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The Lazarus Constellation


A study on North Korean malware

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TABLE OF CONTENTSI. Rise of Lazarus ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Introducing the Lazarus APT group .........................................5Attribution: Links with North Korea .......................................5Targets & Capabilities ................................................................6Clarifying links with other attacker groups ...........................7Main Operations (2007 - 2015) ..................................................8

II. Lazarus’ New Motives (2016 - 2019) .................................................................................. 9 Fighting sanctions in cyber space ...........................................9Banks & ATM ...............................................................................10Targeting cryptocurrency business ........................................11New toolset .................................................................................11

III. Technical analysis of key Lazarus attacks ................................................................. 13Lazarus TTP .................................................................................13MITRE ATT&CK Matrix ................................................................19

IV. Incident Response: how to uncover an ongoing Lazarus attack ........ 21 Context ........................................................................................21First assessment ........................................................................21Attributing the attack ................................................................22Uncovering attackers’ activities ..............................................23Payload analysis .........................................................................25

V. Classifying North Korean malware and interpreting links ...................... 29 Dataset ........................................................................................29Methodology ..............................................................................30Visualization ...............................................................................32Reviewing results .......................................................................32Working hours and days of the Lazarus developers .............38Conclusion ...................................................................................39

VI. Detection & Mitigation .................................................................................................................. 41Vulnerability used .....................................................................41Detecting Lazarus activities .....................................................42Recommendations .....................................................................44

VII. Appendices .................................................................................................................................................... 45Appendix A: Abbreviations .......................................................45Appendix B: List of studied samples ........................................45Appendix C: SMB Bruteforce password list ............................49

References ................................................................................................................................................................ 51

Contact ....................................................................................................................................................................... 53

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Lazarus activities have been retroactively tracked back to 2007, under various names. For years, these activities were seen as acts of cyberterrorism and vandalism, since most of them systematically involved destruction of data and / or distributed denial of service attacks.

The Lazarus group was clearly identified and named in the 2016 Novetta report “Operation Blockbuster” 1. This report uncovered and attributed a large set of malware based on the analysis of the Sony Pictures Entertainment targeted attack. Attribution and tracking was made possible due to the group’s habits of reusing huge chunks of code in most of their malware.This report showcased how active and diverse the group is: using more than 45 different home-developed malware families, Lazarus has been conducting destructive attacks but also advanced and persistent spying campaigns all over the world, making it worthy of the “APT” designation. TTP, arsenal and targets reveal that Lazarus is composed of at least three different subgroups: the Lazarus “core”, aiming at disrupting activities and causing damage, Andariel, hacking for profit and intelligence, and Bluenoroff, motivated by financial gains.Uncovering its malware and activities didn’t stop the Lazarus group from continuing its operations or renewing its arsenal, as the rest of this report will show.

The U.S. Government, mostly through its CERT, is referring to Lazarus as Hidden Cobra 2.

ATTRIBUTION: LINKS WITH NORTH KOREALazarus activities have often been wrongly attributed to China or to unknown cyberterrorist groups. After identifying the Lazarus arsenal in 2016, researchers were able to track and attribute the group’s attacks, as well as monitoring their command & control servers. During an investigation, Group-IB discovered that Lazarus operators connected to a C&C using two IP addresses from North Korea ( and ). Moreover, analyses of compilation timestamps of the binaries used by the group in their attacks were consistent with North Korean working hours (see our analysis below). Other artefacts can be mentioned as well, such as the YMD date format found in Lazarus log files, which is used almost exclusively in the Korean region.

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Date formats by country. Yellow = YMD format

It is believed that Lazarus operators are linked to Bureau 121, a division of the Reconnaissance General Bureau intelligence agency (Group-IB). This attribution to North Korea was confirmed by FBI and NSA investigations, based on internal sources and the technical elements previously mentioned 3.

TARGETS & CAPABILITIESLazarus targets are very disparate, as the group has very diverse motives: intelligence, financial gains and disruption. Lazarus and its subgroups have been focusing on attacking governments, financial institutions, defense industry actors, IT and videogame companies. Geographically, most targets are located in South Korea and in South America.

Despite operator mistakes and the fact that their attacks are most of the time technically simple, Lazarus and its subgroups are well-funded and able to discretely maintain persistence in networks for years. They were seen adapting very fast, fighting against forensic investigators in real-time by repacking malware, erasing files or modifying encryption keys and algorithms in less than an hour after being discovered.

Furthermore, they have been leveraging many 0day vulnerabilities they bought or developed on their own throughout the years.

All of these operations come at a cost. The Bluenoroff subgroup is supposedly in charge of financing the whole ecosystem through big money heists.


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Lazarus shares some TTP with other North Korean APT groups and has been using crimeware malware.

— APT37 (Reaper)

Other names:

J Reaper (FireEye) J Ricochet Chollima (CrowdStrike) ScarCruft J Red Eyes

APT37 is another North Korean attacker group focusing on the Middle East and South Korea. Reaper uses its own set of malware and infrastructure, and its activities don’t overlap with Lazarus’. The first known attack attributed to APT37 was traced back to 2014. They rely strongly on known or 0day exploits and spear phishing to infect their victims.

The group was publicly exposed by FireEye 4.

— APT38 (Bluenoroff)

APT38 targets financial companies mostly in Asia. The first known operation took place in 2014 according to FireEye. The group was publicly exposed by FireEye 5. This report doesn’t clearly draw a link between APT38 and Lazarus subgroup Bluenoroff, which comes from the fact that FireEye classify APT groups following its own strict rules and criteria. To remove any confusion, we will be less rigorous than FireEye and consider APT38 to be Bluenoroff, based on malware code overlaps and TTPs. See the “Classification” part of this report for technical links with Lazarus.

APT38 TTP resemble those of Lazarus subgroups, especially how they carry out their attacks and chose their targets. They have been focusing on attacking banks connected to the SWIFT network. They will most of the time infiltrate a bank network through vulnerable exposed servers, spend months gathering information, doing reconnaissance and moving laterally in the network until they find a way to steal money. Once the theft is complete, they will try to destroy all evidence by deploying crimeware ransomware or wipers.

APT38 has its own toolset to maintain persistence, move laterally and manipulate SWIFT transactions. Their targets are diverse and worldwide: Russia, Turkey, USA, Uruguay, Brazil, Vietnam, etc. This group has shown some amateurism and carelessness despite being quite sophisticated, which is a common trait amongst North Korean APT groups.

— Clarifying links with TA505 (Emotet, TrickBot & Dridex)

TA505 is a financially-motivated threat actor mostly operating from Russia. This actor is known for phishing campaigns using banking trojans such as Dridex and TrickBot, ransomware campaigns deploying Locky and the wide use of the Emotet loader.

— McAfee’s mistake

Since early 2019, some reports mentioning links between Emotet/TrickBot and Lazarus were published. It appears, however, that these reports were filled with misconceptions and faulty logic, which led to misattributions.

Emotet is one of the most common malware loaders in the wild. It has been used by the TrickBot gang to install their eponymous banking trojan. Both Emotet and TrickBot are believed to come from the Russian cybercrime.

In late 2018, Emotet and TrickBot were seen deploying a ransomware called Ryuk in well-funded companies’ infected networks. Contrary to most ransomware, Ryuk asks for a huge amount of money

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to decrypt files, sometimes more than $100,000 (see paid ransoms 6). Analysis of this malware revealed that it shared most of its code with another crimeware ransomware named Hermes. Hermes was sold on underground hacker forums for as little as $300 in 2017/2018 and was quite popular during those years. Lazarus has been buying and using Hermes to cover their tracks by encrypting disks after a completed operation multiple times. Given these facts, some hasty researchers spread the idea that Ryuk and Lazarus were tied due to Hermes. This was also supported by the fact that researchers reported that they saw previous Lazarus infections cohabit with Emotet and TrickBot, which can also be observed during a forensic mission.

McAfee, in charge of investigating a Ryuk outbreak at that time, published a blogpost to clarify the situation and reveal some findings supporting that Ryuk was in fact coming from a Russian-speaking country and probably linked to the TrickBot gang.

— Latest proof of actual links

In mid-2019, what were initially seen as coincidences became more and more suspicious and some strong links were found during incident response missions, with Lazarus samples being dropped shortly after TA505 malware infected the network. TA505 and Lazarus IOCs were found altogether in bank networks and PowerShell post-intrusion scripts attributed to TA505 and Lazarus appeared to be very similar 7 8. From there, it is hard not to consider the fact that the TA505 attackers seem to be selling accesses to bank networks to Lazarus. LEXFO also found TA505 malware (TrickBot and Emotet) during its incident response involving Lazarus, which corroborates these assertions.

MAIN OPERATIONS (2007 - 2015)

Lazarus operations have been traced back to 2007. The first attack attributed to Lazarus was a DDoS against South Korean and U.S. websites leveraging the MyDoom botnet. The group has been very active ever since, conducting the operations below (Intezer 9):

Year Lazarus campaign Year Lazarus campaign

2007 Silent Chollima 2015 Tdrop

2009 MYDOOM 2016 Bangladesh Bank Heist

2011 10 Days of Rain 2017 WannaCry

2011 Operation Troy 2017 Hidden Cobra

2011 SierraBravo 2017 Polish Attacks

2011 Blockbuster 2017 Ratankba

2011 Joanap 2017 RokRAT

2011 KorDLLBot 2018 South Korean Power Grid

2011 Brambul 2018 GoldDragon

2013 KorHigh 2018 NavRAT

2013 DarkSeoul 2018 Lazarus Bitcoin

2013 KimSuky 2018 NK Gambling

2014 Destover 2018 RedGambler

2015 Duuzer 2018 LEXFO’s incident response

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II. LAZARUS’ NEW MOTIVES (2016 - 2019)


North Korea has been targeted by multiple rounds of financial sanctions and restrictions. In 2017, the UN and the United States issued many resolutions and orders that had heavy negative impact on North Korea exchanges 10.

To compensate, we have seen the Lazarus group focus on hacking financial institutions all around the world to steal money. Even though disruptive attacks keep being conducted, it is clear that Lazarus prefer heists involving big sums of money. Likewise, spying operations are still being conducted by North Korea but are usually attributed to the fast-expanding APT37 11.

The Andariel subgroup illustrates how Lazarus changed its focus from information gathering to financial gains. Precisely, Andariel was actively targeting the defense industry until the end of 2016, when they switched to attacking financial institutions, as showed by the timeline of the main Andariel attacks below: (AhnLab 12)

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Date Target Purpose

November 2015 Defense Intelligence

February 2016 Security company Intelligence

April 2016 Defense Intelligence

June 2016 Defense Intelligence

August 2016 Military Intelligence

October 2016 Gambling Financial gains

January 2017 Gambling Financial gains

March 2017 ATM Financial gains

April 2017 Energy Intelligence

May 2017 Financial industry Financial gains

June 2017 Financial industry Financial gains

October 2017 Travel agency Financial gains

December 2017 Travel agency Financial gains

December 2017 Telecommunications Spying

December 2017 Cryptocurrency exchange Financial gains

February 2018 Cryptocurrency exchange Financial gains

February 2018 Politics Spying

October 2018 ATM (FastCash) Financial gains

BANKS & ATMMost bank attacks are carried out by the Bluenoroff subgroup, while ATM attacks are usually attributed to Andariel. In both cases, two methods were leveraged:

J Spear phishing Watering hole J Vulnerabilities in specific and targeted software directly to perform supply chain attacks

One of largest attacks occurred in early 2017, when it was discovered that more than tweny Polish banks were infiltrated by Lazarus. The financial loss is unknown but the scale of the attack and its success is a testament to how capable the attackers are. Bank employees were targeted by several watering holes 13

delivering a payload through a known Silverlight exploit (CVE-2016-0034).

Lazarus also unsurprisingly targets ATM to steal credit card information. Lazarus targeted the ATM operator VANXATM in February 2015. The attack was sophisticated and leveraged a 0day in the antivirus software as well as a bad configuration of the update server allowing the attackers to install their malware on more than 60 connected ATM. It was reported that 230,000 unique credit card information numbers were exfiltrated to Lazarus C&C. The attack was attributed to the Andariel subgroup 14.

Another example of a successful ATM attack by Lazarus was uncovered by US-CERT 15 and Symantec 16

and was named “FASTCash campaign”. This attack successfully targeted banks in Asia and Africa, and forced issuing banks to accept fraudulent withdrawal requests. Different tailor-made malware were used in each attack. Such an attack involving ATM jackpotting requires physical presence and a mule network, showing how experienced Lazarus attackers are in carrying out advanced cybercriminal operations. Tens of millions of dollar were successfully stolen from banks.

Lazarus has also been targeting Point-of-Sale businesses with the Ratankba malware family they developed, showing that they don’t miss any opportunity to make quick money using custom tools 17.

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TARGETING CRYPTOCURRENCY BUSINESSESLazarus attackers have recently been focusing on hacking cryptocurrency businesses, with a particular emphasis on South Korean exchanges. These attacks are very profitable and most of the time quite unsophisticated, making them the perfect way for stealing money 18. The most significant attack was against Coincheck and ended up with Lazarus stealing about $534 million 19.

In 2018, Kaspersky uncovered a Lazarus attack they called “Operation AppleJeus”. The attack was sophisticated and targeted cryptocurrency users and exchanges. Victims were infected by a backdoored MacOS cryptocurrency trading software. Most samples used were compiled in 2017 20.

In the end of 2017, ProofPoint uncovered a new implant named PowerRatbanka. This malware was developed using PowerShell, which shows that Lazarus attackers are following the trends and their arsenal is in constant development 21.

Other Lazarus attacks were reported by Group-IB in 2018 against YouBit, Coinis and Yapizon with millions of dollars stolen in each case. All of the exchanges are located in South Korea, and spear phishing was the main intrusion vector.


Being exhaustive in the description of the Lazarus toolset would be a trite task, as the group is able to quickly develop custom malware for each target. They have also been seen using malware from other criminal groups, particularly ransomware, to make attribution harder and cover their tracks.

For instance, some Lazarus malware were found alongside Emotet and Trickbot, and the attackers will execute ransomware such as Hermes to hide their activities and fingerprints after a successful operation.

Recently, a new specific malware toolset was used by Lazarus in different attacks. LEXFO investigated such an attack involving malware from this set and will describe its findings in the next part.

LEXFO also noticed that the attackers were no longer using the VisualStudio C++ v6 compiler, and the most recent samples found were compiled using VisualStudio C++ v8.

— MacOS malware

Kaspersky uncovered an attack attributed to Lazarus leveraging a trojanized cryptocurrency trading application for MacOS. This discovery showed that the North Korean group is not slowing down and keeps improving its technical capabilities 22.The malware could be attributed to Lazarus mostly because of a hardcoded RC4 key found in other Lazarus malware and a reused C&C domain.

In the fall of 2019, TrendMicro also published a blog article where they uncovered a MacOS variant of the Nukesped trojan found in the wild, attributed to Lazarus 23.

— Mobile malware

Lazarus expanded their capabilities and developed their first mobile malware in 2017, by adding malicious code to a legitimate APK. This malware was discovered and analyzed by McAfee in a blogpost 24. The trojanized Android application was not spread through Google Play.Attribution to Lazarus is based on the communication protocol which was made to hide packets in the legitimate flow of TLS/SSL traffic, and some hardcoded values found in other Lazarus samples.

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— Attack scheme

Considering the vast amount of attacks carried out by Lazarus throughout the years, it is possible to notice some recurring patterns in the way the group operates. These patterns have not changed much since their first attacks.

J Intrusion through spear phishing, watering hole, bruteforce or web vulnerabilities Network discovery using custom or publicly-available tools

J Gathering credentials through Mimikatz-like tools and keyloggers Lateral movements using custom or publicly-available tools Fulfilling the attack goal: stealing money and/or information

J Covering tracks by wiping systems or infecting the victims with crimeware malware or ransomware

Lazarus attack pattern

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— Intrusion

Lazarus operators use a wide range of tricks to try and infect their victims. Their main vector is spear phishing, sometimes using 0day or known vulnerabilities. They also perform watering hole attacks and RDP password bruteforce 25.

Furthermore, they often exploit bad network isolation by hacking into webservers in order to try and access the internal network of a targeted organization. In this way,they were able to reach the server connected to the SWIFT network in the case of the Bangladesh Central Bank attack.

In an attempt at attacking a Chilean bank, the Lazarus operators targeted an employee with a fake job offer. They set up an interview via a Skype call where the targeted employee was tricked into downloading and executing a payload. This shows that the attackers are becoming more and more aggressive 26.

— Attempts to confuse attribution

Lazarus malware developers have been trying to fool researchers by introducing some “false flag” Russian strings as command names. The attempt was not convincing as it was obvious for native speakers that names were lazily translated to Russian. The Russian command names are still used to this day and can be used as a signature 27 28.Here are some of them that LEXFO found in a very recent sample:






These strings were used in combination with commercial Russian packers to try and fool researchers and journalists, at a time where they are often too quick to attribute attacks to Russian groups.

— Malware design

Lazarus malware usually have the following patterns:

J Multistaged J Command-line malware and tools J Designed to be run as Svchost services (for persistence) API are loaded dynamically

Lazarus developers usually forget to strip the PDB path from compiled binaries, even when they disclose valuable information such as what the malware does, its goal, or even the developer’s name.

— Communications

Lazarus malware often use a communication protocol that has been named “Fake TLS” 29 30 for communications. This protocol makes malicious packets look like legitimate TLS handshakes and communications might stay under the radar due to heavy TLS traffic on port 443.

This protocol can be found in most Lazarus malware. It is however hard to detect with Snort and Suricata rules considering the huge stream of TLS/SSL packets to monitor, which explains why it has been consistently used for years by the attackers.

Example of a Lazarus Fake-TLS packet:

0000 17 03 01 00 30 5d 15 3d a2 40 ef d2 01 25 ca 54 ....0].=.@...%.T

0010 26 5f 5d b0 d2 2f 2f 6d 2d ec 56 85 b0 4c a9 bf &_]..//m-.V..L..

0020 eb 97 be 31 ad cd de 3a b4 71 1e c8 53 96 0b 2d ...1...:.q..S..-

0030 c3 91 3d a2 15 ..=..

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A legitimate TLS packet would be structured this way:

Bytes Meaning

17 ApplicationData protocol type03 01 SSL version (TLS 1.0)

00 30 Message length (48 bytes)5d ... 15 Encrypted application data

In case of a Lazarus fake-TLS packet, the structure is:

Bytes Meaning

17 03 01 Fake TLS header00 10 Size of next packet < 0x4000

The first packet is a fake-TLS handshake sent to the C&C server:

0000 17 03 01 00 04 .....

Data are then encrypted using algorithms and/or keys different for each malware, usually relying on XOR operations or standard algorithms such as RC4.

Different and more standard communication protocols have been used by Lazarus. Simple HTTP requests with hardcoded URLs were implemented in some cases where attackers didn’t care too much about detection.

Here is an example of a Lazarus HTTP request:

GET /sub/lib/lib.asp?id=dn678 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */*

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)

Host: Connection: Keep-Alive

— Filenames

For payloads and modules, filenames are generally inspired by legitimate Windows services and end with “xxxsvc(.dll|.exe)”:








Lazarus has been using [filename].tmp and [filename].dat filenames for configurations or to store data to be sent to the C&C. Recently, they started using configuration files named [filename].dll.mui .

— Persistence

Persistence is usually achieved by setting the main payload as an AUTO_START svchost service, which means the malware will be loaded each time the user session starts through the command svchost -k [service] .

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— Packers

As Lazarus reuse a lot of code in their malware, they manage to evade detection by signature using free and commercial packers. Here is a list of the main packers encountered:

J UPX J VMProtect J Themida J Armadillo J ASPack J Enigma J Protector

— Third-party libraries

Lazarus uses statically linked third party libraries in their malware for communications and TLS/SSL implementation. The following libraries were seen:

J Libcurl (version 7.49.1) J mbedTLS / PolarSSL J wolfSSL

The Libcurl library with the same exact version is still being used in the most recent Lazarus samples. To compress data, Lazarus developers usually use inflate/deflate lib versions 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 as well as Zlib version 1.0.1 and 1.2.7.

— Third-party tools

Lazarus has its own toolbox, but operators will also use third-party legitimate tools when necessary. They mostly include credential-gathering tools and software allowing lateral movements. Attackers will pack tools that are widely flagged by anti-virus, such as Mimikatz, to evade signature-based detection.

The list of third-party tools includes:

J PsExec J Mimikatz J FreeRDP J SC.exe J Net.exe J ...

— Encryption

The Lazarus group uses standard and custom encryption algorithms. Custom algorithms are usually based on several XOR operations with constant values, while standard ones are common such as RC4, AES and DES.

They will sometimes use exotic ciphers like Spritz, an RC4-like algorithm they implemented in a set of malware described by Kaspersky. They have the bad habit of reusing encryption algorithms and keys in different malware, which helps detection and attribution.

Lazarus uses encryption for communications, hiding dynamically-imported API names to avoid heuristics and to encrypt their payloads. For the latter, they also use less sophisticated ways of hiding strings, such as Base64 encoding and alphabet substitution.

We will review some encryption algorithms found in samples below.

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— XOR-based algorithms

Most custom algorithms implemented by Lazarus are based on XOR operations with hardcoded keys. While most of them are pretty straightforward to understand, some are quite imaginative. Here are some algorithms and keys found in multiple Lazarus samples:

Algorithm Key Campaign / Malware

XOR 0xA7 Blockbuster

XOR 0x9E Lazarus downloader

XOR 0x23 FASTCash

XOR QzEc , wPof Attack on Taiwanese banks + LEXFO incident response

XOR-based 0xF4F29E1B Lazarus under the hood

XOR-based 0xCBF9A345 Lazarus under the hood

XOR-based 0x4F833D5B Lazarus under the hood

XOR-S^ / Phandoor (Troy)

XOR-1FE / Phandoor

XOR-7F8 / asdfdoor, FBIRat, Passive backdoor


Below is an example of a custom XOR-based encryption algorithm using hardcoded keys and constants found in several Andariel samples.

lpBuffer = buff;

LOBYTE(key4) = 0x82u;

v13 = buff;

key3 = 5;

key1 = 0x556F9482;

key2 = 0xAFC12058;

if ( (signed int)dwSize > 0 ) {

offset = encryptedBuffer - (char *)lpBuffer; i = dwSize;

do {

*lpBuffer = key3 ^ key2 ^ key4 ^ lpBuffer[offset]; key3

= key3 & key2 ^ key4 & (key3 ^ key2);

key4 = ((((unsigned int16)key1 ^ (unsigned int16)(8 * key1)) & 0x7F8) << 20) | (key1 >> 8); key2

= (((key2 << 7) ^ (key2 ^ 16 * (key2 ^ 2 * key2)) & 0xFFFFFF80) << 17) | (key2 >> 8);

++lpBuffer; nbBytesLeft

= i-- == 1;

key1 = ((((unsigned int16)key1 ^ (unsigned int16)(8 * key1)) & 0x7F8) << 20) | (key1 >> 8);


while ( !nbBytesLeft );

lpBuffer = v13;

size = dwSize;


A good example of code reuse is the “S^” algorithm (S-hat) recently seen in many Andariel malware compiled in 2016/2017. We found traces of the same algorithm in samples used in Operation Troy, compiled in 2010 and 2011 in a payload named bs.dll 31.

— RC4

The RC4 algorithm is found in a number of malware, as it is easy and quick to implement. Lazarus developers will sometimes modify it lightly and double the PRGA part of the algorithm to confuse analysts.

Below are some of the hardcoded keys found in samples 32.

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Hardcoded key

4E 38 1F A7 7F 08 CC AA 0D 56 EF F9 ED 08 EF

E2 A4 85 92

f9 65 8b c9 ec 12 f9 ae 50 e6 26 d7 70 77 ac 1e

53 87 F2 11 30 3D B5 52 AD C8 28 09 E0 52 60 D0 6C C5 68 E2 70 77 3C 8F 12 C0 7B 13 D7 B3 9F 15


The AES algorithm was found in many Lazarus samples: Electricfish, backdoors involved in India attacks, Joanap, various Bluenoroff samples...

— Spritz

The Spirtz encryption algorithm is not as common as the others but was used by Lazarus by one of their loaders to decrypt payloads. The key found was:

Hardcoded key

6B EA F5 11 DF 18 6D 74 AF F2 D9 30 8D 17 72 E4 BD A1 45 2D 3F 91 EB DE DC F6 FA 4C 9E 3A 8F 98

— C&C Architecture

Lazarus uses a standard C&C architecture with several layers of proxy servers. These proxies will relay packets from the operators to the implants or the other way around through fake TLS packets.

According to a Group-IB investigation 33, operators set up a three-layer architecture using non standard ports.

Domains and servers are usually leased in Asian countries and paid with bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies for anonymity. Lazarus used to leverage hacked servers for their C&C infrastructure but recent attacks show that they have moved away from it.

From a geographic point of view, most C&C appear to be hosted in the US and in Asian countries. The diagram below shows locations of more than 50 C&C that have been used by Lazarus in different attacks the past two years.

Lazarus C&C by country

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— Techniques used

The ATT&CK matrix 34 related to Lazarus clearly shows how active and diverse the group is.

InitialAccess Execution Persistence Privilege






Access TokenManipulation

Access TokenManipulation



Compiled HTML File Bootkit New ServiceCompiled HTMLFile

Brute Force

Exploitation for Client Execution

Hidden Files andDirectories


Connection ProxyCredentialDumping

Scripting New ServiceDisablingSecurity Tools


User ExecutionRegistry Run Keys/ Startup Folder

File Deletion



Hidden Files andDirectories

Obfuscated Filesor Information

Process Injection



Discovery Lateral Movement Collection Command

And Control Exfiltration Impact

Application Window Discovery

Remote Desktop Protocol

Data from Local System Commonly Used Port Data Compressed Data


File and Directory Discovery

Remote File Copy Data Staged Connection Proxy Data Encrypted

Disk Content Wipe

Process DiscoveryWindows Admin Shares Input Capture

Custom Cryptographic Protocol

Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol

Disk Structure Wipe

Query Registry Data Encoding

Exfiltration Over Command and Control Channel

Resource Hijacking

System Information Discovery Fallback Channels Service Stop

System Network Configuration Discovery

Multiband Communication

System Shutdown/Reboot

System Owner/User Discovery Remote File Copy

System Time Discovery

Standard Application Layer Protocol

Standard Cryptographic Protocol

Uncommonly Used Port

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— Software

Similary, they have been using the set of software below (list is not exhaustive) 35:

ID Name

S0347 AuditCred


S0239 Bankshot





S0002 Mimikatz

S0108 netsh

S0238 Proxysvc


S0364 RawDisk


S0180 Volgmer

S0366 WannaCry

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (21)

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In late December 2018, LEXFO was contacted by a company following multiple infections. The company was alerted of outgoing malicious traffic to a known Lazarus C&C that was being monitored.

About 5 machines were identified as infected in the network at the time. LEXFO immediately asked for RAM and disk dumps of the infected systems, as well as all captured encrypted traffic and began investigating.


LEXFO was provided with several RAM and disk dumps of the infected machines and three binaries as well as a configuration file and a batch installer, found on the computers and believed to have been used by the attackers.

Filename Type Size

igfx.exe PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64 260Ksqcsvc.dll PE32+ executable (DLL) (GUI) x86-64 2,6Msqcsvc.dll.mui Data 236svc.bat Batch script 643

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A quick look at the batch script revealed that its purpose was to deploy and install the RAT payload sqcsvc.dll and its encrypted configuration. The script also takes care of installing a persistent service named sqcsvc .

svc.bat installer script content:mkdir “c:\programdata\microsoft\sqcsvc”

move “c:\perflogs\1.dat” “c:\programdata\microsoft\sqcsvc\sqcsvc6.ldx”

move “c:\perflogs\1.dll” “c:\windows\system32\sqcsvc.dll”

move “c:\perflogs\1.dll.mui” “c:\windows\system32\sqcsvc.dll.mui”

sc create sqcsvc binPath= “%SystemRoot%\System32\svchost.exe -k sqcsvc” start= auto reg add “HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\sqcsvc\Parameters”

reg add “HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\sqcsvc\Parameters” /v ServiceDll /t REG_EX-PAND_SZ /d “%SystemRoot%\System32\sqcsvc.dll”

reg add “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost” /v sqcsvc /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d sqcsvc

Then, LEXFO started reverse-engineering the sqcsvc payload that was found in the RAM and disk dumps in order to assess the attackers’ capabilities and find the decryption algorithm for communications.


Our classifier tool didn’t show any strong link with other Lazarus samples, as the payloads we found were part of the new arsenal of Lazarus at the time. The only link found is a Yara rule match between IGFX and a sample involved in a Lazarus heist in Taiwan ( 9a776b895e93926e2a758c09e341accb9333edc1243d216a5e53f47c6043c852 ). The rule matched strings from the static library libcurl with the specific version 7.49.1 . We had to investigate further to confirm.

Filenames match Lazarus’ habits, as we have the payload named “*svc.dll”, its encrypted configuration file as a MUI-disguised file and a batch script to install the malware. The payload is also made persistent by registering it as a service, which is how Lazarus usually operate.

Looking closely at the SQCSVC payload metadata, we can see that its original name was sock_64.dll , the compilation timestamp is Sat, 03 Nov 2018 00:47:21 UTC which is consistent with North Korea working hours (UTC+9) and that it was packed using Themida Code-Virtualizer.At that point, Lazarus can already be considered the #1 suspect.

Filename Compilation timestamp

sqcsvc.dll Sat, 03 Nov 2018 00:47:21 UTC

igfx.exe Mon, 02 May 2016 03:24:39 UTC

hs.exe Mon, 01 Oct 2018 10:30:58 UTC

iehelp.exe Mon, 24 Sep 2018 11:12:22 UTC

iehelp2.exe Wed, 14 Nov 2018 14:02:19 UTC

swpsvc.dll Sat, 11 Aug 2018 14:14:54 UTC

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Having reverse-engineered the communication protocol and the encryption algorithm, LEXFO started developing a Python implementation to decrypt packets.

Here is the identified decryption function in the SQCSVC payload:

XOR decryption stub

A Python implementation is quite straightforward:

def decryptTCPData(data): output = ‘’i = 0j = 0

while j < len(data): i = 5423car = ord(data[j])while i >= 1870:

k = i % 256 i -= 187car = (k ^ (car + k)) &

0xFF j += 1output += chr(car)

return output

From there, we were able to write a script to automatically decrypt all traffic in the PCAP files exchanged between the implant and the Lazarus C&C.

---- 03:34:44.251294 ethertype IPv4, IP ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd.443 > sss.sss.sss.sss.53477: Flags [P.], seq 1459:1557, ack 1459, win 511, length 98

‘0000000B\x0230\x02”cmd.exe” /c “ping -n 1 XXXROOM0099”\x02’

---- 03:34:47.465025 ethertype IPv4, IP sss.sss.sss.sss.53477 > ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd.443: Flags [P.], seq 1477:1943, ack 1557, win 256, length 466


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:\r\n Reply from Destination host unreachable.\r\n


Ping statistics for\r\n

Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 1, Lost = 0 (0% loss),\r\n

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (24)


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Other manually executed commands:

“cmd.exe” /c “time /t”“cmd.exe” /c “echo 1000 > c:\\windows\\temp\\tmp1105.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “type “c:\\windows\\temp\\tmp1105.tmp””“cmd.exe” /c “type “C:\\Windows\\Temp\\temp0917.tmp””“cmd.exe” /c “type C:\\Windows\\Temp\\TMP0389A.tmp”“cmd.exe” /c “dir “c:\\windows\\temp\\tmp1105.tmp””“cmd.exe” /c “echo 1000 > c:\\windows\\temp\\tmp1105.tmp”“cmd.exe” /c “dir c:\\windows\\temp\\tmp1105.tmp” “cmd.exe”/c “type c:\\windows\\temp\\tmp1105.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “typeC:\\Windows\\Temp\\TMP0389A.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “typeC:\\Windows\\Temp\\temp0917.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “typec:\\windows\\temp\\tmp1105.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “dirc:\\windows\\temp\\tmp1105.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “typeC:\\Windows\\Temp\\tmp1105.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “typeC:\\Windows\\Temp\\temp0917.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “typeC:\\Windows\\Temp\\temp0917.tmp” “cmd.exe” /c “ping -n 1 XXXROOM0099”“cmd.exe” /c “ping -n 1 XXXROOM0099”“cmd.exe” /c “time /t”“cmd.exe” /c “type “C:\\Windows\\Temp\\TMP0389A.tmp””“cmd.exe” /c “query user”“cmd.exe” /c “query user”

The Lazarus operators also leveraged the RAT to get information on the infected machines, using the directory and process listing feature of SQCSVC . We decrypted many fragmented packets exfiltrating folders and files as well as running processes.In some other captures, we saw that the attackers were checking the state of a service named swpsvc . This name if consistent with other Lazarus malware such as the first payload sqcsvc , makes it very suspicious.

“[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService \x1a chec(s) 1060 :\r\n\r\nLe service sp\x1a cifi\x1a n’existe pas en tant que service install\x1a .\r\n\r\n “‘\r\nSERVICE_NAME: swpsvc \r\nTYPE : 30 WIN32 \r\nSTATE : 4 RUNNING \r\n (STOPPABLE, PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)\r\n WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)\r\nSERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)\r\n CHECKPOINT : 0x0\r\nWAIT_HINT : 0x0\r\n‘‘[SC] DeleteService r\x1a ussite(s)\r\n’

The Lazarus operators deleted this file when they realized that the company security team was investigating. Fortunately, they failed to delete it safely and LEXFO managed to recover the swpsvc.dll using carving tools.

This payload appeared to be a stage 1 RAT with a similar communication protocol.

Further investigations of the decrypted PCAP files also revealed two other DLL plugins that were sent and written to disk by the attackers: an injector performing payload injection in the explorer.exe process, and a keylogger / screencapper. Both these plugins were unknown at the time.We provided the client with newly-made YARA rules to detect all discovered payloads as well as a PowerShell script to automate the deployment process. We also implemented Suricata rules to detect the Lazarus fake- TLS and custom protocol traffic that can be used along with our Python script to decrypt the packets. This successfully stopped the attack and helped identify all infected machines.

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— IGFX tool

This binary was compiled on Monday, May 02 05:24:39 2016 UTC . This sample appeared to be a version of the Lazarus tool Client_TrafficForwarder described by Group-IB !REF.

This tool’s purpose is to forward traffic to another infected host in order to relay operators’ commands.

One interesting particularity of this tool is that the Lazarus developers used non-native Russian strings for command names, trying to confuse attribution:

Translated Russian strings to mess with attribution

This binary was compiled with a static version of libcurl v7.49.1, which is common amongst Lazarus’ samples.


This binary was compiled on Saturday Nov 03 01:47:21 2018 UTC .

SQCSVC configuration decryption

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sqcsvc.dll.mui decrypted configuration:

0000 31 00 38 00 38 00 30 00 30 00 35 00 37 00 35 00

0010 34 00 32 00 02 00 36 00 35 00 35 00 32 00 30 00 4.2...

0020 02 00 31 00 35 00 31 00 31 00 31 00 36 00 31 00 ..

0030 30 00 35 00 37 00 30 00 37 00 38 00 32 00 39 00

0040 36 00 37 00 39 00 32 00 02 00 6d 00 65 00 6d 00

0050 62 00 65 00 72 00 2e 00 69 00 74 00 65 00 6d 00 b.e.r...i.t.e.m.

0060 64 00 62 00 2e 00 63 00 6f 00 6d 00 3a 00 34 00 d.b...c.o.m.:.4.

0070 34 00 33 00 02 00 31 00 38 00 30 00 2e 00 32 00 4.3...1.8.0...2.

0080 33 00 35 00 2e 00 31 00 33 00 32 00 2e 00 32 00 3.5...1.3.2...2.

0090 30 00 36 00 3a 00 34 00 34 00 33 00 02 00 20 00 0.6.:.4.4.3... .

00a0 02 00 20 00 02 00 20 00 02 00 20 00 02 00 20 00 .. ... ... ... .

00b0 02 00 30 00 02 00 36 00 30 00 02 00 30 00 02 00 ..0...6.0...0...

00c0 36 00 35 00 35 00 32 00 31 00 02 00

This configuration contains two C&C addresses: and , both to be contacted on port 443, which is consistent with the Fake-TLS protocol implemented.The payload is packed using a powerful virtualization-based packer called Themida Code-Virtualizer. However, the attackers did not use the packer correctly and the non-obfuscated payload code can be dumped easily from memory.

According to BinDiff, the non-obfuscated payload code is up to 65% similar to the code of the IGFX.exe tool used by the attackers, compiled two years prior to SQCSVC , proving that they probably come from the same developer team or the same code base.The SQCSVC payload is able to:

J Download and write files on disks J Execute files or bash commands J Inject code in a running process J Listen to commands on a specified port (server mode) J Rewrite the configuration file with new values

The payload was similar to the one described by TrendMicro after a Lazarus bank heist in Latin America in November, 2018 36.

— SWPSVC (Stage 1)

The analyzed malware sample of the group Lazarus is a “stage 1” reconnaissance malware which implements Remote Administration Tool features.

The analyzed sample is a DLL library which is loaded by the svchost service, as it is registered as an AUTO_START service for persistence. The delivery method is most likely manual. In such case, the attacker drops the malware on an already compromised machine.The malware configuration is stored encrypted in the registry, unlike most Lazarus malware that come with an encrypted file as configuration. In our case, the configuration data could not be retrieved as it was fully erased before the investigation began by the attackers that didn’t need this component anymore since the SQCSVC RAT was installed.

The malware uses different kind of encryption for different kind of purposes. The first substitution-based encryption is used for decrypting encrypted strings in the static binary. The XOR-based encryption is used to obfuscate communications between the server and the client and to decrypt configuration content such as the Command-and-Control (C&C) server name and port number stored in the Windows registry.

This RAT uses the already mentioned Fake-TLS protocol for communications:

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Fake-TLS handshake sent by the RAT

The following commands are implemented in the RAT:

Command ID Description

0x19283746 Get information on the infected system (processor architecture, network interfaces...)

0x1928374C Write file on system

0x1928374A Read file on system

0x1928374F Delete file

0x1928374F Get process info

0x19283753 Kill process

0x1928374D Create process

0x19283756 Execute process as a given user

0x19283748 List files in a directory

0x19283755 Modify C&C configuration by changing the value in Windows registry

0x19283747 List local drives and network shares

0x19283750 Move file

— Downloaded modules

LEXFO found two downloaded modules in the decrypted packets that were deployed on specific targets.

The first one is an injector that takes a file path as a parameter and injects it in an explorer.exe process. The injected file is executed in a new thread. This injector uses RC4 encryption with the hardcoded key key to hide suspicious strings that are decrypted at runtime, and will write some log data to the file C:\windows\temp\temp0917.tmp .

The second module is a keylogger and screencapper. This file is a DLL originally named capture_x64.dll by the attackers. The keylogging and screencapping features are implemented standardly

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (28)


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We gathered more than 290 malware attributed to North Korea from various sources:

J Twitter J Various RE and malware forums J VirusTotal (Hunting) J Online sandboxes (HybridAnalysis, Any.RUN...) J Malware repository (VirusBay, VirusShare, Malshare) J U.S. Cyber command malware uploads J Threat intelligence reports J LEXFO’s own incident responses

We ended up with the following families:

Malware family

apt38_contopee polishbanks

powerratankba joanapbrambul

nukesped bankshot

killdisk mydoom

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (30)


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cybercom karbarcobra

apt37_summit hoplight

apt37_humanrights bitcoin

apt37 fastcash

blockbuster_sequel golddragon

redbanc kimsuky_shark2

keymarble sony

darkhotel redgambler

apt37_rocketman typeframe

safebank troydarkseoul

fallchill kimsuky

electricfish dtrack

hermesryuk sharpshooter

ratankba intezer

apt37_evilnewyear bangladesh_swift

volgmer backswap

wipall wannacry

hiddencobra duuzer

kimsuky_mysterybaby deltacharlie

Malware family

andariel_rifle apt38_dyepack

sony_sierraalfa ghostsecret

apt38 blockbuster_continues

sony_kordllbot vietnam

kimsuky_stolenpencil taiwan

applejeus_loader Lazarus under the hood (Kaspersky)

Samples were compiled from 2004-05-23 to 2019-10-22 according to compilation timestamps that seemed legitimate.

METHODOLOGYAfter several manual analyses of Lazarus samples, we concluded that the following links where relevant:

— Idenfifying links

After several manual analysis of Lazarus samples, we figured that the following links where relevant:

— Standard links: J Code reuse (Fuzzy hashes SSDEEP + MACHOKE) J Import hashing J Timestamps PDB

— Advanced links: J Rich Headers J Yara signatures (see next part)

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (31)

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— A word on Rich headers

Rich headers are added to standard PE headers in executables compiled using VisualStudio. It is a fingerprint of the compilation environment that can be easily decrypted and decoded. It can then be used to identify if binaries were compiled in the same environment, which is a strong relation. As we empirically saw that North Korean groups have been using VisualStudio almost exclusively, and there is a high chance that their malware-building infrastructure is quite conservative, we chose to develop a script to parse rich headers from samples and included it as a relation link in our classifier.

— Building Yara rules

For each North-Korean malware family we identified, we built Yara rules in order to keep signatures of the following implementations that are likely to be reused by Lazarus:

J Specific strings J Cryptographic algorithms J Cryptographic keys J Unique implementations of features:

J mapping of files J lateral movement J installing service J wiper implementation J handling logs J ...

J Way of dynamically loading API J Obfuscation J ...

We also built rules for statically linked library like OpenSSL, libcurl, ZIP etc. of specific versions, as Lazarus was seen to be pretty conservative in using the same versions over the years. Those rules were named lib_static_[lib name]_[version] and we attributed them a lesser weight than implementation rules as it doesn’t illustrate a strong enough link between two samples.

We built a set of about 100 rules that we ran on our sample dataset. To our own Yara rule set, we added auto-generated rules from Malpedia 37 when they showed accurate results.Before adding them to our ruleset, we ran tests on a huge malware set to make sure that the rules were accurate and there were close to zero false positive.

— Building similarity profiles

We produced a profile for each sample with fuzzy hashes, decoded rich header, compilation timestamps and matching Yara rules. We then compared profiles using nearest neighbor algorithms with weight we empirically tested to get the best results. Jaccard distance was used to compare fuzzy hashes. We attributed heavy weights for identical rich headers encountered in different samples and for every non lib_static_* Yara rule matches. Weights (W) were roughly according to this order relation:

W(Exact same Rich header) > W(Yara match (non lib_static_*)) > W(Machoke code reuse) > W(Compilation timestamp) > W(Yara match (lib_static_*)) > W(Rich header similarity) > W(Imphash) > W(Various metadata)

— Handling packers

Non-specific packers like UPX are handled separately: as fuzzy hashes become irrelevant, we dismissed them when computing weights. For more specific packers (Themida, Enigma...), we built Yara rules to identify them and considered them as a valid relation of similarity between samples since Lazarus uses specific versions of those packers.

When possible, we reversed the packed samples and tried to get clean unpacked executables so our tool could classify them indiscriminately and accurately.

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— Result review and improvements

We ran our tool multiple times and tried to analyze samples that seemed to be oddly placed or unique. We reversed each of them and adapted our classification methodology and criteria according to our findings, and ran the test again and iteratively re-applied this process until the classification was accurate enough.

— Building the graph

From there, we created a graph with samples as nodes and weighted links as relations between them.

VISUALIZATIONWe used the Fruchterman-Reingold spacialisation to visualize links and identify clusters. We ended up with the following constellation, where each dot is a sample and each link represents the strength of a relation between two samples:

Fruchterman-Reingold spacialisation applied to our relation graph

REVIEWING RESULTSOur tool revealed more than 2500 actual links between around 290 samples, which showcases that such a classification is relevant as Lazarus samples are rarely unique in a 10 years span period. We see clear clusters and many overlaps. This will shed some light on North Korean malware and groups, as the number of reports and campaign names grows and it can be hard to keep track and attribution is often confusing or unsure.

— Kimsuky

The Kimsuky group has its own cluster but we see Rich header and compilation timestamp overlaps with other Lazarus samples. Kimsuky and Lazarus are therefore likely to be working together, which is confirmed by the fact that Kimsuky malware were found on Lazarus targets several times.

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (33)

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Moreover, our tool revealed links between DTrack samples from the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) and Kimsuky samples: both use SQlite as a statically-linked library, but a different version (compiled on 2017- 10-24 18:55:49 for the latter vs 2017-02-13 16:02:40 for the former). Looking at compilation timestamps, we can see that some DTrack and Kimsuky samples were also compiled the same day (or close to) as other Lazarus malware used in campaigns:

(2019-07-29 13:36:26) ./dtrack/npp_bfb39f486372a509f307cde3361795a2f9f759cbeb4cac07562dcbaebc070364

<- Timestamp -> (2019-07-29 07:08:01) ./andariel_rifle/javaupdatemain_unpack.exe

(2019-03-01 00:07:25) ./dtrack/npp_3cc9d9a12f3b884582e5c4daf7d83c4a510172a836de90b87439388e3cde3682

<- Timestamp -> (2019-03-01 09:08:44)


This could mean that the groups are working together for some operations, with Lazarus doing the intrusion and handing the exfiltrating part to Kimsuky when the target matches their interest.

Finally, interesting findings stand out when looking at Rich header similarities. The Kimsuky stolen pencil sample has the exact same Rich header as samples found in Lazarus campaigns such as DarkSeoul and GoldDragon.

(2018-12-21 00:34:35) ./kimsuky_stolenpencil/1.bin

<- Rich ->(2012-07-06


<- Rich ->(2012-07-06


<- Rich ->(2013-01-31


<- Rich ->(2013-01-31


<- Rich ->(2013-01-31


<- Rich ->(2013-01-31


<- Rich ->(2017-12-24


<- Rich ->(2017-12-24


<- Rich ->(2017-12-24


<- Rich ->(2017-12-24


<- Rich ->(2017-12-24


— DarkHotel

Samples attributed to the DarkHotel group have identical Rich header as a lot of APT38 Nukesped samples, which is a strong link:

(2011-04-07 06:58:03) ./darkhotel/2b6288bbd81bb9d666c3a0372f26ede47c8c9ff11c604307982d51654fb9e850.ViR

<- Rich -> (2017-07-14 22:40:25) ./cybercom/d2da675a8adfef9d0c146154084fff62.bin

<- Rich -> (2017-07-11 18:26:59) ./nukesped/3EDCE4D49A2F31B8BA9BAD0B8EF54963

<- Rich -> (2017-08-11 05:03:45) ./cybercom/2a791769aa73ac757f210f8546125b57.bin

<- Rich -> (2017-08-01 16:39:36) ./ghostsecret/Sample_5ae56e2077d7dc0d380c3bfd_exe


The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (34)


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Though DarkHotel TTPs and malware are different from Lazarus, those groups seem to be working in tandem.

— Andariel subgroup

Clear Andariel clusters stand out, with malware involved in operations Red Gambler and Rifle. Those samples are closely linked with each other by specific and custom cryptographic algorithms found in malware from both operations. For instance:

yara_andariel_7F8: (2016-04-21 10:41:15)

./andariel_rifle/d246669cf1e25860f8601e456edd7156aa7304026ff4eadac18a2a82a18fabbf yara_andariel_7F8: (2016-12-01 13:56:28) ./redgambler/9a50be3def3681242f35d3c0911e2e70

yara_andariel_7F8: (2017-03-21 16:05:58) ./redgambler/2573d0ad00f4ba8ee86d7fce7454d963_unpack

Same cryptographic algorithm found in RedGambler and Rifle samples

RedGambler samples seem to be related to older samples from the Troy/DarkSeoul operation as well as an APT37 Navrat sample by their Rich headers which are identical:

(2016-12-01 13:56:28) ./redgambler/9a50be3def3681242f35d3c0911e2e70

<- Rich -> (2016-05-01 05:53:43)


<- Rich -> (2013-03-20 04:07:02)


<- Rich -> (2017-03-21 16:05:58) ./redgambler/2573d0ad00f4ba8ee86d7fce7454d963_unpack

Other Andariel samples are linked with various Lazarus samples. For example, Andariel uses inflate library version 1.1.4 which is the same version found in several other North Korean samples (GoldDragon, Fallchill, Dtrack...).

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— APT38/Bluenoroff

Bluenoroff clusters are linked by Rich headers, timestamps and code similarity. Most of the links are quite strong and make APT38 clusters the most distinguishable ones, meaning that the group doesn’t think it’s necessary to be sneaky and reinvent itself, but will reuse a lot of elements, from architecture to malware implementations. These clusters are mainly composed of the following malware families:

J Nukesped J Fallchill J Volgmer J Electricfish J Dyepack J SWIFT-related malware J Hoplight J Some Sony / Blockbuster samples J Malware from bank attacks (Poland, Vietnam...) J Destover J Bankshot J Fastcash J ...

Looking at the links, we can see that a Yara rule we built is matching almost 40 samples from our dataset, all of them attributed to APT38. The Yara rule was built to detect a specific RC4 implementation and called yara_apt38_rc4 :

rule yara_apt38_rc4 { strings:$s1 = { 8A 90 01 01 00 00 // mov dl, byte [eax + 0x101]

8A 88 00 01 00 00 // mov cl, byte [eax + 0x100] 8A 14 02 // mov dl, byte [edx + eax]8A 1C 01 // mov bl, byte [ecx + eax]02 D3 // add dl, bl8A 1C 2E // mov bl, byte [esi + ebp]81 E2 FF 00 00 00 // and edx, 0xff8A 0C 02 // mov cl, byte [edx + eax]32 CB } // xor cl, bl

condition:uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and any of ($s*)


This rule showcases once again that Lazarus groups reuse a lot of code for their malware. Here are some of the samples using this RC4 implementation:

yara_apt38_rc4: ./apt38_contopee/766d7d591b9ec1204518723a1e5940fd6ac777f606ed64e731fd91b0b4c3d9fc.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./nukesped/3EDCE4D49A2F31B8BA9BAD0B8EF54963

yara_apt38_rc4: ./nukesped/sample2.bin

yara_apt38_rc4: ./nukesped/34E56056E5741F33D823859E77235ED9 yara_apt38_rc4: ./nukesped/sample (9).bin

yara_apt38_rc4: ./nukesped/sample (1).bin

yara_apt38_rc4: ./nukesped/F315BE41D9765D69AD60F0B4D29E4300

yara_apt38_rc4: ./nukesped/32ec329301aa4547b4ef4800159940feb950785f1ab68d85a14d363e0ff2bc11 yara_apt38_rc4: ./cybercom/38fc56965dccd18f39f8a945f6ebc439.bin

yara_apt38_rc4: ./cybercom/5c0c1b4c3b1cfd455ac05ace994aed4b.bin

yara_apt38_rc4: ./typeframe/e69d6c2d3e9c4beebee7f3a4a3892e5fdc601beda7c3ec735f0dfba2b29418a7.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./fallchill/ca70aa2f89bee0c22ebc18bd5569e542f09d3c4a060b094ec6abeeeb4768a143.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./intezer/4a84452752cf8e493ae820871096044edd9f6453366842927148e7d8e218dc87.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./intezer/80b5cc9feb10fac41ee2958ab0f751bf807126e34dcb5435d2869ef1cf7abc41_z5Xv8XY4hN.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./intezer/7429a6b6e8518a1ec1d1c37a8786359885f2fd4abde560adaef331ca9deaeefd.

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bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./intezer/dbae68e4cab678f2678da7c48d579868e35100f3596bf3fa792ee000c952c0ed.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./intezer/a4a2e47161bbf5f6c1d5b1b3fba26a19dbfcdcf4eb575b56bde05c674089ae95.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./bangladesh_swift/4659dadbf5b07c8c3c36ae941f71b631737631bc3fded2fe2af250ceba98959a.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./bangladesh_swift/nroff_b.exe

yara_apt38_rc4: ./bangladesh_swift/evtdiag.exe

yara_apt38_rc4: ./apt38_dyepack/4659dadbf5b07c8c3c36ae941f71b631737631bc3fded2fe2af250ceba98959a yara_apt38_rc4: ./apt38_dyepack/5b7c970fee7ebe08d50665f278d47d0e34c04acc19a91838de6a3fc63a8e5630 yara_apt38_rc4: ./ghostsecret/45e68dce0f75353c448865b9abafbef5d4ed6492cd7058f65bf6aac182a9176a.bin yara_apt38_rc4: ./ghostsecret/Sample_5ae56e2077d7dc0d380c3bfd_exe

yara_apt38_rc4:./blockbuster_continues/volgmer_7429a6b6e8518a1ec1d1c37a8786359885f2fd4abde560adaef331ca9deaeefd.bin [...]

Other Yara rules are matching several APT38 samples from different malware families: some related to file wiping implementations, Fallchill success codes, string decoding algorithms, inflate 1.1.3 strings...On another hand, Rich header analysis reveals that some recent malware found in India, Vietnam and Taiwan, as well as samples LEXFO found during incident responses share the same Rich headers, which are strong links.

— WannaCry

WannaCry samples are timestomped, but we see that the WannaCry cluster is close to the Bluenoroff ones. In particular, we see that the wannacry_rand Yara rule we built from the WannaCry sample 3e6de9e2baacf930949647c399818e7a2caea2626df6a468407854aaa515eed9 matches the Contopee malware attributed to APT38 ( 766d7d591b9ec1204518723a1e5940fd6ac777f606ed64e731fd91b0b4c3d9fc ).

yara_wannacry_rand: (2015-02-23 01:32:57)

./apt38_contopee/766d7d591b9ec1204518723a1e5940fd6ac777f606ed64e731fd91b0b4c3d9fc.bin (2017-02-09 09:47:27)


Shared code between Bluenoroff Contopee and WannaCry

Most WannaCry samples were statically linked with inflate lib version 1.1.3, which links them to some Bluenoroff samples that are using the exact same version (for instance the recent APT38 keylogger efd470cfa90b918e5d558e5c8c3821343af06eedfd484dfeb20c4605f9bdc30e used on Vietnamese targets).

yara_lib_static_inflate_113: (2010-11-20 09:05:05) ./wannacry/dropper.bin (2018-04-28 02:53:06)

./vietnam/efd470cfa90b918e5d558e5c8c3821343af06eedfd484dfeb20c4605f9bdc30e.bin yara_lib_static_inflate_113: (2010-11-20 09:03:08) ./wannacry/mssecsvc.bin (2018-04-28 02:53:06)


— DTrack

DTrack is a malware attributed to Lazarus / APT38. Recent DTrack samples found on critical infrastructures like nuclear power plants are linked with a sample from the Troy/DarkSeoul campaign compiled in 2011. The link comes from the reuse of the specific ZIP password dkwero38oerA^t@# . This is surprising and could be a false flag.

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (37)

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yara_zip_password: ./troydarkseoul/Http Troy/Files inside 8FBC1F3048263AA0D4F56D119198ED04/Layer 4/DLL 1 (bs.dll).dll

yara_zip_password: ./dtrack/npp_3cc9d9a12f3b884582e5c4daf7d83c4a510172a836de90b87439388e3cde3682 yara_zip_password: ./dtrack/npp_bfb39f486372a509f307cde3361795a2f9f759cbeb4cac07562dcbaebc070364 yara_zip_password: ./dtrack/dfa984f8d6bfc4ae3920954ec8b768e3d5a9cc4349966a9d16f8bef658f83fcd.bin

Those DTrack samples are also weakly linked with other Lazarus samples by statically-linked libraries such as TZip and SQlite.

— GoldDragon campaign

GoldDragon samples are linked to Lazarus by two main features: the reuse of a specific RC4 implementation that was seen in old Joanap dropper samples and detected by our Yara rules, and the overlaps of rich headers.Here is an example of a GoldDragon sample sharing its Rich header with other known Lazarus samples (as well as other GoldDragon samples):

(2017-12-24 08:37:57) ./golddragon/3a0c617d17e7f819775e48f7edefe9af84a1446b

<- Rich -> (2013-01-31 10:27:18) ./troydarkseoul/DarkSeoul/DarkSeoul_0A8032C-D6B4A710B1771A080FA09FB87

<- Rich -> (2017-12-24 08:29:04) ./golddragon/11a38a9d23193d9582d02ab0eae-767c3933066ec

<- Rich -> (2012-07-06 12:24:18) ./troydarkseoul/DarkSeoul/DarkSeoul_E4F66C3C-D27B97649976F6F0DAAD9032

<- Rich -> (2017-12-24 08:44:08) ./golddragon/bf21667e4b48b8857020ba455531c-9c4f2560740

<- Rich -> (2017-12-24 08:47:21) ./golddragon/4f58e6a7a04be2b2ecbcdcbae6f-281778fdbd9f9

<- Rich -> (2013-01-31 10:27:18) ./troydarkseoul/DarkSeoul/DarkSeoul_DB4BBD-C36A78A8807AD9B15A562515C4

<- Rich -> (2013-01-31 10:27:18) ./troydarkseoul/DarkSeoul/DarkSeoul_F0E045210E-3258DAD91D7B6B4D64E7F3

<- Rich -> (2018-12-21 00:34:35) ./kimsuky_stolenpencil/1.bin

<- Rich -> (2017-12-24 08:16:57) ./golddragon/e68f43ecb03330f-f0420047b61933583b4144585

<- Rich -> (2012-07-06 12:24:18) ./troydarkseoul/DarkSeoul/DarkSeoul_50E03200C3A-0BECBF33B3788DAC8CD46

<- Rich -> (2013-01-31 10:27:18) ./troydarkseoul/DarkSeoul/DarkSeoul_5FCD6E1DACE6B-0599429D913850F0364

Another link is the statically-linked inflate v. 1.1.4 that we found in GoldDragon samples, as this version is widely used in a lot of Lazarus samples.

— APT37

Samples attributed to APT37 (Reaper) seem to be quite unique and only linked with Lazarus samples by statically-linked library or encryption algorithms, which are weak links. This confirms what FireEye stated in its report: this group needs to be tracked separately from Lazarus.

A lot of APT37 samples share the same Rich header. We also found the following identical Rich headers between an APT37 malware and a Bluenoroff Nukesped sample:

(2019-01-02 01:43:47)


<- Rich -> (2018-02-12 20:06:28) ./cybercom/07d2b057d2385a4cdf413e8d342305df.bin

<- Rich -> (2018-02-12 20:06:28) ./nukesped/07D2B057D2385A4CDF413E8D342305DF

Finally, we found a Navrat sample attributed to APT37 and an Andariel sample from the RedGambler operation with the same Rich header, which connects the two groups (see the part about Andariel below).

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— The OlympicDestroyer false flag

To complicate attribution, the attackers behind OlymicDestroyer copied a Rich header from Lazarus samples to replace the rich header of some of their malware. Our tool gives the following result, showing that the Rich header was taken from Bluenoroff samples (one of them from the Bangladesh SWIFT heist):

(2017-12-27 09:03:48) ./olympicdestroyer/3c0d740347b0362331c882c2dee96dbf<- Rich -> (2016-02-04 13:45:39) ./bangladesh_swift/evtsys.exe<- Rich -> (2017-03-02 16:46:13)


Kaspersky published an article about this false flag operation 38.

WORKING HOURS AND DAYS OF THE LAZARUS DEVELOPERSWe extracted all compilation timestamps from the samples in our dataset and removed those that were either altered or inconsistent. Some samples appeared to be legitimate software infected by Lazarus without recompiling, making the timestamps irrelevant. For instance, we ignored the sample 2223a93521b261715767f00f0d1ae4e692bd593202be40f3508cb4fd5e21712b which turned out to be a version of the FTP tool FileZilla that the attackers altered by adding some malicious code without recompiling it, leaving its original compilation timestamp and compiler fingerprints unmodified.Analyzing unaltered compilation timestamps, we see that the Lazarus developers are mostly working between 8AM and 8PM UTC+9 (KST). We can even notice some breaks at lunchtime, and that Lazarus developers are working overnight. Most samples were compiled from Monday to Saturday included.

Lazarus compilation timestamps by days

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (39)

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Lazarus compilation timestamps by hours (KST / UTC+9)

CONCLUSIONSuch a classification proved to be very relevant for North Korean malware. It highlighted heavy links illustrating code and architecture reuse inside established groups, as well as relations (or lack of) between these separate groups.

Attacker groups like Lazarus are so active they struggle or are reluctant to renew their arsenal. Studying their TTPs prove to be very valuable and will greatly help properly reacting to incident. As a defender, being able to exploit Lazarus laziness and carelessness by quickly identifying their TTPs will give you some key information: you know what they want, how they plan to achieve it and with which tools.

The information given in this report, the classification LEXFO established and the associated internally developed tools helped the incident response team practically during missions involving Lazarus, as it narrowed down the analysis and gave good hints on where to look for technical clues: persistence, communications, lateral movements, exfiltration etc.

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (40)


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The Lazarus Constellation





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North Korean groups have been exploiting a lot of vulnerabilities, such as 0days and as 1days. Most exploits target Adobe Flash Player as well as the Hangul Word Processor, though groups like Andariel have also been seen finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in specific corporate software. The list of CVE that have been exploited by DPRK groups below shows once again that keeping its software updated is crucial.

— Lazarus

Lazarus and its subgroups Andariel and Bluenoroff often rely on software vulnerabilities to infect their targets. Here are some of them:

Vulnerability 0day Comments

CVE-2014-0497 Yes Flash exploit

CVE-2015-6585 Yes Vulnerability in HWP

CVE-2015-8651 No Flash exploit

CVE-2016-0034 Yes Silverlight exploit

CVE-2016-0189 Yes Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability

CVE-2016-1019 No Flash expoit

CVE-2016-4117 Yes Flash exploit used in watering hole attacks

CVE-2017-0261 Yes EPS restore use-after-free

CVE-2018-8373 Yes VBScript Engine vulnerability used by the DarkHotel subgroup

CVE-2018-4878 Yes Flash exploit used by APT37 and Lazarus

CVE-2018-20250 No WinRar exploit targeting Israeli companies

CVE-2018-8174 Yes Internet Explorer VBS engine vulnerability

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— APT37 / Reaper

APT37 usually exploits 1day to target unpatched systems, mostly through Adobe vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities below were attributed to APT37 by FireEye 39:

Vulnerability 0day Comments

CVE-2013-4979 No Buffer overflow in EPS Viewer

CVE-2014-8439 No Adobe Flash Player arbitrary code execution

CVE-2015-2387 No Adobe Type Manager Font Driver memory corruption vulnerability

Vulnerability 0day Comments

CVE-2015-2419 No Internet Explorer JScript RCE

CVE-2015-2545 No Microsoft Office Malformed EPS File Vulnerability

CVE-2015-3105 No Adobe Flash Player arbitrary code execution

CVE-2015-5119 No Adobe Flash Player Use-After-Free leading to code execution

CVE-2015-5122 No Adobe Flash Player Use-After-Free leading to code execution

CVE-2015-7645 No Adobe Flash Player vulnerability

CVE-2016-1019 No Adobe Flash Player vulnerability

CVE-2016-4117 No Adobe Flash Player vulnerability

CVE-2017-0199 No Microsoft Office/WordPad Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

CVE-2018-4878 Yes Flash exploit also used by Lazarus


— Network detection rules

US-CERT Snort rules to detect Fake TLS packets 40:

alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:”Malicious SSL 01 Detected”;content:”|17 03 01 00 08|”; pcre:”/\x17\x03\x01\x00\x08.{4}\x04\x88\x4d\x76/”; rev:1; sid:2;)

alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:”Malicious SSL 02 Detected”;content:”|17 03 01 00 08|”; pcre:”/\x17\x03\x01\x00\x08.{4}\x06\x88\x4d\x76/”; rev:1; sid:3;)

alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:”Malicious SSL 03 Detected”;content:”|17 03 01 00 08|”; pcre:”/\x17\x03\x01\x00\x08.{4}\xb2\x63\x70\x7b/”; rev:1; sid:4;)

alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:”Malicious SSL 04 Detected”;content:”|17 03 01 00 08|”; pcre:”/\x17\x03\x01\x00\x08.{4}\xb0\x63\x70\x7b/”; rev:1; sid:5;)

The following rule will specifically detect the SWPSVC RAT LEXFO discovered:

alert tcp any -> any (msg:”Lazarus Stage 1 SWPSVC Handshake”; dsize:5; content:”|17 03 01 00 04|”;)

— Yara rules

LEXFO produced the following YARA rules to sign and allow detection of the latest Lazarus samples encountered during the investigation.

The rules lazarus_forward_libcurl and themida_virtualizer can produce false-positives, as they will respectively detect any file with a specific statically compiled libcurl library and files packed with Themida Code-Virtualizer, which can be legitimate in some cases. These rules will work on uncompressed disk and memory dumps, as well as network capture files.

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& M



rule lazarus_forward_strings { strings:

$s1 = “ssylka” fullword$s2 = “ustanavlivat” fullword$s3 = “pereslat” fullword$s4 = “Nachalo” fullword$s5 = “kliyent2podklyuchit” full-

word condition:(3 of ($s*))

}rule lazarus_forward_lib-

curl { strings:$s1 = “7.49.1” fullword$s2 = “x86_64-pc-win32” fullword$s3 = “libcurl/7.49.1” full-

word condition:(3 of ($s*))

}rule lazarus_forward_tcp

{ strings:$s1 = {b0 00 b0 00 b0 00 b0 00 b0 00 b0 00 e9 00}

condition:(1 of ($s*))

}rule lazarus_sqcsvc

{ strings:$s1 = “7.49.1” fullword$s2 = “x86_64-pc-win32” fullword$s3 = “libcurl/7.49.1” fullword$s4 = “sock_64.dll” full-

word condition:(4 of ($s*))

}rule themida_virtualizer

{ strings:$s1 = “v-lizer” fullword con-

dition:(uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 5MB and 1 of ($s*))

}rule lazarus_rc4

{ strings:$s1 = {4E 38 1F A7 7F 08 CC AA 0D 56 ED EF F9 ED 08 EF}$s2 = {11 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00}$s3 = {53 87 F2 11 30 3D B5 52 AD C8 28 09 E0 52 60 D0 6C C5 68 E2 70 77 3C 8F 12 C0 7B 13 D7 B3 9F


$s4 = {85 C0 7C 17 8B 4D F4 8B 76 20 33 C0 3B C8 77 0B}condition:

(1 of ($s*))rule lazarus_svcbat

{ strings:$s1 = “sc create sqcsvc”$s2 = “sc start

sqcsvc” condition:(1 of ($s*))

}rule lazarus_capture

{ strings:$s2 = “[ENTER]” wide fullword$s3 = “SpliceImages: CreateCompatibleBitmap failed” fullword condition:

(2 of ($s*))}rule lazarus_injector

{ strings:$s1 = “finding target project”$s2 = “delete

ddd” condition:(2 of ($s*))


The full Yara ruleset we used for this report will be available to our clients.

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (44)


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RECOMMENDATIONSSeveral Lazarus infection vectors can be severely mitigated to prevent or block an attack.

— Preventing an infection

The WannaCry incident showed how important it is keeping one’s OS updated. Lazarus will certainly continue to implement and leverage such 1day vulnerabilities to target unpatched systems quickly after a fix is deployed.

As shown in this report, Lazarus leverages known vulnerabilities in webservers to try and get a first access to the internal network of a target. To mitigate this vector, it is necessary to make sure all exposed servers and their components are up-to-date and isolated from the internal networks of the organizations.

Furthermore, Lazarus leveraged several 0day and 1day vulnerabilities in popular software such as Flash Player, HWP and Silverlight. Keeping those software up-to-date is mandatory. The group is also able to quickly find and exploit vulnerabilities in custom internal software used by companies, sometimes leading to supply chain attacks. Auditing software used internally is also advised to mitigate this vector.

— Mitigating lateral movements

Lazarus uses mostly legitimate tools for lateral movements. When a form of authentication is needed, they will either reuse stolen passwords gathered with Mimikatz-like tools or keyloggers or try to bruteforce it with dictionaries.

Tools like PSExec can be monitored through log analysis. As Lazarus implants usually achieve persistent by installing services, event id 7045 and 4697 with the Service Start Type information set to SERVICE_AUTO_START must be closely monitored.

Last but not least, enforcing a strong password policy is obviously advised.

— Threat intelligence

As Lazarus activities are actively monitored by many security firms such as LEXFO, it is important for security teams to stay up-to-date and follow threat intelligence reports. As we showed in this paper, Lazarus will most of the time reuse known and easy-to-detect communication protocols and tools, and most infections can therefore be prevented.

If any indicator of a compromised system is found, it is strongly advised to quickly contact a specialized firm that knows how the attackers work and can quickly assess the impact of the attack and mitigate it.

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (45)

The Lazarus Constellation







Abbreviation Meaning

RAT Remote Access Tool

PCAP Packet Capture

MUI MultiLanguage User Interface extension

DDoS Distribured Denial of Service

TTP Tactics, Techniques/Tools and Procedures

TLS Transport Layer Security

C&C Command & Control server

CERT Computer Emergency Response Team

APK Android Package Kit


766d7d591b9ec1204518723a1e5940fd6ac777f606ed64e731fd91b0b4c3d9fc d4616f9706403a0d5a2f9a8726230a4693e4c95c58df5c753ccc684f1d3542e2 95c8ffe03547bcb0afd4d025fb14908f5230c6dc6fdd16686609681c7f40aca2 99017270f0af0e499cfeb19409020bfa0c2de741e5b32b9f6a01c34fe13fda7d 7646c2afbc8b9719b0295e5a880bb89fb85bdd4346603a52768b161eda12e8be f12db45c32bda3108adb8ae7363c342fdd5f10342945b115d830701f95c54fa9 077d9e0e12357d27f7f0c336239e961a7049971446f7a3f10268d9439ef67885a1c483b0ee740291b91b11e18dd05f0a460127acfc19d47b446d11cd0e26d717 3c1e4c334629b20e21b8ab08b8aa19db738f2ed761290ffdd26665cd61cb7807 7c73619ff8d5e4ed3b29b7ae71a69602df4071fd8c1029f9674e9978cdc03de9 6b90e2a3f0ad8819b5afe67bf13451c9782af26a9f2bdac3a0e042569054e5fd 73dcb7639c1f81d3f7c4931d32787bdf07bd98550888c4b29b1058b2d5a7ca33 c66ef8652e15b579b409170658c95d35cfd6231c7ce030b172692f911e7dcff8 f8f7720785f7e75bd6407ac2acd63f90ab6c2907d3619162dc41a8ffa40a5d03 32ec329301aa4547b4ef4800159940feb950785f1ab68d85a14d363e0ff2bc11 c66ef8652e15b579b409170658c95d35cfd6231c7ce030b172692f911e7dcff8 b05aae59b3c1d024b19c88448811debef1eada2f51761a5c41e70da3db7615a9 f8f7720785f7e75bd6407ac2acd63f90ab6c2907d3619162dc41a8ffa40a5d03 73dcb7639c1f81d3f7c4931d32787bdf07bd98550888c4b29b1058b2d5a7ca33 1fe1fa6b01166c373de68c029d8cdda60cb1599053f935e580f3f40aaf106345 fe43bc385b30796f5e2d94dfa720903c70e66bc91dfdcfb2f3986a1fea3fe8c5 0608e411348905145a267a9beaf5cd3527f11f95c4afde4c45998f066f418571fe43bc385b30796f5e2d94dfa720903c70e66bc91dfdcfb2f3986a1fea3fe8c5 084b21bc32ee19af98f85aee8204a148032ce7eabef668481b919195dd62b319 ccafbcff1596e3dfd28dcb97a5ba85e6845e69464742edfe136fe09bbec86ba1 b9a26a569257fbe02c10d3735587f10ee58e4281dba43474dbdef4ace8ea7101

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (46)


White Paper

0608e411348905145a267a9beaf5cd3527f11f95c4afde4c45998f066f4185718a1d57ee05d29a730864299376b830a7e127f089e500e148d96d0868b7c5b5208a1d57ee05d29a730864299376b830a7e127f089e500e148d96d0868b7c5b520084b21bc32ee19af98f85aee8204a148032ce7eabef668481b919195dd62b319 1a01b8a4c505db70f9e199337ce7f497b3dd42f25ad06487e29385580bca3676 32ec329301aa4547b4ef4800159940feb950785f1ab68d85a14d363e0ff2bc11 26a2fa7b45a455c311fd57875d8231c853ea4399be7b9344f2136030b2edc4aa ec254c40abff00b104a949f07b7b64235fc395ecb9311eb4020c1c4da0e6b5c4 26a2fa7b45a455c311fd57875d8231c853ea4399be7b9344f2136030b2edc4aa d8af45210bf931bc5b03215ed30fb731e067e91f25eda02a404bd55169e3e3c3 ec44ecd57401b3c78d849115f08ff046011b6eb933898203b7641942d4ee3af9 0753f8a7ae38fdb830484d0d737f975884499b9335e70b7d22b7d4ab149c01b5 8a81a1d0fae933862b51f63064069aa5af3854763f5edc29c997964de5e284e5 c4a07bfc37a44dc85df2c63f369abb530dc2193ab1be506fc5dd45d56a44ca76 9e4c6410ab9eda9a3d3cbf23c58215f3bc8d3e66ad55e40b4e30eb785e191bf8 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bf2534b2f059547967bb453d67909921a41c10cdd19c1ec346a193060b094e2e

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (47)

The Lazarus Constellation






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The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (48)


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53e9bca505652ef23477e105e6985102a45d9a14e5316d140752df6f3ef43d2d 8fcd303e22b84d7d61768d4efa5308577a09cc45697f7f54be4e528bbb39435b e79bbb45421320be05211a94ed507430cc9f6cf80d607d61a317af255733fcf2 eff3e37d0406c818e3430068d90e7ed2f594faa6bb146ab0a1c00a2f4a4809a5 1d0999ba3217cbdb0cc85403ef75587f747556a97dee7c2616e28866db932a0de40a46e95ef792cf20d5c14a9ad0b3a95c6252f96654f392b4bc6180565b7b11 ff2eb800ff16745fc13c216ff6d5cc2de99466244393f67ab6ea6f8189ae01dd fee0081df5ca6a21953f3a633f2f64b7c0701977623d3a4ec36fff282ffe73b9 9f177a6fb4ea5af876ef8a0bf954e37544917d9aaba04680a29303f24ca5c72c 16fe4de2235850a7d947e4517a667a9bfcca3aee17b5022b02c68cc584aa6548 f51336e862b891f78f2682505c3d38ea7de5b0673d6ef7a3b0907c0996887c22c9209951f7866849c9b1e5375bfb511b368394e52f6a276e86fdd542a79c2cd5 2223a93521b261715767f00f0d1ae4e692bd593202be40f3508cb4fd5e21712b39cbad3b2aac6298537a85f0463453d54ab2660c913f4f35ba98fffeb0b15655 ae9a4e244a9b3c77d489dee8aeaf35a7c3ba31b210e76d81ef2e91790f052c85 32f24601153be0885f11d62e0a8a2f0280a2034fc981d8184180c5d3b1b9e8cf ed01ebfbc9eb5bbea545af4d01bf5f1071661840480439c6e5babe8e080e41aa 1be0b96d502c268cb40da97a16952d89674a9329cb60bac81a96e01cf7356830 3e6de9e2baacf930949647c399818e7a2caea2626df6a468407854aaa515eed9 d8a9879a99ac7b12e63e6bcae7f965fbf1b63d892a8649ab1d6b08ce711f7127 32f24601153be0885f11d62e0a8a2f0280a2034fc981d8184180c5d3b1b9e8cf ed01ebfbc9eb5bbea545af4d01bf5f1071661840480439c6e5babe8e080e41aa aff73144a359020abbb4bde3f80858d822b840dd7171ba7946b77ba9b3487831 deefab8ee3d082119cc69c5dbdaf5faddeae36fbbd2345b1dc0463d07b65f13b 4e1c5141652acf8ea66b7d6dbb3fcdd96353e7d27c9e5698792c199aaf3f05c4 216d262e614e0bacff4e23077492ab9711b68b7ba2fbc17609ee1052093f59fc 95c2186be69601ae37f8269cb487f8f19d495b9f811908f90ec97bae9333db20 dcccd8859e532cc54f66f54e88fbe6eb52b3d5175233da65233bfddf49c165b4 e0b1ed0f1fb8648ccdbb8a844fef5cf9b3b9eb46902289122c508bbf7d2e8d6e 63d49254ee2d07ce08bd981743c17f3d5a3242478cea883332e0cc1ae43c0fe6 6cec00f9d3b7a34c899b1b0cdb69eb5356fa33b80144a10499b7ec905b12e903 7a57d3b9da733bf66894341e70ba5a0059f1046576d9f8ae07b7a48945bdda66 aff73144a359020abbb4bde3f80858d822b840dd7171ba7946b77ba9b3487831 302e75fe7e40e1637512e1c439d6fb3913945007428ed5d1a9bd198f08f38292838286ef99986dbb65cf0b939e6c70a7fb7a47f79198b75c3c45a54a3c8666b616db0063e4aa666d94752414549fa09fb33142481d894b01a0fae45b339a09fb 49a63ae5e65bf75777d49d37eb1d23fd3f2f584ae57758e3016a312d9716fa9f d246669cf1e25860f8601e456edd7156aa7304026ff4eadac18a2a82a18fabbf 315c06bd8c75f99722fd014b4fb4bd8934049cde09afead9b46bddf4cdd63171 480b0eb4636d6a78b62e7b52b773ec0a4e92fe4a748f9f9e8bd463a3b8dd0d83 f895757608b7725674628d731ec9fe90fd310eb65e7041bc6617ba0b831649b416db0063e4aa666d94752414549fa09fb33142481d894b01a0fae45b339a09fb 838286ef99986dbb65cf0b939e6c70a7fb7a47f79198b75c3c45a54a3c8666b6 eebc86e67a4a88f8cd5022adaa15b33a21ee609947dfcff75345f63d577bcd98 4659dadbf5b07c8c3c36ae941f71b631737631bc3fded2fe2af250ceba98959a 5b7c970fee7ebe08d50665f278d47d0e34c04acc19a91838de6a3fc63a8e5630 ae086350239380f56470c19d6a200f7d251c7422c7bc5ce74730ee8bab8e6283 4d4b17ddbcf4ce397f76cf0a2e230c9d513b23065f746a5ee2de74f447be39b9 45e68dce0f75353c448865b9abafbef5d4ed6492cd7058f65bf6aac182a9176a 05a567fe3f7c22a0ef78cc39dcf2d9ff283580c82bdbe880af9549e7014becfc ae65288f5c96b4656402853b14acd1d060b2a6303d833df5b1f10cc7a34b0025 7cf5d86cc75cd8f0e22e35213a9c051b740bd4667d9879a446f06277782bffd1 26a2fa7b45a455c311fd57875d8231c853ea4399be7b9344f2136030b2edc4aa ec254c40abff00b104a949f07b7b64235fc395ecb9311eb4020c1c4da0e6b5c4 c6930e298bba86c01d0fe2c8262c46b4fce97c6c5037a193904cfc634246fbec 16c3a7f143e831dd0481d2d57aae885090e22ec55cc8282009f641755d423fcd 7429a6b6e8518a1ec1d1c37a8786359885f2fd4abde560adaef331ca9deaeefd e0cd4eb8108dab716f3c2e94e6c0079051bfe9c7c2ed4fcbfdd16b4dd1c18d4d 163571bd56001963c4dcb0650bb17fa23ba23a5237c21f2401f4e894dfe4f50d efd470cfa90b918e5d558e5c8c3821343af06eedfd484dfeb20c4605f9bdc30e f3ca8f15ca582dd486bd78fd57c2f4d7b958163542561606bebd250c827022de c6930e298bba86c01d0fe2c8262c46b4fce97c6c5037a193904cfc634246fbec 6f76a8e16908ba2d576cf0e8cdb70114dcb70e0f7223be10aab3a728dc65c41c 851032eb03bc8ee05c381f7614a0cbf13b9a13293dfe5e4d4b7cd230970105e3 9a776b895e93926e2a758c09e341accb9333edc1243d216a5e53f47c6043c852 8dcca8c720fdb9833455427cd9b2146e2e9581e3bc595e8d97e562854133542b 70b494b0a8fdf054926829dcb3235fc7bd0346b6a19faf2a57891c71043b3b38 059aab1a6ac0764ff8024c8be37981d0506337909664c7b3862fc056d8c405b0e08fc761cc22953de7fcc1684b7424755fa52f361dd5c6605b1469a80cb858bb9bf8e8ac82b8f7c3707eb12e77f94cd0e06a972658610d136993235cbfa53641 357b5b8ba2dd4fb3196ba5ad45b7162d8115186bac3eb33b87f2942491656f8b efd470cfa90b918e5d558e5c8c3821343af06eedfd484dfeb20c4605f9bdc30e ccafbcff1596e3dfd28dcb97a5ba85e6845e69464742edfe136fe09bbec86ba1 f9686467a99cdb3928ccf40042d3e18451a9db97ef60f098656725a9fc3d9025 44884565800eebf41185861133710b4a42a99d80b6a74436bf788c0e210b9f50

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (49)

The Lazarus Constellation






APPENDIX C: SMB BRUTEFORCE PASSWORD LISTThis password list has been used on numerous occasions by Lazarus to perform SMB bruteforce attacks.

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The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (50)


White Paper

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (51)

The Lazarus Constellation





REFERENCES1. Operation Blockbuster, Novetta, 2016

2. HiddenCobra, US-CERT

3. FBI boss: Sony hack was DEFINITELY North Korea, haters gonna hate, The Register, 2015

4. APT37 (Reaper) - The Overlooked North Korean Actor, FireEye, 2018

5. APT38 Un-usual suspects, FireEye, 2018

6. Big Game Hunting with Ryuk: Another Lucrative Targeted Ransomware, CrowdStrike, 2019

7. Targeted TrickBot activity drops ‘PowerBrace’ backdoor, NttSecurity, 2019

8. OSINT Reporting Regarding DPRK and TA505 Overlap, NorfolkInfosec, 2019

9. DPRK cyberattack timeline, Intezer

10. Sanctions against North-Korea, Wikipedia

11. From stealing confidential data to revenue-generating attacks, AhnLab, 2018

12. Full Discloser of Andariel, A Subgroup of Lazarus Threat Group, AhnLab, 2018

13. Lazarus & Watering-hole attacks, BAE Systems Threat Research Blog, 2017


15. Alert (TA18-275A) HIDDEN COBRA – FASTCash Campaign, US-CERT, 2018

16. FASTCash: How the Lazarus Group is Emptying Millions from ATMs, Symantec, 2018

17. North Korea Bitten by Bitcoin Bug - Financially motivated campaigns reveal new dimension of the Lazarus Group, Proofpoint, 2017

18. Lazarus Under The Hood, PDF, Securelist, 2017

19. Group-IB: 14 cyber attacks on crypto exchanges resulted in a loss of $882 million, Group-IB, 2018

20. Operation AppleJeus: Lazarus hits cryptocurrency exchange with fake installer and macOS malware, Securelist, 2018

21. North Korea Bitten by Bitcoin Bug: Financially motivated campaigns reveal new dimension of the Lazarus Group, Proof-point, 2017

22. Operation AppleJeus: Lazarus hits cryptocurrency exchange with fake installer and macOS malware, Securelist, 2018

23. Mac Backdoor Linked to Lazarus Targets Korean Users, TrendMicro, 2019

24. Android Malware Appears Linked to Lazarus Cybercrime Group, McAfee, 2017

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (52)


White Paper

25. Lazarus Arisen - ARCHITECTURE / TOOLS / ATTRIBUTION, Group-IB, 2017

26. Disclosure of Chilean Redbanc Intrusion Leads to Lazarus Ties, Flashpoint, 2019

27. Lazarus Arisen - ARCHITECTURE / TOOLS / ATTRIBUTION, Group-IB, 2017

28. Lazarus’ Flase Flag Malware, BAE Systems Threat Research Blog, 2017

29. Alert (TA17-318A) - HIDDEN COBRA – North Korean Remote Administration Tool: FALLCHILL, US- CERT, 2017

30. Android Malware Appears Linked to Lazarus Cybercrime Group, McAfee, 2017

31. Dissecting Operation Troy:Cyberespionage in South Korea, McAfee,2013

32. Lazarus Under The Hood, PDF, Securelist, 2017

33. Lazarus Arisen - ARCHITECTURE / TOOLS / ATTRIBUTION, Group-IB, 2017

34. Lazarus Group, MITRE ATT&CK

35. Lazarus Group, MITRE ATT&CK

36. Lazarus Continues Heists, Mounts Attacks on Financial Organizations in Latin America, TrendMicro, 2018

37. Malpedia

38. The devil’s in the Rich header, Securelist, 2018

39. APT37 (Reaper) - The Overlooked North Korean Actor, FireEye, 2018

40. Alert (TA17-318A) - HIDDEN COBRA – North Korean Remote Administration Tool: FALLCHILL, US- CERT, 2017

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (53)

The Lazarus Constellation






5 RUE DROUOT 75009 PARIS | + 33 (0) 1 40 17 91 28 | [emailprotected]





The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO· 2020. 10. 8.· The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (54)

The Lazarus Constellation


A study on North Korean malware

White Paper

The Lazarus Constellation - LEXFO · 2020. 10. 8. · The Lazarus Constellation 05 I. Rise of Lazarus I. RISE OF LAZARUS INTRODUCING THE LAZARUS APT GROUP Lazarus activities have - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the purpose of the Lazarus Group? ›

Lazarus Group, otherwise known as APT38, is an infamous hacker group believed to be based in the North Korea. It's known for its sophisticated and highly coordinated cyber attacks targeting governments, financial institutions, and businesses.

Which country is the Lazarus Group associated with? ›

Lazarus Group (also known as Guardians of Peace or Whois Team) is a hacker group made up of an unknown number of individuals, alleged to be run by the government of North Korea. While not much is known about the Lazarus Group, researchers have attributed many cyberattacks to them since 2010.

What is the motivation of the Lazarus Group? ›

The Lazarus Group: A Brief History

This belief is supported by the fact that many of their attacks target South Korea and are performed for the purpose of disruption, destruction, and espionage. However, the Lazarus Group has been known to perform cyberattacks with financial motives as well.

Does the Lazarus Group use ICS domain techniques? ›

7. Yes, the Lazarus Group has been known to use ICS (Industrial Control Systems) domain techniques in their attacks.

Is APT38 Lazarus legit? ›

The Lazarus Group, also known as APT38, is a notorious Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) entity believed to be linked to North Korean hackers. They have made a significant impact on global cybersecurity, conducting high-profile financial cyberattacks and engaging in cyber espionage.

What is the purpose of the Lazarus Project? ›

Fresh score. Fresh audience score. When a man is stuck reliving a day, he is recruited for the Lazarus Project, a secret organization that has harnessed the ability to turn back time every time the world is at threat of extinction.

What is the largest bank hack in history? ›

Thirty-five fraudulent instructions were issued by security hackers via the SWIFT network to illegally transfer close to US$1 billion from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York account belonging to Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh.

How much has Lazarus Group stolen? ›

Lazarus Group has been operating for more than 10 years, and according to U.S. officials has stolen over $2 billion worth of cryptocurrency to help fund the North Korean government's activities — including its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs.

Who took down North Korea's internet? ›

This week, WIRED Start meets the man who took down North Korea's internet. The hacker known as 'P4x', takes us through his journey from hacking an entire country to sharing his secrets with the US military.

What is the principle of Lazarus? ›

Lazarus' theory of emotion is that a person must first think about a potentially stressful stimulus before experiencing any emotions. The emotional response depends on the person's appraisal of the situation.

What tools does Lazarus group use? ›

During Operation Dream Job, Lazarus Group used PowerShell commands to explore the environment of compromised victims. Lazarus Group malware uses cmd.exe to execute commands on a compromised host. A Destover-like variant used by Lazarus Group uses a batch file mechanism to delete its binaries from the system.

What is the Lazarus Group aliases? ›

The Lazarus Group is known by many names, including Hidden Cobra, Zinc, APT-C-26, Guardians of Peace, Group 77, Who Is Hacking Team, Stardust Chollima, and Nickel Academy, among other titles.

Which Cve was exploited by the Lazarus Group for execution? ›

The Lazarus hackers leveraged CVE-2024-21338 to exploit appid. sys, a crucial driver associated with Windows AppLocker. By bypassing security checks, the group executes arbitrary code, effectively evading detection mechanisms and running the FudModule rootkit with impunity.

Who are the North Korean hackers in South Korea? ›

SEOUL, April 23 (Reuters) - Major North Korean hacking groups have mounted "all-out" cyber attacks against South Korean defence companies for more than a year, breaching the firms' internal networks and stealing technical data, South Korea's police said on Tuesday.

What is the meaning of the Lazarus mission? ›

The Lazarus missions were launched by NASA, ten years prior to the Endurance's departure from Earth. There were twelve landing pods sent to twelve potentially habitable planets which could sustain human life. It is presumed that none of the astronauts that disembarked on the missions survived.

How much money has the Lazarus Group stolen? ›

Lazarus Group has been operating for more than 10 years, and according to U.S. officials has stolen over $2 billion worth of cryptocurrency to help fund the North Korean government's activities — including its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs.

What happened to the Lazarus Project? ›

It's unfortunately the end of the road for the hit sci-fi series.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.