Rockstars — Greater Fool – Authored by Garth Turner – The Troubled Future of Real Estate (2024)

#1Landlord No.8 on 06.29.24 at 9:36 am

#28 Elon Fanboy on 06.28.24 at 3:00 pm
“Mass graves”

Yeah about those…

Not one single grave has been confirmed.

A good example of fake news, which the MSN uncritically ran, and caused a nation to self flagellate.

Imagine what else the MSN gets completely wrong.


So about this…

First, let’s be real: the government knows the truth on this file from the start. There is no way these findings were made and they didn’t know – and I will say didn’t know from the very start. Ignorance maybe claimed, but I very much doubt it.

So…I ask you…WHY?

Why the fast rollout of the narratives ahead of facts?
Why the aggressive media campaign?
Why the aggressive primary school campaign?
Why the ribbons, the t-shirts, the flags?

…especially as the truth and reality of the situation is far from conclusive.

Also, context! We’re talking about 100 years back. Death rates often exceeded birth rates in many concentrated population areas and major cities.

And so…why the aggressive media and school campaign that is short on details, facts, information and long on the opposite?

Well…I have a bit of a theory on that. I bet you knew I did!

Latest federal budget has $135B (that’s B for Billion) for court rulings it fully expects to lose against First Nations claims related to Treaty violations, land claims, damages, etc. Probably a matching $135B needs to be added to provincial budgets. That’s for starters.

Land is being given back to First Nations at a huge rate lately. Legal fact is that First Nations hold the legally (and also Crown) recognized land title to Canada.

Haida Gwaii just got more than million hectares to establish a nation in B.C. No Canadian court is able to rule against First Nations in land claims or Treaty claims because the facts and law is clearly with them. They are lawyered up because lawyers smell success and big legal fees. Any rulings against First Nations claims just ain’t happening as past 18 months have shown us, hence $135B in the federal budget…for starters.

And so…perhaps, just perhaps, the government here is preparing our children for a very different Canada within the next 20 years. Hence the narratives in the media, in the schools, etc. to mentally prepare the next generations for the reality that is ahead. Perhaps the assimilation that Residential Schools attempted on First Nations is being reversed?

In the mean time, watch your property taxes for all those very expensive budget lines to pay that $135B…times two.

And as we type…here is another court ruling, which while it may appear a certain way on the surface also (in my view) shows that there are clearly two classes of Canadian Citizens. Get used to it…I guess.

#2Ustabe on 06.29.24 at 9:37 am

There simply is no need to cowboy it, chase that top level thing. In anything, never mind investing.

Plenty of good firms offering private mortgage funds, private REIT funds with outstanding returns. Granted you need some coin to get in but:

1 month: .83, 6 months: 5.07, 1 year: 9.79, 3 year: 8.86 and since inception; 10.05% No muss, no fuss.

This is a private REIT I hold, primarily in secondary markets, broadly based across commercial and residential properties, I’ll take the above as opposed to chasing something like Tesla. I’d rather be up in Yukon, driving the Canol Road than worrying about what a dick like Elon is doing.

#3Diversified in Mississauga on 06.29.24 at 9:55 am

Excellent post!

I couldn’t agree more with the S&P 500, as my largest ETF holding is VFV.

Not sexy, but boy is it a “Rockstar” ETF!

#4earthboundmisfit on 06.29.24 at 9:55 am

How did Frank Mersch / Altamira miss the list? I rode that bus for a few blocks and then discovered Toronto Index Participation Units and never looked back.

#5tbone on 06.29.24 at 10:20 am

Sold off my 3 mawer funds recently and added to my
VFV and XEQT holdings in my registered and non registered accounts .
Deferred my OAS while i streamline my accounts.
Would of been all clawed back .
I will get more welfare later too .

#6crowdedelevatorfartz on 06.29.24 at 10:27 am

There’s a lot of crappy financial “advisor” firms out there.
Raymond James isn’t one of them.

Nothing quite so sad as a flabby, balding rockstar ….. unless they sold their songbook for over $100 million dollars…,%2C%20north%20of%20%24200M.%E2%80%9D's,%241%20billion%2C%20according%20to%20reports.

One can only imagine what the Stones “book” will eventually sell for.

#7Marlon Rando on 06.29.24 at 10:30 am

Actually, rockstar is a pretty good term for these portfolio managers.

Some rock stars are around for decades, like Keith Richards or Warren Buffett.

But most of them have one or two hits and fizzle out, choke on their own vomit, or (if they’re lucky) become the go-to track for rickrolling.

#8crowdedelevatorfartz on 06.29.24 at 10:37 am

@#4 Landlord
“And as we type…here is another court ruling, which while it may appear a certain way on the surface also (in my view) shows that there are clearly two classes of Canadian Citizens. Get used to it…I guess.”
The pendulum swings from one extreme to the other.
Give it another generation or two when the last of the “colonizers” are gone.
Immigration is in full “1 more million a year” mode
Taxes are still going up to pay for more, more, more and see how complacent the non native populace is to hand over endless reams of money for 1st Nations “reparations” that the tax paying voters had nothing to do with and no say, no rights and no appeal on how the money is handed out.

#9Ponzius Pilatus on 06.29.24 at 10:55 am

e million a year” mode
Taxes are still going up to pay for more, more, more and see how complacent the non native populace is to hand over endless reams of money for 1st Nations “reparations” that the tax paying voters had nothing to do with and no say, no rights and no appeal on how the money is handed out.
Maybe if we had not corralled them into reservations, which they were not allowed to leave without written permission, we would not be in this position.

#10Rip Snorting on 06.29.24 at 10:57 am

BCE just raised its dividend again punctuating a juicy 9%. It’s not that difficult to be a rockstar these days. But seriously …. Blink 182? Name one song without Google.

Look at the returns from a few Maple All Stars… CP, CGI, TRI …just a few as an ex of the many many CDN rock stars with many ten baggers among them. so many have missed in the fog of ‘balance’. Start with the balance sheet.

#11Boglehead on 06.29.24 at 11:03 am

You cannot compare a PM making bets with someone else’s money to what Warren Buffett does. Those two professions could not be further apart. WB found success from a genius level analytical mind combined with natural business acumen while a PM operates mostly on luck and salesmanship.

Also, Morningstar is a garbage rag. They gave that silly ARK fund a four or five star rating right up until it crashed. Nobody should take anything they say seriously. I’d wager my entire portfolio that WB doesn’t read that stuff…

#12TurnerNation on 06.29.24 at 11:20 am

Re. last Blog.
Bank of Mom? Pfft down payments are for Normies, Squares.
The Kanadian Kartel will hook you up. Just life in a Former First World Country. Everything is fake. Except for the skyrocketing gun violence.
Look at the stern finger-wagging dole out.
The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) has refused to renew the license of mortgage agent Manpreet Ghai following a series of fraudulent activities.

Ghai, who was licensed as a mortgage agent under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders and Administrators Act, 2006, submitted altered and fabricated documents to Manulife Bank of Canada between July 2020 and November 2020. These documents included 13 altered bank account statements and 11 falsified employment and income records to support 10 mortgage applications.

“Manulife advised FSRA that Ghai submitted fraudulent proof of down payment documentation,” the FSRA reported.

— —

Ohhh I bet Russian Army is quaking in their boots. Putting them on notice!!!
CityNews has learned Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan will be named the next chief of the defence staff.
Carignan, who currently leads the military’s reform efforts as the head of conduct and culture change, will replace General Wayne Eyre as the head of Canada’s military

#13Repurchase Disagreement on 06.29.24 at 11:32 am

Billy Idol sneering “Data-Driven Analytics and Large Language Models…. ooooooooh ” is the best!

#14Landlord No.8 on 06.29.24 at 11:33 am

#8 crowdedelevatorfartz on 06.29.24 at 10:37 am
@#4 Landlord


The thing is, they are thinking in terms of land. They ain’t making more of it.

Currently? Fiat? We all know that’s becoming more and more meaningless and is highly compromised and losing value by the minute.

#15Flop… on 06.29.24 at 11:37 am

I was walking through a paddock, I picked up a stick, I then stumbled upon a dead horse and proceeded to beat it.

Some people seem to think that although Vancouver is expensive to live in it’s worth staying for.

Should people be moving out to The Fraser Valley?

Beats me, but that’s what’s happening.

Chilliwack, as I’ve been regularly using as an example has migration inflow of nearly 50% new residents from Vancouver, the next highest percentage down is nearly 28% from Abbotsford / Mission.

So nearly 80% new residents just from those two sources where the cost of living numbers just don’t make sense for a lot of folks.

Vancouver on the other hand, total different story.

Their source of new residents is made up from a lot higher percentage of people from other provinces who think that they’ll be able to solve the rubix cube.

Toronto at 14%, Calgary at 10% ,Edmonton at 8% and Montreal are solid contributors to keep the human hamster wheel turning over.

I think I read somewhere that Toronto is expected to pass Vancouver later this year as the most expensive real estate market in Canada.

Vancouver as a destination for real estate migrants looking for a cheaper place to live, I didn’t see that coming…


#16Underemployed Realtor-WestJet Ticket Retailer on 06.29.24 at 11:53 am

Hey Ryan!

Let me be the Rockstar for any blog visitors looking for a wonderful start to summer vacation this weekend!

We are offering Unlimited virtual travel tickets on WestJet all weekend, anywhere in the World, for only $499 per ticket!

An amazing deal! Payments accept through e-transfer and Bitcoin by 6pm today.

Thanks for helping our critical industry, haven’t had a sale in nearly two years.


#17RAH on 06.29.24 at 11:53 am

Re: Todays photo


Those are not pants..its a lower body tattoo.

#18David on 06.29.24 at 11:57 am

Ryan good post. But rather than traditionally comparing with the s and p500. My observation is that the Nasdaq 100 is also another comparable that needs to be mentioned and compared with more. Given we are more seeing growth in non financial firms and more innovative themes will be more tech/data/growth oriented terms of innovation. In face many financial advisors and wealth offices now recommending Nasdaq 100 more and more for annual growth.

#19Josh in Calgary on 06.29.24 at 12:10 pm

“The Black Swan” and “Fooled by Randomness” both authored by Nassim Taleb should be required reading for blog dogs. What Ryan describes above is dubbed the “Casanova Fallacy” by Taleb. In essence he says that if you get 1000 investors together all picking stocks and taking high risks it is inevitable that one of them will have a string of good luck that will cause them to be rich. They will be convinced that this is due to their skill or that they have some innate ability to never be wrong. This is the fallacy. Through pure statistics someone was bound to have such a run, through no particular skill of their own. Of course this in no way guarantees the run will continue.
Another way of looking at it is the “Turkey Fallacy”. For 364 days in a row the turkey thinks things have been going quite well. The farmer keeps him safe and feeds him. Little does the turkey know, that tomorrow is Thanks Giving.

#20Quintilian on 06.29.24 at 12:11 pm

[1st Nations] “reparations” that the tax paying voters had nothing to do with and no say, no rights and no appeal on how the money is handed out.

None of us were around when the border between USA and Canada was established, using your crazy logic , does it mean that either of these countries can now claim that the imaginary line can be disputed, because the current inhabitants and taxpayers had nothing to do with it?

Much of the “reparations” which you refer to, are settlements handed down by the courts, in other cases they were negotiated settlements.

……but yeah I know what your reply will be : “the court system is rigged by wokesters right”?

The rule of law vs Crowdie’s faulty logic and lack of morals.

#21Dr. V on 06.29.24 at 12:41 pm

I remember investing in an RBC mutual fund managed by James O’Shaugnessey in the late 90s. It employed a “rules-based” strategy based on JO’s metrics, and had a
low MER for the time.

It was such a good seller they closed it to new investors not long after. They also had to add a small american
component for diversification, as i suppose there werent
enough Canadian stocks that fit the criteria.

I just checked it’s performance from 1997 to present compared to TSX total return. Shockingly close, but has lagged considerably last 5 years.

Conclusion: any investment strategy (value, momentum
etc) should converge to the index over the long term, but can have extended periods of over or under-

When interest rates were increasing, I sold my O’Sh
fund (was in RRSP) and locked in a GIC. I then took an
equal amount of cash I had in non-reg and invested in a Canadian ETF which pays me monthly divvies. So no net change in asset allocation overall, but better for taxes.

So I guess this story had a happy ending (So far)…….

#22Faron on 06.29.24 at 12:52 pm

#114 crowdedelevatorfartz on 06.28.24 at 10:17 pm
@#99 Faron’s Fiscal Fantasy
“The fact remains that children were swiped away from their families. They were placed in conditions rife with disease and abuse.”

The Kamloops Residential School that started the fires….
After $8 MILLION dollars of ultra sound radar scanning for the “mass graves”?
Nothing. Nada. Nebbish.
Eff All .

I assume you can show us in a report where they say they have found nothing?

Don’t fall into the denialist trap crowdie. You’re better than that.

Facts remain that kids were swiped from their families and deliberately placed in lethal conditions. Many parents and siblings, some of whom are still alive today, never heard back. We have their testimony in the T+R report.

The residential school project is horrendous by today’s standards. The least we can do is acknowledge the damage. If it take some millions to investigate the systematic neglect, abuse and infection of thousands, that’s a pittance relative to how much gets spent to investigate a single murder of a Canadian today.

#23Dr. V on 06.29.24 at 12:54 pm

133 Wrk.dover

“To match this on our phone, internet, TV costs, we need 25K of BCE stock, paying out sustained 8% dividends!

Plus more yet stock to cover the div tax.”

Hi Workie. I believe your portfolio is mostly GICs with a “home built” ETF of Canadian dividend payers, overall yielding a modest but comfortable income for living in rural NS.

But I couldn’t understand why you had to buy more stock to pay the tax on the dividends. So I looked up the dividend tax credit (23.85%) and the tax rates in NS.

Holy crap, you folks in NS pay tax at astonishingly high rates, including net tax on dividends for a portion of income over $15000 and from $25k upwards.

Lucky us, in BC we see no net tax on eligible dividends until over $55000 of income, and then at a very low rate until $90k.

#24Kevin on 06.29.24 at 12:57 pm

Slow and steady wins the race! Good reminders, Ryan. BTW, what has happened to Ackman? weird to see him so right wing now, drinking the Elon and Trump koolaid. It’s a shame, I liked him.

#25Today's Music SUCKS! on 06.29.24 at 12:58 pm

We knew this instinctively…but here is an excellent video on “The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse”

You think technology is making stuff better? Hmmm..

Recently watched Contact again…and this question is asked, interestingly from a movie that’s over 25 years old, yet hits the point square on and is very relevant to ask today.

Are we happier? You enjoy all this invasion of your privacy? Gathering of your data? Creeping through your contacts, photos, call history, browsing history?

Is AI going to make us ever happier?

#26Dolce Vita on 06.29.24 at 12:58 pm

Ya. There are winners and losers.

S&P 500 represents that in spades when you take a closer look.

I downloaded all 500 names, recorded their Jan. 1 2024 stock price vs. their latest Close price (yesterday) and here are the stats on the ROCKSTAR S&P 500 this Blog likes to quote:

# of Stocks negative = 195/500 or 39%

Stock Price Appreciation:

Highest = +187% (SMCI)
Lowest = -36.2% (WBD)
Median = +3.8%
Average (not weighted) = +5.4%

Here are the Top 10 stocks by Portfolio Weight which represent 35.9% of the S&P 500 weight:

Symbol …. Portfolio% .. Appr to date
MSFT …….. 7.19% …… 20.5%
NVDA …….. 7.01% … 156.5%
AAPL ……… 6.61% ….. 13.5%
AMZN …….. 3.69% ….. 28.9%
META …….. 2.40% …… 45.6%
GOOGL …… 2.25% …… 31.8%
GOOG …….. 1.90% …… 31.4%
AVGO …….. 1.66% …… 47.9%
BRK.B …….. 1.62% ….. 12.2%
LLY ………… 1.53% ….. 52.9%

So far this year, with Dividend Yield alone, I’ve beaten most of the “Rockstars”. I suspect I am not the only one that Comments on this Blog to have done this.

#27Steve on 06.29.24 at 1:13 pm

Ryan comes with the hammer, I love it!

#28crowdedelevatorfartz on 06.29.24 at 1:30 pm

@#9 Ponzies Presumptions?
“Maybe if we had not corralled them into reservations, which they were not allowed to leave without written permission, we would not be in this position.”

Who’s “we”?
Our great great great grandparents generation?
Certainly not this generation or the previous one.
Certainly not the next generation of taxpayers.
The endless reparations best not be squandered because …..there won’t be anymore cash to squeeze after this round of multi billion dollar payouts is done.

Especially if the taxpayers are 1st generation new Canadians that are 100% absolutely blameless in this cash fandango….like you.
In another decade or two…THEY will be the majority of voters.

#29Dolce Vita on 06.29.24 at 1:37 pm

RE: S&P 500

Had you bought the Top 10 weighted stocks on the S&P 500 list per the weightings, your stock price appreciation would be (as of yesterday):


Large “diversified” ETFs like VFIAX (0.03% Expense Ratio, USD $1.14T net assets, Yield 1.32%) had a YTD Return of:


or a 0% Expense Ratio fund like FNILX USD ($9.44B net assets, Yield 1.21%) for thrifty amongst you, had a YTD Return of:



Point being that if you buy an ETF that does not try to Index the Planet, you may well be better off in terms of stock price appreciation.

A more focused ETF that an entire Index may well be more lucrative.

The latter is in part how I like to invest.

And it’s U-S-A, all the way for me. I love you Canada but I love the returns from US Mr. Market better =

The Greatest Show on Earth.

Risk. Return. Baby.

#30Dolce Vita on 06.29.24 at 1:59 pm

Kudos to you Ryan.

Recall that Blog you wrote about good and not so good months in terms of returns?

You said May should be a good month. Was it ever. I cleared, after-tax dividends (cold hard cash) about CAD $32K. Best month so far. Aside: that’s after 30% in Non-Resident tax to CRA.

You said June would be so-so and it was. My worst month so far this year at CAD $10K in dividends, after-tax.

July shaping up to be a middling month and if I recall correctly, that’s what you wrote.


Keep blogging Ryan. To this Retiree you’re a Rockstar.


I won’t consider an ETF unless it gives a monthly dividend of at least 3.5%. And they are focused ETFs that don’t try to Index Planet Earth. And are managed. You get what you pay for in most cases.

#31whiplash on 06.29.24 at 2:12 pm

#22 Faron

Don’t fall into the denialist trap crowdie.

That is not going to happen because taxpayers are going to pay $5 Million over the next three years to fund a program to combat residential school denialism through Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs. Budget 2024

#32PeterfromCalgary on 06.29.24 at 2:15 pm

Humility is a good trait for any investor, but not such a good trait for a real rock star.

#33jess on 06.29.24 at 2:45 pm

humans vs AI

How much of the trading volume are executed through ai driven algorithmic trading?

#34Travelling on 06.29.24 at 2:58 pm

#26 Dolce Vita on 06.29.24 at 12:58 pm
Ya. There are winners and losers.

S&P 500 represents that in spades when you take a closer look.

I downloaded all 500 names, recorded their Jan. 1 2024 stock price vs. their latest Close price (yesterday) and here are the stats on the ROCKSTAR S&P 500 this Blog likes to quote:

# of Stocks negative = 195/500 or 39%

Stock Price Appreciation:

Highest = +187% (SMCI)
Lowest = -36.2% (WBD)
Median = +3.8%
Average (not weighted) = +5.4%

Here are the Top 10 stocks by Portfolio Weight which represent 35.9% of the S&P 500 weight:

Symbol …. Portfolio% .. Appr to date
MSFT …….. 7.19% …… 20.5%
NVDA …….. 7.01% … 156.5%
AAPL ……… 6.61% ….. 13.5%
AMZN …….. 3.69% ….. 28.9%
META …….. 2.40% …… 45.6%
GOOGL …… 2.25% …… 31.8%
GOOG …….. 1.90% …… 31.4%
AVGO …….. 1.66% …… 47.9%
BRK.B …….. 1.62% ….. 12.2%
LLY ………… 1.53% ….. 52.9%

So far this year, with Dividend Yield alone, I’ve beaten most of the “Rockstars”. I suspect I am not the only one that Comments on this Blog to have done this.


Does anyone actually know what Dolce’s investment portfolio is made up of?

If he’s earning percentage wise more on dividends alone than the capital growth of the S&P 500 rockstar stocks he indicated above on a year to date basis, either he’s an incredible genius or just in a continuous drunken stupor.

I’m trying to figure out which one it is.

#35batt519 on 06.29.24 at 2:58 pm

Keith Neumeyer is a Rockstar. In my most humble opinion.



#36RAH on 06.29.24 at 3:01 pm

Space X shares now for sale.
How high will they go?

Sky’s the limit ?

—-err … Sky is NOT the limit !

#37fomosapien on 06.29.24 at 3:09 pm

@#19 Josh in Calgary on 06.29.24 at 12:10 pm
“The Black Swan” and “Fooled by Randomness” both authored by Nassim Taleb should be required reading for blog dogs. What Ryan describes above is dubbed the “Casanova Fallacy” by Taleb. In essence he says that if you get 1000 investors together all picking stocks and taking high risks it is inevitable that one of them will have a string of good luck that will cause them to be rich. They will be convinced that this is due to their skill or that they have some innate ability to never be wrong. This is the fallacy. Through pure statistics someone was bound to have such a run, through no particular skill of their own. Of course this in no way guarantees the run will continue.
Another way of looking at it is the “Turkey Fallacy”. For 364 days in a row the turkey thinks things have been going quite well. The farmer keeps him safe and feeds him. Little does the turkey know, that tomorrow is Thanks Giving.

taleb’s made a ton of dough selling his doom books to the plebs. They guy is pretty much wrong all the time lol.

#38Ryan Lewenza on 06.29.24 at 3:10 pm

Dolce Vita “Kudos to you Ryan. Recall that Blog you wrote about good and not so good months in terms of returns? You said May should be a good month. Was it ever. I cleared, after-tax dividends (cold hard cash) about CAD $32K. Best month so far. Aside: that’s after 30% in Non-Resident tax to CRA. You said June would be so-so and it was. My worst month so far this year at CAD $10K in dividends, after-tax. July shaping up to be a middling month and if I recall correctly, that’s what you wrote.
Keep blogging Ryan. To this Retiree you’re a Rockstar.”

Thanks! I have my moments. For the record I see the potential for a small pullback as we approach the fall/election. In that last six elections the S&P 500 pulled back right around the election. But then I see a rally into year-end. All in all it should be a good year for the markets and our clients. Ryan L

#39Some folks born with no brain on 06.29.24 at 3:40 pm

@#88 Hello? Hello? on 06.28.24 at 7:06 pm
Last nights debate illustrated why the world is wanted a US presidential leadership change.

The die hard, bulletproof supporters of Biden who also (exist on this blog for years) said he was America’s best choice, are now commenting different.

His base is eroding. The jig is up.

Hey Ponzi, you still flying the Biden flag?
He is your guy after all.

Would you suggest Kamala take over?

If I were an American I’d gladly take the old truth teller over the old lying criminal.
Definitely a bizarre lot to choose from whatever your stripe.


Perhaps a double layered protective hardhat would help someone like YOU on an incoming nuclear missile.

You certainly know Biden is your guy.
You and Ponzie!

#40Enquiring Minds on 06.29.24 at 3:48 pm

Dolce…why do you rent with a +5M portfolio?

#41The West on 06.29.24 at 3:56 pm

#9 Ponzius Pilatus

e million a year” mode
Taxes are still going up to pay for more, more, more and see how complacent the non native populace is to hand over endless reams of money for 1st Nations “reparations” that the tax paying voters had nothing to do with and no say, no rights and no appeal on how the money is handed out.
Maybe if we had not corralled them into reservations, which they were not allowed to leave without written permission, we would not be in this position.


Ponz, when you say “we” did this, who exactly are you referring to? Did you sign anything into law? Who is alive that did this?

It is astounding to me, the masochism that is drowning the Neo-Liberal world. You are convinced you are guilty of something. I’m not. Can’t speak for you, but I had nothing to do with any of that.

#42RAH on 06.29.24 at 4:16 pm

Terry Glavin:
Canada slowly acknowledging there never was a ‘mass grave’.

There was much that was dark about residential schools, but no graves have been confirmed at Kamloops to this day.


That evening CTV News was reporting shockwaves rolling across the country: “The discovery of the mass grave is gripping the nation tonight. . .” By then, Trudeau had already lowered the flag on Parliament Hill. By Monday, the flag was down on all federal buildings across the country. The Toronto Star’s Monday edition: Mass grave of Indigenous children discovered in Kamloops BC. The CBC, also on Monday: “After childrens’ mass grave found, advocates say it’s time to scan all residential school sites.”

On Tuesday, June 1, Chief Casimir tried to set the record straight, referring to ground-penetrating radar surveys as the “initial horrific findings of what potentially could be, they are very preliminary . . . there could very well be children beneath the surface.” Three days later, on Friday, Chief Casimir was even more emphatic: “This is not a mass grave, but rather unmarked burial sites that are, to our knowledge, also undocumented.”



This week, being the third anniversary, Chief Casimir announced a “day of reflection,” with almost exactly the same wording as her 2021 statement, but with an important difference. Casimir described the same “unthinkable loss that was spoken about but never documented,” only this time it was that “the stark truth of the preliminary findings came to light — the confirmation of 215 anomalies were detected.” (emphasis mine).

Anomalies, not “the remains of 215 children.”


But T’Kemlups elder Emma Baker, who attended the residential school in the 1950s, told CTV News three years ago that she and her friends used to concoct scary stories about graves on the schoolgrounds. “There was a big orchard there and we used to make up stories of the graveyard being in the orchard,” Baker told CTV News Channel on Saturday. “There was rumours of a graveyard, but nobody seemed to know where it was and we didn’t even know if it was true.”

The credibility of the 2021 ground-penetrating radar study was also thrown into doubt in 2022 when Casimir and her council were presented with an independent site analysis showing that the anomalies were less likely graves and more likely the result of decades of ground disturbances — irrigation ditches, utility lines, backhoe trenches, archeological digs, water lines, drainage tiles and so on.


Within the T’Kemlups community, however, almost from the beginning there were serious misgivings about the way their story was being told. The 14 major families within the community made it known to Casimir early on that an excavation of the orchard site should begin as soon as possible. Three years and nearly $8 million in federal funding later, no excavation has occurred.



In any case, since the Kamloops story broke, the federal government has committed $320 million to assist in the search of residential school sites across Canada and to support “survivors.”



I am rather tired of this “facts” matter.

Many GF posters just swallow the racist kool-aid and lash out at innocent parties and then regurgitate what is simplydemeaning propoganda.

Yeah..we acknowledge some bad things may have occurred at residential schools…(just like no other institutions can claim innocence.)

Outright murder allegations are very dangerous..given many churches were vandalized and arsoned shortly thereafter this alleged “expose”.

If there were murders..the RCMP should be there and treat it like the Pickton Farm with forensic investigation staff and excavators going 24/7.
They have not…but WHY NOT?

$8 million UNaccounted for…no excavtions done.

Ground penetrating radar simply identifies anomalies..but one of these is a sewer line installed decades ago which plans show.

Also,whether caskets were used or otherwise…the grave would start to collapse. If these children were “murdered”..then by what means? Same or different methods.

This unfortunately creates a backlash.
Those involved should apologize and be reprimanded for spreading hate. At minimum they have lost their reputations and all credibility

Finally this fits the psycholgical tactic called
” Humiliation”, whereby a person or group has false allegation levelled at them ala ” When did you stop beating your spouse ??? ” as a means of compliance, then neutralize opposition and thus the targets are subject to ultimate control by the alleged “victims”.

No guilt here.
…..mostly because there is ZERO proof it ever happened.

#43Wrk.dover on 06.29.24 at 4:27 pm

#23 Dr. V on 06.29.24 at 12:54 pm
Holy crap, you folks in NS pay tax at astonishingly high rates, including net tax on dividends for a portion of income over $15000 and from $25k upwards.

The trick is to not have much; of anything!

On that hedge topic, when the promotional discount expires on the BCE bill mentioned, a person would need for example; 100k netting 3.2%/yr to cover it!

It’s easier spending down principal and being income tax free, than being a Rockstar!

#44Landlord No.8 on 06.29.24 at 4:29 pm

#20 Quintilian on 06.29.24 at 12:11 pm
[1st Nations] “reparations” that the tax paying voters had nothing to do with and no say, no rights and no appeal on how the money is handed out.

None of us were around when the border between USA and Canada was established, using your crazy logic , does it mean that either of these countries can now claim that the imaginary line can be disputed, because the current inhabitants and taxpayers had nothing to do with it?

Much of the “reparations” which you refer to, are settlements handed down by the courts, in other cases they were negotiated settlements.

……but yeah I know what your reply will be : “the court system is rigged by wokesters right”?

The rule of law vs Crowdie’s faulty logic and lack of morals.


The issue I believe is that the lines were drawn upon First Nation’s land, to which First Nations have legally recognized title and ownership claim. So…should they have to recognize those lines?

By the way, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled on this issue to a high degree already. US First Nations have claim in Canada. Look it up, it ain’t pretty reading.

“Supreme Court of Canada affirms the constitutional protection of cross-border Aboriginal rights. In a 7-1-1 split decision issued on April 23, 2021 the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) upheld a Court of Appeal for British Columbia decision regarding the constitutional protection of non-resident Aboriginal rights in Canada.

The practical effect of R. v. Desautel is that Aboriginal groups in the United States can now be recognized as holding constitutionally protected Aboriginal rights in Canada.”

Oh, there was a radio ad today for the Toronto Zoo. If you’re First Nations – entrance is free. Seems like a harmless promotion, and yet is also seems like there are two classes of Canadian citizens.

Change happens slowly little by little at first, then all at once.

#45Elon Fanboy on 06.29.24 at 4:35 pm

#22 Faron “I assume you can show us in a report where they say they have found nothing?”


No, that’s not how this works.

The accusers claim is of mass graves/unmarked graves.

Where’s there report/survey that proves that?

Anyway since you asked… the linked National Post article, that references this :-

“As of May 2023, Dr. Beaulieu has not released a detailed report of her findings and no “probable burials” have been confirmed through excavation.”

#46Landlord No.8 on 06.29.24 at 4:48 pm

#28 crowdedelevatorfartz on 06.29.24 at 1:30 pm
@#9 Ponzies Presumptions?
“Maybe if we had not corralled them into reservations, which they were not allowed to leave without written permission, we would not be in this position.”

Who’s “we”?
Our great great great grandparents generation?
Certainly not this generation or the previous one.
Certainly not the next generation of taxpayers.
The endless reparations best not be squandered because …..there won’t be anymore cash to squeeze after this round of multi billion dollar payouts is done.

Especially if the taxpayers are 1st generation new Canadians that are 100% absolutely blameless in this cash fandango….like you.
In another decade or two…THEY will be the majority of voters.

When I hand down “rental properties I own” to my ancestors, will have have no rights to charge rent for it? Squatters will be able to just live in them? No way.

They own the land we’re on! Treaties prove it. Courts have confirmed it.

They can charge rent for infinity, and will!

What is hard to understand?

This I the pickle of simple reality that is very hard to accept for me and for others also. We don’t want the First Nations to enjoy the benefit of the rules we force upon those we deal with. They have been swindled to a high degree and as you’ve noted, pendulum is swinging back, and swinging back HARD.

Canada is a land of renters. We rent from First Nations. We have to keep paying the rent. If we don’t, the landlords have rights. Just as I expect to have rights to be paid my monthly rent amount with my tenants.

Here is the rub…what happens when I claim owner use? What happens when/if First Nations claim owner use? …they seem to have started doing just that, and no court appears to be ruling against that right.

That’s when all that “graves” elementary school training I mentioned at the top will come in handy, right?

#47Quintilian on 06.29.24 at 4:51 pm

#34 Travelling on 06.29.24 at 2:58 pm

If he’s earning percentage wise more on dividends alone than the capital growth of the S&P 500 rockstar stocks he indicated above on a year to date basis, either he’s an incredible genius or just in a continuous drunken stupor.

Travelling, perhaps you would find it less incredulous if you knew, Dolce is a graduate of The Sailorman & Fartman Academy.

#48Landlord No.8 on 06.29.24 at 4:52 pm

#42 RAH

OK. But…all that elementary school propaganda training for a bunch of years already happened.

Are they going to correct that?

Will all the elementary schools I drive by remove all those orange ribbons from the school fences the children look at every day? Will they explain the error of this whole story with the same vigilance?

I fear the propaganda has done the intended work in the minds of the future generations for when we all live on an “Indian Reserve”? To be honest…clearly we already do. We’re just in denial about it still.

#49The East...Side on 06.29.24 at 5:04 pm

#41 The West on 06.29.24 at 3:56 pm

Ponz, when you say “we” did this, who exactly are you referring to? Did you sign anything into law? Who is alive that did this?

It is astounding to me, the masochism that is drowning the Neo-Liberal world. You are convinced you are guilty of something. I’m not. Can’t speak for you, but I had nothing to do with any of that.

You’re absolutely free and correct to hold those views.

However, realize you hold those views within the confines of a country/entity who’s realities and obligations and land title ownership supersedes your views and opinions.

Have you forgotten how quickly your Charter of Rights and Freedoms got suspended with the declaration of an Emergency?

#50Penny Henny on 06.29.24 at 5:32 pm

#137 Sean Melvin on 06.27.24 at 9:04 pm

On the blog topic….I had a good friend (Gen X) say no recently to her parents big “gift” for a down payment – she has rented her whole life. Unfortunately, for them she can’t wait until they go into the “light” so she can fix up their (baby boomer) messes and get on with her life.


Your friend sounds lovely

#51Barb on 06.29.24 at 5:43 pm

Ryan, you’d look great in that rockstar getup driving your Porsche! No suspenders required.

Happy Canada Day.

#52Faron on 06.29.24 at 5:46 pm

#42 RAH on 06.29.24 at 4:16 pm

If there were murders..the RCMP should be there and treat it like the Pickton Farm with forensic investigation staff and excavators going 24/7.
They have not…but WHY NOT?

Simple, the Harper government refused to fund any criminal investigations relating to the T+R findings despite numerous living witnesses to criminal acts.

#53TurnerNation on 06.29.24 at 6:01 pm

Company Towns are back.
Everything old is new again.
You will be free to leave at any time Comrade!
But you cannot afford to.

“”Costco To Build 800-Unit Apartment Complex In South Los Angeles

Costco is building a ‘mixed use’ 800-unit apartment complex in south Los Angeles – with 184 units designated as affordable housing, which some have speculated will allow them to fast-track the construction of an actual Costco Big Box store by taking advantage of a state law which removes significant red tape from such projects, the NY Post reports.

….According to Cohen – who calls it Costco Prison, the complex is “a bunch of small units along these long hallways, with a massive recreation center as an amenity space,” adding “From a plain view, it looks like an old school prison design,” due to its use of pre-manufactured apartment modules that can he brought to the site by truck.

The reason for the ‘prison’ look, Cohen says, is that “Costco was facing years of public hearings, millions of dollars of consultant fees, and an uncertain outcome,” in order to gain approval…..””

(From ZH)

#54Dude in Vancouver on 06.29.24 at 6:09 pm

#19 great call re. Taleb’s books. Of the two, “Fooled by Randomness” is the better read, and I agree that anyone interested in investing should read it.

#55San on 06.29.24 at 6:13 pm

ARK was definitely a rockstar in the early days of Covid. Incredible how it’s fallen.

#56Old Boot on 06.29.24 at 6:17 pm

#45Elon Fanboyon 06.29.24 at 4:35 pm

#22 Faron “I assume you can show us in a report where they say they have found nothing?”


No, that’s not how this works.

The accusers claim is of mass graves/unmarked graves.

Where’s there report/survey that proves that?

Anyway since you asked… the linked National Post article, that references this :-

“As of May 2023, Dr. Beaulieu has not released a detailed report of her findings and no “probable burials” have been confirmed through excavation.”


The most recent statement of agreed upon fact on the Kamloops IRS

“Tk’emlúps te Secwépemcand the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver shared newly published details of the Sacred Covenant on Wednesday (June 26). It is meant to be a shared path to reconciliation.

It includes seven “confirmation of truths,” as well as history of residential schools and the post-Truth and Reconciliation Commission events, specifically theTk’emlúps te Secwépemc reporting in May 2021 the preliminary findings of approximately 200 anomalies from ground-penetrating radar. Some of those anomalies may be the unmarked graves of former students.”

There we have it; the official designation for GPR findings in the old school orchard is officially “anomalies”.

#57Minski Moment on 06.29.24 at 6:24 pm

The Kobeissi Letter
JUST IN: US home valuations have officially reached levels previously seen in 2006-2007, just before the housing market crash.

Home prices are overvalued by 20% on a rent basis and 26% homeowner basis.

Both valuation metrics have risen by at least 4 TIMES in just four years.

This is the effect of rapidly rising prices with the median new and existing homes oscillating near all-time highs of ~$420,000.

At the same time, the annual income needed to buy a median-value house exceeds the median household income by a record $40,000.

The US housing market is extremely unaffordable.

#58Steve French on 06.29.24 at 6:24 pm

One thing for sure about these mass graves and court rulings in favour of Indigenous land rights and reparations….

… Basically, everyone in the “settler-colonial” countries is currently scrambling to try find an Indigenous ancestor in their family tree.

If by sheer happenstance you happen to find one … doesn’t mater how far back…. congratulations because you’ve hit “pay dirt” and you are now one of the oppressed chosen ones.

For all the rest of you… sorry for your luck.

#59Ustabe on 06.29.24 at 6:26 pm

It is astounding to me, the masochism that is drowning the Neo-Liberal world. You are convinced you are guilty of something. I’m not. Can’t speak for you, but I had nothing to do with any of that.

Somebody really should look up what Neo Liberal or Neo-Liberalism actually means.

Here’s a hint: Stephan Harper was and is a Neo Liberal.

#60ogdoad on 06.29.24 at 6:27 pm

Without rockstars who are the masses to be jealous of?


#61DonQuixote on 06.29.24 at 6:39 pm

Interesting…first Leon’s Furniture announced it was going to build housing, now Costco is building a mixed-use residential building around a Costco store in L.A. …a ready-made market.

Not a bad idea. If this takes off…

Korean grocery stores offer free shuttle buses to their big box stores…Loblaws, not so much. More, it wants to piss off their customers by checking receipts at the door. Way to go Canada

#62Phylis on 06.29.24 at 7:16 pm

Cathy, the rockstar she is, is singing,”it’s better to burn out than to fade away”.

#63Sail Away on 06.29.24 at 7:25 pm

The residential schools were a thing that happened. Way before my time, all concerning people back then.

Something for those involved to sort out. It falls well outside the ‘my business’ box.

I’ll spectate halfheartedly from the cheap seats…

#64fomosapien on 06.29.24 at 7:32 pm

@#39 Some folks born with no brain on 06.29.24 at 3:40 pm
@#88 Hello? Hello? on 06.28.24 at 7:06 pm
Last nights debate illustrated why the world is wanted a US presidential leadership change.

The die hard, bulletproof supporters of Biden who also (exist on this blog for years) said he was America’s best choice, are now commenting different.

His base is eroding. The jig is up.

Hey Ponzi, you still flying the Biden flag?
He is your guy after all.

Would you suggest Kamala take over?

If I were an American I’d gladly take the old truth teller over the old lying criminal.
Definitely a bizarre lot to choose from whatever your stripe.


Perhaps a double layered protective hardhat would help someone like YOU on an incoming nuclear missile.

You certainly know Biden is your guy.
You and Ponzie!

lmao, YOU certainly are a clown.

#65the Jaguar on 06.29.24 at 7:59 pm

‘There we have it; the official designation for GPR findings in the old school orchard is officially “anomalies”. -OB ++

Lots of ‘unbaptised babies’ could be there. “The common doctrine was summarized by Hugh of St. Victor: infants who die unbaptised cannot be saved because (1) they have not received the sacrament, and (2) they cannot make a personal act of faith that would supply for the sacrament.” There could be so many explanations. Bring me evidence not conjecture.

It’s a another great summer day here in Cowtown. Note the Bow has a little more sediment and it’s moving fast. Snow pack still coming down. The water main is fixed and will soon be green lit and we’ll have fireworks on Canada Day. The Chevron decision overturned, the Immunity Case likely to be decided on Monday, and Jaguar got a new black maillot swimsuit at Simon’s on deep discount without even bothering to try it on at the store. Fits like a naughty glove.

#66RAH on 06.29.24 at 8:18 pm

Advocates in Manitoba frustrated with lack of movement on landfill search


Ahead of Red Dress Day on Sunday, a time meant to raise awareness about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), frustration is boiling over in Winnipeg.

“Why is it OK to leave Indigenous women’s remains in the landfill while non-Indigenous people are being searched for without a second hesitation?” said Cambria Harris, the daughter of Morgan Harris whose remains are believed to be in Prairie Green Landfill.

“What’s the difference?” she said.

Wednesday, a Saskatoon landfill search began following an investigation into the disappearance of Mackenzie Lee Trottier, who has been missing for over three years.

In Winnipeg, calls to have Prairie Green Landfill searched for the remains of three Indigenous women, including Harris’ mother, Marcedes Myran, and Buffalo Woman, have been ongoing since spring of 2022.


A search of the landfill was promised by current Premier Wab Kinew as a part of his election campaign.

In February, he announced he was confident the search would take place within the year. The province said there has been no updates regarding timelines, but noted it would keep watch over what happens in Saskatoon.

One month later, the provincial and federal governments have committed a collective $40 million to find the remains of the slain women.



$40 million…?!?

No doubt a very troubling story re: allegedly murdered women.

However…the story is so full of holes.

—They are “missing”…is there proof they are “murdered”?

—If so…what evidence exist that they are buried in the landfill?

—If buried there…this is more like a needle in a haystack scenario. This landfill has thousands of tons of clay…250 tons of asbestos and 1500 tons of animal remains all spread out and 40 ft deep.

Police even feel that (2) alleged victims are buried in a different landfill.

— $40 Million dollars … and then what?

— Could this money be better spent on other societal needs and priorities ?

This matter is far too politicized, irrational and thus quite disrespectful by allowing these missing women to be pawns.

It creates entitlement on one side and disillusionment on the other.

Not Good .

#67crowdedelevatorfartz on 06.29.24 at 9:03 pm

@#60 og
“Without rockstars who are the masses to be jealous of?”

Dotcom billionaires ex wives….

#68Landlord No.8 on 06.29.24 at 9:15 pm

#58 Steve French on 06.29.24 at 6:24 pm
One thing for sure about these mass graves and court rulings in favour of Indigenous land rights and reparations….

… Basically, everyone in the “settler-colonial” countries is currently scrambling to try find an Indigenous ancestor in their family tree.

If by sheer happenstance you happen to find one … doesn’t mater how far back…. congratulations because you’ve hit “pay dirt” and you are now one of the oppressed chosen ones.

For all the rest of you… sorry for your luck.

If we managed to secure terra nullius status in Canada like in Australia, perhaps this would be simpler. Instead Supreme Court of Canada ruled: “The doctrine of terra nullius (that no one owned the land prior to European assertion of sovereignty) never applied in Canada, as confirmed by the Royal Proclamation (1763).”

And so, buckle up – we’re heading for 2nd Class Citizenry.

#69mark on 06.29.24 at 10:28 pm

John Hussman is a good one.

Guy’s been shamefully no good for a decade and a half, but the media still wheels him out as the guy who predicted 2000 and 2008 when they’re trying to scare people.

#70Travelling on 06.29.24 at 11:03 pm

#68 Landlord No.8 on 06.29.24 at 9:15 pm
#58 Steve French on 06.29.24 at 6:24 pm
One thing for sure about these mass graves and court rulings in favour of Indigenous land rights and reparations….

… Basically, everyone in the “settler-colonial” countries is currently scrambling to try find an Indigenous ancestor in their family tree.

If by sheer happenstance you happen to find one … doesn’t mater how far back…. congratulations because you’ve hit “pay dirt” and you are now one of the oppressed chosen ones.

For all the rest of you… sorry for your luck.

If we managed to secure terra nullius status in Canada like in Australia, perhaps this would be simpler. Instead Supreme Court of Canada ruled: “The doctrine of terra nullius (that no one owned the land prior to European assertion of sovereignty) never applied in Canada, as confirmed by the Royal Proclamation (1763).”

And so, buckle up – we’re heading for 2nd Class Citizenry.


It’s pretty sad to read. The conquered peoples apparently are all about revenge and debasing others as 2nd class citizens, indenturing them into unlimited slavery. Maybe even putting them in reserves.

Looks like no one learns from the past. I thought it’s all about truth and reconciliation but it’s clear to see it’s all about domination.

Good luck with that fantasy. If commenting here is the best that you can do to get attention on your plight, I suspect things will not go well for you.

Maybe Ryan’s topic was boring for you but it’s really tiring seeing your type of comments on here. Not that I can do anything about it (it’s Garth’s blog, he decides what he wants posted). Ultimately, I can understand why few people can respect individuals like you.

From my viewpoint, if this is what First Nations people feel about 41 million Canadians (I hope it’s not the case) and want to turn them into their slaves, I suspect at one point, 41 million Canadians will squish them like a bug. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes us all equal. Anyone who tries to take that away will not survive long.

#71RAH on 06.29.24 at 11:46 pm

Another bankrupt condo developer.

Huge excavation/hole left in the ground.

“La Pue” in Niagara Falls

#72Landlord No.8 on 06.30.24 at 12:59 am

#70 Travelling

My commentary is for informative purpose only.

For whatever reason, this issue, these serious court cases, these Canadian existential realities are not getting the level of exposure and awareness considering their importance and budgetary impacts for one.

I don’t make them be true and I certainly don’t benefit from them happening. I’m the 2nd class Canadian citizen who has to pay to enter the Toronto Zoo instead of getting in free like First Nations. I’m the 2nd class Canadian citizen who couldn’t enter Joffre Lakes park because of the First Nation harvest. I am the 2nd class citizen colonizer who’s wallet this $135B in latest federal budget amount toward these currently filed First Nations cases (so far) will be partially requested from. And likely an equal provincial amount to match as the two tend to share the damages 50/50, so if feds are budgeting $135B total, it’s a safe bet provinces will be matching…like that $10B back-owed treaty case in Ontario.

I’m trying to make sense of it all. What it is likely to mean? What will the consequences be my property taxes, my status as a citizen, to the young ones now being trained in school about these questionable graves mentioned yesterday in the blog?

It’s all a lot to process you must admit.

We’re certainly not going to solve it here, but maybe make some sense of what’s likely to happen.

And really what can we do? Nothing.

So far the only conclusion I can make out of this is to start to minimize my real estate profile, because that’s likely the biggest risk to either “special property tax assessments” to address these huge First Nations neglected backpay budget line items and these deficit budgets in general. Also, likely future tax costs will be much higher as it appears these treaties as they are won’t stand the legal tests and will become much more expensive for feds and provinces to cover the back costs of and future costs as well. Then there are the extreme possibilities like that mess in B.C. where you suddenly find yourself on reserve – in my view a real risk for anyone in the bunny patch for example.

But is it happening right now?

Well…yes. The extreme B.C. thing happened. $76B of that $135B appears due. New treaties terms are being court ordered. Should we not be paying attention to what this means to Canada? To CAD? To inflation? To budgets and our taxes? Seems irresponsible to pretend this isn’t a thing that has fiscal consequences at the very least.

#73Slim Pickens on 06.30.24 at 3:37 am

The natural market cometh.

Developers are getting yanked. But, it’s evil doppelgänger is City Hall etc layering on hundreds of thousands of costs of permits and licenses. The ‘fees’ add up to over $300,000 per unit. There’s how we get affordability back. City Hall is 50% of the cost. That’s gotta stop.

#74Wrk.dover on 06.30.24 at 6:57 am

When I was a child; I used to wonder why the (now aptly renamed ‘people of the First Nations’) don’t evict us, and; why the government doesn’t print money to give away!

Today, I read the fearmongering here and collect OAS!

It all took a while to come to pass.

#75Ryan Lewenza on 06.30.24 at 7:38 am

Mark “ John Hussman is a good one. Guy’s been shamefully no good for a decade and a half, but the media still wheels him out as the guy who predicted 2000 and 2008 when they’re trying to scare people.”

Funny I was going to reference him as well. He’s a smart guy and media loves him but his performance stinks. – Ryan L

#76Looney Toones on 06.30.24 at 8:15 am

#71 RAH on 06.29.24 at 11:46 pm
Another bankrupt condo developer.

Huge excavation/hole left in the ground.

“La Pue” in Niagara Falls


Pepé La Pue? That really stinks!

In the end they did build a lot of “zero bedrooms” yes?


According to census data, from 2016 to 2021, Toronto grew its stock of three-bedrooms-plus homes by 0.6 per cent, adding just 2,585 such homes. Peterborough created just 4,005 net new dwellings (less than 10 per cent of the 47,960 of all home types Toronto built in the same period), but 2,990 had three bedrooms or more, growing its stock by 7.7 per cent.

The fastest growing category of Toronto homes have zero bedrooms: Bachelor units grew by 28 per cent, jumping from 22,355 to 28,765.

#77Dragonfly58 on 06.30.24 at 9:43 am

Traveling, Landlord, and others. My take is that domination of the group now known as settlers is just a secondary goal. First and foremost is land and cash.
Please bear in mind that to many First Nations people the entire concept of Canada is just a settler construct , and something they want no part of whatsoever.
And ditto for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. All just Settler stuff and completely unrelated to the traditional practices of First Nations people.
Garth has set this up as a Real Estate and Investment blog. I can’t think of anything more important to Canadian Real Estate than the current Court cases regarding First Nations land claims .
Similarly the financial awards, both current and future, will no doubt be a very significant cost to anyone in the settler group in Canada.
Much more relevant to the blog than say fishing , hiking or even cars.

Rockstars — Greater Fool – Authored by Garth Turner – The Troubled Future of Real Estate (2024)
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