Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three … · 2017-11-10 · We have made deep Chandra observations of three powerful FRII radio sources: two quasars (3C263 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three …· 2017-11-10· We have made deep Chandra observations of three powerful FRII radio sources: two quasars (3C263 - [PDF Document] (1)

Draft of August 12, 2002

Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three powerful FRIIradio sources

M.J. Hardcastle, M. Birkinshaw

Department of Physics, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK

R.A. Cameron, D.E. Harris

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

L.W. Looney

Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), Garching, Germany


D.M. Worrall

Department of Physics, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK


Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three …· 2017-11-10· We have made deep Chandra observations of three powerful FRII radio sources: two quasars (3C263 - [PDF Document] (2)

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We have made deepChandraobservations of three powerful FRII radio sources:two quasars (3C 263 and 3C 351) and one radio galaxy (3C 330). X-ray emission fromhotspots and lobes, as well as from the active nucleus, is detected in each source.

We model the hotspots’ synchrotron spectra using VLA, BIMA andHubble SpaceTelescopedata. In 3C 263 and 3C 330, the hotspots’ X-ray emission is at a level con-sistent with being synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) emission, with a hotspot magneticfield close to the equipartition value. In the two hotspots of 3C 351, however, anSSC origin for the X-rays would require the magnetic field strength to be an order ofmagnitude below the equipartition value in our models: in addition, there are offsetsbetween the radio, optical and X-ray emission from the secondary hotspot which arehard to explain in a simple SSC model. We discuss the emission mechanisms that maybe responsible for these observations.

On our preferred model, the X-ray emission from the radio lobes of the threesources is due to inverse-Compton scattering of the microwave background radiation.If this is the case, the magnetic field strengths in the lobes are typically about a factor2 below the equipartition values, assuming uniform lobe electron and magnetic fielddistributions.

We detect extended X-ray emission, which we attribute to a cluster/group environ-ment, around 3C 263 and 3C 330. This detection allows us to show that the lobes areclose to pressure balance with their surroundings, as long as no non-radiating particlescontribute to the internal pressure of the lobes.

Subject headings:galaxies: active – X-rays: galaxies – X-rays: quasars – radiationmechanisms: non-thermal

1. Introduction

Chandrahas now detected a large number of X-ray features related to the jets and hotspots ofextragalactic radio sources (see Harris & Krawczynski 2002 for a recent review). The jet detectionshave attracted a great deal of interest, but much of the fundamental physics behind them remainsunclear. The X-ray jets commonly seen in FRI sources (Worrall, Birkinshaw & Hardcastle 2001a)probe the high-energy particle acceleration in these objects (Hardcastle, Birkinshaw & Worrall2001b), while the few FRII jets that have been detected (?, e.g.,)]smlp00 may be evidence forextremely high bulk speeds on kiloparsec scales (?, e.g.,)]tmsu00. But the details of the processesresponsible for producing the X-rays in both classes of source are still debatable, and the issueis confused by uncertainties about the Doppler boosting factors of the X-ray and radio-emittingmaterial.

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In hotspots the situation is more clear-cut. These structures, which are believed to trace astrong terminal shock or shocks at the end of the jet in powerful FRII sources, are generally thoughtto be unlikely to be moving with respect to the observer at highly relativistic speeds (Best et al.1995; Scheuer 1995; Arshakian & Longair 2000), although moderately relativistic motions in andbeyond the hotspot (withv ∼ 0.3c) may be required to explain some observations (Dennett-Thorpeet al. 1997). Their radio-to-optical spectra are often well constrained, giving limits on the amountof synchrotron emission expected in the X-ray, and their sizes and structures are often well known.This means that it is possible to make a simple prediction of the X-ray flux densities expected frominverse-Compton emission. The dominant emission process for bright, compact hotspots whichshow strong spectral steepening or a synchrotron cutoff at high radio/optical frequencies is likelyto be synchrotron-self-Compton emission (SSC), in which the radio photons from the synchrotronprocess are inverse-Compton scattered into the X-ray band by the synchrotron-emitting electrons.A prediction of the SSC flux density can be made if the magnetic field strength in the hotspot, andtherefore the electron number density, can be estimated. Conversely, a measured X-ray flux densitywhich is inferred to be SSC can be used to estimate the magnetic field strength in the hotspot.

ROSATobservations of the archetypal FRII object Cygnus A (Harris, Carilli & Perley 1994)showed that the X-ray emission from its hotspots was consistent with the SSC process if the mag-netic field strength was close to the equipartition or minimum-energy values (Burbidge 1956).This result is often taken as evidence for equipartition between magnetic fields and synchrotron-emitting electrons in radio sources in general. OtherROSATobservations, however (?, e.g.,)]hll98,showed that some hotspots had X-ray emission too bright to be produced by the SSC mechanismwith equipartition field strengths, suggesting that a different emission process was responsible. Atthe time of writing, after a number of newChandrahotspot detections, this dichotomy remains,as shown in Table 1. Three interesting facts about this division are immediately apparent. Firstly,the number of objects whose emission processes are not from SSC near equipartition (hereafter‘non-SSCE’ objects) is still a significant fraction of the total. Secondly, the non-SSCE objects alldisplay broad emission lines, which may, after all, indicate some role for beaming in the hotspots.And, thirdly, the non-SSCE objects all have optical synchrotron hotspots.

The major remaining questions in this area are therefore:

1. Are magnetic field strengths close to equipartition typical in hotspots?

2. What emission process is responsible for non-SSC sources, and is it related to their othercommon properties, or to relativistic beaming?

Question 1 can only be addressed by new observations of hotspots, and in the first part ofthis paper we report on our deepChandraobservations of three sources selected on the basis of

Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three …· 2017-11-10· We have made deep Chandra observations of three powerful FRII radio sources: two quasars (3C263 - [PDF Document] (4)

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Table 1. SSC and unknown high-energy FRII hotspot detections

Mechanism Source Source type Instrument Reference

SSC near Cygnus A NLRG ROSAT 1equipartition Chandra 2

3C 295 NLRG Chandra 33C 123 NLRG Chandra 43C 196a Q HST 53C 207 Q Chandra 63C 263 Q Chandra This paper3C 330 NLRG Chandra This paper

Unclearb 3C 351 Q Chandra 7, this paperNon-SSCE Pictor A BLRG Einstein 8

Chandra 93C 390.3 BLRG ROSAT 10, 113C 303c Q ROSAT 12

aClaimed optical SSC detection.

bThis source will be discussed in more detail below.

cX-ray source may be a background quasar.

Note. — Source type abbreviations are as follows: NLRG, narrow-lineradio galaxy; BLRG, broad-line radio galaxy; Q, quasar.

References. — (1) Harris et al. 1994; (2) Wilson et al. 2000; (3) Harris etal. 2000; (4) Hardcastle et al. 2001a; (5) Hardcastle 2001; (6) Brunetti et al.2002a; (7) Brunetti et al. 2001; (8) R¨oser & Meisenheimer 1987; (9) Wilson etal. 2001; (10) Prieto 1997; (11) Harris et al. 1998; (12) Hardcastle & Worrall1999

Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three …· 2017-11-10· We have made deep Chandra observations of three powerful FRII radio sources: two quasars (3C263 - [PDF Document] (5)

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bright compact radio hotspot emission, describing the emission from their hotspots, lobes, nucleiand cluster environments. In§7 we will return to the second question.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In§2 we discuss the selection of thesample and the observations we have used. In§3 we discuss the general methods of analysis wehave applied: in§§4, 5 and 6 we discuss the results of applying these methods to our three targetsources. Finally, in§§7 and 8, we explore the general conclusions that can be drawn from ourresults.

Throughout the paper we use a cosmology withH0 = 65 km s−1 Mpc−1, Ωm = 0.3 andΩΛ = 0.7. Spectral indicesα are the energy indices and are defined throughout in the senseS ∝ ν−α. J2000.0 co-ordinates are used throughout.

2. Sample, observations and data reduction

2.1. Sample selection

We selected our target objects from the 3CRR sample (Laing, Riley & Longair 1983), not be-cause the selection properties of that sample were particularly important to our scientific goals, butbecause the sample members atz ≤ 1 have almost all been imaged in the radio at high resolutionand with good sensitivity. As a consequence, the properties of the hotspots in this sample are wellknown. We selected three objects with bright, compact hotspots: 3C 263, 3C 351 and 3C 330. Topredict an approximateChandrahotspot count rate, assuming equipartition, we used a simple SSCmodel for each source, and then proposed observations which would allow a high-significance de-tection of the hotspots unless the magnetic field was much greater than the equipartition value. Thegeneral properties of our target sources are listed in Table 2.

2.2. X-ray observations

The three targets were observed withChandraas shown in Table 3. The standard ACIS-Sobserving configuration was used for 3C 263 and 3C 330. For 3C 351 we used a standard half-chipsubarray and only read out four chips, reducing the frame time to 1.74 s, in order to reduce pileupin the bright X-ray nucleus. Subsequent processing was carried out usingCIAO 2.2 andCALDB

2.9. All three observations were processed identically. The initial processing steps consisted ofremoving high-background intervals (significant for 3C 263 and 3C 351) and generating a newlevel 2 events file with the latest calibration applied and with the 0.5-pixel randomization removed.After aligning the X-ray and radio cores to correct for small offsets between the radio and X-ray

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Table 2. Properties of the observed sample

Source z Scale S178 MHz Largest angular Linear size GalacticNH

(kpc/arcsec) (Jy) size (arcsec) (kpc) (×1020 cm−2)

3C 263 0.6563 7.5 16.6 51 380 0.913C 330 0.5490 6.9 30.3 60 410 2.943C 351 0.371 5.5 14.9 74 410 2.03

Note. — Hydrogen column densities for 3C 263 and 3C 351 are taken from Lockman & Savage(1995); for 3C 330 the quoted value is interpolated from the database of Stark et al. (1992).

Table 3. Chandraobservations

Source Date Livetime Effective time Observatory(s) (s) roll angle

3C 263 2000 Oct 28 49190 44148 37

3C 351 2001 Aug 24 50920 45701 254

3C 330 2001 Oct 16 44083 44083 319

Note. — The effective time quoted is the livetime after high-background filtering. The satellite roll angleθroll determines the posi-tion angle on the sky of any readout streak; the position angles (definedconventionally as north through east) are360− θroll, 180− θroll.

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images, which we attribute to uncertainties in theChandraaspect determination (discussed in moredetail below), we used smoothed images made in the 0.4–7.0-keV bandpass to define extractionregions for the various detected X-ray components.

2.3. Radio data

Radio observations are required in order to model the expected SSC emission from the hotspot.When it became apparent that the small-scale structure of 3C 263’s hotspot was not well enoughconstrained for our purposes, the Very Large Array (VLA) schedulers kindly allowed us to makea short observation of the source at 15 GHz in A configuration. In addition to this new dataset, weobtaineduv datasets for all sources from the archives with the permission of the original observers,while some other observers supplied us with maps oruv data directly. A complete list of the VLAobservations we used is given in Table 4. In all cases where we reduced the data ourselves, standardprocedures were followed withinAIPS, using several iterations of phase self-calibration sometimesfollowed by one amplitude self-calibration step. Errors in the fluxes derived from the VLA dataare dominated in all cases by the uncertainties in primary flux calibration, nominally around 2%.

2.4. Millimeter-wave observations

Observations in the millimeter band are also useful to this work, as electrons with energiesaround the low-energy cutoff inferred in some hotspots (γ ∼ 1000) scatter photons at millimeterwavelengths into the X-ray. We therefore observed all three of our targets with the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association (BIMA) array (Welch et al. 1996). The observations were madein the B configuration of BIMA, using two 800-MHz channels centered on 83.2 and 86.6 GHz,which were combined to give an effective observing frequency of 84.9 GHz. Observing times anddates are given in Table 5. The data were reduced inMIRIAD and final imaging was carried outwithin AIPS. In all cases the target hotspots were detected; 85-GHz radio cores were also detectedin 3C 263 and 3C 351. The resolution of BIMA in this configuration and frequency is∼ 3′′,so the observations allow us to distinguish between hotspot and lobe emission and to separatedouble hotspots but not to comment on structure in individual hotspots. The BIMA images will bepresented elsewhere.

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Table 4. VLA observations used in the analysis

Source Program Date Frequency Array Observing time Resolution CommentID (GHz) (s) (”)

3C 263 AH737 2001 Jan 03 14.94 A 4390 0.14× 0.10 Our observationsAP380 2000 Apr 27 4.86 C 1500 4.67× 3.31 Map supplied by L.MAL270 1992 Oct 31 1.44 A 2930 1.51× 1.12 Archivaluv dataAW249 1991 Aug 31 8.26 A 1150 0.28× 0.19 Archivaluv dataAW249 1991 Nov 13 8.26 B 1160 0.87× 0.69 Archivaluv dataAB454 1987 Jul 11 4.87 A 23940 0.36 Map supplied by R.AAB454 1987 Dec 06 4.87 B 14300 1.00 Map supplied by R.A

3C 330 AP331 1996 Dec 15 8.47 A 5050 0.30 Map supplied by J.MAP331 1997 Apr 13 8.47 B 2920 (as above)AL200 1989 Sep 19 8.41 C 10170 2.50 Map supplied by J.MAL200 1989 Nov 24 8.41 D 2570 (as above)AM213 1987 Aug 17 1.49 A 2050 1.52× 1.18 Archivaluv dataAA114 1991 Jan 24 14.94 C 2850 1.49× 1.13 Archivaluv data

3C 351 LAIN 1982 Mar 11 1.42 A 3190 1.85 3CRR Atlasa (3)AL146 1987 Nov 25 1.47 B 3370 (as above)AW249 1991 Jun 30 8.06 A 2360 0.33× 0.23 Archivaluv dataAW249 1991 Nov 13 8.06 B 2360 Archivaluv dataAW249 1991 Jan 24 8.06 C 2350 3.0 Map supplied by J.MAP331 1998 Jan 24 8.47 D 810 (as above)AL43 1983 May 06 14.96 C 3500 1.36× 1.10 Archivaluv dataLAIN 1982 May 30 14.96 A 1150 0.15× 0.10 Archicaluv data

aThe 3CRR Atlas can be found online at

Note. — The resolutions quoted are the FWHM of the restoring circular Gaussian, if a circularbeam was used, or otherwise the major and minor FWHM of the restoring elliptical Gaussian: asmaps were made from combinations of different observations in several cases, not all individualobservations have corresponding resolutions quoted. Observing times are taken from the VLAarchive and do not include the effects of any required data flagging.

References. — (1) Bridle et al. 1994; (2) Gilbert et al. 2002; (3) Leahy & Perley 1991.

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Table 5. BIMA observations

Source Date Duration On-source(h) time (h)

3C 263 2002 Feb 03 8.0 4.03C 330 2002 Feb 08 4.8 2.53C 351 2002 Feb 10 7.5 3.9

Note. — The duration given is the entirelength of the run, including slewing and cali-bration: this indicates theuv coverage obtained.The on-source time is the time spent observingthe target, and indicates the sensitivity of the ob-servations.

Table 6. HSTWFPC2 observations used in the analysis

Source ID Date Filter Duration Observatory(s) roll angle

3C 263 U2SE0201 1996 Feb 18 F675W 1000 28.683C 330 U3A14X01 1996 Jun 03 F555W 600 333.463C 351 U2X30601 1995 Nov 30 F702W 2400 54.73

Note. — The satellite roll angle quoted is the measured position angleon the sky of theHST’s V3 axis, north through east. The orientation of thescience images on the sky (the position angle of the detectory axis) is thesum of this angle and the angle between the V3 axis and the detectory axis,∼ 224.6 for these observations.

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2.5. Optical observations

For optical information, which tells us about the high-energy synchrotron spectrum, the archivalHubble Space Telescope(HST) WFPC2 datasets listed in Table 6 were used. Cosmic ray rejectionwas performed (where necessary) withinIRAF, and flux densities or upper limits were measuredusing standard small-aperture photometry techniques inAIPS. As with the X-ray data, the opticaldata were aligned with the radio data by shifting the optical co-ordinates to align the radio nucleuswith the optical peak. We discuss residual astrometric uncertainties in more detail below.

3. Analysis methods

3.1. X-ray spectral extraction

We detected X-ray emission from the nucleus, from one or more hotspots, and from the radiolobes of each source, as shown in Fig. 1 and discussed in the following sections. For each ofthese components, spectra were extracted (from the regions listed in Table 7) and illustrated inFig. 2 using theCIAO script PSEXTRACT1 and analysed withXSPEC. Particular care was takenin the case of the lobe extractions to ensure that the background regions used were at similar oridentical distances from the nucleus (Fig. 2); this minimizes systematic effects due to the radiallysymmetrical PSF or any radially symmetrical cluster emission. In all cases, spectra were binnedsuch that each bin contained& 20 net counts. Fits were carried out in the 0.4–7.0 keV energyband. The models used for each source are discussed in detail in the following sections; the resultsof fitting these models are tabulated for each source in Table 8. Errors quoted in the Table or in thetext correspond to the1σ uncertainty for one interesting parameter, unless otherwise stated.

3.2. Intra-cluster medium emission

Our deepChandraobservations also allow us to search for extended, cluster-related X-rayemission. Extended emission, on scales larger than the radio lobes, was visible by eye in the obser-vations of 3C 263 and 3C 330. To characterize this extended emission we masked out the readoutstreak and the non-nuclear emission (hotspots and lobes), using conservatively large masking re-gions which effectively covered the whole extended radio source in each case, and then generateda radial profile for each object. We chose to represent the extended emission with isothermalβ

1This script extracts spectra from regions of the events file and a chosen background, and generates appropriateresponse files. See

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Fig. 1.— The three X-ray sources. From top to bottom: 3C 263, 3C 330 and 3C 351. The contoursshow the X-ray data, smoothed with a Gaussian of FWHM3.′′5 (for 3C 263) and6′′ (for the othertwo sources): the contour intervals are logarithmic in steps of

√2 and the lowest contour in each

figure is the3σ level as defined by Hardcastle (2001). The objects to the NE and S of 3C 351 arebackground point sources. The greyscales show radio maps. The map of 3C 263 is a 1.4-GHzVLA image with1.′′5× 1.′′1 resolution; black is 10 mJy beam−1. The 3C 330 and 3C 351 maps are8.4-GHz VLA images, from Gilbert et al. (2002), with 3′′ resolution; black is 10 mJy beam−1.

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Fig. 2.— Extraction regions used in the three radio sources. From top to bottom: 3C 263, 3C 330and 3C 351. Each image shows the 0.4-7 keV events binned by a factor of 2 (i.e. to 0.′′984 pixels);black is 8, 5 and 8 counts per bin respectively. Solid lines show source regions, and dashed linesbackground regions. Numbers refer to the regions listed in Table 7. For clarity, a few regions havebeen omitted.

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Table 7. Spatial regions used in extraction

Source Component Central position Geometry N

3C 263 Core 11h39m57.s025, +6547′49.′′36 Circle,r = 5 pixels 1SE hotspot (IJK) 11h39m59.s457, +6547′43.′′59 Circle,r = 2.9 pixels 2SE hotspot (K) 11h39m59.s492, +6547′43.′′47 Circle,r = 1.4 pixelsSE hotspot background 11h40m00.s361, +6547′57.′′06 Circle,r = 13.4 pixels 3NW hotspot (limit region) 11h39m52.s857, +6547′59.′′57 Circle,r = 12.6 pixels 4NW lobe 11h39m52.s857, +6547′59.′′57 Circle,r = 12.6 pixels 4NW lobe background 11h39m48.s821, +6548′01.′′59 Circle,r = 31.6 pixels 5Jet (limit region) 11h39m59.s090, +6547′49.′′30 Box, 22.6× 12.6 pixels,90 6SE lobe 11h39m59.s090, +6547′49.′′30 Box, 22.6× 12.6 pixels,90 6SE lobe background 11h39m55.s030, +6547′49.′′16 Box, 22.6× 12.6 pixels,90 7

3C 330 Core 16h09m34.s896 + 6556′37.′′69 Circle,r = 7.3 pixels 1NE hotspot 16h09m39.s155, +6556′52.79 Circle,r = 7.3 pixels 2SW hotspot 16h09m30.s255, +6556′23.07 Circle,r = 3.25 pixels 3Hotspot/core background 16h09m41.s548, +6556′13.74 Circle,r = 65.5 pixels 4NE lobe 16h09m37.s433, +6556′47.29 Box, 31.1× 16.0 pixels,59.5 5NE lobe background 16h09m36.s608, +6556′55.90 Box, 31.1× 16.0 pixels,59.5 6

16h09m38.s198, +6556′39.30 Box, 31.1× 16.0 pixels,59.5 7SW lobe 16h09m32.s083, +6556′28.83 Box, 31.1× 16.0 pixels,66.5 8SW lobe background 16h09m31.s419, +6556′37.44 Box, 31.1× 16.0 pixels,66.5 9

16h09m32.s687, +6556′19.49 Box, 31.1× 16.0 pixels,66.5 1

3C 351 Core 17h04m41.s364, +6044′30.′′46 Circle,r = 12.8 pixels 1Core background 17h04m41.s364, +6044′30.′′46 Annulus,r = 12.8..25 pixelsN hotspot (J) 17h04m43.s781, +6044′48.′′20 Circle,r = 5 pixels 2N hotspot (L) 17h04m43.s479, +6044′52.′′88 Circle,r = 5 pixels 3N hotspots background 17h04m45.s525, +6044′33.′′19 Circle,r = 22.5 pixels 4S hotspot (limit region) 17h04m39.s754, +6044′04.′′91 Circle,r = 16 pixelsN lobe 17h04m40.s760, +6044′55.′′09 Circle,r = 29 pixels 5S lobe 17h04m39.s888, +6044′07.′′37 Circle,r = 29 pixels 6Lobe background 17h04m43.s646, +6044′09.′′83 Circle,r = 29 pixels 7

Note. — Positions quoted are corrected to the frame defined by the radio obser-vations, as discussed in the text. OneChandrapixel is 0.′′492. ‘Limit regions’ arethe regions used to determine a background count rate for an upper limit on a com-pact component; smaller detection regions are then used to derive the upper limit,as discussed in the text. Box regions are given as long axis× short axis, positionangle of long axis (defined north through east). Numbers refer to the regions shownin Fig. 2.

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Table 8. X-ray properties of source components

Source Component Net count rate Net counts Spectral fit χ2/n 2–10 keV flux(0.4–7.0 keV, (×10−15 ergs d

s−1) cm−2 s−1)

3C 263 Corea 0.163± 0.002 7218± 85 α = 0.75± 0.06 229/199 1700± 300

SE hotspot (IJK) (2.5± 0.5)× 10−3 110± 22 α = 1.2± 0.2 1.4/3 5.1± 0.5

SE hotspot (K) (1.6± 0.2)× 10−3 69± 8 α = 1.0± 0.3 0.64/1 3.6± 0.4

NW hotspot (B)b < 1× 10−4 < 4 ... ... ...Jetb < 5× 10−4 < 20 ... ... ...NW lobe (1.2± 0.2)× 10−3 53± 7 α = 0.4± 0.2 0.98/1 7.8± 1.8

SE lobec (7.7± 2.2)× 10−4 34± 10 ... ... ...

3C 330 Cored (3.4± 0.5)× 10−3 150± 22 α1 = 0.8+0.5−0.4 +

[NH = (4± 2)×1023 cm−2, α2 =


1.8/2 47± 7

NE hotspote (5.0± 1.1)× 10−4 22± 5 ... ... ...SW hotspote (1.3± 0.6)× 10−4 6± 3 ... ... ...NE lobee (4.1± 1.5)× 10−4 18± 7 ... ... ...SW lobee (4.7± 1.2)× 10−4 21± 5 ... ... ...

3C 351 Coref 0.160± 0.002 7310± 91 α1 = 2.5± 0.3 +

[NH = (1.1 ±0.1)×1022 cm−2,α2 = 0.46±0.05]

304/212 1560± 20

N hotspot (J) (6.5± 0.5)× 10−3 297± 23 α = 0.5± 0.1 8/11 36± 4

N hotspot (L) (5.2± 0.5)× 10−3 238± 23 α = 0.85± 0.1 17/9 17± 2

S hotspotg < 0.7× 10−4 < 3 ... ... ...N lobeh (1.3± 0.3)× 10−3 59± 14 α = 0.6± 0.8 0.6/1 8± 2

S lobeh (0.9± 0.3)× 10−3 41± 14 α = 0.6± 0.8 0.6/1 5± 2

aSource affected by pileup, see text; values tabulated are derived from theXSPECpileup model,and errors quoted are1σ for two interesting parameters.

bFlux density estimated from count rate on the basis of the SE hotspot’s spectrum; see text.

cFlux density estimated from count rate on the basis of the NW lobe’s spectrum.

dFlux density quoted for low-energy power law (α1) only.

eFlux density estimated assuming a power law withα = 0.5 and Galactic absorption.

fFlux density quoted for unabsorbed power law only. See the text for discussion of other modelsfitted to these data.

gFlux density estimated from the spectrum of hotspot J.

hSpectral fits combine N and S lobes.

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models (Cavaliere & Fusco-Femiano 1978), which give rise to an angular distribution of counts onthe sky of the form

bX(θ) = b0

(1 +



) 12−3β

wherebX is the count density (in count arcsec−2) as a function of off-source angleθ, b0 is the centralcount density, andθc andβ parametrize the angular scale and shape of the extended emission.Modelling the background-subtracted radial profiles as a combination of a delta function and aβ model, both convolved with the point spread function (PSF), we then carried out least-squaresfits using a grid ofβ andθc values to find out whether extended emission was required and todetermine the best-fittingβ model parameters.

To do this we required an analytical model of the PSF. Worrall et al. (2001, 2001) discussedthe fitting of analytical forms to data from theCIAO PSF library, and our approach is similar. Ourdata are derived from theCIAO MKPSF command2, energy-weighted to reflect the approximateenergy distribution of the observed data in the extraction radius, smoothed with a small Gaussianto simulate the effects of pixelation and aspect uncertainties, and then fitted with a suitable functionof radius. The forms used by Worrall et al., though a good fit to the inner regions of the PSF and soadequate for the purposes used in their papers, do not represent the wings found at radial distancesof tens of arcsec, and these are important in the case of 3C 263 and 3C 351, where the emissionis dominated by the bright central point source out to large radii. Accordingly, we fit a functionalform consisting of two Gaussians, two exponentials and a power-law component, which we foundempirically to be a good fit out to large distances, to the PSFa(θ):

a(θ) = a1 exp

(− θ2


)+ a2 exp

(− θ2


)+ a3 exp

(− θ


)+ a4 exp

(− θ


)+ a5

(1 +




wherea1..a5, s1..s5 are parameters of the fit andθn is a fixed normalizing value. In practice, thepower-law indexs5 was determined using the lowest-resolution PSF libraries, and then fixed whilethe other parameters were determined from higher-resolution data. In using a power-law modelfor the PSF wings, we have followed other work on characterizing the large-radius PSF (see, e.g.,documents at URL:<>) and we have obtained similarpower-law indices,s5 ≈ 2.0, in all the fits we have carried out.

2This command generates images of theChandra point-spread function at a given energy from thePSF library, which is itself derived from ray-tracing simulations of the X-ray mirror assembly. See and for more informa-tion.

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3.3. Inverse-Compton modeling

To compare the observed X-ray emission from the lobes and hotspots to the predictions ofinverse-Compton models it is necessary to know the spatial and spectral structure of these compo-nents in the radio and optical in as much detail as possible. The available data in these bands arediscussed in the following sections, but in each case we extracted and tabulated radio flux densities(Table 9) and derived radio-based models for the hotspots and lobes. Where these componentswere well resolved, we measured their sizes directly from radio maps; where they were compact,as was the case for some of the hotspots, we characterized the component size by fitting a model ofthe emission from an optically thin hom*ogeneous sphere, convolved with the restoring Gaussian,to the high-resolution radio maps.

We then used a computer code to predict inverse-Compton flux density as a function of mag-netic field strength. Two inverse-Compton codes were available to us. One, described by Hard-castle et al. (1998), treats all inverse-Compton sources as hom*ogeneous spheres; this allows us toneglect the anisotropy of inverse-Compton emission, and so gives a quick and simple calculation.Our other code is based on the results of Brunetti (2000). By incorporating Brunetti’s formulationof anisotropic inverse-Compton scattering, this code allows us to take account of the spatial andspectral structure of the resolved hotspots. To model spatial structure, the hotspots are placed on afine three-dimensional grid and the emissivity resulting from the illumination of every cell by ev-ery other cell is calculated (making small corrections for self-illumination and nearest-neighboureffects). To do this in full generality is computationally expensive, since it requires numerical in-tegration of equations A1–5 of Brunetti (2000) over the electron distribution and incoming photondistribution for each cell in anO(n6) algorithm, wheren is the number of cells in one dimensionof the three-dimensional grid. We solve this problem by allowing only a small number of distinctelectron spectra and magnetic fields in our grid. This means that the task of calculating the illu-mination of a region of electrons of a given spectral shape by a given photon distribution reducesto one of tabulating the integral of Brunetti’s results for a suitably sampled subset of the possiblevalues of the geometry parameterk3. Since the dependence on thenormalizationof the electronenergy spectrum and on the incoming photon flux is linear, theO(n6) part of the algorithm thenjust involves an interpolation and multiplication. For hom*ogeneous spheres, or in the case of cos-mic microwave background (CMB) inverse-Compton scattering (CMB/IC) where anisotropy is notan issue, the results of our two codes agree to within a few per cent, and so in the results presentedbelow we use whichever code is most appropriate for a particular situation.

The synchrotron spectra of the hotspots and lobes studied in this work are not as well studiedas those of earlier targets, so some assumptions are necessary in modeling them. Our basic modelis a broken power-law electron energy spectrum, such that

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N(γ) =

0 γ < γmin

N0γ−p γmin < γ < γbreak


−(p+d) γbreak < γ < γmax

0 γ > γmax

whereN(γ)dγ gives the number density of electrons with Lorentz factors betweenγ andγ + dγ.We choose this model because synchrotron theory tells us that it is a good approximation to theexpected situation in hotspots, where particle acceleration and synchrotron losses are competing;for d = 1 it approximates the standard ‘continuous injection’ model, which applies to a region con-taining the acceleration site and a downstream region of synchrotron radiation loss (?, e.g.,)]hm87.Theoretical prejudice (based on models of shock acceleration) also suggests a valuep = 2 for thelow-energy power-law index (the ‘injection index’). This electron energy spectrum gives rise toa synchrotron spectrum whose spectral indexα is flat or inverted (α = −1/3) around and belowsome frequencyνturn, has a value 0.5 up to around some break frequencyνbreak and then steepensto a value of 1.0 before an exponential cutoff around some frequencyνcutoff . Such models havebeen successfully fit to a number of well-studied hotspots (?, e.g.,)]mrhy89,lh00. It is well knownthat the synchrotron turnover, break and cutoff are not sharp; for typical parameters of a radiosource they occupy a decade or more in frequency. It is for this reason that we prefer to work withthe well-defined and physically interesting quantitiesγmin, γbreak, γmax, whose only disadvantageis that they must be specified together with a value of the magnetic field strengthB. We typicallywork with the equipartition magnetic field strength,Beq, which is given by


∫ γmax


γN(γ)dγ = B2eq/2µ0

(where we have assumed that equipartition is between the radiating electrons and the magneticfield only, and where SI units are used, withµ0 being the permeability of free space).

γmax is constrained if there is evidence for spectral steepening toα > 1 in the synchrotronspectrum. We find thatγbreak is often in the observed radio region, so that it is relatively easy toconstrain. We therefore estimateγmax andγbreak using least-squares fitting to the radio and opticaldata. (Typicallyγmax lies above the radio region, in which case its value has little effect on ourinverse-Compton calculations.)γmin, however, can only be directly constrained by observations ofa low-frequency turnover in sources which are not synchrotron self-absorbed (Carilli et al. 1991;Hardcastle et al. 2001a; Hardcastle 2001) or by observations of optical inverse-Compton emission(Hardcastle 2001) and neither of these methods has yet been applied to the hotspots or lobes of oursources. Our low-frequency data on the hotspots typically constrainγmin . 1000 for equipartitionfields, but values ofγmin between 400 and 1000 have been reported for other objects (Hardcastle2001, and references therein). In addition, it is possible, as argued by Brunetti et al. (2002a), that

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the electron spectrum at low energies should be modified by the effects of adiabatic expansion outof the hotspot. Fortunately, the values ofγmin and the low-energy electron spectral shape have onlya small effect on the inverse-Compton calculation, because the broken synchrotron spectrum pro-duces few high-energy photons that can be scattered into the X-ray by such low-energy electrons.Unless otherwise stated we assumeγmin = 1000.

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Table 9. Radio flux densities for source components

Source Component Model Frequency Flux density(GHz) (mJy)

3C 263 Hotspot K Sphere,r = 0.′′39a 1.4 16704.8 5918.3 303

14.9 18484.9 54

Hotspot B Sphere,r = 0.′′18 4.8 238.3 16

14.9 9

S lobe (X-ray region) Cube,9.′′5× 6.′′3× 9.′′3 1.4 2064.9 45

N lobe Sphere,r = 6′′ 1.4 5504.9 188

3C 330 NE hotspot Cylinder,2.′′3× 0.′′64 1.5 38308.4 755

14.9 37684.9 25

SW hotspot Sphere,r = 0.′′19 8.4 0.77

NE lobe (X-ray region) Cylinder,15′′ × 2.′′6 1.5 7378.4 161

14.9 63SW lobe (X-ray region) Cylinder,15′′ × 2.′′6 1.5 768

8.4 13514.9 55

3C 351 Hotspot J Sphere,r = 0.′′16 1.4 5308.4 130

15.0 8884.9 17

Hotspot L Sphere,r = 0.′′8 1.4 13008.4 316

15.0 201

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4. 3C 263

4.1. Introduction

3C 263 is az = 0.66 quasar. In the radio, the best maps are those of?)hereafter B94]bhlb94,who show it to have a one-sided jet which points towards a bright, compact hotspot in the SE lobe.The source lies in an optically rich region, and some nearby objects’ associations with the quasarhave been spectroscopically confirmed;HSTobservations show several close small companions.Deep X-ray images were made withROSATby Hall et al. (1995) in an attempt to locate the X-rayemission from the host cluster, but no significant extended emission on cluster scales was foundby them or by Hardcastle & Worrall (1999) who re-analysed their data. TheROSATdata weredominated by the quasar’s bright, variable nuclear X-ray component.

4.2. Core

The bright X-ray nucleus of 3C 263 suffers from pileup in our full-frame observation. Thepiled-up count rate over the fullChandraband is0.190 ± 0.002 s−1, so that we would expect apileup fraction of about 20%. When the core is fitted with a power-law spectrum without makingany correction for pileup, there is no sign of any excess absorption over the (small) Galactic value,but the best-fit power-law is very flat (α ≈ 0.1) and there are substantial residuals around 2 keV,which are both characteristic of piled-up spectra. Using the pileup model inXSPEC, which imple-ments the work of Davis (2001), we find a good fit with a range of steeper power-laws. FollowingDavis (2001) we fix the grade correction parameterg0 to 1 and allow only the grade morphingparameter to vary.3 We find the best fit (Table 8) to haveα = 0.75 ± 0.06 (since the slope andnormalization are strongly correlated in this model, the error quoted is1σ for two interesting pa-rameters), which is in reasonable agreement with previous observations; for example, in the com-pilation of Malaguti et al. (1994)α values between 0.7 and 1.0 are reported. The pileup-corrected1-keV flux density is substantially lower than the value we estimated (based on a similar spectralassumption) from theROSATHRI data (Hardcastle & Worrall 1999), suggesting variability by afactor of∼ 2 on a timescale of years (theROSATdata were taken in 1993). This is consistent withthe observations of Hall et al. (1995), who saw variability by a factor 1.5 in 18 months.

Using the defaultChandraastrometry, the core centroid is at11h39m57.s170, +6547′49.′′22,while our best position for the radio core, using our 15-GHz VLA data, is11h39m57.s025, +6547′49.′′36,which is within0.′′05 of the position quoted by B94. TheChandraposition is thus offset by approx-

3The model is prone to getting stuck in local minima, and so we explored parameter space usingSTEPPAR.

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imately0.′′89 in RA and0.′′14 in declination from the radio data, which is consistent with knownChandraastrometric uncertainties. In our spatial analysis we shift theChandradata so that thecore positions match, and align other radio andHSTdata with our best core position.

4.3. Hotspots

The bright SE hotspot of 3C 263 is detected in theChandraobservation; it corresponds to afaint feature seen in theROSATHRI images by Hall et al. (1995), which they describe as a ‘clump’of X-ray emission. As Fig. 3 shows, we detect emission withChandranot just from the compactcomponent K (we use the notation of B94) but also the faint tail J (which may trace the incomingjet) and the trailing plateau of emission I. The X-ray/radio ratio is considerably higher in J (by afactor∼ 4) than in the other components. The high-resolution images show that the X-ray centroidof the compact component K is slightly to the north of the peak of the radio emission. The offsetis about0.′′3, or 2 kpc. The angular displacement about the pointing centre, 1.1, is too large byan order of magnitude to be due toChandraroll uncertainties, which are typically at most 0.1

(Aldcroft, private communication); we conclude that the offset is real. We extracted spectra fromthe entire complex IJK and from the compact hotspot K. The net count rate from the IJK complexis consistent, within the errors, with the count rate estimated by Hall et al. for the ‘clump’ in theirROSATdata, converted to an equivalentChandracount rate.

A faint optical counterpart to K is detected in the 1000-s F675WHSTobservation of 3C 263(Fig. 4). After aligning the radio core with the peak of the optical quasar emission, the peak opticaland radio positions of the hotspot agree to within0.′′1. (HSTroll uncertainties are usually no worsethan0.05, corresponding to an error at this distance from the pointing centre of0.′′01.) We estimatea flux density for this component at4.5 × 1014 Hz of 0.8 ± 0.4 µJy, with the large error arisingbecause of uncertainties in background estimation.

As Fig. 4 shows, the hotspot has considerable spatial structure in the radio. Even the compactcomponent K is shown by our 15-GHz images to have several sub-components; a bright centralcomponent K1, an extended halo K2, and a weak leading compact component K3. The radiospectrum of hotspot K (Fig. 5), which we obtain by Gaussian fitting to the 1.4-GHz map and byintegration of matched regions on the higher-resolution 4.8, 8.3 and 15-GHz maps, also showssigns of multiple structure, in that the spectrum steepens between 4.8 and 8.3 GHz but then flattensagain between 8.3 and 15 GHz. 8.4–15 GHz spectral index maps show that the compact centralcomponent K1 has a flatter two-point radio spectrum,α ≈ 0.8, while the surrounding material issteeper-spectrum,α ≈ 1.0. Correcting for background contamination,αK1 ≈ 0.7 between 8.3 and15 GHz, which is consistent with the observed 15-85 GHz spectral index. We can crudely modelhotspot K as being a superposition of two of our standard spectra with different break frequencies,

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Fig. 3.— The radio and X-ray hotspot of 3C 263. The X-ray hotspot is smoothed with a0.′′5Gaussian. Overlaid are 5-GHz radio contours at a resolution of0.′′85, approximately matched totheChandradata. These are logarithmic in steps of 2, starting at 0.5 mJy beam−1. The labels K,H and I refer to features of the radio emission discussed in the text, following the notation of B94.

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N (



RIGHT ASCENSION (J2000)11 39 59.60 59.55 59.50 59.45 59.40 59.35 59.30 59.25

65 47 44.5









Fig. 4.— Optical hotspot of 3C 263 with high-resolution radio data. The greyscale runs between 4and 11HSTcounts per PC pixel. The radio map is the 15-GHz map at full resolution (0.′′14×0.′′10).The lowest radio contour is at 0.2 mJy beam−1 and the contours increase logarithmically by a factor2. The components K1, K2, K3 of hotspot K, and the linear feature J, discussed in the text, arelabeled.

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Fig. 5.— The source-frame spectrum of hotspot K of 3C 263. Radio points from Table 9, theopticalHSTflux density and the X-ray flux density are plotted together with the two-componentsynchrotron model withγmin = 1000 discussed in the text (dashed lines show the two components,solid line shows the total) and the predicted total SSC emission (dot-dashed line) and CMB/ICemission (dotted line) in this model at equipartition.

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with the K1 component breaking above 85 GHz (γbreak ≈ 2×104, assuming equipartition magneticfields) while the K2/3 components break at 1.4 GHz or lower (γbreak ≈ 1000). In order for the K1component not to overproduce the observed optical emission, assumed to be synchrotron emission,its spectrum must then steepen further at high energies; we choose to model this with a high-energy cutoff in the electron energy spectrum,γmax = 5 × 105. For simplicity, we assign theextended component the same high-energy cutoff, which makes its contribution to the observedoptical emission negligible. We modeled K1 as a sphere of radius0.′′15 and K2 as a sphere ofradius0.′′39, based on the 15-GHz map. This synchrotron model is plotted in Fig. 5).

Three important unknown factors remain: the geometry of K1/K2 (does the compact compo-nent K1 lie inside or outside, in front of or behind, the more extended component K2?), the spatialelectron distribution in the two spheres (uniform or centrally peaked? the radio data are not goodenough to say) and the low-energy cutoff in the synchrotron spectrum. The 1.4-GHz observationssuggest a low-energy cutoffγmin . 1000; a higher cutoff would mean we would start to observespectral flattening at this frequency. We carried out our inverse-Compton modeling with a rangeof possible geometries, spatial electron distributions andγmin values in order to assess the effectof these differences. We find that the most significant effect is given by a more centrally peakeddistribution of electrons;γmin has little effect, and only if K1 and K2 are widely separated is a sig-nificant difference made by the geometry (arising because of the weaker mutual illumination of K1and K2). The overall conclusion from this modeling is that for equipartition magnetic fields (whereequipartition in this case means that equipartition holds separately for each spectral component) theinverse-Compton flux density from hotspot K is typically less than the observed value by a factor∼ 3.5. To produce the observed X-ray flux density by the inverse-Compton process, the magneticfield strengths in the two components of the hotspot must be lower than the equipartition value by afactor 1.9 (for the case where the compact component is at the center of the extended component),so that the compact component hasB = 15 nT and the extended component hasB = 7 nT. Thepredicted X-ray spectral index at an observed energy of 1 keV is then 0.75, which is consistentwithin the 1σ error with the observed value,1.0 ± 0.3. This conclusion is robust to changes inthe model parameters; for example, even a simple hom*ogeneous spherical model, while givingdifferent values for the equipartition magnetic field strength, predicts a net inverse-Compton fluxdensity of 0.26 nJy and requires a factor∼ 2 decrease in field to reproduce the observed X-rays.

The comparatively strong detection of component J is puzzling. Its 1-keV flux density is∼ 0.35 ± 0.1 nJy, assuming spectral parameters similar to those of K. If the X-ray emission cor-responds to the narrow feature seen in Fig. 4, it is much too bright to be SSC at or close toequipartition. A long, thin cylinder is a very poor SSC source, and the equipartition 1-keV fluxdensity of this component should be∼ 2 pJy, including scattering of photons from K1 and K2. Themagnetic field would have to be lower than equipartition by a factor∼ 20 if all the X-ray flux wereto be produced by component J by the SSC and invese-Compton processes. If there is significant

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relativistic motion in J, then in its frame the emission from K and from the CMB is enhanced,and this can increase the net X-ray emissivity; however, it is hard to achieve the required increasewithout very large bulk Lorentz factors and small angles to the line of sight. Our model here isunrealistically simple, as it does not take acount of the extended emission around J: however, itseems clear that this region is significantly different from hotspot K.

The much fainter NW compact hotspot, B in the notation of B94, is not detected in X-rays.Assuming that the source is unresolved toChandraand using a detection cell of 6 standardChan-dra pixels (the 80% encircled energy criterion, as used byCELLDETECT), we can place a3σ upperlimit on its count rate of1×10−4 s−1 over the 0.4-7.0 keV energy band, estimating the backgroundcount level from the region around the hotspot, and convert this to a limit on flux density by us-ing the spectrum of the detected hotspot. No optical counterpart to this hotspot is visible in theHSTimage. Its predicted inverse-Compton X-ray flux density, assuming similar electron spectralparameters to those used for hotspot K, a hom*ogenous spherical model, and an equipartition mag-netic field, is 5 pJy, an order of magnitude below our upper limit. We can say only thatB cannotbe more than a factor∼ 4 belowBeq in this hotspot.

4.4. Jet

There is no evidence of X-ray emission from 3C 263’s jet in the data, with the possible ex-ception of the hotspot-related feature J, discussed above. The jet is11.′′6 long in the radio imagesof B94 and is essentially unresolved transversely at their highest resolution of0.′′35. Using a back-ground region in the SE lobe, we estimate a3σ upper limit on its count rate, as tabulated in Table8. We convert this to an upper limit on the jet X-ray flux density by using the spectrum of thedetected hotspot.

The radio flux density of the jet is only 8 mJy at 5 GHz, so that its radio to X-ray spectralindex is& 1.0. If the X-ray emission from quasar jets is boosted inverse-Compton scattering fromthe CMB, as suggested by various authors (?, e.g.,)]tmsu00, then its expected X-ray flux densitydepends on the bulk Lorentz factorΓ and the angle made by the jet to the line of sightθ. We findthe upper limit to be inconsistent only with extreme models of the jet, withΓ & 7 andθ . 10.The overall appearance of the source suggests that the angle to the line of sight is a good deal largerthan this, in which case even larger bulk Lorentz factors are not ruled out by the X-ray data.

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Fig. 6.— The lobes and extended emission of 3C 263. The contours show the X-ray emissionsmoothed with a3.′′5 (FWHM) Gaussian. The hotspot regions were masked out before smoothingand a scaled, smoothed, energy-weighted PSF model was subtracted from the image after smooth-ing to remove the nuclear emission. Because the X-ray core of 3C 263 is piled up, this subtractionleaves some residuals at the center of the smoothed image. The lowest contour is the3σ level, de-fined according to the prescription of Hardcastle (2000), and the contours increase logarithmicallyby a factor

√2. The FWHM of the convolving Gaussian is shown in the bottom left-hand corner.

The greyscale shows a 1.4-GHz VLA image with1.′′5× 1.′′1 resolution; black is 10 mJy beam−1.

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4.5. Lobes

X-ray emission is detected from the lobes of 3C 263 (Fig. 6). Although the detection of theNW lobe emission is more obvious, because it is further from the core and there is no compacthotspot emission, we also detect excess counts from the SE lobe.

For inverse-Compton calculations we model both lobes with similar broken power-law elec-tron distributions. We takeγmin here to be 100 rather than 1000, to take some account of the effectsof adiabatic expansion; the inverse-Compton prediction is insensitive to this choice.γbreak is re-quired to correspond to a frequency near the radio region, to produce the steep spectrum of thelobes, and we model both lobes with high-energy cutoffs in the radio region,γmax ∼ 2× 104. Thepredicted 1-keV CMB/IC flux densities on this model (which treats the lobes as uniform) are 0.13nJy for the S lobe and 0.2 nJy for the N lobe, a factor∼ 4 below the observed flux densities inboth cases. The magnetic field strength in the lobes must be a factor∼ 2 below the equipartitionvalue if the lobe X-ray emission is to be produced by inverse-Compton scattering of the CMB.With this reduction in field strength, the pressures in the lobes due to electrons and magnetic fieldare between 1.5 and2.0× 10−12 Pa.

4.6. Extended emission

3C 263 shows evidence for extension above the wings of the PSF out to the edge of the S3chip (Fig. 7). There are823+64

−120 net 0.5–7.0-keV counts in the extended component, and the bestfitting model hasβ = 0.45+0.07

−0.08, θc = 0.′′9+4−0.9, where errors are1σ for two interesting parameters:

no lower limit is set on the core radius, so that the models are effectively power-law models outsidethe central regions. The background level is too high to allow us to extract a useful spectrum ofthe extended emission region, but assuming a temperature of a few keV, the count rate impliesa bolometric X-ray luminosity in the region, which extends out to 120 arcsec (0.9 Mpc), of2

– 3 × 1044 ergs s−1, consistent with theROSAT-derived upper limits and with the presence ofa spectroscopically confirmed cluster around 3C 263. This luminosity would correspond, on thetemperature-luminosity relation for clusters (?, e.g.,)]wxf99 to a temperaturekT ≈ 3 keV. Usingthe analysis of Birkinshaw & Worrall (1993) to convert the parameters of theβ-model to physicalconditions in the extended hot gas, we find that the central density on the best-fitting model wouldbe2×105 m−3 and the central pressure1.9+7.0

−1.7×10−10 Pa (errors are determined from theβ-modelfits and do not include temperature uncertainties). The pressure at the distance of the lobes is betterconstrained: at20′′ (150 kpc) it is2.8+0.3

−0.4 × 10−12 Pa for the adopted temperature. If the source isat a small angle to the line of sight, the external pressures corresponding to the lobes will be lower.These pressures are similar to the internal pressures of the lobes determined above,§4.5.

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Fig. 7.— Background-subtracted radial profile of 3C 263 after hotspot- and lobe-related emissionhas been masked out. The two light solid lines show the PSF (steeper slope) and extended model(flatter slope) fitted to the source, and the heavy line is their sum.

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5. 3C 330

5.1. Introduction

3C 330 is a narrow-line radio galaxy withz = 0.55. Radio images of the hotspots are pre-sented by Fernini, Burns & Perley (1997) and by?)hereafter G02]grpa02. The lobes are bestseen in lower-resolution maps by Leahy et al. (1989). Optical clustering estimates (Hill & Lilly1991) imply a reasonably rich environment for 3C 330, but no X-ray emission was detected fromthe source in the off-axisROSATobservations discussed by Hardcastle & Worrall (1999). Theobservations we report here are thus the first X-ray detection of 3C 330.

5.2. Core

3C 330’s core has a relatively complex X-ray spectrum (Fig. 8). Unlike the cores of otherFRII radio galaxies that we have studied withChandra(Worrall et al. 2001b; Hardcastle et al.2001a), it is not adequately fitted with a simple absorbed power-law model. The simplest modelthat gives a good fit consists of two power laws, one with Galactic absorption and one with anadditional absorption column, intrinsic to the radio source, of(4 ± 2) × 1023 cm−2. This columndensity is comparable to that inferred from hard X-ray observations in Cygnus A (Ueno et al.1994), although the errors are large. Such high column densities are conventionally explainedas being a signature of the dense, dusty torus which is invoked in unified models to obscure thequasar nucleus and broad-line regions in narrow-line radio galaxies. In previous work (Hardcastle& Worrall 1999, and references therein) we have argued that soft X-ray emission can arise ina component related to the radio core, through inverse-Compton or synchrotron emission: thiscomponent can originate on scales larger than those of the torus and so is not heavily absorbed. In3C 330, it seems plausible that the unabsorbed power law is this radio-related component, whilethe heavily absorbed component is due to the hidden quasar. 3C 330’s radio core is comparativelyweak (only 0.7 mJy at 5 GHz: Fernini et al. 1997), which may explain why we are able to seethe heavily absorbed component in this source but not in others, where a stronger radio-relatedcomponent dominates. If we remove the absorbing column, the (observer frame) 2–10 keV fluxof the absorbed component is∼ 10−13 ergs cm−2 s−1 (with a large uncertainty due to the poorlyconstrained spectrum). This is only an order of magnitude less than the fluxes in the same bandthat we determine for the two quasars in our sample, implying luminosities which are not verydissimilar, given the similar redshifts. The 1-keV flux density for the unabsorbed component isin good agreement with the radio/soft-X-ray correlation of Hardcastle & Worrall (1999), and isconsistent with theROSATupper limit on 3C 330’s 1-keV flux density presented there.

Because both the radio and the X-ray cores are fainter in this source than in the other sources in

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Fig. 8.— X-ray spectrum of the core of 3C 330. Solid crosses show the X-ray data. The lines showthe model discussed in the text: the dashed line is the unabsorbed power law, the dot-dashed lineis the absorbed component, and the solid line is the total model.

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our sample, the radio-X-ray alignment is less certain. The X-ray centroid, using the defaultChan-dra astrometry, is at16h09m34.s919, +6556′37.′′37, while our best radio position (from the map ofG02) is16h09m34.s896, +6556′37.′′69, in close agreement with the position found by Fernini et al.(1997). This implies a radio-X-ray offset of0.′′35, and we correct the X-ray data accordingly.

5.3. Hotspots

Fig. 9 shows that the NE radio-bright hotspot of 3C 330 is clearly detected in the X-ray. Thereis also a weak but significant detection of the SW hotspot. The X-ray peak of the brighter hotspotagrees well with the radio flux peak, and it may be marginally extended along the same axis as thebright radio-emitting region.

There are insufficient net counts even in the brighter hotspot to extract a spectrum. We convertthe count rates to 1 keV flux densities on the basis of a power-law spectrum withαX = 0.5 andGalactic absorption. The conversion factor is not sensitive to the precise choice of spectral index.

Neither hotspot is detected in theHSTobservation. We set a3σ upper limit on each hotspot’soptical flux density of 0.5µJy at5.5× 1014 Hz.

The spectrum of the NE hotspot of 3C 330 is plotted in Fig. 10. The structure of this hotspotis quite well resolved by the high-resolution image of G02; it can be modeled adequately as acylinder with length2.′′3 and radius0.′′64 with a linear intensity gradient along its length (which wemodel as a linear increase in electron spectral normalization).

The spectrum of the hotspot at radio frequencies is steep (α ≈ 1.0), and, since we only haveone high-resolution map and cannot resolve any spectral structure of the hotspot, we simply modelit as a single broken power-law model with the break between spectral indices of 0.5 and 1.0occurring close to 1.4 GHz. For equipartition,γbreak = 3000. We setγmin = 1000. The best fitto the radio observations, including the high-frequency BIMA data, is well fit with a model withγmax = 1.4 × 104; the spectral index between 15 and 85 GHz is steeper than 1.0, which requiresthe cutoff to be at low energies. In this model, the equipartition field strength is 9.5 nT, and thepredicted SSC flux density is 0.49 nJy. If the hotspot is not in the plane of the sky, projectionmeans that the actual long axis of the hotspot is longer than we have assumed, and the predictedSSC emissivity is reduced, by about 10% for an angle to the line of sight of 45 degrees. Giventhese uncertainties, we can say that the observed SSC emission in the NE hotspot, with a 1-keVflux density of0.34 ± 0.07 nJy on simple spectral assumptions, implies a magnetic field equal toor slightlyhigher thanthe equipartition value.

The compact component of the SW hotspot is only resolved from the others at 8 GHz, so we

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Table 9—Continued

Source Component Model Frequency Flux density(GHz) (mJy)

84.9 28Hotspot A Two spheres,r = 0.′′35 8.4 3N lobe (X-ray region) Sphere,r = 10.5′′ 1.4 283

8.3 43S lobe (X-ray region) Cylinder,28′′ × 6.′′5 1.4 248

8.3 46

aSee the text for a discussion of the more detailed spatial modelsapplied to this hotspot in the inverse-Compton calculation.

Note. — Errors on the hotspot flux densities are due primarily toflux calibration uncertainties, nominally 2% for the VLA data and10% for the 85-GHz BIMA data, as discussed in§2.

Fig. 9.— The X-ray hotspots of 3C 330 smoothed with a 1′′ Gaussian. Contours in both casesare from an 8.4-GHz radio map with a resolution of1.′′2, approximately matched to the X-rayresolution. The contours increase logarithmically by a factor 2 and the lowest contour is at 1 mJybeam−1. Left: NE hotspot; Right: SW hotspot.

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Fig. 10.— The source-frame spectrum of the N hotspot of 3C 330. Radio points from Table 9, theopticalHSTflux density limit and the X-ray flux density are plotted together with the best-fittingsynchrotron model withγmin = 1000 (solid line) and the predicted SSC (dot-dashed line) andCMB/IC (dotted line) emission from the hotspot at equipartition. The high-energy cutoff is set toγmax = 1.4× 104 in this figure.

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cannot measure its spectrum; we assume the same electron spectral values as for the NE hotspot,with a spherical model. The predicted 1-keV SSC flux density from this component at equipartition(B = 18 nT) is then between 0.03 and 0.04 nJy, depending on the value ofγmax. This is consistentwith the observed flux density of0.09±0.04 nJy, given the large uncertainties, but the observationsare better fit with a magnetic field strength a factor∼ 1.5 below equipartition.

5.4. Lobes

3C 330’s lobes are both clearly detected in the X-ray (Fig. 11). We defined rectangular ex-traction regions which avoid the core (starting at about 10′′ away from it) and the hotspots, usingparallel adjacent rectangles on either side to give a local background subtraction. The lobes eachcontain about 20 net counts in the 0.4–7.0 keV range, so it is not possible to extract useful spectra.As with the hotspots, we convert the count rate to 1-keV flux density on the basis of a power lawwith αX = 0.5 and Galactic absorption.

We model the lobes with the same spectral assumptions as for 3C 263 (§4.5). In this case thepredicted 1-keV flux densities from CMB/IC at equipartition are 0.17 and 0.18 nJy. Given the largeerrors on the measured lobe fluxes, we cannot rule out equipartition in this case; taking the mea-sured fluxes at face value, they imply magnetic field strengths a factor∼ 1.4 below equipartition.These would imply internal lobe pressures from electrons and magnetic field of around1.5×10−12


5.5. Extended emission

3C 330 has weak extended emission (Fig. 12), with the fits showing evidence for only186+44−37

extended counts out to 70 arcsec (0.5 Mpc). The best-fittingβ model hasβ = 0.65+1.3−0.18, θc =

5.′′9+15−3.7 (errors are1σ for two interesting parameters). The luminosity of this extended component

is then around3× 1043 ergs s−1, corresponding to a temperature around1.5 keV. In the best-fittingmodel, the central density is∼ 2 × 104 m−3 and the central pressure8.4+9.1

−3.8 × 10−12 Pa. Thepressure at distances corresponding to the lobes, assuming little projection of this source, variesfrom 2.2+0.4

−0.3×10−12 Pa (at10′′, 70 kpc) to3.3+1.0−2.0×10−13 Pa (at30′′, 210 kpc). These are similar to

the estimate of the internal lobe pressure above: the lobes would be in pressure balance at a radiusof around10′′ but could be overpressured with respect to the external medium at larger distances.

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Fig. 11.— The lobes and extended emission of 3C 330. The contours show the X-ray emissionsmoothed with a 6′′ (FWHM) Gaussian. The hotspot regions were masked out before smoothingand a scaled, smoothed, energy-weighted PSF model was subtracted from the image after smooth-ing to remove the nuclear emission. The lowest contour is the3σ level, defined according to theprescription of Hardcastle (2000), and the contours increase logarithmically by a factor

√2. The

FHWM of the Gaussian used to convolve the X-ray emission is shown in the bottom left-handcorner. The object to the NW of the NE hotspot seems to be a faint background X-ray source. Thegreyscale shows the 8.4-GHz VLA image with 3′′ resolution of G02; black is 10 mJy beam−1.

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Fig. 12.— Background-subtracted radial profile of 3C 330 after hotspot- and lobe-related emissionhas been masked out. The two light solid lines show the PSF (smaller scale) and extended model(larger scale) fitted to the source, and the heavy line is their sum.

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6. 3C 351

6.1. Introduction

3C 351 is a well-studiedz = 0.37 quasar. Radio images have been presented by Leahy &Perley (1991), B94, and G02; their most striking feature is the bright double hotspot pair to the Nand the displaced nature of the N lobe. The hotspots are also detected in the optical (R¨oser 1989;Lahteenm¨aki & Valtaoja 1999). The X-ray emission from the bright nucleus has been extensivelystudied (Fiore et al. 1993; Mathur et al. 1994; Nicastro et al. 1999) and it has been argued thatthe unusual X-ray spectrum seen inROSATPSPC data is due to an ionized absorber, often seenin Seyfert 1 galaxies but a rare feature in quasars. No extended X-ray emission was detected withROSAT(Hardcastle & Worrall 1999), but the hotspots were seen in a shortChandraobservation(Brunetti et al. 2001).

6.2. Core

The X-ray centroid, using the defaultChandraastrometry, is at17h04m41.s326, +6044′30.′′22.3C 351’s radio core contains two compact components of similar 8-GHz flux density separated by0.′′35. B94 and G02 both argue that the southern component is the true core, while the northerncomponent is a jet knot. The radio position of the southern component, using the 8-GHz radiomap of G02, is17h04m41.s364, +6044′30.′′46. This is in good agreement with the position givenby B94 and implies a radio-X-ray misalignment of0.′′37. We shift the X-ray data to align theX-ray core with the southern radio component. However, it is possible that some of the X-rayemission observed from the core region comes from the northern radio component, since the twocomponents would not be well resolved byChandra. We see no evidence for extended emissionfrom the X-ray core, and no difference between the core centroids in different X-ray energy ranges,but the possibility means that the alignment of the radio and X-ray frames is less secure than itwould otherwise be.

We obtain many counts in the X-ray core, and so detailed spectroscopic analysis is possible.Unsurprisingly, in view of previous work, a single power-law model with Galactic absorption is anunacceptable fit to our data (χ2/n = 638/215, wheren denotes degrees of freedom); we see strongresiduals at 0.6–0.8 keV. A two-power-law model, with one of the power-law components havingadditional intrinsic absorption (as used above for 3C 330) is a better fit, withχ2/n = 304/212

and an intrinsic cold absorbing column of(1.1 ± 0.1) × 1022 cm−2; but the best-fitting spectralindex of the unabsorbed component in this model is well constrained and steep,α = 2.5 ± 0.3.The absorbed power law hasα = 0.46 ± 0.05. This model is plotted in Fig. 13. If the absorbedcomponent is associated with the active nucleus and the unabsorbed component with the radio

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emission, then the absorbing column, which represents only 2 magnitudes of visual extinction, issmall enough to be compatible with the predictions for a quasar within unified models, while the1-keV flux density of the unabsorbed component would be 14 nJy, which is consistent with theradio-X-ray relation of Hardcastle & Worrall (1999).

We fit two alternative models, consisting of a single power law with Galactic absorption pluseither ‘windowed’ absorption (theZWNDABS model in XSPEC), which roughly mimics a warmabsorber, or theXSPECionized absorber model (ABSORI). TheZWNDABS model gives a less goodfit than the power-law models, withχ2/n = 344/213; it has a window energy (source-frame) of0.78± 0.01 keV and an absorbing column of(3.7± 0.2)× 1021 cm−2, and the best-fitting power-law index is very flat (α = 0.10 ± 0.02). The ionized absorber model gives a slightly better fit,χ2 = 322/213, with the ionizing continuum power-law index fixed toαi = 0.5, the absorbertemperature set to3 × 104 K and the iron abundance set to unity. In this model, shown in Fig.13, the power-law indexα = 0.42± 0.04, the absorbingNH = (1.5 ± 0.1)× 1022 cm−2, and theionization parameterξ = 34 ± 5 ergs cm−1. This absorbing column is consistent with the valueobtained (under a slightly different model) by Nicastro et al. (1999).

None of these models is a particularly good fit to the data, with particularly strong scatterabout the models to be seen below 0.6 keV (Fig. 13). In Table 8 we tabulate the results for thetwo-power-law models, as they remain formally the best fits. Two weak line-like features are seenin the spectrum, at observed energies of about 3.2 and 4.7 keV (Fig. 13). When these are fit withGaussian models, the first feature’s width is not well constrained, and it is best fitted with verybroad lines. This reduces our confidence in its physical reality as an emission feature. The secondfeature can be modeled as a Gaussian with rest-frame energy6.40 ± 0.07 keV andσ = 70 ± 70

eV, with equivalent width 70 eV. The improvement to the fit of adding this feature is very limited,but given its energy it may be a marginal detection of the iron Kα line.

6.3. Hotspots

As previously reported by Brunetti et al. (2001), both of the northern hotspots of 3C 351 aredetected in the X-ray (Fig. 14); the compact ‘primary’ hotspot J and the diffuse ‘secondary’ hotspotL (using the notation of B94). In our observations five times more counts are obtained than in thedataset used by Brunetti et al., giving us well-constrained hotspot spectra (Table 8). We obtain1-keV flux densities and spectral indices that agree with the values determined by Brunetti et al.within the joint1σ uncertainties.

When these hotspots are compared with a radio map (Fig. 14) there is a clear offset of about1′′ between the X-ray and radio peaks in the secondary hotspot L, in the sense that the distance

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between the peaks of J and L is smaller in the X-ray than in the radio. L appears to be resolvedby Chandraand to be comparable in size to its radio counterpart (∼ 2′′). There is no clear colourgradient in the X-ray images of L, and no obvious radio spectral index gradient at high frequency.There is an extension of J to the north with no radio counterpart, but it is otherwise not resolved byChandra.

Optical counterparts to both northern hotspots in 3C 351 were discovered by R¨oser (1989)and their relationship to the radio emission confirmed by L¨ahteenm¨aki & Valtaoja (1999). Furtheroptical observations were made by Brunetti et al. (2001), who also discuss theHSTobservationsthat we use in this paper. When theHSTobservations are compared with high-resolution radiomaps, it appears that the optical counterpart of hotspot L may be offset from the radio peak in thesame sense as is seen in the X-ray (Figs 14 and 15). The two optical hotspots unfortunately lieon different chips of theHSTWFPC2, and there are no reference sources in the PC chip to tie theradio and optical frames together. Significant offsets are present using the defaultHSTastrometry,as expected. The evidence for an offset relies on the accuracy of theWMOSAIC task in the STSDASpackage inIRAF, used to produce the mosaiced image shown in these Figures. However, the size ofthe offset (0.′′5) seems too large to be accounted for by uncertainties in the WFPC2 chip geometry;other sources which span chip boundaries in this field (notably some faint galaxies near the quasarnucleus) do so without showing any evidence for such offsets. We conclude that the observedoffset may well be real. In this case, the optical peak of L lies between the radio and X-ray peaks.

We agree, within the errors, with theHSTR-band flux density measured by Brunetti et al.(2001) for hotspot J. However, we obtain a substantially lower flux density for hotspot L, althoughthe errors are comparatively large because of uncertainties in background subtraction. We adoptflux densities of2.4± 0.1 µJy and1.9± 0.2 µJy for J and L respectively.

The compact hotspot of 3C 351 (J) is not well resolved at any radio frequency available to us,and is compact even in theHSTimages. The size derived from fitting a hom*ogeneous sphere modeldepends on the frequency and resolution of the data used, suggesting that there may be unresolvedspatial or spectral structure. The value we adopt (r = 0.′′16) is based on fitting a hom*ogeneoussphere model to the 8.4-GHz data of G02. This is larger than the value used by Brunetti et al.(2001), who just took half the FWHM of the Gaussian fit of B94. Spectrally, the hotspot seems tohave a steeper spectrum between 1.4 and 8 GHz than between 8 and 15 GHz, but this may be dueto contamination from more extended emission in the low-resolution 1.4-GHz map; the maps ofB94 and G02 both show structure around this hotspot. The high-frequency (15-85 GHz) spectralindex of the hotspot is close to 1.0. If we assume that some of the 1.4-GHz flux density is not fromthe compact region, then the 8.4, 15 and 85-GHz and optical data points can be fit, though notparticularly well, with a version of our standard spectral model, in which the synchrotron spectralindex steepens from 0.5 to 1.0 in the radio, and then retains this value out to beyond the B-band.

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Since the optical to X-ray spectral index is close to 1.0, the 1-keV X-ray data point alone canthen be fit as an extension of the synchrotron spectrum, withγmax > 6× 107 at equipartition (thisconclusion differs from that of Brunetti et al., who find a somewhat lower maximum contributionfrom synchrotron emission, because of the steeper injection index they use). However, the flatX-ray spectrum of the hotspot (αX = 0.5 ± 0.1) is inconsistent with a synchrotron model. LikeBrunetti et al., we prefer a synchrotron model in which the break is at higher frequencies and thesynchrotron emission is cutting off in the optical (γbreak = 5800, γmax = 1.3×106 at equipartition).This improves the fit to the radio and optical data. However, in this model, plotted in Fig. 16, thepredicted inverse-Compton flux density at equipartition (Beq = 21 nT) is 55 pJy, almost two ordersof magnitude below the observed value. The magnetic field must be reduced by a factor∼ 12, to1.7 nT, to produce the observed emission from the SSC process. In this caseγmax = 4.8 × 106,γbreak = 2.0 × 104, and the predicted X-ray spectral index at 1 keV is 0.6, close to the observedvalue.

Hotspot L is well resolved in the radio andHSTimages. A direct measurement on the radiomap shown in Fig. 14 gives dimensions for the bright region of about2.′′2 × 1.′′6. No simplegeometrical model is a good fit to the structure of this hotspot, with its off-center brightness peakand filamentary extensions to the SW. We begin by treating the brightest part of the hotspot as ahom*ogeneous sphere withr = 0.′′8; this radius agrees both with the high-resolution measurementsand with fits to the low-resolution 1.4 and 15-GHz maps, but is again somewhat larger than thatused by Brunetti et al.. The radio and optical data can then be fit with a spectral model verysimilar to that used for hotspot J; the 1.4-GHz data point again lies above the extrapolation of thespectrum inferred from the high-frequency radio data, but neglecting this, we find very similarbreak and cutoff values,γbreak = 8400, γmax = 1.3 × 106, at equipartition (Beq = 7.1 nT). Thismodel is plotted in Fig. 16. If the X-ray emission is SSC, the predicted inverse-Compton fluxdensity in this model is 80 pJy, and the magnetic field strength would have to be reduced by afactor∼ 9, to 0.8 nT, to produce all the observed emission by the inverse-Compton process. Thepredicted 1-keV X-ray spectral index in this model is also 0.6, which is somewhat flatter than theobserved value of0.85± 0.1.

The inverse-Compton model cannot explain the observed offsets between the X-ray and radiocentroids of hotspot L. To explain this offset while retaining a simple model of the electron distri-bution we would need an external illuminating source, but no such source is apparent; in particular,hotspot J is much too far away to produce a significant effect (the predicted flux density from ICscattering of J’s photons by L is only 2 pJy at equipartition, or 2% of the predicted SSC flux den-sity). Otherwise, if the X-rays are to be SSC emission, there must be significant electron spectralstructure in the hotspot which we have failed to take into account in our model. With only onehigh-resolution, high-frequency radio map, it is impossible to test this suggestion, but the possibleoffset seen between the radio andopticalpositions may support it.

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Unlike Brunetti et al., because of the lower R-band optical flux density we obtain, we find3C 351 L to have a relatively flat optical spectral index,αO ≈ 0.8 (similar to the X-ray spectralindex), and this means that a synchrotron model connecting the optical and X-ray emission cannotbe ruled out in this hotspot either, and is an alternative explanation for the bright X-ray emission,though it would require a second, flat-spectrum synchrotron component to be present.

The differences we find between the equipartition/minimum energy and SSC fields in thesetwo hotspots are larger than the factor∼ 3 inferred by Brunetti et al. (2001) because of differ-ences in our assumptions. As noted above, we use larger angular sizes for the hotspots, and thisaccounts for a substantial part of the difference. Brunetti et al. used a different definition of theminimum energy, obtaining a lower field strength than our calculation would have given on thesame assumptions about hotspot size. They also used a version of the more complex electron en-ergy spectrum described by Brunetti et al. (2002a). This illustrates a general point: differences inmodel parameters can have an important effect on the derived magnetic field strength.

The weak S radio hotspot of 3C 351 is not detected in the X-ray. Based on the backgroundcount rate around the hotspot region, we can set an upper limit on its X-ray flux density (Table 8).It does not lie in any of theHSTfields, so no optical upper limit is available, and we do not haveenough high-resolution data to comment on its radio spectrum. In the 8-GHz maps it is resolvedinto two components, with flux densities of 2.2 mJy and 1.1 mJy. Both components are extended.Using a spectral model similar to that used for hotspot J, we find that the two components of Ataken together would have an SSC flux density of approximately 0.2 pJy, a factor 250 below ourupper limit. Thus, even if these hotspots were brighter than their equipartition flux density by thesame factor as hotspot J, we would not have detected them in our observations. We infer the weakconstraintB & 0.04Beq.

6.4. Lobes

Both lobes of 3C 351 are detected withChandra(Fig. 17). To extract spectra, we used twocircular regions at identical distances (25′′) from the nucleus, centered on the lobe emission, anda matched off-source background region in a suitable position angle. There are 60 net counts inthe northern lobe and 40 in the southern lobe; this is insufficient for spectral analysis of either lobealone but allowed us to fit a model to the combined emission from both (Table 8).

Modeling the lobes as described above for 3C 263 and 3C 330, we find a predicted 1-keVflux density for the CMB/IC process of 0.21 nJy for the N lobe and 0.17 nJy for the S lobe,respectively factors∼ 5 and∼ 4 below what is observed. If the X-ray emission from these lobesis to be produced by the CMB/IC process, the magnetic field strength must be a factor 2–2.5 below

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equipartition. The pressures in the lobes are then∼ 4× 10−13 Pa.

6.5. Extended emission

There is no evidence for extended, cluster-related X-ray emission in 3C 351. No additionalextended model that we have fitted improves the fitting statistic significantly, and the best-fittingmodels contain only a few tens of counts. If we take these as very rough upper limits, the X-rayluminosity of 3C 351’s environment is no more than a few×1042 ergs s−1 (depending on choice oftemperature and abundance), a group environment at best. Other evidence, such as galaxy countstudies (?, e.g.,)]hesr01, suggests that 3C 351’s environment is poor, so this is not a surprisingconclusion. The gas in groups of galaxies of this sort of luminosity can have a pressure at 100-kpc radii comparable to that estimated above for the lobes of 3C 351, so it remains possible that3C 351’s lobes are pressure-confined by a faint X-ray emitting environment.

7. Discussion

7.1. Evidence for and against equipartition in hotspots

The inferred field strengths, relative to the equipartition values, of the hotspots of the tar-get sources are listed in Table 10. Of the three sources, one (3C 330) has hotspots whose X-rayemission is consistent with SSC emission at equipartition, one (3C 263) has an inferred hotspotmagnetic field strength a factor 2 below the equipartition value (consistent with other sources,such as 3C 295, which show a similar deviation from equipartition) and one (3C 351) has hotspotswhose X-ray emission, if it were of SSC origin, would imply a magnetic field strength an order ofmagnitude below the equipartition value.

What process is responsible for the anomalously bright, flat-spectrum hotspots in 3C 351?We can consider several classes of explanation. The first involves retaining the SSC process,with some modifications; the second involves invoking relativistic beaming, an idea supportedby the observation of very bright, one-sided radio hotspots on the jet side of 3C 351 and by thedisplacement of the hotspots with respect to the radio lobe; and the third involves some emissionmechanism other than the inverse-Compton process. We discuss several variants of these modelsin turn.

1a SSC with standard electron spectral model,B Beq. As discussed above, this model doesnot explain the offsets between the radio and X-ray peaks in hotspot L.

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Fig. 13.— X-ray spectrum of 3C 351 nucleus. Left: the spectrum with the best-fitting two-power-law model. Right: the spectrum with the best-fitting ionized-absorber model. The lower panelsshow the contributions toχ2, plotted with the sign of the residual.

Table 10. The ratio between equipartition and inferredfield strengths in hotspots and lobes

Source Beq/B

N hotspot S hotspot N lobe S lobe

3C 263 < 4 1.9± 0.1 2.0± 0.3 2.0± 0.4

3C 330 1.0± 0.1 1.5± 0.4 1.4± 0.3 1.4± 0.3

3C 351 12± 0.05 < 25 2.5± 0.4 2.0± 0.5

Note. — For 3C 351, hotspot J is used. Errors are basedon the statistical errors on 1-keV flux density quoted in Ta-ble 8, and do not include systematic uncertainties in themodelling.

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Fig. 14.— 3C 351 X-ray hotspots. TheChandradata are smoothed with an0.′′5 Gaussian. Thewhite contours are 8.4-GHz radio contours with a resolution of0.′′85, approximately matched tothe X-ray resolution. The contours increase logarithmically by a factor 2 and the lowest contour isat 0.25 mJy beam−1. The light blue contours are theHSTR-band data at the same resolution, andalso increase logarithmically by a factor 2 (arbitrary units). The structure in the bottom right of theimage is due to noise on theHSTPC chip.

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N (



RIGHT ASCENSION (J2000)17 04 44.0 43.8 43.6 43.4 43.2 43.0

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Fig. 15.— 3C 351 optical hotspots at the fullHSTresolution. TheHSTdata are shifted so that thepositions of hotspot J align in the optical and radio. The contours are from an 8.4-GHz radio mapat 0.′′34× 0.′′23 resolution. The WFC chip lies in the bottom left of this image, the PC chip in thetop right.

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1b SSC with standard electron spectral model,B Beq, and spatial variation of the electronpopulation. This model can explain the offsets between the peaks in various wavebands, atthe cost of introducing new features in the electron population for which there is no indepen-dent observational evidence.

1c SSC with second electron population,B ∼ Beq. If we introduce an additional populationof low-energy electrons whose synchrotron emission is below the observed radio band, , wecan greatly increase the SSC flux. If we also allow this population to be offset with respectto the radio-emitting population, we can explain the properties of hotspot L. This model hasthe same disadvantages as 1b.

1d SSC with relativistic beaming,B ∼ Beq. Beaming would mean that our estimate of thehotspot flux density would not correspond to the source-frame value. The predicted SSCflux density and the ratioBeq/B depend on the Doppler factorD (D = [Γ(1 − β cos θ)]−1

for a hotspot, whereθ is the angle to the line of sight andΓ = (1−β2)−1/2 is the bulk Lorentzfactor). Beaming causes the observed flux densities to change by a factorD(3+α). For a purepower-law spectrum with electron energy indexp (α = (p − 1)/2), neglecting aberrationeffects, the predicted SSC flux can be shown to go asD−12/(p+5), and so, for values ofpin the range 2–3, Doppler boosting, (D > 1) reduces the predicted equipartition flux whileDoppler dimming (D < 1) increases it. To place 3C 351 at equipartition we would requireβ & 0.999 (Γ & 20) with the source lying close to the plane of the sky. This is clearly nota plausible model for a quasar; in addition, the rest-frame radio luminosity of the hotspotbecomes very large.

2a Boosted CMB,B ∼ Beq. Relativistic fluid speeds in or close to the hotspot would give riseto an increased contribution from inverse-Compton scattering of the microwave background,which is negligible in all our sources if relativistic effects are not present. The effectiveenergy density in microwave background photons increases as∼ Γ2 (?, e.g.,)]ds93, butthis is partly offset by the reduction in the electron number density. There are additionalcorrections because of the anisotropic nature of the inverse-Compton process; the net resultis that a source exhibiting emission from this process must be close to the line of sight.Because of the blueshifting of the CMB photons in the source frame, the results are alsostrongly dependent on the presence of low-energy electrons; in order to obtain a spectrumwhich is not flat or inverted, we require, approximately,2 × 10−7(1 + z)γ2

minΓ2 1. To

reproduce the observed emission from 3C 351 with an equipartitionB-field and the lowestpossible bulkΓ, Γ ∼ 5, we requireγmin ∼ 10 andθ = 0. Larger angles to the line of sightrequire largerΓ values. This model thus requires 3C 351 to be very close to the line of sight(for 5 < Γ < 20, θ . 6, so the linear size of the source would have to be& 4 Mpc, ifbending is neglected). We also require highly relativistic flows to power both J and L: either

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the jet splits, or (more conventionally) a relativistic outflow from J powers L. In the secondcase, we would expectΓ to be different in the two hotspots. The angles between the line ofsight and the velocity vectors of the flows powering the hotspots are likely to differ in eithersituation, because the hotspots and the core do not lie on a straight line: so in this modelthe parameters must ‘conspire’ to ensure that the X-ray to radio ratios remain similar in thetwo hotspots. This model does not explain the offsets in hotspot L without some additionalassumptions, such as finely tuned velocity vector variations in the hotspot.

2b Boosted CMB, but hotspots are ‘jet knots’,B ∼ Beq. In this model, the objects we havedescribed as hotspots are not terminal hotspots at all, but knots in a projected jet (which pre-sumably terminates somewhere else (e.g., in the displaced N lobe) in a hotspot of brightnesscomparable to that in the S lobe. This model has the advantage that we do not (necessarily)expect jet deceleration between knots, and that it allows us to retain sub-relativistic speedsin the hotspots. Otherwise it has the same disadvantages as 2a.

2c Boosted hotspot back-scattering,B unknown. We cannot rule out the possibility that theX-ray emission does not originate in the hotspot (post-shock) region at all. It could insteadbe due to scattering of hotspot photons by the incoming, presumably highly relativistic jet.This model has the advantage that it can explain the offsets observed in hotspot L. It hasthe disadvantage that, as no radio jets are observed entering the hotspot, we cannot use theobservations to constrain magnetic fields or jet speeds. Because the IC emission from thisprocess is even more anisotropic than for 2a and 2b, the problem of the angle made by thejet to the line of sight becomes greater in this model.

3a Synchrotron from second electron population,B unknown. A second, flat-spectrum syn-chrotron component in the X-ray (and possibly also the optical) can explain many of theobservations of 3C 351’s hotspots, including the offsets seen in hotspot L if the second elec-tron population is spatially offset from the low-energy electrons responsible for the radioemission. Given the very different loss timescales in the radio and X-ray, and the rapidlychanging nature of hotspots (and the bulk flows that feed them) that numerical simulationssuggest, there is no very strong reason to believe that a single electron energy power lawshoulddescribe observations made at a given moment, so a picture of this kind is not in-consistent with standard models of radio sources. The X-ray emission in the jets of certainsources, such as 3C 120 (Harris et al. 1999) and 3C 273 (Jester et al. 2002), has been ex-plained in terms of a model of this kind.

3b Synchrotron from second electron population and SSC,B unknown butB ∼ Beq permitted.This is a trivial variation on model 3a in which some of the X-ray emission is due to SSCrather than synchrotron.

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3c Proton-induced cascade or other exotica,B unknown. As usual, we cannot rule out the pos-sibility that some less familiar emission process makes a contribution to the X-ray emission.

All these models aread hocin one way or another. The beaming models do help to explainthe large-scale asymmetry of the radio source as well as the X-ray emission, but they all require3C 351 to be very close to the line of sight and extremely large in unprojected linear size, as well asinvoking speeds in the hotspot regions that are very much higher than have been inferred from otherwork. The other models require less extreme parameters for the radio source, but do not answerthe question of why 3C 351 is unlike the other sources in the sample, which show no evidence forstrong departures from equipartition, extra electron populations, or new emission mechanisms.

It is interesting to compare the results on 3C 351 with those on other FRII sources with ‘bright’X-ray hotspots, such as Pictor A and 3C 390.3. In the case of Pictor A, Wilson, Young & Shopbell(2001) found that a magnetic field a factor 14 below the equipartition value would reproduce theflux density of the X-ray hotspot, but they reject a simple SSC model of the type we have used inthis paper because of the well-constrained steep spectrum of the hotspot (αX = 1.07 ± 0.11). Asimple synchrotron model is also rejected because the optical data require a cutoff in the optical(Meisenheimer, Yates & R¨oser 1997). However, Wilson et al. do not rule out a model in whichthere are contributions from both X-ray synchrotron and SSC emission, as in model 3b above,which requiresBeq/B ≈ 9. This factor is similar to those that we would require in 3C 351 on thepure SSC model (1a). They also consider the possibility of a second electron population (models1c and 3a above).

In the case of 3C 390.3, Harris et al. (1998) rejected a SSC model for theROSAT-detected X-ray hotspot, hotspot B, because the X-ray emission was much brighter than their SSC prediction.The Chandraobservation of this source (Wagner et al., in preparation) detects all three compacthotspots in 3C 390.3 and allows a more precise determination of some of the source parameters.Examining the archive data, we find that the brightest hotspot, hotspot B, has a 1-keV flux densityof 4.5±0.3 nJy, in good agreement with the result of Harris et al., andαX = 0.88±0.17. The radio,optical and X-ray data in hotspot B can be connected with a simple synchrotron model. An SSCmodel requires a large departure from equipartition; with our cosmology and standard spectralassumptions we findBeq/B ≈ 90, much higher than in any other source we have examined.Moreover, the predicted SSC spectral index is∼ 0.5, while the spectral index in the synchrotronmodel is∼ 1.0, so that theChandraspectrum favors the synchrotron model. We see no reason tobelieve that there is a significant contribution from SSC emission in hotspot B of 3C 390.3. TheChandraspectra of the two other X-ray detected hotspots in 3C 390.3 are even steeper than inhotspot B, which suggests that a synchrotron model is required there as well. It seems likely thatthe differences between the radio to X-ray spectra of the three hotspots, remarked on by Harris etal., can be explained in terms of similar electron spectra with different high-energy cutoffs. Given

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the large number of jets in low-power radio galaxies now thought to be due to synchrotron radiation(§1), the existence of the required high-energy electrons in hotspots is no longer as remarkable as itonce seemed. This observational evidence for synchrotron emission in hotspots is indirect supportfor one of the synchrotron models (3a/b above) to explain the emission from 3C 351.

The Chandradata on hotspots in general are therefore reinforcing the conclusion, alreadysuggested byROSATobservations, that more than one emission mechanism is operating in the X-ray in FRII hotspots. Some hotspots, of which 3C 390.3 is to date the most convincing example,require an X-ray synchrotron model. Some, such as Cygnus A, 3C 123, 3C 263 and 3C 330, arelikely to be pure SSC, with no significant contribution to the X-rays from synchrotron emission anda hotspot magnetic field close to the equipartition value. And some, such as Pictor A and perhaps3C 351 (model 3b above), may have synchrotron and SSC emission at similar levels, or may bedifferent from the other sources in some more interesting way. In order to distinguish betweenthese cases, good radio and optical information and, ideally, an X-ray spectrum of the hotspot arerequired: further high-resolution observations in the radio, optical and UV may be required to todisentangle the emission mechanisms in Pictor A and 3C 351.

In this picture, the questions remaining to be answered are:

• What is special about the hotspots that exhibit X-ray synchrotron emission? It’s particularlystriking that all three compact hotspots of 3C 390.3 are X-ray synchrotron emitters, despitebeing quite different in their local environments and radio structures (?, see)]lp95. There isno obvious way in which these hotspots, in quite different parts of the source, can ‘know’that they should accelerate electrons to high energies — unless some intrinsic property ofthe beam is involved.

• What is special about the hotspots, like 3C 351 and possibly Pictor A, that may haveBeq/B 1?

Brunetti et al. (2001) suggested a partial answer to the second of these questions. They pointedout that, in standard shock-acceleration models, the high-energy cutoff of the synchrotron electronpopulation is higher for lower hotspot magnetic fields, because it is determined by the balancebetween acceleration and synchrotron loss processes. In other words, we might expect to see anenhanced contribution from SSC emission in radio sources which we know by other means to havea synchrotron spectrum extending to high energies. This might apply to 3C 351 and Pictor A, whichare known to have optical synchrotron hotspots, while sources like Cygnus A and 3C 123, whoseelectron spectra are known to cut off at lower energies, have fields closer to equipartition. However,one source in the current sample, 3C 263, breaks the trend by having an optical synchrotron hotspotwithout being particularly X-ray bright. And this picture does not explainwhy it is that some

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sources have particularly low hotspot B-fields, or why, in the case of 3C 351,bothhotspots appearto do so.

Numerical simulations (?, e.g.,)]tjr01 lead us to expect that hotspots will be transient struc-tures, and may well have different magnetic field and electron acceleration behaviour at differenttimes. All hotspots may pass through phases of inverse-Compton domination and synchrotrondomination of their X-ray output. If this is the case, neglecting the probably important questionof observational bias, then the statistics of detected sources are telling us that sources spend ap-proximately equal times in the two regimes. However, this does not explain (and is even to someextent incompatible with) the observation of correlated properties in spatially separated hotspots,as observed in Cygnus A, 3C 351 and 3C 390.3.

7.2. Inverse-Compton emission from lobes? Constraints on lobe physics

Both lobes of all three sources are detected in the X-ray. In all three cases, the measured X-rayemission is close to the predicted value for inverse-Compton scattering of CMB photons, requiringfield strengths which are factors between 1.4 and 2.5 below equipartition values on simple modelswhich treat the lobes as uniform (Table 10). We have not taken into account any possible illu-mination of the lobes by the quasar nuclei (nuclear inverse-Compton, NIC), which would give anadditional photon contribution and reduce the discrepancy between the inferred and equipartitionmagnetic field strengths. We do not believe that nuclear illumination is likely to dominate the CMBphoton field in our sources, since in 3C 263 and 3C 351 there is no evidence for a higher ratio ofX-ray to radio flux in the lobes on the counterjet side, as would be expected, due to the anisotropyof the inverse-Compton process, in a NIC model (Brunetti et al. 1997).

Is the lobe emission inverse-Compton in origin at all? The similarity of the observed fluxesto the predicted values, and the tight relationship between the emitting regions in radio and X-ray,suggest this, but cannot confirm it. The X-ray spectra are not good enough in any of our sourcesto allow us to rule out a thermal origin for the lobe emission, although the existence of some hardcounts (e.g., in 3C 263’s N lobe and 3C 351) would imply quite high temperatures,kT ∼ 5 keV).If the X-rays were thermal, their spatial similarity to the radio emission means that they wouldhave to originate either inside the lobes, or in a boundary layer around the lobes with a thicknessconsiderably less than the lobe dimensions (i.e., no more than a few kpc, given the spatial reso-lution of Chandra). Polarization observations are conventionally taken to rule out the presence oflarge amounts of thermal material inside radio lobes, although, as pointed out by Laing (1984),large amounts of thermal material can be hidden by suitable magnetic field configurations. Un-fortunately, estimates of the depolarization measureDP are not available to us for either of ourquasars. For 3C 330, Fernini (2001) quotes values ofDP (the ratio of polarization at two frequen-

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cies, in this case 1.4 and 5 GHz) of 0.84 and 0.55 for the two lobes. (A lowerDP means moredepolarization.) We can convert the observedChandracount rate for the lobes of 3C 330 into athermal proton density usingXSPECand assuming that the thermal plasma uniformly fills the radiolobes; we use aMEKAL model4 with kT = 5 keV,0.3 solar abundance and Galactic absorption. Wefind that a thermal proton density of∼ 104 m−3 would be required. Using equipartition fields, thiswould give rise to a large Faraday depth, and, using the results of Cioffi & Jones (1980), we wouldexpectDP ∼ 0.08, which is much less than the observed value; we would also expect a very lowdegree of polarization at low frequencies, whereas we know that the source remains polarized at1.4 GHz. We cannot reduce the Faraday depth by significantly decreasing the assumed magneticfield strength, as the X-ray observations set a lower limit on the field strength,B > Beq/1.5. So,for simple field geometries, the idea that thermal protons are inside the lobes is not consistent withthe radio data.

If the thermal protons are instead in a boundary layer of shocked gas around the source, theirdensity can be estimated in the same way, and is greater than the value calculated above by thesquare root of the ratio of the boundary layer to source volumes: for example, if the boundary layerwere0.′′5 (3.5 kpc) thick in 3C 330, the density would be higher by a factor∼ 1.5. Here Faraday-rotation constraints are less helpful, because we do not know the value of the external magneticfield strength. However, if the external thermal material is assumed to be shocked ambient gas,well-known results for the density contrast in a shock imply that the ambient gas density mustbe no more than a factor 4 less dense than the inferred external density, or at least a few×103

m−3. This is comparable to, though on average somewhat larger than, the density of the externalmaterial inferred from the observations described in§5.5 at the distance of the lobes of 3C 330,so this model remains possible from that perspective. However, it seems likely that this externalgas is too hot (particularly in 3C 263) to give rise to the observed X-ray emission when shocked,unless the shocks are only weak (in which case the stand-off distance needs to be large). Thereis also no obvious gradient of X-ray emissivity along the sources, particularly 3C 330, althoughthe β-model fits of§5.5 imply that the external density drops by an order of magnitude alongthe length of the lobes in that source. And there is no evidence in the X-ray data of the limb-brightening expected in such a model, although the small number of counts from the lobes makesdetailed analysis of the lobe structure difficult. We conclude that, although models in which thelobe-related X-ray emission are due to an external boundary layer are not ruled out, they are morecontrived than the alternative of an inverse-Compton origin with a magnetic field somewhat lowerthan the equipartition value.

Whether or not the emission is inverse-Compton in origin, its detection places some interest-

4This model includes both thermal bremsstrahlung and line emission from a hot optically thin plasma, and isgenerally found to be a good fit to high signal-to-noise observations of clusters.

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ing constraints on the filling factors in the lobes, by giving an upper limit on lobe X-ray emissivity.As pointed out by Hardcastle & Worrall (2000), the dependence of inverse-Compton emissivityon filling factor is complicated, depending on the nature of the ‘fluid’ that fills the gaps betweenradio-emitting regions. However, if the fluid is relativistic electrons, i.e., the lobes consist of amore or less uniform distribution of electrons with a very wide range in magnetic field strengths,then the inverse-Compton emissivity increases as the filling factorφ decreases. In the simple casein which the magnetic field is either on or off, and where on is in energy equipartition with thesynchrotron-emitting electrons, the IC emissivity over the entire lobe goes up approximately asφ−4/7. This sort of model is constrained by the observations to haveφ & 0.1. The constraint isdifficult to evade if we require that there are no strong pressure differences in the lobes. Fillingfactors lower than this are only possible if the non-radiating ‘fluid’ does not consist of electrons— for example, if the magnetic field dominates the overall energy of the lobes. We note that lessextreme models with inhom*ogenous magnetic field distributions are not ruled out by the data. Forexample, the models used by Tribble (1991) give only a modest increase (∼ 20%) in the expectedinverse-Compton emissivity if the mean field energy is in equipartition with the electrons.

A CMB inverse-Compton model, and the inferred relatively small but non-zero departuresfrom equipartition, are consistent with early observations of less powerful sources withROSATandASCA(?, e.g.,)]flkf95, tlsb96, tkmi98 as well as with new results now emerging fromChandraobservations of sources more similar to our targets (Brunetti et al. 2002a,b; Fabian, Celotti &Johnstone 2002).

7.3. Thermal emission and pressure balance

The extended emission around 3C 263 and 3C 330 seems very likely to be thermal emissionfrom a cluster-scale atmosphere: we have thus confirmed earlier predictions (Hall et al. 1995) that3C 263 should lie in an X-ray emitting cluster. If the lobe X-rays are indeed inverse-Comptonemission, the model we favor of those discussed in§7.2 above, then the required departures fromequipartition produce lobe pressures which are consistent, within the uncertainties on the variouscalculations, with the inferred external pressures. Small departures from equipartition may there-fore solve the problem, discussed by Hardcastle & Worrall (2000), of the apparent under-pressuringof the radio lobes with respect to the external medium; this is particularly true if some of the X-rayemission detected by Hardcastle & Worrall withROSATwas in fact inverse-Compton emissionfrom the lobes of their target sources. More observations are required to test this hypothesis. Wenote, however, that our observations provide little or no support for the idea that lobes are stronglyoverpressured with respect to the external medium. For this to be the case, there would need tobe another contribution to the internal lobe pressure, for example from relativistic protons, which

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cannot be detected with the present observations.

8. Conclusions

We have detected X-ray emission from the hotspots and lobes of three powerful FRII radiosources, and low-level extended emission from the hot-gas environments of two of them.

The hotspots in two of the objects we have studied, 3C 330 and 3C 263, are consistent withbeing SSC emission with a hotspot magnetic field within a factor 2 below the value for energyequipartition with the synchrotron-emitting electrons. We argue therefore that magnetic fieldstrengths close to equipartition are common in hotspots.

The double hotspots in the third source, 3C 351, are difficult to accommodate within an SSCmodel; they require magnetic field strengths much further from equipartition and, at least in onehotspot, there are offsets between the radio and X-ray centroids that a simple SSC model does notexplain. The flat X-ray spectral indices rule out the possibility that the X-rays can be synchrotronemission from the electron population responsible for the radio emission. We are left with severalalternative models, none of them particularly attractive: the most plausible condenders are an SSCmodel with large departures from equipartition, together with unmodeled spatial structure in theelectron population in the secondary hotspot, a synchrotron model with a second, high-energyelectron population, or strong beaming effects in the hotspot regions. In any case, it is strikingthat the two hotspots behave in such a similar way, in spite of their large spatial separation (andthe expectation that primary and secondary hotspots should have different physics). As we havepointed out, other X-ray hotspot sources, like Cygnus A and 3C 390.3, seem to share this tendencyfor the hotspots to appear to know about each other.

The lobe emission we have detected seems most likely to be due to inverse-Compton scatter-ing of microwave background photons by the synchrotron-emitting electron population. All threesources can be explained by such a model, in which the magnetic field strengths in the lobes areat most a factor 2 below equipartition (on a simple model with uniform field and electron distri-butions in the lobes). If this model is correct, the pressures in lobes are a factor of a few abovethe canonical minimum pressures. This factor may be enough to account for the discrepancy be-tween the minimum pressure and the pressure in the external hot gas environment, discussed byHardcastle & Worrall (2000), and indeed we suggest that the two sources with detected extendedX-ray emission, 3C 263 and 3C 330, are in approximate pressure balance with the hot gas in theircluster/group environments; such a model is also possible for 3C 351.

We are grateful to Gianfranco Brunetti for helpful discussions of inverse-Compton scattering,

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and to an anonymous referee for comments which improved the presentation of the paper.

The work at SAO was partially supported by NASA grants and contracts GO1-2109X andNAS8-39073.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundationoperated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. We are grateful to theVLA schedulers for allowing us to make an observation of 3C 263 at short notice, and to the dataanalysts for supporting our archive requests. We thank George Gilbert, Robert Laing, Laura Mullinand Julia Riley for providing us with radio maps anduv data at various stages in this project, andHugh Aller, Wil van Breugel, Robert Laing and Bev Wills for allowing us to use their VLA archivalobservations.


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Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three …· 2017-11-10· We have made deep Chandra observations of three powerful FRII radio sources: two quasars (3C263 - [PDF Document] (59)

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Fig. 16.— The source-frame spectra of the N hotspots of 3C 351: left is hotspot J and right ishotspot L. Radio points from Table 9, the R-bandHSTflux densities determined by us, the ground-based B-band flux densities of Brunetti et al. (2001) and the X-ray flux densities and spectra areplotted together with the synchrotron models discussed in the text (solid line) and the predictedSSC (dot-dashed line) and CMB/IC (dotted line) emission from the hotspot at equipartition. Thehigh-energy cutoff is set toγmax = 1.3× 106 in this figure.

Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three …· 2017-11-10· We have made deep Chandra observations of three powerful FRII radio sources: two quasars (3C263 - [PDF Document] (60)

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Fig. 17.— The lobes of 3C 351. The contours show the X-ray emission smoothed with a 6′′

(FWHM) Gaussian. The hotspot regions and background X-ray point sources were masked outbefore smoothing (some extended emission is present around the hotspots and gives rise to thecontours near them) and a scaled, smoothed, energy-weighted PSF model was subtracted from theimage after smoothing to remove the nuclear emission. A narrow peak at the core position showsthat the PSF model is slighly broader than the real data. The lowest contour is the3σ level, definedaccording to the prescription of Hardcastle (2000), and the contours increase logarithmically by afactor

√2. Negative contours (illustrating the residuals due to core subtraction) are dashed. The

FWHM of the convolving Gaussian is shown in the bottom left of the image. The greyscale showsthe 8.4-GHz VLA image with 3′′ resolution of G02; black is 10 mJy beam−1.

Magnetic field strengths in the hotspots and lobes of three … · 2017-11-10 · We have made deep Chandra observations of three powerful FRII radio sources: two quasars (3C263 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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