlt 1('(' "hall be )laid from rnone)!l tent llucll excc.;g monl.'yn nrl' '1I1h Illlt" Ill! In 'JII urtlul'lllrt· 11,,11 /lnl parity wllh UII.' lien 'or I.'nerlll lllx· JIIenL'I. provldt'Ci. howe\t.'r th II \Illnlll' ..1 ., \In each 01 "nld lund" NOlhlng herl.'· ('lent th('rl.'for Nlltlcl.' 01 prIor rt' lit' II dt b' nl 'JII' VII,lolt' Ilut hall It I"' Illld !'>uclt lien nhall onllnue un flftt.'r Mid co:..t lI/1d eXPl'lt I'" rI'l' lit". .,III eUl1IlIlnl'll !ihnll be con.<;lrut'd M demptlon !ihall bc !llvcn by \t11' VII 'h,·t< h\ plotr·1' I'" hili fallh ll/ld til qUid l1.'I'w!l'lJllcnb or paid 1I0t- lei It'xt't.'pllnll Rny porlloll In h,' .. 11. t

rept'al,lI': or ame/ldlnl{ Itlly provl· lage Trl.'av"Url'r In 1111.' IInml' 01 tilt' I"nlll I", th' II J'" Itt. Ii( n t· Il.\)· \\ Itll! landing any !laic a the propcr· Paid with OUll.'r Ullin '1pt'('llll a.. ,I J",,\01011 of '1I1d Ordlnallce No 142. 'U' Vtllag(' of RUldo:';O b~ pUbhl'aUfIIl In IIIf'lIl "I I/l< b'l/I11 1 nn' ('( IIn..1 b) ty for -or 01\ Ilccount of a gcneml menl proccccbl. nny fllnd J n'lIIll I, 111".1 ,!' I •Whll'lI lhe 8I.'curlly FluId hM bt.'cn a Il.'gnl IIl.'w!lpnper of Ill'Jleral t!f('ll nil II ,'nub"I"''' 111111"0 .. ur 1I1hrr mx tlll: froJII UII.' lIaJr of "aid Ilmnl 111111 I" I. I , 10,

dC'Clart'Ci to bl.' crcat.e'CI 11111011 In said Vl11n!l"c of sUC'l1 nollr(' p'IIIUt' • f lit "I" 1'\ "' lit., Villoue II 1'1 hereb)' ('('rurIN!. recUcod and bt' depo!llled III Ille Blind I"UI II II d lit •

Sc.llon 4 Thllt If thr owner of any at leMt once In cach ('nl(>ndllr \\tf'k "'1"111 1m IUIt lu,.,,1 '" I' 1I1l'1I1'1 dl'<'Ill-t'Ci UlIlt for UIl' paymrnt of u.'It'd for the purptl!«' IIwn'lm "lI''1t "lot or parccl 01 Itmd arcl'-.';(>(I for 011 (my day 01 the .... "(.k III It'a (ru wll ..'Ill I 1111111 \ II'" 1 llll ph-du· Oil" bOlld. UIl' VIIIAllr of RUldOllO (It'd her(lluaboH' In ~('('lIun 3 {lr 't.. III. ' ..

llald IInprnvrmrnt.:. 'hall bl' drllll· tecn dayn prIor to thl' rec1l'mp'lllll .tl fill '11t 1'1\11 f1' ..~ 'lflltt! No OUTt'('1 IU' 10 Ill'l ll'~ Um IIgl'ncy for ordlnanct.' and provldrd "Htllll I . . IQutn' for a Pt.'rtod 01 qlxty COOl da)'a dalt' and a ('opy 01 <;ueh noliI''' JI.1Dl Jl'111I1·\ ',1 ·ltl' ",I'll' IIbJl'<'1 (0 ('olh"uon III «Uell <;pcclal a~.. UlatlllllllOnl.')tl rcct.'l\t..lll nl.II'" /II.,••' .I" thr 'pa) ,"(lnt of lillY 1l1..(,r.'lment be !t(lnt by regl<;1C'r(ll! mall at 1.11 I lot! "'II I' III < 11111 Iw IInbh' 10 lIlrllt Ill'll-'l hl'l'('lofore crcIIIl'd. and Intcre.t lit th(l lime 01 lil·lI\ f'I\ III I ..... ' IIn.<.\nllment duro elthl.'r prinCipal or fifteen UlI}fl prior 10 thc rrd('inpltll!1 b' I..•11'.·...1 ,n '.Iklll 1Il P;l) I1\rn! 01 III <;II dOing. to aN 11.'J trl1\Wt' for Ul(l an) Mid bonll'l. If nll~ Imll b, d. J'II • 'I"lntl.'rc~t or both lL rJIall be Uw duly dalC' to Slcrn Brol1lrr'l /l: C<> Alhll '111' b'" I! bl'nefll of thr holtll.'r or 11O:dcrll of PO~lled Inlo Ulr Bond Jo"'lu d I" I1rllll\ I 'hl " I' .,01 Iht.' Bonrd 01 Tru~tC'l.'q to cau<;(' querquc, NI.'W 1\1('''1('0 Such IIn'/(" HI I -mo 14 TIbI\ • d t"'I,et nnd till' lilt' I'.-me of bomb 01 "hlch UII!! on thl.' paymellt 01 IlIt.'rt'<1 1[('1(' tI 1'1 h' lit ',ISlem BrothcfS 8: Co Albuquerque. &hall specify UI" number or 111111,. rllupnrh thl'rr'" II'·,,, !lftl ~tlllll hI' III bond 1'1 onl' lb. (0 prl.'p3re Iltlt'h on /;JIld bonds nle pUr(lhll",r ,,, 1111 ",New Mexletl. a~ rl'prt.'scnlallVl.'9 of bern of the bondq 10 bt.' ~ redl'C'111 ub 1<1l1'1ll.h lilt' 1,,11,,\\11<11 form flllllltClal GlalcmmL'l lIll are requlr· said OOtldIJ. hO\Vl'vrr ~hull In 1" IIIl I

Ihe orIgInal pureha<;l'rn of till' l)/'JnQ.q ed Ilf Ie " thal1 all are to bt' rl.'dl'C'lII •UlI/ld Jo"'''t' cd by Inw. 1(" III IlCII OIC proPCft)· lUanllrr bt' rCSpOllqlble for 1111' 1IIIph I till •her(lln authorl7Rd til be K'lul.'d 11.'1 ed I and thl.' dalC' rtxC'd for rt'dt'mp I'NI'rrm s-r!\ flo." 01' 1Il\fF:HICA or proPl'rllr9 whl'rrln II de-lInqumC)' ..ntlOlI by IIllld VlIlagr or an~ "f" " I t· ••

reprl.'~nlllUVI.' of th/' bondho)dl.'l"lJ tlon. and 1'.hllll IIlrthcr "tatl.' tho'll 011 oN rA1'b OF N1.W Mfr X1('0 I'xl'lL'! or 10 fort'CloSC' the ..peelnl R!l. offlcrrn of nny of tht' funll.. dlrl\I'" .., II I.from UrnI.' to tlmr and sueh dl'lln· such rC'dl.'mplloll dat(' therr will b" ('ot'NTY OJ' I INCOI N "l''l mC'nt 11('11.'1 a"nillst tluch prop. lroln till' !'lull.' tllrrrof or of llll\ '.. 'qUl.'nt Pt.'rson 10 bl.' Imml.'dlntely no- come and be due and payable UpOl' VII.I,\(,fr. 01' HHtI)OSO C'rty. and Id' 10 ltIalntaln and Inan, othl.'r funlt.. hl.'rrln dl"tIUlHIIecl II ,lIfit'd of such drllllquetlC) In writ· ellch bond so to bt.' rC'dermt'd nl tltt Hna·l' l' IMPHoVF.MEN'r aile S1lld BOlIt' FlUid and snld Bt'. 6t.'1.'11011 III 11ml liD hmlt a', an}' ..... II' I ,

Ing. and If sUl'h dl'llnqul.'ncy shall office 01 Ule Trea...urcr of thl' VII 1115TtU(-r NO :I curlty I·'und III UII.' manner herelo· of said bomb rrlnllln oUI!llllndlnll I , • • .'not bl.' paId wllhlll Il'n :I11~l'\ ntlc r lage of HUldo.o. thr prlUllpal STTiF''''T !\'PHO\ .. \t£o:N J BONO forI' proVltll"d 'U\ld Village will kl'!'P or eaUM' In I"~uch nollcl.' !lhall havl.' bt."t1 given. amount thl'rt'Qf \ll1I1I ac.('rut'Ci Sl'~Hn,:.<; JI'Nl': I. Wr.a It 1'1 her('by alw cerllfll'd. reelt.e'CI bt.' kl.'llt trUI' and aCl'uml1' bonk.. '" ... <1, I ••

thl.' Mid Board. nt It.. own. expellSC. esl to the rt'dl'mpllon dllt£' lind tl1at NO $ l120 72 and deelllrt'Ci that the procl.'edlng; rccorcl'l nnd Rt.'I.'Olllllr, "hoMIII( lull 'I \ " •

shalt forthwltll forecToo e the special from and all(>r ..uch da!1' Inlt'r.... I $100000 \\11th rcfcrt:'uco to In''klng slIcll 1m· Rnd Irul.' ('ntTll.''' ('0\ l'tJtm Ihl' (nlll.. ,II " I"assessment lien agaIn'it the proper. Will cease to accrue Nolll'(' ha\lm. Thl' V Il:\.!' n\ Ihml.y;n UI 1111' pro\'rlnl'nl'l Ir\'}Ilng the a!lscs,mcul'l lion and dlspoolUon"nf alii <PC( "'I \i I , ,ty o~ propertlc" whereIn the delln. bct.'n gIVen In the manner b(,n'.n C'nlllll\ III I I' "I ",d Slat.. of Nf\w 10 pa~ thrrefor llnd lS:iUlng snld 11.'l.r;mqmenls and MIt! 1l11111t'yq d..fl\ N. \ \1qUl'ncy exl'lls In the method n()W or before lIro\ Ided thl.' bond or banrtc 1\II'lIl['(l " If , IIp II ('fir pnrnlllln bonll'l ha\ I.' IJ(!t.'n regttlarly had and cd from mUd gl1.'Cllllll' and mlllnr oJ I , ,

1lereaft('f 'ProVided by statute 1010 the so callt'd for rrdempllon .mall be duly WHm " ... [lltd • III ,Un;:. for val taken compllllnrr wIth la\ll UlAt all fuel lAx, M wl.'lI a!l nII\ dl'l.ntl'llll "I ,forecloc,ure of mortllllgcs on real eome duc IIl1d payable on th(' rl' UP r<'t:"f'1\ 1"1 III ·f'b\ prutlll<;f'9 out 01 acl... condltmn.q and thlng9 ~n- Cll.'ll. tho eollectlon Ull'rl'lJ! ..'" "I !nil II d • ,etate, or othl.'rwt...1.' M provided by demptlon date <;(J dl' lunllled and 'iJl{'rlal 1m II 1\ \llllhll' for Ih(' pur Ilal to IIII' validity of thL<; bond extst. deposit.'! and dlsburwlllrn'" III Ih" I" •law and at <ueh ""Ie oald property upon prr<;('nlatlon !hereof at UtI' o' Po: " a It. rl' ,,,'"" I' '''tID 10 pay have hapPt.'nt'Ci nnd have been done Bond Fund and the &oc'trIl~ PUlld I" ...shall bt.' ~",uut,l lro I)v UtI' vel'.to roo flcp of the Villagp Trca.o.url'r fo- W brarl't Itl I'll !hE' Ilfmopnl wm of In duc IImr lorm and manner Il9 covering the redcmplllln ,,' ,lidnol less than thl' amounl 01 thl.' bal· gether "tth llll llppurtcnanl . A' fr~IGfrr Ht'NUrn f) TWENTY AND r('Qulrl'd by 'Jaw that the total bond,. both prlnt'lpal and In'. 1(' Iance dul.' on tJlr a<,;~mt.'nt. prlnel· coupon." malurlltll "ub ~Ul'nl 'Il lit.. n Illrt IIfII I ARS amount of ..pcclal Improvement and covering dlsbur'lCrnl'l" In dlpal Inler~t. rwnally and coots. U rroemptlon daw. thl' Vl1Ia!'r 01 Hili ONF' Iuol HAND nOI.I,Ans bond.. of '.aId Vlllagc. IAAut'Ci 'and fmy the costs of Siltd Imps,.u 1lI'-1i!there be no othl'r pUf<ohao;er therefor dooo \\'111 pa) Ihl.' band or bontl'l JI Oil Ihr f,r • rh} nl lun" 1973. upon d('lI~crcod IOf GIllel Imprmemml'l IncludIng Incldcnml rllPt.'lI4' amIIf said forcclo:mre bt.' not promplly called for rC'dl'mpUon pm ('n'all'llI M ••' <llUf'rtdpr of Ihh and Incld"nml rxpense!l. 11ICludlllit MId Village wl\l pC'rmll an I" Pf" ..,,, ..'flIrd and pro,ceult'Ci. then any bond· section 8 Thllt !hI' bontL. hrl"C III bnnd IIl,d 'n p.\ rrnm Jlt,{,llll fUnds thl<; bond dOt'!! Mt excced !he Uon and examlMUon or a:1 book I\' ,., .holder may me and pro.';(!cule said authorlZt.'d 10 bl.' \";;!;urd ma) bt' II' mll'rro1 h' "'.1I /r"m dall' unlil rna- amount authorized by law nor thr and acctlunt..; at all rl'll.'<Onahll' 11m" "'"foreclosure acllon In the name of fundl'd In aceordUllC."1.' wIth alld under lurn\ al It!f • ,'. "I I"ur Jlt'r ..entum unpaid <peclal ns:it'S5mt.'nlq Icvlrd by ony rcprl'S('tIt4UYr of Rny 01 111" (, I' I •said Vl11age or may proceed against the condition'! ImJ)(r.,('(\ by th(' law.. 14 'pcr fU I 'JIn '"vlrf"ncl'd by fmC' to cover thl' 1'0&1 of sald Improvc- original purelulst'm "of <;DId btmlb " Ithl' Village as heretofore provided of the Statl' or New M('xlcII and snld <;et of NlUp< T.- ,II' 'unafcod • A'·. pll1.'1 mrnl... and that all prerequl'lltes to In addition. said Vlllngr nt lea I I' '''' H) ""ll'n ') .nONEnAll the nN prOCt.'ed.'l of collectlng Vlllagl.' In forcr althr cUffll\... c1atr oddllton:1I i"·Nt" I horn !he rtrst the fixing of thC' assC.l.sment 11m once a )'car will cau.<;(' al I'" rrllU 11"<11 '11'1"10\ I "i 11'11 'hy ofany delltlttuent 11.<;H1'5,.;ment shall be of this orcllnancr and no' 0!h1'l'W1 R da) of • lnG3, to agaltL<;t thl' property benefited by thl.' lar annual aUdit. an alldlt ttl bt Juh I"!depo,lted lIt the Bond Fund, and In provided, ho\l;evrr that Mile of ~Id Ihe flt"1 da\ ••1 ,19 ,Improvemenl'l and of the personal madt.' relatlng to Mid book'1 and}L.~1l!JillJln-an-;RInatmL.Jl~an;~$3..!-tJMd8--&l:ll1lJW~.cal1cJiLJ!oI:-PtI.!I!Lte.:'-J-l1~ihLJJl8· "~,!J'Lll&!!L.~~W1~!11nblI1tY 1lf -1he ownet-ot-O~ coUllttJ-bY~-&«'.OUIltanl;-~~ 't'"IlO +ftl'*t.UJnn the principal amount of saId as- demptlon for thl' purpoce of rrfund· 12 I Jl('r alltHlm "vlrfrnc('d by 11 !luch property therefor have bct.'n played by the Village nt It.. own rx 1\'"scssment and accrued Interest Ing them. and that 1I0nl' of ~Id 'i{'rond <"I fll I "uponl de<;lgnated performl'd . and a eopy of saId audit linthereon to the date 01 Il.. collection. bonds shall bl' refundl'd unl!'5. thl.'rr n" WhIch llr" pr(,'il'nlablf> for pay. "nl~ bond l!l subject to the condl- mediately after IIll compicuoll "III

section 5 That If any property III not and unlC'S!! It 1'1 c('rlaln Ihat Inpnt ,,('pam!. Iv and apart from Uon. and every holder hereof by RC· be furnlsllcd by the VlIlaJ/r WII1I1I1l'shall bt.' of(pred for saIl' for the non· there WIll nol bt.' a ~lIffl['ll'nl amllunt othl r Cf\Upole • <;aId Inll'rr t bell1g ceptlng the same agrees wlt.h the charge. to said StC'rn BroUll'r" & (".., ###u###########__#_#_.,,,.#_

payment of any assessment. Illslnll· of money In thr Bond Fund and UI/' paynblr Oil Ihp fir I clay of Dcerm. obligor and every subsequent hold· Albuquerque NI.'W Mrxlro a rl'J> ..,ment !.i'I." ,r or Intrrest or ppllally securliy F1md \t) pay ~1I('h bonds bl'r 1063 ali<I <"lTllllllUllaIlY tht're. er hl'rrof. that la) the delivery of rl'llC'nlatlve of tile bondholdt'r'l frnll1 (' if'therl.'on, and n" person or pt'rFf\tIS and the thrrron as such Ill' artl'r on thl' hr~' day" of Jlml.' and thl.. bond to any trllll!lferee shall time to time , ,shall bid for Raid property. Ihcn the come due Dl.'c('mb, r III ral h vrllr all prlncl- vest IIUl' In thlll bond nnd In thl.' In. St.'etlon 17 That thP omcpr" nl Ill'Village 5hall have the power. lind it Bectlon 9 That <aid bomi'l ,hall Iw p.11 rwd In"'f( I hl'llIll payable 111 wrcst coupons attached hereto In VlIlagl' br and thry h/'rl'bv allRhnll be Il<; duty, to bid for said fully negoUabl1' ancl 'hall ha\1' 1111 III\\ful mom'\ III !tIt' Unlt('{) Slate!l Ilueh transferee to the samc extent authorized and dlrec(rd to lak.· ullproperty 'from any funds available the qualltles of n!'(foUnlllt' paPl'r of Aml.'rt1 It w'fhoUI deducUon for for all purposcs a.q would thr dellv- aellOn ncce!lSary or appruprlnll' "Itherefor. 11.<; aforesaid, and to take subject 10 thr pavml'nt provl,loM rx/,hllngp or wllf't'tlon eharge9. at ery under like clrcum'ltanees of effectuate Ute provl<;lon'l 01 tl* mdand rl'etolvl.' In lIS corporate name stated herein and th" holdt't or hold Ihr o'lle" of 'h" Vlllaur Trea!iurl'r. any negotiable Instrument payable mance. InclUding. WltllOul IImlUn~any certUlcates or dectlq to said ers thereof shall ptl<;5C'l'l all rlgh''! VllInl!l' "I P"flln 0 RUlltoso. New to bl.'arer. fbI the obligor and any the generlllity.of the fore(fOlnll UII'property for the benefit of the own. enjoyed by holder.. of nC£tollnbll" In MplClco IIpml prp rntnlloll and sur. agent 01 Ihe obligor may treat the prlnttng of said bonclq and Ull' t'Xf' I" \ III JUt)' ~er or owners of l)1e street Improve· struments under thl" provl,,!onG of r('nd"r of lilt nllllt'X{'d coupoU'l 11.<; bearer of this bond as the absolute cUllon of such cerllfl..ate!l a" Inn~ \\,' I III h"UtI I her~ment bonds hereinafter specified the UnIform Commercial Codl.' thl':\' sPvt'rall\ bpt ome dU!' ll. upon owner hereof for all purposes. nnd reasonably be requlrec1 by Ihl' pur 11111b"rlotl/Z. In I 1m •The Village shall hnve the power section 10 That purGuant to thl.' pre entation II! malurlty. paymt.'nt shall not be affeeted by any notice challel"lJ theroof. relating alllong fl'" d 1\'1 for I /:".....1to Il'lI5e or sell said property, and Uniform Facfllmlle Slllnature of of thl" bond 1<; not mlldl.' a.9 herein to the contrary, (C) the prIncipal of other matters, to the sinning of (h" hon'll' nr ~(Iur hOlllf'all of Ihe nct proceeds of any such PUblic Officials Act adoptcd as Ilrovldcd llIletl'~t hf'tron !lball can- and Ihe InteresL on this bond shall boncls

l• thle tenure and Id£'ntlty of tht llIll1il,~~:ml~~~"'II~?m'~'::w''"''~C't"'r'''''nl'"'II'::nrJ!'.'11 MII.aMl

leasl' or sale shll,1l be deposited tn Chapter 118. LawR of Nrw Mexico lInull at Ihe raIl' or siX per Cl'l'lturn be pnld. lind thl, bolld and each of mun clpa officials. th£' amount el'r __ _ ",".. , •the Bond Fund 1059, and n.1so cited a... Srcllons 5·9· 10' 1 Pt.'r allnllm unlll the prlncl· thl! coupons appertaining thereto are tWec1 OIl the RSSC58ment roll togctht'r --...

Section 6 That for the purpose of 1 to 5-9-6, both In( 11IS1~ r New Mrx· p:11 hrrrol h plld In full transferable, free from and without \Vllh Ute amount of ea.'>h pnytnl'lIl<rdefraying the entire cost and ex· ico Statuie.. Annotated 11153 Com· Thl5 bond I, 0111' of a serIes sub- regard to I1ny equlUc!l between the Ihl! accuracy of proPl.'rty dt.'fl('rlp COl\1l\1 ft:H('J.\ L TRACTpense of making said Improvements. pllatlon, IIl59 Pockl.'t Suppll'ment Jt'Ct to prior r"d"mpllon ill regular obligor and the origInal or any In· tlons, the delivery of .tl1e bond.. Rndexcept to the exlent funds arc avail· Ute Mayor Vl1IlIge Clerk and Village numrrlCUI orllpr at Ihe optIon of Ihl! lermedlate holder hereof. or any the absence of litigation Pt.'ndlnl! orable thcrefor from that part of /laid Treasurer shall each forthWith file VillarII' 01 RUlllo~o on any Intere-t set-offs or cr06S-Clalrn'). alld (d) the threatened affecllng the validity ofns..~essments Which have been here· with the Secrelary of Slate of tho pn.yml'llt dalC' at a price equnl to surrender to the obligor or any agent the bonds. If such Is In nrcordanet'toforll paId and t6 the extent-llth -Stlltc" 1)f New---M~CO hl!i- manual ilia prinCipal amfJUllt thereor with of the obligor of 'this bond and wllh the r"clsfunrb are avallallfe Uieretor, lliere signature certified by mm under nccruM IlitM{'J;t m UtI' rmlemptlon each of the eoupona'Shall be a good Section 18 That any holder Of ii~be l~ued In the name of the Vlltage oath dllte. upon prl"r IIlltll'{1 by publica- dIsCharge to the obligor for the lone or more of said bonds. or any flfof RUidoso speCial asscssment. ne· Section II That each bond of cnch lion In a new paJl('r of general elr. same • the couPOll!l represeoUl1g Intt.'l e Igotlable. coupon boncls desIgnated series shall be signed lind exc('utt.'d culnllon In UIt' VlllaR(' of Ruidoso IN WITNESS WHEREOF'. the thereon, may. either at law or Inas the "Village or RUidoso. New with the cngravt'd. Imprlnlcd, In thr n1l1nnC'f and upon the condl· Yillllge of Ruidoso, New Mexico, equitY, by flU}t. acllon, malldllnllL'oMexico. Street Improvement District stamped or otherwlsr rcproduct'd 110M prOVided In 'he ordltlanco has caw;cd thi& borld to be signed or other appropriate proceeding InNo 2. Street ImprovcmenL BOnds, faeslmJle or the signature of the authorizIng the ls!IUam!e of Utla wIth the racslmlle slgnaturc of 118 any collrt of competent Jurlsdlctlollseries June I, 1063." in the aggte- Mayor or the Vlliage of Ruidoso, bond Mayor, the facslmlle of Its corporato protect the lIeM ereatc'd by thl ~gate principal amount or $31f,82O'I2, each bond shall be attested, man· This bond Is aile of a series 01 !leal to be arrtxed hereto, counter- ordinance on the proceeds of satd III •eonslllting of 31& bondS, hUlTlbered WlIIy subscribed and executed by Three hUlldred and Fifteen E;1:leClal stgned wltlI the facalmJle sIgnature scsstnent9 and ga801.1nc and motorconsecuUvely from 1 to 31&, both In. the VllIage Clerk of the VlIlatre or ll.SS(\ssment. negotiable. -co u pan. or lis Vl1lage '1'reatlurer, and to be fuel tax levies, and may by Stilt, RC·clusive. which bondS shaH bear date Ruidoso: and the rllC!llmlle of Ute streot bnprovc/lI(!tl! bOnds nUmber. manually sIgned and altesuld by lls Uon. mandamus, or other appro­as of the first daY of June, 1963, offIcial corporate seal of the Vlt- ed consecutively from [ to 315, both Village Clerk, abd the at1tJtl"ed coo- prlate proceedings ertforee al1d com·shall be in· the denomItlatlon or lage shall be affixed on each bond: InclusIve, it.sUed by the Village Of pons to ~r Ute faes1trt1le IllltDl\turt! pel the pertormlUlCle of any duty 1m·$l,OO<lOO each, excePt b<lt!d number. and·it sfulJl be signed, executed lind Rtlid~. nil of wblcll lire or like of said Village Tretl!lurer, and this posed upon the Village by thlY pro-


to end. (22')Mallory Court - Pine Lodge Drive


SUBDIVISIONKirkman Road - Heath Drive to

Cree Meadows Drive. l22')HAMILTON TERRACE

SUBDIVISIONUpper Terrace Drive - Terrace

Drive to Rainbow Drlvc, (22')Lower Terrace Drive - Terrace

Drive to Lot 7, Block 3, HamiltonTerrace SUbdivision. (22')

Terrace Drive - Alto Road toLower Terrace Drive. (22')

RUIDOSO ACRES (AMENDED)Matn Highway - All In SubdJvl·


Matn Highway - All tn SubdJvl·sian. (22')

SINGING PINES SUBDIVISIONMain Highway - All In subdlvl·


Main Highway - Upper Bridgeto Stnglng Pines Subdivision, (22')

PINECLIFFCliff Drive - Highway 70 to Mon.

jeau Drive. (36')Cliff Court - Cliff Drive to end.

(24' )Glade Drive - Highway 70 to end

of SubdiVision. (36')Chaparral Olive - Cliff Drive to

Glade Drive, (24')Monjeau Drive - Cliff Drive to

Glade Drive, (24')Tanager Drive - Monjeau Drive

to end of Subdivision (24'1STARLITE ADDITION

Slarille Drive - Paradise CanyonRoad 10 end, (22') •


Ebarb Drive - Main Hlllhwl}y toBre~e Drlv!!. 122', (To Northeastcorner' 01 Lot 11. Block 7I

WHEREAS. a portIon of snld as­sessment, Ie. 00 has beenpaid In cash and

WJiEREAS,therc remain validspecial assessmenls In the amoulltof $322.34206. payable In twenty sub·stanllally equal semiannual hllilall·melllll of principal until p.'\ld In lull.wllh IlIlerest In all cases 011 the WI­paid und deferred Insmllments ofprincipal from the date of publica.tlon of said Ordinance No 137 atterlis p~~ll1ge and approval. Ie, fromthe 3rd day of May. 1963. III Ule ratl.'of seven per cl.'ntum 17', I per an·num. both principal and Inlcrestbeing payable IiCmlannual1y at thl.'offlce of the Village TreaJ,urer onIhe flr!lt days of May and Novembt.'r In each year. commencing thefirm day of November. 1063, and theVillage of RUldooo der;lrcs 10 I·~·>ue

It~ I>lICclal a!l!'cssml.'nt. lIegOliubh'coupon bonds In UII' amount of$314.82072 10 pay In pari the cost amiI.'xp(,lI!,e of coru,1rUcl1ng and makingsnld Improvements. pursuant 10 provisions of 8ccll01l!l 14·37·16 to 14·3722. both InclU!llve. lind 14-41.'3. Nl'w!\fl'xlco SlatuLcs Annomled. 1053and all laws &upplemcntl'd theretoand

WHEREAS. thl.'re ha.'I bl.'en f11l.'d InUII.' offlce of the County CIl.'rk ofLincoln County, New Mexico, on UleI1lh day of June 1063, a claimof lien for the amount due and as­sesst'd and remaining unpaid, l\9aforl.'Sllld. which claim of lien nowremalll!l 01 record In lhe office of6llid County Clerk, nnd

WHEREAS, the Village of Ruld030has created "Special Street Improve·ment Fund No 2," by OrdinanceNo 142••~. adopted. and approved thIll 11th day ofJuly. 1963


8cctlon 1 Tlmt all action. proeccd·Ings, matters and things IDot IDcon·slstent with the provlsloos 01 thl"ordinance', heretolore taken. had,and done by the Village of Ruidosoconcl'mlng the grading. gravelllhg.paving. macadamlzIttg. dratnlng,and otherwise Improving f1ncludlngcurlling and guttering where sospeeUlcally provided I of certainstreets IUId paN thereof, with tn·tersecUons, In what bas 6llmeUmesbeen designated as "Street Improve.ment DIstrict No 2" within and forsaid Village, the levying and per·fecttng of ,SpeCIal assessments tomeet Jl, Imtl !2Uhe..-COSf. thereof. anthe Issuance of Its "Village of Rul·doso, New Mexico. Street Improve·ment DL'ltrict No 2, street Improve·ment Bonds. serIes JWle I, 1963.·' forthat purpose be. and the same here·by Is, ratified, approVed and con·flrml'd, Including. WIthout limitingthe generality of the foregoll1g. thelevy of· assessments against all VI\·lage property IIslted tn the aforesaidclaim of lien IIncludtng but not 11m·Ited to assessment Items 2.863 2·404. 2·739, 2-740. 2·190 and 28221.the sale of said boncl<;, bearing In·terest as hereinafter provided. toStem Brothers 8: Co. Albuquerque.New Mexico, and assoCIates. at aprice equal to the principal amountof each bond less a discount of 3"1­of the prlnclpal amount of each bondtogether -with accrued Interest to thedate of delivery

SecllQn 2 That the Village of Rul·doso be, and It hereby Ill, authorized,empowered and directed, - and Itshall be Its duty to receive. collectand enforce the payment of all as­sessments made and levied for saidImprovements, and all Installmentsthereof, all lnWrem Uuireon. and alIpenalties accrued. as provIded bylaW and tn Ute same trtnnl1Cr andat the same lime or times as pre­scribed by Ordfnance No 137 of saidVillage, duly passed, adopted, slgrr.ed and approved 011 the 25th day orApril, 1963. and by tIilil ordll1ance.and to pay and dlsbtlrsc saId pay·mcots, the tnstalments thereof, thetnterest thereon, and penalties there­to, to any person or persons law·fullY enUlled thereto

section 3. 'I'hat the Treasurer orthe Village or RUidQS() be, IUld heherebY ts, authoriZed. empowered



Ruidoso NewsFllday. July 19, 1963



t THE ISSUANCE OF STREET'ROVEMENT BONDS PRE·,mING DETAILS IN CONNEC·N THEREWI'l'H. AND DE·.RING AN EMERGENCYHEREAS. the Board of Trustees.he Village of RUidoso. In thenty of Lincoln and State of NewJco. has heretofore, pursuant torequisite prellmtnary proceed.

• prOVided for the grading. grav­R. paving, macadamJzlng. drain-

and otherwise Implovlng (In·Ing curbing and gutterlnll' whereIflcally so provided) of cer-streets and alleyS and parts

eof. with IntersecUons. tn saidHill. specified In the asscssmentnance:. being Ordtnance No 137said Village. pa'l5Cd. adopted.l'd and approved on the 25th dayIprll. 1963. but more parttcular­escrlbed hereafter, said tmprove­rts and Ule area assessed there·having been somettmes deslg­d as "Street Improvement Dls-

No 2". and by said proceed·and ordtnance has levled"Vmro

ISSments to delray the total costcor tn the totul IImount 01 $410.­15 IIgalnst ~e properly 6peclal­'eneflled by said Improvementsd sum bClrJg the entire cost of

Dllltrlct. Including Incidental8. etc'. all In accordllnce withmatutfs of the State of New

:lco. providing therefor. andllEREAS, thl.' Iltreels and alleyspaN thl.'reof EO Improved, for

'h Improveml.'nts assessmentse levied. arl.' as lollowll

SKYLANDIII strl.'l.'lll In Sk) land to be pav­will have curb and gutter onI Hide 01 pav Ing IIllow Hand 5W from SUdderthII.' 10 Zuni Trail. 122'1Illow Road - NE from Suddl.'rlllIe to end. 122 Iegonla Ro.'\d· NE from Sud·h Drive to ('nd. 122'1lIll.' Rond - SW from Sudderthro 10 Zuni Trail. 122 ,Inl.' Rond - NE Irom Sudderth1(' 10 (>nd. 122 Iverlook Drive ~ NE from Sud·h Drive to end. 122"Vl.'rlook Drlv I.' SW from Sudh 10 end 122'lekory Rond - Sudderth DrIve:arrlzo Crt.'ek Road. 122":REE MEADOWS HEIGHTS1BDIV1SIGN. 3RD ADDmON)y Drive - Kirkman Rond to

• Rond. 122'1Irkman Rond - Heath Drive to, Meadows DrIve. 122'1~OUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS

SUBDIVISIONRim ROad - From a point 247

•Enst of Hull Road to Indian

I Subdivision, 122' IPONDEROSA HEIGHTS

SUBDIVISIONellow Pine Road - Spruce Drive)i\vl<; Drlvl.'. 122' IlVl.. Drive - Spruce Drive 10

• ow Pine Road. 122'1• lTuce Drive - Yellow Pine Road

Ir Drive. 122'1rch Drlve-Porr Drive to CedarIe. 122'!mlock Clrcll.' - Grove Drive toh Drlvt.'. 122"r Drlvc - Grove Drive to Birch'f'. '22"mv;ood Drtvl' - Fir Drive toIr PIart> 122'1,ergrl't.'n Drlvl' Dogwood DrlvcIrch Drhc 122'1!dar Place All In SubdivIsion.Iaplc Drive-BradY Can)'On Drivelopal LllIX'. 122 I)pal Lane-Maple Drive to Red·5 Drive, 122'1Idwood Drive - Nopal DrIve to{e laraek Road and oontigulllg tolarack Road. (22' )Imarack Road-RedWood Drivel<!dwood Drive, 122')~EEN MEADOWs' ADDmONliver Place - Clover Drive to{ecrest Drive. 122')

'. oadland Drive - Keyes Dr-Ive todstone canyon Road, 122')over Drive - Wingfield Street'oadland Drive, f22')t1gecrest Drive-Wingfield Streetlrindslone Canyon Road, (22')Iyes Drive - Wingfield Street

~uth End of SubdIVIsion, (22')'lndstone Canyon Road - Wing·

Street to South end of Subdl·In. (22'1



•Iyes Drive - Wingfield Street Ieh end of Subdivision, (22').Rs'r PLAT OF WINGFIELDlOMESTEAD SUBDIVISION1ndstone Canyon Road - Wing.Street to Apache Trail. (22').

liter Strcet - Wlnltfield Street Ie

•tlf Subdlvllllol1. (22')ril1g Road - GrtndstotIC Can·~ad to end, (22'),rotAN ffiLLS SUBDIVISIONm Road - All tn Subdivision.•


~rl1 Avenue, (22').~t1IDOSO PINE LODGE CO

SUBDlVISIONIUrUt Street - C street to 0t. (22').".~'1' OF LO'I'S 3().40, BLOCK0'.1 8-21, AND LOTS 26-39. AND

• S 10' OF LOTS 22-25. BLOCK, RUlDOSO }>INE LODG'E:e Lodge Drive - FOurth Street




I-•· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (12)








I•I. I

• II II ,

• II •I I,

• If• I\,rt . 'on


• I••• I••I II •J I

• I:.(I,

.. 1II••.J I••'.:..' f,, ,II,i~" ." i


• .,'••ltd..

CL 7·5705


Member M. L. S•



Wway '10 - Ruld~ Do'tI'uPhone ES 8-fo3OG• •


P. S.: Rentals, toO


* Welding* Radiator Repairs* Portable Welding


1050 FORD CUSTOM, 2-dr. Lowrnll..arle. In excl'lIent condition. In.r.lde and out, Pirone DALE MORR.I.SON, Ho,>well, MA 3.3333, collect,



".819,000: "arGe modern duplex and2 mlJlkrn cnblns, Furn1!lhed. •Terms•.

• $:''2,600: On pavemC,'nt. Upper Can.Y'ln Comfortable yeln 'roundIr'nn".. and 4 collnges. Room Cor _.deve:opm('nt. Terms. (

$70,000: Oardrnslde Courts. Bolh('otfa;:t>') nnd traUer [paces. Va.I·uabh' location, landscaped. Roomfor furtlJer development.. Choicechelllele. Cash or tcrJl;lS'. rT' •




p; ~...:!ia' 0:i z

Acll.hllon ..


, ,


Jacl: Bl'nnett


Pho. CL 7-4397

,_. --,--

. ~ ....

• ? t' j" ..,.". ;.",

112 Acre and Larger

Terms- Up to 10 Years

Cafe fixtures~efrigeratqi's

StovesIce Boxes .



. ~,. '

and nil types o{ second·hand I!t'm-,

Sre Bud Brhdshaw at D and D

A'Uto Snles

. ,

-. is

, .

- •• • 7 - • •

.w.earingin;~1i-nc~.~~c~...._-~- .-:.-.~


Tommy Pertect, Sales MunagerSALES: .

Jess Nobles


, ", t '


Good Restrictions For Your Protection


• •



. '






llnnie l1'oti1' 13cdroom. 1 3/413l1th Cabin located' II) 13eaUtlful Up.\)(>1' ftuldv,o n.ear' Ule rIver. This eub1n Is wlnterl2:ed, completelyIllmlrhed ami pl'leed lo sell, Only $10,700 and ready to occupy,






j''- ;, ) f· . - : .

Mnr:~ic Wh,II11I'lt

Visit Our Field Oflice One-Half Mile. ,

North of Alto01' See AnyQualified Rui-,\ .- .

. t'

dosoReal Estate Broker.

-YEAR 'ROUND HOMli~N{,w '1'111<'" Ilt·dJIJolll. 1 Hath l1ome, located In till' populIlr Grf'1'1l Mf'adow~

l"lIlItJ;/'II,,' :1\:,,1,,111<, '1'olnl 1Irll)1.; Is $10,000,

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYMal/,r AUluHll,bile I"ranchl!!\' for Ruidoso nl'ea and Lincoln County. Also included ,Ilrc

purl: . lull, IH'(J 1~IIIIP/JlI·lIt. ufHec Nlulprncnt. Guod Will and Corporatloll. 'rills Is lUI {'l("'J.'{'/I! OjJl)lJl'IIII.i1y and I', (lrJIn'd l'xcepllolmlly low. Conlact OUI' office 101" 'all IIw dNl1l).';.

,. RESIDENTIAL LOTLa-ml' l(JU"x:J50' lilt wim wntl')', 1il!Wl'I",pnvtllg mfd electrtctty. Locrrted In onl' of RUldll!-,o'f!

fhu",1 nn'a·. alllt IJIlI~' $:'..411U totnl w'lel'. No ass{'ssments.

CABINSNt:w 01," )kdruolll. I Bath Redwood. Log Oabinl~IUI huge front porch ['J!untc.d 011

.Iam{· <!(,,'(kcl 10,1 III UIJIlI'r Ruidoso: BenutUully finished for $7,500, will> tl'l'lIl:l. .Nl'w Twn HI'c1ruom. One Bnth, H.edwood Log Cabli""rwftlHll~(}llt·1I III'uk. FJitunt,'d Illl

n dt'l'dl'd Int alld III nil nccI'sslble locution.

RESTRICTEDVACA T/ON HOMES/rES_. ~ "",,,,,,--' ---'

* Utilities ** All Weather Roads *




, 'r "? 3d • H4 . llr'~ )


For Information Dial CL 7~45'00, CL 7-6880 or CL 7-4855



P 0 Hux 1:'8H.uldo'.0, N. M.

Olleredby:Rumb··0'··u'gt. ,.1V'f_. . '. H, .l~., .

CL 7·4255



•INTFmV11';W .


,-:;:;::::::.==::,=,=,======================'='=<=:;;;(c«.~. .' ........... ! II I·. :I I II , I, I I

!:,: i {J i·. " ~• • • I, I I I• I .. , •·, :., II •I ,


• I{ .I I,.••I II •I I


• It'''! -, -, .';".'


Leveling and Hoo.k.UpsCL 7·3573

Learn To Knit'Juanny's Y-arn Shop

Free Instruction.At Rock Ridge ClIbl1ul

Mechem DrivePhone OL 7·2321

Trailer Repairs

:14 Tuwll'blp 10. South, Ranr,e 13 FOR RENT Ofnce Ilpru·... 1I1i"I.. ,: '''''H I-iAl.I'; \11&& !It>lIlL..lcy 30x8-n. FOR SALE-Flreplnce wooel and BE:AUTY COUNSELOR OOSMET­I' al' N M Ii M, '1111' typl' of con· Id "" Jd .. " I A' I Inuit·,.. Ilt'all and carpeted. SCcMI'll. stove wood. Locuted behind Tramp. leS _ Your lueul representatives,'r'I' '.lll/1 ("id 1,lz(' of rn."ervolr will pa . nU 11'0 ",un 1'1/101 It',f,l , II a te dd

.~" h"L ~ A331 4' lfc I ',' K" " ,u': 1I '. InJlTl Berill('It's Food· 0 ne In u way A 1tl0D. CL 7- Della Hale. CL 7-6237', ClaudineI" , '11~I·rl'llrll·d (·f···.r project has benn p_.~n•.c.•_... ,.. ,- . d ·c 42 "n87

.. , " ~ - 1111' I. u t. Oardf'o"i I~ ourts. - te,. ..... . • 51·lfe, Morrlr:on, CL 7-6353. 49.tfe.",.'t",rw·d l't'rmam'nt storage busln 13ULLDOZEH WOltK n.1l Mil. ...,._ , .. ._,.._•., . ~_

Wi!' ""t {'llcN-d 6500 acre feet Wl· Carty dial CL 71\500 .. :?:J ~l': ANTIQUES - Cedar City Antique 2:IP CODE No. For RUidoso I!. lIll345 l"OIt RENT -_ 3 bf'dl'oom house,''''r tJlI' uIIJ)\Icut!on. The dlver.)lon .. • • Shup - Auth{'ntlc antiques - good I-we have a rubber stamp you can flll'l'W;hl'd, bllill paId, Call ES 8-i' "111 ',IIJrnge unit wl11 be grllvlty _IllliUilUIlJ~IUUlilll:l!IJ;1IJ:lIl!lJlIJ!tla:;J'!ii:ululu' ..JJ.'. :..:d 'ph-.ction anllque furnlturellDd clocks. use' on your return address. Newli 4:!GG, 3-tfo.

• \l1ot1 pllmp 11flA.·d Project Is to be I,N ,\ III IUt \'? . I 4 mill, WI'-t un HIGhway 70. 4G-tfc. Office, ttc. ' , '. Q

,',r.' lJUlt('d .In conjWlctlon with the \\1' eun hulld a FOR REjC:jT·-}Jou~es, one nnd 'twoC"II C'o"',{'rvatlon Servlcl' {or flood Tlmlll..rl.od~l· III a -r.mJ".1gcl. 0': \Vn;LBUY--Short tt>rm first mort- WILK.Nl'1' •GUARANTEED HOs.. b{'droomq, $15 and $20 per week.I "IMIlI 111e rceervolr wlll be ··used, few day.. fllt'. a l:ul'Sl! ~ [''''''''. alld land contract.'i 'at lfIod. IERY-NatioDlIlly advertised In lead. Call CL 7-3700, 49.tfc.I'" rt~r{'aUon purposeR, Construe. hou$('. tlr )"ur hOlTII'. I:Illt{, dl!.('ounl!" No. commIssion. Ing Cashion magazlmm. For home •110" alld IW{' of the proj('Ct wlll con. See our bill ad. ('111 CL 7·3913 or write Box 420, RUI'

Idemonslratlon can P, It. 'Ibomp<;on, FOR ,H~NT-.3'WO modem trailer

lh' m With lhe requirements of all 1!!lJ!!!!)~:pJ))~m:llll:lUll!ll;Ijlllllll!immlljtlllJ;!u1ili1Ir.Jn:millll:!Ud.. LI, •. .. . 3-4tp. ~~d~~~L 7~.347, .40-1/11(';, I>paces. Call CL· 7·6652 or OL ~=,Il'I"It'II'" nff*ck-d. ., ", ._, _

AllY' pt'rwn, firm. association. _ FOR SALE _ II TUMLINSON '{'urporation. tllC Bla'" or New M{'xl· M ' I '(lJ ur Ule Unlled Stlltes of Amt>rl. Wanted 100 en TV & RADIO SERVICEI'll 1}{'('OIlng Urnt tile lI!'antlng of thc EASY TERMS 10 IShler'S Shopping CenternlJll>,:t' application will be truly det' Who dl" Irf' a hiJ~h..r ·IIIlY Job Dav Pho CL 7-3130Ilfll{'lllal to Ulelr rl"11I- III Ule w n

'.,- • FIXTU E " ne.. ~ u\<:.u In ('ll'l'lrullll'<,. MIJ:,1 bl' w.1II,:\· R S Night Phone OL 7.01001,1 ',uld !ltrenm" mny protest In writ- to ('llIIlplt'll' II br\l'f ("(jIIVl"I~'h'I'd1Il1~ II/{' SUilt' P:nglneer'slI!'untlng of cour'{' ol IrUlJlinl\ wha·IJ dtll'" Ilht FOR"PII/Ovnl und ahall be accompanll'd Inlt'Tfrrr with pff"Rnl Jllb Nobv 'oupportlnH affldnvilli nnd by proof prt'Y'lou., eXlwri{'J:('e !I{'{'f" ,aI''' CAFE - BARllml a copy of the' prolcst ha.~ bl.1('n 111(' dl'rnand for h'{hlUl'l:m', ICE CREAM PARLOR,'.('/\ t~d IIJ10n lhe nppllCllnl., Said pro· Io!r<'an~' I''llt'f'f'd'. th{. ',upply Ii·

11",1 t\lllf proor of st'rvlc(" mu:.t be In!('r\ww'. ltl b.. IWld III Hili· COMPLETEhkd wllll th{' Stal\1> Englnc(>J' on or dtr;o n('x! fl'W Ib~'" fIJI' Ihl' e \\ lIubf'llIre the 12UI duy of AUIlU5t, 1063, hurry. Cmnplf'l(' Ihe· fo\lU":/Illl ATA

I till' d"t(' !lel (.or final cOll!lld('ratlon Inrormallon and mnll !hi. ad to;Iff Ih)'; uPllllcntloll If not protesled BARGAIN

S E He)o1lold.'1 ELECT-RONICSSlate EnglllcC,'t

7·10·20; 11-2


For Sale

Or Trude

JUST R/GHTFor Fun in Ruidoso

JY. . rf>

, ,i ,'I...,""" ".......,.~p:-~,

, \




aenutlfol-In!lido nnd out Nover needs flnlshl.OI or J)i!tntln;.Ruggod redWOOd calhCdt.:\l·tYP& vaulted ceUII'I8s. U$~ It fot a\tIllQkond Vil¢llUon hOmtl.t,fOt '~rmanent YW.......tOUiId~ .orfOf' mot<\1 property. l' .. . - "I"'IJC;' .)'-_

EaSY to pilt up. Four men can do It In 3 days with riO si)eclndattkills or tools. Oor crews can dt) It In .....n lass time· .!..for rock·botto", COsts. A wide variety of Tlmbeli.ol.1iN IYWl­able. Chooso yout own sit., 'Shapct and floor plan,C.t the whole stOtt. can or wrlba ,&II. Sot be.utif.... fub-cclI9rtoI<*,c* the t6mplctt JIM. .I' .A

Ot. bettet .\111, Ji~ \lilt' me4cl on sUtlaedla DrivebeSt &4 Shanu'O<',k SlaU...

10 ~ l:;J·yoar tontlS nrtl n.valtablo at vent reasonable n~tor (!~Y' lmallCJni

neakn "'.bltel -0tllt $5,iOt'lnveslme••N~

Timberlodge of New Mexico t.

~.~~fMlI .. {j,L "",us.... 4, IQ 1M '-t- I........N..,~

, , , ....~ ., _., -.. '.' .

Mechem Drive

Op'I" \, .• \' 'lay'


h. cJ"~'IJ', :J filii b,d,: ... 11 1·IN:II'!.' 101dll'll.

III :1'A' ,.,u lJuy

I.' •. I f .ll~ l,r, U

"1' IIIH,jll\l, rll'.~:IC.N'-:Jt

,~, ----J

,._.~~ -:""------.l


'. L.

I"" .' I" tlr''''"I. JnIJ<!I'rn, flrf')llacc and dce.ded lot.

. ,

" . ,,'l

I I ""1,1,1 II/NI, ! 1·.HVfl J:•

\. '. ,,'" ,.. ','" ~ ["'d","lIl hIJIIW, 2nd balh roughrd In,. 1:,1, 1 "f, J'1.',1.t- c ail lUI UJ)pUultnlt'ut



I:, ".' ,I.ll III dlo"lI. JII'IlII·. 2 full ballm. nil declrlc, ." . '. . • '\ .. I . /11.11 BAI.IJY" Thl, l!rnClOu:, cnl1l{'\('d

I {' ('III-.Wn, JOv(~J': Mt'KINtno;y,1'\1'.1 A MII.I.I·:1t

.. Y'JIlr 11'T1f>IItJly IJroker"

l. f, ',' Jj •• d. d (rld.L."" v.1~h a:' lw.Ir",.f11 n,' UC·. 1J1lJd~

.--q ......~~ ...-.- ..,..,...-#~-- i+4'.t- -l+-4.a1d:.L !.!.lL. twJa'Jf"I'. a.ut h.·t-d:. "J

, ,

On (1jllllll'rlb Dl1veIn Blr:ylllnd

I "nn,q on Any:lllllll of VllluGIhr"QI/\,1 In OUt 01 IJowD

II"IlL"l \'/0 Ml1Y lIt1vo


J, I "

I.O('KF. m~AI:rYnr·ttv E l.ockClJ \) 1.ot'lI:oOf'11l\ IIBlo

I.lN('01.N 00 REALTY1',1\1\{' l\(,tl)/I'wree n~'ll\t


Mlltlr<'<t WnnUalFrt'd Ort'.'l.lI\\'t!l1R N (Jrli:llbyJ J, DiPaolo

JIF..NIW T WIC'ICER REAL'l'ORnenry 'l'. W1CkC!l'

DAN 0, SWEMUNOlN, mo.nanD Sv.'t!arJtigln "TuJlllny PcrlooiMlU'~!!.'l Vt'htUodl:Jess No'bltJack Drnn(lU

(ro\l"'" ~·,:t t:t;;:t.-i ...-

I ,. "j

, ,J T If,'. i

'J. ' I','

I '

~ ,tt , .', .~ .

, :.'

. ,,'I '

I • " ,4


, ',}

, I ' H 1':- I \ I I .

--S e e--


1111 I

b $ r

.. I' II' J I ,j ! ! 1 '., I'

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<0,n • If


~Le a.,


M<>mbrr M. L. 8 -1r1q"H" ('I. '1l1~,!l NO'I Ait Y I'UBI.JO-

, ,

'. ! 11 '1

..111< I.AII·WAY 111)\11'

- -_._- ...._----------_. '-- - ~...-..--..~--'=~'"""""-_•._--_._~---

-_."--- -_. -" - - _.. -----

I" It'" ',t," .

".." ,

Jl.JJ'f!"'BJ.~ ("ri

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. ._,_._...' PAGJ!J TWELVE --_. • .',

--------~--.-----~---.--=-=..:==~-..-'"-----.-;---·~'---·_-'~-=="=""=·':··=··==.:.==·=·~~I:~.=~'~I~:~~~:~~~.f;~~r2~~f~~=· __.·~i.~~_ ~~ '~i .__~~~~~~r ~r~r:~q~fl':fn ~lm~8;3 ·~ktt Place of C~nyon 8( Valley--BUSINESS DIRECTORY-Where To:Find It In ltuidosoSanta Fe. N. M., JWle 12. 11163.. _ ,,__.......'.......... -- -..:.....::,.._.. ..........,.,_,.......,::.,.......__---__........._ ........ ...;.....;.. -;-. ....------.....--~I

' NoUce Is here1)yglven that on the ., 21st day of :May. 1963, In accordance

w:lh Section 8, Chapter 121>, session1,IlWII of 1941, Eagle Oree~ InterCommunity Water supply Associa­tlon, of Ruidoso. County of Lincoln,Slate of New Mexico, made formc.1appllcatlon to the State Engineer of INuw Mexico for a permit .to c1'Iange ,..partial point of ellverslon and tollmcnel the ,existing facilities to 1n-:elude channel storage on EagleCreek I within, Ihe Rio Ruleloso, Rio:Hondo and RiO Pecos DraIMl';{e)with Ihe right to fm and refill the istorage resurvolr from the flows of IEagl!' Creek to a capacity not to ex­CE't'd 6500 acre feet. and thll right I

to divert at Cllther the present pointof dlv{'rslon, or from the proposedlit(Jra~w unit. or a comblnat!on ofbt,th, a maximum of 6 CUbic feet

.. , of watf'r pf'r flecond claimed Wlderorll{lnal appllcllUon flied July 9.1013. IIn'llsl!d April 10, 1915 anda nlPnd('d by license 10 change placelll!d purpo,,! of use lS8ued Novel'll' IIJf·r IG, 1061. pre:sent use being tot-.lIpply wnlf'r for hospital. govern·ml·nt til, domestlC'. municipal. me·chtllllcal. Industrial and commercialpUrpIN'!, In Ihe Vl11agc of RUldo!iO,

"" ~_••,~_...;, .. _do, .• ·:.: ...,.....,. Capitan and Fl. Sianton Rnd other10('1I! Ion!> adjacent to the uf;socill.tum'·, plp('1l1l1'

TIll' prf".ent diversion Is loCatedlrJ till' NW',SE',. Section 31, Town·"hip 10 Soulh. Hange 13 East, N. MI' M. 11 I n point whl!Tlce the SOuth·I'll I {'orneI' of suld Sl.'Ctton 31, benrsBoUlh 6!1 21' Enst, 2660 f('ct dlstnllt.11It'C,1'lIt divI'niion Is to remain In liSt'alld Will be uS('d In conjunction withdlvl'/"lIlliS from proposed storage111111 for dlVl'l'sloll.'l up to 6 cubic!I'I'! rll'r jj{'Cond

'1111' {'Xllct locution of the dam andI'" I'. voil' hilt; not yet been delermln­I'll Pru){'{'1 WIll bt> on land.'l ownedII, tJlI' r-:11Itl£' Creek Inter COmmunItyWilh'l SlIllJlly A1480elatlon' lying Oil1'.111'11, CI ('I'k wlUl!n Sections 32, 33. , ,

j'. '11'11 d 11111111 1\1", (If 1 .;11 JI.' and largpr. Si(\rra Vistn has" • : I II iI .... \ d II. tI df'. : 11"< I If" Yoil an' W('l<-OrTW anytime to,.11 I. \l'I"IWdljll!'i\ dIll" 1,Ilt-. 1'1I1'l'd from $1·,40n.OO up.

()~ ~1< ':':.11':.\ (. 1:( J.\ IJ, 1~EI.<)W WALKER A. Ii'. B....~1< )~; .I F \ t' ItETRI,:AT

1'1,.111' CL 7·4473'

d ! Ss' ,Ii'"

ll~lJoI r fit> r\1ce

IInua .- r~ ~ ..r.oo11., - ( •• '


• 2:itlnU Motrl - 4 114 Yrs old.mummilliJ 1>001 - TV - Phone!! ~W~\Il·tu·Wt1l1 (~BfIWt --'" 1lt'lr. Air Con•. _ ..=_,_tT_'_to_·CI_a_I_3_~d Itnn..·d - Etf'f'lrlc lINlt - Comb. .........

ITI!" Tub & Showl'r - On Jntcr<;tnte {(~ " ~. ,.

I:0 US 01 '4 ClIy UltllUr!l. Write, '" .VlltAT YOU WANT Mnt!~UOm~ry, 3U".A J.3S:l1le A'Ile, WI1'" ....... ANORnlll C"tlf1!f'nter, Mjlr co, fC,'x 1110 PL 1J.-3703. '.::_•.

8 .. t 014 - 1lu1d~. N M Pho CI, 7..e32O - RuIdoso 1'ou Jmt 1I'Vl! In CGmfort., We do ....'ff'- - '--- "----- work and "1)fI')"i~.

";,,".1,1111/ (',.nlTocwr and

Qllnllflf'd. lrnlrwtl Tt'ul ('!;lntt> profl!lll' ·tulld rl'ady to tcrve )'OU

IT: ,.,IlUIG IIr 10 h..lplnl! )'IIU 11lI\'..Iu·,t !h{' r1nht P!l'('(1 of prop.(>tH' h.,rE' tn thl! Orf'llt " ••A"1!HOl'NIl OF 'rHE SOUTH.W1-4'lT !hrnugh tI,1' t'ol1lblnl'll 1'11",1' "I !1m '

AI>OnF. REAl. ESTATEHulwl'l PellfllonRalph r-h'Oulro

B{II NI'al, Jr


W l> ('HoSny nF..ALTYw n Ctoolby -W n AI'·ll.QndllJ'W B At.....ood

LELA EASTER REAL ESTATELt>ln l".u.'I>wrJO}'t't' McKlnnIl1Lee CrewsEmlllBMUlez


EmadtJr .lOON


Ruidoso Multiple Listing Service1111' 1«'l11tor" bl'law t'llltl tI\I'lr I,,'f'l" HI ·.l\lt·~ Ilroplo

will do !lIt' lilt! lor ~'tlll:


BlIlr''',s Plumhing Co.


w.. Ah!' ....... fl<orvtcf' ('Qlb Any TIm..Nlllhl C'olD:


,. ()


.. . ,

• •-.\:', .. y. . t., ,. , ,'-""';'''''~~", ",,<' "",;'~""~)'<1.~...,r,,,,,,,, ...<,, "';"'" .,>:E..·~.f~:.L,y;-l=~;,;'..~'.f~,~" .•. ,,'.'__ ~,""._u :,_=",.,-,., -..'..::...iO... ' •• ~~,,::..-. .. , CD' 7 _ • __,' -. ,.'d_. .'?:. ':0. ~,-,~:L.J. _~ __'- ~ "

I· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (13)

~ -..-'"~

, .


. ,


$3.250 00


I 4 Dm.\l1

{'ll 1\

13 Down


$2.000 Illl

Malt" OU('rt~

I,Ranch SalesBill Neal

$' rr

81:. OUR. .





Hot 'SE

St,: :<lIH


Oal'Y lIul'I1('",

$130033 r, 00f)



$ G.;'.o


SI.' ~"JO

In:' :,00tllG ,.00

Mtarm:rla 3 r""lll (lUI ' Hull: I'Mil)' al" 11/' ":i'nl w.l1\ larue

hOIL.(' If IIc'" l'lI

Office in till' Adobe

Otrlces AcrOSl5From RuIdOSO •

Post OUlce

Pho. CL 7-S65:1

A k J}-"Y !!.Illtln II Ih'.d'ur AlJuut

Sun .ValleyVaca!lull J1I'lIl'~ltl·.')


. I



• Iftt'

t.I\·ilW r."'Ill ... q';l';t'" ,IUllon IJnlrlN!IlI, lIIi i'\ '""In ITlllIlI'Q' ..11m. tlUl'I' lull!., 1, ....II.I(·f'. p,lUl'lIll) III r~ll'lI 111"111. l'Ulll'tl'd

MOl:.T m':A I 'TWI'I, VIEW .IN IU 'U10SO

Fun SAl..l'i-Woodcutttonl' ~pp:l.n,P/tmt-er Ch<Un SllWll lit e. &: 1.1: Lbr,& Supp:,. on n,Wfl)' 70. Holl,ywood.

1"OIt HAl. !': \'- 1'.,111.' 'I V [I"" ~tIU,<l,

"nod (·tr~ld.~~H'~ (\1:: Cl I -I3Ut " ltp,

FOlt SAI,E- I'nn;,y planls. frUitIIN·!i. ftl·,CS. shrUb:;. f.lmt!t' _~ft'CS,

111111'1'. ClI'. OOl'llI'f ThIll" 1~lJr rt'nt:\. u w n Al'Hlwr ~ t'arnw CunyollNur t'ry (,I, 7 -1197 40·lIc..------==BAllY Sn"nNU .• By <lay or wI·,'kIII mv hlilllP CL 7'50llG. 33·tfnc.








~" ., ",'.~ ,

NoYI':Yp '~

". ~.


• - "' * 'tnt 'T - , , '& --


Sun ValleyVal'alton 110111(~,lll'n

lIltf' uf 1I1l' l1Iel":1 Illth!I'''' In1t1111lusu nff"ITd lur •ale.

O/lll'e 'll:ll'I' luI' fl'Ut.Illlve Iw.vcrll! huuses to

rt~lt. -



-~ -.AvoN ltEPllf:.U·:NTATtVE M\'llM :\lwrI', Ph" (" 7·541iJ 3 If..

Thn'(' bedroom house furnish........ ····l'd-;,- ·lttr--fh'ejllftc~r·· ..ot\. ,.th!'. .

l"l"1'1' 0111' o[ Ihe eholees! riverI"..atlons ill RU\(jo,o. Have Thl- wondl'r(ul' 40 11lTI' frll'ln to beIlth!'l' rIver cabins lind hpmN , H.lld lit pulJ:ie 'Iuc'\l.n to the hluhcstlilt wilh Il'rllls. Ib'r!tll'r 101' ~;l'h Ull Jlllv 24 Time 2

1111\'" Ill'" II! Ih!' bt'st filllnf.f p.rn S;x null", ll"rthw('S! of 'Wms-'i'll!llI11' In HUJ(lo,[j Im·ulllt.' IllW. Alklln' a'· 1m I"elllil.n Wntch\\'I'i pny Jur ill\leollrnl'nt In one for .a:J"{;w~ !Jo.llHllll 1111' locution out.y". 'ar. ("c,! Tunl !'''In'.vJ>r'\, Alic-tlunpt--r --

VI'I'Y mi'" 4 bl'droulll hUllSl" If(,llr~' T Wll'k"r, u\' 1."1'lJ\'allllllll l.w>'n. LOl'aled In . SOLD •

:tl (!rl·"n MI'mlllW':. Pl"lcl'd to 200' of RiveI' Fl"Ulllm.w wlih 3 mnallC1 ,,'11 oil II 0. I. Lmlll Would , huusl". "ll'.'y I\I·l'('i'lblt-. ulll' mudern.-t:l alllll'l'I'1ll11' YIIU luukuw: al Ihll! . 1'10"(' 111 l'l'i('(' $14,UOO, WIUl lerms.

VlC' lll"pl'l'ly 11 you Wlllll 11 .lllC(! I "'.,... h, ,"W. yl,ll WIll 11k.. tftj';-Olie.· .... -r:::-:::l.lW.....JlHdr.oum bl)/nc. furnished, ..'" on S JI III 111 f"Htalt'S. N M. WlUi--(') , AI'Jl:n"'lllllltl'ly :l .It 1'1"" WIllI . 7' (J\"l'r·night !'t'ul"t', lin JOllllll,l prop-. :1 /l.n· huusI'" .wel 1\\11 tHlI1t'r t·lt~· All 1m $:12.UUO Ouml tl·l'ms.o hltILW •. lJ,iru llllli (">I'ml ('1",·(' I"l In. wllh l\'lllh. ._, $250.00000 III Sl'('urt'l! nole!] to!' :1 1,,,(11 ""Ill 1·,.lIm, ill IIrJlI.r tnllll, up lIll Ralll'''. I"ann UI' Motel,.

c·allyun. 1'"mplt·'"ly IUl'llhllt·d. ·11I1111 IIl:';c. d",di'll lui 1',,1<,<1 1l1':NHY '1'. \V ICKERal S. flOU


-- :, ."- '- "~

I i- r' 'i' i ,. 'j " -

1':1111'1. ------- ---'----•tran:;. A k Any ltUlllll' 0 Iwnlwr Aboul4 111)


_< 23 'I', . V'· • . \'l'1 Yl")•3 y., 1 y,:; Y(,J Yf' •

:1 Nt! y, "":1 ,4 Yf~' Y"1 No Yl ;

. 2 No Nil YI''l No1 Yl Y'. No Nil

f;x("('Dr(,r~" h~. ~~., rr(';ach~ '0 l'O)

ron:or LotI;;#'. Wi'!! b:u. rr ',mraHI. rab.ft .. Sf" IRIO tli.\ul



-- , I'

"\,OllH to,;Y TO /I :;lllINll INVI·::;Tl'.H:NT"

vltUnl: 10 myor .....('('k Phlll\l'

51 Ill'

l',,:nwr (I11WWUY

Ml'Carty Build

HliiI.I.!: 1'11:('1

I'"ltllt til." I It I:;h!'. 1 1:;,,1111

BOB pgAHSON', RealtorrllOttr CL 7·C042

Membl'r MLs &: llo.'lrd 01 RmltoT9

Residential & CommercialRalph McGuire

!i~f .' ••)' Hfr.UhW

PilLe' l,·ld,'

··e·..··w....·,··..·.. '5'.. ., I _'


N T ()OI. r un CU·.101l1·C·rall 1I1l1ll1''l

llC'u V J.,od<t>, Hpa1torS:lk' ; J U t.lll·kl'. Ilpllu 11011'

Dox GOO. Rullluo t~l. 'I 3~41 U;W;. ('1, '/·3393 NlahtOllie" Nf'xt 10 Mldwa~' (lafnl!1'

$ : ',!

&. Valley-BUSJN,'E:$ S DIRECTORY-Where To Find··It In Ruidoso"'.. .' ~,' . . ....,.. pAOETllIRTEEN-.--....




PAUL H. DOUGLASS REAL EST'ATE ~BWl Phone CL 7-300li Resldellc" Phillie CL '1.2WOIn POIltottJce Block Box 2114

AI Stalcup. cr, 7·fiI56 '- Tbornnll D. JIIspcr, CL 7-1i21)1


WH~-'fll-:.J ~~!Jhfl,·.

:\()W IS TilE TI :\JI<;rI) s...I(~cl 11)1' clJlor... in a lovely /lOW 3 bodroom. one andthrefo quarter bath hOlllo in a restricted w'>,dllnllol arf'a.Wh,le brick firt·ploH'. sl,ding glos5 door 10 pallO, boomedceiling. 10101 prico, $17,900. Can be 'manceo,

Scvcml houscs 1n O(\tewa~·.EXU'fl nlc~• ..vlm-mtnts: '.

3 Bqdroom. rustic' cnbln,1\u'nlshed lind has W·ephlce.Tollil prlcc $6.250.

lIlIvt· big houst1 lllld 2' "1111111. hl)U'il'8 thnt would trade lornil,W('U proprl'tY.S!"'!'flll nlel' courts which !U'e

olll"rl'd V('l'y r!·uslUlllbly.Huv!' a !IOus!' will 11·lldt· for

0111' III Hl'own!i('ld, TI'x.TW<I l'alps rul' Sll.lI'. 01\(' "I'll 10,;

llO {lIId olll! It'ss. VI'l'y I'l'WUll­Ilbll'. '_....-SI'VI'rnl hoUsl'" In Hlllnlll(lll

TI'rrn('l' Ilml Youllg liPll~hl"

11t'1I1' 1~lllf course Wuuld IIkl'-Iu ~huw ~·ou Ihb pr"\ll'rly

I b,'tll'uolll. lunll·,jll"1 IWll(1(·,·e1I·t! 10:" alld S";"" bUllll·11m llmtt'nnl Pi'll·... $:J.!JlIO.11'1 Ill'

<orwo bedl'oml1. I 3" ba'h.I:lUlIIW. With "Iln pllll'h O\l'/.

)O()Jtlllll lilt' 1'1\"'1" '1""1111

Nlrl' 2 bcdl'oum IIOIllI' Inchulce lo('ntlOll. Llll'l~e lot 011

thl' rlv<,r. Illl'(' Y{ut! 1I11l1 I~ar"tll'U nn'u-. 'rt1nu:L

Joell( 1",,\1 Jo: 1'1;,1 ('h",,'l";'". ""I I·..:ah' 1I11. 3 /lr 4: lWl'tl

Illl ;1,1, (',,11 ('I. 7 4:1111

LOTS FOR SALf?-Cree MClldows.10'.. down. balanco over 6 yOAra.Pbo CL 7,6431 61·Uc.

WANTI~D D:J.by11111111'. tiny, hour('I. 'i ·:4347 • .





We Have Sevel'al Good Cabin Buys


4 _

, .


7 $ •


. "., .!' ," "" ,''''. . , '" '

A.!lk Any RutdGSo Realtor About

Sun ValleyVocaUon HomroItl's

• •••••••••••••••••••••••

1 = 7--_

FOR SALE-~Late moot'l Un<!er­wood. typcwrlll'r, rcoondlUOllf'd.clean, good one. $75, Newo Olfl('C'

. 3-tflK'• =~

FOR SAI,r,: Nf'W Harmony t:'ll'ltrMth Cll'.e Sf'1' at Too &: Mlln"Sweet Shop. Adobe P:[\l!ll. CL 7·r,j970

4·lte-=----- --_. -- --- ,--~ ----........-.='-.,,---.-

FOR SAI.E Or Imdr. 10lt5S trl1ll!'r.or trade lOT Iiml1l!pr trnller P1JMil'CL 7-424G 411(',, ,

FOR SALE .. Tho 1'!('('It'lr 11'(' OO1(e .OIle tOII'''''II1O ~~I. two nnUqul' plPl'r,or furm1urp. 01;0 luggage t'tlrrll'f.other' oddG and plitt CL 7-55f>ll lte







orne. - ct 'J-WICY LELAND, SR., RealtorCy Leland, Jr•• Ansoclntc Broker

Saleg"';'Mamle LitOf.'. Ken LIVingstonE, T UOWELL • •

WANT TO rm!':T OIl(> IIf Iwo BACKHOE l''or rent by hour orI'WIII l"It,,11 IlnlUmlllrd. lamln('r day wllh opl'rator. RuJdo::o Oas." "'0 . pho CL 7,""3". I<I,Uc. \1 r, I {. \19 ,,\ 'I'S'()Nnwl In lib' pl'lIlilJm~l. In Ihl:lI,,·;(). .. "" " u co... '\~ ml ar'.lIml l'u'!t'lll!J!\ \\.1.','1');1'11 Ol"I''ICE SPACEFor rl'nt. 2 ro~m 3GlJI 3~'1tf1 !', t u'lboekNl'w "r alhl (;"(11 I (\~11 <.'1. '1·3741 Ph..·.,· t;W !I O:lI:l1·~l'\I'I4II.;," ',r \\If'IH'lld . ,.Ult('!J. IlUgr lobby Includl'd. all w.n 111' In UU((!u:o~~. _~ __.~_,__~_______ liew and clu'pell'd "<Wrll. Conwct JUl' .". 'I ' •., I I ., I" n 23rd\,., "Tl'll R. O. ""'lIn, Pbone CL 7......... ," .u. • .. ll.1 i ,.,<lUu•.' ,,' , ~"l1ll'(In" fur l'-Iblll wlIfk . ..... ~ ....... ....;.(,;;.·1 '1433=2 _

MATCHrn(j~RATl'AN SOFA- and _A_ll_P_h_'_W_rI_lI..;J!;,.'I_I_lI.,:'lJ_I'_"_11_'(_·_'l.:.b,_"_·_4_._I'_('~ 7_._tf_C...:.. -_~_-_- -Chalselounge. Frlgldnlre I ron e r.Kathryne HnU TrnVl!J, CL 7-5ll21

041).ltc,----._------_.. :-LAWN MOWER SHARPENINO­Also electrIc Il11W filing. Or[\v(>lryTroctor Snles, Long'S ShoppIng Cen­ter, Hollywood. Pho. CL 7-G:lOS.




r f *·aT,"' _

"r -

,.,.. - .~....

. . ,

, oW

-,~ >- ~--- -~-- -..-




• •

b" •


_. Harry PowellMotor Co.

Bargains at ClaytonBennett's West on

Hiway 70Save During Used .Car

Clean-Up SalePhone CL 7-3390

Ask Any RUldo:o Realtor About

Sun ValleyVacation Homesttes

1962 PONTIAO. Ur.. radlo, heak!r,power Ilk!erlng, air conditioning.LIke new. 15,000 miles••2,550. PhoneDALE MORRISON, Ro!lWeU. MA 3­3333, collect. 52-Uc.

Call BIU Carpenter -.CL 7-6328~r Trailer House Bervtce " SUPPlY


fiOUSE-FOR~RENT=For winter"2·bedrooms. on Mechem DrIve. ad.JoInIng Ml. Vue Theatrc WrlleVInIta Wesl. Box lISO. PresidIo. TexDuring summer. ask at hOUSe 4-1Ip.

FOR SALE~Onegentle anddie horeeand mIlk goatn. Phone CL '1-41190


, .



I I. I.u" ~11.1lI

::tei ..., _.' :



-Approxlma!ely'6W'ocres; frontage

'onSudderth Drive, also on Ruidoso,

'River:-. This property is ripe for devel.

opment. Qther.varied loierest~ of .the

owners do not allow the time-to ac·

complish this.


• •

In EI Paso. will Irndl' cqultlcs lor Rul-

__ " 4 __ 1

•• "t .... !

HomeCL 7-6238

-MemboX' of Mulllple Listing Servlce-

:, q

'- '


International Harvester CompanyP.O. Box 160

Roswell; New Mexico.

Office at


SUMMER CABIN - Only .$2,700. cash.



Licensed Broker

: ",'


LOTS - 2 Large. leveled 10t.'I In 2nd addition Cree Meadows.City water Ilnt! lights connected. F:l'lced right 101' casll.. ... CABIN -"'2 B'~dfoom. furnished. on two 10t.'I. CI~y wllter and,

pllvement, year around location, $7,500.

THREE HOMESdoso propcrty.


.. MILDRED WANTlEZReal Estate' and Insurance

P. O•.Box 2~8 - RuIdoso. N. M., Pho.·CL 7-2764 .,.. CL'1·1)516BALES: Oresswell - E. N. Orlgsby, John SJ1llth. Lois SmIth

J. J. DIPaolo '\...


1962 International Scout, 4-wbeel drive, half cab, lock oulhubs, heater and defroster, dual g~st~nks ~. , • _•$1725.00

- J .

1961 GMC Pick-up, 10ngwJ\eel\ase, "-speed transmission,low mileage, V·6 .,. yJ.,."., •••••••• , ••••. $1275,00

19::~~"'.~. V::~ht:~: ~I~:~~.~~'~.~:~ .....$ 625.~O1958 For~tari6,q.:J., overdriv.; safety belts,. , _, ,$ 625,00

1955 Ford 9~j:la""ffgel' stallon Wagon, overdrive, .$ 325.00

Wingfield Homestead

OfficeCL 7-3241

<I ~.. 'Co '


',' !. - .




,. "

- -_ ..'- ~,------......

- --- ...

• •


Membrr M.L.".

-'Cl'Qdtg R~alt;. Addociaficw<Formerly Allied Realty Associafes)

Phone CL 7:"3303

'-_. "' .","-

.". --, -. -' ",-

~-~-".--~-.,. '.~., 'r .:'.- , • ~'" ,


~I! I, l' r 'j',. .. I" c', ' ''", .; 1 ; , " ,

Ask Any RUldilso Realtot· ,About

Sun Valleyv V'ocatlon Homesltes

*' 'H- t - , "'

FOR 8ALE-oE 23-inch table model FOR RENT··RooIl19 nnd cnbtn.'l,TV set. new picture tube. excellcnt 'rcasol\tlble weckly rall's, MOWltalocondltlon. $'15, Bee ElsIe WlIlll1tnll at ]{lll/£I) Lodge CL '1-2952, 4J1tp.News Qfflce. or call evenings CL 7. TRADE-~ acre ncnr Alto for Inle3'141. • . l-Uc. model trailer hoU!lc or late modelFOR SALE-One paIr coil 6prJngn. 4-wheel drIve vchlc1e. OL 7-6350good ll!I new; 1 kitchen sink and .-'.'."­cll!m register. Bee Mrs. Laurll Hal­laday In Skyland Addltlon. lelephoneNo, CL 7-6646, 4-llp.

FOR SALE-Dlxle Queen lrallerhome, 8x45. Behind Tiny's Cafe or

~~p=:gnD!l nnd Playe:


:: =:.:--:-:-:-:-:"':::.:.-:"::::-:..:-:.,:..::anM. also parts-Cedar CUy, 1/4mile west on Hllthway 70. 3-Uc.-,--=-=-- ~._-- - .HAY FOR gALE-'15c and $1.00 perbale. Coo Ranch. Olencoe, New Mex­Ico, . 3-Uc.

:~~~~~=arr~~ ~..~.~-~~..~-~.~.~;;-~-~_.~-=..~..:.:-:::Sudderth Drive next to Cban1berof ron RENT - Four bedroom hOU5C.Commerce. Phone CL 7-4591. 3-8t.f: :1rUally furnl!Jhed. Bee 29 Pines Mo­

leI.FOR SALE-Rock crushing ouIDt. 2-Ucearns S500 day and up; 1USOtI, dis- •ability. see Leland ~lty. 3-3tp. ROSES - CLIMBINO BLAZE-Pens,

Red Pl'll.'l. VnlenUnc, '1M rochFOR RENT-Trailer spaces, big SALE OR TRADE - large com- Bedding planl.<!, $1.00 dozen. Rutdosolow. near city ball. Call CL 7-6572. mercial lot. Will consider reslden- Nursery. CL'I-2945. 4-ltc.

3-2tp. Unl IOl or hOU!le and lot In clt.y orout. Easy Terms. OL 7,,"" FOR SALE-Food concession tmller

F'Oil RENT-3'6 bedroom house. Utp -eompletc Idtcben on 7'1.1 by 27It'll baths. fireplace, $40 per week. -------------.-. ...:. foot tr[\!ler-i!lgbt serving windows­Call CL 7-3700. 4-Uc. FOR SALE-Cbolce lot In Hutson's real nent-$I.850 cnsh. see al 14M

• Carrizo SUbd.. leveled and ready to East SnIder St., Hobbs. N. M. 3-2lpFOR RENT-One bedroom sleeping buJId on. am Hulson. Box 933, Ala· . --- -_. ,cll.blns. very reasol1llble, near city mogordo, phone 437-55U. 52·Uc. FOR BALli: BY OWNER-Largeball Call CL 7-6572. 3.2tp, .•. . . .: cabins. very nlceand 'eomplell'Iy.. -. -T' •• -._... - ,- - furnished In Midway and Upper

Bookkeeping Service Canyon. Phone CL '1·2960. 51·Uc.Tax ANfslellMPho. OL '1'-'

Gladys Thomson

1lIt A JlVRRY1We can build a

'l"imbcrLodge-·lna-· ,few da)'S ror Ii"gUestbouse, OT your hoine.

See our bIg ad.i ••IRml_mrnnmlln.Hi&III1i1Uitskw,£nhi

-FOR RENT - Bedroom atld house·keeping unlls. By the montb.Oatden­side Motel, OL 7-4491, 46-Uc.


, - .

- ------..---..-- -

- ~'-

J. HOWARD MORRIS, REALTORtel. CL '1-1l131 - "the guy with the buy"Located across from RUidoso Post Olflce

J SALES: blll pippin - mrs. j. h. morris - sid mlller

Lra5e or buy on Good I(>rm, _. II you dC!llre

"We Most Likely Have It, ComeBy and Sec Us"

RUIDOSO REALTY COo, Inc_ (1933)~ .

BUSlneS9 Ph. CL 7-2085 :- Home Ph. CL 7·2080 .

Emadalr ChIlfiC Jones. Sales

OUlce fipace for rrnl. Scr \1.<; for all typl'~ of Rt.·nl F.-.lnlr

- ~- ~, = '"' ... -•.

. .

WANTEDBaby Sitting

Licensed NurseryCL 7-6572

.,t." "'_'_$_~ ",


, , ~ .J " -


~te(h$&: 011 ael"Vk:e" . COmplete Shop BerviCt·So· .SUte· to Check OUl' l'rices and l!lqtrlpment Belore You 'P1t

Nenr a 'tie-DOWn Charge

, "\:" - """'-~'" """'S:

~..; .. .t!' ~Ah)Jpj.'lb . '~.(;:;:;;:.__ .

A RE.AL HACIENDA - In the bl.'autlful RUidoso-Hondo Valley.Rebuilt old adobe with La Luz tile rool and Ooori'. 3 BR. 2 Bath.portal and patio. Some antiques go with hOIL'I'. 200 ~cres. 35 wIthwater right." -- fn orchnrd Ilnd alfalfa Tenanl hou~e. barns and cor.ral'i. Ideal for horses. gu('sts. or both-c~p!.'Clnlly lor gracious living.• • •

LOTS wtth Inll pines; LOTS wIth ,un: LOTS on Cnrrl1,o Creck;LOTS In 1110 Village and With all ullllUef) aVnllable. or In vir\lln lorest.amI hom*o where you clln kcep a coupll' 01 horfil'_<;.

, ', ...~

Market Place of CanyonALL C1UillChld adl 1IIust lie Ilald· _.

In advance wl\tl the n:oeptton otlhose !'Ull by regular display ad·vel1lse1'8, The rate for· 1l1li.18Ifl~~dverUlllllg II 60 por Wilra wIth aminimum ot 160 for 16 warde..PlIlAs",·{Igure ,. ner cent t~s to ",d<l.10 ~dvel1lsln8 co.t Thll rate bold.lrue' for aile week'~ lnaerllon ~nd'nn he mlllllplled by the nUmber ofweck. the nd III to be run. Whenmailing In classIfied ads pleaoe en,"Iobe check or mono)' ordet 01' Ityou live In RuldllbO bring them bJthe office before TuesdaY atlemooDench week.

-T;;de-s-o-n-RU+dd5.,O p;C;;ertv I

In.Al'te~in. EI Paso. Hobbs. I,asCl'Uce<;. LovlnlIton. Lubbo~k. Mid·land. Ode;sll. Roswl'll.


. *NEW MEXICO RANCHES. I"ARMS.. .... ~~H~~M,,__" '"fi~'""'"""'""""_"_"" """""'fi"_'".~""~.



_------------'----...----..,...,.-.-..,...-.......:....:....- --------. ROAD IN OATE~AY. I• ABOUT 10 AORES nnql 1400 FEET










•nOME. 120·FT. ON RlVER





. ,

8-PJECE LIVing room group. sola,. chalr, coffee table, two end tables.paIr of lnmp.'l atld ceramic nshtroy, all for $129.95 at Porll'r's InOnll'way Cenll'r. 4-1tc..-- "..~ -- --- -=- * - - -- -.-



,· " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (14)

.f"tff'j~..~'. ;r



.. .









3 For $1

2 For25c

.. . .t


•......, ...


•• 1iI .

,,,'" ~'-~ ...~,r:. ,',." '-'".,'- "~' .. ~.

BAR~B~QUE.-. .. ~ . .

-HOL ''N,: iPlE•

·.. t>ONU'S·

• • • • • • • • • •

365P,AYS AYEA:a,. . . '. ~

...,. .,. ....

Kimbell's2~ Oz.••.•......••


......~ ...~ ..




Diamond .303 Can

Kraft •Strawberry 18 Oz. Jar

\ '

Wilson's15% Oz. Can


Lb. Can ••••••••••••••••••••••••••HiII$ Bros.

5 Lb, Bag • ,' •. '••• _•••• , ••• '•.••••••••Gold Medal



• •


- -.

·f ..

• • • •



Pound ••Ripe&JuicyTexas~Greys




DRIVE·IN ·6ROCERY\.. Open71011---365 Days.A·Year

. M .. .. .

Cr'Ulb!klkt '* Sltbetus.$ * 'Hole ~(hujDonUlS

No.8 ·ComerSudderth&Mfec'Le'm·.. ··D···' ' •.. .. . . . 11. .r.o No.I2-Highway·..·70.inHoBvw ~iI, ·N'•...•..···M···'';.. . . .' .' .".!J. uw,. .••


SAL'TINES' Cracker Barrel 2"3c. Lb. Box ••••••••••••••••••••••••. ." . '

. ... , ......~, -~" ...•-._.•._" .DOG FOOD ~~IICan ••••••••••••• 2 for 29c


TOMATO JUICE :;h;t'Can l~ For 29c.'

3 For1l9~OLEO Diamond1 lb. Pkg .

VPEACHES Sun Drenched

Elberta 2V~ Can •••••••••••••••••



COOKIES Pelncess Creme '-2 lb. Pkg.•••..••...•.....~ •

C· 'HI'L'I' With Beans,. . Wilson', 15% Oz. Can


BAKE RITE Wilson', •. .• 3 lb. Can ...•.....11:. ••••••••



.SAL·T· Kimbell's 26 Oz. Box 2Plain or Iodized •••••••••••• ,..... For




. - ",- ,

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• • • •

',.~ ,

SWEET,PEAS Del Monto 2.31:303 CQn "•••••••••••• , •••

RANCH STYLE BEANS, 300 Can 171:_······ ..SWE.E..T...PICKLES ~3el~~. _••••••••'. • ~9c· ..•.--... .. -

DILL PICKLES ~~~."I~': ...... q ••~ ....-1 .

.,.. " ... ...... ..:.'"



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2·1h CAN,.


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'200 CQUN:l'.

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7 TO 11



COLD. - '- " . .. " .. - .

........... Ii ••• , .••••f _.0./11 It. •••••••••.•••••• i Ii ii •••••••• i 11I .. , 1I11 •• Ii ••••• Ii" ..- ~ , '. .

" •

'- '--- ----.--- -, '==11PAOE FOURTEEN-

Ruidoso New.Frldn)'~ July lll. 1003


,~At tile Hospitalr VI..IlIi'lR hour" 2 to 4 Pin, 6 tovp In •1Admltll'd In thl' IIU.t Il'w days 11.'1111I1'nlB In RUldoko-J1ondo ValleyIcneral HtJl>pltal hay!' b('Cn:

1\ JUlia Ollllll.Jn Ill'lIm l'~ml'r",on,

Irlll' DOnll.UIBn. Mf'< Jllml'S Cow·Ui. V"nllA Huu'lon. 1,{lrloUa OM'c9n, RUllje,,>,,. 1"11'<1 Coc'. Lol til'

elellk!I'Y. A,I'hll' BOf.(M. Nallvldlld,Ul'rril, RUldo,"', D(IWlh. In'lll' Till.

J\'C1' VlIll( Mllry-' Cal\1I110. Bill!Irldl·r. llullywf>(111 SylVia ntlliockkl't BLIIIl!on SU""I' llul"d11 l'~ll~a Plllo.,UllHo,.a. A H P"rklllll Whitney

. ex . Jim o""rtlc,(' Capltall. IlhnronI!,OU/<I'hollll'! AIt,null/onlo AI/redo.e:<.wm. Rral·kl·\(·.,;ll" TI'x' Eu1I"'nl' 61-<1('1 '<llll Lfl. M Imda, ClIlll.n . I' Lohrn(·It·r. EI'a"o. WIlI'f'il'! CltlY'on. M"",'a I' ,

leteOl1l" " M('Cull ll11rUnUI·Il. Tl'x11tf'ph!IIlIt. Mllrtlll. Mlndllll. Nl"v.Y~ ..P....l"l.l~'-~Uohb, Ahc(' Trll.yIIJJ,tdlll. Nllornl 1),(1I',.by. Dillin•. T('x .IIlcorUI' Waudl·1I NOllni11'It Nrw. Want-Ad.. Work Wond.'",re- .I): NOTICE OF' PtJDI.1C "'UCTION


VI Omcc 01 Ih(' ('Almmlnlollcr ofE ' PUblic LlI.ndn'II Banta 1"1'. NI'w MpxlcoIII Jlollce 11. hlm'by IC1v('n thnt pur:Uanl to Uw provbdona of the Act of

'-;A1l1lCreM, "1I1.111('d Ennbllng ,\C! ror/lew Mexico f 30 Stat 6rl'l, approvedItme 20. 11110. UIl! lawn or the BtattIf New Mpx1co, alld the ruleR anil:egulMIOlll\ of lho Blnl.r L.llnd OtrlC4!he Comrnl!l.~lom·r flf PUblic Landnlubleel It> UI" c()f)/lIUun.. hl'rl'llUlflf!r1Il1 out. \\'11I "Ih'r h,r "all' III publicluetlon III Urr hlgh""l blddl'r III 11 00l·cIlX'.k Il m nn "'UU1L". IIUI. lllG3. 11.1ht Irollt dt>or 01 UII' (Jounly eourliQ11111' In (~llrrI7~)7'" Nl'w Mrxlcolubll1Ct lLl....xt...IUtij ·r1I!hts. l'll..ql'ml'llltl,'Ighlll 01 WRY or IrlU'....... nnd lllllOtublrel w,\- till' rlghl ", Ull' ('mnmlli'ilonrr 01 J>uhllrr Lllnd... which IJl

• K'r"by "xllr"""ly rr"rrvrd. It> rl'new.. tnd C'1lwnd 1I1l)' rxlMlna wlll.rr !'l1lIe·.. nl'ntll or 1,'llhI'_ 1\.11<1 Ih" r"l1111 llnd

'1lV1'1IUIl Ulrr,.lrom. II llllY. Ulr rol·owinll d"li.'rltle'" "lnw U",UtullolllaliaMn. \0 wll 1f'<=rnnlon 01 thl'r.rlandn rnn)'· \)(' "bllJ lJltod llJl 01 Ol,wb<.orlilt. 1063. Illid ·fulurE' IllUlUlIl rf'lIt• atn lind 1myrnrnlll 011 ('xI_tina Il'rlll\·t~ 1_ or Irllr..-n. If Ilny, mny hI'ool1rctrd by Ulr purl'lu\!ler. unlllMalrflildy ~ ld tn till' fllA 10 I

B"'LE NO .2W I.olA I.. 2. N I~.

NE',. F:I,NW'. uf IWfilon 10. Towndllp'l Roulh Ilnlll/r III I':Ml. NMPM.aLooknown nnd If'frrrrd to M TI"Il('1No W. -t'onlnllllllll IMII QCreA. morl"or Irr.n llN"nrcllnll In rl' "urvcy UlIlrl"of . IJ"~'" or t\f>Mlon R "\.l, 01 Bcw·

• "011 I) NE'. fl' ,NW·. 01 Sfoctlon 1'1,i BE I" NY. '. 01 I~Ulm 10. TOWILo;)llp. ., J!oUUI Hnnur 1'1 V...·.I "'Ll. 0/ 8<1<'.

~on P N I, 8 ..:'. F.' "liW '. 01 &>f't1nn• 6 1':1 OP;'.N"~' •. W ..... NW'.i,

- I!: I.. NW '. ItI FiN't1on 21. ALLor 81" (. I I" II 2lI, 9 1 •• NE':, ,lUi! NW '. I'll': '. NW \it 01 [Wctlon 29.NI.,; 0/ t!N'tll11l 3l TnwlL'1Illp 'I South.ItarJg'P r8" En~I. N!ofPM conlAlnlna'.000 nO nr,rq Inore nr 'f"'J1

-nit' lIJl.Al Ilnl't1.lf" ('f1fl1ntlll'd In thlllUlp Nit .2!l!'> I' 4 tNt 1\ nf"l'M1 Iflor"bt 11m,' 'INtlANY. MlVl.t1M 1.... ND9 1

'rho Imprm."mrnL., UflOlI IlQld ltultb~\ol' br<>n C1ppllllr.....1 1\1 11'124000"&Ll": NO t25Il l,flt 3. EI.nWI4or GM'tltm lD. T"....'U'lllp 'I South,"nil" 10 Fn~1 NMJ'M. nltoO knownIiI1d NlI"rrNl W QIl Trn.. l No .2. ron· .talnln:t lID 44 "rtf''' morc or ttu:ll. ao­adlnll 10 r,. lIun..". th"rctll. NIh or"!Jon 11\ M.L 01 BN>Uon 30. Town·tfflp 'I l:!IlUUI flnfl",lr 1'1 El1l<t. ALL 01 .I«Uall 10 T,JW=Jllp '1 Gouth. nanl%O121 ElU'ot NMf'M. C'ontalnlng 1.000 00lienll. mOlf' or l('r.Jl

. 'J1l(, tollt' DC'rrAll1' nmlAlned underIhlll BIlII' Nn 4~ Lll I GOO •• Rt'rrtI.inoNl or 1(")<.11 1COMMON OOII00LloAN[).') , 11lt' 1I1lpn)\'ornelltll upon1he!W'·ltuWII 'lIt\f' br<>n IIpprl\lr:t'd lit".1nI00 11lf''''' lllntlq I\NO lOCAted apo~l\lnlllrlv 4!'> mllell NorUlwetn orl\cn"."n !'l ...... Mr,,!n,• ,said Abn\'1' <1""".11...-(\ InndA tmvo~n llJllITCI~""'" .., .7 ~~ IX'r Qcre and~ bldll lor Q \,,"'-, amount will be ~oep!rd• 'f'ttm;to <I...,lnltQ to QUAlify lL'l bid·de. will "" '''''''11I"d It> dl"JlOl'II\ wtthUUo {'Jnrnml""Unll" or hi. II£lMll ron·durtlllll UrI' <;ltr lm.\OO w OWlY en~tll ol l"'l'7ltl.A1 And ad\'t'rtlnlrm.pttm (I"r 1 t>. , prr l'f'lll of Urn apoIJTal'lt'd ~ ..;..r of !lIfO 1llN1'1, Qnd tht'aflJltftll:«! \1\ luI' 01 thr tmpro'l't'·Jnt!n~ 1m"''''.." b:,tdn 1)(' UIfO owner ofUtI' Impro\rll1rnL.. "'ny fX'1'UIn de­.atna It> Qll:lllly II" II bIdder mUlltqtl:11l1y bPlnll' thfo bIddIng In &uchaall> hM \)('fl) .....mplllted AU de·.....flJl flhnll bl" lJl (Cult. cerUlted ortlIaWlrr'. f'ltf'Ck or bank money Of·~. ruw nuul.. p:Wtlhle to tIlO Com,1hll:llJ~' of Publl(' Land~ All do­",111I will bl" ret,urJdCld to UM~1\11 bidders

'At Um(' 01 l.nlr the lIu('('ensfut bid·\1h 1:/;111 bl" IflQlIlrt'd to IIAY nve (8~1~r cerll 01 UK' QmO\lnt bid, lM1l Ill'!I(frpc:snu. Ull' ltr"t yellr'll lnlc'l'!ll ll\:fd1Jr ..... I IX" l'Mlt on tho deferred~lIInrt!, pilL'! the Cll'lual coot of I\p.~l:al Imd nd\'orUlilna Ttll> b:llanoo~, tht' purd1llllft ,wloo 1.'1lI be Ply·~1t' Itl Ul1fty 1:10 I yellfll wjU\ Interesl;'W< four (4'~ I IICf cflnt '''jSayllbltl an·;n~~e~ IIdVClllCt! on the ddorrod

~.ltll mlnf'l1\b of whl\lsOOvcr kind,ftlCludln:l oil I\M !l1I-'l, 1\71' rtl!lCrvcd

;(q UIO Stale of Hew Mnlco.'~l~le rlllbt to "'loct M)' IUld 1\11~~ III tlxp",!'oSly re!'.l'rved and no)lie /I;!ltlll bt> drt't'UVtl WllrM &nt';\#lUI approVtld In wrlUnt: by tho Oom.~lJlS'\ort(>r 01 Public lAru1n~~Dt!tallcd InforlllaUon oonC4!rnt.'ljIli\i!l oller of Mle, tIlO lUltb Involved,~ lmprO\'tlmtmta thoroon. If any,~ oilier mottero rolated U,,~rcto

E·'.y be obt&tntld by YirIUrij{ to the

I. . '. m\..'lt.iloner of Public Lands. Blattiii,' OfCIeo, SAnta Ffl. New Mexico,t ~.tpAT!lD at Banta h. NllW Ml.'xIOO,;, (p~ daY of /l.llrn. /I.. D .• t~;; ., ',; E. 8. JOllNNY W/l.ldtERI·' ;t·t OOmlllls$i()\lC!f or PUbllo LandsIj fl, 8Ca", ot NIIW Nlldoo}. ;l,(JrIl!A~) ' I .. n, ~""(a\D) 'l'bru ., .ur)

Sbs;'iiiiZ i 5Aiiiliiiiiiiiiii;~ Auuun .j"1!l\·., ~·~W. .....tti'.....!"oto...

bnt::;'~.~:..Ai ...• .fVIM er:...-t ~o.I 1. •..,.~..... ' .,,~"": '

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.::,,'" :'<i::: '-;"~::.. ~ ;' ...'•. -,0 · " •• • • " ..,,•, • •'1" • • ,. ,, •,.,.". :'.~ .". > DON'TGO tlQl\lE-UnUt you've - [PDF Document] (2024)


What county is Ruidoso, New Mexico in? ›

lincoln county — News & Information — | Municipal Website of the Village of Ruidoso, NM.

What county is Alto, New Mexico in? ›

Alto is an unincorporated community in Lincoln County, New Mexico, United States.

What county is Carrizozo, NM in? ›

Carrizozo CCD, Lincoln County, New Mexico is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Lincoln County, New Mexico.

What is the phone number for Lincoln County New Mexico? ›

Contact the Clerk's office at 1-800-687-2705 Ext. 6 for additional information. Are Lincoln County property records available online? The Lincoln County records index is available to view online via the LiveWeb portal.

What is special about Ruidoso, New Mexico? ›

Its central location is a perfect base-camp for exploring all of Southern New Mexico. Ruidoso is in close proximity to Carlsbad Caverns, Lincoln National Forest, and White Sands National Monument, just to name a few.

What does the name Ruidoso mean? ›

Ruidoso got its name from the Spanish word “ruido,” meaning noisy. This refers to the Río Ruidoso, a river that cascades down from Sierra Blanca to the Hondo Valley, making a raucous noise as it courses over river pebbles.

What is Lincoln County, NM known for? ›

Lincoln was at the center of the Lincoln County War, 1876-1879, and is primarily known today for its historical ties to Billy the Kid. The village holds an annual festival called Old Lincoln Days in August featuring an open-air enactment of The Last Escape of Billy the Kid.

How deep is Alto Lake? ›

The surface area of the lake is approximately 573 acres and has a mean depth of 13.1 ft. Flows from Lake Alto are known to pass north through the Lake Alto Swamp and ultimately into the Santa Fe River.

What cities are in Sandoval County NM? ›

What is the ghost town near Carrizozo NM? ›

Three miles north of Carrizozo on US Hwy 54 is the turn-off to the “ghost town” of White Oaks. White Oaks is not your typical flat-roofed adobe New Mexico historical experience. It's more cowboy/frontier than adobe Disneyland.

What does Carrizozo mean in English? ›

Name. The name of the town is derived from the Spanish vernacular for reed grass (Carrizo), which grew significantly in the area and provided excellent feed for ranch cattle. The additional "zo" at the end of the town name was added to indicate abundance of Carrizo grass.

Is Carrizozo, NM a good place to live? ›

Living in Carrizozo offers residents a suburban rural mix feel and most residents own their homes. Many retirees live in Carrizozo and residents tend to be conservative.

What county is Lincoln in? ›

Lincoln is a Cathedral City and the county town of Lincolnshire - one of the UK's largest counties. Part of the East Midlands, Lincolnshire sits on the East coast of England, to the north of Norfolk and the south of Yorkshire - nestled between the Humber and the Wash.

What states have a Lincoln County? ›

United States
  • Lincoln County, Arkansas.
  • Lincoln County, Colorado.
  • Lincoln County, Georgia.
  • Lincoln County, Idaho.
  • Lincoln County, Kansas.
  • Lincoln County, Kentucky.
  • Lincoln County, Maine.
  • Lincoln County, Minnesota.

What is New Mexico's state number? ›

New Mexico is admitted to the Union as the 47th state. Arizona is admitted to the Union as the 48th and last contiguous state in the Union.

Where is Billy the Kid country? ›

There's more frontier history in and around Ruidoso than anywhere else in New Mexico, and the evidence of it is still fresh.

How high above sea level is Ruidoso, New Mexico? ›

At an impressive elevation of 6,920 feet above sea level, Ruidoso offers visitors a unique experience.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.