Fate/Desiderantes Affectibus (Fate/Zero & PMMM Cross) (2024)

Fate/Desiderantes Affectibus (Fate/Zero & PMMM Cross) (1)

Title: Fate/Desiderantes Affectibus
Author: Rowan Seven
Teaser: A doomed master summons an equally tragic servant in the Fourth Holy Grail War. Together, can they change fate or will their journeys once again end in sorrow? Pre-Rebellion.
Rating: PG-13.
Disclaimer: This story contains spoilers for both series. The Fate franchise belongs to Type-Moon. Puella Magi Madoka Magica belongs to Studio Shaft and Aniplex. This story is a work of fanfiction written for fun. I make no claims to either series.


Chapter Fourteen – Is This a Joke?

"Is this a joke?"

Sayaka's question was simple, but her tone and body language were anything but. Blue eyes looked across the room worriedly, darting slowly from Lancer's regretful face to the yellow spearhead pointed menacingly at her heart. Gloved fingers twitched, and she bit her lower lip uncertainly. She didn't want to believe what she'd just been told, but the evidence of Lancer's intentions stood incontrovertibly in front of her.

"I wish it were otherwise, but no. Fate remains as cruel in this age as it was in my own."

Sighing solemnly, Lancer took another step forward into the study and shifted into a combat stance, raising Gae Dearg to join its yellow sibling. His orange eyes briefly peered behind his former ally to take in her scowling master, and he nodded at the ailing Matou apologetically before returning his attention to Sayaka.

"Summon your swords, Berserker. This may be your last battle in this war, and you should shine like a star in your final moments."

Sayaka retorted with an irreverent scoff, but her feigned nonchalance wasn't very convincing.

"I'm actually more the type to fizzle out in the end, but, if you insist..."

Twin beams of light shot out of Sayaka's hands and coalesced into matching cutlasses. Her fists clenched tightly around them, and, mirroring Lancer, she slowly assumed a battle stance...before completely disregarding it and angrily stabbing her blades into the carpeted floor.

"Lancer, seriously, what the hell? I don't know what's up with your sudden face-heel turn, but you're my friend and I refuse to fight you like this. Are you being coerced? Tell me so I can help you!"

The Irish spearman's troubled expression briefly became fond at these words, but he did not lower his weapons.

"To hear such earnest words from you even after this...it touches my heart, and you have this knight's thanks. You are a brilliant woman, and, even under these tragic circ*mstances, I am glad that we met. However, this is something I must do, and no, I cannot tell you why."

Kariya started to snort but it ended in a hacking cough. Clutching his right hand to his chest, he glowered at the Servant of the Spear. "Not good enough! Sophia-Ri and I had a deal, damn it! Or do promises mean so little to both of you? I—" The Matou master stopped abruptly as Lancer shifted his gaze to him and he felt the full force of a heroic spirit's undivided scrutiny.

"My oaths mean more to me than you can possibly understand, Matou," Lancer answered with unsettling calm. "Never question that." Returning his attention to Sayaka, he flourished his crimson spear in Kariya's direction. "My only objective here is that you die before sunrise, Berserker. Remain within the mansion grounds and fight me, and no harm will come to your master. Should you flee the battlefield, I will kill him to complete my task."

Hearing that, Sayaka's expression hardened and she gestured behind her for her master to back away. "Oh no, there'll be no stabbing Matou on my watch. Not only is that super uncool, but I've made oaths of my own and I won't let you or anyone else stop me from upholding them...but that doesn't mean I want to fight you either! Argh, c'mon Lancer, there's gotta be a better way to do this! You're the smart one, so think of a plan already!"

Lancer smiled wryly and took another step forward. "This is my plan, and, for your sake, I plead with you to keep up."

The spearman suddenly lunged with Gae Dearg extended and aimed high, covering the space of half the room in a second. In the same instant, Sayaka reflexively summoned new cutlasses. Stepping to her left side and twisting to flow around Lancer's thrust, she raised both swords to defend as her opponent converted his attack into a reverse slash. Sparks momentarily flashed as the Crimson Rose of Exorcism's spear tip met the first blade of cold blue steel...and then the first cutlass dissipated into harmless drops of water that fell pitter-patter onto the floor. Sayaka's eyes widened in horrified alarm.

Oh shi—

Sayaka didn't have time to complete the mental curse before Lancer's crimson spear struck her second sword, dispelled it in similar fashion, and swiftly continued on to graze a bloody line across her upper chest. Her combat instincts screamed at her as Lancer spun and brought his yellow spear down to bear, and with desperate haste she pushed off the floor with her feet and leapt back. By the time she landed the wound to her body and tear in her outfit had both mended and she had summoned new cutlasses, but that did little to staunch the rising tide of panic in her mind as it dawned on her just how disadvantageous this match was for her.

Crap! This is Dragonball "This isn't even my final form!" levels bad!

Lancer regarded her evenly and, surprisingly, did not press his advantage, choosing to speak instead. However, there was no pleasure in his next words.

"Your swords are strong, Berserker, but ultimately they are merely nameless conjurations. Only a true weapon can stand up against my legendary spears."

"Yeah, well, you coulda mentioned that earlier!" Sayaka snarked, nearly growling as she resisted the distressingly familiar urge to charge in blindly hoping for the best. That almost certainly wouldn't end well for her, not with Gae Dearg having displayed its ability to nullify her conjured weapons and the uncertainty of whether her healing magic could work around Gae Buidhe's curse. Probably the only thing in her arsenal that would give her a guaranteed edge in this situation was her witch's barrier, but that was risky and awful for any type of rational thought. It would also virtually ensure that this battle ended with one of them dead, and friends killing friends due to tragic misunderstandings and poor communication was a phenomenon she was totally and absolutely done with. Until she knew the reason for Lancer's sudden turnabout, she would do everything in her power to keep them both alive. The question was how.

Okay, brain, think! You need a plan to defeat Lancer without killing him and fast! C'mon, don't fail me like you did during my last math test...

An idea occurred to her. It was a terrible idea that went against her own nature and felt more like something Homura would do, but she didn't have any better ideas and she was desperate.

Taking a deep breath, Sayaka glared at Lancer, lifted her weapons, and hurled them at him. Not waiting for him to swing Gae Dearg to dispel the improvised projectiles, she summoned a blue spell circle beneath her feet for a boost to endurance and speed, continued to glare at her opponent as her silhouette took on an azure hue...and then hurriedly retreated, smashing through the wall behind her and then making a button hook turn to smash through another wall and run down the second-floor hallway.

Matou, find somewhere safe to hide while I keep Lancer busy! This is so totally not my usual style, but I'm gonna run until I think of a better plan! And if you come up with any good ideas in the meantime, please, for the love of gods, share them!

Lancer stood still for a single moment, examining the hole in the wall his blue blur of an opponent had just retreated through. Then, sparing a second to once again nod apologetically at Kariya, he rushed after the fleeing servant, leaving the Matou master alone in the room. Kariya stared after the Irish spearman, an angry and bitter expression on his pallid face, as he used his sluggish left arm to brace himself against a wall and began to cast the most powerful magic he was capable of.

Damn it! I don't know what's going on with you and your master, but there's no way in hell I'm going to let you two do as you like! A cornered rat will bite a cat, and I'm not as powerless as you think!


"Berserker's running away from the battle?" Despite Tokiomi's best efforts, there was a hint of incredulity in the mage's urbane voice as his words projected out of the enchanted phonograph in the church's basem*nt. Kirei, for his part, took this seemingly oxymoronic reality in stride and continued his real-time reporting as he calmly observed the battle through an Assassin's sharp eyes.

"Yes and no. Berserker is retreating from Lancer but remaining within the confines of the mansion. She's clearly stalling for time, but she won't be able to elude Lancer for long. She's only remained ahead of him thus far by inflicting significant property damage to her surroundings. Lancer's Gae Dearg can dispel her swords but is understandably less effective against collapsing ceilings and thrown furniture."

On the other end of the magical communications line, Tokiomi chuckled mirthlessly. "Yes, and I'm certain I'll hear no end of this from the Edelfelts if this altercation is ever traced back to me. That family never forgets nor forgives a slight."

Kirei frowned slightly but otherwise did not comment, knowing that he was far likelier than his teacher to bear the enmity of the Edelfelt family if this scheme went awry and understanding that it was his responsibility in a worst-case scenario to ensure that outcome. Tokiomi could never be implicated in any of this...although, from what he knew about the Edelfelts, the lack of any proof wouldn't stop them from blaming a Tohsaka for the destruction of one of their mansions anyway.

"Be that as it may, Berserker has also been leaving behind spell circles that summon swords as improvised spikes when Lancer draws near. They lack sufficient force to be a threat to a warrior of Lancer's caliber, but, with further practice and refinement, she might be able to imitate Archer's use of gates for unorthodox projectiles."

"A pity, then, that Archer doesn't believe in the adage that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," Tokiomi remarked dryly before his tone turned thoughtful. "Zouken clearly chose well, however he managed to conjure up a heroic spirit of the future. Versatility, resilience, and critical thinking in a Berserker is quite the formidable package. It's a pity she'll be disposed of before we solve more of her mystery."

"The sooner she's removed from the war the better," Kirei disagreed, his jaw clenching as his posture stiffened. "With his atypical servant and strained mental faculties, Kariya is a wildcard in this conflict. Eliminating his servant will also eliminate that unpredictability."

Tokiomi chuckled again, a touch condescendingly. "Kariya's only ever been a nuisance and an embarrassment at best, but with Zouken backing him I suppose there is some truth to your words. Based on your observations of the battle thus far, do you believe Berserker stands a chance?"

Kirei only needed a moment to prepare his answer.

"Nothing is ever certain with servants, and Kariya possesses four command seals. That creates additional possibilities if he thinks creatively, but Kariya has yet to demonstrate more than a cursory understanding of battle tactics and the potential uses of command seals in combat. Little help should be expected from that quarter. As for Berserker herself...no. Lancer's spears counter her abilities, and he is the superior fighter. Losing herself to Mad Enhancement will only degrade her combat performance and make her even more vulnerable to Lancer. Unless she has an additional skill or noble phantasm she hasn't demonstrated yet, she cannot win this battle."

"And if she does possess such a hidden power and miraculously upsets the odds, this engagement will still prove to have been worthwhile," Tokiomi mused confidently. "Tonight will be a victory for us if either of them perishes, and we can eliminate Lancer any time we choose if he fails."

"Assassin is ready, if you give that order." Kirei opened his mouth to say more but paused, seeing through his servant's eyes that Berserker had ceased running. It seemed that this battle was about to enter its next phase.


Lancer stopped as he rounded the hallway's corner, noting the slowly spreading pool of water ahead of him and the blue-haired servant standing underneath a perforated ceiling and hacked apart water pipe. She smiled cheekily at him and raised a hand in greeting.

"Yo. Sorry, not sorry, about the trouble I'm causing by not accepting my death at your hands, but it's girl prerogative when to play hard to catch, and, as amazing as I am, it's still not every day I'm chased by an actual knight."

Lancer shook his head in amusem*nt even as he assumed another combat stance and crouched in preparation for a lunge. "That's a pity. A radiant woman like yourself is worth crossing the stars for."

Sayaka tsked playfully and summoned a sword in her upraised hand.

"Awww, is that an Orihime comparison? I'm flattered, Lancer, but we both know you prefer blondes. Still, you have my thanks for the compliment...and for giving me time to do this."

With theatric grace, Sayaka swung her sword arm out to the side and brought the weapon down, pirouetting and splashing water on the walls as she spun. The clear droplets glowed blue and condensed into several sets of lines that, in turn, sparked into several sets of musical staffs. A runic note appeared in each before popping like a soap bubble and emitting a ghostly violin note. More haunting notes followed staccato-style, and the staffs raced down and cavorted around the walls, floor, and ceiling of the hallway to keep up. Lancer raised an eyebrow when the enchanted musical notation turned the corner and traced past him, but he otherwise held his ground and patiently waited for his opponent to finish. She stopped after her third rotation and turned to face him, her lips parted in a broad and menacing grin.

"I've gotta hand it to the Edelfelts. Magi may be total crackpots, but at least they spare no expense and paid to keep the water running for six decades."

Lancer smirked and inched forward slightly. "That is only proper. Lords are responsible for maintaining their domains, even ones they are absent from. Now, if you are finished setting up the battlefield...?"

Sayaka shrugged with exaggerated laziness and planted her sword in the floor, resting both hands on its pommel and leaning forward casually. "I suppose I am, although I'm not in any particular hurry here. Like I said earlier, I don't want to fight you, especially when I don't even know what this is all about! Can't you—oh, I don't know—give me a hint or something so I won't feel as bad when I body-check you?"

Lancer responded with light laughter, but his orange eyes remained sad and never strayed from his opponent.

"Pride rests on the blade of chivalry, Berserker. You know that I've sworn myself to the code of knights, so don't ask me to disrespect those values just as I won't disrespect you by asking you to abandon your own oaths. Now, I've given you time to prepare a setting where you can face me at your best, so do us both honor and fight as if the entire world is watching."

"...That's a lot of do's and don'ts, Lancer. Awfully presumptuous of you, isn't it? And as a modern girl, I don't appreciate it at all." Sayaka summoned and grabbed another sword and enunciated her words with an angry stomp forward, but she couldn't fully hide her reluctance. She knew that if she didn't make the first move soon Lancer would, but even after rigging the battlefield in her favor as much as possible she still doubted she could overcome Lancer on offense or defense.

At least I've learned one thing from all this lollygagging, though. Lancer, despite his words, doesn't want to kill me any more than I want to kill him. He's chivalrous to a fault but he's no idiot, and if he was truly out for my head he wouldn't be giving me so much time to talk and prepare. Does that mean he wants me to beat him, though? I've never felt as betrayed by stories where the heroes miraculously sense each other's intentions as I do now!

Gathering her resolve, Sayaka took a deep breath and another step forward. Stamping her left foot, she conjured a spell circle beneath her in the puddle of water she stood on. The arcane lines filled with azure runes and whirled around her, vibrating and crackling at the edges, as the glow of the magical musical staffs lining the surrounding walls brightened. Crouching, she met Lancer's anticipatory gaze and prepared herself.

"Okay. You want me, Lancer? Fine. Get ready, 'cause it's super Sayaka smackdown time!"

Aaand here goes nothing!

Fate/Desiderantes Affectibus (Fate/Zero & PMMM Cross) (2)
Sayaka sprang forward like an erupting geyser, a deafening roar in her throat and a kaleidoscope of blue detonating around her as she raced towards her opponent. Lancer took a step to meet her, but swords rose rapidly out of the running water in front of him, underneath his feet, and behind him. He reacted swiftly, twisting, turning, and moving aside as he twirled the anti-magic tip of his crimson spear to dispel the conjured obstructions, but this delay was enough for Sayaka to close the distance and strike.


A swing of Gae Buidhe blocked the first sword and forced Sayaka's thrust up, but she pressed back, testing her supernaturally enhanced strength against Lancer's and trying to pin his yellow spear in place. Simultaneously, she surged to the left and slashed at Lancer's right flank with her second sword. He expertly used her own momentum against her, moving forward and twisting to buy himself the precious tenths of a second needed to spare Gae Dearg from its protective thrusts at the swords continuing to pop out of the wet floor at him and instead dispel the blade aiming for his waist.


Sayaka's second sword dissolved into harmless water, but, rather than summon a replacement, she reached out to grab the crimson spear's shaft and immobilize Lancer's longer weapon. His sharp eyes immediately perceived her intent and countered by converting the remaining power of his initial strike into a rapid thrust aimed at her wrist.


Sayaka didn't react in time, but she didn't need to. Grunting as Gae Dearg stabbed her upper arm, she deadened the limb to the sensation of pain and twisted her hand to seize the Crimson Rose of Exorcism before her opponent could withdraw it. A slightly feral grin spread across her face as, with both of Lancer's weapons momentarily held in place, she was finally able to engage in close quarters. Enhancing her strength further, she pushed forward and aimed a powerful kick at Lancer's knee. He dealt with this calmly and swiftly, swinging Gae Dearg to the side with the impaled magical girl attached before the kick could land and abandoning the contest of strength on his other side. Leaning back, he let Sayaka's sword fly over his head and slammed her body into the nearest wall.


That proved to be a mistake. No sooner had Sayaka's back touched the wall and the undulating musical staffs lining it then the arcane notations ignited in multiple blazes of dazzling blue light. Sayaka's body arced as magical power filled it, and she swung her impaled arm with enough strength to launch Lancer off his feet. Sticking to the runes on the wall and using her newfound leverage, she tightened her grip on Gae Dearg and pulled as she repositioned the sword in her other hand and prepared to thrust.

Lancer, momentarily off-balance, narrowed his orange eyes at this turn of events and responded by dismissing his crimson spear, freeing it from Sayaka's left arm, and then immediately resummoning it and stabbing the glowing wall behind her. The arcane light instantly faded, and Sayaka—no longer affixed to the wall—converted her interrupted power thrust into a frantic somersault as she ducked underneath Lancer's follow-through slash with Gae Buide. The yellow spear split the wooden surface as she rolled past him. His feet touched the wet ground an instant later, and he hopped over a low sword swing and the subsequent cutlasses that rose out of the water, tsking chidingly as he casually dispelled them with a long swing of Gae Dearg.

"When you said you were coming for me, I was hoping for something flashier. Trying to overwhelm me with your projection magecraft is doomed to failure when the blades not touched by your own hands lack the force to cut and barely function as obstacles."

Sayaka glared as she shook her injured left arm and let her recovery magic wash over and mend the wound. A new cutlass magically materialized in her left hand a second later.

"Well, sorry, but how was I supposed to know swords wouldn't work as well as guns? A friend of mine made this look super easy with ribbon muskets. Of course, if you happen to have any suggestions on how I can take you out, I'm all ears!"

Lancer smiled slightly as he lowered himself and prepared for another lunge. "That's simple. Focus on your strengths, consider what you can do that I cannot, and then dazzle and overwhelm me."

Sayaka squinted at her opponent in annoyance. "That's super vague and unhelpful. Care to give me a time-out so I can think about what you—Whoa!" The magical girl jumped to the far side of the hallway as Lancer, not giving her time to finish, launched himself at her with Gae Dearg extended. She kicked off the wall, leapt toward and above Lancer, and then kicked off the ceiling and dove at the lunging Irish knight from above with her two swords.

Lancer reacted without hesitation. Stamping his right foot down to halt his lunge and bending at the waist, he reversed his thrust and hurled Gae Dearg backwards, grabbing the shaft just below the spearpoint as the pommel smashed into the surprised Sayaka's face. She reeled and fell gracelessly to the wet floor, awkwardly contorting as Lancer spun counterclockwise and stabbed at her with Gae Buidhe. Sparks flew as the spear slammed into hastily raised swords and pushed Sayaka back. Gae Dearg followed as Lancer adjusted his grip, and Sayaka's weapons split apart into harmless droplets as she frantically twisted and turned on the ground to avoid the strikes. She planted a hand on the floor to conjure new weapons, both for herself and as obstacles, but Lancer's swings were faster. The Crimson Rose of Exorcism's crimson spearpoint dispelled each and every summoning before the magic finished as Lancer swiftly reduced the distance between them. In seconds he stood over her, and then he thrust Gae Buidhe at her soul gem.


Time seemed to slow down for Sayaka as her mind went into overdrive. Her instincts screamed at her to get out of the way, but there wasn't even time to turn as the Yellow Rose of Mortality and its fey-cursed spearpoint drew excruciatingly closer and closer to her in this tarrying instant. Still, she tried. Reaching for the yellow spear with one hand, desperately moving her arm to shield her soul gem with the other, and drawing upon the power of Mad Enhancement, she tried.

It wasn't enough...but in her hyper-aware state she caught sight of Lancer's solemn orange eyes and saw an understanding and cunning in them that was oddly reassuring. She thus wasn't surprised when Lancer changed the angle of his thrust to miss her soul gem at the very last moment. She was, however, surprised when the yellow spear tore through her chest and stabbed her in the heart instead.


Choking and gasping, Sayaka's body spasmed and she looked up at Lancer disbelievingly. Weakly, she reached for the spear jutting out of her chest, but her arms failed her halfway there and plopped onto the floor. She twitched, trying and failing to summon the strength to rise as her muscles contracted and she ran out of breath, and then her eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed fully, lifeless.

Lancer studied her for a long moment, his orange eyes narrowed and revealing nothing. Finally, he relaxed his combat stance and pulled Gae Buidhe out of Sayaka's chest...and Sayaka immediately ceased playing dead. Tripping the surprised Lancer with her legs, Sayaka then clumsily leapt to her feet and slammed into his unbalanced body with the supernaturally enhanced force of her own. The teal and azure pair flew through the air and crashed through a wall, landing in a guest bedroom as the magical girl kicked and punched her foe with the savagery and desperation of a cornered animal. For the first time that night the Irish knight bled as one particularly vicious blow fractured his nose, but Sayaka's success was short-lived. Her attacks were relentless but lacked coordination, and Lancer easily batted her away with Gae Dearg once their bodies settled on the floor. She landed roughly in the far corner of the room and struggled to stand as Lancer unhurriedly did the same.

"...Heart...breaker..." Sayaka joked weakly, her voice raspy and her movements sluggish as she slowly got back on her feet, tottered unsteadily for a second, and then awkwardly placed a hand against the back wall for support. She took arduous, machine-like breaths as her magic restored the torn blue fabric covering her upper chest to its former pristine glory, but the stab wound underneath remained.

Lancer shrugged stoically and wiped away some of the blood pooling underneath his nose with his right armguard, the red ichor almost matching the crimson of Gae Dearg. A remote part of Sayaka's mind noted that, even with the damage to his face, Lancer still looked devilishly handsome.

"I've been called worse...but, to give credit where credit is due, you're one of the few to break my nose afterwards. I applaud your effort, Berserker, but this is as far as you can go alone. I've given you time to get up, and now we must continue this show." He extended his right arm and, twirling Gae Dearg once, pointed the crimson spear at her and slowly advanced...but then he stopped as he heard a new, unnatural sound.


Sayaka grinned laboriously as a plague of bone-white, carnivorous flying insects—each one nearly the size of a housecat—swarmed through the hole in the wall and circled around Lancer, buzzing angrily and eyeing the Servant of the Spear with voracious hunger. He eyed them back warily and readied his spears for the oncoming onslaught.

"...Not...alone..." Waving good-bye once, Sayaka turned and, with hurried and floundering footsteps, retreated from the room as the blade wing worms attacked Lancer en masse. For someone of his skill and talents the insects were little more than nuisances, but there were effective as a delay, as an obstruction, and, unwittingly, as an obscuration. Surrounded and momentarily hidden by the horde of monstrous bugs, Lancer permitted himself a slight smile. He'd done what he could, and now it was up to Berserker to piece together the hints he'd dropped in the small amount of time her master's interference had bought her. He was confident she was up to the task.


Damn it! What the hell am I supposed to do now?!

Leaning against a wall for support and taking deep, mechanical breaths, Sayaka evaluated her current situation and was far from pleased with the results. The hole in her chest and lack of a functioning heart were so distressing on their own that she might've had a heart attack if that were still physically possible, and while she could use magic to keep her blood circulating—as she was currently doing—it was inefficient, laborious, and slowing her down. There was no way she could defeat Lancer if she wasn't at her best...and even at her best, he'd still taken her down like a chump. The only thing she had left that could turn the tables was Symposium Magarum, but if she used that one of them would almost certainly die and she didn't want that, especially not when Lancer was clearly trying to tell her something.

But what? Urg, I know I can be stupid at times, but this shouldn't be so hard!

Forcibly calming herself, Sayaka closed her eyes and tried to think. Kariya's distraction wouldn't stop Lancer for long, and she desperately needed to have a plan ready for when he caught back up with her. Nothing was coming to her, though, so she decided to consider her options from a different perspective. What would her friends do in this situation?

Mami would use clever tactics and overwhelming firepower to land a decisive blow, but I'm clearly not up to par because I already tried that and failed. Kyouko would fight dirty, but if Lancer responds in kind I'm absolutely done for. Homura would throw everything and the kitchen sink at him and then run him over with a truck for good measure, but unlike her I can't cart around a military base's worth of munitions with me nor do I know how to drive. Madoka would look for help, but Lancer was supposed to be my help and my other ally is far away and doesn't even know that this is happening! I'm on my own right—Wait a minute...

Lancer had warned her that she couldn't beat him alone, hadn't he? But if that was code for her to get help from Rider, how was she supposed to do that? He and his master could be anywhere in the city right now, and she didn't have any way to message them. What was she supposed to do? Write a message in the sky?!

"Focus on your strengths, consider what you can do that I cannot, and then dazzle and overwhelm me."

"When you said you were coming for me, I was hoping for something flashier."

"A radiant woman like yourself is worth crossing the stars for."

"This may be your last battle in this war, and you should shine like a star in your final moments."

Sayaka slapped her forehead as the hidden meaning of Lancer's words finally dawned on her.

That's your plan, Lancer? Really? It's pretty bad, all things considered...but I suppose relying on Rider being lucky is better than trusting to our own luck, especially since that same fortune has you trying to kill me right now and me doing my best Darth Vader impression.

Sparing a moment to mentally check on Kariya—She was draining him dry even faster than usual with her hodgepodge magical respiratory system, but he was almost as stubborn as she was and equally unwilling to quit—she composed herself as best she could and made for the roof. Her movements were jerky at first but gradually became more coordinated as she took this temporary reprieve to improve her pseudo-necromancy, transitioning the focus of her magic from circulating her oxygen-rich blood to pumping her lungs. She tried forcing magic into her heart, but however Gae Buidhe's curse worked it made the vital organ completely invisible to her ministrations. Soon, her clumsy toddling shifted to a controlled gallop and then finally a semi-graceful dash as she reached the attic. Slamming open a dormer window, she stepped out onto the roof, looked around, and prepared herself for what would likely be the last engagement of her fight with Lancer.

The Irish knight arrived barely two minutes later. Stepping out onto the roof, he also looked around and met Sayaka's gaze from where she now stood leaning against one of the two chimneys, the smokestack almost entirely limned in crackling azure light. Smirking as best she could, Sayaka pointed down at the tiles which were layered with her arcane musical staffs.

"You...certainly don't keep...a lady waiting...long, do you...Lancer?" Sayaka rasped, her voice sounding slightly better than it had a few minutes ago. "Still...I gotta say...the wait...was worth it."

With that, she tapped a swordpoint against the rooftop. For a brief instant, it lit up like a Christmas tree. And then, in a blinding flash of light, the arcane notations exploded with even brighter light and Sayaka charged as Lancer shielded his eyes. If the Servant of the Spear wanted a show, then that was exactly what he was going to get!


Waver sighed unhappily as he and Rider slowly walked through eastern Fuyuki's streets. They were in one of Shinto's uphill, residential neighborhoods that overlooked the city and were making their way to a small village park where Rider could summon his war chariot without an observing crowd. The massive Macedonian conqueror was carrying a large bag filled with environmental samples he'd collected under Waver's direction, which Waver hoped to use to begin narrowing down the possible locations of the Einzbern's new base of operations. The arcane techniques he intended to employ were embarrassingly rudimentary, but—as their experience finding Caster's lair proved—simple didn't mean ineffective.

And that's part of the problem!

The young mage scowled slightly and eyed his servant's back sourly. It was unfair to Rider, but right now his servant's supreme confidence irritated him. Rider somehow seemed to sense his displeasure, though, and turned back to face him.

"Hey, boy, why are you being so quiet? It's not like you not to complain every five minutes." Rider moved closer and leaned over so that he was almost at eye level with his young summoner.

"Is your stomach still bothering you from that mapo tofu we ate earlier? I'll admit it was spicier than I expected, but you'll never expand your horizons if you don't try new things and that goes double for food! Why, this one time in India Hephaestion and I—"

"That's not it!" Crossing his arms petulantly, Waver looked down and away. "And you clearly can't read a person's mood at all. All things considered, I'm beginning to think I'd have been better off had I contracted with Assassin instead of you."

To Waver's surprise, Rider didn't appear offended by the implied insult. Instead, the King of Conquerors raised a hand to stroke his chin and seemed to give the idea considerable thought.

"Hm...that would definitely have worked out better for Assassin, but that's a low bar to meet. Overall, if you had made that different pact I think both Assassin and you would be dead by now."

Waver's teeth clenched at these words. They were true, and he knew they were true and that wishing for a different choice that would've killed him was foolishness, but yet—

"That'd be fine! If I die fighting my own battle I won't complain! That's the reason why I decided to join the Grail War! But with you...a servant who's practically guaranteed to win...how am I supposed to take pride in any of this?!"

The angry words poured out of Waver's mouth unexpectedly, and he glared up at his impressive and powerful servant. Rider looked back with nonchalance and a hint of amusem*nt, and Waver felt his frustration grow...and then it passed, smothered by dismay, and he slumped over. His voice trembled as he continued.

"I entered the Grail War to prove myself as a mage worthy of respect...but I haven't done anything to earn that respect. Locating Caster's lair? Any first-year apprentice could've done the same, and when Caster summoned his monster I merely stood by while you, Lancer, and Berserker did all the real work. If someone asks me what I accomplished in this war, what am I supposed to say? That I read 'Kiki's Delivery Service' with Alexander the Great, an amnesiac girl, and a friendly elderly couple? Ha, that'd go over well! And even worse...Professor Archibald is dead, and it's partially my fault! If I hadn't stolen his relic, he might still be alive and you...you'd have an even easier time winning this war."

Rider was silent for a moment, waiting to see if his downcast master was finished speaking, and then he set down his bag and placed a friendly hand on Waver's head, ruffling the teenager's black hair.

"That might be true, boy, but you're looking at this whole thing entirely in the wrong way. Yes, winning a battle might earn you a little respect from your peers, but is that the kind of respect you want? Admiration and accolades that'll fade with time and at the first setback? True respect is self-respect and comes from finding a way to live that you can be proud of and fighting the grand battles to live that life. Nobody said that the Holy Grail War would be the single most important event of your entire life. There will be others, and you'll have plenty of time then to look for your true battlefield."

Waver lethargically slapped Rider's hand away. "Even if that's true...there's no guarantee that I'll live long enough to find that path. We mages believe in equivalent exchange, and do you know what I realized after speaking with Sola-Ui this morning? My professor may have been a terrible person, but there are people who will genuinely miss him and be troubled by his death. A death I contributed to! I can't deny that...and what am I supposed to do if they ask for my life as reparation? What can I do...to make up for what I've done?"

The apprentice mage looked down in shame. Nothing was going as he'd intended, and even when it was—He had a strong servant! Possibly the strongest in the war!—it only made things worse. His whole reason for fighting in this war was pure idiocy in hindsight, and he cursed his own stupidity for ever believing anyone would be impressed if he won relying on the strength of a stolen relic. Someone far more important and powerful than him had died as a consequence of his actions, and there were now other lives in addition to his own at risk and dependent on his choices. If he made a mistake, the Mackenzies, Zahra...possibly even the entire city if another master-servant team repeated the Caster fiasco...they could all pay the price, because of him and his own hubris and spite!

A loud grunt and Rider's sheer physical presence as the giant man unceremoniously reached over Waver and dug an atlas out of his backpack plucked the teenager out of his dark thoughts. He looked up in confusion as his servant browsed through the book, stopped on a two-page spread of the globe, and held the map in front of him.

"Take a look, boy. You see this? This is the real enemy I'm facing, and my dream is to someday overtake and even surpass the entire world. But compared to it, I'm just a little dot! Tinier than a poppy seed! What can I possibly do to accomplish such a foolish and idiotic dream? The answer is struggle, not because I'm small in comparison to the momentous task but because I'm acutely aware of just how small I am and desire more."

Rider raised a fist enthusiastically and clapped his summoner heartily on the back with the hand holding the atlas, nearly knocking him over.

"You ask yourself what actions you can take to make up for what you've done because you are unsatisfied, and that is fantastic, boy! Your miserable, complaining nature is a sign that you are aware of how small and weak you are, and yet, in spite of that, you still struggle to reach heights greater than you can imagine, just like I do. That struggle is your answer. Struggle to do the impossible, and in so doing honor those who lost their lives along the way by being someone they—whether they hated you or loved you—can be proud of."

"...You're terrible at pep talks," Waver grumbled, reaching for the atlas and shoving it back into his backpack. "And your advice is even worse...but still, thank you." Becoming petulant again, Waver crossed his arms and turned up his nose at his servant. "And don't mistake objectivity for whining or defeatism! I'm simply being realistic, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit. Regardless of what's come after, entering the Grail War was my decision and I have a responsibility to see it through to the end."

"That's the spirit, boy! Who knew that complaining about your complaining nature would have such an effect?"

"Oh shut up! I—" A flash of crackling azure light off in the distance caught his attention. Turning, Waver squinted his eyes and peered into the horizon as more firework-like explosions of blue blossomed in the night sky. It only took him a few seconds to recognize the shimmering displays as magic, and he frowned.

"Rider...I think that's—"

"Berserker, yes, yes," Rider interrupted impatiently, his brow furrowed as he too looked off into the distance. "And she's obviously seeking our attention. Let's not disappoint, boy!"

Without hesitation, Rider summoned his military attire and spatha and swung the sword down. A lightning bolt shot out of the sky a mere second later and crashed into the street in front of them, and with loud bellows his two divine bulls—both crackling with streaks of electricity—charged out of the strike's epicenter pulling his war chariot behind them. He patted their horned heads gently for an instant and then calmly hefted the bag he'd been carrying earlier, placed it in the back of the vehicle, and strode to the front to take the chariot's reins. He looked down and gestured for his master to join him, but Waver instead slapped a hand to his forehead and pointed behind them with his other hand. Turning, Rider looked up the hill they'd been climbing and spied a young boy holding the hand of an even younger girl near the end of the street. Both had their mouths open and were gaping at him.

"...Oops?" Rider said abashedly as Waver buried his face in his hands and grit his teeth. The two children continued to stare, and Waver—knowing that he didn't have time to spare—seized on the first excuse that came to mind. Rushing to join Rider in the chariot, he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted to their unexpected audience.

"We're filming a movie! This is all special effects, so don't think too hard about it!" Quieter and far more venomously, he whispered to Rider. "Go, you idiot!"

Rider didn't need to be told twice. With a flick of his wrists and a slap of the reins, the two divine bulls charged off the road, crashed through the guardrail overlooking the slope, and soared over the open air. The redhaired boy and dark-haired girl looked on in wonder as the two strangers and their chariot became a speck in the night sky racing towards the blue fireworks in the distance, the pair's words unheard by the two youths.

"Rider, how could you be so careless?! I warned you to look before performing any magic!"

"What's that you said, master? 'Go faster'? I'm happy to oblige!"

"Rider, that's not—RIIIDEEER!!!"


For a few brief seconds, Sayaka had optimistically believed that the odds had shifted ever so slightly in her favor as she dueled Lancer on and above the rooftop of the mansion. Yes, she was slower without a heartbeat, but out here in the open she was also no longer confined by the walls of the building and could maneuver freely in the air with her magical platforms. Surely her greater aerial mobility would give her an advantage over her landbound opponent, right?

"How are you...jumping...so high?!"

Lancer had quickly disabused her of that notion when he demonstrated his absolutely broken leaping abilities. Being able to conjure platforms in midair and run on floating musical staffs meant little when the Servant of the Spear could reach her in a single bound and was so fast he easily intercepted her and her magical conjurations before she could get far. In the past minute alone she had been knocked out of the sky and almost crashed into the rooftop a half-dozen times, and the only real advantage she'd gained out here was more recovery time between exchanges as she fell while Lancer ascended and vice-versa.

"You master many skills when you're pursued by an angry king and his army," Lancer answered nonchalantly as his feet touched the ground just as Sayaka returned to the air. "Learning how to stay ahead of said angry king and his army paramount among them."

Sayaka didn't waste the precious breath to reply as she sprang from runic platform to runic platform and detonated the ones behind and below her in brilliant flashes of light. Lancer followed a second later and, accurately predicting her trajectory despite Sayaka's mid-air ping-ponging and the scintillating afterglow of her explosions, interposed himself in front of her and thrust Gae Dearg through her next spell circle, dispelling it. She tried to summon another while fending off lightning-fast swings and stabs from Gae Buidhe but only barely succeeded at the latter, twisting and turning her body in midair and defending with her cutlasses until Lancer brought Gae Dearg to bear and, with a powerful swing, batted and sliced her midsection. She tumbled and bled downward as she fell, droplets of her crimson blood splattering the rooftop like snowflakes before her regeneration activated and she conjured a spiraling musical staff a few feet above the rooftop to stop her crash. Lancer landed nimbly nearby and immediately ran at her, forcing her back into the air and once again following himself with an effortless leap.

This time, though, when Lancer interposed himself between Sayaka and her next spell circle, Sayaka smiled as she finally sensed what she'd been waiting and hoping for. Off in the distance, about as far as she could magically detect while fighting Lancer, was Rider's unmistakable, storm-like presence and it was coming closer. Soon, she'd have the help she needed, and together they could deal with Lancer and figure out what was going—

WHAT?!, Sayaka mentally shrieked as, in complete defiance of her expectations, Rider's presence suddenly turned and veered off in a completely different direction. The shock was quickly replaced by physical pain as Lancer took advantage of her surprise, stabbed her left shoulder with the Yellow Rose of Mortality, and severed the tendons before hurling her back down at the rooftop.

Stunned and wounded, Sayaka wasn't able to bring up a projection this time to stop her fall, and her plummeting body crashed into one of the two chimneys with enough force to send her through the other side and topple the brick structure. Rolling across the rooftop and shattering tiles in her wake, she just barely managed to conjure and plant a sword in the slanted slate surface with her uninjured arm in time to stop herself from falling off the edge. Bruised, bleeding, and betrayed, she looked up from her hands and knees and saw Lancer standing in front of her.


Lancer's only response to Sayaka's pained, confused grunt was to dispel her cutlass with Gae Dearg and knock her off the roof.


To say Assassin was not easily surprised would be an understatement. Assassin was the surprise most of the time and not the other way around. However, it was also true that the masked Servant of the Shadows restraining Sola-Ui was not expecting Rider to crash through the apartment suite's balcony windows riding his ancient war chariot and instantly materialize his reality marble. Sola-Ui disappeared from Assassin's grasp in the blink of an eye, replaced by swirling desert sands as the artificial light of the Hyatt Hotel gave way to a brilliant and burning sun shining over endless horizons.

"So, it is you."

Assassin leapt with the speed of a startled cat and turned mid-air to face the stern and commanding voice. Landing in a guarded crouch and squinting against the uncompromising light of day, he was treated to the unwelcome sight of a fully armored Rider standing in front of his wheeled noble phantasm. Sola-Ui—relief, surprise, and awe all warring for prominence on her charming face—stood behind him in the vehicle beside Waver, whose black eyes were wide in confusion but rapidly narrowing in realization as he surveyed the scene and deduced the circ*mstances. Far behind them but far closer than Assassin would have preferred, Rider's multitudes of soldiers lined up, stretching farther back then the masked servant could see in this imaginary but still deadly world. Only Rider's upraised left hand stopped them from charging forward, and the King of Conquerors met Assassin's examining gaze with steely umber eyes and cold displeasure.

"I became suspicious when my master told me that the Lady Sophia-Ri spoke strangely during their conversation earlier today, and those suspicions were confirmed when I saw Lancer battling Berserker," Rider explained to all, his booming voice filled with indignation. "The First Warrior of the Knights of Fianna would only betray a comrade if forced, and the only means to force him in this conflict is to threaten his master. When I realized that, I knew I had to put a stop to it immediately."

Rider's features suddenly exploded in unconcealed outrage, and he frowned, heavily and forebodingly, as his lowered hand curled into a fist.

"Pitting friend against friend through dishonest means is unforgivable! You made a poor choice choosing to cower and connive in the shadows, Assassin, and now I will finish what Archer started."

Assassin chuckled mirthlessly but otherwise remained perfectly still, his expression unreadable beneath his bone white mask. "Do not underestimate the Hashashin, Servant of the Mount. You are not the first king to want our heads, and I doubt you will be the last."

"Perhaps not, but I will certainly make sure you and all your order remember this encounter!" Rider boasted, preparing to give his armies the order they were waiting for. "Any last words, Assassin, before I end your life?"

Assassin tilted his head to the side as if to ponder the request, but then his entire body shook as an inviolate command blazed into existence inside his mind and any hopes he'd had of being recalled vanished.

Assassin. By the power of these command seals, I order you to appear in your entirety before Rider and face him. By the power of these command seals, I order you to—

"We have been betrayed!" Assassin hissed as his dozens of brothers and sisters materialized in clouds of ebony smoke around him, transported to this impossible world by the magical power of three impossible to defy command seals and their shared existence. Some of the black-clad and masked figures reacted with alarm, others with defiance, and a few with composed resignation, comforted that in their last moments they would die together in a desert reminiscent of the many they had traveled across in life. The original Assassin, though, frantically swung his head back and forth, searching the multitude for the one of the one hundred he desperately hoped would not be there. If the command had caught her in its mandate all was truly lost—

Their purple-haired leader met his seeking gaze, shook her head, and raised a single finger to her lips in the sign for silence. The Assassin then relaxed, satisfied, and drew two daggers to meet his end fighting on his feet. They had predictably been used and then cast aside by the twisted man who'd summoned them and the foolish mage he served, but their own plans were still in motion and the Servant of the Shadows still stalked the night.

Good luck to you, little one, he thought as Rider motioned his armies forward and the mighty host charged at the far smaller gathering of Assassins. You may be the least of us, but we are all the Old Man of the Mountain and those who betray the Hashashin do so at their own peril. Avenge us!

Far away from the one-sided slaughter inside Rider's reality marble, safe inside a cocoon of blankets as she napped in the Mackenzie's guest room and waited for her caretakers to return, Zahra shivered, instinctively wrapped the warm fabrics tighter around herself, and quietly murmured the Assassin's last words in her sleep.



Sayaka knew instantly when the duel ended because Lancer immediately stopped his onslaught. However, considering she had an unbeating heart, an unmoving left shoulder and arm, a slashed leg, and dozens of other un-regenerating wounds from her opponent's latest attempt to defeat her with a thousand cuts, she wasn't particularly happy. Kneeling on the ground and propping herself up with her miraculously uninjured right arm, she glared at him.

"You...owe me...an...explanation."

For his part, Lancer looked genuinely contrite. "I owe you far more than that, Berserker, and I offer my sincerest apology. Assassin was not dead as we'd thought and took my master hostage, so I needed to put on a good show to keep Assassin's eyes on me and from suspecting my true aim. For what it's worth, I knew you could endure even my fiercest attacks."

Sayaka looked up at him flatly. "You stabbed...me in the...heart."

"Because I had full confidence in your abilities. We have fought side-by-side, and I know that you are a noble warrior who won't stop when there's someone counting on you." He crouched down so that he was closer to her eye level and held out Gae Buidhe in both hands. "Now that this is settled, I can shatter my spear so that you can heal yourself again."

Wobbling slightly, Sayaka delicately shook her head. "I should...be mad, but...flattery will...get you...everywhere. And don't...break your spear. We're still...allies and...you'll need it in...the future. Besides...I've always wanted...to know if...magically cursed limbs...and organs...will grow back...uncursed...if I cut...them off."

Lancer saw her strained smile and knew that last part wasn't true at all, but he didn't press the point and dismissed the yellow noble phantasm. "The offer will stand in case the outcome is not to your liking. Regardless, allow my first act of recompense to be carrying you to your master. The strain of regenerating should be lessened in his presence, and all of us have much to discuss, particularly in regards to Assassin."

Sayaka grimaced. "I knew...no hero would...die that…easily. I should've...trusted my...instincts."

"He's no longer an enemy you need to concern yourself about. Rider has freed my master from Assassin's clutches and is destroying their entire brotherhood in his reality marble right now." Uncharacteristically vicious satisfaction laced Lancer's words as he said this. "Instead, we should focus on Assassin's master. Kirei Kotomine is not as retired from this war as we'd been led to believe."

So much for priests being trustworthy, Sayaka thought acerbically to herself but, before she could think or say more on the topic, Lancer reached for her and, despite herself, the puella magi blushed. Being carried to safety by a handsome knight certainly wasn't the worst way this night could end.

"My hero," she jested, grinning. A second later, though, she gaped as her soul gem detected the unwelcome arrival of a familiar and calamitously powerful servant. Lancer, seeing her alarmed expression, stopped just shy of picking her up and swiftly turned to face the new threat. He was greeted by dozens of glowing golden portals opening in the sky above them and the sharp ends of over a hundred weapons of legend and masterworks aimed at the two servants. Farther away, on the rooftop Lancer and Berserker had abandoned, Archer stood and gazed down at them with cruel amusem*nt. Then, at the crimson-eyed servant's silent signal, the weapons fired.

For Lancer and Lancer alone, time slowed to a crawl in the critical moment between launch and impact as he calmly assessed his options. He could survive this barrage if he focused solely on himself, but Berserker was in no state to defend herself and one unlucky hit to her stomach would end her. As her ally and as her friend, that was something he could not allow. So, just as he'd done three nights ago at the Einzbern castle, he made a faithful decision. This time, though, the choice was far easier as he resummoned his double noble phantasm.

I'm glad we met, Berserker. Protecting a friend with my life is an end truly befitting a knight, and thanks to you...my wish has come true.

Swoosh-Swoosh-Bwoom! Zing-Zing-Swoosh! Bwoom-Bwoom-BWOOM!

Standing proudly in front of the prone magical girl, Lancer shielded her from the overwhelming shelling. His yellow and crimson spears flashed like lightning in front of him and at his sides as he expertly parried and knocked the axes, swords, scythes, lances, and countless other types of weapons out of the air, but the onslaught was as unrelenting as the rain and pelted them ceaselessly. A dagger penetrated Lancer's guard first and pierced his chest. Seconds later a morning star smashed into his left shoulder. Then a falchion, and then a glaive, and then a trident. When at last the blitz ended, over a dozen legendary weapons perforated Lancer's body. Dozens more lay around him, batted aside and cracking the ground, but none had struck Sayaka. He turned his head to her and smiled in gratitude, thankful to her that he'd been able to save her. And then he faded away in teal sparkles.

"Nooo! LANCER!" Sayaka shouted, knowing it was already too late by the sudden beating of her restarting heart but still leaping to her feet and rushing to him anyway. She desperately channeled healing magic and nearly dropped from exhaustion as she emptied herself out, reaching for him and passing her hands through the empty air where the Irish knight had just been as she hoped for a miracle. None was forthcoming, though, and after a single disbelieving moment she fell to her knees and screamed in rage and despair.


From where he stood on the mansion's roof overlooking the scene of destruction, Archer smiled coldly. "Because he insulted me. As the one true king I could not let such insolence go unpunished, but even in my rightful retribution I was magnanimous and gave him the warrior's death he desired. Your friend gave his life for yours, brat. I advise you not to waste his sacrifice."

Sayaka growled as a dozen more portals materialized above her. She recognized the unmistakable threat and the warning in Archer's words, but she was too angry to care. Body shaking with rage, a dark blue spell circle appeared beneath her as accented, discordant violin chords played. Cutlasses rose out of the glowing arcane sigil, and Sayaka eagerly reached for them with a vengeful cry on her lips. She didn't care who or what stood in her way; she was going to—

Kariya groaned and planted his hands on the mansion floor as his body collapsed, exhausted from supporting his servant in a losing battle, her rapid regeneration, and his own recent spellcasting. Grunting in pain as the crest worms writhed and feasted on his flesh, he shouted in his servant's head.

Miki, stop this! I'm drained dry and you're too angry to think straight! If you fight Archer like this you'll only get yourself killed!


got Sayaka's attention, and she dropped the swords as if they'd burned her. She...she had almost done it again, hadn't she? Lost herself to her fury and done something stupid? She hissed as seething rage and disgruntled alarm warred for dominance within her, but when she looked up again to meet Archer's haughty gaze she was in control of herself...barely.

"This isn't over, Archer! I don't care who or what you think you are, but I will kill you before this war ends! I will avenge my friend!"

Archer shook his head with aloof contempt. "Be thankful I do not take your ridiculous vows seriously, impudent child. I am the King of Heroes, and little mites are beneath my notice. I will leave you now and let you grieve as a basic courtesy, but if we meet again and you dare raise your weapons against me I will show no mercy."

Turning to the side, the golden servant took a few effortlessly imperious steps before disappearing in a swirl of auric lights. Sayaka crumpled as soon as he was out of sight and, slamming angry fists into the ground, wailed.


On the other side of the city in northern Miyami, Saber paused in her patrol of the Japanese-style manor she and Irisviel had turned into their new hideout. Looking down, she flexed her left hand and felt none of the paralysis that had plagued it for the past week. That could only mean one thing, and she lowered her head in sorrow. She then turned to find Irisviel. The two of them had plans to make.


Author's Notes: It's been over two years since my last update, and I don't have any excuses good enough to justify the lengthy interval. I can only apologize for my shortcomings as a writer. For whatever reason, for a very long time whenever I tried to write this chapter I would get stuck. I'd write a scene, rewrite the scene, rewrite the scene for a third time, and still be unsatisfied with it, and I wasn't making any progress at all. The writer's block only recently cleared, and, while past precedent has amply demonstrated why I shouldn't make any promises about how long the next chapter will take, please know that I am determined to finish this story someday.

With that said, for longtime readers who are surprised to finally see an update, you have my thanks for your incredible patience. Several of you contacted me about the status of this story, and your words and encouragement were fantastic motivators and helped see me through the difficult challenges this chapter posed. I also want to express special gratitude to King of Beasts and Zaru, whose own creative works helped keep me invested in the writing process no matter how frustrating it became. The former has a nifty little series of Fate/Grand Order multi-crossover one-shots, which (with my permission) have occasionally featured Sayaka from this story. As for Zaru, he has a lengthy Spider-Man/My Hero Academia crossover to his name, and while I'm not a big fan of MCU Peter Parker because of the Iron Man Jr. vibes (Yes, I'm one of those people) the sheer amount of energy and passion Zaru brings to the project is inspiring. They're linked below if you want to check them out.

King of Beasts – Fate: Grand Blunder
Fate Grand Blunder Chapter 1: Welcome to Chaldea, an Anime X-overs + Fate/stay night Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

Zaru – Friendly Foreign Exchange Student Spider-Man!

Addendum: Also, before I forget to mention this, I've edited previous chapters of this story to hopefully flow better. Most of the changers are minor, such as rewording dialogue and the like, but I did return to using western name order and gave Kariya a catalyst for the summoning ritual again per canon. I also changed Rider's eye color to properly match the Type-Moon lore. I'd originally described his eyes as heterochromatic for historical accuracy, but that actually ended up being a minor plot point in 2019's The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II anime so Type-Moon has won that argument.

Fate/Desiderantes Affectibus (Fate/Zero & PMMM Cross) (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.