Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2025)

I DIAL DIRECT TO CLASSIFIED 383-2232 TOLL FREE IN IOWA 800-292-0051 HMO SPECIAL: 3 UNS 10 tmtm rata. Saturday, may is. im 35 COuCM end iMmi, out rose MUST SELL: 3 desks, chairs. BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 510 JEWRY 506 file cobinet. Ice mochine, slide top cooler, many restouronl type tables ft chairs, leather look furniture, TV, steel shelving, display racks, snowbiow-er, lawnmower, 14' alum, ladder much, much more.

Quint City Racquet Club, 2222 Middle Rd, Beltendorf 359-1339 color, condition, UM. Coil 25 pmnvt snaeed, beige. $400. Pectmer, eronwe ft brown tweed fven, JV 762-4171. Medium Mu velvet lw, 7 we9red caned bock I choirs 355-721.

I ElewMf bunk bed, book-1 cos. Jml ef drawers, closet I oil $250. 359-8538 I Affordable USED Furniture BI-STATE Fine Furniture Rental Soles 10-6, Sat. 10-4 355-1416 OFFICE desk, $75. 4 office GTTiflG UP aow GfflfiRGG fU6 T.et'$ see the first I have to get oh, yes! k.PiBmottr, stove, elee irv, wtte, $125.

Coll between I Vt TH-ty. I style, like nnrnofflll 57 new tor regular size window 2 rw ii Wt tt. CURTAINS: sheers, 120x84, $35 paw. Hall tobie ft mirror, $15 Moote drum table, $35. 391-1097 NEW ft.

Used Furniture. Bought Sold. Mon. thru Sot. 9 to 5.

1640 Harrison 323-1016 uMnctic set wirn cnairs ft leaf, like new, $150; 25" RCA 1 color TV, $295. 764-4291 I DINETTE set, butcher block I tobte ond four chairs, like new, I $300. 332-5006 I I LMrtinvy room route cnoirs.1 VAL electric typewriter like new $150. Stone fireplace $100 Golf clubs, complete set, $240. 355-3020 between 3 30pm.

LEPHONE recorder, good shape, new $64S, lust overhaul ed, sell for $85. (319) 263-9236 TOASTMASTER oven -broiler, S25. 332-7552 RAYS (4) serving trovs wcad- av, perfect, $30; Orchard crys-toi snack set, $10. 391-7278 REE, Christmas, artificial, like new, 6 toot high with storage dux, iv. J5V-VJV3 RICYCLE, chiids, $15; Fringed wnne ovoi throw rug, $10; Atari cose, $9, (319) 285-9708 ROMBONE, reconditioned $200, i pieces luggage $15.

croquet set sin, couch $20. 323-3615 TROY Bllt tiller, as Is $325; irampoiine, as is, $300. 391-8265 TV STAND lor $5.00 or make Otter, 319-355-6754. TV, 19" with stond, $25; old refrig, $20; misc. Corvair ports, $25, 355-2862 after 5 TV, black ft white, $40; Alu- minum storm door with hard- wore, $10.

332-4687 alter 3 pm TV, color console, swivel stond, needs work, $25. Babyswina. $8. Playpen, $15. 322-0166.

WASHER AND DRYER GE dryer needs repair $50, baby bike seat ss 355-6050. WATERBED, king size, $90. Gas lawnmower $25. Kerosene heater 22,000 BTU $100. Coll 388-9036.

WATERBED. King size. Collfor- man. 12 drawer pedestal. $600.

Phone 355-6764. WEED EATER $89. Hedge trim- mer $30. Chainsaw $250. 3 fit-ing cabinets $100.

793-0602. WHEELS aluminum slot 8" wide fits ford etc $75 exercise bike $25 324-6132. WHEELS, 4, 15x7, Rally, $40; 3, antique brass tamps. $10 brass andirons, $25. 355-3997 WOOD screens, 36x55, 32x55 and 28x47 inches, $2 each.

324-5909 ARBOOKS, Auroran Musco- tine, 1940-50, $80. 786-4954 any time dgrk oak, Excellent condition. I TABLE game, octagonal, or best. 359-8632 I vered with green billiard cloth. Alt sale items should be priced.

Obtain a supply of small change and small bills so you can make change. Set up a headquarters table, end be sure you have ample display tables. Garage Sales are a fun, friendly and profitable experience. To insure the success of your garage sale, list it in the Classified section so thousands of folks all over the area will know about your sale. Your ad should list location, directions, dates of sale and a list of a few key A Classified Ad-Visor will be happy to help you write your ad, just call DINING room set, lorge glass! ond chrome table with 4 tufted! choirs, $300.

359-6504 I 1 DINING room set: table with 2 leaves, 6 chairs, server ft china cabinet, $550. 332-6094 I DINING room set. Trestle table. 4 chairs. Pine Hutch.

$375. Colli 322-2101 1 DINING ROOM set: ova! table, 6 choirs, china cobinet, bullet, aark wood, ssuo. 762-011. dining room set: chrome ft glass table, 4 chrome ft velvet! cnairs, iil-siri DINING ROOM- set: walnut I table, 6 chairs. Phone 786-3578.

buffet, $300. DISHES complete service for 8, never used, $150. 332-4347 Table, solid oak, round, 4 matching podded oak chairs, $800. 319-652-2864 after 5 DRAPES, 3 pairs of light blue. long, window, $50 or best offer.

1502 E. 12th, No. 2 DRESSER with mirror 58" solid wood very good condition $75 332-8553. DRESSER with mirror, very good condition, $50; twin bed. $5.

793-4249 DRESSER, maple, lorge mirror. $150; secretory desk, mahog. anv, $300. 324-7079 DRESSERS, triple with mirror, $95; 6 drawer dresser, $40; 4 drawer dresser, $30. 388-0127 FREEZER, chest, 5.25 cu.

ft, I white, $175. Singer Touch ft! Sew portable, $75. Studiol couch, 6 ft. black, $35. Electric! fireplace, $25.

322-2309 FURNITURE, wicker. couches, choir. restored, 100 gov brass clock, offer. 792-2246 GOLD band china dessert set, 23 1 pieces, $30. 762-3878 HEADBOARD, bookcase twin, 5- drawer chest, 2 nite-stonds, $70, 319-322-759! HEADBOARD, queen size, wal- All odi ar positioned alphabetical order by the first word in the ad.

Start your ad with the city, followed by the eioct location. Find out how quickly your customers con check the Oarage soles their area. CALL 31 9-383-2232 TODAY! nut, good condition, $15. 391-1 cluaes sofa, choir, rocker, cotf-1211 I ee table 2 end tables) 18 pay PAYS S8 1101 HbdibtrilMt thing is A Classified Advertising Department HEATER, Kero-Sun, like new, radiant heat, also kerosene 8- sallon can, $100. (3191 285-948 HONDA, 450, left side muffler.

$15; chain 58 pitch by 516 width, 110 pitches, $15. 755-8948 HOSPITAL bed, $50. 386-6255 NFANT seat for 3-speed bike, $40; Box spring ft mattress, good shape, $25. 762-8288 RON BED, $20; Table chairs. $30; Contour chair, $50.

787 3314, 323-2264 JOHNSON motor 9V3 horse, $325. 12 spd. drill press, like new $175. 100 ft. walnut lumber $2 foot.

764-1624. LADDERS: wooden extension. hardly every used! $100. 326- 1245 LAVATORY used $15, toilet bowl like new only $25, 323-0385 or 326-4873. LAWN MOWER, $50; Weber grill, $25; Bobbv-Moc car seat 285-7093 LIGHTING SYSTEM, Words out side, 12 volt transformer with timer, 6 lights, 8 bulbs, extra lens, $90 new-now $40.

359-1908 LUGGAGE, Samsonlte, 4 place set, $45.00, 319-323-4455. LUGGAGE. Samsonite hard Shoulder bag, overnight, 24' Excellent condition $150. Phone 359-0162. MAGNOVOX 25" color console TV $100.

Johnson Brothers china set $125. Offers taken. 764-3499 or 797-6313 after 5 MARY KAY consultant storter kit; includes cases, books, etc $100. for all. 787-3382 METAL detector, whites, IOB series II, excellent condition.

$100 or best. (309) 852-4754 METAL, detector Mini Red Baron Bounty Hunter Discri minator, $180. 788-8180. MITRE box, Stanley, with sow, $45; mobile home storm door unit, 32x78, $55. 386-4178 MOPED Fair Condition $180 309-234-5290 Orion MOVING SALE.

Queen size bed, $100; console sewing mochine and sewing cabinet, $100; love seat, $75; metal steps for mo bile home, $35; shampoo bowl. $35; girls Schwinn bike, 26' $50, many other items. 391-3276 NEW MOTHERSI electric breast pump, great for working moms, $100, 319-323-5496 PAPERBACKS, one box, 100 books, like new, romance, gothics, mvster, $20. 788-6207 PIANO, Story ft Clark art deco. $250.

Dryer, Westinghouse 110 or 220 electric, $65. 762-5432 PICNIC basket, like new with complete set of tobleware, $10. 391-4676 PICNIC table, child size $25 391 2713. PICNIC table, 6' oval redwood point, folds flat, $45; Iron 6-pot plant stond, $15. 326-0230 PICNIC table, like new, never used, $75.

322-1305 PING PONG table and aceesso ries, full size, folds to store $30. 359 7426 after 3 m. PLATE Glass mirrors: 44" 63' $60; 27" $35; 19" 68' $20. 359-6566 PLAYPEN, like new, $45; Car seat, $15; Wolker, $10. All good.

391-70S6atter 6 p.m. POKER table, $75. 764-8675 POPCORN popper, electric, and cold air both like new, $5 each. 762-0929 PORTA-CRIB, $25; Stroller, $15 Magnavox tape $50. 355-3647 PORTABLE depthflnder $50.

Dishwasher Sears as is $20. Double bed $30. 284-5109. POWER WASHER $275. Table saw for $365.

Lawnmower $160. Phone 793-0602. PUNCH bowl set, 27 piece, early american prescut crystal, used once, $50. 386-5232 RAFT, four-man 750 lbs. coooc itv, like new, $50.00.

309-793- 1384. READY mode Boat Covers. Can. vas tarpaulins of all sizes. KRESS-Davenport Tent ft Aw.

ning Co. 713 Harrison, 324-7158 SEWING machine, Nelco, $25 Box spring ond mattress, $25 359-6451 SEWING machine, $25; Set of encyclopedias, good condition, $25. 332-7533 SEWING machine, $30; CB radio, $40: timing light, $15. toe, $10. 764-1806 SEWING Sears, (30.

Wet Dry Vacuum, $15. Spanish light fixture, $20. 796-2669 SHOES, soccer, youth, size 2, (3, roller skates, steel wheels, size 1, $2. 787-7162 SILVERWARE) DAMASK Rose Heirloom Sterling, Silver, cose, call 355-1309 SNACK set, 1939 World's Fair Mr Peanut, $25. Chrome electric code not.

$8. 386-1815 STEREO, good condition, $75 Ski rack $io. can 326-1 'Bi. STOVE, gas, avocado, oven needs work, $40; Full-sue bed, metol frame, $25. 326-4614 CTOm 1 ea.

annA rnnriltfnn. 70 PA amplifier, works gooa. va 376-5946 SUN CATCHER, clear center, lavender sunburst, $75 755-0366 SWEEPER, Hoover, $12: Crock pot, Presto cooker, $10. 132- 9412 TABLE It chairs, $75; 110 air conditioner, smi. imh e.

iztn. No. 2, Dav. Mornings best TABLE, coftee, glass top, $40 Antique rocker, $50; Chiids rocker, $7 50. 1319) 789-5873 TABLE, kitchen, I chairs $35, bumper pool table $75, pochin HOME FURNISHINGS SOFA ond two chairs, rust color $100 call after 6 332-7310.

SOFA, $85; Maple deacon bench. $15. 391-9047 SOFA, 92" Early American, ex- cellent condition, $200. 785- SOFA, gold brocade, good condition, $75. 386-367J after SOFA, 3 cushion, light green.

Kroehlers top of the line, $450 SOFA, curved back, medium' green velvet, good condl- lion, washable, $175. 391-6536. SOFA, Ethan Allen, traditional. floral, good condition, $100. 355-7676 SOFA, plaid, $40; Early American fair low bock orange imIudI OC 101.1004 SOFA, Spanish style velvet, red.

black, gold floral. $100. An- drew 762-3424 TABLE expandable buffet, i folding chairs. Walnut. Excel- lnt 17t Altar A ICC-COOl TABLE kitchen set $75, babv swing $5, highchair $5.

red cwna Inmn tin 7.1 TABLE round, solid oak, $250, 4 oak chairs, $75 ea. Must see to appreciate. 787-3629 TABLE, 42" round, maple, $40; table. 70" walnut dining, 2 TABLE, Butcher block. A-l.

$75. 355-2987 TABLE, coffee, contemporary style, solid walnut, $45; Typing table, $15. 322-7532 TABLE, coffee, like $75. 755-1715 TABLE, end, 24" round, two tier glass. Elegant but simple.

$70. 386-9527 TABLE, kitchen, drop leaf, for mica top, 2 chairs, good Condi-tion, $40. 322 1940 TABLE, kitchen, 2 leaves, 6 chairs, solid, $85. (319) 282-4831 TABLE, kitchen, formica top, two chairs, good condition, $40. 322-1990 TABLE, kitchen, four chairs.

good condition, $40. 322-2266 after 5 p.m. TABLE, kitchen, without chairs, seats 4-5 people. $40. 792-2425 anytime TABLE, oak, coffee, with book shelf and storage inside table.

$50 firm. 326-5467 TABLE: Burled walnut 39" drum, opens with leaves to make 7'2 dining table, abso lutely flawless top, this is one of a kind, $500. 32" mahogany round coffee table, excellent condition, $70. 788-0010 TABLE: coffee with casters. classic drop leaf, $40.

359-7004 TAKE OVER PAYMENTS ON BRAND NEW FURNITURE JUST0UT0FLAYWAWAY 6 PC. rustic living room set (in- ments of $22.00 per mo. sofa, loveseat. choir (contem- pararv stvle covered in 100 Herculon fabric) 15 payment V- wl. (includes formica top table ft 4 mates chairs) 15 payments of $18.00 per mo.

PC. all wood bedroom set (in- udes trio dresser, daub mirror, 4 drawer chest, full- aueen headboard.) 20 oov- ments of $24 00 per mo. GOOUARO DISCOUNT FURNITURE 318 E. 2nd. St.

Davenport, I A. Phone 326-2443 New Store Hrs: Mon-Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 TRASHMASHE $60; cedar chest, $60.

After 6 P.M. 309-937- 5981. TRAVERSE rods, decorative. antique brass, one extends 80- 140. two 80 90 inch.

$35. 762-0665 TWIN BED ft dresser with mir UMBRELLA table, 42" round, 4 ice cream parlor chairs, needs pointing, $35. 332-5619 WALL, unit, 48x65, 5 levels of shelving plus TV area, good condition, $60. 797-1294 WASHER Whirlpool 18 pound. works good, green in color, $50, coll 388-9626.

WATERBED, queen size, com- plete, $240. 786-3888793-1484. ft pad Included. 8 drawers. Headboard.

Between 10 ft 6 P.M. 319-285-9648 WATERBED; Antique Bed and Buffet; Oak Teacher's Desk. 381-3478 after 5 p.m. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! Waterbeds Starting At $1 19.00 Nuae five boara trame complete wmottress, heater, liner, fill kit ft algicide. A Waterbeds on Hwy.

6 lust W. of entronce to Walcott, la. Ph. 284-5100 APPLIANCES 527 AIR conditioner: Wards, 20,000 BTU. used verv little, can't use.

$400 391-1097 AIR Conditioner (2) window. $150 each of best olfer. 322-7629 AIR conditioner: 18,000 BTU, 1 veor old, used 3 months, paid $500, askln $300. 355-4834 be tween 12 5. AIR conditioners, 2 Sears, 1 14000 BTU, used 1 year, $350; 12000 BTU, older, $75.

322-5631 AIR CONDITIONER, Fedders, 6100 BTU, first $75 takes it, AIR Conditioner Whirlpool, 11000 oiu no von, siuu, t-non vj- AIR CONDITIONERS (2), G.E., good condition, $150 each. 323- nfl5A nltor lorn air conditioner, 8000 btu, mc- Grow Edison, $95. 391-2999 offer 4 AIR Conditioner: Whirlpool, 13. 500 BTU, good condition. $250, 323-3802 offer 5.

AIR conditioner, used one sea son, perfect condition, $100. 355-2588. DISHWASHER, Kenmor porta ble, butcher block top, like new, 2 years old, $500. 391-9398 PLS.H.WA.SJi!.l''.,S DISHWASHER, G.E.. good con dition, $50.

386-9234 noon DISHWASHER, G.E., 3 power. jinn 359-7835 DRYER Sear Kenmor, t0p 0I the line, 5 yrs. old, must moving v. jywm DRYER. E.

eos, heavy duty. gold, $200 or best otter. Phone 355-8301 after 5 p.m. lELECTRIC range, Ilk new, $150; 386-8291 FOOD dehvdrotor, Harvest Maid, used 3 times, $75. 787-6134 alter 4 p.m.

Vs0'? bookcases-1 oak, $125; 1 wol-nut, gloss doors, $150. 386-4178 FREEZER, Amano 18' upright. I creptcr. Chest tvo. excellent working order, $95, 355-1395 oiler 6om FREEZER, Whirlpool, excellent i condition.

See to appreciate. jiM 372-5540 I GAS DRYER ft washer. Wards Heavy uutv zu pouna cupacitv. $250 eachbost. 355 2981.

STAR FRENCH FRYER, $500 for all three. Four years old. See at: Great American Bur ger 547 42nd East Mollne, 755-5461 OFFICE Copier, copies from to 10'jxl4. Very good condition. $300.

797-9142 FT. Husseman cooler, cool storage below. $275. 285-8681 ADDING mochine, electric, old. timer.

Sears, $10. 332-8687 Something special waits for you today In classified. ANSWERING machine. Cobra, with remote call pick up. $90 cash.

391-3039 BEAR Tela-Liner front end alignment mochine, make an offer. Will consider pickup as trade-in. Geneseo 309-949-28C BOOTHS, Tiffany light fixtures, showcasecash stond, tables, oak choirs, Leveior blinds, dishes glasses. Remodeling Country Kitchen 319-242-2312 CASH register. Tec Electronic Approx.

3 years. $1000 new. 1st $500 takes. Perfect condition 515-664-1491. 515-664-2958.

CASH Register, NCR model 220 $395. 309-944-6155 or 792-0686 ask for Joe Perlick beer $650; Hussmon meat $400. Assorted bar equipment. 326-0002 after 1 DESK, 54" 26" S-drawer metal, $155. Like new 3M 051 copier, $148.

Secretary chair, $38. Plexiglass mat, $32. 391-0678 DOUGH Roller, Colborn, for pies, pizza on casters, $1295 or offer. 309-534-8342 HOSPITAL equipment, various items including bed wheel choir. 381-3391 or 391-0510.

IBM Electric rvpewrltter; $250 3M copier Model 309, $300 Extro poper. 289-4588. LARGE Selection Of USED But NICE Office Furniture. Allma kes Office Furniture, 836 15th. E.

Mollne 755-3756. MUST SELL-moke reasonable offers: 8' Hussmon refrigerat ed case, 4' upright refrigerated cose, freezer, smalt meat slic er, formia counters, NCR reg ister, 786-0227 or 788-4416 9 1. GARAGE SALES Jill DAV. 218 W. 30th Sot.

9-, Misc baby furniture, baby, maternity oil ages clothing toys, misc items DAV. 2129 Madison. May 19-20, 5. 2 family. Little ol every thing.

DAV. 2111 Kraltmever (off East Elm, near Jersey Ridge) Fri. ft Sot. 9-2. Toys, books.

furniture, sewing machine. bikes, lawnmower, crafts DAV. 2108 Judson Court. Sat only 9-4. 3-4 families.

Soto, choirs, lots of misc. DAV. 1906 E. 38th St. Sat.

9 Moving. Butcher block table, stereo, velvet choir. 355-0856 DAV. 1821 W. 7th.

9- Clothing, bunkbeds, some fur niture, household items, misc. DAV. 1818 W. Gartield. 9-4.

Furniture, TV, infant-kids clot.ies, lots ot misc. DAV. 17 Oak Lane Apt. 1. Blzar rel Bizarre! Sat.

10-6 ft Sun 12- 6. Everything from A-Z literal Iv. Please use sunporch door DAV. 1610 West 29th St. Thurs Sot.

9-5. Tovs, clothes, books, humidifier, snowbiower. CLASSIFIED ods get results. DAV. 1412 CAREY MOVING SALE Thurs-Sun 9-5.

DAV. 1338 W. 35th. Fri, Sat, Sun 8-4. Babv ft household items, tools, clothes, collectibles DAV.

1317 E. Locust. (In back Sat ft Sun. May 19 ft 20. 9-6 Lots of furniture ft clothes DAV.

128 Hillcrest (Mc Clellonl Heights) Sat. only 9-4. Furni ture, cameras, ft proiecto (movie ft regular) Akai Sony tape recorders. Singer sewing mochine, oak desk, kmgsize headboard, roll away port-a-cribs, bikes (12 speed) smoll appliances, electric meat grinder ft iuicer, sell propelled lawn mower, good adult ft children clothing, lew eriy, 2 guitars, Cloisonne from China, school desks, intelevi- sion, plus games, ft toys. DAV.

1231 N. Elmwood. Sat. 9-5. Childrens clothing, tennis racquets, tires, much misc.

DAV. Big Garage Sole Today 3020 W. Laurel St. Crystal, furniture, misc. DAV.

Block Sale, 6100 Folr Ave May 18 ft 19, 9-5, bikes, ster eos, tools, clothes ond more. DAV. EVERYTHING Va PRICE! Saturday, 8:30 to 3818 Pine. DAV. Huge Yard Sale, Fri ft Sat 9-3.

Books, dolls, estate items 1135 E. Gorfleld DAV. Lorge Benefit Garoge Sole May 19th, 9-4, Inside Old Town! Mall, 903 E. Klmberlv Rd. New ft used clothing, some furni ture, tovs, luggage, books, finlck knacks, much misc.

DAV. Mc Clellon Heights 26 Edgehill Ter. Sot. 9-5. Antique.

Queen Ann dining table, iron beds, wicker, babv items. DAV. Moving Sale. 673 W. 64th (Americona park) Sat.

8-3 Washer, dryer, furniture, mlsc DAV. Yard Sale. 2724 Dubuque St. (lust oft Brady) Sat. 9-5 Small oppliances, girls bikes, tovs, intant-odult clothes, babv walker, infont carrier, misc DAV.

Yard Sal. 113 E. 29th, Clothes, 1-4. furniture, misc. ELDRIDGE 12 garages.

S. 7th ft 8th Sat. 8-5. Furniture, household, freezer, dlshwash er, stereo, cycle, mower, etc. LeCLAIRE 1321 Jones St.

Yard Sole 8-4, Mdv 17, 18, 19th. Boat, troller, porta-pottl, TVs, coffee table, lots of misc. Clothes in eluding moternlty. 289-5643. MOLINE 4000 4th Ave.

May 19 thru May 27th. Hug in dooroutdoor spring cleaning ale. Rain or shine, tntont to adult clothing, tools ft equip ment ft much, much more MOLINE Furniture, appliances, ontiques ft mor. 1630 17th Ave. Fri, -Sal.

8-5. PARKVIEW Apt. Sol ThurvFrl- Sot, til dark. Furniture, stereo, baby, kids, adult mlsc 108 Crestvlew Dr. Apt, Jt.

PARKVIEW. 12 Park Ave. May 18-19 I a.m. Kids clothes, furni ture, stereo, etc. 285-8669 R.I.

8116 Ith St West. Sat. ft Sun 9 7 Air conditioner, Clothes, Avon bottles, dishes ft mlsc R.I, 1223 19th St. May 19 ft 20. 9-4.

New bathtub, tool, clothe, sports, ft appliances RIVERDALE Elementary School. Across from Alcoa Saturday May 19, 10-3. Mulll family. Crofts ft bok sol. ROCK ISLAND, St.

Fri 9-4 ft Sat 9-1. S-tamllv goraga sate. Low prices. No checks. TREASURE Harbor, Open Sat ft Sun.

Gifts, furniture, crafts. misc. New ft used. 103 River Princeton, IA. 289-5306 f7 II I 13" stools.

Circa, 1950 red vinyl and chrome, excellent $13 each or $40 all. 386-3448 BAR, 4' black leather podded, 2 high-backed swivel bor sloofs, $100. 326-2494 BAR, homemade 6x3 -shooed $30 call after 5pm 326-4965. BED twin box springs ond frame $35 332-5761. BED twin complete with dark pine headboard mattress ond foundation $75 786-8896.

BED with dresser, moole, dou ble, $100. (309) 529-2747 Alpha. IL BED, double, antique spindle. mattress ft boxspring, $75. 386- 6J2V BED, full size, complete, gooc conaition, $5.

796-2773 BED, twin sice; 5 and 3 drawer chests; desk, with bookcase top; choir, $400. 355-7576 BED: Jenny Llnd, $100. Dining taoie 6 cnairs, SI 00. Clawfool tub, $75. Complete double bed, 35.

322-4864 BED: King size, complete with solid walnut headboard ft dresser, $300. Oueen size bed, complete with dresser, walnut finish, $250. Conference table with 2 drowers, $100. Whirlpool Trashmosher, $50. Wailawav reciiner, $50.

285-4359. BEDROOM Set. Maple, almost hew, $500 or best offer. 322-7629 BEDROOM set. Twin French Provincial, 6 drawer dresser ft mirror.

$150. 322-7946 BEDROOM set, 8 pc French Provincial, excellent condition, $250. Maytog portable washer ft dryer, $150. 323-2985 BEDROOM: Double book case, headboard, double dresser chest, mirror. $100, 355-2252.

BLINDS, wood stats, like new, 23' quantity 2, $50 each. 391-1976 BOOKCASE Circa 1900, 58x24x13. Good condition. $375 or best offer. 762-3410 BOX springs 2 set and mattress for double bed $40 ond $60 call 764-0775 alter 1pm.

BOX SPRING and mattress, full Size, $75. (309) 799-5459, 797 2271 BOX SPRING ond mattress, frome and headboard, queer size, $75. 326-0630 after 5 p.m. BUNK beds, complete set, $50, twin bed complete $50, 323-6404 anytime BUTCHER block serving cart at tached cutting board new $129 sell for $45 787-5485. CARPET, 2 rooms, thick, plus hallway, 13x9, 14x17, $300.

391 8173. CARPET, 11x12, 9x10, red short shag, lute back, good shape, $40 ft $30 respectively. 391-8439 CHAIR lounge, blue green and gold plaid, like new, $50. 391 3470 CHAIR wing bock $25, Dresser 4 drawers with mirror $40, Phone 319-282-4238. CHAIR, Early American, wing- back, $50; Adult potty chair, $40.

764-3888 CHAIR, Gold velvet, rocks. A-l $60. 355-0B56 CHAIR: almost new rattan, $60, beige chair, $25; working gas stove, $15. 386-2946 CHAIRS 2 living room matching $25, green plaid rocker $50, coffee tobies $10, S5 391-5206 CHAIRS his ond hers black swivel naugahyde $100 391-4528 after 5. CHAIRS, his and her, flexsteel, green, $25 each.

359-0516 CHANDELIER crystal $55, orange dropes L40x8" $20 355 8944. CHEST, solid oak, 6 drawers. custom design and built, $475. Phone 797-5007. COMPLETE WATERBED $119.

Mattress, Liner, heater, fill kit, deck, pedestal and frame. Any 4th St Auction 322-3623 COUCH, $30best offer. Must sell. Call 787-4166, after 6 p.m. COUCH, chair and ottoman, good condition, matched set, $100.

323 7928 COUCH, gold velvet $200; 2-off-white chairs $75 each; 1-gold choir $50; old dining table, 4 choirs buffet $200. 391-3466 KABOTA Tractor 16 HP, 4 WD, 48" front bucket ond rear mower, $4500. 381-3460 LAWN mower, power, $75. 4 HP roto tiller, $200. Call 786-1572 after 3:00 LAWN MOWER, Toro, self pro pelled 21, $95.

355-3928 LAWN MOWER, 3 HP, good, $25; 3 HP engine horizon tal, $25. 326-1243 MOWER, Croltsmon 20" power propelled rear bagger, used one season, $200. Call 322-5290 MOWER, Eclips push, like new, $45. 324-3345 MOWER, self propelled, verv good shape, moving, $100. (3191 264-1016 jMULCHER, for Cub Cadet, like new, $50.

Dixon 246-2731 PICNIC table, 5 leet, excellent condition, $40. 359-3034 alter 5 p.m. REDWOOD lawn furniture. pieces, needs cushions, $75 firm. 359-4795 offer 5 p.m.

RENT-a-Gorden. Over 700 sq. plowed ft fertilized. Blessings Gardens, 3929 Rockingham Rd. SNAPPER.

8 HP, electric start, 30" cut, bagger kit never used. Good condition, $750. 355-3930 SNOWBLOWER, Toro Snopupit, $100. 386-2130 Offer 5 SPREADER, Scotts, like new, moving must sell, $25. 355 8008 TENT screen porch, custom Wentzel, like new, bluewhite stripe roof, $145.

355-2383. THREE Mower. 2 Toros, $90 ft siju. Ana i sears, nu, JiJ 2115 oiler 4 weekdays. TORO Snow-Pup, $60, 355-3194 evenings WEED Eater $20.00.

Iron lawn chairs $40.00. Lawnmower $40 00. Phone 326-4663. WEED trimmers, (3) electric Toro, $15 each; Leal or gross cart, nice, $5. 13191 659-3334 WHEEL Horse 700 tractor In eludes snowplow, 32" mower lawn sweeper, excellent condl tion.

$800. 333-5936. YAROMAN lawn vacuum, $175 verv good condition, 786-460 or H6-654B 4 OftJ DR i ADIDAS, lodvs, size 7, Leath er oxfords, size BN, $6. 322-3038 BLOUSES, size 10 and 12, short and long sleeves; (2) $1, (3) $2. 764-5730 COAT womens london fog size 14, $10, blouses, dresses, slacks 1416 box full $20 326-4799 DIAMOND, 4 Carat.

Very fine quality. Retail $810, tell for $450. 386-9234 DIAMOND, karot, very fine quality, retail price $S10sell for $375. Certificate of value Included. Shawn at 391-0741 FORMALS 4 long.

1 mauve, 1 green, 2 pastel floral all size 13 $12 each 386-2858. MATCHING men womens wedding bonds, 14K white gold with 3 diamonds each. Appraisal volue $1100, will sacrifice tor $500. Never used. Coll 324-3420 after 4 p.m.

MATERNITY clothes, size 8-1Z 15 pants, 5 dresses, 47 shirts, $100. 391-4875 alter 4 MINK coat, $200. Mink lined coat, $150. Squirrel stole, $75. 332-6094 PROM dresses (5), sizes 5-10.

each worn only once, each. 324-2983 PURSE, Icdles, large brown hand tooled leather, like new, $25. 359-0025 RAINCOAT, ladies size 18, $10. 323-4752 SKIRTS (4) Assumption High, freshman and iunior plaids, size 9, $io each. 391-6101 SWEATERS, Izod, mens, size XL; five total, very good shape, $5 each.

(319) 843-3161 WALKING SHORTS, mens, pair, size 42, like new, $3 each. 323-7838 WEDDING dress, hat, size 8, white over orchid, white linen, shoes $50. 792-2349 WEDDING dress with mantilla veil, size 12, $75. Home (319) 289-5564 or Work (309) 796-2311 WEDDING Dress, ideal for sum mer, train, dotted swiss, daisy applique, $75, Size 6-7, 786-0036. GARAGE SALES 508 DAV.

51st ft Woodland (off Jer sey Ridge) Sot. May 19, 9-4. Lots of items for the home, toys, books, etc DAV. 4 Family 2824 E. 39th Sat.

8-5. Antiques, camera, stereo items, furniture, dishes, silverware, tools, babv clothes. DAV. 4 miles W. on Locust.

Sal ft Sun, 9-4, electric organ, sewing machine, mini bike, etc. DAV. 4729 Main St. Bathtub, sink toilet fixtures, kids clothes. lots rnlsc.

Sot. 8-5. DAV. 4711 Sheridan, Sat May 19 9-4; Support Oavenport Swim Team. Clothes, household items, etc.

Be therel DAV. 4512 Jersey Ridge Rd. Sat Sun, 9-4. Bike, chairs, clothes, much misc. Very reasonable.

DAV. 4303 Greenway Dr. (S. ol Emeis) Sat. -Sun.

9-3. Antiques, furniture, clothing, misc. DAV. 4216 Whitman Dr Thurs- Sat 9-5 Wheel balancer, film proiector, household, misc. DAV.

4033 Lillie. 3-lamily sale. Sat. 9-4. Furniture, clothes.

toys, misc. DAV. 3819 Cedar St. May 19, 9-4. 4 family sale.

Quality kids odult clothes, many misc. items. No checks. DAV. 3516 May Lane.

519-20th, 9-5. Dishes, pots ft pans, Avon bottles, misc. DAV. 3427 Kenwood. Sat.

ft Sun. 9-5. MOVING alter 20 years, 1st sale, silverplate, glassware, clothes, toys ft games, weight bench, canning collector bottles, lumber, floor polisher, steamer trunk, office piano, freezer, turni ture, and much more. DAV. 3402 Hickory Grove Rd 519-20, 9-4.

Boosters Organization of Handicapped Development Center. Office furniture, iewelrv, misc. DAV. 3307 Marquette. Fri.

ft Sot 8-4. Mew bird houses. Iowa plaques, dinette set, beer signs, clothes, TVs, mise. Consider classified then consider it soldi DAV. 3103 Fair.

Freezer, $125; Mavtag, $250; Antique Bed room set, $250; bed ft dresser, $100. Moving. 322-4558 DAV. 3031 Hickory Grove (Northwest Storage) May 18-19 9-4. Household, tires, tools, car-truek-motorcyle parts, clothing, full size, knick knacks DAV.

2960 Jefferson Ave. Sat Sun 10-5. Washerdryer, stove, dishwasher, fruit lars, bed room set, garden tools, misc. DAV. 2929 W.

66th St. 7 family 9-5. Toys, household Items, clothes. DAV. 2875 Fairhaven (off of For est Rd) Sat.

9-4. GARAGE SALE EXTRAVAGANZA. DAV. 2832 Pacific Fri. ft Sat.

8-4, DAV. 2719 N. Zenith Sat. 7-3 Clothes, stereo, C.B., T.V., misc. Items DAV.

2718 Telegraph Rd. Sat only 9-5. Couch, small tables, tent, clothes (7-9) kids DAV. 2650 North Falrmount. Thurs, Fri, 9-4, Sot.

9-4 Clothes, playpens, lamp pole, Christmas tree, mlsc Items DAV. 2641 N. Elsie Sat. Books, clothes, color T.V., household Items. DAV.

2602 W. 68th St. Fri. ft Sat 9-4. Infant thru 16 children clothing, Large, size ladies clothing, furniture, misc.

DAV. 2515 N. Zenith, only 9am, no early sales. Slale pool table, 13" snow tires on wheels, furniture, odult clothes, misc OAV. 2503 N.

Zenith, Sat ft Sun 9-5. 6 Family. Something for everyone I DAV. 245 E. Centrol Pork (v blk.

E. of Jersey Ridge) May IB ft 19, 9-4, baby clothes ft fur-niture, maternity clothes, cur tains ft rods, snow tires, area rug, queen bed frame, more. OAV. 2377 W. 49th.

9-5 Riding mpwer, furniture, Honda 750 (lor parts), (love, conning lars, tools, tovs. OAV. 2343 N. Blrchwood Ave Sat. Furniture, TV, books, mags, appliances, wall groupings, misc.

OAV. 2307 Jebens, Fri, ft Sot. S. 7 Families, Lot of every thing DAV. 2237 Aspen Dr.

Fri. ft Sal Kid's Clothes, table etnlrs, fish tanks, golf clubs OAV. 2229 College, Sat. I Dresser, bunkbeds, dropes, rocker, dishes, clothes, books DAV. 2229 W.

54th. Fri. -Sat. 10- Sofa, tables, glassware, books, Ond much more. DAV, 219 Dlxwell Ct.

Garage Vard Sal. 8 Household, furniture, 318 Plymouth engine, 302 Ford en in, tools, 4 1100x15' tires ft rims lor Dodge Truck 3M 12 choirs, $20 each. Large office table. $75. Coll 355-2394 ZZA oven.

Tombstone, type excellent condition, $100 or best. 1-374-5321 RESTAURANT 8. bar equip ment. Dishes cooking equipment. Service Station equipment.

799-3885. ETAIL CLOTHES RACKS Round ft rectangular. $15 each. Glass tops $5 each, NCR cash registers $25 each. 1606 W.

Locust. 322-6733. Mon Sat. 10-4. ROYAL 122 bond copier, Hon secretary desk, leather execu tive tiltswivel chair, portable electic typewriter, side chairs, typewriter stand.

Cannon col 355-8008 SAFE. Fireproof, 21" weight 400 lbs, $185. 762-6030 SOFT ICE CREAM mochine, Taylor model 8781, $2900 or best offer. 794-0228 eves. Leave message ELEPHONE ANSWERING Set.

Various -trade-ins, Repo's-Re- builts 323-9739 anytime. TYPEWRITER: electric Model $120. 788-2407 TYPEWRITER, Smith Corona, manual, needs ribbon, excel lent condition, $25. 391-8125 TYPEWRITER: electric Royal $75. Good condition.

788-2407 COMPUTERS ill SAKATA, color monitor, besl video for Apple according tc Creative Computing $290, 5 Slim Line Drive $225, 10 boxes Diskettes $17.50 ea. Everything Apple Compatible ft like new. 322-4816 APPLE software. Over 40 busi ness progroms, some games and utilities. Up to 80 below list price.

Call 332-4166 ATARI 400800 memory board. $30 or best offer. 799-3721 COMMODORE dafasette re corder, 12 blank tapes, $50; light pen, $20. 242-4866 SELECTRIC terminal printei $20, 50 back issues byle moga zines. $10 359-8024 pm.

TEXAS Instruments Extendec Bosic Cartridges. 6 at 5i each. Call 391-5224 TRS-80 Model III, 2 disc drive. printer VI, business software. $1650.

Perfect cond. 787-4222 HOBBY I CRAFTS 515 BOX of ceramic molds, $80 ot best. 359-1797 after 6 p.m. CARPET WARP, 8 skeins, $12 skeins crochet yarn, $5. (319) 284-6411 COINS 24 piece $5, uncirculatec silver dollars 1923P $27, 1885.1 (MS63) $41 359-5674 METAL detector, compass model RM6A, $100.

323-5815 TOYS I GAMES 51 ATARI 5200 5 games, pac-mor ceniipede, with cart, need: controllers, $100. 322-1713 ATARI 2600, 26 cartridges, 4 loy sticks, 2 poddies, wood roll top storage cart, $150. 797-5067 ATARI 2600 with 7 gome car fridges, $60. 322-4218 evenings AURORA race track, over 40" ol track, 15 cars, many extras. $50.

386-0444 CABBAGE patch style with paci fiers, 2, $25 each; Care Bear, at $1S. 386-6399 COLECOVISION ft Atari expon tion module. 10 cartridges $100. 762-9039 CONTROLLERS, super action. for Coleco with 3 cartridges.

$80 or best offer. 3914024 KOOL-AID Mon cartridge foi Atari 2600, never been used, $15. 322-7756 ROLLER SKATES strawberry shortcake, size 13 brand new $15 391-1938. SWING Set and slide, $35 com plete. 788 2388 SWING set.

Deluxe from Tovs R' Us. Excellent condition $75. 322-5426 SWINGSET, Sears, $20. 391-5473 TRICYCLE: 20" good condition, alter 4. steel frame, 323-5746 HOME FURNISHINGS J25 5 PIECE living room set $400.

double bed $60, table ft choirs $30, 386-2946 10000 BTU air conditioner, $150, Water bed, queen, complete $150; Healolator with blowers, $300. 285-8750 BAR and two stools, good condi tion, $75. 391-1678 82 John Deere 317 Hvdrostal lawn trocler, 17 HP, 48' mower deck, used approx. 6C hrs, $3700. 391-3673 800 SQ.

FT. GARDEN PLOTS $30 EACH 322-5493 20" JOHN Deer push mower, 3U HP, $65. Alter 5 326-3189 A-1 JD 100 tractor mower ft snow blade, excellent condition, $695. 786-4670 or 786-6548 ACCENT LAWN LEISURE Brodv at Mt. Joy I la hone 386-1433 jzZZLi Super Sale on Lawn Tractors BAR, homemade, shaped, 'x3', $30.

326-4965 after 5 m. BUSHES free for the digging 200 feet of forsvthio used as hedge 319-263-0930. CUB CADET tractor with mower deck and snowblade, good con dition, with 4x8 tilt trailer. All for $600. 391-8309.

CLINCH IT WITH CLASSIFIED FALCON, outdoor go grill burner, valve and glass on quettes, $30. 359-5155 FREE bars manure for your garden. You haul. West Davenport. 324-6030 GARDEN seeder $15.00, Phone 319-386-4387.

GRILL weber side table, corn holder, good condition $30 ca 319-242-6028. GRILL, Charmglow, go lined $40. 391-3644 IH CUB CADET 122, 13 HP, Kohler engine, 48" mower runs greot, $950. 332-5568 J.D. 300, 16hp garden tractor, completely reconditioned, new 44" mower, $2500.

332-451) J.D. RIDING Lawn Mower 108, 30" blade, excellent cond. $950'best. 798 7474 JACOBSEN 21" mower, sell pro pelted, tide bagger, excellent condition, $165. 386-8762 JOHN Deer 210 tractor, hvdrollc, 39" deck, now blade, weights, chains, excellent.

$2500. 309-949-2898 JUNIPER evergreen: Low grow Ing spread compact ft dense LAWN GARDENING jfecL LAWN GARDEN 520 BAR 383-2232 MISCELLANEOUS BIKE, Schwlnn Lll Chik, like new, $65; Babv feeding table i with 2 choirs, $20. 787-3825 BLANKET, electric, new condition, $25; slow cooker, new condition, $10. 324-1098 BLIND, decorative woven wood, yellow and white, like new, $30. 744-8999 BOOKS 120 harlequin romance Paperback $10 355-2908.

BOOKS, competing and organic gardening, like new, cost $50 sell tor $15. 359-5525 BOWL and pitcher set $25 332-5547. BUMPER pod, babv tub, booster chair, potty chair, excellent condition, $15. 391-8125 1 CABBAGE Patch doll, new condition, $55; Sears fertilizer spreader, $10. 762-9533 CABINET, kitchen, $50; rabbit fence, $10; dishwasher, dresser, $25: 755-8242 CAR SEAT, GM infant seat, meets regulations, $20.

332-4692 CAR TOP carrier, cross bar type, good condition, $10. 2720 Jersey Ridge, Dav. CAR-TOP carrier, weatherized 27 cu.ft., braces, only $100, bargain, 386-0346 CARTOP carrier, molded, good shape, $25; Golf club set, $25. Waxer, $25. 386-3631 CASH REGISTERS, large, 2, no tionol, $100.

(319 243-3097 CB BASE ontenna, $10; Chain twist, $50; Video sports orca de, $15. 323-4982 CENTRIFUGAL blower brunda- ge, size xlO, with 13 hp bell drive, $25. 355-2446 CERAMIC 14" tall miss piggy Pink dress $5 319-285-4476. CHAIN saw. Pioneer, 550, 18' like new chain, sprocket, runs fair, $50 or best.

332-7749 CHESS set. Onyx $15. pedestal ash tray $10, apartment clothes dryer $40. 322-1632 CHEST of drawers, $20; Porta ble typewriter, $35. Good con dition.

355-606V CHEVELLE gas tank, $25; Lug gage rack, any small car, $40; Car speakers, $20. 798-2621 CLERION 4 channel 25 watt equalizer booster for car $70 or best, bumper pool table accessories $65 or offer. 322-5899 CLOCK, racing, Benzing 14 hole, $100. 322-7158 CLOCK, traveling, 4285, Keep trying. $1.00.

391- CODE-A-phOnE answering ma chine, $100. 386-0842 COMMODE, upholstered, 1309) 764-9847 $35 CRIBS, two, bedding Included if desired; one white, one blond, $25 ond $35. 322-5433 cotton thread, 100 ball of assorted sizes and colors, $10. 794-0540 CRYSTAL chandelier, $55, Braided rug 8x11 $60, Orange drapes $40, 355-8944. DESK, large, oak, $30; 1 box of tiles, $5.

322-0509 DOG HOUSE for small dog $35 Patio overhead cover $150 Phone 322-2396. DOLLS -3 lovely antique German dolls, $75, $100, $125. 355-5118 DOOR, exterior, mahogany, 36' wide, hardware included, good condition, $45. 786-8805 DOOR: Inside, hardware, pump gorden sprayers, door, 41S, spravers, $5 ft $10. 355-1410 DOUBLE drain tubs, $15; Car vacuum, 2 bowling balls, $5 each.

324-6390 DRAPES, full length, off-white sheers rods, like new, 96" $50 ft 156" $65. 5 shades 36 60, $5 ea. Little used Lawn Boy grass bag, $135. Stereo-phona-8 track, $50. 2 bar stools, $5 ea.

332-8260 DRAPES, lined, 68x62, light brown, $10; Wool coat, 56, $5 355-S878 DRESSERS: 2 small, $50 It $20 Antique stroller, $35. 5x2' gal vonlzed tub, $50. Rocking choirs. 2 at $45, 1 $55. 326-5439.

EMBOSSING machine for print Ing with tapes ond type, volue $350will sell for $100. 374-6299 FENCE. 40 foot of 6 foot chain link with some accessories, $100. 797-2991 FENCE: Anchor brand, chain link, gate, posts, dog pen, size 14 x10', $95. 324-6535.

FIRE Place tools. 125. 359-6566 FIREPLACE, electric, $40; Big Wheel, $10; Rocking horse, $20; Chess set, $10. 319-289-4238 FLAG, American, huge 12x8 foot, 100 cotton flag, excel lent condition, $50. 788-1331 FOOD processor, $25; Rocking horse, Baby backpack, $5 Babv carrier, $3.

764-2617 FUEL barrel ond stood, 300 gal Ion, good hose ft filters, $30. (319) 285-9479, 323-8667 FUZZ BUSTER, radar detector $35; Old Johnson tube type CB radio, $50. 796-1770 GARDEN hose hanger, $1 Bumper car lack, $20; Metal floor lamp, iu, jzjohsu GARDEN seeder, $25; matching twin beds, $60i rocking chair. 798-2344 GARDEN seeder, $25; Molchlna twin beds, $60; Rocking chair. $15.

798-2344 GRILL, J2W Happy Cooker, black kettle, nearly new, $20. 386 -6180. HAIR DRYER osier table top $20, blssell upright vac $75. solid slate blender $25 324-0596 HAIRDRYER, salon type, nearly new, $.15 374 9.185 HAMPER and matching wall mount shelves, 115; Table HIDE-A BED, Serta sleeper, Earthtones, $110 or best. 794-1 9784 after 5:30 I HIDE-A BED, $150.

Maple dining room table ft 4 chairs $50. Colli' after 5, 355-2746. HIDEABED, brown, $100. 323- 0061 9a.m.-noon HOSPITAL bed ft mottress.1 handcrank, good condition. HUTCH, antique white, 39" wide 83" high, bottom part has en closed doors, $90, 359-4008.

HUTCH, china, $35; Mahogany buffet $40. 324-3064 LAMP, antique brass $40 00, Beige, swivel chair $40.00. Call 359-0495. LAMP, crystal, victorion, $35; water mattress, twin, $50; 2 speed sweeper, $15. 355-8638 mot a ik Thi.

i LAMPS.4 Amber (2-Table and 21 or 4 for $75. 285-4155 LIVING room set, 6 pieces. 3 ta bles, 2 chairs, 1-sofa. $400. Call anytime 391-3642 LIVING room, sofa, chairs, fa bles, reciiner and stereo, good Shape, Siooii.

(Jivi ZU5-4IW LIVING room set, 7 piece, all wood, cost new $450, sell for $175. 323-1411 LOVE SEAT, ploid, $100. 762-9886 LOVESEAT, matching chair, 1 year old, navy blue chintz with I florol pattern, $150. 326-6223 MATTRESS ft box springs. Sears best, $75; Water cooled fan, $25.

762-5432 MATTRESS ond box queen size, $60. 322-6798 MODEL HOME FURNISHINGS ft access. Some ontiques. 3017 Willowwood Dr. Belt.

Sat. 8-5. MOVING must sell. Rust stripe! velvet couch, $135. 2 Queen! Anne celery velvet chairs, $1001 each.

Love seat, cane bock sides, multi-pattern, siuu. An- tique oueen Anne outlet, isu Gloss top kitchen table with 4 rust covered chairs, $125. Ping pong table, $50. Eves. 332-4046.

MOViNU bate: 4 never useo lomps, new $60 each, will sacrifice for $20 each 332-6898 MOVING: Color TV, $100. 2 vel- vet chairs, $35 each. Crib, $35. Air conditioner, $100. Car seat, $5.

388-0486 PATIO umbrella table, mesh, steel, 48" round, 2 chairs, white, $50. 355-5034 RECLINE brown vinyl, healer ft vibrator, $170, floor lamp with marple table $10. 324-0581 kellinck. wonnugger. Drown, vinyl, $100.

787-4067 after pm. RECLINER. super buy, king size, beautiful green, good con dition, $100. 764-1514 after 4 redwood Picnic set, $60; bar. beaue grill, $35; Metal shelv Ing unit, $5.

322-2101 refrigerator jiuu; wosner $35; bed set $35; 2 chairs $15 each; 2 tables ft chair sets $15 each; loveseat $20; chest $10: air conditioner $40; mattress ft box springs $35. 391-1244 REFRIGERATOR $100. Gas stove $75. Air conditioner $150 19" color TV $100. 20 gallon; aquorium complete $50.

China hutch $50. 786-3546. ROCKER boston $35, deacon bench $30, wicker fern $35 323-2025. ROCKER colonial style wood! 14 I 1 I 1 I I I I I- LANDSCAPE CL ASS I LAWN GARDEN 520 GARAGE SALES 5J GARAGE SALE ADS ARE LISTED BY CITIES BETT. 3982 Valley View Dr.

Go rage Sale Sot. 9-5. Rain dote June 2nd. 3692 Moencks Rd. Fri.

ft Sat. 8-5. Bicycles, black 4, white T.V., clothes, roller skates, microfiche, wheel rims BETT. 3278 29th St. bikes, humidifier, lug gage, quality, clothing (babv thru extra large ladies); misc.

BETT. 3116 Moplecrest. Sat only Adult clothing, household, lots of misc. BETT. 3017 Wlllowwood Dr.

Sat 8-5. Model home furnishings access, with antiques. BETT. 2509 E. Dale Court, Fri.

9-5. Light fixtures, toys. clothes, houehold' items, misc. BETT. 2378 West Crest Court, Sat.

May 19, 9-3, clothes, toys, Captains bed, lamps, misc. BETT. 2304 Southview Dr. Sat only, 8-4. Like new infants-chil dren ft womens clothing, bench saw, toys, misc.

BETT. 2248Vi State Thurs. Sat 9-4. Lots of miscellaneous! Be therel BETT. 1517 Spruce Hills.

Sat. 8 1. Junior boys clothes size 4, old Hotpoint refrig, toys, mise BETT. 1450 Terrace Park Or Rummage. Toys, furnishings.

clothes. Fri. 4-8 p.m. Sat. 9-5.

BETT. 1444 Devils Glen Rd. Sat 8-4. Furniture, glassware, clothes, household, misc. BETT.

Broadview Church Rum mage Sole. 1330 Spruce Hills Frioov 9-4, Saturday til noon BETT. Garoge Sale, 3119 Oxford Dr, Saturday 9 to 5. BETT. MOVING SALE.

431 Mis sissippi Blvd. Sat. 9 om-4 pm Sun, 10 om-3 pm. Chest type freezer $100, downfitled sofo $550, dining table $550, cloth ing, endtables, lamps, mlsc BETT. Sot.

9-5. 3275 Fieldsike (Off of Devils Glen Rd.) Childrens clothes, toys, misc. BETT. SEMI ANNUAL, BASEMENT SALE Alt ribbon, straw wreaths, rakes ft decorative brooms, large se lection, 50 off. Paint (profit by our mistakes) our best lines: gallons, $4, quarts, $1.50 All decorative mirrors ft sale frames 50 off! Wallpaper, $2.50 a single, grasscloth, $10 a double roll.

Macrome, less 75. 2 pair of cream sheers, seamless, $2Spair. Many other bargoins. THE PAPER 8. PAINT SHOPPE 905 Slate Street 1932 Rldgowav ofl 21st SI.

near the old high school, neighborhood sale, Fri Sat, 8-5. Antiques, furniture, pong table, tent, camping fishing equipment, girls 1C speed bike, typewriter, Ludwig snar drum, lots of misc. BLUE GRASS, 809 Barker Revelle Edition, Sat May 19, 9 5. Clothing, chest freezer, hos pital bed and supplies, mlsc BUFFALO ml. W.

on HWV. 22 Antiques, type writer, lumber, furiture, milk cons, toys, canning lor, horse clipper ft sprayer, Items too numerous to mention. Rain or shine. Fri. -Sun.

8-5. DAV, May 17th -20111, 331 Rockingham. DAV. "After the Move Sale" 7310 N. Pine, Ridgevlew.

Sat. May 19th, 9-4. Furniture, games, household, misc. DAV. 722 Fillmore Sat.

4. Babv clothes (0-5), Adull clothes, baby Items, toys, mlsc DAV, 714 S. Ohio (3 blks. N. ot Rockingham) Fri.

-Sot. 9-4 Glass galore ond a whole lot morel Collectibles, clothes, depression glass, misc. ft etc. DAV. 707 LeClalrt St.

9 5. Hairdryer, wigs, clothes. DAV. 6616 Brodv. Sat.

only 9-1 Hlghchair, Maxl-taxi, car seat, portacrib, playpen, quality kids clothes (0-4), aver 100 girls dresses (0-4), Lot toys, bikes. Oak bumper pool table, movie camera ft prolec tor, furniture, lots misc. DAV. 6433 N. RIplevlN.

Brady to 65th). 9-8, Fri. -Sat. Boys 8-14, men's large, women XL clothes, dishes, pictures, mlsc, DAV. 6405 Appomattox.

Sat. only 10-4. Everything Must Go Mov Ing Sale. Sears Craftsman Edger, dishes, grille, mlsc DAV. 600-700 WAVBttYltD.llOa Annual Sole.

10 garage. 25 toml lies. Anything ft everything Sat. 8-5. Some ooen Sun.

DAV. 5316 Marquette. Fri. ft Sat 9-5. Garoge Miobok sale, speed bike, china, clothing DAV.

S12 E. Gorfleld, Sat. I- Clothes, toy, dish, Ice with cushioned seat like new DISHWASHER, portable, excel-condition $60 355-3297. codttlon, $65. 786-0248 ROCKER, Bentwood, hnrrilvl used, oak finish, velvet seat ana ooc, u.

rno uvj ROCKER, bentwood, very nice piece, vn. jjz-eai ROCKER, tlorol swivel) P.rlln. er, brown. $50 each. 355-2018 I i ROCKER, Rattan high backl swivel.

Very nice, 4 months old) $100 firm. 386-0648 ROCKER: gold upholstered, high bock, $15. 386-1969 RUG, wool, 9x14, forest green, $70. 323-0385, 326-4873 SLEEPER sofa, black nougahl de. queen size, good $100.

355-4976 enc i hlii flower, velvet, r.rt.rnrnl Ing, $1800 new, hardly used.l must see, 5WJbest. SOFA Bed ft matching rocker, I beiae leather upholstery, very! good condition, $175set. 2 Hv Ing room ennir, toriv Ameri eon tyi, gooa cononion, each. Maol end table, $50. best oilers.

Early American pictures, $10 och. 319-8VJ-2V29 or 374-1863 mil Or skates, mlsc $75. You remove. 391-320 ko machine $15, 319-386-9379. lamp, $5.

359-8652 i) 4.

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Life in the Quad Cities

The Quad Cities area combined population is close to 400,000. Located on the bend of the Mississippi where "the river runs east and west," the Quad Cities is made up of several close-knit municipalities in eastern Iowa and western Illinois.

Is Davenport the biggest city in Iowa? ›

Davenport, Iowa, with a population of more than 100,000, is the regional epicenter of the metropolitan Quad Cities, population 400,000, and the third largest city in the State of Iowa. It is a place proud of its unique heritage at the crossroads of America.

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Just £1 for 3 months

Billed as £1 a month for your first 3 months, £15 a month thereafter. Unlimited access across all devices. Billed as £1 a month for your first 3 months, £26 a month thereafter.

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The New York Times: Digital and Home Delivery Subscriptions. $1/week for your first six months year. Subscribe nowBilled as $4 every 4 weeks, then $25 thereafter.Cancel or pause anytime.

Which quad city is safest? ›

Cracking the top 10 safest cities in Iowa is the Quad Cities' very own Eldridge.

What is the black population in the Quad Cities? ›

The area's population exceeds 383,000, as previously mentioned. Breaking it down by race shows that over 90% of residents are white, 3.7% are black, 1% are Asian, 0.6% are American Indian or Alaskan Native, and 2% are multiracial.

How many casinos are in Quad Cities? ›

Vegas-Style Casinos in the Quad Cities

Today, three land-based casinos operate daily in the Quad Cities – Isle Casino Hotel Bettendorf, Bally's Quad Cities Casino & Hotel in Rock Island, and Rhythm City Casino Resort in Davenport.

What are the 5 cities in Quad Cities? ›

The Quad Cities is a group of five cities along the Mississippi River in the states of Iowa and Illinois. The five cities are Davenport, Iowa, Bettendorf, Iowa, Moline, Illinois, East Moline, Illinois, and Rock Island, Illinois.

Why is it called quad city? ›

1. First Things First: The Name Is A Misnomer. The Quad Cities region encompasses five cities total: Bettendorf, Davenport, Moline, East Moline and Rock Island. The name originates from a time before Bettendorf was considered its own city, and the name“Quint Cities” never quite took.

What river runs through the Quad Cities? ›

Situated at the only place where the Mississippi runs east to west, the Quad Cities (or QC, as us locals call it) actually consists of five cities nestled along the river: Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline (IL) and Davenport and Bettendorf (IA).

What famous person is from Davenport, Iowa? ›

Stuart Margolin, the Emmy Award-winning actor and director, was born in Davenport, Iowa.

Why is Davenport famous? ›

Davenport is the economic engine of the larger Quad Cities metro area that is home to several successful Fortune 500 companies including Kraft Heinz, Sterilite Corporation, Nestle Purina, Sears Manufacturing, and John Deere.

What is the sister city of Davenport Iowa? ›

Kaiserslautern had been chosen due to its similarities concerning the structure of economy, science and society. The sister city contract dates back to July 13, 1960.

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Pay just £3 for your first 3 months, then £26 per month thereafter. Smartphone-only access, on one device. Billed nothing for your first month, then £15 a month thereafter. Free trial offer not available to current subscribers.

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*Savings based on newsstand rates $3.00 Daily, $4.00 Sunday plus $ 4.99 weekly Standard Digital Access.

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Unlimited Digital Access subscriber: This is your all-access pass to the Los Angeles Times app, latimes.com as well as other benefits for $15.99 a month.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.