What Has an Impact on the Balance Sheet? (2024)

Balance sheets are part of the standard financial reporting packages for businesses. Month-end and year-end reporting includes a balance sheet statement, as does any application for financing or investment. The balance sheet reflects the company's current overall financial position.

Balance Sheet

  1. The balance sheet provides an illustration of a company's financial position. The final calculation on a balance sheet report indicates the difference between the assets and liabilities. This figure, labeled "Owner's Equity" or "Stockholder's Equity," shows the amount of cash the business would have on hand if all of the assets were liquidated and liabilities were paid off.


  1. The first section of the balance sheet lists the company assets. Assets for the balance sheet include cash, inventory, accounts receivable and prepaid accounts. Buildings, land and equipment owned by the company are categorized as assets on the balance sheet. Assets represent the equity in the business. As the value of the assets increases, the equity in the business increases. The equity calculation on the balance sheet is directly impacted by the value of the company assets.


  1. The second section of a balance sheet details the company's liabilities. Liabilities are financial commitments, or claims against a company's assets. Payable accounts in the ledger, including wages, accounts payable and taxes due are all liabilities that reduce the owner's equity. When customers pay advanced deposits, those funds are recorded as unearned revenue. The revenue is not earned until the order is delivered. This unearned amount is a liability because it is a commitment to deliver goods in the future. The greater a company's liability balance, the lower the owner's equity from the reported assets.

Stockholder or Owner Equity

  1. The stock shares in the marketplace, treasury shares and retained earnings are the final things listed on the balance sheet. The value of the shares in the market can increase or decrease the retained earnings figures. The sum of these values equals the stockholder's equity, if your business issues stock. If the business is privately owned, this section is simply owner's equity and is the difference between the assets and liabilities.

What Has an Impact on the Balance Sheet? (2024)
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