Connected - Chapter 22 - Justastraykid (2024)

Chapter Text

After he left Felix’s room with the confirmation that both his Omegas were okay for now, Minho only had one destination in mind.

Minho was stumbling, barely keeping himself upright as he fought the overwhelming urge to fall deep into headspace, a place where the guilt and pain could no longer touch him.

He needed his Alpha.

He found Chan sitting in his room, but he was not as alone as Minho had hoped. Changbin lay on the bed across from him, lazily throwing a ball against the wall and catching it.
But Minho couldn't bring himself to care.

He whined.

Immediately two heads snapped over towards the noise, the ball slipping out of Changbin's hand.

“A-alphas,” Minho choked and in seconds both Alpha's were on their feet, racing over to him and catching the Beta before he hit the ground.

The effect was almost immediate, as soon as their hands touched the bare skin of his arms, his eyes were flashing gold, his sharp citrus scent sweetening until it was as sugary as candy.


Chan wasted no time when he reached Minho, scooping the Beta up and carrying him over to his bed, setting him down onto the soft mattress.

“Oh, baby,” Chan whispered as he watched Minho's eyes flicker, knowing what this meant. Minho hadn't been brought down into his Beta space in a long time–too long. And with all of the chaos and stress, he never should have let it go this long.

Changbin seemed to understand as well, and he watched as Changbin slowly slipped behind the Beta, pulling the boy between his legs to rest against his broad chest.

“Hyung,” Minho whimpered once settled. “Hyung, it hurts.”

Chan frowned, reaching over to stroke the Beta's dark hair with gentle fingers.

“What hurts, baby?” He asked softly.

Minho just pressed a hand against his chest.

“Here, sweetie?” Chan cooed, placing a hand over Minho's. “Why does your heart hurt, baby?”

Minho’s mouth trembled and his flickering eyes grew wet with unshed tears. “I-I hurt Seungmin!” Minho finally managed to say, his body shaking like a leaf in Changbin's firm grasp.

“Sweetie, none of this was your fault,” Chan promised, stopping his movement on his hair to intertwine their fingers, but Minho just shook his head violently, tears flying.

“It is, it's all my fault.” He sobbed. “I hurt him, hyung. He was dying, and I hurt him. I’m just as bad as that bastard Choi.”

Now that was ridiculous.

“No. Minho. No, you are not.” Chan said firmly, but Minho just pulled his hand away from his. “But you don't even know what I did,” Minho cried, his voice cracking with desperation.

“I don't care what you did.” Chan snapped. “You are nothing like Choi. All you've ever done was love and care for our pack, and our new Omega. All Mr. Choi ever tried to do was destroy it, and him.” Chan said fiercely.

He paused, considering whether or not to ask his next question. Was it too soon? For Chan it wasn't, he knew his answer.

“Do you love him?” He asked. “Do you love Seungmin?”

“Yes.” Minho said, no hesitation, no doubt in his voice. “I love him more than anything.”

Chan smiled sadly. “Then he will forgive you.”

Minho stared up at him with his eyes flickering feverishly between brown and gold. “You promise?” He whispered, looking so lost and scared, so unlike himself.

Chan immediately nodded, cupping his cheek with his free hand. “I promise.” There was no way Chan could be sure, but Minho needed comfort right now.

Minho’s muscles seemed to give out and he slumped back into Changbin’s warm hold.

“I need you to help me,” He said after awhile, his voice small and quiet. “I can’t slip on my own.”

“Of course baby,” Chan said. He would be happy to help Minho slip, always. “Do you want us to just hold you, or,” He couldn't stop the slight smirk that crossed his face at this, “Do you want us to make you feel good?”

Minho grabbed his hand, startling him with the tightness of his grip, yanking him closer. “I want you to ruin me.” He hissed into his ear.

smut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smut

Minho gasped loudly as he felt Changbin’s hand grab the back of his neck, and press his thumb hard into Minho's scent gland.

Changbin hummed encouragingly as the gold in his Beta's eyes solidified, massaging the sensitive gland. “There we go, kitten.” He cooed, smiling as Minho tilted his head back, letting out a breathy moan at the pressure. “Good boy.”

Chan licked his lips, drooling at the sight in front of him. Changbin sat with his back against the wall, one thick, muscular arm wrapped around Minho’s waist, the other holding the Beta’s head up at his chest, revealing the man’s long, beautiful, unblemished neck.

It had been a long time since any of them had the time to have sex, and both of them were looking like a three-course meal.

Chan pondered what he wanted to do first. He could choke Minho on his co*ck, make Changbin open him up from behind. He always loved how the Beta went cross eyed at the sensation, his moans vibrating around his length. He could just jump straight to the point, as Minho was the only member of his pack that liked being f*cked without any prep, but this was about making Minho feel good, he reminded himself.

This was about Minho’s pleasure. He wasn’t going to rush it despite how hard he already was just imagining it.

“Alright, Kitten.” Chan started. “Let’s get these clothes off of you.” The Beta was still coherent enough to lift his hips as Chan undid his belt, shimmying his pants down his legs.

Changbin laughed from behind him, yanking his head back further and removing the arm that was wrapped around his waist in favor of taking his rock hard member into his hand.

Minho inhaled sharply, bucking his hips up into his touch.

“So hard already, huh?” Changbin laughed, jerking him once before cruelly letting go. Minho let out a wounded noise as his co*ck slapped against his pelvis, his golden eyes already wet.

Chan clucked his tongue. “Changbinnie, be nice.” He admonished. “Or it’ll be you getting you ass f*cked.” Chan didn’t really mean it, but the threat was enough to shut the younger Alpha up and have his Beta slump slightly with relief.

Chan chuckled, knowing that relief was going to be short lived. He debated taking Minho’s shirt off, but decided to leave it on for now as it wasn’t going to affect his plan.

“You remember your safewords, right Kitten?” Chan asked and Changbin released his neck to give him a chance to nod.

“Green is good, yellow if-if I n-need a break, a-and red to stop everything,” He recited and Chan nodded, satisfied.

“And what do you do if you can’t speak?” He prompted.

“Tap th-three times,” Minho gasped.

“Yes, good boy.” Chan praised, giggling as Minho’s co*ck twitched.

The pack alpha glanced up at Changbin. “Hold him still.” he instructed and the younger Alpha smirked, nodding.

Chan had enough waiting. He ducked down and took Minho’s aching co*ck into his mouth.

Like he expected, Minho bucked his hips, but Chan was quick to slam them back down on the bed with both hands, allowing him no room to move.

He could hear Changbin’s condescending laughter from above, lifting his eyes from where his lips were wrapped around Minho’s member to see the Beta squirming as Changbin flicked his nipples under his shirt, his pink mouth hanging open dumbly.

Chan slid Minho’s length deeper into his mouth until he was an inch away from the base, then stopped.

He listened with satisfaction as the Beta whined, unsuccessfully trying to find the friction he so desperately wanted.

But Chan just sat there, letting Minho sit in his warm mouth, feeling him twitch and throb against his tongue. The alpha reached a hand down and fondled his balls, drinking in the gasp it elicited from the sensitive Beta.

Chan didn’t know how long it would take for Minho to finally do what he wanted, but he was pleasantly surprised that not even a minute into his pleasurable torture, his beta let out a loud cry.

“Please Channie-hyung,” He gasped.

“Please what?” Changbin laughed. “What do you want, kitten?”

Minho moaned as Chan swallowed around his co*ck. “Please, please move!” He cried, wiggling his hips in a nearly successful attempt to escape Chan’s iron-clad grasp. But Chan held firm, swallowing again and squeezing his balls gently.

He delighted at the sound the beta made at that, halfway between a moan and a sob. But he had enough teasing, so finally Chan gave in, pulling back until only his tip was still between his lips before bobbing his head back down.

He never could have expected what came next. Minho tensed like a bowstring, his muscles going taut as he tossed his head back in a cry. Chan jerked back in surprise as warm liquid squirted into his mouth, Minho’s co*ck throbbing and pulsing as the Beta cried.

Minho had cum. Chan had never, ever seen Minho cum so easily. He was usually the hardest to get to org*sm, but there was no mistaking it.

Chan pulled back, letting Minho’s co*ck fall out of his mouth. Minho was sprawled in Changbin's hold, panting, his golden eyes shining with tears, his muscles jumping from the aftershocks.

“Did he just…cum?” Changbin asked in a hushed whisper and Chan nodded, wiping the cum off of his lips with his thumb.

“Kitten is sensitive today, huh?” Changbin snorted, flicking Minho’s nipple again.

“I-I’m s-sorry,” Minho gasped, looking up at Chan, his eyes shining. “I didn’t mean to.”

Chan just shook his head. “Aw sweetie, its okay.” He cooed. “You can cum as much as you like, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop, or give you a break, okay?”

Minho nodded, looking relieved.

“Good,” Chan sighed. “Because I’m not done.” Without another warning, he ducked back down, taking Minho’s softening dick back into his mouth.

He ignored Minho’s cry of protest, starting a fast bob of his head. Minho wiggling and cried, desperately trying to break out of the alphas’ hold, to no avail.

They kept him still as Chan worked until the Beta was cumming again with a loud sob with Chan’s nose pressed to his pelvis.

He swallowed, letting his throat massage him through his org*sm.

He pulled back once Minho was soft and relaxed and crawled up to capture his lips in a heated kiss. Minho groaned as he tasted his own cum on Chan’s tongue, but accepted it without protest, letting the Alpha take control.

Chan pulled back to breath and grinned as he caught Changbin’s eyes. He was staring at him greedily, blood on his lips from biting them.

Looking down, he could see the Alpha’s hips grinding against Minho’s back as he started to get desperate too.

Chan was quick to pull him in for a kiss too, licking the blood off of the soft pink skin as the younger Alpha panted into his mouth.

Once he had finished, he pulled back. “Come on, lets change position.” Chan instructed, and Changbin helped him lift Minho off of him.

Chan wanted to laugh at the wet patch forming on the front of Changbin’s sweatpants, but the boy looked so embarrassed about it, he held back.

Setting Minho on the edge of the bed, he instructed the Beta to lift his arms, pulling his sweaty shirt over his head.

Now free, Changbin was naked within fifteen seconds, wrapping a hand around his own co*ck and sighing with relief as he stroked himself.

“Nuh-uh,” Chan growled, slapping Changbin’s hand away from his co*ck. ‘No touching yourself.”

Changbin whined sadly, but never ever the good sub, he sat back on his hands, his lips trembling.

“Good boy,” Chan made sure to praise him, holding back a laugh as Changbin’s co*ck jumped.

Leaving the Alpha on his knees on the mattress, he turned his attention back to Minho. The beta followed his maneuvering easily until he was on his hands and knees, facing his ass towards Changbin.

“Binnie, you’re gonna prep him, alright?” Chan stated. “If you do a good job, I’ll let you f*ck him first.”

Changbin nodded so fast Chan was surprised he couldn’t hear his brain rattling around in his skull, the Alpha immediately grabbing the lube Chan handed him and popping the cap open.

As he spread the clear substance on his fingers, Chan took the moment to check on Minho.

“Hey baby,” Chan whispered, kneeling down where Minho’s head was. “Are you doing okay? Are you feeling good?”

He didn’t respond for a second, and Chan nearly called for Changbin to wait, but then he was lifting his head.

Minho’s face was flushed, tear tracks trailing down his cheeks, but he was grinning. “So good Channie,” He panted. “Feels so go-AH!” Minho cried out mid sentence as Changbin thrust two of his lubed up fingers into Minho’s hole, the Beta arching, his eyes rolling back at the feeling.

Chan chuckled as Minho pushed back onto Changbin’s fingers, smiling wider than he had seen in weeks as his thick fingers violated his poor hole.

For anyone else, Chan would be worried about Changbin going so hard, so fast. With Jisung, it took several minutes between each finger, and his body was quite literally made to take co*ck.

But Minho liked the bite of pain that came with the pleasure, he always had.

After a few more minutes Minho had enough, growling out “Just f*ck me already!”

Chan was about to reprimand him for demanding, maybe make Changbin tease him a bit longer, but the young Alpha didn’t waste a single second once he got permission.

He slammed his co*ck inside, pushing all the way to the hilt with one thrust.

The scream Minho let out was almost concerning, but the full-faced maniacal grin followed by the “f*ck, YES!” Had Chan relaxing.

Changbin was nearly as loud as Minho, moaning as he thrust deep and fast into the Beta, dragging him back onto his co*ck each time his violent thrusts sent him rocking to far away from him.

It was almost comical, like something straight out of an over produced p*rn film, both boys screaming out curse words as ear-splitting smacks of skin on skin resounded around the room.

Chan was pretty sure every single person in the penthouse could hear him by now, probably even the whole hotel. He severely hoped this wouldn’t traumatize any of the younger ones, but thankfully Enhypen lived on the floor furthest away from them.

Minho’s hair bounced along as he was pounded, sweat pouring down his skin as he let out cries of ecstasy.

“f*ck, hyung, you feel so good.” Changbin groaned, and leaned forward, grabbing MInho’s shoulders and using them like handle bars to slam him even harder and faster onto his co*ck until he was barely pulling out, just slamming inside of him over and over and over again.

“Such a big f*cking co*ck-f*ck!” Minho’s arms finally collapsed and he fell face first into the cushions, turning his head to the side so he could breath.

Changbin was gasping from exertion, beat red and covered in sweat. But he didn’t slow down, only shifted until he was pounding straight into Minho’s prostate on every thrust.

It took only a dozen more short, sharp, absolutely brutal thrusts before Minho was screaming a long string of cuss words into the pillow, his back arching as his co*ck erupted, dirtying the sheets and his stomach.

He came so hard some of it even landed on his own face.

“f*ck, SO f*ckING TIGHT-f*ck YOU f*ckING sh*t!” Changbin came flopping down on top of Minho and riding out his org*sm in slowing thrusts.

He didn’t stop for nearly another minute though, his hips continuing to push inside of the Beta until Minho found the strength to shove him off.

Chan was in tears, laughing hysterically by the time they had finished, his own arousal almost forgotten at the sheer ridiculousness of the sight.

He loved watch Minho and Changbin f*ck, it was always entertaining to say the least. No matter who was on the bottom, it was easy to see the power Minho held over the Alpha.

Changbin grumbled something unintelligible by the time Chan had made his way over and flipped him onto his back.

Minho turned around before letting out his own laugh. “Weren’t you the one f*cking me?” He giggled, and Changbin just glared at him.

Minho’s eyes had transitioned mostly back to brown, only a few gold flecks still present in his irises. That's fine, Chan will bring him back down.

“Do you still want me to f*ck you?” Chan asked the Beta.

Minho laughed again. “I told you to ruin me, didn’t I?” He said, lifting an eyebrow.

Chan grinned, “Okay, Kitten.” He cooed, watching Minho squirm with a giggle. The Beta did not appreciate the nickname as much when he wasn’t in his headspace. But Chan will fix that.

Leaving Changbin asleep on his bed, Chan lifted MInho into his arms and carried him over to his own.

He lay him down gently, and said “Are you ready?”

Minho nodded and Chan leaned forward, wrapping his hand around the back of his neck and squeezing.

Scruffing someone was the easiest and most reliable way to bring them down into headspace, and although Minho had fun with Changbin, he needed to be his beta space for longer than a few minutes to feel better in the long run.

Gold bled into the Beta’s irises until the brown was completely covered, and his body relaxed into the mattress with a sigh.

He blinked up at Chan with an innocent look in such contrast to the hand-shaped bruises blooming on his hips and the cum dripping out of his ass and staining his stomach and chest.

That was Minho’s duality. He had the ability to be the most absolutely adorable thing in the world, but could also be a freaky menace that took great pleasure in torturing his pack.

But right now he was glad to have the former, a soft, sweet version of Minho pliant under his touch.

Chan spent the next few minutes wiping the sweat and cum off of every inch of the Beta’s body, humming a soft tune as he worked. The Beta said nothing, just squirmed when he cleaned his co*ck.

But when Chan dipped two fingers into his gaping hole, he let out the softest moan, clenching down on his digits.

Chan smiled, reaching his other hand to wrap around Minho’s co*ck. “I guess kitty isn’t done, hmm?” He whispered, pushing his fingers deeper as he slowly stroked Minho’s co*ck back to life.

It took awhile to get him hard again, but Chan was nothing if not persistent.

Eventually he was dripping again wiggling around and whining as Chan f*cked him gently with his fingers.

“N-not enough,” Minho whimpered, trying to get Chan’s fingers to go deeper. “Want your co*ck.”

“Kitten wants my co*ck? He wants Alpha to make him feel good?” Chan responded and Minho nodded, his hair bouncing cutely.

“Okay, since you’ve been such a good boy.” Chan held Minho still with one hand on his hip as he lined his co*ck up to his sloppy hole.

He rubbed his tip back and forth teasingly, Changbin’s cum smearing on his tip. But when the first tear fell from Minho’s watery golden eyes, he relented, starting a slow push.

Minho moaned beautifully, his back arching as Chan entered him. The Alpha groaned, hissing at how warm and wet and open he was.

He felt like heaven.

In tandem with his slow thrusts, Chan stroked Minho’s co*ck in a gentle up an down, whispering praises as Minho’s sugary sweet orangey scent enveloped the room, settling like a thick blanket. He cried and whimpered with oversensitivity, but he didn’t complain, letting Chan wring another org*sm out of his body.

“Good boy,” Chan whispered as he spilled over his fingers. “So good for me.”

He let go of MInho’s co*ck once he had gone soft, moving his hands to hold his hips as he started to chase his own org*sm.

The Beta stayed good and still as Chan continued to push inside, wrapping his arms around him when the Alpha fell forward as he released, heavenly pleasure washing over him, spreading like fire through his veins.

As he lay there, basking in the warmth of his beta, he felt a pit opening in his stomach.

He knew that when Seungmin woke next, he would have to have a conversation with him.

Because unlike Minho, everything that happened really was his fault.

end of smut~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of smut

When Seungmin awoke next, he was alone. He felt better than he had last time he awoken, but now his stomach was rumbling, begging for sustenance.

He debated going to the kitchen to grab something to eat, but he couldn’t deny the spark of fear that ignited inside of him at the thought of leaving the room and facing the rest of the pack.

Especially the Alphas.

But, as he sat there contemplating his options, a soft knock came from the door.

Despite the gentleness, it still managed to startled him and he scowled, angry at his own weakness. He had never been this jumpy before and he hated it.

His voice cracked and died on his first call, but he quickly cleared his throat and said “Come in.”

The door opened with a rush of cooler air, the room suddenly feeling stuffy and hot.

He was relieved when the sweet scent of chocolate accompanied the breeze, smiling at the small Omega standing in the doorway.

He was glad it wasn't Chan. He knew that wasn't good, Chan was his pack Alpha, but at the moment just the thought of him made his heart beat faster.

“Hello, Seungmin.” Jisung said, stepping inside the room.

“How are you doing?”

Seungmin shrugged, not really sure.

He felt…fine. Nothing hurt, but he didn't feel good either, his chest tight and his body restless.

“I'm okay,” he settled on saying, though even to his ears it didn't sound very convincing.

But Jisung just nodded. “I'm glad.” He said.

Jisung stood there, fidgeting for several awkward seconds.

“Um, do you need something?” Seungmin asked tentatively, and Jisung was quick to shake his head. “No, sorry, I’m sorry to bother you.” He spun on his heel and scurried out the door.

“Wait!” Seungmin was calling out to the Omega before he even knew what he was doing, his mouth moving before his brain had caught up.

Jisung screeched to a halt, turning around slowly. “Yes?” He asked meekly.

Seungmin pursed his lips. “Whatever it is, you can ask me.” He said, picking nervously at a string hanging from the frayed hem of Felix’s shirt.

He could see the gulp Jisung took from all the way across the room. The Omega ducked his head.

“I was just wondering, well, if you wanted to go on a walk with me?” He asked shyly, picking at his own shirt.

Seungmin blinked, he hadn't been expecting that question.

“We could go to a cafe a couple blocks from here,” Jisung added, and after seeing the hesitation on Seungmin's face, he added, “It's an Omega-only cafe, no Alphas.”

That did sound good. He was tired of being cooped up, he wanted to feel the wind on his face, maybe it would even rain. That would be nice.

So he nodded, agreeing. “Okay.”

Jisung helped him pick out a jacket from the closet, choosing a oversized blue sweater with dog paws all over it.

Jisung smiled at him as he put it on, saying a simple, “Cute,” but it made Seungmin feel like a million bucks.

Once descent, Jisung walked out the door, waiting as Seungmin stood at the threshold, suddenly feeling timid.

“What's wrong?” Jisung asked, looking concerned.

But Seungmin just shook his head. “Nothing.”

But he took the small hand Jisung offered him, a rush of warmth shooting through him at the gesture. His hand was warm and soft in his, a steadying presence as he took his first shaky steps outside the room.

The scents of the entire pack hit him like a freight train, and he stumbled back, lifting up a hand and covering his nose with his sweater sleeve. It was intense and overwhelming, his back hitting the wall with a thud.He cried out, his head spinning and his chest clenching so tight it was squeezing the breath out of his lungs.

Jisung was quick to turn around, grabbing Seungmin's other hand in his.

“Take a deep breath, Seungmin. It's okay, it's just us here.” He whispered, his thumb rubbing soothingly over the back of Seungmin's hand.

“Just focus on me,” Jisung continued. “Can you smell me?”

Seungmin bit his lip, fighting through the fog swirling in his head. He shuddered as he searched the air, slowly untangling the mess of scents until he found Jisung's. He nodded once he found it.

“Okay, just focus on my scent, just on me.” He instructed, and the scent of chocolate grew stronger as Jisung pushed out his pheromones.

Seungmin did, he zeroed in on the sweet, smooth smell of chocolate, focusing all of his attention on the familiar, Omega scent.

Slowly, he felt the knot in his chest unravel, his breathing slowing down and his muscles relaxing.

It was just Jisung. Now that he was calm, he could smell that all the other scents were stale and fainter than Jisung’s. Their owners hadn't been here for at least an hour.

When he finally managed to meet Jisung’s eyes, he expected to see annoyance, or maybe something even worse, pity.

But instead he saw nothing but understanding, his gaze open and soft.

“It's okay,” Jisung said, apparently spotting the embarrassment on his face. “It happens to me sometimes too. Living with seven other people can be overwhelming.”

Seungmin nodded, still focusing on Jisung's scent. He really liked it, he realized. It was drinking a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day.

“Are you ready?” Jisung asked gently. “We can stay here instead and I’ll make us something to eat.”

But Seungmin shook his head. He needed to go outside, even if it was a bit frightening.

They made it too the front door without another issue.

Using the new trick Jisung had taught him, he was able to ignore the scents of the Alpha guards in the lobby, letting Jisung pull him along until they were breaking free into the fresh air.

It was a cloudy day, the sky gray and the streets overcast. The smell of rain was in the air, earthy and just as comforting as he remembered.

He took a deep breath in, relishing in the coolness and freshness of the outside air. It was something he had gone his entire life without, and now that he had got a taste of it, he never wanted to go even a day without.

He smiled, stretching out his limbs like a cat. He wished he could stay out here forever.

“Which way?” He asked Jisung, and the Omega pointed to the right.

“Just a couple blocks that way.”

They walked in relative silence, but it was comfortable, not awkward at all.

Seungmin didn't have it in him to let go of Jisung's hand, even as his palm grew sweaty. But the other Omega didn't complain, instead his scent grew sweeter the farther they walked until it was almost sickening.

All too soon they reached the cafe, a small hole-in the-wall with an awning painted a pretty pink and windows filled with all different kinds of cute stickers. There were teddy bears, puppies, cats, flowers, fictional characters, and shapes.

Seungmin couldn't help but smile. It was perfect.

He glanced over to see Jisung looking up at him with the same expression. He blushed, looking away when Seungmin caught his eyes.

“After you?” Jisung said and Seungmin nodded, stepping through the open door.

A ding sounded as they crossed the threshold, and Seungmin was delighted to smell nothing but a soft, sweet vanilla.

Inside was at least a dozen tables, about half of them occupied by Omegas, young and old, male and female all laughing, drinking coffee, reading books or having animated conversations. A few women floated between tables, holding trays of food and engaging with costumers.

This might be Seungmin's new favorite place.

One of the workers glanced up, a chubby older woman wearing an apron the same shade of pink as the chairs, tables and awning outside.

“Jisung-ah!” She exclaimed, bustling over to greet the young Omega with a big hug. She smelled of jasmine tea.

Jisung laughed, hugging her back. “Nana! How are you?”

“I'm doing well, sweetie, how are you?” She startled when she finally seemed to notice Seungmin. “And who’s this sweet thing? Where is Felix?”

Jisung grinned. “Nana, this is Seungmin, Seungmin, this is Nana.” He introduced them.

“She's your Nana?” Seungmin asked, dumbfounded.

But Nana just shook her head, letting out a bellowing laugh. “No, no honey-bear. That's just what everyone calls me.” She said, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

Seungmin blushed at the nickname.

“Aw, he's sweet as pie, Jisung-ah!” She cooed. “Where did you find this one?”

Seungmin stiffened, wondering what Jisung was going to tell her. But the Omega just giggled telling her it was a story for next time.

Nana agreed, ushering them to a table by the window. Once they had sat down, she started their order. “Hot chocolate and beef ramen for you, Jisung-ah?” She asked and he nodded with that same big smile on his face.

Seungmin had never seen Jisung look so happy and comfortable.

But Seungmin couldn't help but cringe at his choice of order. Chocolate and ramen? That did not sound like an award-winning combination.

“And for you honey-bear?” She hummed. Seungmin guessed that was his new nickname now.

“Uh…” Seungmin glanced around, looking for a menu. “I guess, an iced Americano, and ramen too.” He quickly decided on a whim. He had an iced Americano on one of his first outings after he had been bought by the Stray Kids pack, and he had loved it. And you can't go wrong with ramen.

“Coming right up!” Nana smiled and ruffled Jisung's hair before waddling away.

“Wow,” Seungmin breathed after a couple minutes of silence.

“Yes, sorry, I know she can be a bit much.” Jisung said sheepishly. “I probably should have warned you.”

Seungmin shook his head. “No, no, I love her.” He smiled. “I love this.”

He looked around the shop again, noting the peacefulness, the tranquility. He had never been in a place surrounded by Omega's before and he was certain he never wanted to leave.

“I used to come here when I still lived with my first Alpha,” Jisung said, his voice having gone quieter. “Its the one place I had where I didn't have to worry.”

Seungmin glanced over at the Omega and saw that the sunshine smile had dipped off of his face.

Seungmin swallowed. Where was this going?

Jisung set his hands down on the table, a deep breath shaking his entire small frame.

“I brought you here, because I wanted to tell you my story.” Jisung started. “In hopes that you wouldn't feel so alone.”

Seungmin blinked, confused at what he meant.

“I was born into a very traditional pack,” Jisung began. “And as the son of the pack Alpha, it was clear from the time I was very young that I was going to be an Omega. I was forced into an arranged marriage the day I presented, at seventeen years old, to a twenty five year old Alpha from a different pack. Needless to say, he wasn't very kind. He hurt me, a lot. And when he got tired of me, he would let the rest of his pack hurt me. For two years I was their toy.”

Seungmin felt his heart start to break. Jisung looked so small and scared sitting across from him, telling him the horrors he had endured.

Part of Seungmin wanted to ask him to stop, he didn't want to hear anymore of the horrible things done to this beautiful, sweet, innocent Omega.

But the other part of him felt strangely comforted. He understood now why Jisung was so reserved, why he immediately knew what to do when Seungmin was about to have a panic attack. He had learned it all from personal experience.

“Chan eventually found me, but it took years to undo what my last Alpha did too me. I'm still not sure it has all been undone.” Jisung continued. “I want you to know that it might feel like you need to face this alone. You might feel embarrassed, or angry, or sad, but whatever it is, we are here for you. I am here for you. I can teach you the things that helped me recover, or if you just want me to sit with you I can do that too.”

Jisung was looking up at him now, his eyes brimming with tears. He looked terrified, searching Seungmin's face like he was afraid Seungmin would yell at him, shove him away or call him something horrible.

But instead, Seungmin stood.

He didn't really know what he was doing, or why he was doing it, all he knew was that it felt right.

He circled the table and wrapped his arms around Jisung.

He felt the Omega's breath hitch, his body trembling for several seconds before he was tentatively embracing him back. It wasn't a long hug, but it said exactly what Seungmin wanted it to say.

That he trusted him.

Both of them were wiping away their tears by the time Nana was placing steaming bowls of food down on the table.

Seungmin had dragged his chair to reside directly beside Jisung, sitting close enough to together for their shoulders to touch.

Seungmin wasn't quite ready to talk about Mr. Choi, or what had happened to him, but he knew that when he was, Jisung would be there for him.

And that was enough for now.

Connected - Chapter 22 - Justastraykid (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.