The Republic from Columbus, Indiana (2025)

1S4 TrvckJ for Sele 7S 7 I Aucttoflt Articles tor Sete AutemocMMM Wanted 143 Garago Salts Hevsehold Goods upf Savers Automobiles for Sile 140 Pen and Supplies 110 12 177 DODGE Trama t4 Vsv srtii cwstM. AM-FM t77GRANDPtiIVj l- POODLE GROOMING tvatvis 4 comtvaut tar aeher breed, Etawne 4 SvXurda aepw'mws avertable 11 43 after 177-em FA re cruise till jct seats 5354 ar ana H- Cast iion t-tor oeevwe, never us) tan tTJU "0 SalE nrar, -tv -m saruaov Cm fim ar eer P11W a sWt Ud Cars am Prntmc-lmHHrGHC 551 1 Natwrw Road 144 ASSORTED Dinette CHAitS CeJJVal WALLPAPER FACTORY tutin C-o SCH nwyts. 5 on sAac. uiajrvars Br Mate. 25 Tan Sriaw' 521 ta FREE smail oacA CM mj SuNBiRO v-a.

needs manor hama. tor cv idrer or ewer person Sites dogs Can 374- power steering 4 (ratal AM FM IX aagotiasa Can 1713 er 5 a iT7 aaa art sneti aajamMt. A-icav ttan Ui PV Oars Wit JEEP Eav rivtac euaoratrac ae)ri traoei. m. her tee.

mmn m-orauNc am tea. Gooovear Wang raanen wrtj. 3 nuvai 5571 CH 17-e75t 1 tll 5 Is i If FCt sale mtiTViG Sv Geo Cene-t-O tte pltl CMC uam4ri at are-i I'll or teV or J7r747 'Out MCE two Vov CUV MfMO tvi fcngie neM 4 oc toed rwp 4 dvest 1C 4 Oesr Ut entertainment ceer us cm P7 U4G eer N77 abort goaa contrhan. soaroat 4 speed, new tves. tisa Can inns 177 2i AM-FM Stereo Caste" Ekcetten) canst ho I4SM 372 hM VtSPA MOPEDS AND MQTQRS-COOTERS Free Ten Rides harts VESPA Tavr.ilie.

in SeVI'17 it no artswer 53233 COTEIPOAy SOA tr axrwt aranga itsarai 42TS Ltmfli a sm aor (trs Cma Sm 114) Al racaa MM F-ii GOLD wESTinGhOvSE 9 ui- atma' Cm My Mai HILL HUNOREO special-- IJ spaad camor avcia SchwMt SV oar La Taur HI lES Paul cap ar haadt and strtngv ur a casa IM Oog ium adws) ragutar-o V'l 14 Traiw hitch lor nr) oos IN Mrwcxarry ssa catxnat 1 S72 iaa NEW SthwMi girls a Lady ITS la fchww ly ra.g ia s.U OT SS71 aa RANGE ETERNAL wood cso sha oom goad 4 auros goad SJOS Can 342 ao batora REGiSTEREOIwach.ri 4 crystal i7 FORD Ece-awi s4) Vari CV-moer stanoarA power s'eering, 2 51 mn U5 S77MI AKC DCBERMAN mev 'Ms 4 tvacks ready August 77 115 IM Doors. Saa-SaSI BEAUTIFUL Cream Prw cat CFA Registered femam ti years ed I'S Aner 5 inmu GOLDEN RETR EVER AkC Cnamtvion btooexirva ixpdvs- Dill tree Shalt 4 wormed B'own County 2V 14J3I25 GREAT DANE PUPS la.ns 4 brmotes snots wormed, guaranteed Ais one adult me Aradana kennns Dupont TOY FO TERRIERS iiteestel i. 54-44M t7 2IC, 2 coupe 5 speed, air FM. reer shad kit 13000 Price I75S After a. 143 31 17 CAMARO 4 Cyltndwr autamat 140 3744 MOPEDS Parts Servita Ses Men Mopees.

Tevtorsviiie SleaM 145 Motorcycles let CAPRI vary reaserteb gav 372 2H1 Construction Equip 1S3 FO SALE kAetree Ct Said Steer leader wt Backhoe 4 Tandem T'ier USt Pion 1 34- 523 North Vernon 5 FOR SALE SM CK Case Backhoe Loader a esei. power shuttle. ROS Eiceiient carvjitian 1-11-571 North Vernon new Si Madison. 1 173-31 ar 1-273-1 141 DCvClE SALES HONOA 4 YAMAHA 1711 Ste 372-455 COlunS rAOTOCVCLEi Honda KeweteAt WE BUY USED FURNlTURt MauaantXd Eae Bnkiascs 5 4 Furnrturtvf tttonewi: tS) Natiorai Rd 372 17 TRADER CORNER New 4 Used Furniture Es'a-rBuving Saa-atSS West side ot soare Hope IN FURNiTuRE SmED NEW 4 USED FURNITURE Buy Sei or Trade 75h Street Fairgrounds Open 1 5 17 (MS BUY SELL TRADE uSEDFuRNiTuRE i5H 17m Street 172 011 Buy Estates 104 90 Da ly Furniture -Car pet -Bedding Terms No Carrying Charges kenmore Coiosoot Cretnmea SEARS SOEBuCk R2 Courttiouse Center 1724I7I FAMOUS BRAND Furniture-Lowest Prices Columbus Why Pay More" BRAO 5 HOME FUR NISHIMGS 77 Washington Street WE BUY and sen used turture and appliances 7e Gladstone I to 4 172 554 or I 522 244 Muicsl Livestock 126 MUST SELL1 174 Hond UOOO condition new banery and lira MOO or best otter 177 751 ar 524-110 AUCTION CALENDAR Woe, a 2 a 11 Da-pressm gu. a0Aie 4 celiac Ooa 4 Ca iwaa See Frai euc lar camtwa ia Raii SAckMwirv -Arfctaainer Ml li i P.BliC AXT.OW Savoa.

August I I Rock. IN prOP arty ot osemar Lrw lVso good trmue I cswi) See a txe ad Thsuv Juy 31 Republic AtfCt'Onee Oere Rob wovst 1 CmOus 517 SJ7 hos Cotege at Kconeerng Starrs kAonoav ivt ITiei Ijb at Lees incc 2 mas watt af iambus on Road 4 Dav ar rr rs classes can be arranged Far mart into me! ion be mere lirst ihgtrt or laii 342 31 la horn Ctt lege Auctioneering is tutty d'ted by me ind-ana Commtss" hy Post SetoMary Propriarary Educaan AC 0057 SWFENE Auctwn Corfver i' Fndav 4 pm Open Tuesday Thu'vaav I lpi Fndav 10-4 0 Sar cans-gnmants Wa also 00 auctions of an tyoes Phone 172 142 JIM ELLIOTT AUCTIONEER Serving aii Your Auction Needs Member of Indiana Auctioneers Association 37144 AUCTION CENTER South side sown square Hope. IN auction tvrv Saturday I PM Open Mon 4 Wed 4 K-4 30 PM lor consignmann Sat 2 PM till saie Pickup available Wt buy estates Compiate auction service oar location or Ours GILLASPY Ownar auctioneer 174-040 24 Hour Answering Service ROBERTSON AUCTION 4 Real Estate Broker Route I. Columbus 57 5374 GienS teener 372 4015 Parker Newsom Jr 372 7114 Auctioneers Household Farm Estate Real Estate Sales WETZEL TURNER Auctioneers Farm-Estate-Household Business Liquidation Dick Wetrel Leighton Turner 544 554 524-474 Over 25 Years Reliable Service 1SS Rec Vehicles YAMAHA 41 Endure bike. 1400 jl-ll 174 HONOA 75 Maroon color IS 40 miles Good condition 372 212 I 10 to 5 10 Monday thru Friday 17 HONOA 750 recently tuned up.

51200 172-112 174 750 Keweseki King 4 Queen seat Loons 4 runs good wm sen. lor pevott 150 342 41 Clothing pen 4 TV tht anqu tayvnfs 4 wvatwasa, SAM'S Certain "44 1VI a TrfSOT Frm, 4 tsvursvev 4 LakoR Garage SAE wt the Iwatf cwit i iim Baby lS Carter Pain Fixtoar maaernrty aoMwv learner cawn. me suits a eat sewc'wn at 4 maw neenes Mew-hoa itro COW TV anth AS Fad red 4 shwea stature sxves. n-g aav pan other baby rwrnfe w-fer 4 Suwmr nems at gooc jrei toys not stv tna It A eerpm. 1st ar Carter Cemetery tsiiaw te Lewen no 1st ftouse sa rot aev curve Easyiatma tow Signs from II TTtwrsder 4 Frioav -5 Saturaa, tn ij Na prw sales DON MISS OvT Gigantic multi-Family Sale nice ciomes.

sewing machine Tv difies giestware aYaoet "nans, various tables lewetry coiiec tbes interesting sMt from a 50 8a 5 THUR5DAf 4 FRIDAY lam till 442 Smwi Sffvrt Furniture, curtpins dapes dishes 4 mnx tams BiG 1 family Garage Sate of everything 4'4 Clifly wecmevla, thru Saturdar 1 LiE NEW baby ciemev cu" ns oven light futures mrK Col tenwood Court North IFietrock Pm North) Wednesday 4 Thurs ujf GARAGE SALE intersection ot Poad Ceretend Road Avon bot-ies Tuesday and Wednesday 4 Thursday RAIN OR SHINE 21 McShane otf Mckinley by Cummins Tkh) 1-5, July 10 11 I Aug I Humidifier guns knives chord Organ, sewing machine bed cottee pots small appliances, men. women end children ciofhes targe and small, games books and lots more AM TIL4PM Thursday, Friday 4 Saturday. 05 Jackson (Hope) Baby children 4 adult ciothmg Antiques lurniture. shoes, dishes, novelties, bottles 4 gless cans and electrical appliances YARD SALE Friday 4 Saturday I 5 104 Shelby County Line Road iPruittEasti Clothing. CB.

linear, books, housewares, lurniture. toys, misc eiG EMPLOYEE'S RUMMAGE SALE Thursday only -4 at Broad acres Restaurant on Highway 7 at North Vernon Clothing, toys, small appliances, entiques. shoes, tewelry. ceromic animals, purses, linens. Tupoerware.

Aion Whtlton cake pans, lots more NORTH CLIFF (by Cross Clift School) Bicycles, stained gless. clothes toys, household, misc Thursday 4 Friday 4211 KENNEDY Drive. Thursday thru Friday. Mostly womens clothes sewmg machine, plants 4 lots Ot misc tnmgs GARAGE SALE 134 17th Street Riv erview Acres. Corner of Washington Place 4 32th Saturday, Aug 4 I day only 4 families Infant 4 chiidrens clothing, toys, riding lawn mower, furniture, many household items No early sales CLEARANCE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS' Coachmen motor homes, travel trailers, lent campers 4 truck campers See us before ou buy1 Air conditioners 4 awnings RV repair Let us sell your RV for you BROWN COUNTY TRAML TRAILERS St Rd esE Nashville 7W0 DISCOUNT PRICES on our IMI trailers Mi stock now.

big savings on ai wast veer's models carry Coleman. Siarcraft and Shasta brands Truck caps, accessories, canoes and service at Gilinand Trailer Sales. Junction 4 4. Columbus Phone 544-5431 FOR RENT 77' 4 RV'S 540 day Si mile 575 Minimum 37741 51 or 172-7444 177 KZ 400 blue header, chrome tenders runs good USt or trade equal tor car 377 171 after 5 7 vETT6 good gat mileage automate transmission 4 arr ei-cefieni condition 147-421 ten HONDA Accord 5 speed am tertlivER'GVAV BSTl'i' cyliader good mileage power steering 4 brakes a cruise 2 door el 900 rruiet etcenent const tn 372 217 alter 5 lift CHEVETTE4 speed 25 00 miles. AM radtOAiW proofed et-CJHiant condition.

UO0 3751 la CiTATiOAt 2 door hatchback 4 cylinder, 4 speed, tow mileage, ei-ceiient condition I 44 l0 CtATSUN 51 Sitn Wagon (3I7I525-WJ Flatrock ltl Chevratel CileiHW. l-deur hakh loaded with opnons still in war ranty 57100 377 73 111 VOLKSWAGEN Diesel Rabbit 5 000 miles. 5 speed 1 door grey am FM stereo cassette eir conditioning Can 1344-4353 after 5pm BENNETT MUELLER 374-300 AUTO SALES 200 NATIONAL ROAD BILL WARREN Chevrolet Pontiac. Inc 4 High School Road. Edinburgh.

52-5504 -COLUMBUS-DAT5UN "We Buy or Trade For Clean. Used Cars 240 State Street 27-4434 EASTSIDE AUTO SALES 72jJ2 Stale St hours a 4 pm ttbn-Set We buy. sell, trade FARLOW AUTO SALES We buy used cars 4 trucks 2240 South National Road Net to Captain D'S 172-0104 HARMESON AUTO LOCATED AT A HE roll up WlMt tnt ole4ee 7 li I' Tr, Viet Hi! lani 37aMS GE tevioeeor 000(1 condion Mood burning Steve 4 AC' "iw iM'l 4 Ce' Ml 45 JTJ NM anytime GOSS HAUDWAtE m'A sc-oen a indent flMl GLlTTFaT llt5Tl I EO tV Jev U'l MUTE CElLIMG EAHS make en in in finest All tens substantial set ngs Slav coo this tufflmif and save neettng. in vjinter oger prr, sees m-un LN MOAE rootiilf repair OverneulS ElperienCKI rww Wane nouM Cells 342-4471 MAIL Boi Lettering 4 House Mum be'S Minle S.on 4t Tnir Street neit to Crump Tneeter 37 447 NEO-L'f-E vitamini, minerals, etc -nOuNTiN HOUSE Iwi) or-ed food NEST aenyortt tood BULK GRAINS fc)ric milt 4 etc 374151 tter MEM SlNSE N-VAC Horn cleans. rmses, and vacuums out dirt mg carpets nrotessionallv eleen Ran' at Dunleps Carpal Were- nouse 3IA 37t-4l Pawn Shop in Hoo' Guns, fcnives.

cameras, wadding bands, guitari ate at discount prices 545151 "PLEASE, PLEASE" -This addon'! raad. snow yourself at Tha VHiaga General. 4)2 Washington Porii Producers Pork Chops Wa have a limitad suoply of chops left from ma tair Prica II SO par pound Pick up at Farmer's Marketing locker SEARS LAWN tractor. IMP aiaclrlc start 32" cut. good condition.

UH Also, larga wooden sandboi with tiiad root, IW i Vt-VM SEVEN HORSEPOWER rldTng mowar mi, SKIDOO snow moeila U00 Call UHS1I shop quality surplus Road 31 A South "Our surplus is your savings" Snap on tools Auto Tools 4 Equipmant Bob Spara. Phona SH J44 STORM SASH CO Storm Windows 4 Siding I Siata St 3712334 171 YAMAHA 5 Soeoal. mag wheels, sissy br. l.ooj miles. 11500 After 5 pm 372-1551 117 YAMAHA XS-1100.

Wind-immer IV tetrtng. new rear tire, 4400 miles. 5275 Call 37 4253 It9 YAMAHA ISO Midnight Special with accessories 5215 372-713 ISO Trucks for Sale USED CORONET like new muuc Stand H45 173 425 attar 5pm PEAVEY SALE guitars starting at II with hardshell case, amps starting at I Used Good selection ot used instruments pianos. Organs, gutters and amps Robcnns Melody Mart Sou Side otSouare Greensburg l-4324 RENT A PIANO Lessons also it desired Gary Davis Music Makers Store II 3rd St 374-7J4 Produce, Flowers 10S Cotgianer Orchards Fruit Now1 Transparent 4 G'etier Apples Nectnnes Yellow Plums. Red Haven Peaches laporoiimete'y July 24-Aug 5) CIDER-CHEESE 4 other items 2 miles West Saiem on 54.

I mile south Weekdays 1-4 Sun noon-4 PEACHES FOR CANNING bring your container Bush's Market, 4 miles east of Columbus on State Road 44 CaK 37 077 WHtPKER MARKET OPEN Hours am 7 30pm On Road 31. I mile South of Junction 7 4 31 CLASS A MOTOR HOME RENTAL Cruise Air. fully equipped Pnone J74 12' SHASTA travel trailer, sleep 3-4, can be pulled with small car. stove with oven tees 524-2544 FOR SALE 144 Chevy pickup 5425 l45Ford pickup 115 Sears 125 Motorcycle 550 Can be seen at 311 Cleveland St alter 4pm 400auunBs t75ecrl CailVVI REGISTERED DAIRY got trjT sai 342 12a after 5pm RABBITS AND cages 1 bred sow feeder bigs I Hemp mate nog II laying hens 74-404 CONTACT CONWAY tor Cflickl turkeys ducklings, gosllngt ban tamv guineas. Quail pheasants equipment Free price list Con-nay He'chery.

1)09 B'ookviiie Road. Bo CRN Indianapolis IN 4423 Phone 117 15 4211 FOR SALE 14 SUFFOLK sheep and Nubian goats Call 142-4714 at fer 4 40 PUREBRED Duroc boars. 40 Purebred Duroc gilts Guaranteed I tree delivery on groups Dale Sparks Rt 2 Bi 121 Bloomfleld. IN 47424 (H2iH4-455 Automobile for Rent 139 NEED RENTAL CAR' Rent late model et Smith Marathon lor only 115 including 30 free miles day Small trucks available 372 05 RENT OR LEASE A NEW CAR OR TRUCK FROM MAHAN FORD SALES 372IS4I Road 31 4 Central Avenue By dav. week, month or year Automobiles for Sale 140 CONVERTIBLE 14 Buick Electra 225.

full power new tires, runs eicellenf 515 174 Fiat XI. runs good. 30MPG 5275 or best offer 272-413 ONE OWNER 174 Buick station wagon, seel, automatic, air. tilt wheel, stereo Good ole wagon 1145. no money down on approved credit.

14 41 per month 24 months HARMESONAUTO 374-7447 REDUCED 170 Detsun 740Z good condition 12 000 Call 37 70 or tf 3f7 PiYers'd? Drive VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE Volkswagen Beetle, sunroof, 4 speed. new tires, runs good Very good gas saver 11095 HARMESONAUTO 374-7447 17 CAMARO Classic. Collector's Ifem. restored Call 17MS73 H1 BUICK LeSabre. Mint condition 525 For Inlormatlon.

call 142-4570 14 NOVA, 1400, 144 Rambler. 1300. 174 Vega. 500. two 14 Mustangs.

MOO 4 1 1 200 Call 524-513 170 OLDS Cutlass, wrecked front nden grain nelv engine. new engi truck, new vinyl lerp, 80 Garag. Sales rebuilt transmission, cheap; 141 International 1400 single ane grain 12" VISTA QUEEN Truck Cmper Save on this one Traveltnd Greenwood 117-H2-1II1 172 DODGE Champion mini-motor-home. II'. 41 000 miles.

53100 Phone 544-57)4 or 54-545 truck cheap Larry Noltlng, SEAR5 POOL 'ec ITS0 57 5455 atr neon SINGER Sewng Machine Mapia cab-nat used twice 1100 Oark Pne Snging cradle naw met trass monms old t0 SJa-iTJJ 50EA fLEXSTEEL soft floral da-sign like new. i4O0 china cab'et Bassrn 1375 drop table 4 a 150 A'tar 5 377e2 SOFA 1125 Reclining chair US AaFM Itrark turntahla rhint starro IM Cottee table 545 An nceiiant condition 342 503 STRASBOURG STERLING GOR ham three S-piece settings plus 2 soup spoons new raiaii veue Ilia 75 willing to sacrifice tor 1500 Reply to Boi 23t Tha Repute lie 333 Second Street Columbus IN 47201 TRADITIONAL SOFA blue 4 whita stripes in nubby material, good condition. 5175 Call 342-4571 TRAOiTiONAL SOFA Beige and gold floral, teo TWO LiR-aOilS RADIAL GT tires SM, good condition Call 373 1414 before 3pm WEDDING DRESS, sue 14. Si 00 or best otter i Cordyglass 71 14 tires IU0 like naw 1172 Motor cycle 350CB Honda, runs good. 1400 mi Honda seat, like new 530 374-3435 WOMAN'S WEDDING ring set 14 karat white gold, like new.

1500 Can 372-1152 WOOO CHIPPER 1100. car top car rier 125 snow blower. 5250 Call 342 2I 1 GAME table with 4 chairs. H75. gold vinyl sofa 5125, matching chair 545, end table 170 372 57l 10" radial ARM saw with cabinet type stand 4 accessories, encelient condition.

5425 37 2552 14 FLATBOTTOM aluminum. IHP motor 4 trailer Ready to go1 1550 Call 372-4430 or 342-4404 COLOR TV. new condition, electronic tuning, 1250 372 2M days, ask tor Joe 147 WHEELHORSE Lawn Ranger good condition. 1500. chest-type Coke machine.

5225 Call 342 317 WTO OLDSMOBILE, runs good, 5)75 or bast offer 2 Pioneer HPMI00 stereo speakers, good condition. 5200 371 0053 before 2pm 172 PLYMOUTH, slant 4. wracked, motor 4 transmission good. 1125 or will trade Built-up race car body. 1700 or malte otter 524-4214 l7l HONDA TRAIL TOnotorcycle, encellent condition.

1325 Call anytime. 342-4512 2 BLONDE drum tables. 540 New truck tool ooi, l5 524-4440 after 5 2 i4' lour tube drop In lights. IIS each 50.000 space gas heater, good. 150 54" antique four bladad fan.

good 1225 2 12,000 BTU air conditioners, 1100 each t'V horse Johnson aluminum with tank outboard motor 1350. A I Feber coffee urn, 52 cup, like new, 140 Home meat Ulcer, like new 510 3424075 172 BRONCO Ranger. 302 standard shift, power steering. AM-FM I track, 44.000 miles IISS0 Call 377-tMO 17 CJ5 Jeep Reneged. Levi fop 4 seets.

white spoke wheels. AM-FM radio 177 Taurus travel trailer, 25' bunk house, leaps 11' Ore-free wning 1 51 1354 Westport 37-747 25th 4 Beam 172 CHEVY. 4 ton pickup. Super Cheyenne. 350 automatic, 1 5 fires 51200 Call 372-0144 NX SEED CENTER Grass, Field 4 Turnip Seed SCHNEIDER IMPLEMENT 23' FAN CAMPER, sett contained, sleeps adults, electric Reeae Hitch, roll out awning, tr e'een See at 3117 74th St 17-4I 174 DATSUN pickup, automatic, camper shell.

A-l shape 53200 Call alter 5 372-175 2' SWINGER Motor Horn, sleeps. 5350 per week plus deposit 4 20( per mile McQueen Anotor Home Rent als 374-HS4 177 CHEW, Silverado. K-2044, 350 4 barrel, low mileage, automatic, cruise, air. tut, seooie tanks 54500. 544-54I7 after 4 HARRY EULER'S CAR MART 240 25th Street 172-242 buy cars and trucks High Value Quality Cars GRAHAM-TODD MOTOR CO 21 14 Central Avenue 374-4414 LARRY SCHOETTMER FORCI New 4 Uses Crs 4 Trucks Edinburg.

Ind 524-245 McCOY MOTORS Good. Clean, Used Cars 2500 Slae STOREY 0 r-L Fn COL hi CURY. INC Lincoln Mercury Sales. Service 4 Parti 52 South Jackson Park Drive. Seymour.

Ill-522 2040 3 FAMILY Garage Sale entiques Jenny Linn bed, walnut bed. furniture boys clotning. wringer 4 automatic washer, dishes, tools, odds 4 ends in Sunset Drive I Lagoons I Friday all day -4 CLOTHES, books, AvonTsaH 4 pepper shakers, misc 22 Hughes. Thursday 4 Friday GARAGE SALE Thursday only. I am til 5 17 Maida GLC 14' evtension ladder, men's clothing in x-iarge sizes traverse rods, toys 4 lots of misc 207 Orchard Lane loft Midway) 5)05 Navajo court iFimtwood), Friday 4 Saturday.

I 30 til 5 Levi's, toys, clothes, light tutures. lurniture NO prior sales FOUR FAMILY YARD SALE baby items, guitar Heritage Heights Trailer Park (tront, may be seen trom 31 1 Friday. III GARAGE SALE, Sat ONLY 5472 karlsway Mineral Springs Infant toys, stereo guitar, maternity tops (sire medium), misc MOVING SALE 5 familial Thursday. Friday 4 Saturday trom I til 4 II' skl-boe. 100 HP Johnson motor, ski Items, solas, desks, old school desk.

1931 Atwater-Kent console radio, Maple dining table, overstulted chairs, humidifier; de-humidltier, new vending machine, like new 1" portable TV 4 stand; clothes, nice ladies' winter coat, site M. books, games; other lurniture 4 household Items Take Highway 44 West. 4'1 miles, turn left at Bethany Road, left on 40 West and i mile on right Follow signs Farm Equipment 110 5 000 BUSHEL grain bin with Farm Fan electric dryer, top spreader, sweep auger 4 unloading auger. loading auger Can be financed tor 7 international fast hitch mower Can 374-4141 IN FORD and 4XJ0 FORD tractors with or without equipment Colt 524-211. WE SERVICE and Repair all brands farm tractors and equipment WARNER FORD TRACTOR US 31 4 1-45, Tavlorsvliie 524 553 WARNER FORD TRACTOR US 31 at Tavlorsvliie 524 5543 TRACTORS 4 EQUIPMENT! 1 ERE WAS A YOUNG LADY NAMED IN A IAD STATE OF PANIC AND STRESS 1 SHE LJUOKED NLAR AND I All WATERBEDS AND ALL SUPPLIES, SHEETS ACCESSORIES.

JOHNSON SLEEP SHOP, 542 WASHINGTON, 379 2217 WINDOW AIR CONDITIONERS 'MO BTU, 1150, MOO BTU. 7100 BTU, IIM. 2 whaal utility trallar, J2O0, Panasonic vidao ra-cordar. tSOOj garaga door opanar. S7S Maka offar on any of tha abova 372 7197 batwaan and i WOODSTOVE CLEARANCE Ouf big Spring swaap1 Up to 1320 ott or maka us an oftar Fraastanding stovas.

firaplaca Insarts, turnaca add-ons. ovar 100 stovts in stock must go! Rogar Parry Stova on Highway Phona S7-U70 7 FOR JUST THE RIGHT CAR THEN CAME HERE AND GOT IT FOR LESSI 1981 MONTE CARLO 1981 MONTE CARLO 6706 12560 Volkswagen Sales 4 Service Parts, Service. New-Used Cars JIM HAMILTON VOLKSWAGEN Rd 44 Columbui 372-124 Want to salt your car or truck9 Call us today1 JOHNSON AUTO SALES 2004 25th Street i'iiiw WE BUY USED CARS 4 TRUCKS TICHENOR AUTO SALES 2020 National Road 372-4153 "We buy used cars" Voeil Motors. 372-3741 300 North National Road end. rest in good shape.

350 engine, only 11,000 miles 343 450. 377-1 122 NEW! lot ma ,11,00152 Zr J7635 J9559 3 pt Rotary Cutters Irom 155' 3 CUTLASS Supreme, automatic, BABY BEO 4 scales, baby 4 adult clothes, toys, linens, antiques, antique tools, trailer hitch 4 mirrors, new Inliated 25-70-15 wheel 4 lire. Coleman healer, misc Items III Lee Street (behind McDonald's), Thursday 4 Friday, 7-5 SALE 1435 River Road (Park For est) Moving sale Furniture, glassware, children's almost everything Wednesday, 5, Thursday. 12 A 4 SALES Furniture, appliances. TV's, clothing, lewelry, odds Ends Just In Antique copper cooker, cast Iron pot belly stoves, saber saws (bench type), space heaters 4 much, much more' W4 Roosevelt, Edinburgh HALF PRICE Sale on all clothing, shoes 4 purses, large selection Family Bargain Shop.

211 N. Gladstone. 17047 Open 11 1' pt Seeders 4 Fertiluersni Clai wer steering, power brakes, new Combines NEW FOR ll 1981 MONTE CARLO 1981 MONTE CARLO DEMO 1885 DEMO 12538 tires runs well 550 or best oiler 524-2334 1972 MAVERICK, good condition, new paint, Mags, air conditioning. Interior like new. 11000 Call 172-7571 or 1721211 ILBT rfJM (All I list wa mi J7689 II 000 BTU window air conditlonar.

aicaiiant condition. Ilka naw, 1300 or I3S0 Installad; naw Saars walgm banch 4 sat ot waights. doubla bar, IIX tor sat Call 372-aW? 174 I HP Snappar Riding Mowar with grass catchar 1300. Phona 37-772 Run A Very Simple Business" BILL DUNFEE CHEVROLET We Buy Nice Used Can 3020 National Road 374-3327 172 FORD nation wagon, power steering 4 brakes, air. 150 1225 CENTRAL AVENUE.

Thursdiy (July 301, 1-4 Bed, office chairs, clothes 4 misc Ford tractors trom 13 HP to 335 HPi'i Ford 4 McKee round balers at old prices' 1 USED! MF 410 1 Ford 70 Combines A-l) I I5'V AMIS 2100 loldup disc A IM! IN Ford tractor. NAA Ford. 440 Ford. 450 Ford. To-30 Ferg.

WOO Ford with loader. 5000 Ford dlesel, and Fords on Malor Diesel I Good Tractors' "We have one of the largest part Inventory In PORO TRACTOR Feeemen Field Ind Perk Seymour l'1! NEW 4 USED gooseneck 4 bumper livestock traders Call Leonard Powell, 1-522-7271 Seymour Prion iidtelnc bus I tk BILL DUNFEE 17 VEGA GT, 4 speed, good condition, 1400 Call 172-11 GARAGE SALE Thurs 4 Frl. -5 Baby items bed, TV. clothing 4 lots of misc 114 14th Street WILSON Olds Cadillac AMC Test drive one of our fuel saving dlesels 1250 National Road 372-2571 82 74 Antiques Super Savtrs 174 CAPRICE, good condition Must sell H200or best ofter, 172-3314 174 DODGE DART, cylinder Above average condition 51450. Phone 57-5745 Automobile Parts 142 AKC REGISTERED mala Minlatura Darhsund.

I waaks old, II2J. Call 372 322 ALMOST NEW drum sat with HI-Hat. I2S0 Eiactrlc basa guitar. 115. Man's Salko Quart! drass watch, 1100 Man's Saiko automatic, 120.

All aicaiiant condition 372-3424 Vr i 14 FORO MOTOR. cylinder, first clasi condition. Call 372-402 after FOR SALE 33 piece Cabbage Rose deoression qiass collection, several completer pieces t-344-4157. 4 Collectable! 4 Antiques Buy-Sell Trade Furniture, appliances, glassware S. 1417 Chestnut 372 521 alter 4pm MANTLE.

WALL and school hous clocks Call alter 5 174-1351 Boats-Accessories 84 ISM 174 MAVERICK, air conditioning, power steering 4 brakes, automatic Recently painted, cylinder 41300 377-7447 2 IOkIO Overhead garage doors from Service Station, aluminum 4 glass, 1175 each or 5300 for both IN Austin Healey Sprint (looks Ilka MGI, gas saver, has naw lop, needs body 4 motor work 5400 or best otter 372-7550 30 HP MERCURY outboard, electric start. 1300, 50 caliber CVA moun- 1 01'' l) SO YARDS ot shag carpet, gold 4 brown pattern, very good condition. 5100 Olympus 35MM OM-IO camera with 50MM lens and man ual override. 5240 Olympus camara case. 120 Olympus 20 Hash, 540 Klron 10-2 oo loorrw macro lens, UN or entire outfit lor 1475 372-0705 NATIONAL ROAO 376-3317 MM lHIAN'l tewNOiMII HOOD 4 DOOR for 171 Detsun pickup.

1100 Parti for 171 Toronado. 575 for car Parts for 172 Pontlac Lemens 174-274 or 544-5101 turoaoenieotrat 174 MUSTANG II, 4 cylinder economy, AM-FM cassette. 5155 ANTIQUE SIOEBOARO, hand carvad. bavalad mirror, 1500 Also antlqua oak labia and chairs with small sldaboard, 1300 Will taka ot-tars 57-53l FARM DRAINAGE SERVICE Field Tile Sales 4 mutilation Jack Snyder 544-5451 Hartsvtlle QUALITY pole buildings Combined 35 years etperience Oscar Lagan Construction, 111 714-421 Farm Equip Wanted 112 WANTED STE AM CLEANER 544-4102 175 VEGA GT, utomflc, black, real sharp. 51200 171 Datum 510 wagon, 1250 342 741 ARVIN HEATOLATOR, tharmostat-Ic control, 150 Glass firaplaca doors, 170 342 7 i 171 BONNEVILLE 400 Pontlac maroon, 2 door with black vinyl top, AM-FM stereo cassette radio, automatic steering 4 brakes, maroon vinyl Interior Call after 5 10 372 47 51450 llrm.

AUTHENTIC 4 complataly rastorad Hooslablnat, with roli top, ,1200. 3 In I bumpar pool tabra, doublas as pokar 4 dining room labia, 1175 Rocking chair, Franch Provincial, 150 altar ft 4cc CARABELLA motorcycle, automatic, 5750, male Cockatiel with cage. IB Cal372-503 I XT' BROWN, rust, gold carpet, 515 10' IS' light avocado, beige carpet, 125 Both A-l 372-1703 Seed, Feed, Hay 114 CLOVER 4 ORCHARD GRASS HAY ,11 25 per bale on wagon Call 342-3205 or 342 1413 FOR SALE clean baled straw" CaiT 544 4041 177 15' OUTBOARO Runabout, 70HP. trailer, canvas, skies Eicel-lent condition 52500 342 424 IS RUNABOUT. 25HP motor, trailer, some accessories 5300 or best otter 372 2741 BOATS UNLIMITED Marina Sales 4 Service 372 2244 3045 Natlonal Road RAY'S GARAGE Boat Auto Small Engine Repair 2435 Holt Street Bekalar 374-2745 Sporting Equipment 86 Shotguns Rifles Pistols We Buy or Trade Gross Hardware 2111 State GUNS GUNS GUNS WE BUY SELL TRADE THOMPSON SPORTING GOODS 101 7 Third Streef Phone 372.4747 174 DATSUN B2I0, Hatchback, AM-FM.

4 speed, radlalt, enceilent maintenance record, reduced to 12500 Moving, must sell 174-043 Articles Wanted 77 BfAR LTD compound bow and all accassorlas, 1185 Supar IMM cam-art and prolactor and mall In fold- art. 5250. Nikon FM 3SMM camara 0-l50MM loom, camara casa, (400 maka offer on any. J7a-I77 batora Ipm CASH LOANS! On your Valuables The Gold Nugget Pawn Shop On the square In Hop 54-5151 Pets and Supplies 120 PEEK A POOS, males, one brown, two blonde 125 each Call 544-4741 174 PONTIAC Bonneville. 4 door hardtop, very good condition 342-413 177 BONNEVILLE, door, all power, dark green Tu-Ton with Rally package Excellent condition.

Low mileage 1100 negotiable Call 371-1457 alter 5 YARD SALE 44 West past Kent Sool. 2nd road on right, follow signs Thursday 4 Friday, 1-5, Auto parts, bathroom vanity, black 4 white TV, clothes, toys, plants 4 misc YARD SALE, FrlT Sat Roads 400 South, 500 West, Ogiivllle Little girls clothing Islie 7-1) good tor school Coats 4 clothing tor women, boys 4 girls sue 3 Drapes, electric broiler oven, some glassware 4 toys. misc. articles Rain date tha following weekend CANNING EQUIPMENT, lurniture, eierclser. boys school clothes loll, lots of Levis and misc.

Thursday. Friday, Saturday. 1-5 2 blocks oft 3IA south in Waynesvllle Hills HATBOX dresser refrigerator, col lectori dishes, lurniture. misc Tuesday-Saturday, 1417 Chestnut GARAGE SALE ThursdayT FrT day. 1332 Brookslde Drive Adult 4 childs clothes, antique wrought Iron baby bed.

giosswere, electric appliances, slutted animals 4 toys, 4 dining room chairs, other items. No early sales Take South 3IA to Deaver Road, follow Deaver Road to Brookslde Estates SerC FAMILY Yard Sal: Thursday Jljuly X) 'ONLY, -5. Grammar Road, follow signs JUST MOVED-IN SALE! Redecorating- many household Items Kitchen utensils, bedspreads, lamps, baby Items, clothing i Intent thru adult) 3421 Sycamore Drive, Frl- day 4 Saturday, 4 MOVING SALE" 2443 Forest Drlye, Jhursday, Friday, Saturday.J-5 Te AST to50 EasTturrT right, 13th house on left Levl'l, 77" Schwinn, 10 speed bike, household furnishings, 10" glrl'i bike, toys. Christmas ornaments, clothes, new items dded eath day Friday 4 Saturday DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Four fan lly garage sal 2 black 4 white TV clocks, linens 4 draperies, chest of drawers, dishes, small appliances, tires 4 wheels, Avon Items, stuffed animals, adult cloth-ing. boy's leans, 2 flat fop guitars, much much mora July 4 II (Thursday 4 Friday), I a m.

til I at 131 Keller Avenue COINS 4 collections Free appraisal! Old post cards and currency from Columbus area 374-0024 ELECTRic WASHER TdryerT-not mora than 1 yeers old. Call 374 520 4-fii rail rN BEIGE Hying roomeoucft, Kroahlar. Ekcallant condition, 1150. Rafrlg-arator, whlta, GE 13 cubic faat, lass than I yaar old 5300 7t-5ft. 90 Office Equip 177 CADILLAC Sedan DeVilie, hai all optloni, excellent condition 54 000 Days 174-0733.

evenings CONTEMPORARY, STYLE whlta couch with blut trim 4 buttons, 1150 Naw all waather Algnor coaf, Silt I. worn 1 time. 1140 Call 372-2S after 3 m. FREE two female spayed Schneu-ters, free to good home Ages 5 4 Call 344-731 HUMANE SOCIETY" Pki-Pc7 puppies. Husky pups, kittens, adult Poodle Call 372 404 FULL-BLOODEO Oechsund puppies for sale Can 37 7I7 evenings WEST HIGHLAND TERRIERS -AKC.

I weeks, mala 4 femal. (250 each Call 57 53 HARDY'S COINS 4 STAMPS Buying clasi rings, scrap gold. Pro Metal Detector Dealer 1531 Central Avenue 372-MS1 ELECTRIC MIMEOGRAPH. A Dick. 515.

Call 372 403 or after 372-4323 PITNEY BOWES postal meter, model 5130 Touchmatlc. 5150 374-70t 4 p.m. 177 CAMARO Rally Sport, automatic, air conditioning, power steering 4 brakes. AMFM converter, rally wheels, asking 14.300 Negotiable, 374-tl. ORIENTAL RUGS Pay fop dollar tor used Oriental rugs 317-2I3-M34 or 3I7-MV-051S.

PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL wants quality dining room furniture, old or new Call 372 4375 COPPERTONE GAS oven with broiler, good condition. 535 Call after DMSO, several bottles. 510 As seen on eO minutes 2721 Beach Drive, 37-aOI5 ELECTRIC AVOCADO oven, 1120, ceramic tile, 550, 3 new garage door sections tor It' door, 175, green carpet, t'uls, 125, brown carpet, 1 pieces, ICitr I U'ulS'. 575 Call37t-40M Columbus Office Supply. Inc Filing Supplies 17th 4 Keiier vt-mi OFFICE-SUPPLIES MACHINES-SALES-SERVICE Rentals, rubber stamps, Office furniture, notary lean 174-7541 HULL'S OFFICE SUPPLY, INC.

SLOT MACHINES WANTED, also old Wurlltier Juke Bom 4 gambling devices Highest prices paid 311 U7-4VM 1977 DODGE VAN BEAUTIFUL MARX-VAN 3 Wood-Fuel WANTED: Complete Playboy back Issue collection Phone 372-47. WANTED used guitars, amps, etc Top dollar for old Instrument -TOM PICKETT MUJlt II2 Dfh. FOR SALI OR TRADE mulile loading rllla, 45 caliber, 1150 Call 37t-0IS5 after Sp.m SUMMER PRICEOOak andcutl.513 pickup load, Haul Four man Enterprises, Hop. 544 5734 WANTED: USED PIANOS ANY TYPE Call Collect Area 117-24-517 COAL FOR SALE Contact Ajall Elevator, 57 5475 Discount If picked up, will deliver WANTEO: 2V doubla Gondola with shelving, 54" tall; one 4' showcase Call 17I-M3I dayi or 173-427 after 5 10 pm FOR SALE: Rebuilt Ford C- automatic transmission, 5175 or bast otter 372-7562 GE ELECTRIC range. 27" drop-In model, self-cleaning, avocado, 1135 Avocado kitchen eihaust Ian, 520 Dining room light, 525 37t-030J "0 1 self-cLeaning" range, clean.

5350 call 1714113 JULY SALE! Wa buy gold Iclass rings, wadding bands, gold lewelery, other miscellaneous gold items I Diamonds, invar coins -144 4 before SMITHS JEWELERS 401 Washington St 377 154 JT-V" s-r -r. f. 79 Auction Jt4 GO CART, Bug Sidewinder, etceiient condition, complete with bumpers, knerf bars, due spots, temperature gauge 1 itarftr cart 1400, go carf equipmert, everything for dirt 1 asphalt. II engines, 30 tires. 50 sprockets, Nyllte wheels, many naw spare parti MOO Call 17 4714 after p.m.

JMiWinw In ordtr to reduce our used car invtntory, wt'rt lowering the price of every used car in stock. We have a very good selection and you can get on excellent local car at huge savings. -'mlJ. ar RUSSELL McKINNE Real Estate 4 Appraiser Phone 142-1114 'Oatsun 21 0 1 Door Sedan MPG -I La kAPd CAMARO 1976 CHEVROLET rpU ill in ajsa i Mia' tee box, sink, tablet, captain's chairs, couch and tasteful decor throughout. Compare at $9,000 to BEHLER'S SPECIAL ATONIY upG: hpr.

use e'r mileage i'r" L.T. TYPE TWO DOOR COUPE. Maroon col-ored with black and white plaid viAyl bucket seats. Equipped with a 3S0 V8 engine, automatic transmission, factory air conditioning, cruise control, AMFM stereo and eight track tape player, nearly new tires mounted ybn Cragar wheels and much, much more. Super iWp Chevy.

acwa'niess. $6499 SSS vvi- DoH not irvcluck toxet, license, destination chat, or trrli fit. DEDI1EB GRAHAM-TODD MOTOR CO. I Trnoct NEXT TO STEFAN'S RESTAU8ANT 1ST A BLOCK AND A BRIDGE FROM WASHINGTON STREET 2114 Central 3560 K. NATIONAL ROAD 372-3725 I I Dodos ST.

j37M34 biirl 7.1 -J ji I.

The Republic from Columbus, Indiana (2025)


What was the original name of Columbus Indiana? ›

A Little History

The town was known as Tiptona, named in honor of General Tipton. The town's name was changed to Columbus on March 20, 1821.

What is special about Columbus Indiana? ›

The city is known for its architectural significance, having commissioned noted works of modern architecture and public art since the mid-20th century; the annual program Exhibit Columbus celebrates this legacy.

Why live in Columbus Indiana? ›

Columbus is in Bartholomew County and is one of the best places to live in Indiana. Living in Columbus offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Columbus there are a lot of parks. Many families and young professionals live in Columbus and residents tend to lean conservative.

What is the ethnicity of Columbus Indiana? ›

In 2022, there were 5.74 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (37k people) in Columbus, IN than any other race or ethnicity. There were 6.45k Asian (Non-Hispanic) and 1.71k White (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups. 8.95% of the people in Columbus, IN are hispanic (4.55k people).

Why is it called Columbus? ›

Name. The city of Columbus was named after 15th-century Italian explorer Christopher Columbus at the city's founding in 1812. It is the largest city in the world named for the explorer, who sailed to and settled parts of the Americas on behalf of Isabella I of Castile and Spain.

What is Columbus most famous for? ›

Christopher Columbus was a navigator who explored the Americas under the flag of Spain. Some people think of him as the "discoverer" of America, but this is not strictly true. His voyages across the Atlantic paved the way for European colonization and exploitation of the Americas.

What big company is in Columbus Indiana? ›

biggest companies in Columbus, IN
  • Cummins. Zippia Score 4.6. ...
  • Faurecia Emissions Control Systems Na, LLC. Zippia Score 4.7. ...
  • Columbus Regional Health. Zippia Score 4.5. ...
  • Elwood Staffing. Zippia Score 4.4. ...
  • Enkei America, Inc. Zippia Score 4.0. ...
  • Columbus Components Group LLC. Zippia Score 3.8. ...
  • Impact Forge Group. ...
  • Mount Trucking Inc.

What is the average household income in Columbus Indiana? ›

About. In 2022, Columbus, IN had a population of 82.4k people with a median age of 38 and a median household income of $76,912. Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Columbus, IN grew from 81,759 to 82,371, a 0.749% increase and its median household income grew from $71,183 to $76,912, a 8.05% increase.

What is the average cost of living in Columbus Indiana? ›

The median household income in Columbus is $79,184, and the average commute time is about 23.0 minutes. The unemployment rate here is 3.78%. If you want to buy a house in Columbus, the median home price here is $219,630. And if youre a renter, you can expect the median rent here to be $1125.

Which city is bigger, Columbus or Indianapolis? ›

Columbus overtakes Indianapolis to become country's 14th largest city, with several suburbs growing quickly as well. Ohio's capital city passed Indianapolis(855,164) to move up to the 14th spot. Columbus remains Ohio's largest city, well ahead of Cleveland (No. 51 with a population of 385,809) and Cincinnati (No.

What is the real name of Columbus? ›

Christopher Columbus Was Not His Real Name

In Italian he is known as Cristoforo Colombo, which was long thought to be his birth name, and in Spanish as Cristóbal Colón.

What were the original names of Columbus ships? ›

On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew set sail from the port of Palos in southern Spain on three vessels: la Santa Clara (Niña), la Pinta and la Santa Gallega (Santa Maria).

What was the first city to rename Columbus Day? ›

Berkeley, CA, was the first city to make the change in 1992. Santa Cruz, CA, followed shortly after in 1994. Since then, many states, including Alaska, Oregon, California, Iowa, Louisiana, and North Carolina, have adopted Indigenous Peoples' Day.

What was the name of America before Christopher Columbus? ›

Two names that America could have received before the arrival of the Europeans were Zuania (of Caribbean origin) and Abya-Yala (used by the Kuna people of Panama).

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.