Canada and La Francophonie (2024)

What Canada is doing

Canada is one of the founding countries and an active member of the IOF, in which it has continued its strong and sustained engagement for over 50 years. The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, is responsible for La Francophonie – a responsibility she also assumed as Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie in 2018-2019. She is supported in this task by the personal representative of the Prime Minister of Canada for LaFrancophonie (sherpa), Sébastien Carrière, who was appointed on April5, 2023.

Canada is the second‑largest donor to the institutions of La Francophonie, with contributions totalling nearly $42million in 2021-2022. Its financial support, in particular to the IOF, contributes to achieving the missions of La Francophonie, defined inLa Francophonie’s 2015-2022 strategic frameworkand illustrated in theIOF’s 2019-2022 programming.

Canada’s participation in La Francophonie enables it to promote its values and advance its foreign policy and development priorities in the Francophone world. Canada’s weight within LaFrancophonie is strengthened by the engagement of the provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec as member governments and Ontario as an observer government.

Canada is very visible within the institutions of La Francophonie. For example:

  • Several times in the past, Canadians have held the positions of Secretary General and Director of the IOF. This is the case with the current director, Caroline St-Hilaire, who was appointed in March 2023
  • Two institutions of La Francophonie are headquartered in Canada:the Institute for Sustainable Development of La Francophonie (IFDD) in the city of Québec andthe University Agency of La Francophonie (AUF) in Montréal. The AUF boasts more than 30 Canadian higher-education and research institutions among its ranks.
  • Four Canadian cities are active in the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF)—Montréal, Québec, Terrebonne and Repentigny—in addition to threefederations of municipalities.
  • The legislative assemblies of Canada and five provinces (Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec) are members of the Parliamentary Assembly of LaFrancophonie (APF). Four other provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan) are also participants.
  • Canada is one of the six donor governments for TV5MONDE, the largest French‑language television network. TV5MONDE broadcasts productions from La Francophonie, including Canadian programs, in more than 200 countries and territories.

Canada’s actions within La Francophonie are aimed at promoting peace, democracy, human rights and gender equality; refocusing La Francophonie on the French language and its values; promoting the French fact in all its diversity, including in the digital space; supporting the continuous improvement of the governance, transparency and effectiveness of La Francophonie’s institutions; and providing international visibility for the Canadian Francophonie, particularly minority communities.

Over the past few years, Canada’s direct contributions to the institutions of the Francophonie have contributed not only to the achievement of their missions, but also to advancing Canadian priorities, for example, through the following initiatives.:

Visibility of French and the digital space

  • Creation and launch of TV5MONDEplus in September 2020, thanks to an investment by Canada (Canadian Heritage) of $14.6million over five years, making Canada the first major contributor to this new digital platform. TV5MONDEplus is available free of charge in nearly 200 countries, increasing the online presence of French-language content, contributing to the visibility of Canadian productions, and strengthening the discoverability of French-language programs on the international scene.
  • In March 2021, Canada provided support for the creation of the Francophonie TV5MONDEplus Fund. The Fund aims to ensure that content on the platform is as representative as possible of Francophone diversity. Canada has contributed over $1 million to the Fund to date, including an additional $330,000 announced in March 2023 on the occasion of the International Day of La Francophonie. To date, 43 television productions from about 15 African countries have received support.

Women and gender equality

  • A contribution of $300,000 a year for the Observatoire francophone pour le développement inclusif par le genre(OFDIG) [Francophone observatory for gender-inclusive development], created in 2022, which aims to encourage gender equality at an international level and help empower and encourage self‑reliance among women and girls in 3 key areas of inclusive development: the economic sector, educational systems, and higher education and research. The OFDIG is the result of a partnership between the University Agency of La Francophonie(AUF) and the Université du Québec à Montréal(UQAM), where it is based.
  • A total of $100,000 in financial support for the creation of the new gender equality unit of the IOF, which works to integrate gender equality into all IOF programming.
  • A total of $100,000 in financial support in the form of scholarships to enable African students to continue their graduate studies at Senghor University in Alexandria.
  • A contribution of $300,000 for the IOF’s La Francophonie avec Elles fund, which helps women in Lebanon strengthen their access to economic development, education and health, and helps protect them against all forms of violence.

Democracy and Human Rights

  • Contribution of $110,000 to improve civil registration practices, in particular the non‑registration of girls, in rural areas in Africa and Haiti.
  • Financial support of $100,000 in 2022 for the IOF’s project to address disinformation in Africa (Lutte contre la Désinformation en Afrique) to strengthen the skills of media professionals and create learning content on techniques for verifying information.
  • A contribution of $135,000 to the IOF’s project on democratic processes (Processus démocratiques) to develop research on women’s participation in politics, implement awareness-raising initiatives for political players to promote and enhance women’s candidacies, train women candidates, as well as support the IOF’s project on peace and stability (Paix et stabilité) in training women military officers.


  • Contribution of $100,000 to support a broad consultation of Francophone youth, particularly African youth, on the identity and future of La Francophonie.

Economic development

  • Amounts of $80,000 in 2020 and $100,000 in 2022 for grants to allow African researchers and students to participate in the second and third conferences of the OFE in Rabat, Morocco and Dakar, Senegal.

Education and research

  • Contribution of $150,000 in 2022 for the activities of the Académie internationale de la francophonie scientifique (AIFS) [International academy of the scientific Francophonie) of the University Agency of La Francophonie (AUF), particularly for discoverability activities of the scientific Francophonie.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • A total of $500,000 in financial support for the La Francophonie avec Elles solidarity fund created by the IOF in 2020 to strengthen the resilience of women and girls in vulnerable situations, including economic ones, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.
  • The IOF has created a COVID-19 Solidarity platform to share innovative solutions in the Francophone world to fight the health crisis and its consequences.
  • The establishment by the Observatoire de la Francophonie économique (OFE), based in Montréal, of means to monitor the economic impact of the pandemic in the Francophone world.

History of Canada’s participation in La Francophonie

In 1970, Canada was a founding member of the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation, which became the IOF in 2005. Canada has worked actively within the international Francophonie since its inception. With the support of its provincial partners, it was one of the first countries to promote La Francophonie and has supported the creation of its institutions, including:

  • 1961- he creation of the University Agency of La Francophonie (AUF), a university network that currently has1,007 members in 119 countries, with its head office in Montréal.
  • 1979 - Creation of the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF) on the initiative of the mayors of Paris and the city of Québec, Jacques Chirac and Jean Pelletier. The AIMF currently has 272 member cities and associations of local elected representatives.
  • 1988 - the creation of TV5 Québec Canada, one of two operating agencies with TV5’s TV5Monde offering programming that promotes the cultural, social and linguistic diversity of the Canadian and international Francophonie.
  • 2019 - Creation of TV5MONDEplus, a French-language digital platform for the dissemination of Francophone audiovisual productions worldwide.

Canada played a leading role in the evolution of La Francophonie in favour of developing its political, economic and cooperative mandates.

  • Canada encouraged La Francophonie to further commit to defending democratic values and human rights, and through the Bamako Declaration (2000) and the Saint-Boniface Declaration (2006), to adopt a mechanism to react to political and social crises that arise in the Francophone world.
  • Canada has also been a leader in the development of an economic mandate within La Francophonie. It has distinguished itself by its support for the development and implementation of the La Francophonie’s Economic Strategy. Through a significant contribution of $10million (2015–2019), Canada made possible the implementation of an IOF program that seeks to promote employment through entrepreneurship for women and youth in Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa. More than 27,000 youth and women in 13 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa benefited from the support and guidance offered by this program.
  • Canada played a decisive role in the development and adoption of the La Francophonie Strategy for the Promotion of Gender Equality and the Rights and Empowerment of Women and Girls at the Yerevan Summit in 2018.
  • For several years, Canada has actively supported institutional reforms within LaFrancophonie that seek to equip its institutions with the tools required to increase effectiveness and transparency, and to achieve better results. Canada is behind the IOF’s first transparency consolidation policy, adopted at the Yerevan Summit in Armenia in 2018. With Canada’s support, the IOF implemented results-based management and modernized its financial and administrative management tools. Canada also supports the IOF’s efforts to refocus its programming on high value-added projects in order to better meet the needs of the populations of the Francophone world.

Summits of La Francophonie, which are held every two years, are an opportunity for Canada to demonstrate its commitment to the international Francophonie. The next Summit will be held in France in 2024 Three summits have been held in Canada to date:

Québec Summit (2008)

The Québec Summit in 2008 led to the adoption of the Québec Declaration, which made concrete proposals on four major issues: the environment, the French language, democracy and the rule of law, and economic governance. This summit was co-chaired by Canada and Quebec, and benefited from New Brunswick’s participation as a partner.

Moncton Summit (1999)

The Moncton Summit led to the organization of three major sectoral conferences: the Conference of Women of La Francophonie (Luxembourg, February 2000) on the theme of “Women, Power and Development;” an international symposium on the practices of democracy, rights and freedoms in La Francophonie (Bamako, Mali, November 2000) leading to the adoption of the Bamako Declaration, a key document for La Francophonie; and a ministerial conference on culture (Cotonou, Benin, June 2001) which produced the Cotonou Declaration on the issue and the promotion of cultural diversity, preparing the way for ratification in 2005 of the International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (UNESCO).

Québec Summit (1987)

The Québec Summit identified the priority areas of La Francophonie: culture, communications, language, technological development, science, energy and agriculture. It was also during this summit that the Francophone Business Forum and the Institute for Sustainable Development of La Francophonie (IFDD) were formed. The IFDD’s head office is in Québec.

La Francophonie institutions at your fingertips

La Francophonie is composed of a number of institutions and organizations, each with its own area of expertise and activity:

Canada and La Francophonie (2024)


How is Canada involved in La Francophonie? ›

“As a founding member of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) and its second-largest donor, Canada is proud to take concrete actions to promote French, including in the cultural, economic, scientific, and digital spheres; support gender equality; and advance democratic values and human rights.

What is Canada's relationship with France? ›

Canada and France cooperate globally in support of multilateralism and a rules-based international order; international security; the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change; the promotion of democracy and good governance; human rights; gender equality; and a shared Francophone culture.

What percent of Canada is Francophonie? ›

French is the mother tongue of approximately 7.2 million Canadians (22.8 percent of the Canadian population, second to English at 56 percent) according to the 2016 Canadian Census.

How did Canada become a Francophone country? ›

After the first European exploration of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in 1534, France laid claim to the territory we now call Canada. Colonizers quickly established steadfast settlements, and French was imposed as the lingua franca to the detriment of indigenous dialects.

What is a fact about Francophone in Canada? ›

The Canadian Francophonie by the numbers

French is the first official language spoken for 22.8% of the population. The majority of Francophones (85.4%) live in Quebec and over 1 million live in other regions of the country. Almost 10.4 million Canadians can carry on a conversation in French.

What is the largest Francophone community in Canada? ›

Six million French-speaking Canadians reside in Quebec, where they constitute the main linguistic group, and another one million reside in other Canadian regions. The largest portion of Francophones outside Quebec live in Ontario, followed by New Brunswick, but they can be found in all provinces and territories.

Do France and Canada have a good relationship? ›

France is a key ally for Canada on the international stage. France is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), G7, and G20, as well as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a founding member of the European Union, and a leading partner in La Francophonie.

Why is Canada influenced by French? ›

During the 17th century, French settlers originating mainly from the west and north of France settled Canada. It is from them that the French Canadian ethnicity was born. During the 17th to 18th centuries, French Canadians expanded across North America and colonized various regions, cities, and towns.

What did the French have to do with Canada? ›

In 1604, French settlers established the colony of Acadia on the land surrounding the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Four years later, explorer Samuel de Champlain established the city of Québec farther inland. It became the largest city in the colony of Canada.

Why do Canadians say "eh"? ›

Using “eh” to end the statement of an opinion or an explanation is a way for the speaker to express solidarity with the listener. It's not exactly asking for reassurance or confirmation, but it's not far off: the speaker is basically saying, hey, we're on the same page here, we agree on this.

Why is Francophonie important? ›

International Organisation of La Francophonie

Promoting the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity; Promoting peace, democracy and human rights; Supporting education, training, higher education and research; Developing economic cooperation to ensure sustainable development.

Who colonized Canada? ›

The colony of Canada was a French colony within the larger territory of New France. It was claimed by France in 1535 during the second voyage of Jacques Cartier, in the name of the French king, Francis I. The colony remained a French territory until 1763, when it became a British colony known as the Province of Quebec.

When did Canada join La Francophonie? ›

History of Canada's participation in La Francophonie. In 1970, Canada was a founding member of the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation, which became the IOF in 2005. Canada has worked actively within the international Francophonie since its inception.

Why does Quebec speak French but not the rest of Canada? ›

Before 1763, most of Québec was part of New France and as a result the common language was French. The French colonists who came to New France were generally from the north (Brittany, Normandy, Ile-de-France) so the language was influenced by the dialects from these regions.

Why does Canada speak both French and English? ›

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and his successor Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the Canadian government implemented a policy of federal bilingualism to ensure fairer treatment for francophones across the country. The Official Languages Act was adopted in 1969.

Who is considered to be part of La Francophonie? ›

Membership in La Francophonie includes some of the world's wealthiest countries (France, Canada and Belgium) as well as some of the poorest (Niger, Haiti and Laos). List of Member Countries of La Francophonie: Belgium.

Why do Francophone schools exist in Canada? ›

The French-language school is a facility designed for living, learning, and integrating the French language, culture and community. In other words, it exists not only to address students' academic needs, but to help them explore and develop their Francophone heritage.

How did the French occupy Canada? ›

The colony of Canada was a French colony within the larger territory of New France. It was claimed by France in 1535 during the second voyage of Jacques Cartier, in the name of the French king, Francis I. The colony remained a French territory until 1763, when it became a British colony known as the Province of Quebec.

How did the French immigrants contribute to Canada? ›

The others chose Quebec. From all over France, they were craftsmen, clerks and farmers. A large number were former soldiers. But there were also schoolteachers, artists, lawyers and doctors, professions which were much sought-after in societies with a low level of literacy.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.