Here's How Colours Really Affect Our Brain And Body, According to Science (2024)

Red makes the heart beat faster. You will frequently findthis and other claimsmade for the effects of different colours on the human mind and body.

But is there any scientific evidence and data to support such claims?

The physiological mechanisms that underpin human colour vision have been understood for the best part of a century, but it is only in the last couple of decades that we have discovered and begun to understand a separate pathway forthe non-visual effects of colour.

Like the ear, which also provides us with our sense of balance, we now know that the eye performs two functions.

Light sensitive cells known as cones in the retina at the back of the eye send electrochemical signals primarily to an area of the brain known as thevisual cortex, where the visual images we see are formed.

However, we now know that someretinal ganglion cellsrespond to light by sending signals mainly to a central brain region called the hypothalamus which plays no part in forming visual images.

Light but not vision

Thehypothalamusis a key part of the brain responsible for the secretion of a number of hormones which control many aspects of the body's self-regulation, including temperature, sleep, hunger and circadian rhythms.

Exposure to light in the morning, and blue/green light in particular, prompts the release of the hormone cortisol which stimulates and wakes us, and inhibits the release of melatonin. In the late evening as the amount of blue light in sunlight is reduced, melatonin is released into the bloodstream and we become drowsy.

The retinal cells that form the non-image-forming visual pathway between eye and hypothalamus are selectively sensitive to the short wavelengths (blue and green) of the visible spectrum.

What this means is that there is clearly an established physiological mechanism through which colour and light can affect mood, heart rate, alertness, and impulsivity, to name but a few.

For example, this non-image-forming visual pathway to the hypothalmus is believed to be involved inseasonal affective disorder, a mood disorder that affects some people during the darker winter months that can be successfully treated by exposure to light in the morning.

Similarly, there is published data that show that exposure to bright, short-wavelength light a couple of hours prior to normal bedtime can increase alertness and subsequentlyaffect sleep quality.

Poor quality sleep is becoming increasingly prevalent in modern society and is linked with increased risk factors for obesity,diabetesandheart disease.

There is someconcernthat the excessive use of smartphones and tablets in the late evening can affect sleep quality, because they emit substantial amounts of blue/green light at the wavelengths that inhibit the release of melatonin, and so prevent us from becoming drowsy.

That's one effect of blue/green light, but there is much more research to be done in order to back the many claims made for other colours.

Experiencing colour

I lead the Experience Design research group at the University of Leeds where we have alighting laboratoryespecially designed to evaluate the effect of light on human behaviour and psychology.

The lighting system is unique in the UK in that it can flood a room with coloured light of any specific wavelengths (other coloured lighting usually uses a crude mixture of red, green and blue light).

Here's How Colours Really Affect Our Brain And Body, According to Science (1)Stephen Westland

Recent research by the group has found a small effect of coloured light on heart rate and blood pressure: red light does seem to raise heart rate, while blue light lowers it. The effect is small but has been corroborated in a 2015paperby a group in Australia.

In 2009 blue lights were installed at the end of platforms on Tokyo's Yamanote railway line toreduce the incidence of suicide.

As a result of thesuccessof these lights (suicides fell by 74 percent at stations where the blue lights were installed), similar coloured lighting has beeninstalled at Gatwick Airport train platforms.

These steps were taken based on the claim that blue light could make people less impulsive and more calm, but there is little scientific evidence yet to support these claims: a three-year study (forthcoming) by Nicholas Ciccone, a PhD researcher in our group, found inconclusive evidence for the effect of coloured lighting on impulsivity.

Similar studies are underway in our laboratories to explore the effect of colour on creativity, student learning in the classroom, and sleep quality.

Here's How Colours Really Affect Our Brain And Body, According to Science (2)It is clear that light, and colour specifically, can affect us in ways that go far beyond regular colour vision.

The discovery of the non-image-forming visual pathway has given a new impetus to research that explores how we respond, both physiologically and psychologically, to colour around us.

The increasing availability and use of coloured lighting that has resulted from advances in LED technology has added to the need to carry out rigorous research in this field, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate claims for the effects of colour that are supported by data, from those that are based on intuition or tradition.

Stephen Westland, Professor, Chair of Colour Science and Technology,University of Leeds.

This article was originally published onThe Conversation. Read theoriginal article.

Here's How Colours Really Affect Our Brain And Body, According to Science (2024)


How colors really affect our brain and body according to science? ›

Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and even influence physiological reactions. Certain colors have been associated with physiological changes, including increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eyestrain.

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Some theorists argue that an environment rich in the color orange increases the oxygen supply to the brain, stimulating mental activity while simultaneously loosening peoples' inhibitions. An increased oxygen supply also leads to feeling invigorated and getting ready to 'get things done.

What happens to your brain when you see color? ›

The brain uses light signals detected by the retina's cone photoreceptors as the building blocks for color perception. Three types of cone photoreceptors detect light over a range of wavelengths. The brain mixes and categorizes these signals to perceive color in a process that is not well understood.

What parts of the brain are affected by color? ›

The colour centre in humans is thought to be located in the ventral occipital lobe as part of the visual system, in addition to other areas responsible for recognizing and processing specific visual stimuli, such as faces, words, and objects.

How do colors affect the body? ›

For example, red, orange, and yellow can raise one's temperature; cool colors have the opposite reaction. Color can cause feelings of boredom and calmness, or stimulation and liveliness. Colors may cause the nervous system to become agitated, and the body reacts in negative ways to this stimulus.

How does coloring affect the brain? ›

It calms the brain and helps your body relax. This can improve sleep and fatigue while decreasing body aches, heart rate, respiration, and feelings of depression and anxiety. Although coloring isn't the ultimate cure for stress and anxiety, sitting down for a long coloring session holds great value.

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The study showed that exposure to blue color led to an increase in the average percentage of participants' intelligence quotient (IQ).

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We notice warm colors like red stop signs and orange traffic cones. Warm colors (red, orange, yellow) stimulate the mind and increase our ability to recall facts since these colors are more memorable [4]. Cool colors are calming and less stimulating compared to warm colors.

What color calms the mind? ›

Blue: calmness, serenity, peace

Blue has the opposite effects of red and is the most soothing color. Primary blue is used in therapeutic settings for meditation and relaxation because it helps you unwind, find peace, and become more comfortable expressing your inner feelings.

How do colors affect your mind? ›

Colors close to the red spectrum are warmer colors, including red, orange, and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Whereas blue colors like purple and green are known for evoking feelings of calm, sadness, or indifference.

What colors affect memory? ›

A study from the University of British Columbia also found connections between both blue and red and increased memory retention. Both of these colors “enhan[ce] cognitive skills and improv[ve] brain function”.

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The color black evokes a range of emotions in humans. For some people, black evokes mystery or fear, whereas others may associate it with power and sophistication.

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An ERP study.

What color makes your brain tired? ›

In summary: The color of light affects our biorhythm. If the light is particularly yellow or orange, then the body adjusts to sleep. It then releases the sleep hormone melatonin, which makes us tired.

What colors trigger the brain? ›

Studies have found that different colours can trigger dopamine release in the brain. Bright, bold colours such as red, yellow and orange are known to be particularly effective at stimulating dopamine release.

What color releases dopamine? ›

Studies have found that different colours can trigger dopamine release in the brain. Bright, bold colours such as red, yellow and orange are known to be particularly effective at stimulating dopamine release.

What color does the brain see first? ›

And when it comes to the color which catches our attention the most, you might be surprised to find that it's not red, blue, or even green. In fact, it's yellow.

What colors release oxytocin? ›

Psychologists have shown a direct link between colour and emotions: Just looking at the colour blue can release oxytocin, (the cuddle hormone), which makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Dark colours, like black, navy and grey, are easy to wear as they go with everything.

What does the color purple do to your brain? ›

The color purple combines the calming elements of blue and the powerful energy of red. The mix of attributes from both primary colors creates a sense of balance, fulfillment, and peace.

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