The French education system is becoming a popular choice for expatriate families. Why? (2024)

Discover why the French education programme is the new favourite for expatriate families. From bilingualism to critical thinking, I want to reflect on and explore some unique benefits.

Over the years, the French education system has gained immense popularity among expat families who seek an excellent education for their children while living abroad. I joined theInternational French School (Singapore)(#IFS) almost four years ago and can attest to the unique pedagogical approach to teaching and learning in this K-12 environment. This immersion has allowed me to gain valuable insight into the French pedagogical approach. Not only to learn but also assimilate and appreciate the distinct methods employed in the French system, some of which were familiar while others were entirely new. In this article, I will share my reflections on what I have discovered in the hopes of helping those considering the French education programme for their own family.

With a long history of educational reforms and a strong commitment to academic excellence, the French education system has gained a reputation for offering a unique and holistic approach to learning. Its focus on#bilingualism,#critical #thinking,#creativity,#cultural #immersion, and#academic #rigourhas attracted many parents who value a well-rounded education for their children.

In this piece, I want to examine why the French education system has become the new favoured program for expatriate families. By exploring the French education system's key features and advantages, parents can better understand its value and make informed decisions regarding their children's education. The reflections presented here aim to provide a perspective on the factors contributing to the popularity of the French education system among expatriate families and shed light on its benefits and potential challenges.

Are you an expatriate family looking for a top-notch education system for your children?


Overview of the French Education System

The French education system is divided into three stages: primary education (école), secondary education (collège and lycée), and higher education (université). One of the main attractions of the French system is its unique approach to education, which emphasisescritical thinkingandproblem-solving skills. In addition, the French education system strongly emphasiseslanguage learning, making it an excellent choice for expatriate families.

The French system is centralised and highlystructured, with a strict curriculum and standardised tests. In comparison, other countries like the United States and the United Kingdom have more decentralised systems, emphasising individualised learning and personalised approaches.

The Primary education curriculum in French schools includes subjects such as French language and literature, mathematics, science, history and geography, physical education, and art. In addition to the core curriculum, students receive civic and moral education instruction. Teaching methods in primary education focus on developing a solid foundation in literacy and numeracy. Teachers use various techniques to engage students, including group work, problem-solving activities, and project-based learning. The French approach to primary education strongly emphasises memorisation, rote learning and traditional teaching methods, particularly in the early years. In other countries like Finland, there is a greater emphasis on student-centred learning and collaborative work.

The Collège curriculum includes French language and literature, mathematics, science, history and geography, physical education, art, and technology. Students also have the opportunity to study a second or third foreign language. In the Lycée, students choose a track based on their interests and career goals.

Teaching methods in secondary education focus on building upon the foundation developed in primary education. Teachers use a combination of lectures, group work, and independent study to engage students. The French approach to secondary education strongly emphasises academic achievement and competition. Students are regularly evaluated through a system of exams and grades.

The curriculum and teaching methods used in French schools are rigorous and demanding. The strong emphasis on academic achievement can be challenging and rewarding for students. The French approach to education has produced many successful individuals in various fields and is a model for educational systems worldwide.

| Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse | AEFE - Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger | Ministère des Affaires étrangères français |

The French education system is becoming a popular choice for expatriate families. Why? (1)


Focus on Bilingualism

One of the biggest draws of the French education system for expatriate families is its focus onbilingualism. French education is designed to promote bilingualism, emphasising learning both French and another language. At IFS, this is primarily English. For expatriate families, this is an excellent opportunity for their children to become fluent in French and their native language. This prepares expatriate students to work in a global environment where language skills are highly valued.

French schools offer a variety of bilingual programmes, such as the two-way immersion programme, which seeks to develop both French and English language skills concurrently. This type of programme is often offered in primary schools and typically involves two teachers, one who speaks French and one who speaks English, who teach different subjects in their respective languages. Additionally, some schools offer more intensive programmes that involve complete immersion in a bilingual environment. There are also significant cognitive and learning advantages to bilingual education.

Bilingual education has several benefits for students, including improved cognitive development, enhanced problem-solving skills, and increased cultural awareness. Studies have shown that bilingualism can have a positive impact on a student's academic performance, as well as their social and emotional development. Additionally, bilingual education promotes cultural understanding and tolerance, encouraging students to appreciate and respect different cultures.


Emphasis on Critical Thinking

The French education programme is well-known for emphasisingcritical thinkingandproblem-solving skills. Students are encouraged to think independently and to develop their ideas, which can benefit them in their future careers. French education emphasises developing these skills, encouraging students to question assumptions and analyse information. This skill set is invaluable in any field, as it helps students make informed decisions and solve complex problems. In addition, the French education system emphasisescreativity, which can help students develop their imagination and foster their love of learning.

In addition to emphasising critical thinking and problem-solving skills, the French education system also strongly emphasises collaboration and creativity. Collaboration is encouraged through group projects and discussions, allowing students to learn from each other and develop their interpersonal skills. French education encourages creativity, allowing students to develop their ideas and explore their imagination. This emphasis on collaboration and creativity helps to create a dynamic learning environment where students can interact, share ideas, and develop their knowledge and skills. Furthermore, the French education system provides students with access to various resources, such as libraries, museums, art galleries and cultural trips which can help them further explore and develop their ideas.

Finally, a French education teaches students the importance of self-motivation and responsibility. Through this, students learn to take ownership of their education, developing the skills and abilities necessary to become successful in their future careers.

The French education system is becoming a popular choice for expatriate families. Why? (2)


High Academic Standards

The French education system has a reputation forhigh academic standards, making it an excellent choice for families who want to ensure their children receive a top-notch education. The French system is rigorous and demanding, which can help students develop a strong work ethic and a commitment to academic excellence. This focus on academic excellence, achieved through a combination of rigorous coursework, homework, and testing, can benefit students in terms of university admissions and job prospects in the future. A French education prepares expatriate students to meet the high standards of top universities and employers.

At IFS and other international French schools, we utilise various teaching methods to encourage students to think critically and develop problem-solving skills. One such method is the case study method, which involves students being presented with a real-world problem and being asked to devise possible solutions. This method encourages students to think outside the box and develop creative solutions to complex problems. Additionally, the French classroom also incorporates a variety of other teaching methods, such as the lecture method, which is used to impart knowledge, and the discussion method, which encourages students to discuss and debate different topics. These various teaching methods, which help to cultivate creativity and critical thinking, are fundamental to the success of the French education system.

I have also noted that student work strongly emphasises research and critical analysis, which can help students develop a deeper understanding of the world. Students explore different perspectives and gain insights into complex topics through research. The French system encourages students to think critically and form their own opinions. This critical thinking helps students better appreciate the world's complexities and form more informed opinions. French education also encourages students to debate different topics and construct arguments, which can help them to become better communicators.

The French education system encourages students to cultivate their talents and interests, allowing them to explore different subjects and discover their passions. The French system will enable students to specialise in a particular area, such as the arts or sciences, helping them develop their talents and interests. Additionally, the French system encourages students to pursue creative pursuits, such as music and art, to help them discover their passions and develop their creative skills. This emphasis on individual interests and talents can help students to develop a greater appreciation for different subjects and to identify their interests and goals.

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Cultural Immersion

Another benefit of attending a French school is the opportunity forcultural immersion. International French schools offer a rich cultural experience, which can help students develop an appreciation for different cultures and ways of life. This can be a valuable learning opportunity beyond the classroom, assisting students in developing empathy, respect, and a global perspective.

French schools often require students to complete internships or work experience placements as part of their education. This provides expatriate students with valuable practical skills and helps them build a professional network that can be useful in their future careers.

There are many different ways in which French international schools encourage cultural immersion. Some schools allow students to participate in events or activities that will enable them to interact with locals and learn about their culture. These activities could include visits to local markets, festivals, museums, language exchange programs, or cultural workshops. By providing students with these experiences, French schools are fostering a deeper understanding of the culture they are studying in.

Additionally, French international schools often have student exchange programs that enable students to travel to other countries to learn about their cultures. These exchange programs allow students to live in a different country and learn about its culture firsthand. This can be a valuable experience, as it can help students better understand the world and its people.

Finally, French international schools also offer foreign language classes (as discussed above) which can help students gain a deeper understanding of the language they are studying. These classes help students develop their language skills and gain an appreciation for the culture associated with the language.

The French education system is becoming a popular choice for expatriate families. Why? (6)



For many reasons, the French education system is becoming an "alternative" option for expatriate families. With its unique approach to education, focus on bilingualism, critical thinking, high academic standards, and cultural immersion opportunities; the French system offers an exceptional educational experience for children of all ages. Combining a rigorous academic curriculum with diverse cultural and extracurricular activities, French schools also provide enrichment programs to enhance the learning experience.

French international schools' commitment to bilingualism and multiculturalism ensures that students develop a deep appreciation for different cultures and perspectives, preparing them for success in a globalised world. Moreover, French schools like IFS emphasise fostering social and emotional development, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills, ensuring that students are well-rounded and prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century—top-quality education in a safe and supportive environment.

Choosing a French international school is wise for families who prioritise academic excellence, multiculturalism, and holistic education for their children.By selecting the right French school, expatriate families can ensure that their children can access the best educational opportunities and the most enriching environment to reach their full potential. During my time at the International French School (Singapore) , I have found that French schools offer a unique and rewarding educational experience that can open up a world of possibilities for the future.

The French education system is becoming a popular choice for expatriate families. Why? (7)


  1. French Ministry of Education website -
  2. "Why A French Curriculum". International French School (Singapore).
  3. "4 schools nurturing the next generation of global change-makers" Study International.
  4. The Agency for French Education Abroad website -
  5. "France: Education System." European Union.
  6. "eduscol" : Ministry of National Education and Youth - Directorate General for School Education.

The French education system is becoming a popular choice for expatriate families. Why? (2024)


The French education system is becoming a popular choice for expatriate families. Why? ›

One of the main attractions of the French system is its unique approach to education, which emphasises critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In addition, the French education system strongly emphasises language learning, making it an excellent choice for expatriate families.

Why is the French education system good? ›

STRUCTURED, REGULATED, VALIDATED AND RIGOROUS STANDARDS. French education uses both traditional and modern teaching methods and sets high academic standards and rigorous expectations in its curriculum. French education is regulated by the French Authorities who mandate the rigorous standard.

What is the problem with the education system in France? ›

State education in France is among the most unequal in the developed world: schools in poorer areas are so under-resourced that the education system is cementing inequality. Students from the poorest neighbourhoods are disproportionately hard hit by staff shortages.

Does France have a better education system than the US? ›

For example, the American system excels in developing student's self-confidence and ability to speak in public. The French education system on the other hand excels in giving students a deep understanding of concepts, while developing students critical thinking.

What is the aim of the French education system? ›

A Recognized System of Education

It is underpinned by these fundamental objectives: rekindle the love for learning, inculcate the culture of hard work, personalized teaching regardless of one's abilities.

How learning French is an advantage? ›

Because French is a foreign language of choice for so many people in the world, knowing French will also increase your chances of communicating in a non-English speaking country. You can use French to develop international friendships, as well as to communicate via the Internet.

Why choose France for education? ›

Quality education: France is known for its world-class education system. French universities offer a wide range of programs in diverse fields, such as engineering, business, the arts, and the sciences. This is one of the benefits of studying in France.

What are the difficulties in learning French? ›

French, with its gendered nouns and complex verb conjugations, does present some hurdles. Languages with unique sounds and phonetic intricacies can be tough. French pronunciation can be a stumbling block due to its nasalized vowels and subtle differences in consonant sounds.

What are the disadvantages of studying in France? ›

Cons of Studying in France
  • Language Barrier. Most of the universities in France have English medium options for foreign students. ...
  • Private Education is expensive. Although most of the courses are available at public universities, there is a little range of courses only available at private colleges. ...
  • Expensive Living.
Feb 18, 2024

What is France education system summary? ›

Education in France is organized in a highly centralized manner, with many subdivisions. It is divided into the three stages of primary education (enseignement primaire), secondary education (enseignement secondaire), and higher education (enseignement supérieur).

Do French kids have homework? ›

Secondary School (Collège) in the French system

Subjects are taught by specialist teachers, foreign languages are offered and daily homework becomes serious. In fact, it becomes so labour intensive that you sometimes don't see your child in the evenings.

Does France have a good school system? ›

The French education system has a reputation for high academic standards, making it an excellent choice for families who want to ensure their children receive a top-notch education. The French system is rigorous and demanding, which can help students develop a strong work ethic and a commitment to academic excellence.

How long is a school day in France? ›

School routine

Generally speaking, the school day in France is from 8:30 until 4:30, but it varies depending on which area you live in. This is longer than the typical school day in the UK or America, but there is a longer lunch break and two other breaks during the day. There are 24 hours of lessons a week.

Why is learning French necessary? ›

French is a major language of international communication. It is the second most widely learned language after English and the sixth most widely spoken language in the world. French is also the second most widely taught language after English, and is taught on every continent.

What is France's access to education? ›

Education is free and compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. Children under the age of 6 can attend écoles maternelles (nursery schools). Primary schools provide elementary education for those between the ages of 6 and 11.

Is French education free? ›

Studying in France isn't free, but when you choose to do so you'll enjoy relatively low tuition fees because the French government subsidies higher education. In this section, we will look at tuition fees for the 2022/23 academic year, as stated by Campus France.

Why is French worth learning? ›

A language for travel

France is the world's top tourist destination and attracts more than 87 million visitors a year. The ability to speak even a little French makes it so much more enjoyable to visit Paris and all the regions of France, and offers insights into France's culture and way of life.

What is the quality of higher education in France? ›

An internationally-renowned system of higher education

Numerous French universities and Grandes Ecoles place highly in the most reputable international rankings, such as the Times Higher Education, the Financial Times ranking, the QS, the Shanghai ranking and the European Union's U-Multirank.

Why is learning French good for your brain? ›

Studying French increases appreciation of other people and their cultures. Learning a second language strengthens first language skills. It has been shown to bring cognitive and academic benefits. The ability to speak a second language enhances reasoning, creative thinking and problem- solving skills.

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