The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY' REPUBLICAN: MAY 1 1921 SMITH GLEE CLUB LOCAL INTEREST "The GIVES OPERETTA Smith to of Pr of ish of Pecks EN TITLED TO $500 of of of her natural act find I Dex i er 101 StltsonB Oxfords the Heel Inc UUUMWlIMbJCTaC MAY CLEARANCE SALE Jaw Gauge The Pivot or Shaft ACTUAL SAVING 25 Average Size Rugs Room Size Rugs ormerly sold from $100 to $150 ormerly sold at $500 to $800 of A Stitch in Time Saves Nine OVER TIAAB 306 Bridge Street Near Stearns Square his gold in the frightens people pretending to be is caught and is that he loses his but the The heels of Stetson oxfords are tailored to fit broad at the bot tom and narrowing to the top you need not worry abojut having laces the heel hugs opera is in 17th It has the usual Chimes of Given College Glee Club Last Evening At last you have that opportunity that you have always wanted to own a beautiful hand woven Oriental Rug an the works of which are designed to per form on a pivot measurement of six one thousandths of a centimeter The Waltham Watch Company has created gauges that measure even the twelfth part of a human hair to determine these variations and elim inate errors unseen by the human eye in the works of a watch which mean all tie difference to you in dependabil ity and value giving another of those unanswerable reasons why your watch selection should be a Waltham two his 4 6 priced at No 63 Smart Tailored Drown Kid Oxford on our amous fiss Hawes Last SWakcrs of the famous Waltham air friction quality Speedometers and Automobile Time pieces used on the world's leading cars Al I 17 ng of Bur told you in a previous adver tisem*nt that the twelfth part of a human hair was the difference be tween the Waltham standardized accu racy and the variable guess work in foreign watches RICE LETS SMIECK OUT ON HIS HONOR But suppose this pivot was the third part of a human hair friction would be increased causing a variation in the time keeping qualities of the watch LYNCH ADMITS NINE BURGLARIES A normal human hair measures six one thousandths of a centimeter Imag ine then the pivots or bearings of the Balance Shaft being only the size of a human hair WALTHAM VANGUARD The inest Railroad Watch 23 Jewels $80 and up The Bearing a Shaft that Measures only Six One Thousandths of a Centimeter the Diameter of a Normal Human Hair INDICTED Also Gets Alimony of $250 a Month and Resumption of Maiden Name A decree on the grounds of cruel and abusive treatment was granted by Judge rederick Lawton in superior court yesterday in the suit for di vorce of Mabel Steiger against Philip Steiger both of Holyoke Mrs Steiger is granted alimony of $250 a month the first allowance to be paid on June 1921 She is also granted leave to resume her maiden name of Guibord Brightly colored walls and other gay hues in factories and workshopa are said to lead to increased produc tion The Chinese of all people attsch most importance to etiquet their book of rites dating back to the first century before the Christian era Now is the time to have your rugs washed and cleaned thoroughly When they are cleaned by experts you may be assured they will last longer When they begin to show wear have them repaired MRS STEIGER GIVEN HER DIVORCE DECREE presented its second annual concert this in John Greene was Chimes of The Bells of Corne a translation of the rench by notlfied Capt Quilty about 1 yesterday morning of the arrest of Lynch and that official ordered that Connery also be taken The police had little difficulty in getting Connery who was at his home in Palmer A Long Grilling About 3 yesterday morning the grilling started and both men denied tliat they had any knowledge of the breaks After roll call yesterday morn ing Capt Quilty was closeted with them for several hours and finally secured a confession from Lynch Connery later confessed that he re ceived as a present from Lynch one of the watches stolen from the hom*o of Willis A ord He said he threw the watch from the trolly car while he was being brought here by the police He also threw away a foun tain pen which he said Lynch gave him Lynhcs told Capt Quilty that be always worked alone and that Con nery had nothing to do with his escapades DUANE CHURCH WALTHAM The world's most famous inventor of watch making machinery Commissioner Will Ask West Springfield Authorities to Look Into Case Peter Smieck of Aniostown road West Springfield who asked United States Commissioner John Bice riday to send him to Jail where ho can get something to cat was released on his own recognizance yes terday when ho reported io the com missioner that he was unable to a bondsman Smieck was arrested when moonshine stills were found on property He was ordered yesterday to apprttr for a hearing two weeks from yesterday He was in lietter spirits and thanked the commissioner for his kindness Smieck explained riday that he has been out cf work tor a iong time and that his family is destitute Yester day he said he did not have money to buy seed to plant his farm Com missioner Rice said he would ask the West Springfield authorities to look into the cast All that the man was able to offer as security was a second hand motor cycle He said he had made pay ments on four lots of land but had been obliged to stop making pay ments when he lost his job and so dil not have title to the land to offer it as security of Roselle or Zabriskie I lighting of Harrisburg Chicago April "0 Everett A Hard ing who introduced himself as Pres ident confidential secretary and who took a party of prominent Chicagoans to Washington in a special car far an introduction to hns been indicted bv the federal grand jury on the charge of impersonating a government official Mortgage Gives Grycowka Prefer ence Over Others Referee Bosworth yesterday made a finding that a mortgage of $1000 given by Thomas Robak to John Grycowka both of Thorndike is valid The mortgage was given October 15 1920 when a second payment of $500 was made by Grycowka to Robak the first having been made October 1 pre viously The property by which the mortgage was secured consisted of a stock of goods store in Thorndike On December 3 Robalc went into bankruptcy Bardwell Esther Brayton Mary Dietrich 21 of Helen Kellogg of Oa Alice Lull '21 of Milwaukee Rhoda Orme '22 of Dorchester amusing minor jvlot around the miser Gaspard who hides deserted castle and from going there by a ghost At last he so frightened himself wits The scene in the haunted castle betw een Gaspard and the peasant who is 'eft there to catch him is one of the best in the entire operetta The music is tuneful and pleasing and was well sung by a very clever chorus which had been excellently coached in acting as well as in sing ing me scenery was simple enecuve ano cleverly adapted hall 3 of Law STETSON SHOPS 201 Worthington St Springfield Mass Left to Kight ront Row Louisa Wells of Warehouse Ct Edith Jacobs of Dudley Gertrude Sehin cf Ill Anna O'Connor of Northampton Hazel Sprague of Milton Vivian Limn of Little Kock Ark Second Row Alida Bigelow of St Paul Minn Janice Taggart of Burlington Vt Catherine Pratt of Honolulu IL Margaret Bardwell cf Minneapolis Minn Back Row Marion De Rondc of West Englewood Carlotta Lane of Peekskill Elizabeth Young of Washington a Genuine Specimen Oriental Art Chimes of Presented by Excellent Cast in John Greene Hail at Northampton Northampton April 30 The Smith College Glee club operetta for the evening at 745 hall The opera or Cloches de Corneville' ert Planquette The cast was excep tionally well chosen and showed clev er stage presence and acting Louisa Wells of Warehouse Point Ct as the old miser Gaspard who trembles at his own ghosts gave one of the best character sketches in the piece Hazel Sprague of Milton made a very appealing little heroine who turned out to be a marchioness instead or a peasant girl Sehm '21 of Peoria 111 tably droll as the peasant lette Vivian Lenon '21 Bock cobs cheux beautiful voices mention one did opera a ing and The Principals in By the Tlie Cast The cast follows: Serpolette Gertruila Sehm uiju in Germaino Hazel Gertrude Janico ling ton Vt Myrtle Park Manet te Mildred rost rence Suzanne Carlotta Lane kill Henri Virion Lenon of Little Rock Ark Jean Grcnicheux Edith Jacobs 21 of Dudley Gaspard Lnuisa Wells 21 of Ware uvuho x'oini vt The BaiJli Anna Northampton The Notary Catherine Pratt Tonolulu Maid servants Ruth Diinick 22 Providence Katherine Gaylord of Winsted Ct Margaret Kreglow 22 of Pilmerton Pa: Anita Leo Wolf 23 of Niagara alls Marjorie Smithwick21 of Lexington: Dorothy Stearns of Cleveland Mary Sullivan '22 of West field: Edith Tyler of Boston: Mary Walsh 21 of Middletown Ct Katharine Winchester of airfield Ct Catharine Wheeler of Meriden Ct Mary Yon glove of St Louis Mo: Miriam Za briskie 22 of Maplewood Margaret ranks 22 of Rockville Center Helen yle of Centralia Ill: Rosalind Hubbell of Lexington: Lucille Kyte of Albany Onnolee Mann of Omaha Neb: Pauline West Acton: Elizabeth itchburg: Geraldine Scott Ill Men Margaret of Minneapolis Minn of Brooklyn Harrisburg wego Wis: Gertruda was inimi srirl Seruo Vivian Lenon of Littlork as Henri and Bdith Ja il of Dudley as Jean Greni contributed much by their It is impossible to all of the large cast but each her part toward making the success by singing scene of ths Normandy light opera theme consisting of sev eral plots Serpolette and Germaine wards of old Gaspard are both striv ing for the love of the dark stranger Henri and for the title of marchion ess Eventually the heroine Ger maine wins both and Serpolette is forced to content herself with th despised peasant lover There is an Meade of Neilon 22 of of Geneva Anno Pennypacker of Haddonfield Esther of Little alls Sarah Starkweather of Hartford Ct Annetta Smith of Somerville Elizabeth Young of Washington Coachmen Alida Bigelow '21 of St Paul Minn: Marion DeRonda of West Engelwood Margaret Hum phrey of Kalamazoo 'licii Jameson '21 etta Robinson Dorothy Sawyer Smith of of Minn: Enirplwood '22 of Kalamazoo Midi Katrina of Washington iienn or opringiiem in 1 of itehburir: Harriet '22 of feiestcr: Marjorie Tietigr Cincinnati Carlotta Wolverton Mount Vernon professional orchestra from Springfield accompanied the opera and the Smith College Mandolin club played during the intermissions The committee for the production was: Stage managers Margaret Kreglow of Palmerton Pa and Ruth Dimick of providence I scenery Pauline Meade '21 West Acton and Miriam '22 of Maplewood Mare Dietrich Pa publicity Margaret ranks of Bock ville Center costumes Annetta Smith '21 of Somerville anl Henrietta Robinson '21 of Spring field III If you should split one of the hairs of your head into six equal parts each part would measure approximately one thousandth of a centimeter Yet even this minute variation is eliminated by theWaltham standard of measurement or instance here is a Waltham Watch This story is continued in a beautiful booklet in which you will find a liberal watch education Sent free upon request to the ITalthani ITatch Company Waltham Mass 27 home of Robert Ab 'under 1H4 Bowdoin street Mm'i'h 2S hom*o ot' John Phelps 11 I Muplt wood terrace April 8 hom*o of William Lay Sumner avenue April 10 hom*o of William Gil bert 172 Lorn Hill street April 111 horn of Charles Angell 11 Ingersoll grove April 21 the apartment of Willis A ord 162 arl street Reports of these several brinks oomiitg very near together and all bearing "ear marks'' of having been committed an 'amateur to the upmson in some quarters that were nshey in many hey instances particularly at the Alexander home on Bowdoin street and at the home of 17 A Dexter valuable loot was left be hind by the robber All these houses entered were thoroughly ransacked end from many of them valuable jewelry was stolen Talk with Gilbert atal Lynch's anxiety to cet 8200 from the bank official proved his undoing since information given the police by Mr Gilbert caused the arrest of the con fess yl burglar a nwanl of $50 had "cepi offered tor recovery of jewelry Xilen from the Gilbert home About JllUt riday night a man who proved to Lynch called Mr Gilbert on the telephone and drnianu $200 for the return of the missing jewelry When the conversation ended Mr nund out where the call came from by questioning the chief operator at th" telephone office He learned man did his talking from the waiting room tn Palmer Ma immediately called Detective Lieuten atot Murphy at police headquarters vi in turn notified Chief Crimmins of the Palmer police Detective Lieu tenant Patrick enton and Detec tive Sergeant John leming also were called in on ttio Chief Crimmins learned that after the teliVhone ronviirgntion five men Iziarded a car fop Springfield Iti vms that Lynch td planned to call Mr Gilbert after ottiing into the city but having missed a car he did the trdking from Palmier Lieutenant MtVPhy notified the Indian Orchard polfce and the five men were intercept ed ir" the Orchard our of them easily explained their identity and good' enar: iciter nnn were released whil Lynch was brought here Murph Police Claim State Street Man Confesses to Many Re cent Thefts Worked All Alone He Says After several hours grilling by the police Elmer Lynch of 339 State street it is said confessed to Capt rank Quilty of the detective bureau yesterday morning that he is responsible for at Lst nine breaks that hale occurred recently in this ciy u4 Longmeadow Lynch was airis i on a clew which he himself turn 'shod vhcn in a telephone con vmitlun I 1 day night with "William Gillu i president of the Union Trust i ip iny he attempted to ex tort mm from that oflieial for the return i welry stolen on the night 11 tn tne uuuen nome ai Hill street story tu the police Lynch always alone Ciinneiy 25 of Balmer is I here as a suspect follow nst early yesterday morn ing it being thought that Connery also knows something about the many breaks IJuth men will appear in police court tomorrow morning Lynch has admitted tt Capt Quilty that ho committed the following bur glaries which involve the theft of jr welry money and valuables amount ing to about $lO0t( in value Ho o' ms he disposed of the entire loot for $S5 through a located in an thcr city Ilbi of Breaks March 7 the home of Graves 201 Longmeacl etreet Longmeadow March 12 home of Antonio Bianchi 98 Lincoln road Long March 21 lioin cf THE WATCH Where you sec this sign they sell Waltham Watches Sprague Tarrart 'u flEBT y' Vx' ix LI IRQ Ibe affliwii bup gfft Mill SS' "'I i WL fSi wossni 1 8 RM I II Ws I 7MW I 7 I 7u anw i a Ji ii that Hug xC W7 4 i WO 111 Mf MA a AMkXWWh I i 1 En II QI jST CTHHMCTMBCTCTnCTMCTBCT HaOBHUI UM JU1UHB 8 8 iKl 5 IL iXLAX enlarged! sAr 1 AL KUbO a Mil I ib pw i Ik kp M1 WALTHAM 1 foJW I wAa tz ki i inm 1 yw KW rWBl 35 75 Every Rug 4 i i SwiiSBESl II.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.